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- A Moment at Eighteen 15-16 (JTBC)
- The Great Show 5-6 (tvN)
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- When the Devil Calls Your Name 13-14 (tvN)
- Mother of Mine 101-102 (KBS)
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Two Weeks PD helms new MBC vigilante drama Lookout
by tineybeanie
Just on the heels of the premiere of its epic sageuk Rebel: Thief Who Stole the People, MBC has announced the next drama to follow. In May after the Monday-Tuesday...
Tags: Shine or Go Crazy, Two Weeks
The five stages of grief [Year in Review, Part 4]
by HeadsNo2
I'm pretty sure I went through all five stages of grief when faced with the incredibly daunting task of summing up the year in just five dramas, because that seemed...
Tags: 1 show to rule them all, featured, Last, Punch, Shine or Go Crazy, Six Flying Dragons, year in review, year in review 2015, Yong-pal
Kolorful Palette: Time together [Shine or Go Crazy]
by Fanderay
Another drama has come to an end, and although I can't say that it delivered everything I hoped for, it also didn't deliver what I feared and expected, so I'm...
Tags: Kolorful Palette, Shine or Go Crazy
Kolorful Palette: Princess poised [Shine or Go Crazy]
by Fanderay
I had some requests to draw Yeo-won from Shine or Go Crazy and I can't say that it took much to convince me since she is pretty awesome. On paper...
Tags: Kolorful Palette, Shine or Go Crazy
Kolorful Palette: From the shadows [Shine or Go Crazy]
by Fanderay
Enough of the lovey-dovey stuff, it's time for some action! Well...at least for this week. It's probably only a matter of days before some drama couple supplies me with...
Tags: Kolorful Palette, Shine or Go Crazy
Kolorful Palette: Pretty in pink [Shine or Go Crazy]
by Fanderay
I was hoping to catch up on four or five Shine or Go Crazy episodes this weekend, but somehow managed to watch ten and am now completely caught up. I'm...
Tags: Kolorful Palette, Shine or Go Crazy
Kolorful Palette: Red wedding [Shine or Go Crazy]
by Fanderay
It's amazing what a difference a title can make. If I hadn't specifically been looking at historical dramas for the sake of drawing I don't think I ever would have...
Tags: Kolorful Palette, Shine or Go Crazy