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JTBC melo Just Between Lovers adds Kang Hanna, Lee Ki-woo and more
by tipsymocha
Kang Hanna, Lee Ki-woo JTBC has been busy adding more names to the roster for upcoming melo Just Between Lovers and the supporting cast is shaping up quite nicely. In...
Tags: Junho, Kang Hanna, kim Tera, Lee Ki-woo, Na Mun-hee
JTBC’s Just Between Lovers secures leads in Junho and Won Jin-ah
by tipsymocha
Lee Junho, Won Jin-ah I adored Junho’s redeemed villain role in Chief Kim, so I’m ecstatic to hear he’s coming back to dramaland this year, and as...
Tags: Junho, kim Tera
Junho snags lead in JTBC’s Just Between Lovers
by awcoconuts
He caught many viewers’ attention as the likable rival Yul in Chief Kim, and now 2PM’s Junho (also Memory, Twenty) is moving on up to leading man status. He’...
Tags: cable programs, Junho
Chief Kim: Episode 20 (Final)
by hanshimi
As this comedic gem comes to its sweet and satisfying end, we’re reminded of how much we’ve been through together. Throughout its run, I’ve been increasingly surprised...
Tags: Chief Kim, Episode 20, featured, Junho, Nam Sang-mi, Namgoong Min
Chief Kim: Episode 19
by lovepark
With a former opponent now firmly on his side, Sung-ryong's ability to bring down Chairman Park has exponentially increased as the final fight between Team Sung-ryong and Team Chairman begins....
Tags: Chief Kim, Episode 19, featured, Junho, Nam Sang-mi, Namgoong Min
Chief Kim: Episode 18
by hanshimi
This show just keeps getting better and better with its character moments, treating every member of its cast with depth, sympathy, and love. As Sung-ryong swoops in to save Yul,...
Tags: Chief Kim, Episode 18, featured, Junho, Nam Sang-mi, Namgoong Min
Chief Kim: Episode 17
by lovepark
Like the calm before the storm, the Business Operations Department is finally experiencing a moment of peace after their hard-earned win, but this only makes Sung-ryong more uneasy for what...
Tags: Chief Kim, Episode 17, featured, Junho, Nam Sang-mi, Namgoong Min
Chief Kim: Episode 16
by hanshimi
This show has always been great at giving us satisfying triumphs, but this episode feels like a real treat as Sung-ryong depends more and more on his trusty team of...
Tags: Chief Kim, Episode 16, featured, Junho, Nam Sang-mi, Namgoong Min
Chief Kim: Episode 15
by lovepark
After experiencing a horrific event, Sung-ryong does what he does best: seek revenge! He finds himself facing a new opponent, and the battle before him may be his most difficult...
Tags: Chief Kim, Episode 15, featured, Junho, Nam Sang-mi, Namgoong Min
Chief Kim: Episode 14
by hanshimi
It’s an episode filled with shining character moments, from minor characters to former villains. It may not be so easy in real life, but Chief Kim continues to urge...
Tags: Chief Kim, Episode 14, featured, Junho, Nam Sang-mi, Namgoong Min