Beanie level: Errand boy

This remix though… especially the chorus. Yes.


Seriously though… I\’m not even watching the King Loves but I look at the recaps anyway to see thE DRamA! pfffft


    The drama isn’t on DB recaps.


      … I got really confused reading that because I was like ‘DB isn’t recapping the drama?’ ‘but they are???!’ *is tired* *that’s probably why she should rephrase her original statement*: more like… what happened in this show this episode? Is anyone dead yet? Has anyone got the girl yet? No? Okay, moving on we’ll come back later… so more for the actual recap than the fan drama…


        Huh? Did I confuse you? I had thought you mean the “drama” happening on forums where this show is concerned.

        In short, I think the story is quite well told and beautiful in a way. The only flaw is that the writer tries to ambiguous. However, I also see many clues so I am not confused. I must disclaim however that until the ending is shown, I could still be possibly wrong.

        It’s interesting though to see how viewers sees what they want to see. Something that is black and white to me can be the opposite or grey to them.


          I did mean that, and I figured out what you meant. I just read it the wrong way at first. It’s me, not you haha.

          It’s Healer’s writer… that was what originally attracted me to watching it, back at promo stage. But I haven’t picked it up yet. :/
          Sort of still want to? But almost want to wait till the end so I don’t have to trudge through love triangle shenanigans. I really do hate love triangles, as much as I love Healer’s writer.

          Very much so. It makes discussion either that much more in depth, or that much more polarized lol.


    Lol that is so me. I’m low key sitting here and looking at all the drama that’s obviously happening on the show, but I don’t have the energy to actually watch this drama? Its so much more entertaining reading all the thoughts on Dramabeans fanwalls.


      Hahaha exactly! I feel like I will watch it one day? But I’m not sure… I was sold and now I’m not hehe.
      I only read recaps for the Perfect Wife, and I think I skimmed a few? episodes? In the middle? or something. But the recaps were the best. I had so much fun haha. And that was such a crazy drama.


        I’m not even kidding but me too? I started Perfect Wife for Sung Joon bit coudlent continue with it because of how crazy it got. But I followed it through the recaps though. I think I did tjat for a couple of other dramas. Currently Manhole and TKL are the two dramas I’m only reading recaps for.


          HAHAHAHA wow… I think we need a list of how many similarities we’ve found between us tonight.
          I was initially interested in it because of Sung Joon but I remember something about the premise put me off it. Then I got bored one lunch break and binge read all the recaps and it was fun.
          The last one I did most of like that was The Best Hit. I haven’t really been following TKL properly but I skim through it occasionally. It and Age of Youth 2 even though I’m watching S1 atm


            I know!! So many weird similarities! I have been low key stalking Sung Joon since Flower Boyband so I make an effort to watch his dramas even though most of them are so bad! After Madame Antoinette I decided to just read recaps of his dramas first because God knows I can’t get back the lost hours watching weird dramas.

            TLK I’m not following avidly either. Its just that I want to know who ends up with whom. I’m just weirdly curious about that even though I don’t care about anyone else in this drama at all. Also Yoona so I won’t be watching this in the future either.

            I loved Age of Youth! So much fun even though the show totally managed to creep me out. I remember watching this drama and then wishing I had roommates to have roommate shenanigans with. The whole idea of socializing seemed so glamorous for a second and that’s the kind of drama power I’m talking about. 😛 Also I shipped everyone in that drama and it seems to be the same with Season 2.


          ” have been low key stalking Sung Joon since Flower Boyband ” DING DING DING another similarity hehehe. I actually think he’s a very good actor, he just doesn’t always pick spectacularly well written dramas haha I’m half way through Madame Antoine… haven’t… finished it… haha

          “Its just that I want to know who ends up with whom. I’m just weirdly curious about that even though I don’t care about anyone else in this drama at all”<<< LOL ARE YOU ME. I just feel like if I find out who she gets with, that will be enough for me. And then everything else I can take or leave. Although sometimes I'm tempted to watch sageuks just for the costumes cos dayum.

          Yes I am quite enjoying it! I watched the first 3 episodes a while ago, in June I think, with a friend when I was in the States, but she didn't really get into it so then I stopped. And I skimmed recaps because I wanted to see what happened to Jin Myung and her chef!!Cos it was a bit slow at that point and I wasn't sure if I'd finish it. Followed the S2 posts, was nervous because of cast changes. And THEN. Everyone started posting funny things about S2 so I was like 'fine… better finish S1 then' and binged most of it in a few days, and it's good. Hahaha.





So yesterday I was like ‘you know what, let’s figure out the speed of light (c= 299792458 m/s) in Roman Numerals’
And then @kaybee (egged on by @kayedrama and @obsessedmuch) was like ‘you should do it in Babylonian’
At first I was all ‘da frik. why’
But then, because it’s me, and I like a challenge, and I like languages (and number systems apparently) I just spent the last two hours reading up about and learning ancient East Semitic languages and Akkadian, and cuneiform and base 60 numbering systems, and then I got distracted by sexagesimal fractions (dunno why, since I hated fractions in school) BUT good news! I think… I THINK we have success.

I had to do maths today… thanks @kaybee. Nah it was fun… I sort of miss maths.
I call this procrastination at its finest… :


    That’s really cool! What number system are you going to do next? Korea probably had a number system too before it adopted arabic numerals…
    I’ve been meaning to ask you, did you know Jae (Day6) started a vlog? (It was you that I was talking to who liked Jae’s tweets, wasn’t it) Anyways, his youtube channel is jaesix.


      Thanks! And Ahahahaha… I have no idea. Maybe Egyptian? *shrugs*
      I think they did yes… haven’t looked it up yet. I’m supposed to be drawing not learning number systems hehe.

      Yes I did know! I actually shared his first vid on here hehe. (It was me, yes)


        Good 🙂 His vlogs seem like they will be fun. I must have missed your post. Usually I read everything but there were a few days recently were I didn’t have time 😕


          They do haha. He’s certainly got the technique down 😛

          Aahh things can get lost easily if there is lots posted all at once.


      Comment was deleted


    👏👏👏👏👏 #ProudToBeANerd


      Correcting this and putting to use an addition to my vocab c/o Sic: Octothorpe Proud To Be Nerd


    Now, that would be a cool tattoo!!!


      It would right! Cooler than the roman numerals I reckon.


        And math was my worst subject–btw. Kids got their math genes from the father. Lol. So all these posts are WAY over my small head.


          Hahaha it’s just the speed of light in Babylonian. That’s all you need to know… (which sounds SO absurd even like that)
          What’s your job again? Aren’t you in the medical field?


            Yes–I’ve been following your conversation about the spread of light. And yes, I’m just a mere physician, so only have to add, multiply, and divide on a daily basis, and have my phone for all that! Some people have arithmetic talent, but I’m not one of them!


          Having fun with it? hahaha
          A “mere” physician. Pffff phooey. That has its own merit. I haven’t even studied lol.


    Wow. That must have taken some serious brain power. Impressive as always my friend. It’s funny how one thing spirals into so much more…😊

    And I have always wanted to ask – why the hell is it maths, plural?? I never understood!! Ever!!! Never ever… It boggles my mind to this day…hahaha. It’s just plain math here. Is there even a reason? ?


      Not as much as I thought it would. It confused me a bit at first and then I found an ACTUALLY HELPFUL page that explained how base 60 worked and I was all good haha.
      But thank you! Haha. And yes… that’s basically every past time of mine ever…

      Mathematics = Maths. And if you want to read more:
      And yes, there is usually a reason for small language things like that hehe.


        It’s so gratifying finding actual helpful material, right??

        That makes sense…it still sounds weird though…😉


          Yes ma’am.

          It sounds weird cos you’re used to saying ‘math’. Which sounds weird to me hehe.
          Like Aluminum VS Aluminium.


            I remember watching some British science video in high school and they said aluminium and all us kids were scratching our heads trying to understand what he meant.

            My favorite story actually comes from watching the film Calendar Girls. A cop is telling Helen Mirren’s character that her son did not smoke pot but “OR- ree-GAH-no”. I had no idea what he meant, even my mother was stumped. It wasn’t till later that week it dawned on me – oregano the spice! We pronounce it o-REG-ah-no. Haha. Still cracks me up today 😂😄


          Hahahahaha I used to get SOOO annoyed at aluminum. I was like WHY ARE YOU DROPPING THE I IT HAS AN I IN IT. lmao

          Ahhhhhhhahaha. Yeahp. I don’t even know the “proper” pronunciation of that… pffft.
          What’s another one… garage, tomato, pasta… hmmm yes


    You, my dear, are an indefatigable genius!
    *bows down* *claps* *hoots*
    *accepts that you can do anything*


    Ooh this looks exotically pretty! Worthy of ur tattoo?


      Hahahaha maybe! I mean, I’m still unconvinced of whether or not I’d ever get one ever, but if I did this is certainly becoming a contender!


        I just read that new research shows that nanoparticles (or something, sorry, the whole translating from Danish to English is a bit rough when I’m this tired and it’s science stuff lol) actually gets stored in the lymph nodes and it could potentially be dangerous, bc we don’t know WHAT those nano-thingies do to the lymph nodes when there. Not to mention that the lymph nodes often swell after getting tats and the paint from them actually taint the color of the lymph nodes? Don’t 100% remember what it said, but there’ll probably be articles in English on it too, it’s a recent find.


          Oooh interesting.
          I mean, I doubt that will stop people from getting tattoos, my reasons for not getting them have more to do with controversies in my own beliefs… but I design them for people, and think they’re fascinating in terms of traditional history and art but I’m still like ‘do I really want this permanently on my body for the rest of my life…’
          *shrugs* *is still thinking about the whole thing* *probably won’t ever get one* *but likes them from a symbolic point of view*


    You are my hero. Nuff said.


      Hahahahaha yay! Now if you ever meet someone who needs to know what the speed of light is in cuneiform, you know! 😛


The Truth, she speaks.
Happy Birthday Mr. Animal Cracker.


Zico is me right now…
Good night beanies~~


    *hands eyedrops*
    Not working? Nosespray then? No? Not working either?
    Hugs then??


      Hehehe. Hugs work better than anything else I have right now. Thank you.


      I just needed to reply to you somewhere.
      So this afternoon I was watching random Weki Weki/Golden Child Weekly Idol dance videos and they were great… however that lead me down the I.O.I rabbit hole (help it’s dark in here), which lead to DIA, Gugudan, Pristin,WSJN and Weki Meki, AND I HAVE DECIDED, that 5th Gen Kpop started sometime in 2016. I’m not 100% where… but definitely 2016.
      It’s official. Spread the news. 5th Wave Kpop is real.
      Anyway… moving on with more important things in life…


        Oooooooohhhh I see what you mean! I think. Dunno much about those groups yet, but grouping them all together makes a lot of sense somehow AND also I think the P101 shows might be a part of why the shift is happening. The way they become popular and how they only stay for a year says a lot about the industry and how it is right now, but also might have a hand in deciding it?
        Now I feel like going on a kpop binge. Shoot. #hasnotime


          Well for one, at least one of their members was in i.o.i which is why I grouped them together, and most of, if not all, debuted AFTER the first P101 competition.
          And I think it is too. It’s interesting though, in the guys one, there’s a N’UEST member for example… who debuted like five years ago… and all I can think is that that was a smart PR move on PLEDIS’ part to get N’UEST back in the spotlight.
          “The way they become popular and how they only stay for a year says a lot about the industry and how it is right now, but also might have a hand in deciding it?”
          It’s scary how accurate that is…
          Hahahaha! … uhm well I’d say don’t do it cos it could just make you annoyed… 😛


    Ah, one of those days?
    Hope you wake up to a better day <3


Ship 1!
3! (seriously though, their lives are a mess but I ship 3 so bad)
and … pffffffffffft


*is too distracted to watch Jin Myung\’s scene with her mother because she\’s trying to figure out a way for Ye Eun to escape*


Now I want to trial this. Tie myself up with duct tape and see if I can get out… I have issues.


    I once tried to make a copy of keys with tape, fire and the top of plastic bottle, I saw it in the Man Who Lives in our house…. let’s just say it didn’t work out.


      Your username says it all! 😁👍


      Hahahaha I remember that scene! You’d have to be REALLY good at cutting metal accurately for that to work… But I love that you tried lol


      Yes I wanted to try that out! It looked so real and easy I was super impressed when she did it.


        Lol, please don’t, when you put a hot key on tape it gets burned in seconds (and that was only a first step, I even got a little burn on my finger).
        This experience made me think that phrase “don’t do it at home” is a very important one and need to be included in every scene like that


    Dude that is literally me! I get paranoid sometimes and just go into these weird imaginative scenarios. And one of them just happens to be, “man if I was duck tapped and kidnapped hwo would I escape”?? Weird I know but anyways that got me thinking I need to try and duck tape myself.


