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Santa goes Zen [Year in Review, Part 8]
by Santa Claus
Another year, another Christmas Eve delivery completed! Not gonna lie, recent years haven't been the rosiest for Old Saint Nick, but this year, I decided to do something about it....
Tags: 1 show to rule them all, Angry Mom, Answer Me 1988, Awl, Bubblegum, D-Day, Ex-Girlfriend Club, featured, Girl Who Sees Smells, Healer, I Remember You, Imaginary Cat, Kill Me Heal Me, Let's Eat 2, Mask, Oh My Ghostess, Oh My Venus, Remember—Son's War, Sassy Go Go, Scholar Who Walks the Night, She Was Pretty, Six Flying Dragons, The Producers, The Superman Age, The Time I've Loved You, Valid Love, Village: Secret of Achiara, Warm and Cozy, year in review, year in review 2015, Yong-pal
The Superman Age: Series review
by javabeans
Cable comedy The Superman Age wrapped its run a couple weeks ago, after a somewhat low-key outing on tvN, and is a show I enjoyed immensely, though not necessarily because...
Tags: cable programs, featured, Kim Chang-hwan, Lee Yi-kyung, The Superman Age, Yoo Byung-jae
The Superman Age: Episodes 1-2
by dramallama
Unbelievable yet so believably funny. The Superman Age manages to make a ridiculous premise quite relatable, and the most pitiful characters heartfelt and humorous. We get a nice introduction to...
Tags: featured, first episodes, Lee Yi-kyung, The Superman Age, Yoo Byung-jae
Virgins empowered in tvN comedy The Superman Age
by javabeans
When I first heard about The Superman Age, I wasn't sure what to expect from the comedy about characters developing superpowers if they hit the age of 25 with their virginity...
Tags: cable programs, Lee Yi-kyung, The Superman Age, Yoo Byung-jae
Strange superpowers fuel tvN comedy The Superman Age
by javabeans
A new drama is coming to tvN, and it's being described as a "fantastic youth growth comedy," which I can see from the title, The Superman Age, and its off-kilter...
Tags: cable programs, Lee Yi-kyung, The Superman Age, Yoo Byung-jae