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If I Could Turn Back Time [Year in Review, Part 4]
by HeadsNo2
My first year-end review! I was so excited for this opportunity that I decided to watch as many dramas as I could in preparation this year, and all but forced...
Tags: 1 show to rule them all, Arang and the Magistrate, Big, Dr. Jin, Equator Man, Fashion King, featured, Gaksital, History of the Salaryman, Love Rain, Nice Guy, Oohlala Spouses, Operation Proposal, Padam Padam, Queen In-hyun's Man, The King 2 Hearts, The Moon That Embraces the Sun, To the Beautiful You, year in review, year in review 2012
A Variety of Flavors in 2012 [Year in Review, Part 3]
by gummimochi
Looking at the buffet table of 2012, I'm left in awe at the vast array of possible selections before me. The sheer number of choices is growing every year and I...
Tags: 1 show to rule them all, Answer Me 1997, Arang and the Magistrate, Big, featured, Full House Take 2, Gaksital, I Do I Do, Marriage Plot, Nice Guy, Operation Proposal, Queen In-hyun's Man, Shut Up: Flower Boy Band, The King 2 Hearts, To the Beautiful You, Vampire Prosecutor 2, year in review, year in review 2012
Operation Proposal: Episode 16 (Final)
by gummimochi
We've made it to the end of the time-space continuum … or just the one Baek-ho's been jumping through. You've been quite the ride, drama – but can I get my brain...
Tags: featured, Lee Hyun-jin, Operation Proposal, Park Eun-bin, Yoo Seung-ho
Operation Proposal: Episode 15
by gummimochi
You're going to flip in this final week as our final conflict readies itself to crash and burn. Baek-ho races against time for his last shot – can he save himself...
Tags: featured, Lee Hyun-jin, Operation Proposal, Park Eun-bin, Yoo Seung-ho
Operation Proposal: Episode 14
by gummimochi
Lots of self-realization in this episode… but not like it gets Baek-ho anywhere. We enter the darkest present ever in his series and now, Baek-ho might have used up all...
Tags: featured, Lee Hyun-jin, Operation Proposal, Park Eun-bin, Yoo Seung-ho
Operation Proposal: Episode 13
by HeadsNo2
The clock is ticking in a way we haven't really seen before, as Baek-ho comes to the realization that there's only so many chances to skip back in time before...
Tags: featured, Lee Hyun-jin, Operation Proposal, Park Eun-bin, Yoo Seung-ho
Operation Proposal: Episode 12
by gummimochi
How you continue to wrench my heart – and not in a good way. The small elements sprinkled that gave this show its initial charm is back and we discover more...
Tags: featured, Lee Hyun-jin, Operation Proposal, Park Eun-bin, Yoo Seung-ho
Operation Proposal: Episode 11
by gummimochi
Things are certainly heating up in this episode in terms of romance and conflict. This episode happened to zoom by and left me wanting. Is it weird that I feel...
Tags: featured, Lee Hyun-jin, Operation Proposal, Park Eun-bin, Yoo Seung-ho
Operation Proposal: Episode 10
by gummimochi
This episode rocked my socks off. Baek-ho finally makes his declaration, Tae-nam steps it up, and Yi-seul gets a worthy rival where it's one tense filled moment before a cat...
Tags: featured, Lee Hyun-jin, Operation Proposal, Park Eun-bin, Yoo Seung-ho
Operation Proposal: Episode 9
by gummimochi
You know you still haven't learned your life lesson if you take various trips back in time and still come out empty-handed. There were a few touching moments and instances...
Tags: featured, Lee Hyun-jin, Operation Proposal, Park Eun-bin, Yoo Seung-ho