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Monday-Tuesday (September 9-10)
Monday-Tuesday (September 9-10)
- Let Me Hear Your Song 21-24 (KBS)
- Welcome 2 Life 21-24 (MBC)
- A Moment at Eighteen 15-16 (JTBC)
- The Great Show 5-6 (tvN)
- Rookie Historian Gu Hae-ryung (MBC)
- When the Devil Calls Your Name 13-14 (tvN)
- Mother of Mine 101-102 (KBS)
- Golden Garden 33-36 (MBC)
- Be Melodramatic 11-12 (JTBC)
- Hell Is Other People (OCN)
- Arthdal Chronicles 15-16 (tvN)
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Team Dramabeans: What we’re watching
by DB Staff
And the dramas just keep rolling on. These days I'm finding that there's an unusually high number of watchable dramas that pile high on my plate—not that all are...
Tags: 1 show to rule them all, After the Show Ends, Age of Youth, Beautiful Mind, Bring It On Ghost, Doctors, Memory, Mirror of the Witch, Police Unit 38, The Good Wife, Uncontrollably Fond, Wanted, What We're Watching, W–Two Worlds
Team Dramabeans: What we’re watching
by DB Staff
Hey everyone, tell us how your week in drama-watching has gone! It’s been a hectic week here at Dramabeans Central, what with shows ending, new ones premiering, and javabeans...
Tags: 1 show to rule them all, After the Show Ends, Beautiful Gong Shim, Bring It On Ghost, Dear My Friends, Doctors, Lucky Romance, Memory, Mirror of the Witch, Police Unit 38, The Good Wife, Three Meals a Day, Uncontrollably Fond, What We're Watching, W–Two Worlds
Team Dramabeans: What we’re watching
by DB Staff
Shows, shows, we're drowning in shows! Does anyone else feel like they're glug-glug-glugging their way through the current drama offerings? I almost miss the days when everything was disappointing and...
Tags: 1 show to rule them all, After the Show Ends, Beautiful Gong Shim, Beautiful Mind, Bring It On Ghost, Doctors, Lucky Romance, Memory, Mirror of the Witch, Police Unit 38, The Good Wife, Uncontrollably Fond, Wanted, What We're Watching
Team Dramabeans: What we’re watching
by DB Staff
How was your week in dramas? What floated your boat, or sank your ship? I feel like it's always feast or famine around here; either I'm scrounging for something to...
Tags: 1 show to rule them all, Beautiful Gong Shim, Beautiful Mind, Dear My Friends, Doctors, Lucky Romance, Memory, Mirror of the Witch, Monster, Police Unit 38, Uncontrollably Fond, Wanted, What We're Watching
Drama Hangout: Memory
by HeadsNo2
Memory is another drama we got a chance to weigh in on, but not one we could cover in its entirety. Having premiered on tvN to fill the slot previously...
Tags: Drama Hangout, Memory
Dramabeans Podcast #32
by javabeans
Here I'd thought we'd done a good job of recording a new podcast without letting too much time slip by... and then I saw the list of all the shows...
Tags: Ajusshi, Cheese in the Trap, Come Back, Descended From the Sun, featured, Goodbye Mr. Black, Jackpot, Madam Antoine, Marriage Contract, Memory, Mrs. Cop 2, Neighborhood Hero, Neighborhood Lawyer Jo Deul-ho, One More Happy Ending, Signal, Vampire Detective
Memory: Episode 1
by HeadsNo2
Rounding out our coverage of tvN premieres is Memory, a human drama about exactly what its title suggests. It's off to a solid start to be sure, even if it's...
Tags: featured, first episodes, Kim Ji-soo, Lee Ki-woo, Lee Sung-min, Memory, Park Jin-hee
Smiling through tears in Lee Sung-min’s human drama Memory
by girlfriday
If Lee Sung-min (Misaeng) is already making me teary-eyed in 30-second trailers, I really don't know how I'm going to get through all the hours of this drama. Armed with...
Tags: Kim Ji-soo, Lee Sung-min, Memory, Park Jin-hee
Lost at sea for tvN human drama Memory
by javabeans
Wow. That's what I call an evocative poster. The premise of upcoming tvN drama Memory may sound familiar in light of other dramas with similar themes (not to mention titles) —...
Tags: Lee Sung-min, Memory