      Hehehehe don’t worry I think about how I’d get out of buildings if I ever got locked in ALL THE TIME. For real though I almost thought about doing it yesterday, hahaha… still really want to try.


        Haha omg I can’t believe this. I think about this too. I would love to be able to pick locks, like that’s always seemed super cool and spy like to me when they show people picking locks. Basically I just want to be Healer. 😛


          … I actually semi seriously considered doing a locksmith apprenticeship JUST so I could learn how to legally pick locks… pfffffffft
          Heee or well actually SHE was the one who could pick locks in that as well…
          Healer is goals… except maybe without the tragic backstory lmao


            Omg locksmith apprenticeship would have been so freaking cool! I wish I could do that. Basically I just want someone to train me in all the cool martial arts/spy moves, etc. like Healer. I can live without the tragic backstory. I just want the cool lock picking and parkour powers please!


          I sort of still want to? But it’d be three years, and I’m not sure I like the tradesman subculture… nor is it a very female heavy place!

          Hehehehe don’t we all!!! You can answer that next time some one asks you what your preferred super power is “:P


            Yes o think I’ll stick to watching YouTube videos and trying to lock pick. Although learning something like that does sound awesome in theory. In practise it’s welcome given much weight as a career. But even then these kind of things fascinate me. I used to also be obsessed with the whole glass blowing process. It just looks so amazing the way you make objects and shapes from just glass pieces? Wish I could do a workshop course for that as well.


          Hehehe I am of the firm belief that such things can be self taught.

          Oh my gosh I love glass blowing too. And glass design in general? I collect antique glass bottles and I wish I knew enough about it to tell how old a bottle was just from looking at it.


            Oh my God what is happening?? Its like I found my long lost twin K-drama style and now we have all these things in common. *throws up hands* Wut??

            I love glass designs too! Colored glass i my favorite like the ones in churches with the sunlight just streaming through? So pretty!! I went to this church last year for a uni convention and took like a billion pictures of just the glass windows! Luckily my friend loves them as much as I do so she wasn’t really phased.

            Generally I just love all things antique. I’m not ashamed to say I’m a hoarder and have a ton of stuff all over my room and squirreled away in boxes. There is just something so beautiful about old things with history. Or just things that look antique like leather journals and wooden chests.


          Dude there is so much SAME in this comment I don’t even know where to start.
          HI APPARENT OTHER TWIN. Although I think I have like three twins now so that’s a bit weird… (that is, other people I’ve met online that have freakishly similar things in common with me haha)
          First of all STAINED GLASS WINDOWS. ARE MY THING. AND CATHEDRALES. LIKE WOW. YES. So peaceful and calming, could spend hours in them, and I want stained glass windows in my dream house for sure.
          Second of all- I collect bottles right, but most of them are blue because blue glass is so gorgeous. And I have a pinterest board entirely dedicated to glass haha.

          Now I have to say I always gravitate to the bottle part of antique stores, and I can never afford anything else, but if I had the money, I would definitely collect antiques. Like old chests, and chairs, and writing desks, and typewriters and hat stands, and ornaments. Although if I had the money I’d be even more of a hoarder than I am now… Would need to live in a warehouse hehe.
          YES! All the yes- they have stories to them. Lives. Where did they come from?
          Where have they been… so fascinating. And leather… mmmm leather. *high fives you for everything I just repeated at you because of similarities haha*


Is it just me, or does anybody else, when there\’s a kidnapping scene in film, try and figure out how I\’d get out of it if it were me? Obviously some I don\’t have a solution for but others… *AOY1*


    I do that too! So you’re not the only one with this unique quality 😛


    I do this. I, of course, can (almost) never figure out how to get kidnapped and figure I’d just get murdered. But I do this! And because it can’t be said enough….Jan Di just needed to stand, the f*ck, UP. The first time she was kidnapped in Boys Over Flowers.


      Pffahaha oh dear.
      Boy, I forgot that even happened… shows you how much I care about BOF now…


        The buddywatch may have made me grumpy?


          Hahaha quite possibly! How did you get through it all..,. AGAIN?


            Shhhhhhh (I still have 3 eps to watch) shhhhhh


      Ha when you said Jan-di just needed to stand up my first thought was you were referring to one of her near drowning incidents. I distinctly remember yelling at the screen for her to Just Stand Up. I swear she could drown in a teacup.


        Yeah, there were quite a few of those. Stand up, Jan Di. STAND UP. But no, the first time she was kidnapped when she broke her shoulder(or whatever), her arms were (loosely) tied behind her but her legs weren’t tied to anything. All. She had. To Do. Was STAND UP. Thats it. At any given time. Stand up. Too stupid to live. Thats why she almost drowned so many times.


    I always imagine that I would be all awesome and clever when in reality, I probably would just sit there and whimper. lol


      I like to think I’d be really annoying to kidnap because I’d be sarcastic all the time and try and escape at every possibly opportunity. But I actually have no idea what I’d be like since it’s a bit hard to really put yourself in that situation.


        That’s the other scenario. I’ll say something super sarcastic and get myself shot.


          LMAO Right? I think about that a lot “Ahh yes out sass the enemy” “wait that’s a bad idea they’d probably just shoot you to shut you up”
          Unless of course they NEEDED you alive… but then they’d just beat you up.

          *tries to contain the sarcasm* *can’t*
          *mutters something under breath* “what was that?” “what? huh? oh… nothing…”


          Even in my dreams of heroics I can manage to imagine myself into the worst case scenario-


    Yes that’s literally me! I have watched so many weird dark dramas by now that I have a lot of weird tips about how to escape. And I always get frustrated when the kidnapped person doesn’t do anything to escape? Like there are so many options omg do something!


      Hehehe yay! More kindred spirits…


        Hahahhaaa Yes!! Lookout frustrated me to no end in its final episodes. There were so many ways that could have gone down. SO MANY WAYS!!! Anyways I now find myself criticizing all scenes in crime thrillers/detective dramas. Crime/detective thrillers are my favorite genre so needless to say I have a lot of weird ideas!


          Did you read my 5000 word college paper that I wrote when I finished it??
          … I got… hmmm maybe a little too emotionally invested in that show. Which I don’t normally do with shows.
          Hahaha more and more ways we are alike! Technically, thrillers/action are my favourite genre too… I just find that they’re harder to do well?
          Like, unpopular opinion maybe, but the last 5 episodes of City Hunter? Still make me salty. Oh so so very salty.


            No! I remember reading through the Lookout posts and you saying you were going to post it. But I took a break off of Dramabeans after that and never got around to reading it. Can you put a link up so I can take a look? I would love to read your thoughts on the drama.

            Yes my favorite genre is also the thing that makes me so frustrated. I was looking forward to LJK’s Criminal Minds and after the first couple I just had to drop it for the sake of my sanity. The amount of face palming involve while watching the show was insane! the last favorite thriller I watched was probably Tunnel and the infamous Forest of Secrets? Even if FoS was not strictly procedural. OCN is my home now. I just live there. Oh also True Detective. My friend kept badgering me to watch it and I finally did and omg! Mind blown!

            When City Hunter came out I was totally riding my high from discovering Lee Min ho and K-dramas so I totally thought it was the shit! But I recently watched it about a year ago and yeh I get what you mean by the end. The show didn’t do it for me the second time around, maybe because I watched Healer and kept mentally comparing the two?

            By the way have you watched Falsify or Argon? I was planing to give them a try since I’m pretty much out of thrilling dramas to watch. I’m starting on Save me this weekend as well.


          I’m gonna try keep this short cos I really need to go to bed. I have to get up early tomorrow too.

          Ahhh I’ve heard good things about the first two? seasons of TD. Haven’t watched it though… I haven’t watched anything in English in over a year… hahaha

          I watched CH after Healer too so that probably didn’t help haha. Whilst I thought the acfight scenes were slightly better in CH, the writing in the last 5 episodes frustrates me so much haha. I’d go into more detail but I just said I’d keep this short.

          I have not, no! Haven’t even really looked into them yet actually. Haven’t heard anything spectacular about them though?
          Save me is on my to watch list, when it’s finished airing. I prefer to binge Thrillers I think. Especially that kind of thriller. What with the cult and all. We;ll see though. 🙂

          (I will reply to your other comments in the morning hun- I really need bed!!! x)


            Ahh 미안 the google doc link IS at the top of that comment thread or here:


            Its about 2:30 pm here right now and I’m almost done with work. Its Thursday so almost everyone left by now and here I’m waiting for my ride and posting comments.

            FOS is honestly the best drama of this year. If you have anything else on your immediate watch list, watch it before FoS because the withdrawl post FoS is real! I’m not even kidding everything else will just feel so simplistic and two dimensional with petty conflicts. This was also the reason I dropped Criminal Minds like a hot potato because that dramas logic. *face palm*

            Watched only the first episode of TD and its amazing. Also features cults and ritualistic killings and detective partners who don’t like each other much. so its right up my alley.

            I heard Argon is good. Tried to watch Falsify but wasn’t feeling it as much last week so im going to give it another shot today. Save Me I was saving for last but I don’t have much on my currently watching list so I’m going to watch it.

            Okis I’m going to read your comments when I get home. My rides here. Goodnight @sicarius it was awesome chatting with you!


          When wrote that comment it was about 10:30 pm? Thursday. Where do you live?

          So I’ve heard haha… looking forward to it to be honest because good thrillers done well are just so satisfying.
          Ahahahaha! I have a lot on my watch list! Too Much! The next most immediate one is The Liar and His Lover though. So very different genre that.

          Apparently it got worse after S2 cos they changed actors and it wasn’t the same :/ But I’d be up for the first two seasons one day probably.
          It’s not that I can’t watch cult things… it’s just I’ve seen some comments regarding the religious themes in Save Me… and sometimes that hits too close to home. I can watch it, just in doses.

          Well, you can be my trial bunny (since I have too much to watch rn hehe) and tell me if either are better!
          What’s your favourite drama of all time? (If it’s FOS pick another one hehe)


            I live in Kuwait and no before you ask I’m not Kuwiati. I’m originally from Bangladesh but I just lived in Kuwait my whole life. It’s 12:18 pm here right now and I just woke up because weekend!

            I recently watched Lady and her Liar roo. I completely missed the hype train when it was happening and watched it later on. It was a different experience watch alone but still very enjoyable. Joy is a joy to watch (lol) But the guy, I forgot his name, just never convinced me he was a collage student? He looked so freaking young and I always see him in high school dramas so that was an issue for me. Other than that it was really cute show with lots of good character moments. Watch the Japanese movie also if you haven’t. I actually watched that first. It’s very different tonally so that’s was interesting.

            I totally get about the religious context being too much at times. For me it’s sometimes the violence of human nature that gets too much at times. And I then need to wash it off of me before I can watch it again. Gets depressing if you watch the same themes also so I balance it with more rom coms.

            Aghhh don’t ask me to choose one!! My mind just melted at the thought. Off the top of my head though some favourite dramas I can think of: Healer, signal, Missing Noir, Tunnel, Mystery Queen, Chicago Typewriter, coffee prince, My Girl, discovery of romance, AoY 1/2, reply series,FoS, Father is Strange, etc.

            Current favourite is lingerie girls generation which is just ticking off all my boxes for me!

            What’s your favorite drama of all time?


          First of all- I AM SO SORRY FOR THE LATE REPLY. THERE WERE THINGS GOING ON AND LOTS OF NOTIFICATIONS AND I wanted to be in a good headspace to reply to this.

          Second of all- KUWAIT. COOL! I can add ANOTHER time zones to my list of ‘time zones I know people in’. I currently have 12? or possibly 13 time zones on that list! hehe
          That’s really cool though. What language/languages do you speak?

          Ahaha I missed it live too. I didn’t have time at that point, and the premise surprisingly didn’t overly compel me at first? But my only irl drama friend is LHW bias so I was waiting for her… AND! we’re finally watching it! Started it on Friday haha.
          Lee Hyun Woo? Hehehe funny cos he’s 24… 😛 I guess because I know that I don’t find it so weird? Haha plus a lot of college students are actually in the 19-23 bracket and ARE very young. I guess we just don’t necessarily think about them that way.
          Good character moments- yeahp am noticing that already. 🙂
          Oooh I have not watched it but will put it on my list!!! Thank you!

          I’ve never really reached a violence cap surprisingly… especially not in dramas, when they tend to edit enough for that. But I totally agree that you have to balance them with rom coms!!! I have to do that as well!

          Ahahaha I’m sorry!!! Should’ve said top 3 or something hehe.
          Ooooh a good list though!!! Haven’t seen all of them but I also really like the ones I have.

