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A sweet year of dramas [Year in Review, Part 6]
by LollyPip
It was no easy task, trying to choose only five dramas out of an entire year of wonderful stories to write about in my year-end review. In the end, I...
Tags: 1 show to rule them all, featured, Heart to Heart, Ho-gu's Love, I Remember You, Kill Me Heal Me, Sassy Go Go, year in review, year in review 2015
Dramabeans Podcast #28
by javabeans
We know, it's been forever! We let life overtake us and when it was time to sit down and record a podcast the list had gotten scary-long. We do our...
Tags: Angry Mom, Blood, featured, Girl Who Sees Smells, Heart to Heart, Ho-gu's Love, Hyde Jekyll Me, Kill Me Heal Me, Let's Eat 2, Mask, Persevere Gu Hae-ra, The Producers, Warm and Cozy, Who Are You–School 2015
Ho-gu’s Love: Episode 16 (Final)
by odilettante
The end is here, so we must prepare ourselves to say "good-bye" to these delightful characters that have allowed us to become a part of their world for the last...
Tags: Choi Woo-shik, featured, Ho-gu's Love, UEE
Ho-gu’s Love: Episode 15
by LollyPip
Do-hee and Ho-gu still have a lot of things to clear up before they can be together, but until Do-hee can come to terms with her past and be honest,...
Tags: Choi Woo-shik, featured, Ho-gu's Love, UEE
Ho-gu’s Love: Episode 14
by odilettante
Ah, the ordinary life. Falling in love, holding hands, raising a child that isn't your own, disappointing your parents. Yep. Totally ordinary. But is being ordinary overrated? Maybe it's better...
Tags: Choi Woo-shik, featured, Ho-gu's Love, UEE
Ho-gu’s Love: Episode 13
by LollyPip
Awkward, party of two, your kiss I mean, your table is ready. Ho-gu and Do-hee dance around each other, neither willing to be the first to mention The Kiss, but...
Tags: Choi Woo-shik, featured, Ho-gu's Love, UEE
Ho-gu’s Love: Episode 12
by odilettante
Ho-gu finally realizes that Kang-chul isn't the father. Finally. In a very important plot-point, he also gets a haircut -- or maybe Choi Woo-shik just grew weary of wearing the "...
Tags: Choi Woo-shik, featured, Ho-gu's Love, UEE
Ho-gu’s Love: Episode 11
by LollyPip
The new, delicate family that Geum-dong's birth brought together, threatens to break apart when he's gone, but all is not lost. A change of heart, a heroic act, and a...
Tags: Choi Woo-shik, featured, Ho-gu's Love, UEE
Ho-gu’s Love: Episode 10
by odilettante
The baby finally invades Kang-chul's space and I couldn't be happier, although Ho-gu might be the happiest of all. It's a lucky baby who gets these three to dote on...
Tags: Choi Woo-shik, featured, Ho-gu's Love, UEE
Ho-gu’s Love: Episode 9
by LollyPip
Hey guys! I'll be recapping Ho-gu's Love with odilettante for the remainder of the show, and I'm so excited because this is just the sweetest, most heartwarming drama and I...
Tags: Choi Woo-shik, featured, Ho-gu's Love, UEE