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Level 7 Civil Servant: Episode 15
by javabeans
Illustration by Ally We just had too many awesome illustrations not to include more. Seriously, how great are they? It's more of the same for Level 7 Civil Servant, with trust...
Tags: Chansung, Choi Kang-hee, featured, Joo-won, Kim Min-seo, Level 7 Civil Servant
Level 7 Civil Servant: Episode 14
by girlfriday
Illustration by pumpkinattack So you may have been around for some stuff that happened today, and though we've been given the all-clear to go back to screencapping Joo-won in all...
Tags: Chansung, Choi Kang-hee, featured, Joo-won, Kim Min-seo, Level 7 Civil Servant
Update: Screencaps, recaps, and Joo-won
by javabeans
Illustration by pumpkinattack What a morning. So stuff happened. There was a lot of emotion. And we here at Dramabeans realized once again what an awesomely supportive and fiercely loyal...
Tags: bloggy, featured, Level 7 Civil Servant
Announcement: Level 7 Civil Servant recaps now with less Joo-won
by javabeans
Okay, I have to get serious for a moment to address an issue that has just come to our attention. Dramabeans has had its very first DCMA takedown notice delivered,...
Tags: bloggy, featured, Level 7 Civil Servant
Level 7 Civil Servant: Episode 13
by javabeans
Finally the big hootenanny starts to swing into motion... albeit at a snail's pace. Our major players all convene in on The Deal, which admittedly I still don't understand but...
Tags: Chansung, Choi Kang-hee, featured, Joo-won, Kim Min-seo, Level 7 Civil Servant
Dramabeans Podcast #15
by javabeans
Podcast #15 Running time: 57:28 In which we: Start off with King of Dramas, the king of meta; move on to the pain and misery of I Miss You (10:15); compare notes...
Tags: featured, Flower Boy Next Door, I Miss You, Jeon Woo-chi, King of Dramas, Level 7 Civil Servant, School 2013
Level 7 Civil Servant: Episode 12
by girlfriday
Just when you thought being betrayed by the one you love would be the last straw, it turns out your day actually can get worse. The house of cards comes...
Tags: Chansung, Choi Kang-hee, featured, Joo-won, Kim Min-seo, Level 7 Civil Servant
Level 7 Civil Servant: Episode 11
by javabeans
The blinders come off, the faith is lost, and our love story comes to a screeching halt. Typically, the mid-point romantic breakup is where so many dramas go awry with...
Tags: Chansung, Choi Kang-hee, featured, Joo-won, Kim Min-seo, Level 7 Civil Servant
Level 7 Civil Servant: Episode 10
by girlfriday
Love is in the air. Today it's Libido vs. Family, which you wouldn't normally think were at odds, but then you've probably never met Seo-won's family. Outwardly it seems like...
Tags: Chansung, Choi Kang-hee, featured, Joo-won, Kim Min-seo, Level 7 Civil Servant
Level 7 Civil Servant: Episode 9
by javabeans
Dating's hard enough without having your whole workplace in on the details, isn't it? Based on today's ratings, the new shows are still shifting and settling into their places, but...
Tags: Chansung, Choi Kang-hee, featured, Joo-won, Kim Min-seo, Level 7 Civil Servant