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2012: Something for everyone? [Year in Review, Part 1]
by javabeans
Review extravaganza time! I know: Already? It feels like just the other day I was killing myself to corral all my thoughts in coherent fashion in a monster review of 2011...
Tags: 1 show to rule them all, Answer Me 1997, Arang and the Magistrate, Big, Color of Woman, Dr. Jin, Dream High 2, Faith, featured, Gaksital, History of the Salaryman, I Do I Do, Ma Boy, Nice Guy, Oohlala Spouses, Queen In-hyun's Man, Rooftop Prince, Shut Up: Flower Boy Band, Standby, The Moon That Embraces the Sun, Vampire Idol, Vampire Prosecutor 2, year in review, year in review 2012, You're Here You're Here You're Really Here
Ha Suk-jin: “Standby was freeing”
by javabeans
You may recall me saying (just once or twice or maybe a dozen times) that Ha Suk-jin is the reason I watch Standby, MBC's flagging sitcom that started with such...
Tags: Ha Suk-jin, interviews, Standby
Standby: Episode 87 (Highlight)
by javabeans
A Standby highlight that DOESN'T have anything to do with Ha Suk-jin? Who knew this day would come? This show is totally lagging for me these days, but this episode...
Tags: featured, Im Shi-wan, Jung So-min, Lee Ki-woo, Standby
Dramabeans Podcast #13: Standby
by javabeans
Hello, folks! This is a podcast we hadn't planned, exactly, but ended up recording because that just seemed easier, given how far along we're in Standby at this point, compared...
Tags: featured, Go Kyung-pyo, Ha Suk-jin, Im Shi-wan, Jung So-min, Kim Soo-hyun (2), Lee Ki-woo, Ryu Jin, Standby
Standby: Episodes 15-29 (Highlights)
by javabeans
Now that we're almost 30 episodes into the show, I think Standby has established its tone and approach, which is to say: silly, fluffy, and simple. There isn't a lot of...
Tags: featured, Go Kyung-pyo, Ha Suk-jin, Im Shi-wan, Jung So-min, Lee Ki-woo, Ryu Jin, Standby
Standby: Episodes 5-14 (Highlights)
by javabeans
More Standby! So here's the deal: I won't be recapping (or weecapping) MBC daily sitcom Standby on a regular basis, because that's just a level of commitment I'm not ready...
Tags: featured, Go Kyung-pyo, Ha Suk-jin, Im Shi-wan, Jung So-min, Lee Ki-woo, Ryu Jin, Standby
Standby: An introduction
by javabeans
MBC kicked off its new sitcom Standby last week, and if you've been following my updates on the show, you'll know I've been anticipating its premiere. That's mostly thanks to...
Tags: featured, first episodes, Go Kyung-pyo, Ha Suk-jin, Im Shi-wan, Jung So-min, Kim Soo-hyun (2), Lee Ki-woo, Ryu Jin, Standby
More lovelines and flashbacks in Standby
by javabeans
Well, that's one way to grab our attention, isn't it? Jung So-min and Im Shi-wan haven't been in many of the promos for upcoming sitcom Standby, so now's their chance...
Tags: Ha Suk-jin, Im Shi-wan, Jung So-min, Lee Ki-woo, Standby
Standby on standby for weeklong High Kick 3 specials
by javabeans
The premiere of new MBC sitcom Standby, which has released its promo posters, has been postponed one week as the recently ended High Kick 3 follows up its finale with a...
Tags: High Kick: Counterattack of the Short Legs, Standby
An introduction to Standby’s TV broadcast family
by javabeans
We're a week out from the premiere of MBC's daily sitcom Standby, which began shooting this past week. This also gives us a chance to take a look at the...
Tags: Ha Suk-jin, Im Shi-wan, Jung So-min, Lee Ki-woo, Ryu Jin, Standby