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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna
Faith: Episode 19
by javabeans
It's no secret I pretty much hated last week's episodes (so much the boring), but today's episode really picked things up. There are a ton of development on all fronts,...
Tags: Faith, featured, Kim Hee-sun, Lee Min-ho
Faith: Episode 18
by girlfriday
It's time for our good guys to turn the tables for once, and actually deliver some major blows to the baddies. Young finally starts acting like a general (whooo), though...
Tags: Faith, featured, Kim Hee-sun, Lee Min-ho
Faith: Episode 17
by javabeans
A big episode in several ways: For one, our underdog team of palace refugees takes strides toward reclaiming their rightful positions. Our heroes find themselves with their backs up against...
Tags: Faith, featured, Kim Hee-sun, Lee Min-ho
Dramabeans Podcast #14, Part 1
by javabeans
We're a bit overdue for a podcast, which means that this one's super long. In our defense, there was a ton of ground to cover. And yeah, so maybe we...
Tags: Answer Me 1997, Big, Faith, featured, Gaksital, To the Beautiful You
Faith: Episode 16
by girlfriday
A pretty action-packed episode, with one of the most surprising alliances yet. My favorite thing about the new Big Bad in town is that he moves swiftly. There's no I'll-get-you-but-maybe-tomorrow-ing...
Tags: Faith, featured, Kim Hee-sun, Lee Min-ho
Doctors, horses, body swaps: New ratings battle
by javabeans
Out with the old, in with the new: There's a brand-new ratings three-way in dramaland, with two new dramas premiering this week in the Monday-Tuesday slot. And wouldn't you know...
Tags: drama ratings, Faith, Oohlala Spouses
Faith: Episode 15
by javabeans
A surprisingly strong episode, which pulls out a nice twist just when I was starting to tire of the current configuration of alliances and intrigues. I'll give it to this...
Tags: Faith, featured, Kim Hee-sun, Lee Min-ho
Faith: Episode 14
by girlfriday
A bribery scandal turns into a huge test of loyalty for a king and his woodalchi, and the closer Eun-soo gets to finding her way home, it starts to dawn...
Tags: Faith, featured, Kim Hee-sun, Lee Min-ho
Faith: Episode 13
by javabeans
I love this couple when they're being cute. Moreover, I love that their rapport has been duly noticed by pretty much everyone in the palace, giving them the time and...
Tags: Faith, featured, Kim Hee-sun, Lee Min-ho
Faith: Episode 12
by girlfriday
A much more exciting episode, with a face-off and big step forward for our couple. The good guys even get a step ahead with a scheme that proves they're not...
Tags: Faith, featured, Kim Hee-sun, Lee Min-ho