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Top 10 favorite drama bromances
by DB Staff
javabeans: It seemed only natural to follow up our list of favorite couples with our list of favorite bromances, which are sometimes just as compelling as the love stories—er,...
Tags: 1 show to rule them all, A Gentleman's Dignity, Answer Me 1988, Descended From the Sun, Dramabeans Top 10, featured, Heartless City, Sandglass, School 2013, Shut Up: Flower Boy Band, Sungkyunkwan Scandal, The King 2 Hearts, The Lonely Shining Goblin
Lee Min-ho in new drama from star writer Kim Eun-sook
by javabeans
Lee Min-ho! Back in a drama! From "rom-com queen" writer Kim Eun-sook! So many feelings to feel! Don't forget to breathe! This is quite the power hookup, as far as...
Tags: A Gentleman's Dignity, Heirs, Lee Min-ho, Secret Garden
Dramaland: The gift that keeps on giving [Year in Review, Part 5]
by girlfriday
If there's anything that Santa has taught me over the years (other than a musical mnemonic about single-malt scotches), it's that Christmas is a time of giving. Dramaland gives us...
Tags: 1 show to rule them all, A Gentleman's Dignity, Answer Me 1997, Arang and the Magistrate, Big, Faith, featured, Gaksital, I Do I Do, I Miss You, I Need Romance 2012, King of Dramas, Nice Guy, Queen In-hyun's Man, Rooftop Prince, Shut Up: Flower Boy Band, The Chaser, The King 2 Hearts, The Moon That Embraces the Sun, To the Beautiful You, Vampire Prosecutor 2, year in review, year in review 2012
A Gentleman’s Dignity: Episode 20 (Final)
by girlfriday
FINAL EPISODE RECAP javabeans: Cold open! Ha, I love that these actors play themselves at half their ages, like in this scene where they’re all decked out in school...
Tags: A Gentleman's Dignity, conversation post, featured, Jang Dong-gun, Kim Haneul, Kim Min-jong, Kim Su-ro, Lee Jong-hyuk
A Gentleman’s Dignity: Episode 19
by javabeans
javabeans: So we’re doing something different with these last two episodes of A Gentleman’s Dignity, because sometimes life gets busy while you're recapping. Sad but true. But we...
Tags: A Gentleman's Dignity, conversation post, featured, Jang Dong-gun, Kim Haneul, Kim Min-jong, Kim Su-ro, Lee Jong-hyuk
A Gentleman’s Dignity: Episode 18
by orangy911
Waiting is excruciating. Period. EPISODE 18 RECAP F44 takes a drive in Yoon's car, which is rear-ended by a young man in his twenties. Do Jin notes that the kid's car...
Tags: A Gentleman's Dignity, featured, Jang Dong-gun, Kim Haneul, Kim Min-jong, Kim Su-ro, Lee Jong-hyuk
Another week of delays for A Gentleman’s Dignity
by javabeans
Is that the face of dismay you're wearing at hearing this news? A Gentleman's Dignity has already been put on hold for one week while SBS has been broadcasting Olympics...
Tags: A Gentleman's Dignity
A Gentleman’s Dignity: Episode 17
by orangy911
Yay for plot movement, nay for how it was handled. Yay for cute, nay for useless filler. EPISODE 17 RECAP Yoon comments that it's already been ten years since the 2002 World...
Tags: A Gentleman's Dignity, featured, Jang Dong-gun, Kim Haneul, Kim Min-jong, Kim Su-ro, Lee Jong-hyuk
Olympics-preempted drama schedule update
by girlfriday
So there's good news and bad news this time. Or, perhaps bad news wrapped in a delicious candy coating? Um... absence makes the heart grow fonder? Is this working? I...
Tags: 1N2D, A Gentleman's Dignity, Dr. Jin, Running Man
Drama preemptions abound for the Olympic Games
by girlfriday
Sad news for impatient drama viewers, which may be a redundant moniker. What, you can't just give me my crack and then TAKE IT AWAY. The London Olympics will be...
Tags: A Gentleman's Dignity, Arang and the Magistrate, Faith, Gaksital, Ghost, To the Beautiful You