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Fantastic: Episode 16 (Final)
by lovepark
It's the final episode, which means we'll have to say goodbye to these lovely characters. All the way to the end, the show never loses sight of itself, and for...
Tags: Episode 16, Fantastic, featured, Ji-soo, Joo Sang-wook, Kim Hyun-joo, Park Shi-yeon
Fantastic: Episode 15
by lovepark
This is a happy episode, filled with joy and love. Even if adversity hits So-hye and Hae-sung, at least they're together and ready to help each other overcome anything life...
Tags: Episode 15, Fantastic, featured, Ji-soo, Joo Sang-wook, Kim Hyun-joo, Park Shi-yeon
Fantastic: Episode 14
by lovepark
So-hye struggles to handle more terrible news, and stumbles to express herself as emotions get jumbled and people clash. However, in times of trouble, the most comforting things can simply...
Tags: Episode 14, Fantastic, featured, Ji-soo, Joo Sang-wook, Kim Hyun-joo, Park Shi-yeon
Fantastic: Episode 13
by lovepark
Both life and death have the ability to completely alter people's lives, but it's the juxtaposition of these two things that help people grow. So-hye and Joon-ki have learned through...
Tags: Episode 13, Fantastic, featured, Ji-soo, Joo Sang-wook, Kim Hyun-joo, Park Shi-yeon
Fantastic: Episode 12
by lovepark
When it seems like our couple overcomes one obstacle, another one pops up to replace it, but regardless of what life throws their way, So-hye and Hae-sung will face it...
Tags: Episode 12, Fantastic, featured, Ji-soo, Joo Sang-wook, Kim Hyun-joo, Park Shi-yeon
Fantastic: Episode 11
by lovepark
What an emotional rollercoaster of an episode. I cried, laughed, cheered, and swooned all within the hour of this show. While the romance stays adorable, the friendships take the limelight...
Tags: Episode 11, Fantastic, featured, Ji-soo, Joo Sang-wook, Kim Hyun-joo, Park Shi-yeon
Fantastic: Episode 10
by odilettante
Ah, Fate -- that cruel mistress. Bringing us both domestic bliss and the constant threat of death. So-hye and Hae-sung are still the cutest couple ever as they rekindle their...
Tags: Episode 10, Fantastic, featured, Ji-soo, Joo Sang-wook, Kim Hyun-joo, Park Shi-yeon
Fantastic: Episode 9
by odilettante
Hell hath no fury like an agent scorned by her cash-cow top star. Hae-sung's career could be in jeopardy as Jin-sook begins her revenge, and it's to no one's surprise...
Tags: Episode 9, Fantastic, featured, Ji-soo, Joo Sang-wook, Kim Hyun-joo, Park Shi-yeon
Fantastic: Episode 8
by odilettante
So-hye has to face her fears of being seen as nothing more than a "cancer patient" and becoming a burden to those around her. It's not easy, but at least...
Tags: Episode 8, Fantastic, featured, Ji-soo, Joo Sang-wook, Kim Hyun-joo, Park Shi-yeon
Fantastic: Episode 7
by odilettante
Cute. Cute, cute, cute, cuuuuuuuuuute. Is there anything more delightful than a couple who are clearly in love and enjoying being together? Well, maybe if one-half of the couple didn't...
Tags: Episode 7, Fantastic, featured, Ji-soo, Joo Sang-wook, Kim Hyun-joo, Park Shi-yeon