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Team Dramabeans: What we’re watching
by DB Staff
It's a new year, although we haven't been hit with any brand-new shows yet. (That'll be for later this month—everybody brace yourselves for a sudden influx of material!) After...
Tags: 1 show to rule them all, Father I'll Take Care of You, Hwarang, Legend of the Blue Sea, Night Light, Oh My Geum-bi, Romantic Doctor Teacher Kim, Signal, Solomon's Perjury, The Lonely Shining Goblin, Weightlifting Fairy Kim Bok-ju, What We're Watching
2016 Year in Review, Part 4: Embracing the modern age
by HeadsNo2
It's funny how December has now become synonymous with our Year-End Extravaganza, and has all but replaced Christmas in my list of inescapable winter events for a good five years...
Tags: 1 show to rule them all, 1% of Anything, Age of Youth, Beautiful Mind, Cinderella and the Four Knights, featured, Jackpot, Mirror of the Witch, Moon Lovers: Scarlet Heart Ryeo, Moonlight Drawn By Clouds, Oh My Geum-bi, On the Way to the Airport, Romantic Doctor Teacher Kim, Signal, The K2, This Week My Wife Will Have an Affair, Wanted, Woman With a Suitcase, W–Two Worlds, year in review, year in review 2016
Team Dramabeans: What we’re watching
by DB Staff
Holy cow, it’s December! When did that happen, and why wasn’t I informed? All this talk of first snow in dramaland should’ve been a dead giveaway, I...
Tags: 1 show to rule them all, Entertainer, Entourage, Legend of the Blue Sea, Night Light, Oh My Geum-bi, Romantic Doctor Teacher Kim, Signal, The Man Living in Our House, This Week My Wife Will Have an Affair, Weightlifting Fairy Kim Bok-ju, What We're Watching, Woman With a Suitcase
News bites: December 3, 2016
by awcoconuts
Jung Il-woo, Seo In-gook Noooooo! Jung Il-woo (Cinderella and the Four Knights) plans to make good on his announcement regarding military service at a fan meeting last week, and he's...
Tags: 1 show to rule them all, Entourage, Jo Jung-seok, Jung Il-woo, Kim Nam-gil, Legend of the Blue Sea, Man to Man, news bites, Oh My Geum-bi, Seo In-gook
Team Dramabeans: What we’re watching
by DB Staff
I didn't think I was watching that many dramas, but when you line them all up like that, the list has a tendency to feel overwhelming. The problem is, even...
Tags: 1 show to rule them all, 1% of Anything, Entertainer, Entourage, Legend of the Blue Sea, Night Light, Oh My Geum-bi, Romantic Doctor Teacher Kim, Shopping King Louis, The K2, The Man Living in Our House, This Week My Wife Will Have an Affair, Weightlifting Fairy Kim Bok-ju, What We're Watching
Oh My Geum-bi: Episode 1
by festerfaster
I was expecting this show to be emotionally wrenching for very different reasons. I was definitely not expecting my heart to start hurting because a nine-year-old feels the need to...
Tags: featured, first episodes, Heo Jung-eun, Oh Ji-ho, Oh My Geum-bi, Park Jin-hee
The con man meets his match in Oh My Geum-bi
by girlfriday
This isn't a show with huge stars, but I can already tell that the story will squeeze my heart and steal my tears. KBS's upcoming Wednesday-Thursday drama Oh My Geum-bi...
Tags: Heo Jung-eun, Oh Ji-ho, Oh My Geum-bi, Park Jin-hee
News bites: October 22, 2016
by awcoconuts
Event organizers had estimated 200 fans would show, but they were sorely off the mark. Over 5,000 people were in attendance for a Moonlight Drawn By Clouds fan signing event held on...
Tags: 1 show to rule them all, Drinking Solo, Han Chae-young, Jang Dong-gun, Kim Min-joon, Kim Myung-min, Krystal, Lee Jong-seok, Moonlight Drawn By Clouds, news bites, Oh Ji-ho, Oh My Geum-bi, Oh Yoon-ah, Park Hee-soon, Park Jin-hee, Shopping King Louis
Park Jin-hee and Oh Ji-ho added to KBS tearjerker Oh My Geum-bi
by chickachunga
Park Jin-hee (Memory) and Oh Ji-ho (My Little Baby) have signed on to KBS’s new drama Oh My Geum-bi (formally called My Fair Lady), the tragic story of a...
Tags: Oh Ji-ho, Oh My Geum-bi, Oh Yoon-ah, Park Jin-hee
My Fair Lady undergoes title change, Oh Yoon-ah joins cast
by chickachunga
KBS’s upcoming Wednesday-Thursday drama formerly called My Fair Lady has a new, more specific title, Oh My Geum-bi, and actress Oh Yoon-ah (Angry Mom) is confirmed to play Jang...
Tags: Heo Jung-eun, Oh My Geum-bi, Oh Yoon-ah