          Ooh. WIll have to put that on my list… have too many other things going on rn to start another one! hahaha

          That would be Healer. Hands down. I love it. Have watched it 3 times (or well almost, minus 4 episodes but shh).
          It’s interesting though because I recently saw a beanie post asking who prefered City Hunter over Healer, and the positives for City Hunter were MY postitives for Healer, and the negatives for Healer were MY negatives for City Hunter! Which is quite confusing- because one can be sure that one is right… and yet… opinion is still opinion. That being said, I think when it comes to technical quality of something, that is more fact than opinion, and yet it’s still based on our perception, so how does one even truly critique something…

          IN OTHER FAVOURITE DRAMAS: Weightlifting Fairy Kim Bok Ju and My Love From the Stars are up there, along with Reply 97, Shut Up Flower Boy Band, Shopping King Louis and Lookout. A lot pf the thrillers I know I will like, I haven’t watched yet haha but am looking forward to them.


            Its OK that’s pretty much what’s happening with me right now too! There just so much going on I haven’t had time for much else. I did read like 3 pages of your article and its super interesting and so far all things I agree with! I’ll read the rest as soon as I get some time off from everything and so a proper response because that totally needs a response!

            Oh we have the same favorite dramas! I love You from another star its one of my favorites really. And so is Weightlifting Fairy! So many feels. That drama legit made me want to be in a relationship but only if it was with Nam Joo‑hyuk. But also I just really wanted them together? So dilemma dilemma. 🙁 Flower Boy Band is obviously also my all time favorite drama. Also known as the drama that forever traumatized me with that truck of doom scene because I did not know it was a cameo. So yeh. Never crossing the streets in Korea now that’s for sure. That drama also made me fall in love with guy bands and Sung Joon and yeh I also wanted to date his character like so bad you have no idea! It was dark times for a while… 😛

            Languages I speak are: English (duh), Bengali (native), Hindi (from going to an Indian high school and watching lots of Bollywood movies as a kid), Urdu (its similar to Hindi and I had a couple of Pakistani friends growing up), Arabic (veeeeeeerry little which shocker I know since I live in an Arab country. I just always spoke English with everyone. Also veery little French (mostly grammar stuff they taught in school) and verrry little Italian (basics learned in Uni). And currently learning Korean. I can understand 80% or more sometimes of dramas when I watch raw but learning it properly is obviously very different.

            I too actually love Healer more than City Hunter. Everything about that drama just clicks for me? And somehow I connected more with all the character much more than I ever did in City Hunter. Its basically watching something with your heart and knowing its close to you and you feel al the feels verses watching something with my brain and knowing it was good but never connecting with it beyond the surface level. Does that make sense? Its one of the reasons I never got behind the love angle in CH eve though it had all the tropes I loved in it. Just never connected.


          DB has been SO BUSY FOR ME THESE LAST TWO DAYS. Frikking TLAHL man…

          Eeeee yayaya!! Hahaha do I’d love to hear your thoughts on it! Just, when you do… could you maybe reply on the actual dramabeans thread for it? So I can keep conversations separate haha.

          So many similarities between us girl… haha what is this. Should we start making a list? 😛
          Ahhh yes. It’s the only drama to make me cry! So it gets points for that. I want to rewatch it though to see if it lives up second time round haha.
          AWWW WLFKBJ WAS JUST SO BEAUTIFUL. Jung hoon was such a sweet heart!!! Like, I don’t want a relationship right now but SAME!

          Hahahaha ahh… see I was SO fortunate that I knew he died early on and that he was a cameo, so I wasn’t as shocked by it as some people (I KNOW PEOPLE WHO STOPPED WATCHING BECAUSE OF THAT)
          I will always have a small crush (?if that’s what it’s called?) on Scruffy Sung Joon as Ji Hyuk.
          Hahahaha! We’ve mentioned how we both love Sung Joon I think already so I feel you man! I feel you!
          (AND THAT FIRST KISS SCENE? I LOVE IT FOR SO MANY REASONS IT’;S SO WELL CONSTRUCTED. Oh and the bit where he smashes the bottle with his bare hand ugh idk I loved that scene it was so powerful, I wish I could find a gif of it)

          Wahhhh so many! I’m so jealous! I am a total language nerd so I will geek out about that at some point (even though I speak like 1 and two 0.25s… hahaha) Especially jealous you can understand 80% of a raw! Goals, right there.
          I am always trying to pick up on grammar whilst watching as well though. And I want to learn, but I feel like I know so many random basics, that learning a language in a proper language school would be really weird and they’d be trying to teach me something and I’d be like ‘okay but how does this grammar work? And why do you say this? And where does this word even come from? And yeah I know that means that already’… hahaha
          Idk maybe I should just move to Korea and learn via immersion.

          Would you say most to all people in Kuwait speak English?

          Yess. It clicks for me too. It’s close to I guess how I envision a perfect story. Or a story like what I aspire to write. So yes.
          Makes total sense for sure! And yes- that’s so true, with the technical/emotional brain one can watch with.
          Although, arguably, I don’t think CH is THAT technically great, especially the romance, and the ending. The romance burnt out and did nothing, and the birth secret had no set up and still bugs me hahaha.
          Funnily enough though, I often don’t emotionally connect with LMH’s dramas… like Legend of the Blue Sea… couldn’t get behind that at all. Was far more invested in the friendships and the side romance! haha


            Lol yes same about LMH dramas. I think the only one that got me hooked completely even though it didn’t sell much on the feels was BoF? after atht all of his dramas kind of fell flat for me. Which just goes to show I guess that you can act well, but getting the audience to connect with you 100% takes some serious skills and LMH is just not there yet.

            Yeh no I feel the same about the technical aspect of CH. Its not that I thought it was technically brilliant. That’s FoS. But more like I was absorbing what was happening with one part of my brain just ticking off boxes but not really having any sort of connection to anything at all. That’s what I meant by watching with my brain where I am just passively watching the story unfold.

            There are so many great scenes in FBB. Like that guitar burning one, and when they carry his portrait after his funeral, and that song when his hand starts bleeding. Agh I could just go on and on about how great this show is and all of its moments that just sucker punches you right in the heart. Its brilliant stuff.

            I totally agree about the language thing. I hate learning a language by going through the technical stuff like grammar and composition etc. For me language has to be learnt through observation and like you said through immersion. I want to learn to listen and understand and speak so that understanding sentence structure and in turn grammar is second nature. I don’t think about grammar when I’m writing in English and I want to be able to do the same for any language I learn. Learning through technical means just doesn’t feel as organic.

            By the way where are you from and what languages do you know and what do you want to learn in the future? I want to learn German and Russian as well apart form Korean since they just sound so freaking badass? 😛


          BOF is some kind of magical hot mess crack… does it even count? hhahaha
          “Which just goes to show I guess that you can act well, but getting the audience to connect with you 100% takes some serious skills and LMH is just not there yet.”< Amen to that.

          Ahhh no yes I understand what you mean! (Although really I'm just even more excited once again to watch FOS hahaha)

          Oh man, the bleeding hand whilst playing scene… tis no wonder it went viral IN THE SHOW. Yes, so many good moments in that show, so many heartfelt moments. J'adore.

          Exactly. Whilst I actually quite enjoy the technical side to a language, and would study linguistics, I still think immersion and observation is the best way to learn the culture! and language! Because they're very intertwined.

          I'm from New Zealand! A long way away from pretty much everyone… haha
          I know English. And I did French for 6 years at high school, and have lost a lot of it now, but would like to pick it back up again. And just the Korean I know from dramas/songs/variety. Which is a surprising amount. But nowhere near 80% yet.
          I want to learn EVERYTHING! Hahaha no that's not a fair answer.
          Uhm top languages would be Korean, Finnish and Welsh. I also want to learn Ancient Greek, Latin, Hebrew, Russian, and Mandarin. Among many others.


            OMG amen to Ancient Greek and Latin! Girlll are you me????? Me and a friend of mine are seriously into all the whole ancient culture and dead languages thing. And we always though learning Ancient Greek and Latin would be so freaking cool?? I’ve always been so very fascinated with Greek Mythologies (second only to Celtic/Irish mythology) and I always thought being able to read that stuff would be the greatest thing ever! Just imagine how cool it would look to be able to read that stuff like you are actually deciphering a dead language??

            My friend is in Grad school now and gets to actually learn Latin so I’m totally envious. But hopefully I get to do that next year if I start Grad School by then. I’ll be majoring in Early modern or Renaissance literature so will have to learn this anyways.

            Also, apart from these two languages I would also like to do research on Celtic and Irish mythologies if only because of how fascinating it is? I want to visit/live in Dublin one day so that is one of the goals. By the way do you read any fantasy novels etc.? Because if you are into adult fantasy with fantastic setting, complex characters, sexual tension, and so much mythology and world building, try out the fever series (only book 1-5 only. The rest you can take or leave). I’m telling you that book made me forever fall in love with Dublin. I have never seen a city so alive in fiction you know?


          Apparently I am!!! Because I also love ancient cultures, dead languages, and obscure mythologies. Finnish being my first, but Celtic is a close second. And then Greek, Roman, Norse, Egyptian, you know, the standard ones haha.
          I actually did some Latin at high school, just a little bit, and have a book for learning it, and well, my username is Latin too hehehe
          It would be very cool. And would heighten a lot of areas of education at the same time!!!!!

          Oooooh! Yes! Hoepfully! You will love it!
          You’re like the third lit student I’ve met on here… hahaha why do I always click well with lit students? Well, maybe because I could’ve been a lit student. Would be if I wasn’t more interested in freelance writing and drawing and linguistics haha. But I also want to study Old English one day and I’m preeeeeeeeety sure I have to take lit to study that so… 😉

          I am part Irish, Scottish and Welsh, so I have a strong fondness for the Celtic and Brithonic languages, histories, mythologies and cultures.
          1) I’ve been to Dublin. It was pretty cool. I liked Galway better but Dublin grew on me 😛
          2) Do I read fantasy… hahahahah girl, my favourite author is J. R. R. Tolkien… does that say enough? 😛
          I have not read those! But I will look into them! I work at a library so that shouldn’t be too hard… hahaha


            Yes to Egyptian mythology as well! There was a point in my childhood, probably after watching Brandon Fraiser in The Mummy, that I was obsessed with all things Ancient Egypt. Like no kidding I had books and books on mummification alone and of course books on the pyramids and the famous pharaohs. I wanted to go to Egypt and visit the museums so badly. It still fascinates me but not to the fanatic degree as before.

            Oh you are part Irish, Scottish and Welsh? That is awesome! And I’m so envious you have been to Dublin. 🙁 Lol I love high fantasy books! The one I told you was more fantasy mixed in with paranormal stuff and mythology. Also, ignore the cover because the covers are super crappy and makes it look like a crappy romance novel which it really isn’t. That turned me off the first time someone recommended it to me on Goodreads, but once I finally read it? OMG! There is like no romance for the longest ever time seriously and definitely not in book 1.


          Hahahaha ahh you had an Egypt Phase kekekek
          Yeah, it’s not as strong as the others, but its still super fascinating.
          RIP The Library of Alexandria though.

          I am yeah. But I’m a New Zealander, so that basically means I’m British Mongrel 101 😛
          Ireland is amazing and I love it and miss it sooo so much. YOU WILL GET THERE
          Ooh interesting haha, the fact that it isn’t at all like it’s marketed is kinda cool… you’re definitely convincing me to check them out haha


            The marketing of this book is terrible! Like its shown on the cover as this sexy, adult paranormal book that’s all about sex. And just. Nothing like that even happens?? Sure sex is mentioned and there are a lot of creatures in the book that use sex as a weapon to manipulate or control people. But romantically? nope. I can’t tell you how frustrating the romance and the buildup is because it takes ages for anyone to get so much as a kiss. But the wait is super worth it if you are like me and like that kind of slow buildup. Ok I’m gonna stop talking about this book now!


2 episodes left of Season 1 AoY and not gonna lie, when Sungmin and Jiwon finally get together, you can bet your ass I\’ll be watching that scene over and over and over and over again…


Heyyyy AOY2 watchers, if you didn\’t know already… finally has subs for ep 5…


I did it!! (I think)


    Hahaha! Why the speed of light & why roman numerals?!


      Ugh… the thought process behind it is a little weird.
      So I was thinking about tattoos, and how lots of them involved dates and RN, and how one of the tattoos I would get if I had to get one involves the speed of light, and then I was thinking how just 299 792 458 would make a pretty cool tattoo, and then I was like ‘why not that in RN… what IS that in RN? is that possible?’ and then voila.

      Why the speed of light? It’s such a fascinating constant, mathematically, scientifically, and light in general is frakking weird and amazing and interesting, both symbolically, religiously, and astronomically… so yeah. 😀


        NERD ALERT

        (I’ll reply to that other comment when I reach home in the evening… by which time u will be asleep.. so tomorrow for u..)


