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Monday-Tuesday (September 9-10)
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- Let Me Hear Your Song 21-24 (KBS)
- Welcome 2 Life 21-24 (MBC)
- A Moment at Eighteen 15-16 (JTBC)
- The Great Show 5-6 (tvN)
- Rookie Historian Gu Hae-ryung (MBC)
- When the Devil Calls Your Name 13-14 (tvN)
- Mother of Mine 101-102 (KBS)
- Golden Garden 33-36 (MBC)
- Be Melodramatic 11-12 (JTBC)
- Hell Is Other People (OCN)
- Arthdal Chronicles 15-16 (tvN)
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Team Dramabeans: What we’re watching
by DB Staff
Life has been a bit chaotic lately, and that means I've not only fallen behind on shows I'm watching, but also haven't been able to pick up as many new...
Tags: Bride of the Water God 2017, Criminal Minds, Duel, Falsify, Father Is Strange, Forest of Secrets, New Journey to the West, Reunited Worlds, Sassy Go Go, School 2017, The Best Hit, The King Loves, What We're Watching
Duel: Episode 16 (Final)
by odilettante
Even though Duel never really netted the ratings that OCN has recently grown accustomed to, there was a steady and loyal viewership that remained until the end. Now it's time...
Tags: Duel, Jung Jae-young, Kim Jung-eun, Yang Se-jong
Duel: Episode 15
by odilettante
There are no more secrets, which is probably a good thing since we're in our penultimate episode and are running out of time for last-minute surprises. But it also means...
Tags: Duel, Jung Jae-young, Kim Jung-eun, Yang Se-jong
Team Dramabeans: What we’re watching
by DB Staff
Four shows premiered this week and I already feel hopelessly behind! Sometimes this dramaland machine feels like it moves way too fast to possibly keep abreast of it all... but...
Tags: Bride of the Water God 2017, Duel, Father Is Strange, Forest of Secrets, Man Who Dies to Live, My Sassy Girl, Reunited Worlds, School 2017, The Best Hit, The King Loves, What We're Watching, Woman of Dignity
Duel: Episode 14
by odilettante
Parent-child dynamics fill this episode, from dysfunctional blood bonds to supportive "you crashed into my life through bizarre circumstances and now I feel responsible for you" family-by-choice bonds. Everyone still...
Tags: Duel, Jung Jae-young, Kim Jung-eun, Yang Se-jong
Duel: Episode 13
by odilettante
It's never easy realizing that the truth you've always believed about your family is completely wrong, especially if that "truth" existed to cover-up a potentially dangerous reality. As surprising discoveries...
Tags: Duel, Jung Jae-young, Kim Jung-eun, Yang Se-jong
Duel: Episode 12
by odilettante
It never ceases to delight me that whenever I start to question the logistics of cloning and the purpose of the almighty original vaccine, the show decides to question it...
Tags: Duel, Jung Jae-young, Kim Jung-eun, Yang Se-jong
Duel: Episode 11
by odilettante
It's a clash of the clones as Sung-hoon becomes more and more crazed in his pursuit of revenge. Sung-joon continues to deal with the sudden surge of memories, even though...
Tags: Duel, Jung Jae-young, Kim Jung-eun, Yang Se-jong
Team Dramabeans: What we’re watching
by DB Staff
How was everyone’s week in dramaland? Did any shows get particularly exciting this week? I like to read what Beanies are saying in the What We’re Watching threads...
Tags: Bride of the Water God 2017, Duel, Fight My Way, Forest of Secrets, My Sassy Girl, Ruler–Master of the Mask, Suspicious Partner, The Best Hit, What We're Watching, Woman of Dignity
Duel: Episode 10
by odilettante
It seems that cloning could solve a lot of the nature-versus-nurture debate, since we get a glimpse into Sung-hoon and Sung-joon's pasts that make us wonder about the "what could...
Tags: Duel, Jung Jae-young, Kim Jung-eun, Yang Se-jong