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Hong Gil Dong: Episode 16
by javabeans
The Hong sisters are getting better at plot transitions -- today we get a new storyline, a new baddie -- although I still think they've got much room for improvement....
Tags: Hong Gil Dong, Jang Geun-seok, Kang Ji-hwan, Sung Yuri
Hong Gil Dong: Episode 15
by javabeans
You know what we haven't had in a while? A feel-good episode. It's nice to have one -- and a chance to breathe -- in the midst of all the...
Tags: Hong Gil Dong, Jang Geun-seok, Kang Ji-hwan, Sung Yuri
New Heart wins ratings, Hong Gil Dong wins repeats
by javabeans
Hong Gil Dong is performing decently well in the ratings -- it's not soaring, but holding steady in its initial 15% range against the hit medical drama New Heart, which has...
Tags: Bulhandang/Robbers, Hong Gil Dong, New Heart
Hong Gil Dong: Episode 14
by javabeans
Woo-wee, things just got kicked up a notch. Just something I've noticed over the Hong sisters' three previous drama series -- [Glass half empty perspective]: Their secondary romantic pairings tend...
Tags: Hong Gil Dong, Jang Geun-seok, Kang Ji-hwan, Sung Yuri
Hong Gil Dong: Episode 13
by javabeans
Hmm, interesting. Chang Whe -- evil or cunning? Good, bad, merely Machiavellian? The story structure has taken on an interesting pattern, which I think works well for the series --...
Tags: Hong Gil Dong, Jang Geun-seok, Kang Ji-hwan, Sung Yuri
Hong Gil Dong: Episode 12
by javabeans
"Do I LOOK like a hooker to you?!" Got to give a girl her due: Sung Yuri did a great job in this episode. When a character is as over-the-top...
Tags: Hong Gil Dong, Jang Geun-seok, Kang Ji-hwan, Sung Yuri
Hong Gil Dong: Episode 11
by javabeans
Great episode. And never let it be said I can't give props when they're due: Chang Whe gets quite interesting. Not only that, I actually care for once about which...
Tags: Hong Gil Dong, Jang Geun-seok, Kang Ji-hwan, Sung Yuri
Hong Gil Dong: Episode 10
by javabeans
The cliffhangers at the ends of odd-numbered episodes never bother me, because I can wait a day to find out what happens next. The ones at the end of EVEN-numbered...
Tags: Hong Gil Dong, Jang Geun-seok, Kang Ji-hwan, Sung Yuri
Hong Gil Dong: Episode 9
by javabeans
Episode 9 kicks off what seems to be phase two of the drama. The previous political intrigues and conflicts are still here, of course, but we introduce a few more elements...
Tags: Hong Gil Dong, Jang Geun-seok, Kang Ji-hwan, Sung Yuri
Hong Gil Dong finds fans in Japan
by javabeans
I could kinda guess Hong Gil Dong had carved out its niche of Japanese fans just from the increased site referrals here from Japanese sites and websurfers, but the following...
Tags: Hong Gil Dong