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Interviews with Moon/Sun’s child actors
by javabeans
Soon we'll be saying goodbye to the endearing young cast of The Moon That Embraces the Sun, who did such a solid job of anchoring the show in emotion, conflict,...
Tags: interviews, Lee Min-ho (2), The Moon That Embraces the Sun, Yeo Jin-gu
Jung Il-woo and the adults of Moon/Sun to appear this week
by javabeans
Eee, make way for the adult cast of The Moon That Embraces the Sun! (Or, should I say, older cast, since some of these younguns still don't strike me quite...
Tags: Jung Il-woo, The Moon That Embraces the Sun
The Moon That Embraces the Sun: Episode 4
by girlfriday
It's gettin' good… conflicts heat up, stakes get raised, and dark clouds start to gather overhead. Things take a surprising upturn, but you know what that means in dramaland… there's...
Tags: featured, Kim Yoo-jung, Lee Min-ho (2), The Moon That Embraces the Sun, Yeo Jin-gu
The Moon That Embraces the Sun: Episode 3
by javabeans
So much cuteness today, I don't even know how they crammed it in to one episode, all while moving along the plot and giving us a glimpse of the darkness...
Tags: featured, Kim Yoo-jung, Lee Min-ho (2), The Moon That Embraces the Sun, Yeo Jin-gu
The Moon That Embraces the Sun: Episode 2
by girlfriday
This entire episode feels like a light rom-com more than a sageuk, and though it's not exactly subtle, it is adorably earnest. I wasn't entirely won over with the first...
Tags: featured, The Moon That Embraces the Sun
The Moon That Embraces the Sun: Episode 1
by javabeans
Premieres abound today, and heading the pack is The Moon That Embraces the Sun, aka soon to be MBC's great white hope. I had a feeling this drama would come...
Tags: featured, first episodes, Kim Yoo-jung, Lee Min-ho (2), The Moon That Embraces the Sun, Yeo Jin-gu
Hanboks galore at press conference for Moon That Embraces the Sun
by javabeans
Can you be in love with a press conference? Because I love everything about the press conference for The Moon That Embraces the Sun, the fusion-sageuk fantasy-romance drama premiering this...
Tags: Han Ga-in, Jung Il-woo, Kim Soo-hyun, press conferences, The Moon That Embraces the Sun, Yoon Seung-ah
Moon That Embraces the Sun releases posters
by girlfriday
Upcoming fantasy-romance sageuk Moon That Embraces the Sun, or better known around here as MoonSun-Snowflake-PixieDust, has just released its official posters, less than a week out from the premiere. They...
Tags: Han Ga-in, Jung Il-woo, Kim Min-seo, Kim Soo-hyun, The Moon That Embraces the Sun
Yoon Seung-ah cast as badass warrior in Moon/Sun drama
by javabeans
Ooh, interesting: Yoon Seung-ah (Playful Kiss, All My Love) joins the youthful cast of buzz fantasy-sageuk project The Moon That Embraces the Sun, where she'll play a badass swordswoman who...
Tags: Han Ga-in, Jung Il-woo, Kim Soo-hyun, The Moon That Embraces the Sun, Yoon Seung-ah
Jung Il-woo replaces Joo-won in fantasy sageuk drama
by javabeans
javabeans: Oh holy WHAAAAATTTTT now? Jung Il-woo is replacing Joo-won in Moonsunraincloud. girlfriday: WUT? javabeans: Okay okay, that fantasy-sageuk romance The Moon That Embraces the Sun or whatever. You know,...
Tags: conversation post, Joo-won, Jung Il-woo, Kim Soo-hyun, The Moon That Embraces the Sun