It's funny how December has now become synonymous with our Year-End Extravaganza, and has all but replaced Christmas in my list of inescapable winter events for a good five years...
Is there such a thing as too much drama watching? Because I swear that last year around this time, I vowed to myself, with javabeans as witness, that I would...
This is it, folks — everything our characters have gone through has all led up to this. Before Su-ah and Do-woo can even think about having a life together, we still...
With this lovely and thoughtful show coming to a close, our heroine breaks from her life of serving others—her passengers, her coworkers, her friends, her family—and instead dares...
It's a big week for finales (I count no less than four), so there ought to be lots of wrapping up and saying goodbye this weekend. Granted, I haven't seen...
Oh man, this one’s a nail-biter for sure. More and more people are starting to find out about Su-ah and Do-woo’s relationship, and it’s not long before...
Ah, if only those oblivious smiles could last. Su-ah and Do-woo are trying their best to start with a clean slate, but ignoring real life isn’t as easy as...
The weeks sure fly by, don't they? It's almost next year, people! *represses minor freakout* And it feels like there's a very fine line between being on top of all...
When watching a show that deals with such serious subject matter, I truly relish episodes like this. It's a nice, breezy hour, with our hero being extra swoonworthy and our...
As Su-ah settles down in her new surroundings, she finds it easier to think clearly about the things that truly matter to her now that she's separated from the things...