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Thing vs. Thing: Cradle-robbing Teachers
by javabeans
javabeans: With Big recently over, A Gentleman’s Dignity coming to a close, and a slew of noona romances both on the horizon and on the shelf in dramaland, we’...
Tags: 1 show to rule them all, Big, Biscuit Teacher Star Candy, conversation post, featured, Flower Boy Ramyun Shop, Gong Yoo, Jung Il-woo, Thing vs. Thing, Unstoppable High Kick
Big: Episode 16 (Final)
by girlfriday
Well, it ends. Listen, my mother said that if I don't have nice things to say… waitaminute, my mother never said that. Let the ragefest begin! This show is basically...
Tags: Baek Sung-hyun, Big, featured, Gong Yoo, Lee Min-jung, Shin, Suzy
Big: Episode 15
by javabeans
Oy, my head hurts. This wasn't a straight-up bad episode, which I might have even been fine with, given the entertainment value of bad. (See: Dr. Jin.) Instead, it was...
Tags: Baek Sung-hyun, Big, featured, Gong Yoo, Lee Min-jung, Shin, Suzy
Big: Episode 14
by girlfriday
Just when you think you've gotten through all the major revelations, more twists and turns come barreling through everyone's lives like a tornado. The twists are cool, but the way...
Tags: Baek Sung-hyun, Big, featured, Gong Yoo, Lee Min-jung, Shin, Suzy
Big: Episode 13
by javabeans
Major revelations come pouring out, including the birth secret, the link between the brothers, and even the mechanism of the body-swap. It's a lot to take in, and our characters...
Tags: Baek Sung-hyun, Big, featured, Gong Yoo, Lee Min-jung, Shin, Suzy
Big: Episode 12
by girlfriday
Well it only took twelve episodes, but I finally love an episode of this show without reservation. Part of me is wistful at the what-could-have-been, and part of me is...
Tags: Baek Sung-hyun, Big, featured, Gong Yoo, Lee Min-jung, Shin, Suzy
New ratings battle: The Chaser becomes the chased
by javabeans
The Chaser has made an impressive leap this week, breaking 20% ratings with its latest episode (Tuesday's Episode 14). By all accounts the dark drama deserves the high numbers, but I'm pleasantly...
Tags: Big, drama ratings, The Chaser
Big: Episode 11
by javabeans
On the heels of one big confusing realization comes another one, and our girl is left reeling with her head turned upside-down and around and totally unsure of what's what....
Tags: Baek Sung-hyun, Big, featured, Gong Yoo, Lee Min-jung, Shin, Suzy
Dramabeans Podcast #12, Part 2
by javabeans
Here we are with Part 2 of the very long Podcast #12, which concludes our talk about the current drama landscape. (Check out Part 1 here if you missed it.) Podcast #12, Part 2...
Tags: 1N2D, Big, featured, Gaksital, I Do I Do, Joo-won
Big: Episode 10
by girlfriday
Now that Da-ran is cluing into her feelings, we get some great stuff – the right kind of angst, a flurry of confused feelings, and a lot of crossed wires between...
Tags: Baek Sung-hyun, Big, featured, Gong Yoo, Lee Min-jung, Shin, Suzy