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Team Dramabeans: What we’re watching
by DB Staff
Happy weekend! Team Dramabeans here, checking in with our updates on the good, the bad, and the WTF of this past week. Does anyone else need a hug or a...
Tags: 1 show to rule them all, Cinderella and the Four Knights, Drinking Solo, Fantastic, Jealousy Incarnate, Marriage Not Dating, Moon Lovers: Scarlet Heart Ryeo, Moonlight Drawn By Clouds, What We're Watching, W–Two Worlds
Oh Hae-young PD and Marriage Not Dating writer reunite for Sensitive Boss
by tineybeanie
Marriage Not Dating’s writer Joo Hwa-mi and its PD Song Hyun-wook are reuniting for a new drama to be aired next year, tentatively titled Sensitive Boss. When tvN...
Tags: Introverted Boss, Marriage Not Dating, Oh Hae-young Again
2014 Editors’ Picks [Year in Review, Part 6]
by javabeans
And now for the Editors' Picks, which closes out another Year in Review series (and another year, which hardly seems possible, but apparently time stops for no one, no matter...
Tags: 1 show to rule them all, Bad Guys, Doctor Stranger, Editors' Picks, featured, God's Gift – 14 Days, Liar Game, Marriage Not Dating, Misaeng, Plus Nine Boys, Records of a Night Watchman, Secret Door, Secret Love Affair, Surplus Princess, Three Musketeers, year in review, year in review 2014, You From Another Star
And the award goes to… [Year in Review, Part 4]
by girlfriday
The end of the year marks the beginning of awards season, where everyone hands out shiny trophies for the best of the best. Yes, but what about the middling, and...
Tags: 1 show to rule them all, A New Leaf, Cantabile Tomorrow, Discovery of Romance, Doctor Stranger, featured, Feel-Good Day, Flower Grandpa Investigation Unit, God's Gift – 14 Days, High School King of Savvy, I Need Romance 3, Let's Eat, Liar Game, Marriage Not Dating, Misaeng, Pinocchio, Plus Nine Boys, Reset, Secret Door, Secret Love Affair, Three Days, Witch's Romance, year in review, year in review 2014, You From Another Star, You're All Surrounded
Stocking stuffers for the drama addict [Year in Review, Part 2]
by gummimochi
If you're anything like me, then you're probably wondering to yourself, How is it December already? It really does feel like this year flew past in the blink of an...
Tags: 1 show to rule them all, Age of Feeling, Bad Guys, Doctor Stranger, Fated To Love You, featured, Full Sun, God's Gift – 14 Days, Golden Cross, It's Okay It's Love, Liar Game, Marriage Not Dating, Modern Farmer, Prime Minister and I, Three Musketeers, Triangle, year in review, year in review 2014, You From Another Star
Omg is it that time of year already? [Year in Review, Part 1]
by javabeans
How on earth has another year zoomed by already? It felt as though I'd only just recovered from banging my head against my keyboard over last year's year-end reviews when...
Tags: 1 show to rule them all, Birth of a Beauty, Cantabile Tomorrow, featured, Gap-dong, God's Gift – 14 Days, Golden Cross, High School Love On, Iron Man, Joseon Gunman, Liar Game, Marriage Not Dating, Misaeng, Miss Korea, Modern Farmer, Secret Door, She's So Lovable, Sly and Single Again, Surplus Princess, Three Musketeers, Trot Lovers, Wonderful Season, year in review, year in review 2014, You From Another Star
2014 Beanie Awards: Vote for your favorite dramas of the year
by javabeans
The Beanie Awards are here! You know what that means -- the Dramabeans annual Year End Review Extravaganza is underway, with lots of reviews, Editors' Picks, and maybe even a...
Tags: 1 show to rule them all, A New Leaf, Age of Feeling, Bad Guys, Beanie Awards, Birth of a Beauty, Cantabile Tomorrow, Discovery of Romance, Doctor Stranger, Emergency Couple, Fated To Love You, featured, Full Sun, Gap-dong, God's Gift – 14 Days, Golden Cross, High School King of Savvy, High School Love On, I Need Romance 3, Iron Man, It's Okay It's Love, Joseon Gunman, Liar Game, Marriage Not Dating, Misaeng, Miss Korea, Modern Farmer, My Secret Hotel, My Spring Days, Pinocchio, Plus Nine Boys, Prime Minister and I, Records of a Night Watchman, Secret Door, She's So Lovable, Sly and Single Again, Surplus Princess, Three Days, Three Musketeers, Triangle, Trot Lovers, Witch's Romance, year in review, year in review 2014, You From Another Star, You're All Surrounded
Marriage Not Dating: Episode 16 (Final)
by LollyPip
Marriage Not Dating wraps up in a satisfying and poetic way, bringing us back full circle to remind us why we've all loved this couple so much. They stay true...
Tags: featured, Han Groo, Marriage Not Dating, Yeon Woo-jin
Marriage Not Dating: Episode 15
by girlfriday
As it always is with this couple, whether fake or real, the greatest obstacle they face is family. Ki-tae thinks confrontation can be avoided, but Jang-mi has learned a thing...
Tags: featured, Han Groo, Marriage Not Dating, Yeon Woo-jin
Marriage Not Dating: Episode 14
by LollyPip
It's an episode full of frustration for poor Ki-tae, both emotionally and physically, as he learns about life as the boyfriend of a successful entrepreneur. He and Jang-mi both learn...
Tags: featured, Han Groo, Marriage Not Dating, Yeon Woo-jin