          Dat me 😛 😛 😛


            Woaahh! u actually managed to follow that stream of thought! high level nerd skills indeed! 🙂
            #ProudToBeANerd 😉


          Reading this again.. I sound bitchy! But this was me adding our conversation about nerdiness to this one and now I am explaining but I know I don’t need to explain it to you but I still thought I should!


            Lol wat no you don’t and didn’t at all don’t worry hahaha
            It’s all true… and you mean it in a good way so no you don’t really need to explain it hahahaha


      Hahaha I may spend a lot of my time thinking about how I think… that might be why. 😛
      #ProudToBeANerdAlso 😉


    👏👏👏 You are the epitome of human evolution.


    Hella cool, I say. My husband wants a QR code tattoo that goes to an actual website, but that’s all I can say…


      Hahahaha cool idea actually. Although now I’m way too curious for my own good considering you can’t say more… 😛


      Hahaha! Makes me so curious too! Must a be a real special website! Lol


    Comment was deleted


    And now in… Babylonian! *starts fan-chant* Do it! Do it!! DO IT! DO IT!!! DO IT!!!! 😛


      Upvoting… 😂 And waiting with bated breath 😆


        … I hate you all because you KNOW I’m gonna go try and figure this out now.


        Replying to your thing bellow so you get the notif!
        Heyyy! Yay! hIGH fIVE for that weird thing in common! haha
        Aww man, when work is quiet… often all I do is sit at the front desk and read up on random things on Wikipedia.
        Sometimes it’s research for writing (like fluid dynamics) sometimes it’s just cos I’m bored or for interest sake’s (the difference between yen, won, yuan) … language sprees is a bit of both hehe.
        Hahaha no it’s not a book, and I’m aware it’s not a super accurate source, considering how easily it can be edited. But yeah, we’re not doing exams on it, and for general, quick knowledge (specifically regarding things not likely to incite an edit war) it’s ok.
        #ProudToBeANerd < is this gonna become a trending hashtag on my posts or something? hahah


          Me – when someone says something I don’t know, I wiki it. Or random things come on my mind I can’t sleep til its answered.

          I am up for #ProudToBeANerd coming a trending thing. 😂 Now, if only we have a way to filter hastags here, it would be perfect. 😂


            Hehehe same. People are like ‘I don’t know this THING!’ and I have to help them and I;m like ‘I don’t know the thing either but you know what I do know? How to google really well…’ haha

            Yeah if only! Hahaha I don’t even really like hashtags, but I have to use them for instagram, and when they’re used ironically they’re funny. I prefer their actual name too, octothorpe. BUT! I’d make an exception for something like this haha.


            Sameee! People ask me all the time about health and sickness (I’m biology major) but hello, I’m not a doctor and my major is actually Biotech but they ask me all these stuff and I read on it and I even prepared a diet plan for my friends. Like, y’know you can google the stuff yourself.. but that’s what friends are for.
            Thank you for introducing this word to me: octothorpe. I super love. I’m thinking of ways to insert it in normal conversation. Hmm.


            Hahahahaha! I work at a library so I’ve had to try and find a book off like… 3 words not even related to the book itself, and a mispronounced last name… that’s always fun hehe.
            Ooooooh Biotech. Is it as cool and sci-fi-ey as it sounds?

            Hhehehe you’re welcome! Just use #octothorpe, or instead of using the symbol just be like ‘Octothorpe Proud To Be Nerd’ 😛 😛 😛


            Wow my first-ever dream was to work in a library, surrounded by books 😲
            It sounds cool and sci-fi-ey when people ask what I studied and there are times it is like that but nah, most of the time its watching in microscope
            for something different to happen like astronomers looking at the sky tryna discover new heavenly bodies. (Side note: I studied astronomy too. And sometimes I wished I majored in that instead 😢)


            It’s pretty cool. I could complain about things about it… but let’s not. Books books books yis books.

            Hehehehe… so it has it’s boring sides as well, like most things 😛 Unless you don’t mind looking into a microscope a lot.
            Waaaahhh astronomy too! So cool. Astronomy is on the list of things I want to study, but down the bottom because I don’t know if I’m smart enough. :/


            Astronomy.. You just have to be curious enough. There are an insane amount of things to study. Plus astronomy books are always gorgeous with rich colors and dreamy photographs. 😊 But I’m the kind who gets distracted and checks on the origin of each heavenly bodies name that I end up reading Roman and Greek mythology too 😂


            Well in that case… I will remain hopeful! Not that I’d study it sooner though… Linguistics and Entomology are still more likely hehe.

            Ahhhh yes ‘NH 2335-H001-657’ I wonder where that name comes from… kekeke (that’s not actually a star, I just made that up on the spot) 😛
            In all seriousness though, that would be me also… maybe you should’ve taken Classics instead of or as well as Astronomy? hehe


            By names I meant proper names like Sirius and others (very interesting mythology stories btw) but the one you mean are stars names acc to their positions (easier to track for astronomers)
            These days start with RA and Dec – Right Ascension and Declination, which are basically like latitude and longitude in the sky.
            I remember when YFAS aired Do Minjoon’s star was mentioned (don’t remember the name) but I checked it and it was a legit star


            I knoooooow you meant that! And I know why they use it hahahaha I was just teasing! lol
            And yes, Greek mythology is super interesting, and I myself have got lost in Wikipedia by star names hehe.

            I literally just put random letters and numbers together, I didn’t look it up haha, but thank you for the lesson in star naming hehe.

            Awww 진짜??? That’s really cool. Actually for some reason I feel like I knew that… still cool though.


      Hee.. this NEEDS to be done!
      *joining fan chant*
      Do it! Do it!! DO IT! DO IT!!! DO IT!!!!


        … I hate you all because you KNOW I’m gonna go try and figure this out now.


      Ba-by-… why… Why that one KAYBEE?!
      … I hate you all because you KNOW I’m gonna go try and figure this out now.

      However. For your information. Just so you know what you’re getting into.
      Bababyonians spoke an ancient form of Akkadian, which looks like THIS: ????
      and is an extinct East Semitic language and I do not speak or know pretty much anything about extinct East Semitic languages… but by the end of today… who knows.


        I should’ve considered the fact that you obviously is going to do that when I mention it, eep, sorry o.O (not being sarcastic in any way here, hope I didn’t make you feel stressed or anything! You know, it’s okay to not try and figure it out, I was just being silly lol 🙈)

        I know lol, I actually did a school project on it once, pretty sure I even still have it somewhere in the attic 😂 I’d be pretty freaking impressed if you suddenly spoke to me in Babylonian tomorrow! But also slightly suspicious that you’d have already started learning it in secret years ago, just for today. But then you actually being able to foresee this day would be even more impressive!


          (I know you were being silly hehehe it’s okay I’m not stressed I just see it as more of a personal challenge now. And also I actually love spending hours reading about languages on Wikipedia. It’s one of my past times. When I say “I hate” I don’t actually hate any of you, I’m just reacting on purpose hahaha)

          You did?? That’s so cool hahaha. I did wonder why you randomly just said ‘Babylonian’ out of nowhere haha.
          Aieeeeee no I’m not that smart kekekekeke.
          That would’ve been impressive! To forsee kdramas in my life at all is impressive since in high school I wasn’t interested in Korea at all! hahaha


            (I’m glad! I thought it was probably just that, but I tend to be very overly cautious, especially online. I’d hate to accidentally stress other people or something 🙊)

            We had to write a group report about various other numeral systems, including that one heh. And also, I find really ancient culture fascinating. Like Gilgamesh and such. It’s so interesting.

            That’s what I’m saying! I’m sort of disappointed to know that’s not the case 😛 Or maybe more relieved cuz it’d be kinda freaky o.O


            Glad to know I’m not the only one reading languages on Wikipedia. But mostly I read up on really random things like schizophrenia and life of criminals. And then my friend told me to not consider Wiki as a book, but hey, y’know I’m not reading it so I can answer an exam later. Like DUH. 😂


          (:D Fair enough. I’m pretty chill when it comes to that kind of thing. I think. If I stress, it’s because of me, not because of another person. If I can’t get round to doing something, then I can’t, and I’m trying to worry about that sort of thing less, because it doesn’t solve anything.
          To be honest, the drawing requests I got myself into are more annoying, but as long as people know that I have a lot of drawing and lyfe things going on, and that unpaid doodles is not priority it’s fine. Beanies are pretty good like that. I think)

          Oooooh cool. Do you remember much about it?
          Uhm. Same. The older the better. Like, screw the Vietnam War, High School, why can’t I learn about Neolithic Ireland?
          Although I get sad sometimes because there’s so much that ISN’T recorded. Like pre-Swedish Empire there’s next to no information on Finland. Which makes sense, because they were probably a mostly oral history and story telling culture, probably tribal too, so they wrote nothing down. But still.

          Hahahahaha! Sorry I’m not a fortuneteller and don’t have premonition dreams… It would be a bit freaky yes.


            (Aw okay, that’s good! :D)

            Errr… Tbh? No 😛 We had something about binary (which isn’t a numeral system though, as such? and then RN and BN.
            I’m just miffed we never got a proper timeline for where everyone in the world was at certain points. Like “oh guess what kids, at the time we were throwing rocks and living in caves, China was doing THIS”, y’know, that sorta stuff. I so want an entire timeline for all the major events in AT LEAST the major cultures, especially the ancient ones, but also up until like the 1950s or something. It’s not easy to find though. Instead we got to learn about the two world wars. Especially the 2nd. Again. And again. And again. And again O.O Oh, and vikings. Cuz we can’t be Danes and not know about the vikings, right? 😛
            I GET U. So many things lost. Even just family history I sometimes get sad it’s not really written down.

            Would probably be most freaky for you lol 😛


          Ah Binary. I don’t know binary but I suppose I could learn (having just done a crash course in Babylonian haha)

          Oh same. I’ve found some info graphic timelines for them online, but they tend to be inaccurate in someway, or forget some culture because it’s not “important enough” or have no idea how the history of language works.

          Although have you seen the ‘History of Japan’ and ‘history of the world’ youtube videos? The world one is just highlights? I guess? And from a evolutionists POV, but it’s really funny. The Japan one is great, and I hope the guy makes them for more countries.

          Oh I know! Like I get it, WWII is and was significant, and there’s some really interesting stuff in it that isn’t usually talked about in history classes, but THERE’S SO MUCH OTHER STUFF.
          Hahahaha! Well at least that would’ve been sort of interesting? We didn’t get to learn about the vikings so… (although viking is a verb but anyway). And ofc, America should so they know Christopher Columbus WASN’T the first European to their continent. Moving on…

          RIGHT! I’m so thankful that China wrote things down, and therefore early Korea (at least starting at BC/AD shift) wrote things down.

          Hahahaha… true dat.


      I did it… I think.


Today I decided I would try and work out the speed of light in Roman Numerals… cos I clearly have no lyfe.


    Srsly?! Like 299 792 458 m/s in roman numerals? 👏👏👏 Applauding you in advance


      Yes. That. Hahahaha. Thank you! I think I got it… idk though, once you get over 1 million it gets confusing… 😛


        I don’t even have any idea how to get to a million! Wait is that even possible? Hm, I think the only times I encounter RN irl is.. Ancient clocks and start/end pages of some books 😂


          It’s sort of possible? So I googled it obviously, and there are a few varying ways. The most common I’ve seen is to put dashes above your standard letters to multiply by 1000.
          Thus X with a dash over it = 10 k, and M with a dash = 1 Million.
          However, over that, I’ve seen either dashes above and on either side, or two dashes… to go up another level. But then I found this:
 which sort of just confused me more but is still consistent with the two dash thing.
          So X with two dashes apparently = 10 Million.


            You are making me rethink my education – the purpose, limitation, application.. Would delve deeper but my head hurts and my bed calls 😂


          Hahahahaha cos clearly knowing how to write above 1 million in roman numerals is the most important thing one can learn in education hahahaha


Side note/post script/ before bed
@obsessedmuch you know how you told me to read the lyrics to Mino’s infinity Challenge with HaHa?
Why didn’t I do it previously… I mean I know you wanted me to read them cos of how he related them to current events and yet I’m just here kinda fangirling over yet another awesome historical figure my boys writing sick raps about… woops.
Zico being a language fanboy with Sejong the Great and now Mino with Lee Soon Shin. (Okay so I know that was probably the challenge, to write about a historical figure BUT STILL) Also- Have you seen Admiral: The Roaring Currents? Tis a movie about the guy Mino sings about. It’s pretty good. At least, I liked it from a historical perspective- A+. In terms of movie structure it was ok, but like, watch it for the history, since the whole thing is about a historical naval battle.
I’m not sure which song I like better. Both. For different reasons. They’re both really good. I really like the choir in Z’s though.

