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Monday-Tuesday (September 9-10)
Monday-Tuesday (September 9-10)
- Let Me Hear Your Song 21-24 (KBS)
- Welcome 2 Life 21-24 (MBC)
- A Moment at Eighteen 15-16 (JTBC)
- The Great Show 5-6 (tvN)
- Rookie Historian Gu Hae-ryung (MBC)
- When the Devil Calls Your Name 13-14 (tvN)
- Mother of Mine 101-102 (KBS)
- Golden Garden 33-36 (MBC)
- Be Melodramatic 11-12 (JTBC)
- Hell Is Other People (OCN)
- Arthdal Chronicles 15-16 (tvN)
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Team Dramabeans: What we’re watching
by DB Staff
It's moving weekend for us at Dramabeans, which means I'm even more horribly behind on shows than I already was! Please excuse the lapse, since girlfriday and I are putting...
Tags: 1 show to rule them all, Father I'll Take Care of You, Father Is Strange, featured2, Mystery Queen, Perfect Wife, Persevere Gu Hae-ra, Pinocchio, Rebel: Thief Who Stole the People, Strong Woman Do Bong-soon, The Liar and His Lover, Tunnel, What We're Watching
Blind heiresses and puppy love in Pinocchio PD’s new project
by tineybeanie
Award-winning PD Jo Soo-won (Pinocchio, I Hear Your Voice) will be returning this summer with a new project called Dog or Witch. He’s collaborating with a rookie writer Yoo...
Tags: I Hear Your Voice, Pinocchio
Team Dramabeans: What we’re watching
by DB Staff
Another week, another Team Dramabeans check-in! I'm feeling the lull now that this crop of shows has started to wind down, and even shows I'd enjoyed thoroughly are staring to...
Tags: 1 show to rule them all, After the Show Ends, Age of Youth, Bring It On Ghost, Cinderella and the Four Knights, Doctors, Pinocchio, The Good Wife, The Producers, Uncontrollably Fond, Wanted, What We're Watching, W–Two Worlds
Pinocchio: Episode 20 (Final)
by girlfriday
Aw, it's time to say farewell to our band of reporters, who based on this drama, are pretty much defenders of truth, justice, and guardians of the galaxy. With great...
Tags: featured, Kim Young-kwang, Lee Jong-seok, Lee Yubi, Park Shin-hye, Pinocchio
Pinocchio: Episode 19
by girlfriday
Okay, all caught up and one to go! We get a strong lead-in episode to the finale, with a surprising twist and a good dose of emotional development and character...
Tags: featured, Kim Young-kwang, Lee Jong-seok, Lee Yubi, Park Shin-hye, Pinocchio
Pinocchio: Episode 18
by girlfriday
This episode is our big windup before the final pitch, where all our characters choose sides and reveal their true colors. Some are more conflicted than we might've anticipated, while...
Tags: featured, Kim Young-kwang, Lee Jong-seok, Lee Yubi, Park Shin-hye, Pinocchio
Dramabeans Podcast #26
by javabeans
First podcast of the year! It's a bit of an in-betweener, as we wrap up the year that just ended and catch up with what's on our plates currently, while...
Tags: featured, Healer, Misaeng, Pinocchio, Secret Door
Pinocchio: Episode 17
by girlfriday
The tension has admittedly gone down in recent weeks (Hyung's arc kind of topped us out as far as suspense goes), but today's episode actually brings back some of the...
Tags: featured, Kim Young-kwang, Lee Jong-seok, Lee Yubi, Park Shin-hye, Pinocchio
Pinocchio: Episode 16
by girlfriday
Back to cute! We get a heaping dose of romance and comedy today, because we've been good little beans. In place of denial comes a refreshing wave of honesty and...
Tags: featured, Kim Young-kwang, Lee Jong-seok, Lee Yubi, Park Shin-hye, Pinocchio
Pinocchio: Episode 15
by girlfriday
So SBS changed their minds this week and there's no double-header for Pinocchio, which I suppose might only be good news for a recapper, but don't worry—the episode makes...
Tags: featured, Kim Young-kwang, Lee Jong-seok, Lee Yubi, Park Shin-hye, Pinocchio