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Monday-Tuesday (September 9-10)
Monday-Tuesday (September 9-10)
- Let Me Hear Your Song 21-24 (KBS)
- Welcome 2 Life 21-24 (MBC)
- A Moment at Eighteen 15-16 (JTBC)
- The Great Show 5-6 (tvN)
- Rookie Historian Gu Hae-ryung (MBC)
- When the Devil Calls Your Name 13-14 (tvN)
- Mother of Mine 101-102 (KBS)
- Golden Garden 33-36 (MBC)
- Be Melodramatic 11-12 (JTBC)
- Hell Is Other People (OCN)
- Arthdal Chronicles 15-16 (tvN)
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Ryu Jin dorks out for Standby
by javabeans
This cracks me up: Ryu Jin, who's so great at playing cold and serious, grins like a huge ol' dork as the wannabe news anchor for MBC's sitcom Standby. Ah,...
Tags: Ryu Jin, Standby
Jung So-min returns to TV with Standby
by javabeans
Well, this is great news: Jung So-min is heading back to television with a new show, MBC's sitcom Standby, which follows High Kick 3 and recently cast Ryu Jin in the...
Tags: Jung So-min, Ryu Jin, Standby
Ryu Jin ruins his image for sitcom Standby
by javabeans
With High Kick 3 nearing its end, MBC's gearing up for a new daily sitcom to take over its timeslot, Standby, and has cast Ryu Jin in what sounds like a...
Tags: Ryu Jin, Standby
Weekend drama A Thousand Kisses releases posters
by javabeans
In these posters for new weekend drama A Thousand Kisses, we've got the two main couple in various states of embrace, and although we don't get much info on them...
Tags: Ji Hyun-woo, Kim So-eun, Ryu Jin, Seo Young-hee
A Thousand Kisses releases its first stills
by javabeans
Y'know, I wasn't sold on the noona-dongsaeng pairing of Ji Hyun-woo (Birth of the Rich) and Seo Young-hee (Bedevilled), but they're looking cute and comfy with each other in these...
Tags: Ji Hyun-woo, Kim So-eun, Lee Soon-jae, Ryu Jin, Seo Young-hee
Kim So-eun joins A Thousand Kisses
by javabeans
MBC's new weekend drama A Thousand Kisses has added a couple more actors to its lineup, which is great for those of us who've been wanting to see more of...
Tags: Cha Soo-yeon, Kim So-eun, Ryu Jin
Ryu Jin’s Thousand Kisses
by javabeans
A Thousand Kisses for Ryu Jin? Yes, please. Hopefully with me involved somehow. Too bad we're just talking about a drama title, which will take up a weekend slot on...
Tags: Ji Hyun-woo, Ryu Jin, Seo Young-hee
Baby-Faced Beauty extended
by javabeans
Baby-Faced Beauty has been performing well in its Monday-Tuesday hour, and now KBS has granted it a 2-episode extension, taking its episode total from a planned 18 to 20. The Monday-Tuesday timeslot...
Tags: Baby-Faced Beauty, Daniel Choi, Jang Nara, Kim Min-seo, Ryu Jin
Baby-Faced Beauty: Episodes 1-4
by javabeans
I know, I'm way behind on weighing in on Baby-Faced Beauty, with it almost halfway done with its 18-episode run. Most of the time if I fall behind on a...
Tags: Baby-Faced Beauty, Daniel Choi, featured, first episodes, Hyun Young, Jang Nara, Kim Min-seo, Oh Yeon-seo, Ryu Jin
Posters, previews, and predictions for Baby-Faced Beauty
by javabeans
I hope you guys all stocked up on your sleep, because with the premiere of Baby-Faced Beauty coming on Monday, you might find yourself having to make some important decisions...
Tags: Baby-Faced Beauty, Daniel Choi, Jang Nara, Kim Min-seo, Ryu Jin