Turtle ships.


    Lol that was more than 2 months ago!!! (But thanks to this I now have a timeline as to when you will get around to watching random Winner things :P)

    Good right? I was so impressed! And I still think this whole concept was a brilliant way to get the present generation interested in history! I love both songs! It helps that Haha is not bad either..

    I haven’t watched the movie but have seen it being referenced so many times on variety shows that I think I really should watch it!


      … well you know. I have a long to do list… 🙂 (HAHAHAHAHA)

      Yessss! Definitely a clever concept. One I highly approve of ofc, as mini history nerd hehe.

      I think it’s the highest grossing film in Korea ever??? Yes, check it out when you have time. I watched it at my friends in Pittsburgh, cos she said I could put anything on, cos she would fall asleep no matter what, so I put a Korean movie on ofc. Now she says she gets adds in Korean ever since I left hehehehehe *noshame8


        Ah I do- you and your multiple long lists- you listoholic 😛

        I shall add it in my list 😉 (still mental.. Seriously, I should learn from you)

        Haha.. good girl! On YT? I still don’t get Korean ads even though all my suggested videos are Korean.. Or some other site?


          Only for Korean things I swear hahahaha

          (You’ve been saying that since day one lmao)

          Ugh I think I streamed it on Kiss-asian actually, so I don’t know what or where she gets the adds, but they’re in Korean. I think YT though… I probably watched some stuff on YT whilst I was there hehe. But I didn’t ask.
          (I don’t get ads anywhere. Except naver. Cos that’s apparently the only site my adblocks don’t work pffffft)


            (I will do it one day. You watch me! :P)

            (I have never gone on Naver, so wouldn’t know.. but I used to get ugly ads on Kiss asian so I stopped watching shows there)


          (hahaha okay… 😛 )

          (well Kiss asian was fine with my adblocks, and then it was like ‘nyah you can’t watch anything with adblocks anymore’ so I stopped going on there as well, and now it’s been shut down due to copyright infringement lol. So doesn’t work anyway)


    *comes trolling, errh, strolling by just to say “MINO!”* 😛

    Btw, I fully expect you to have changed your name to Park In Seo by the time I get back to this site properly. *does the fingers-eyes “i’m creepy and watching you” thing* BE PREPARED! (for quizzes, obviously. And there will be NO multiple choice ones… Just so you know :P)


      Kaybee is ALIVE! YAYAY/. Did you hiccough a lot? @obsessedmuch tells me there’s a saying in India that if you hiccough it means someone misses you hehehe.

      I don’t even know who Park In Seo IS and Googling didn’t help!?!
      … er… is this like… a threat- I mean- incentive to hurry up and get into Winner already? hahaha


        Errr…. I dunno…. I didn’t keep track… I had the hiccups once or twice… Does that count?

        Park In Seo is the joke-name for Inner Circle (Winner’s fandom), because the two first syllables in Korean sound like ‘In Seo’ 😛 They’re also called Incles and IC (the latter of which is seriously confusing cuz of Infinity Challenge o.O like RM being both Running Man and Rapmon). No wonder you couldn’t get a google answer kkkkk.

        What?!? Noooooo…. Not at all. *cough* *sideways glance* *shifty behavior* You could always… just… not study… I guess…. and then do poorly on the quizzes… I mean… if that’s your thang, like, if you don’t like to do well on quizzes, feel free to not look up their stuff 😛


          Yes that counts hahaha. We missed you lots and I thought of you every time Hongki or the Saico posted a fancam of a concert on their inst. 😛

          Ahhh I should’ve googled ‘Park In Seo Winner” then; that would’ve come up with something.
          Why so many nicknames hahaha BBC’s just have Bees 😛 much simpler.
          (Yeah the RM thing confused @obsessedmuch when I started talking about BOTH in the same convo… woops. Should just use Namjoon from now one hehe)

          Hahahaha I like quizzes though… and I’m competitive. I just feel like I’d only be learning things to get good marks on the quiz and not because I want to! haha


            Aww haha ^^ I miss you guys lots too, everything’s just been really busy and weird and stuff lately.

            I dunno! It’s crazy. And don’t even try to go deeper, fandom-wise, cuz some people talk about different circles and erm… it gets weird o.O
            (ahahahaha that was so me when Jinwoo was on IC, cuz Incles kept posting comments about how happy IC was to see him on the show and it was just so confusing lol)

            Oh noes! We can’t have that :O I’ll save the quizzes for when you have one day stumbled upon enough Winner vids, completely randomly or whatever, to have been sucked down the black hole haha 😉


            What Kaybee is hesitating from saying here but which I find very funny is that there is a section of ICs who become “Sinner Circle”- on uh.. certain occasions!

            Park InSeo… Hoonie came up with this… As OT5 had most of the surnames popular in Korea- Nam, Lee, Kang, Song, Kim- the only one left was Park… So he said Inner Circles could be called Park InSeo because they are part of the group..


            @obsessedmuch Yeah… that… doesn’t even surprise me. That that’s a thing.
            I have seen too much to be surprised by anything now. That’s probably a bad thing.

            Hahahaha ofc he did. That’s cute.
            I sort of find the whole naming of the fandom thing weird? Or farfetched sometimes, when the reason behind it is awkward? And then other times I think it’s clever and cool.
            Not just Korea either. Like fan bases the world over have had names for ayges.


            Probably… but it’s not like u can change anything about it… In fact, the only option is knowing even more and not getting surprised EVER! Which- Yup- not a good thing..

            I found that name cute… I think even the name Inner Circle had some interesting significance but I forget now… The names I never get are EXO-L and Shaowl? Maybe more but I don’t remember fandom names…


            Well, I mean, spending less time on the internet would help. But I think I’m just scarred for life now hahaha.
            But knowledge is power… right? 😛

            Probably! They often do! Often the meaning is cheesy but yeah. The Park In Seo thing is cute.

            Shawol is not even the official term for SHINee fans, it’s just a nickname as well. Which everyone uses. Apparently it’s short for the real name, ‘SHINee World’… *shrugs*

            EXO-L I looked this up because I can, and I did actually know this, but I forgot and you will see why I forgot. You ready?
            “The ‘L’ stands for Love, in alphabetical order, L is the 12th letter (for twelve members) and links the letters K (EXO-K) and M (EXO-M). EXO-L is considered a sub-unit of EXO, so that EXO-K + EXO-L + EXO-M = One. As in the band’s slogan “WE ARE ONE!”, meaning the band members and the fans are ONE. EXO-L is in charge of promoting worldwide the Love for EXO-K and EXO-M.”
            … and now everyone cry for the loss of EXO-M. *smh*

            2NE1’s fandom name was Blackjacks. Which I think is awesome.
            BTS’ is ARMY, which I didn’t know stood for something for ages. It means “Adorable Representative M.C for Youth”… which I might be part of the reason I DON’T call myself an ARMY hahahaha
            (similarly I reckon part of the reason I would call myself a BBC/Bee is because I really like bees… pffft)


          I figured as much. Been praying for you, it’s all good.
          Oh… weird fandom stuff… yay… not -.-
          (Pffffffft ah man I feel like that happens a lot with acronyms hehe)

          Hehehe exactly. You want me to get into them properly! Good idea.
          Yeah and I’ve decided that today is not a Kpop day because it will just make me annoyed. :/


            (yep acronyms make all kinds of trouble. But also awesome. I also found IOI a bit confusing at first tbh. Cuz LOL just with little l’s? Which is why I’m still super miffed they didn’t call Wanna One LOL. That would’ve seriously made my year. But alas, Mnet has no humor. A flair for the dramatic yes, but no sense of humor.)

            Ahhh one of those days… I hope you’ll find something rewarding and joyful to do today <3


          (Pffahahaha you will never be over that will you? 😛 )

          I hope so too. Might get of DB now for a bit. Paint. Or watch AOY idk… erghk. xx


            (nope, never. It’s just too good of an opportunity to miss, but they ended up callling them something that makes no sense… Booo… :P)

            Sounds like a good idea ^^


    Replying here cuz that was too confusing (and I wasn’t getting any notifications)

    Spending less time on the internet? Can we accomplish that? I think I need to wean myself away from DB gradually. Scarred for life- that was me when I was first roaming around looking at random kpop videos almost an year back and stumbled upon the comments on some random BTS video… I never knew language could be used that way for no reason at all on a public forum… I now thankfully don’t remember the video or even the conversation but I do remember something about someone not having Jams- which is apparently a thing associated with one BTS member (you would know better I guess?) and that is how I remember it to be an Army conversation… I think I vowed never to go roaming around kpop land without proper guidance after that! 😛

    This kind of knowledge? Nopes. Not power. Just random things filled in our head which we will probably rarely use outside our K-world i.e. DB!

    Ah, definitely cheesy. ‘Inner Circle’ because they are the closest to Winner and W (the logo of Winner)+ Inner makes Winner, which uh.. I mean okay.. not very out of the box. I would say that it is quite elegant though- and goes with the image that Winner debuted with (rich, classy, luxurious). Good thing that every time these kids open their mouths, they ruin that image! 😛

    SHINee World- umm okay… not quite interesting..

    EXO-L—- LMAO! I am LAUGHING! They really thought a LOT! But the end result is quite underwhelming.. Doesn’t really sound like a group’s name..

    HAHHAHAHAHHAHHAHA! Whaaaaat! I am gonna call you an Adorable Representative M.C for Youth FOREVER!
    (I like the name BBC.. also MooMoo is cute)


      I know I’m sorry… I should’ve done what you did and shifted sooner.

      Hahaha well… habits are possible to break. Hard… but possible. I guess it’s just a good thing if we can go without it for long amounts of time. Then we good. 😛
      INFO DUMP: So what happened was they were filming on a plane one time, and Jimin (the one who stripped in that vid) was like ‘ENGLISH TIME’ but back then… most of their English (apart from Rapmon, who taught himself) was pretty limited. And Jimin said something, and then in joking reprimand Rapmon goes “Jimin, you got no jams” which like… I don’t even know why he said that hahaha. But ARMY’s jumped on it and make jokes about Jimin’s jams being found or still lost or whatever. That joke is so old. Some fans get annoyed that the joke is still going. But the members themselves still use that joke so…
      Hahaha! And then you found kaybee and I and we were your guides! lol

      You never know, if we’re ever on a variety show one day it might come in handy? pfffft

      W-winner? Rich? Classy and luxurious? Pffffffffffffft I literally went ‘lol wat’ when I read that first. Hahahaha keep trying YG, keep trying. I’m so glad they ruin that image too. Tis what makes them more appealing anyway haha.

      Not interesting at all, right?!
      At least we can say SM tries hard right… 😂 😂

      Oh gosh… hahahahahahaha …. please don’t LMAO
      (British Broadcasting Company… jk jk haha. Moomoos yesss and APink fans are Pink Pandas which is also cute!)


        Lol it’s ok!

        AH.. so I didn’t understand most of what you said cuz I don’t remember the actual plane video/ haven’t watched it (or did u mean Jimin is the guy who stripped in BTS vs Block B battle?) but I am guessing Jimin not having jams would not make any sense even if I got all the context?

        Lol yes.. you were my guides and sunbaes! 😀

        Hahha.. yeah! K-variety here we come with shit load of information! 😛

        Hee.. actually they are quite classy in their debut and Exit:E albums!
        Also in their stage performances- remember that Baby Baby stage performance?
        But yup, good that they keep undercutting the official- makes them so much more interesting! It’s like Zico on stage vs Zico on real life (or you know, the ‘real’ life we get to see at least..)

        Yup! Quite stupid actually!

        Lol.. we shall see! 😉
        (Ha! Oooh Pink Pandas is cute too!)


          Jimin is the guy who stripped in BTS vs Block B battle?<<< YES THAT.
          And no it wouldn't really haha. Just know Jimin apparently has no jams. We don't know why. 😛

          Awww I'm a sunbae hehehe *repping since June 2016 waddup*

          I mean… yes… they can be classy. I don't think that's what I was saying … Stage performance is one part of a whole. Like Zico. I guess I was just remembering Hoonie and Mino trolling fans in the Island MV and Yoonie and his Ballet Parking… kekeke
          OMONA SO I DIDN'T EVEN READ THE REST OF YOUR PARAGRAPHY BEFORE TYPING THAT^ And we both used Zico as an example hehe. Zico's stage presence is part of him though. Which actually reminds me of a big long thing I was gonna send you about Jiyong and also our perception of idols and stage names, but it's only half written so, uh, look forward to that?! hehe

          Probably why Shawol is used more 😛

          Yeah I bet we will -.- hahahaha
          (Imagine an actual pink panda though… irl)


            Noted 😛

            Hee.. you are your oenni’s sunbae! *My love from the stars coming to mind*

            Hahaha… yes! When I am talking to you Zico would be the perfect example.. with kaybee, I would be talking about Mino/Hoon/Yoon instead! 😛 But uh I wouldn’t be explaining it to her cuz she is the one who got me into them and I don’t even know why i am typing what I am typing.. Basically Winner are classy dorks just the way Zico is a swaggy dork.

