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Marriage Not Dating: Episode 5
by girlfriday
The contract romance fairy dust starts to work its magic on our not-a-couple, because as we all know, acting like you're in love has a way of making you feel...
Tags: featured, Han Groo, Marriage Not Dating, Yeon Woo-jin
Marriage Not Dating: Episodes 3-4
by LollyPip
I love it. Marriage Not Dating is light, airy, and funny while also delivering a nice healthy dose of heart and depth. We're starting to get glimpses into characters' pasts...
Tags: featured, Han Groo, Marriage Not Dating, Yeon Woo-jin
Marriage Not Dating: Episodes 1-2
by girlfriday
Now that my recap slate has freed up, I can finally turn my attention to something new. Marriage Not Dating is the newest Friday-Saturday offering from tvN, and I've been...
Tags: featured, first episodes, Han Groo, Marriage Not Dating, Yeon Woo-jin
Marriage Not Dating’s reluctant groom and eager bride
by girlfriday
This show has some really pretty promo material. The posters are out for tvN's new Friday-Saturday romantic comedy Marriage Not Dating, featuring a happy bachelorette party, a doom-and-gloom bachelor party,...
Tags: Han Groo, Jung Jin-woon, Marriage Not Dating, Yeon Woo-jin
Clashing agendas at war in Marriage Not Dating’s teasers
by girlfriday
They look awfully cute together, don't they? The first batch of stills and teasers are out for tvN's new Friday-Saturday drama Marriage Not Dating, a romantic comedy about a woman...
Tags: Han Groo, Marriage Not Dating, Yeon Woo-jin
Han Groo stars opposite Yeon Woo-jin in tvN rom-com
by girlfriday
Ah, I like this pairing better. The new tvN romantic comedy Marriage Not Dating has secured its leading cast, and Yeon Woo-jin (When a Man Loves, Arang and the Magistrate)...
Tags: Han Groo, Jung Jin-woon, Marriage Not Dating, Yeon Woo-jin
Honey Lee and Yeon Woo-jin as potential rom-com pairing
by javabeans
More casting movement is underway for Marriage Not Dating (formerly called Anticipate Marriage), the upcoming tvN drama which has set Yeon Woo-jin (When a Man Loves, Arang and the Magistrate)...
Tags: Honey Lee, Marriage Not Dating, Yeon Woo-jin
Yeon Woo-jin offered leading role in new tvN drama
by girlfriday
Yaaay, a leading role for Yeon Woo-jin! Well, it'll be a leading role if he takes it -- he's just considering for now. The drama is called Anticipate Marriage, and...
Tags: Marriage Not Dating, Yeon Woo-jin