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Objects in mirror are closer than they appear [Year in Review, Part 4]
by girlfriday
I have to say, 2010 was a downright awesome year. It was the year of bromance, the year that Santa came in August, the year when guys had perms and noonas...
Tags: 1 show to rule them all, Athena: Goddess of War, Bad Guy, Baker King Kim Tak-gu, Cinderella's Sister, Coffee House, Dr. Champ, Drama Special, featured, God of Study, I Am Legend, Mary Stayed Out All Night, My Girlfriend Is a Gumiho, Pasta, Personal Taste, Playful Kiss, Prosecutor Princess, Queen of Reversals, Runaway Plan B, Secret Garden, Sungkyunkwan Scandal, The Woman Who Still Wants to Marry, year in review, year in review 2010
A year of surprises and disappointments [Year in Review, Part 1]
by javabeans
It's that time of year again, when we look back and size up the past twelve months of dramas. This is my fourth year (this is my fourth year?!) doing...
Tags: 1 show to rule them all, Bad Guy, Cinderella's Sister, Coffee House, Dr. Champ, Drama Special, featured, I Am Legend, Joseon X-Files, Mary Stayed Out All Night, My Girlfriend Is a Gumiho, Oh My Lady, Personal Taste, Playful Kiss, Runaway Plan B, Secret Garden, Sungkyunkwan Scandal, The Woman Who Still Wants to Marry, Wish Upon a Star, year in review, year in review 2010
2010 Beanie Awards: Vote for your favorite dramas of the year
by javabeans
It's December, and you know what that means around these parts: Time to reflect on the past year and see how the dramas stacked up! And boy, were there a...
Tags: 1 show to rule them all, Bad Guy, Baker King Kim Tak-gu, Beanie Awards, Chuno, Cinderella's Sister, Coffee House, Comrades, Daemul, Dong Yi, Dr. Champ, featured, Giant, God of Study, I Am Legend, Jejoongwon, Joseon X-Files, Mary Stayed Out All Night, My Girlfriend Is a Gumiho, Oh My Lady, Pasta, Personal Taste, Playful Kiss, Prosecutor Princess, Road No. 1, Runaway Plan B, Secret Garden, Sungkyunkwan Scandal, The Woman Who Still Wants to Marry, Wish Upon a Star, year in review, year in review 2010
Playful Kiss: Episode 16 (Final)
by girlfriday
Show, I didn't expect you to take the snail's pace thing quite so literally. But here we are in the finale, and well, loose ends get tied, double-knotted, and bow-tied...
Tags: featured, Jung So-min, Kim Hyun-joong, Playful Kiss
Playful Kiss: Episode 15
by javabeans
You can start to see the loose ends being tied up, or rather, preparing to be tied up in the finale tomorrow. I suspect we'll get a lot of ends...
Tags: featured, Jung So-min, Kim Hyun-joong, Playful Kiss
Playful Kiss: Episode 14
by girlfriday
Lordy, I didn't think we'd EVER get here. But here we are, and what a breath of fresh air it is to see Robot Boy stepping up to own his...
Tags: featured, Jung So-min, Kim Hyun-joong, Playful Kiss
Playful Kiss: Episode 13
by javabeans
FINALLY! I've been waiting twelve episodes (nearly thirteen, really) for this turn in the story. I'm not saying Ha-ni has to become a different person or that Seung-jo needs to...
Tags: featured, Jung So-min, Kim Hyun-joong, Playful Kiss
Playful Kiss: Episode 12
by girlfriday
I won't lie. This episode was not easy to recap. I don't have stellar expectations for this show to begin with, so I'm usually easy to please when it comes...
Tags: featured, Jung So-min, Kim Hyun-joong, Playful Kiss
Playful Kiss: Episode 11
by javabeans
This episode was sort of low-key, but had some sweet moments and a bit of development. It didn't have as many "exciting" moments as some other episodes (not that you...
Tags: featured, Jung So-min, Kim Hyun-joong, Playful Kiss
Playful Kiss: Episode 10
by girlfriday
Looks like JB's got some competition in the curly-bedhead-making department! Much of the usual upbeat tone is tamped down in this episode, due to a big misunderstanding that, well, nobody...
Tags: featured, Jung So-min, Kim Hyun-joong, Playful Kiss