            Oh yes! The post- concert thoughts? I had forgotten about that! Makes me wonder if we have missed any other conversations! Could happen cuz we talk on 5 different threads at the same time! 😛

            (Instead, imagining all those animal costumes kdrama candies have to wear while working one of their many jobs!- but pink pandas could be cute!)


          That’s such a weird thing. Cool but weird. *wishes when she watched that wasn’t so long ago because she’s forgotten like everything that happened in that show except for the bit that made her cry, ET references and the red carpet ending* *woops*

          Hahahahahahaha ahhh rambly obsessedmuch has arrived 😛 kekeke
          Classy dorks, and one swaggy dork… I like that. What does that make the rest of Block B? And also FTIsland? Block b are… they sort of all have swag? It’s more like… I don’t know… the kind of energy you find in a circus. Swaggy clowns? Idk where this is going… now I’m the one rambling.

          Yes those!! I had not forgotten… I had just sort of, put it on the backburner haha. Oooh goodness I have no idea. I hope not, but realistically, probably.
          I found a really old one of Kaybee’s and I’s the other week and bought that back… that was funny.

          (Oooh like that one in Introverted Boss, and Jiyong wears on at one point- but PINK! That’d be cool. I’m gonna put one of those in my Korean Female Rock Band drama for no reason.)


            Ah.. I was talking about Cheong Song-yi and her arch-nemesis who dies/killed, for which Song-yi is blamed- but that exchange between them was juvenile and a small part of the show.. But yeah, I remember random minor things from the show- probably because I have watched it more than once..

            Hehehehe! Lol @swaggy clowns! FTI? Not sure! But now i really want a phrase for them!

            Lol, I am sure she must have forgotten it.. Was she surprised?

            (Ah.. so the female rock band is gradually getting more shape! )


          Ahhh yes I do remember the juvenile exchanges hahaha
          Yeah… I really need to rewatch it… *sigh*

          They’re just rock stars through and through, right? So maybe… Rock star dorks?
          So then we’d have Classy Dorks, Swaggy Clown Dorks and Rock Star Dorks.
          I like that line up but I’m still not sure haha

          Ah a little I think! But it was one of our crazy threads where we talked entirely withing **s so… yeah.

          (Slowly but surely…/ I actually drafted part of it in my head… but then it sort of turned into a ‘adopted daughter of a crime lord’ drama and I don’t know if I want them to be the same thing or not )

          Oh by the way, I watched the Baby Baby MV. And it made me sad.
          Kinda embodies everything I think about when it comes to fame and that kind of thing, and if you need an aesthetic to go with my ‘the world is a drug’ poem, that MV fits preeety closely.
          And also like that song is just amazing on so many levels, and I want Namtae to write something like that again cos holy shit. I don’t even know what genre that is… I should but I don’t.


            Oooh I like that line-up too! But yeah.. it could be a work in progress and maybe we can change it as we go along! 😛

            **s? What is that? Why can’t I fill in the blanks!!

            (Umm.. what? Korean girl band to crime lords and family drama and a thriller? The plot is all haywire!)

            It is one of my favourite Winner songs and MV.. Gave me goosebumps! It’s just so beautifully made. The song seems too close to the truth/life they live.. Namtae must have felt it all and he poured it all out! And that ending- him walking away with a suitcase, the name of the album being EXIT:E- everything seems to have been a foreshadowing of his eventual exit somehow… I hope something as good soon.. I am sure he will come up with something brilliant…

            (I still haven’t gotten around to reading the story and poems.. Shall do so soon)


          Hahaha I like that idea. We must share with Kaybee when she gets on. I feel like she’d be good at this kind of thing.

          *we talked like* *this* *for over ten comments* *pfffffft*

          (I KNOW! That’s why I’m not sure if I want it to be the same thing or not. At the moment it’s ‘Girl adopted by crime lord just wants to start a band and have a normal college life but her crime lord grandfather wants her to inherit his money and men and well “business” when he dies’ and then it gets even more complicated with side stories and love interests… I get carried away sometimes hahahaha It’s still new in development, ok? There will most likely be two very different dramas at the end of this… I hope…)

          How about IS my favourite? Hehe Really Really being second at this point I think.
          It’s stunning, although that’s to be expected from YG.
          “The song seems too close to the truth/life they live…”
          Ahhhhh shit. I just looked up the lyrics and what with just reading those of Runaway… now I feel like crying noooo.
          I have a list now. Of songs that are too accurate (to them, to me) and hurt my heart. Baby Baby (Winner), Super Star (Jiyong), Runaway (Bobby), Anti (Zico) and The Last (Suga) ngggggghhhhh there’s probably more but that’s all for now.
          Mmmmmm… pretty sure he did. Pour it all out that is.
          I’m sure he will… he’s too talented not to haha.

          (please cos now I have a lot of feels)


            I wrote a long comment and posted it.. came back to it 10 minutes later and it is showing inappropriate! Lemme try again!

            Yeah Kaybee would definitely be good at this!

            I vaguely remember that conversation.. And here I was trying to decipher what word is **s! 0_o

            (It could work but yeah needs a lot of thought.. good luck filling it up)

            I love Empty, Different and Baby Baby equally.. Really Really and Fool would always be special because those were my first Winner songs..

            Aww… don’t go to sleep with that mood… Listen to a peppy number before sleep!

            They all are similar songs- as in they seem to be coming from the same place- basically life (though I haven’s listened to Jiyong’s)..



            And just remembered, Mino’s ‘fear’ is thematically similar too!


          Oh noes! Did you remember it all?

          Hehehehe woops… I mean, ah, yes, it means… er… *blanks*

          (Hahaha I know, I know and thanks. I do this a lot though. I play around with story ideas in my head. Sometimes they’re full finished stories… sometimes they’re not.)

          Ahhhh I always think I’ve listened to all of someone’s songs, and then I remember that Spotify has a lot but not all. Listening to those now. What album are they on?
          Really Really is so catchy… I get it stuck in my head a lot haha.
          I remember really liking Pricked. And another of theirs but I can’t remember the name and I can’t even remember what I have and haven’t listened too so I’m just gonna go do that. So far I really like Different.

          Ah… I didn’t have time. I was too late anyway. But I had a shower. I think that helped idk. Probably not since I slept badly and had to get up early cos work breakfast this morning, and then when I arrived at the cafe, some random held the door open for me and asked me if I was alright – like sheeeeeeeet do I really look THAT bad? Crivens.
          What I really need to do is go for a walk but it’s been raining all week and is miserable out there. Ergh.

          Lyfe, yes but some of the deepest darkest parts of life. Or else they’re just life experiences that resonate very soundly with me. And they echo my exact thoughts on fame and entertainment and how hard it must be for them, and how horrible it is sometimes, and how I feel like there’s a disconnect between fans and the stage, even when the artists themselves are screaming these sorts of things.
          Super Star is nice… well ok, nice is maybe not the right word, but musically I think it’s nice haha. Here:

          And yes! Fear is on that vein too… The feels have not left… yay. -.-


            I think I did… but I was a lil miffed cuz here I was all happy to meet your bedtime deadline (:P) and it wasn’t even posted! Specially when I was talking about what not to do before going to bed!

            (I love knowing the thought process behind each story.. I have in the past come up with random bits of imagination but never thought them through and they are just roaming around living half lives in my mind)

            I don’t think I have listened to all of Winner’s songs even! I have mostly focused on their variety things! Both from their debut album- they wanted to debut with ‘Different’ as their main song- because that is them kinda saying they are different from other boy groups/ YG family/or whatever you expect them to be- but YG preferred ‘Empty’ which is good too but a lil less meaningful to the kids… You should also listen to their ‘Go Up’- that was the song they made for the finale of Who Is Next and it has so many feels about what they feel about competing with their brothers..

            Really Really is catchy indeed! And I love it when other celebrities try singing it and turn it into Lealy/Lily! 😛 … Ah yes Pricked was the Taehyun-Mino song right? i liked it too but I don’t think I have listened to it more than once.. I think I will play a lot of Winner songs today as background music while I read your story and poems

            You had work breakfast? I have heard of work lunches and dinners but that is the first time I am hearing work breakfast! Or do you mean work and breakfast- which would make sense- yes Obsessedmuch. Try doing some exercises at home perhaps? Or meditating? It often helps too.

            Yeah.. I had goosebumps when I read the lyrics of all of these songs..
            I just read on Soompi that Bobby drew inspiration from Fear for this song.. I mean I read the headline- didn’t really go to the article cuz I had a feeling the comment section wouldn’t have been healthy after the recent fandom fight..

            Aww.. how about you listen to some feel-good songs today instead of these!


          Well… at lot has happened in the last 4 hrs… hahaha woops.

          Hahaha aww I love that you know my bedtime… that’s so cute. What time is it there? My bedtime deadline?

          (Well now that you’ve got me talking about my writing more, you’re likely to get some of that! And I actually like talking about it… cos sometimes how stories start is really weird… awww how long are their half lives? Are they uranium? *bad joke*
          What sorts of ideas are they?)

          Oh well, that makes me feel better haha. I haven’t seen nearly any of their variety though… woops.
          So that album is on Spotify… I just for some reason didn’t listen to it before? *shrugs*
          Awww that kind of sucks. Why’d YG want Empty instead?
          … You should also listen to their ‘Go Up’- that was the song they made for the finale of Who Is Next and it has so many feels about what they feel about competing with their brothers..

          Ahahaha the R/L pronunciation mix up, in any non native English speaker, is quite hilarious and adorable. I also find it interesting that it is not just the Japanese and the Koreans that struggle with it (because they only have one sound and it’s a mix between the two) but also some Europeans mix them up. I
          wonder what it is about that tongue shape that people struggle with.
          Yeahp! Sure is!
          Will update you more on what I like when I’ve listened to more and know them more. Am still too new hehe.
          Ooooh did you have fun with that? Sounds like a really pleasant day.

          No, no, you were right the first time! A work breakfast. My work has them cos apparently it’s too hard to have dinners and nobody wants to go out? Which doesn’t really make an awful lot of sense to me, but oh well. So breakfasts it is!
          Although now that you mention it maybe getting up early and going to a cafe to work would be a good idea sometimes. Get me out of the house, treat myself, try get some writing done hmm… maybe when I’m less poor… haha

          All good suggestions. Now I just have to do them… ahhh see that’s why I like walks preferably with @burgundy because someone is there to hold me accountable. Otherwise it’s too easy to let the depression win *sigh* *ani. you can do it. hwaiting. himnae*

          Mmmm same. Gosh… that just made me think of the goosebumps you’d get from ANTI live… O.o
          Oooh really? Interesting… although… like… in what way? Idk, when I read the lyrics it seemed quite personal, but I guess one can be inspired by something and still write something personal. Duh.
          Probably a good idea. I can’t really handle any comment sections right now… and I’m dreading BTS’ comeback for that very reason even though the song sounds good… D:

          What did I listen to today… Jiyong this morning- mix of sad and hype.
          Then FTIsland on the way home from the breakfast. That was nice.
          More FTIsland when I went into town again. And Bobby’s album again this morning to get more of a feel to it and honestly, surprisingly I’ve had I Love You on repeat!!! Hehehe.


            A lot? Like what? You watching TLAHL?

            Around 4:30pm.. but you start saying you are tired from around 3:30 my time 😛

            (Good that you like talking about it- works out well for the both of us! 😀 Lol.. that was a really poor joke but here I am laughing like a good unni! 😀 Random ideas- fantasy, romance, thriller- but basically just a scene pops up ij my mind and remains there)

            I have no clue why YG chose Empty- maybe it went with whatever image he wanted to portray of Winner? I dunno, he wasn’t wrong though. They achieved an all-kill with their debut and were called monster-rookies (I think they debuted around the same time as BTS.. I have seen some old mean comments from armies about how Winner had it all easy cuz of YG name and how BTS had to work reeeely hard :/

            Europeans mix it up too? I didn’t know!
            Hee.. I will wait for that update!
            Nah.. that will happen now.. after 7pm when I am a lil more free..

            Wow! Work breakfast really sounds odd! Is it awkward? I wouldn’t want to have breakfast with office people probably.

            What time do you normally wake up?

            You really can! *hwaiting Sico*

            I went and read the article later (without venturing into the comment section)- He didn’e explain much- just that he was inspired from ‘Fear’ in general, specially the “living in CCTV” part..

