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Santa goes Zen [Year in Review, Part 8]
by Santa Claus
Another year, another Christmas Eve delivery completed! Not gonna lie, recent years haven't been the rosiest for Old Saint Nick, but this year, I decided to do something about it....
Tags: 1 show to rule them all, Angry Mom, Answer Me 1988, Awl, Bubblegum, D-Day, Ex-Girlfriend Club, featured, Girl Who Sees Smells, Healer, I Remember You, Imaginary Cat, Kill Me Heal Me, Let's Eat 2, Mask, Oh My Ghostess, Oh My Venus, Remember—Son's War, Sassy Go Go, Scholar Who Walks the Night, She Was Pretty, Six Flying Dragons, The Producers, The Superman Age, The Time I've Loved You, Valid Love, Village: Secret of Achiara, Warm and Cozy, year in review, year in review 2015, Yong-pal
The fifth wheel in dramaland [Year in Review, Part 5]
by gummimochi
My math must be off this year because somehow, choosing five dramas turned out to be an immeasurably more difficult task than previous years. If we're going by numbers alone,...
Tags: 1 show to rule them all, featured, Kill Me Heal Me, Last, Punch, Scholar Who Walks the Night, year in review, year in review 2015
Dramabeans Podcast #30
by javabeans
Sit back, grab a drink if you fancy one, and join us for podcast time! Podcast #30 Running time: 57:58 Topics and dramas discussed: Oh My Ghostess: A wrap-up of the...
Tags: Blood, D-Day, featured, Oh My Ghostess, Scholar Who Walks the Night, She Was Pretty, Twenty Again, Yong-pal
Scholar Who Walks the Night: Episode 20 (Final)
by girlfriday
It did seem to take an awfully long time to get here (some weeks were longer than others, to be sure), but now that it's time to say goodbye to...
Tags: featured, Kim So-eun, Lee Jun-ki, Lee Soo-hyuk, Lee Yubi, Scholar Who Walks the Night
Scholar Who Walks the Night: Episode 19
by javabeans
The show sure is stepping it up for its last couple of weeks; I'm really pleased with the flow of emotions and relationship developments in the past couple of episodes,...
Tags: featured, Kim So-eun, Lee Jun-ki, Lee Soo-hyuk, Lee Yubi, Scholar Who Walks the Night
Scholar Who Walks the Night: Episode 18
by girlfriday
It's a lovely episode about confronting your worst fears and choosing to fight the good fight, no matter how dismal things seem right now. Our hero loses faith in his...
Tags: featured, Kim So-eun, Lee Jun-ki, Lee Soo-hyuk, Lee Yubi, Scholar Who Walks the Night
Scholar Who Walks the Night: Episode 17
by javabeans
Now we're getting somewhere! After the lack of movement last week—getting through those two plot-stagnant episodes was a chore, I'll tell you—we have a nice uptick in tempo...
Tags: featured, Kim So-eun, Lee Jun-ki, Lee Soo-hyuk, Lee Yubi, Scholar Who Walks the Night
Scholar Who Walks the Night: Episode 16
by girlfriday
It's hard not to find this episode frustrating, when an entire group of your leading characters are operating under false information and magically only encountering others who are equally misinformed....
Tags: featured, Kim So-eun, Lee Jun-ki, Lee Soo-hyuk, Lee Yubi, Scholar Who Walks the Night
Scholar Who Walks the Night: Episode 15
by javabeans
I think I'd like an episode that wasn't predicated on a noble sacrifice (pretty please?), which seems to be such a regular occurrence here in Scholar-land that I cease to...
Tags: featured, Kim So-eun, Lee Jun-ki, Lee Soo-hyuk, Lee Yubi, Scholar Who Walks the Night
Scholar Who Walks the Night: Episode 14
by girlfriday
It's a rough episode for our vampire hero, who faces his worst fear—showing his true face and being feared by the woman he loves. And when our couple's fate...
Tags: featured, Kim So-eun, Lee Jun-ki, Lee Soo-hyuk, Lee Yubi, Scholar Who Walks the Night