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- A Moment at Eighteen 15-16 (JTBC)
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- When the Devil Calls Your Name 13-14 (tvN)
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SBS lines up jailbreak thriller Defendant for fall
by girlfriday
There's a new drama in the works from writer Choi Su-jin of City Hunter and PD Jo Young-kwang of 49 Days, Yawang, and Hyde, Jekyll, Me, and it's headed to SBS...
Tags: 49 Days, City Hunter, Defendant, Hyde Jekyll Me
Dramabeans Podcast #28
by javabeans
We know, it's been forever! We let life overtake us and when it was time to sit down and record a podcast the list had gotten scary-long. We do our...
Tags: Angry Mom, Blood, featured, Girl Who Sees Smells, Heart to Heart, Ho-gu's Love, Hyde Jekyll Me, Kill Me Heal Me, Let's Eat 2, Mask, Persevere Gu Hae-ra, The Producers, Warm and Cozy, Who Are You–School 2015
Hyde, Jekyll, Me: Episode 20 (Final)
by girlfriday
On the one hand, the finale of Hyde, Jekyll, Me finally gives me what I've been wanting from the show. On the other, I've been waiting for nineteen episodes for...
Tags: featured, Han Ji-min, Hyde Jekyll Me, Hyun Bin, Sung Joon
Hyde, Jekyll, Me: Episode 19
by girlfriday
No matter how much Seo-jin has come to accept Robin as his own person, we knew that he would have to heal eventually. As much as we're rooting for Seo-jin...
Tags: featured, Han Ji-min, Hyde Jekyll Me, Hyun Bin, Sung Joon
Hyde, Jekyll, Me: Episode 18
by girlfriday
It's cute! I don't know if this show was saving all its adorable swoony rom-com moments for its final push, but today's episode is actually chock full of sweet and...
Tags: featured, Han Ji-min, Hyde Jekyll Me, Hyun Bin, Sung Joon
Hyde, Jekyll, Me: Episode 17
by girlfriday
Episode 17 seems a little late in the game to still be denying your feelings, but this show isn't exactly known for its speedy development. Still, Seo-jin has come miles since...
Tags: featured, Han Ji-min, Hyde Jekyll Me, Hyun Bin, Sung Joon
Hyde, Jekyll, Me: Episode 16
by girlfriday
I like this show so much better when we focus on small character moments and growth like we do today, rather than silly plot machinations that make me question my...
Tags: featured, Han Ji-min, Hyde Jekyll Me, Hyun Bin, Sung Joon
Hyde, Jekyll, Me: Episode 15
by girlfriday
It's time to face the music, as the boys' dueling memories are forced to answer once and for all, whose account of the past is true and whose memory has...
Tags: featured, Han Ji-min, Hyde Jekyll Me, Hyun Bin, Sung Joon
Hyde, Jekyll, Me: Episode 14
by girlfriday
Oh I like this episode. There's payoff in the central conflict, and more time spent with our three main characters and the developing romance. Er, romances. The jury's still out...
Tags: featured, Han Ji-min, Hyde Jekyll Me, Hyun Bin, Sung Joon
Hyde, Jekyll, Me: Episode 13
by girlfriday
It's becoming trickier and trickier for one woman to handle two men living inside one body. She's determined to protect them both, but does that mean she's splitting her love?...
Tags: featured, Han Ji-min, Hyde Jekyll Me, Hyun Bin, Sung Joon