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If I Could Turn Back Time [Year in Review, Part 4]
by HeadsNo2
My first year-end review! I was so excited for this opportunity that I decided to watch as many dramas as I could in preparation this year, and all but forced...
Tags: 1 show to rule them all, Arang and the Magistrate, Big, Dr. Jin, Equator Man, Fashion King, featured, Gaksital, History of the Salaryman, Love Rain, Nice Guy, Oohlala Spouses, Operation Proposal, Padam Padam, Queen In-hyun's Man, The King 2 Hearts, The Moon That Embraces the Sun, To the Beautiful You, year in review, year in review 2012
2012: Something for everyone? [Year in Review, Part 1]
by javabeans
Review extravaganza time! I know: Already? It feels like just the other day I was killing myself to corral all my thoughts in coherent fashion in a monster review of 2011...
Tags: 1 show to rule them all, Answer Me 1997, Arang and the Magistrate, Big, Color of Woman, Dr. Jin, Dream High 2, Faith, featured, Gaksital, History of the Salaryman, I Do I Do, Ma Boy, Nice Guy, Oohlala Spouses, Queen In-hyun's Man, Rooftop Prince, Shut Up: Flower Boy Band, Standby, The Moon That Embraces the Sun, Vampire Idol, Vampire Prosecutor 2, year in review, year in review 2012, You're Here You're Here You're Really Here
Extension for Oohlala Spouses, not for Nice Guy
by javabeans
Good news and not-so-good news? Monday-Tuesday's Oohlala Spouses looks like it's getting its extension, while Wednesday-Thursday's Nice Guy is not. It's no secret how we feel about extensions 'round these...
Tags: Nice Guy, Oohlala Spouses
Oohlala Spouses plans for extension
by girlfriday
Dramas that perform well in their time slots are invariably going to go through a round of will-they-extend-or-won't-they, but it's looking like a distinct possibility for KBS's Monday-Tuesday comedy Oohlala...
Tags: Oohlala Spouses
Oohlala: The cameo parade
by javabeans
KBS's new Monday-Tuesday show Oohlala Spouses got off to a strong start this week, and is poised to continue leading in the ratings for the immediate future. To help things...
Tags: Eugene, Nam Gyuri, Oohlala Spouses
Oohlala Spouses: Episode 1
by HeadsNo2
For a rollicking comedy, Oohlala Spouses gets a bit of a darker start that nonetheless works out great, especially since we're dealing with cheating husbands and broken families. It's a...
Tags: featured, first episodes, Han Chae-ah, Kim Jung-eun, Oohlala Spouses, Shin Hyun-joon
News bites: October 3, 2012
by javabeans
Lee Sang-yoon, star of new weekend hit My Daughter Seo-yeong, is in October's issue of Dazed & Confused. We won't say we love the polka dots, but we're cool with geek...
Tags: 1 show to rule them all, Jang Mi-in-ae, Ji Jin-hee, Kim Jung-eun, Kim Nam-gil, Kim Nam-joo, Lee Byung-heon, Lee Sang-yoon, news bites, Oohlala Spouses, Park Jin-woo, Ryu Jin, Ryu Seung-soo, Seo Woo, Shin Hyun-joon, Woori
Doctors, horses, body swaps: New ratings battle
by javabeans
Out with the old, in with the new: There's a brand-new ratings three-way in dramaland, with two new dramas premiering this week in the Monday-Tuesday slot. And wouldn't you know...
Tags: drama ratings, Faith, Oohlala Spouses
Oohlala Spouses makes best poster ever
by girlfriday
Pwahahahaha. If this show is half as funny as its promo material, it'll be a winner. What genius made this awesome poster? And how does Shin Hyun-joon look kind of...
Tags: Han Chae-ah, Kim Jung-eun, Oohlala Spouses, Shin Hyun-joon
Oohlala Spouses takes bickering to hilarious extremes
by javabeans
The teaser (and more stills) is out for Oohlala Spouses, the body-swapping romantic comedy series soon to hit KBS, and it looks hysterical. Snarky and fast-flying with the banter should...
Tags: Kim Jung-eun, Oohlala Spouses, Shin Hyun-joon