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Dramabeans Podcast #12, Part 2
by javabeans
Here we are with Part 2 of the very long Podcast #12, which concludes our talk about the current drama landscape. (Check out Part 1 here if you missed it.) Podcast #12, Part 2...
Tags: 1N2D, Big, featured, Gaksital, I Do I Do, Joo-won
I Do, I Do: Episode 10
by gummimochi
The show has gained its footing and just in time. This episode cushioned the crazy antics of last episode by adding more cute and more heart. I'm glad you haven't...
Tags: featured, I Do I Do, Kim Sun-ah, Lee Jang-woo
I Do, I Do: Episode 9
by gummimochi
Our couple go head to head but not necessarily in the way you might be thinking. The Black Knight aka the Real Daddy Long Legs gets to put on his...
Tags: featured, I Do I Do, Kim Sun-ah, Lee Jang-woo
I Do, I Do: Episode 8
by gummimochi
Instead of going toe to toe about Ji-an's pregnancy, people continue to tiptoe around the subject. Ji-an realizes that her Daddy Long Legs might not be the proclaimed Doc after...
Tags: featured, I Do I Do, Kim Sun-ah, Lee Jang-woo
I Do, I Do: Episode 7
by gummimochi
Sometimes it takes the sound of a tiny heartbeat to turn the heel of a cold-hearted Medusa. Split between the growing responsibility inside of her and the external pressures around...
Tags: featured, I Do I Do, Kim Sun-ah, Lee Jang-woo
I Do, I Do: Episode 6
by gummimochi
If last episode was dedicated to how Ji-an takes the news of her pregnancy, this is the men's time to shine. Each take their own stance on the matter in...
Tags: featured, I Do I Do, Kim Sun-ah, Lee Jang-woo
I Do, I Do: Episode 5
by gummimochi
Time to face the music. Ji-an is met with the most major decision of her life thus far to keep the growing life within her or not. Not before she...
Tags: featured, I Do I Do, Kim Sun-ah, Lee Jang-woo
I Do, I Do: Episode 4
by gummimochi
Oh, I didn't see you there. We learn the story behind Ji-an's drive to succeed and some secrets can't stay hidden for long. Ji-an finally hears the news we've all...
Tags: featured, I Do I Do, Kim Sun-ah, Lee Jang-woo
I Do, I Do: Episode 3
by gummimochi
Tae-kang will have to put his money where his mouth is with the knowledge that working under Ji-an's heel might be his sole shot at making it in the shoe...
Tags: featured, I Do I Do, Im Soo-hyang, Kim Sun-ah, Lee Jang-woo, Park Gun-hyung
I Do, I Do: Episode 2
by gummimochi
You know you've got a killer lead couple when they aren't afraid to speak the truth to each other. Better yet when beta male can ruffle alpha girl's feathers. Ji-an...
Tags: featured, I Do I Do, Kim Sun-ah, Lee Jang-woo