            I checked the BTS teaser- seems interesting.. They are coming out this month right? It’s gonna be crazy.

            That sounds like a good lineup.. I checked a lil of Winner’s appearance on Hongkira- that was a perfect combination of my favourite people..


          1/2 Yes, watching TLAHL, making Ramen, getting dessert, replying to endless DB threads hehehe, getting burgundy into DB… etc etc… 😛

          Hahahahahaha ofc I do… that’s the sign I should be in bed already! But I don’t go!!! Cos I’m silly~!!

          (:D 😀 😀 Yay!!! And let me know if there is a specific story you want me to ramble about hehe… HAahaha well at least you laughed… 😛 😀
          I have this urge to cultivate those ideas… but if you don’t want to you don’t have too, my inner writer is just itchy hahahaha)

          Wooo. Go Winner!
          (Ahhh… see I do kind of understand those comments because BTS did come from smalI company and it’s hard to get to where they have off the back of a small company, they’ve done incredibly well.
          I do think YG has money and can pour that into their groups for sure, and they know how to make popular things, with polished performances and good producers and writers behind it all, which is often a guaranteed success (at least now it is- Blackpink for example)
          But, that being said, knowing what I know now about the industry, I don’t think anybody has it ‘easy’. And from my observations of Winner… they seem sort of niche among international fans? Like the fans that follow them recognise that they’re something unique and amazing, and they do well, but they never seem to be as viral as some groups? But I haven’t really gathered enough mental stats on that… just that Winner seems to do well where they are because they’re Winner and not because of YG.
          (That being said imo, even though I want all my boys to do well, I almost prefer that Block B and FTI aren’t as well known EVERYWHERE as BTS cos that means less fans to be nasty, and more community feel. Ofc, it also means people are missing out on a good thing but oh well haha)

          They do yeah! I can’t remember who it was… I think a native Portuguese speaker- who mixed them up. (So actually a Brazilian, but their first language is European by root)

          A bit different yes haha. No, not awkward. We’re all sassy bookish librarians and we all get along well hahaha.

          Ugh… depends. on the day. I still haven’t started waking up early regularly. It’s bad actually. Another symptom of depression (Sorry do I talk about this too much? idk… *is suddenly self conscious*) is either you sleep too little or too much…
          BUT sometimes even when I think I sleep in it’s only ever till like 8:30… hahaha.

          *Sico… pronounced like Zico I presume… I like this new nickname a lot alot hehehe ♥ ♥ ♥ *

          Ahhh cool (wise move lol) Mmm I can see that though… like how we were saying those songs have similar themes in them, because I think a lot of the artists in kpop feel the same thing sometimes, and just some of them write about it. So it makes sense that it’d resonate with him? “living in CCTV” hmmm such a good sad line.


            2/2 Yessss this month eeeeek. Actually in two days… the 18th…
            I’m sort of nervous and dreading it and feel bad for not being more excited, but then I saw the teaser this morning and Suga drew me in once more, so I’m nervous but excited for it now I think haha.
            I can tell it’s gonna be a hit. I don’t know how good or how much I will like it yet, but I can tell it’s gonna be a hit, in Korea and intl. THAT WHISTLE WILL BE STUCK IN MY HEAD FOR AYGES I CAN TELL YOU THAT.

            Oooh so many good Hongkira’s to put on my to watch list.


            Ah yes! That is a lot! Have we been way too active lately? The whole day just passes with just replying to notifications! I wonder if we will be this chatty when we actually meet up in real life! Do you talk a lot? I don’t!

            (I shall find you when I feel like getting those ideas into shape… I was discussing my future career options with one of my best friend who is now in London and she suddenly went all- why don’t you write a novel? I have full faith in you- and I was caught off-guard cuz I have never given her any inkling that I write! And I was all- but dear S, one needs to have that bent of mind and it is too late to cultivate mine! I guess to her an insane amount of interest translates into writing automatically.. How do I tell her that I am not even reading that much anymore!)

            So uh let me re-phrase: not that they have it easy but that they would be nothing without the YG name.. they are just a talent-less bunch of people getting by because of the YG name and being Big Bang’s hoobaes.. Obviously 1-2 comments do not make it a common belief among Army and Winner have thankfully proven themselves capable beyond doubt and BTS is too far ahead for any sort of competition/rivalry to happen..

            And yup you are right.. they do have a niche and quite casual international and even national fanbase. Like, while I read some comments about increasing the views and what not, other ICs are all about “do views even matter. Let’s just enjoy their music.” Which is really nice and refreshing. And just like you said about Block B and FTI- while I do want them to be more famous, it’s kinda nice that they don’t have that exploding popularity that could result in a lot of nastiness..

            A bunch of sassy bookish librarians sounds cool! Random question- do you wear specs? I just suddenly pictured you in cat-eye frames.

            No no.. you don’t talk about it much. And you can talk about it if it helps. I can’t really provide much help but I guess talking/ writing about problems might help?

            Oh yes! I think it was made in one of Kaybee and my conversation.. Was it not in the party planning thread? But yeah, not like sick-o but Zico 😀

            Yeah.. if everybody started writing it, it wouldn’t be that meaningful.. it would just become the norm.. That line/ that song is what made me a Mino fan and I didn’t even want to go check the song out because it had no MV and the SMTM stage looked very dark- it was Winner’s random dance on WI that got me there because they were out of sync in all their dances and when Fear started playing it just suddenly seemed like they had a set choreo for it- when, as you know, it really has no choreo! 😛


            I am sure the album will be brilliant because it does look that good already even to a third party(me!).. And is Suga the blue haired one? I am loving that look! That whistle was kinda creepy.. like something is about to happen!

            But at the same time why am I imagining a barricade behind which countless no of Armies are just lying in wait and as soon as the album drops, the barricades will be broken down, the floodgates will open up and there will be an outpouring of fans! Like I am imagining YT not working! 😛 There must also be many new fans since that Billboards award got them international recognition..


          1/2 I don’t know!?! Maybe?/ I did have all of last week off? Maybe that was it.
          I also just discovered that one of your threads and our convos has 165 comments… 😛
          Ahhh- it depends! If it’s about writing or something I’m passionate about I won’t shut up. But I don’t get energy from other people or talking, (actually, too much of too many people drains me really fast)and my best friends and I can do nothing and be in the same room and that’s fine.
          So I can talk lots. But then I can go ages without talking either. 😛

          (Ani! You are never to old to cultivate that! Never too old. Tsk tsk.
          You do sort of have to WANT to do it though. It’s not something that should be forced. Encouraged yes, and pushed yes (cos writers are serial procrastinators) but you can’t force creativity…
          Dude… I AM a writer and I rarely read at the moment! Although I miss it. Haha
          You could write a novel hehehe please do come see me if you ever have the inkling to :P)

          Lol wat Winner? Talentless? What kind of bullshit is that? *haters are so irrational*
          I’m almost glad? They’re so far ahead? That the only other group that is on the same wavelength of popularity is EXO? Cos I’m so glad I don’t have to deal with them VS anyone else. And even then the AMRY vs EXO-L thing is so silly haha.
          Niche, casual but classy. That’s Winner hahaha
          Dude really? YES! That’s the kind of fanbase you want. Who cares about the views, we’re all here for the music anyway. Views is not the only form of support.
          Mmmm exactly.
          *squints at Zico’s haters though*

          Hahaha! We are preety cool if I do say so myself 😛
          AHAHAHA no! I do not. But I think I suit them? Idk I’ve tried on mum’s before. And I have a lazy eye so I’ll probably end up wearing them one day since I’m long sighted.

          Okay… that’s good. Thank you. No I think sometimes I just need to vent/ writing has always helped me process things so typing it out to you probably helps like that for sure.

          Was it?>?? I might’ve missed it?! Either way I like it a lot! Hehehe

          But not everyone does. In fact… it’s sometimes sort of taboo to delve so deep like that. The Last for example, almost straight up mentions suicide.
          I don’t really think it’s normal anywhere to be honest. It takes a lot of strength to put something like that out to the world in any culture.

          Awww the things that hook us in, eh. (Hee I loved the SMTM stage… :P)
          Hahahaha! That’s cute. Oh man, it’s like Walking in the Rain by Block B! On their last WI episode UKwon started this stupid as dance to it that they all instantly mimicked and so for ayges I couldn’t take the song seriously cos I’d always just see them meme dancing to it! And then I read the lyrics and I was like GUYS THIS IS SUCH A SAD SONG WHY ARE YOU MEME DANCING TO IT hahaha

          Now I want to go watch Winner on WI


            2/2 (also… I know have a WinKon playlist on my Spotify. And a WinKon folder in my Korea folder in my pictures, in which there are iKON, WINNER, MOBB and Aesthetic sub folders, and a sub folder for every Winner member even though I only have 1 picture of Mino at the moment… lol)
            ((I don’t know if you find picture saving like that creepy but I’m the Picture Squirrel remember, and I like to organise my pictures folders super detailed, and I like pretty faces, and bone structure, and gifs, and memes… seriously my ‘Korea- ruining my life since Jan 2015’ folder is more organised than my life will ever be…)

            Oh! That made me happy. That even you can tell it will be good haha.
            I don’t know why… maybe I just expect negativity around BTS… that’s such a sad thing to expect. Oh dear.
            HE IS THE BLUE HAIRED ONE YES! OMO YOU RECOGNISED HIM YAY! I know right?? @burgundy and I were just discussing how he looks so good with pastel hair colours for someone with such naturally pale ass skin. He had mint hair once, Mint Yoongi was a great thing. Blue Yoongi is pretty close too. Haha lol lookit me fangirling over his hair.

            Yeah… the whistle. Someone on here (maybe umbrellaman) said it reminded her of the Kill Bill whistle haha.

            That is. LITERALLY what WILL happen. That’s what has happened ever since Wings last year! The views will freeze and they’ll break like another bajillion random YT records. IT’S TERRIFYING. THEIR TEASER HAS 11M VIEWS!? Some artists actual MVs don’t get that high? Like… wtf.
            Yeah, they have a lot of new fans from that for sure haha. There were some hilarious twitter posts about that.


    Are you going back to work this week? How are those 2 art commissions coming along?
    Yeah I noticed that 😀 I think it’s already something like 168.. And I am yet to read and comment on 2 poems and one story! It can touch 200!

    (I am a serial procrastinator so at least I have that part all covered already 😉 And definitely, I will come ask for your help if I ever do start trying to write one)

    That reminds me have you seen 3 Exo members’ appearance on Happy Together? It was hilarious cuz one of the other guests was a BTS fan- this is just a clip from there, watch it from around 4:30min-

    Good then 🙂

    Now I feel like watching that episode of WI with Block B… i recently went and watched one of BTS’ WI episodes because when I watched it first, I didn’t know who/what they were.

    Watch it when you get time! Winner has only come on WI like twice! One when they had just debuted and one for Fate Number For (Really Really)- it’s funny how Winner had their debut back in 2014 and since then have only released 4 albums, out of which 2 were released this year!

    2/2 (Ooh really? That’s good to hear! You at least know most of their songs 🙂 That is a start! I have some photos saved of some actors and Winner in my DB folder but they were mostly for uploading here)
    (No not creepy and ofcourse I remember our organized hoarder! 😛 Hahha.. I love the name- ‘Korea- ruining my life since Jan 2015’ I can never be that organized..)

    It does look quite good yes.. But I just have this foreboding.. Like I would not like to be around on 18th to maybe 22nd on YT! 😛 But they are coming on Knowing Bros and the preview looks fun!

    Yes I did! small steps I guess and I might end up recognizing them al- till now I know RM, V, Suga and Jhope from that crazy ass gif.. Hahah.. was that why you said you like a guy who can carry off mint hair when you saw Mino’s hair in the teaser pics? That boy has now gone on to a light shade of purple (thought you might like it) from some reports, though in photos it just looks blonde..

    There were 1M views for a fan video of that whistle along with some old video shots.. It was edited well and I guess people confused it for the actual video.. So yeah I can see how it’s gonna be crazy!

    Oh and I found a Winner- BTS mashup in my recommended videos.. ‘Twas Pretty decent..


      I have one 3 hr day of work this week and it’s actually horrible because work means I have something to DO! otherwise I just spiral ugh.
      Art commissions… sigh need to draw lots this week, end of story.

      (hahahaha *one of us* *one of us*)

      I might’ve seen a meme about it?? (most of my EXO knowledge comes from memes…) but I just watched some of it and it’s quite funny. I love how Chanyeol (the tall red head) is just dying at the shade the girls throw 😛 Lol, they took it well, despite fan backlash. Because YEAH EXO AND BTS ARE FRIENDS PEOPLE GOSH.

