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The Princess’s Man PD returns with new sageuk for KBS
by girlfriday
While MBC is over there having their programming kerfuffle with their 2014 banner sageuks, KBS has gotten some ducks in a row this year, and is already programming into June. This...
Tags: The Princess's Man
Santa Strikes Back! [Year In Review, Part 6]
by Santa Claus
What the ever-lovin’ reindeer feculence? I get home from my overnight trans-earthian sleigh odyssey, settle back with my hard-earned fifths of whiskey to read up on what I’ve missed...
Tags: 49 Days, Athena: Goddess of War, Baby-Faced Beauty, Best Love, Birdie Buddy, Can You Hear My Heart, Can't Lose, City Hunter, Crime Squad, Dream High, featured, Girl K, High Kick: Counterattack of the Short Legs, I Need Romance, Lie To Me, Man of Honor, Manny, Me Too Flower, My Princess, Myung-wol the Spy, Paradise Ranch, Poseidon, President, Protect the Boss, Royal Family, Scent of a Woman, Sign, The Duo, The Musical, The Princess's Man, Thorn Birds, Tree With Deep Roots, Vampire Prosecutor, Warrior Baek Dong-soo, What's Up, You've Fallen For Me
2011 Editors’ Picks [Year in Review, Part 5]
by javabeans
Part 5 is here! As in past years, we here at Dramabeans owe huge thanks to guest bloggers — thank you, kaedejun and Dahee Fanel! — for participating in the review series, as...
Tags: 1 show to rule them all, Athena: Goddess of War, Best Love, City Hunter, Editors' Picks, featured, Flower Boy Ramyun Shop, Girl K, Lie To Me, Me Too Flower, Miss Ripley, Paradise Ranch, Scent of a Woman, The Princess's Man, Thousand Day Promise, Warrior Baek Dong-soo, year in review, year in review 2011
Somewhere Over the K-Drama Rainbow [Year in Review, Part 3]
by Dahee_Fanel
The other day, I sat down and thought long and hard about all of the various dramas that I've seen over the course of my life. I remembered secretly turning...
Tags: 1 show to rule them all, Drama Special, Dream High, featured, Girl K, President, Scent of a Woman, The Duo, The Princess's Man, year in review, year in review 2011
Measuring 2011 on the Sticky Scale [Year in Review, Part 1]
by javabeans
Time for another Year In Review series! How did a year pass by so quickly? I guess when you're busy watching dramas, time flies. This is my fifth year (eek)...
Tags: 1 show to rule them all, 49 Days, Baby-Faced Beauty, Best Love, Can't Lose, City Hunter, Dream High, featured, Flower Boy Ramyun Shop, Girl K, High Kick: Counterattack of the Short Legs, Lie To Me, Manny, Me Too Flower, Miss Ripley, My Princess, Myung-wol the Spy, Poseidon, Scent of a Woman, The Princess's Man, Thousand Day Promise, Tree With Deep Roots, Vampire Prosecutor, year in review, year in review 2011
The Princess’s Man: Series review
by javabeans
Epic, moving, suspenseful, and superbly paced. If I were limited to only a handful of words, that's how I'd describe The Princess's Man, KBS's romantic melodrama and premium sageuk from...
Tags: featured, Hong Soo-hyun, Lee Soon-jae, Moon Chae-won, Park Shi-hoo, Song Jong-ho, The Princess's Man
Princess’s Man ends on a ratings high
by javabeans
No surprise with this news: KBS's sageuk melodrama Princess's Man has been standing solidly in first place in the ratings for most of its 24-episode run, and it bowed out...
Tags: drama ratings, The Princess's Man
Park Shi-hoo keeps his finale tradition alive
by girlfriday
Aw, I really love that Park Shi-hoo has taken to creating his own tradition -- he'll be watching the finale of his current drama, The Princess's Man, along with a...
Tags: Park Shi-hoo, The Princess's Man
Protect the Boss ends, Princess’s Man remains top ratings dog
by javabeans
Protect the Boss ended its run with Thursday's finale episode, paving the way for a new Wednesday-Thursday ratings battle once the new crop moves in. The drama ended on a...
Tags: Can't Lose, drama ratings, Protect the Boss, The Princess's Man
Posters and promo stills from The Princess’s Man
by javabeans
Romantic sageuk The Princess's Man will be offering up a change of pace for Wednesdays and Thursdays when it takes over the slot vacated by the just-ended Romance Town this...
Tags: Hong Soo-hyun, Moon Chae-won, Park Shi-hoo, The Princess's Man