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Yoon Doo-joon courted for a third season of Let’s Eat on tvN
by girlfriday
Oh yay, a third season of Let's Eat? Put me down for a table of one. This is one series I'm happy to grab endless helpings of, all-you-can-eat buffet style....
Tags: Jang Nara, kim Tera, Let's Eat, Let's Eat 2, Ryu Hwa-young, Seo Hyun-jin, Seo Ji-hye, sequels, Sohn Ho-joon, Woo Do-hwan, Yang Se-jong, Yoo Ji-tae, Yoon Doo-joon
Lee Soo-kyung makes guest appearance on Bring It On, Ghost
by javabeans
Aw, I love it when a cast clearly enjoys working together and comes back for another round. With Bring It On, Ghost director Park Joon-hwa having previously worked on both...
Tags: Bring It On Ghost, Lee Soo-kyung, Let's Eat
Let’s Eat spinoff Drinking Solo comes to tvN this fall
by girlfriday
I'm actually unsure if this new series will have anything to do with the Let's Eat franchise other than sharing a PD, but a drinking version of the food-obsessed series...
Tags: cable programs, Drinking Solo, Let's Eat, Let's Eat 2
Let’s Eat spinoff about drinking in the works at tvN
by girlfriday
A Let's Eat spinoff about booze? Does this seem like a dangerous idea to anyone else? I mean, I like my likker, but I also like my liver. Anyone who's...
Tags: Drinking Solo, Let's Eat, Let's Eat 2
Let’s Eat 2: Episode 1
by odilettante
Get those taste-buds ready, because it's time for the new season of Let's Eat, the show where no matter how much you eat, you'll be hungry once you see all...
Tags: featured, first episodes, Let's Eat, Let's Eat 2, Seo Hyun-jin, sequels, Yoon Doo-joon
Let’s Eat shakes up cast lineup for sequel
by javabeans
javabeans: I have some drama news for you, but maybe you should sit down first. So they're doing a Season 2 of Let's Eat. girlfriday: Yeah, I know. I'm already on...
Tags: conversation post, Let's Eat, Let's Eat 2, Seo Hyun-jin, sequels, Yoon Doo-joon
Yoon Doo-joon courted for Let’s Eat Season 2
by girlfriday
Yaaaaay, that's what I like to hear! Let's Eat has been in talks to get a second season on the air this coming year, but until now, it's been undecided...
Tags: Let's Eat, Let's Eat 2, Yoon Doo-joon
And the award goes to… [Year in Review, Part 4]
by girlfriday
The end of the year marks the beginning of awards season, where everyone hands out shiny trophies for the best of the best. Yes, but what about the middling, and...
Tags: 1 show to rule them all, A New Leaf, Cantabile Tomorrow, Discovery of Romance, Doctor Stranger, featured, Feel-Good Day, Flower Grandpa Investigation Unit, God's Gift – 14 Days, High School King of Savvy, I Need Romance 3, Let's Eat, Liar Game, Marriage Not Dating, Misaeng, Pinocchio, Plus Nine Boys, Reset, Secret Door, Secret Love Affair, Three Days, Witch's Romance, year in review, year in review 2014, You From Another Star, You're All Surrounded
Let’s Eat 2 heads to Mondays and Tuesdays this spring
by girlfriday
Yay, some good news from tvN -- Let's Eat has secured a timeslot for its second season, and the show will move from its once-a-week slot on Thursdays, to Mondays...
Tags: cable programs, Let's Eat, sequels
Who wants a second helping of Let’s Eat?
by girlfriday
Cable network tvN does, apparently. Producers of last year's successful foodgasmic romantic comedy series Let's Eat are reportedly working on a second season for early next year. It's good news,...
Tags: cable programs, Let's Eat, sequels