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2016 Year in Review, Part 7: Editors’ Picks
by DB Staff
Another year has come and gone, and while I am more than happy to put 2016 behind us and look forward to greener pastures in 2017 (they'll be greener, won't they?), we...
Tags: 1 show to rule them all, Age of Youth, Dear My Friends, Descended From the Sun, Entourage, featured, IU, Jealousy Incarnate, Ji Sung, Jo Jin-woong, Kim Go-eun, Kim Hye-ja, Kwak Dong-yeon, Lee Kwang-soo, Moon Lovers: Scarlet Heart Ryeo, Moonlight Drawn By Clouds, Seo Hyun-jin, Signal, The Good Wife, W–Two Worlds, year in review, year in review 2016
The Lonely Shining Goblin: Episode 8
by javabeans
Aha, time for answers to some major questions, some of which we've suspected all along and others that are fresher, as well as the opening up of brand-new questions. It's...
Tags: featured, Gong Yoo, Kim Go-eun, Lee Dong-wook, The Lonely Shining Goblin, Yoo Inna
The Lonely Shining Goblin: Episode 7
by girlfriday
The housemates at casa de goblin are becoming their own strange little family one baby step at a time, and their awkward and hilarious friendship, semi-peaceful coexistence, or whatever it...
Tags: featured, Gong Yoo, Kim Go-eun, Lee Dong-wook, The Lonely Shining Goblin, Yoo Inna
The Lonely Shining Goblin: Episode 6
by girlfriday
I miss the comic hijinks we had yesterday, but the melancholy tone is lovely too, and it's a big episode for our gloomy goblin, who has to make some pretty...
Tags: featured, Gong Yoo, Kim Go-eun, Lee Dong-wook, The Lonely Shining Goblin, Yoo Inna
The Lonely Shining Goblin: Episode 5
by javabeans
I was all set to gush about the Goblin-Reaper's deadpan bickering being my favorite thing about this show, but then the show went and pulled a big dramatic move, which...
Tags: featured, Gong Yoo, Kim Go-eun, Lee Dong-wook, The Lonely Shining Goblin, Yoo Inna
The Lonely Shining Goblin: Episode 4
by girlfriday
I find it endlessly entertaining that our goblin is a mercurial god who feels so many feelings—you'd think that a millennium would give a guy some perspective, but he...
Tags: featured, Gong Yoo, Kim Go-eun, Lee Dong-wook, The Lonely Shining Goblin, Yoo Inna
The Lonely Shining Goblin: Episode 3
by javabeans
We're only on Episode 3, but wow are we in for massive developments. I wouldn't say that the story is moving quickly, exactly—it likes to linger and draw out its...
Tags: featured, Gong Yoo, Kim Go-eun, Lee Dong-wook, The Lonely Shining Goblin, Yoo Inna
The Lonely Shining Goblin: Episode 2
by girlfriday
Our goblin isn't used to anyone getting an inside peek at his life, but suddenly there are humans and reapers invading his space left and right, forcing him to let...
Tags: featured, Gong Yoo, Kim Go-eun, Lee Dong-wook, The Lonely Shining Goblin, Yoo Inna
The Lonely Shining Goblin: Episode 1
by javabeans
It was a successful premiere for tvN's ambitious buzz project The Lonely Shining Goblin, on several fronts: Ratings-wise, it logged a 6.9% average (9.3% real-time high), which for a cable premiere is...
Tags: featured, first episodes, Gong Yoo, Kim Go-eun, Lee Dong-wook, The Lonely Shining Goblin, Yoo Inna
Love in the time of immortality in the Goblin
by chickachunga
We’ve got a lengthy teaser out for tvN’s upcoming fantasy romance The Lonely Shining Goblin, and it is epic, to say the least. I thought I was watching...
Tags: Gong Yoo, Kim Go-eun, Lee Dong-wook, The Lonely Shining Goblin, Yoo Inna