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- A Moment at Eighteen 15-16 (JTBC)
- The Great Show 5-6 (tvN)
- Rookie Historian Gu Hae-ryung (MBC)
- When the Devil Calls Your Name 13-14 (tvN)
- Mother of Mine 101-102 (KBS)
- Golden Garden 33-36 (MBC)
- Be Melodramatic 11-12 (JTBC)
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Dramabeans Podcast #15
by javabeans
Podcast #15 Running time: 57:28 In which we: Start off with King of Dramas, the king of meta; move on to the pain and misery of I Miss You (10:15); compare notes...
Tags: featured, Flower Boy Next Door, I Miss You, Jeon Woo-chi, King of Dramas, Level 7 Civil Servant, School 2013
King of Dramas: Episode 18 (Final)
by HeadsNo2
Everything gets tied into a neat bow as our characters go through the wringer trying to prevent a broadcasting accident. What goes around comes around, it seems, and Anthony is...
Tags: Choi Siwon, featured, Jung Ryeo-won, Kim Myung-min, King of Dramas
King of Dramas: Episode 17
by HeadsNo2
There’s only one episode this week before next week’s finale, as our drama within a drama tackles a last-minute extension and live shooting, which should all sound very...
Tags: Choi Siwon, featured, Jung Ryeo-won, Kim Myung-min, King of Dramas
King of Dramas: Episode 16
by HeadsNo2
There’s plenty of cute and winsome moments for our developing love story, and a healthy dose of some eye-opening drama not related to our drama-within-a-drama to go with it....
Tags: Choi Siwon, featured, Jung Ryeo-won, Kim Myung-min, King of Dramas
King of Dramas: Episode 15
by HeadsNo2
It’s like there’s a little extra magic in this episode, though I’m not quite sure if that’s due to the floodgate of feelings becoming more or...
Tags: Choi Siwon, featured, Jung Ryeo-won, Kim Myung-min, King of Dramas
Drama awards preemptions for King and School
by girlfriday
Bad news for addicts: our Monday-Tuesday drama dosage will be greatly reduced next week, due to the end-of-year awards ceremonies scheduled to air in their time slots. Monday December 31 is...
Tags: King of Dramas, School 2013
Dramaland: The gift that keeps on giving [Year in Review, Part 5]
by girlfriday
If there's anything that Santa has taught me over the years (other than a musical mnemonic about single-malt scotches), it's that Christmas is a time of giving. Dramaland gives us...
Tags: 1 show to rule them all, A Gentleman's Dignity, Answer Me 1997, Arang and the Magistrate, Big, Faith, featured, Gaksital, I Do I Do, I Miss You, I Need Romance 2012, King of Dramas, Nice Guy, Queen In-hyun's Man, Rooftop Prince, Shut Up: Flower Boy Band, The Chaser, The King 2 Hearts, The Moon That Embraces the Sun, To the Beautiful You, Vampire Prosecutor 2, year in review, year in review 2012
King of Dramas: Episode 14
by HeadsNo2
This show, I tell you. It’s just so sweet, warm, and full of feel-good moments and heart. Not to mention copious amount of laughter, since Hyun-min encounters a bad...
Tags: Choi Siwon, featured, Jung Ryeo-won, Kim Myung-min, King of Dramas
King of Dramas: Episode 13
by HeadsNo2
It’s time to run into some regular production woes, which include some above average fare, what with our leads hugging soup barrels and each other to survive a chilly...
Tags: Choi Siwon, featured, Jung Ryeo-won, Kim Myung-min, King of Dramas
King of Dramas confirms extension
by javabeans
Finally! I've been waiting on confirmation of the King of Dramas extension ever since SBS suggested that it was likely to happen, but things were oddly quiet over the past...
Tags: drama production, King of Dramas