      There’s only like two of Block B too! The one after Toy came out is pretty funny. A mess, but typical Block B. 😛
      Hahaha oh really? Which one did you watch???

      I can never decide if so little YG albums is better than two comebacks a year like some companies or not… I was gonna say how FTI does is better, 1 album a year, but they’ve had 1 Japanese and 1 Korean album for the past 3 years… so… nevermind.

      Well no… it’s mostly just Bobby and Winner at the moment!!! hahahaha but we’ll get there. I don’t even know all of iKon’s names… :O
      Glad it’s not too creepy hahaha.
      So organised, you have no idea… you should see my Seventeen folder hahaha

      It’s going to be a bit crazy on there for a while yes… O.o I wonder what records they will break this time.
      I just saw that on some else’s wall! It does look fun. (and seems to have typical BTS variety things that I like yayayay haven’t watched them on anything for ayges. Then again they haven’t been on anything in ayges)

      Hahaha yay. Hahahaha ahhh yes that gif… Hobi in his natural habitat lmao.
      That would maybe be why yes… him and Jiyong… 😛
      Ooooh really? Purple is great too (ofc)! But doesn’t get done enough in kpop imo!!!! (Hence the character hahahahaha)

      Yeah… ARMY+views is no joke D.D

      Ooooooh cool? Who was it by? and what songs?


        No spiraling this week- keep yourself busy with your art commissions.. Does drawing become tedious if it is for someone else, according to specifications?

        Yeah all 3 were pretty okay about it.. They even joked about it! And isn’t V friends with everyone in the industry??

        I have watched both Block B ones I think… The latest I think- lot of sexy girl group dance going on..

        Hahhaa… do you mean only MOBB by that? That is only 1/4 + 1/7 of Winkon! 😛
        I know some names from iKON but that is only because I watched Who Is Next..

        Island and Fire-
        But when I went searching for this, there were a couple of others too like Blood,Sweat&Tears + Really Really and Fool + Awake(I hadn’t ever heard this one but Awake sounds good and gels well with Fool)


          These past two days have been horrible so I hope if gets better.
          Noooo not really. Both of these have pretty broad specs so I can kinda do whatever I want.

          V is friends with everyone in the acting and idol industry apparently. And probably other industries too hehehe He just makes friends with everything, cats, dogs, small children… flowers 😛

          Oh yes… it did… pffffffffffft. *smh*

          Well no, like Winner songs, and then, Bobby songs. So not really MOBB, since there are actually no MOBB songs ON that playlist, even though I love MOBB.
          So it’s 4/4 or 5/5 since it has older Winner stuff in it, and so far 1/7 of iKon… 😛 SO FAR. IT’S NEW. IT WILL GET MORE.
          Oh look at you hehehe

          (my purple haired character…)

          Ooh. Fire and Island… and interesting combination. Not something I would of thought of before.
          I will check them more out tomorrow because I need bed now.
          (Awake is a solo Jin song of the Wings album. Which is a good album btw, you should check it out some time)


            It was bad today too? That’s not good! *sending you hugs and happy thoughts* Hope it gets better soon!

            Lol flowers? Interesting! Now that I think of it, he was in Hwarang, right? or was he in Moonlovers?

            Sounds good! It’s a start 🙂
            Funny thing though, I knew Bobby and B.I. even before WIN cuz they came on RM and Bobby was in that LeeHi video and I think BI was on Mari and Me.. And I knew no one from Winner! 😛

            (Ah yes!)

            Go sleep. Good night! 🙂
            (I shall check it out soon!)


          tODAY, Tueday is so far better so that’s nice… 🙂 *hugs back* thank you. ANd sorry for like ‘oh today was shit, but no now it’s better’ updates… hope you don’t mind.
          Also, I will say it here, do you think DNA sounds sort of very YG esque? Idk why I thought that just now, but the chorus reminds me of Blackpink and the bridge sounds GDragon-y… or is that just me?

          Yeahp! Bon Voyage S1 (a summer special variety thing Bighit does for just BTS) in Sweden, he got lost on a challenge by himself, and instead of being worried he was busy appreciating the wild flowers 😛 hehe
          Hwarang. Not Moonlovers thank goodness. Although neither was very good! Although I actually though V did a very good job of his small role in Hwarang. The writing was kinda average but he acted it very well.
          Baekhyun from EXO was in ML. V and Baek are sometimes compared in looks a lot. I don’t know why I’m telling you this but oh well.
          When I can BTS info dump I will I guess haha

          Ahaha! I’ve seen that episode of RM! They were super shy but also vry cute.

          (and when you do you must tell me what you think, ofc…)


            Comment was deleted


            *not the bridge but the ‘lalalalala’ at the end of it.
            (Pretty sure DNA is the song I was listening too when I wrote this *is suddenly not sure* haha)


            I need updates! *unni mode on* Tell me if u have a bad day- I will try and make it better and tell me if u have a good day- we will enjoy it together 😊

            *shifty eyes* I didn’t like DNA much- except the whistling and the colours.. and have already forgotten it! I will check it again to see if I see any resemblance.. maybe I should check other songs from the album..

            Haha… he sounds interesting! Reminds me of Jinwoo- the boy took 3 hours to cover a 10-20 min walk to a building he could see! No sense of direction that boy..

            *Tries to remember V in Hwarang*.. yeah he was cute and did the dying scene quite well- I mean I dropped that show at ep17 but I checked out that dying scene… Baek did the similar scene well in ML too… what’s with rookie acting idols dying in saeguks!!

            I do that to you too.. so I don’t mind it! You tell me random stuff abt BlockB and BTS and I will do the same with WINNER..

            I loved BI doing that dance.. it’s quite sad I ended up not liking him much after watching a but of Mix and Match… Bobby is a cutie through and through…

            (But obviously 👍)


          Okay! I will hehehe thanks for the support.
          OH hahah I forgot where this thread went so I’ll just tell you here… you know the landline I lost? Well my brother found it. It was outside… it rained two days ago… so it might be dead for good lmaoooo!!! Thought you’d appreciate that

          Hahaha that’s ok. 😛
          Despite it growing on me a lot since then, last night, even though I listened to it and Best of Me several times on repeat, I still had Island by Winner stuck in my head before going to sleep… hahaha

          He is a bit of a precious strange child sometimes. He actually gets called 4D by lots of people (members included) but he doesn’t really like being called that. I think it’s because he just thinks about things very differently from everyone else on the team and has a lot of quirks. He’s really a darling though. Seriously, wouldn’t even hurt a literal fly because he said ‘life is precious’ (happened on a VLive lol)
          LMAOOO! How on earth did he manage that?!?!?! That’ hilarious.

          *tries to remember anything about hwarang* *i mean… wat?* 😛 😛
          You dropped it but you watched the dying scene??? LOL!
          Idk, must be a rite of passage or something. Fun fact about Baek’s dying scene: Apparently LJK had to give him acting and dying directing tips because the actual director didn’t tell Baek anything… -.-
          Hahahaha deal! Speaking of Block B, all this BTS is making me miss them for some reason.
          Also apparently even Korean BBCs are starting to comment on sites and stuff that they miss Block B like crazy and just WHEN IS THEIR COMEBACK 7S? I mean really, too many hints and not enough actual info 🙁

          Haven’t seen Mix and Match… why don’t you like him?
          Bobby is a such an adorable thing. Which is hilarious cos on stage he’s like Energy and Swag pumped up x100, when in reality he still has his stuffed Pooh Bear from when he was a kid. Ahhh people who are juxtapositions, I love it.


            Hahhaha.. you left it lying around outside!?! It’s amazing how you managed to do that! Do your parents know? Are you gonna get scolded for it?

            Lol talk about unexpected!! Island! Not even Bobby’s latest?? Tch tch tch… 😉

            Did you know that is the belief of a religion actually? In India there is a religion called ‘Jaininsm’ whose followers believe that hurting even an insect is wrong.. The extreme believers/ gurus sweep the floor before they walk so as not to hurt ants or other creatures who could be on the path..

            That was actually the video that first got me into Winner! Kaybee shared it after she had shared one of Jinwoo’s pics(where he looked like a cross between Jong Suk and Wookie- talk about sth that would gain instant attention)… It was during Winner Tv days- he had a day to himself to travel in Japan where he wanted to- the other 4 had paired up.. So he decided to go to a Japan tower (I forget the name now) that was visible from his hotel.. He came out of the same subway in the same spot thrice! It was freaking hilarious! And then he got lost in the hotel lobby another time… He kept roaming around trying to find the exit! 😛

            Hahha… people kept talking about how well he dies 😛 Had to check it out! The director seems to have not done a lot of things that he was supposed to in ML! (also Interesting that one guy each from EXO and BTS was chosen in a saeguk.. must have been a casting trend- something like “we have got acting covered, looks covered, now who will bring the younger gen? Let’s take an idol from a popular group”)

            Block B suddenly seems to have become silent! Or maybe I haven’t been paying attention!

            Hard to explain actually.. He just came across as a lil rude and self- centered- which is not actually a negative thing because he is talented at both writing lyrics and choreographing and he did wonderful as a leader and has every right to be confident in himself- but just something irritated me- it could also be an editing thing though… (and I might sound biased here and I don’t want to compare the 2 groups- but the finale performance of Who Is Next started this- Winner’s lyrics were all about walking together- 110 fingers going up together (and achieving the dreams) while B.I.’s lyrics were about his struggle when leadership was put upon him- which was goosebump inducing but not really team-spirity? and eesh.. I just did compare the 2 groups!)

            Did you manage to watch iKON’s WI appearance? Gosh, I am still laughing at Bobby’s shyness!


This is hilarious and you should all watch it 😛
I think the guy in the table is Hangzoo, winner of SMTM6 but don’t quote me on that?????
Anyway- 잘 자 beanies.


    I haven’t seen SMTM6 but the title reads it’s Woo Won Jae… (Who was third place, according to Soompi.)
    But it’s hilarious nonetheless! Sleep well. 🙂


      OH OK! I knew it had SOMETHING to do with SMTM… I just couldn’t remember what… and hangul wasn’t helping me understand haha.
      Thank you for pointing that out to me. 🙂

      (So funny right) Thank you! I hope so!


        You’re welcome! 🙂 Always happy to help with my limited knowledge.


      Woo Won Jae,the same guy who recently got an all-kill with his song featuring GRAY & Loco,if I remember correctly.


        Yes, your memory is good! I read it on Soompi today and listened to it too. It’s a good song, especially the lyrics.


          it was so good. I didnt really watch SMTM 6 unlike previous years.but when I saw some clips from AOMG artists’s IGs, the song totally got my attention


DOH! That Age of Youth S1 Episode 8 Epilogue (with all the boys!!!) They\’ve had like three scenes together and I\’m shipping Ji Won and Sung Min a looooooot!


I drew a creepy-ish mask today and Zico over here getting free White Night and peaceminusone merch from YG 😛
Officially back on board the AoY boat… gonna catch up in time to watch S2 with y’all.
잘 자요 beanies ~


    Awesome! Now I remember what you said about Eun Ho.


      I don’t even remember what I said about Eun Ho… what did I say?!


        You said if you were Eun Ho, you would draw Tae Woon in his birthday suit.


          Either I was drunk (but I’ve never been drunk) or that was not me…O.o


            Or was it about Eun Ho’s story hitting close to home? That episode where she talked about her dream of becoming an artist but her webtoon had few viewers.


            LMAO I am trying to imagine u saying anything about drawing people in Birthday suits! Drawing a big blank!


          THAT was me yes.
          Hello, my name is poorstarvingartistandwriter, nice to meet you. 😉


          I will. I do… I try and post one every or every other night! There’s quite a few on there now… although you’d have to scroll through heaps of other stuff to find them all haha
          I don’t know if you use insta but:


          Ahh kamsahamnida!


    This is so good! And now I am thinking of masquerade balls and how we haven’t seen those in kdramas.. Or have we?


      Thank you! Hmmmm I don’t think I’ve seen one in a modern kdrama. But there’s plenty of masks in Sageuk-land haha


        Oh yes! That is indeed true.. Jun Ki’s half mask instantly comes to mind!


          That and Ruler Master of the MASK, and I seem to remember a few masks in other ones too, or at least hidden faces, like Moonlight Drawn By Clouds.
          I need to watch more sageuks really.


            Lol yeah! I had forgotten there was a show with the word Mask in it. Actually, 2 shows. There is another ‘Mask’- though I don’t think it has any literal masks in it.


          Oh yeah there is eh haha
          Oh and Gaksital! That has a mask in it doesn’t it.


            Ah yes! Although I haven’t seen that one despite rave reviews. I tried one episode and got bored. I am guessing it got really better later!


          Haha oh no~! It’s been on my thriller list for a while, haven’t seen it yet though


So I picked up Age of Youth again because all of the S2 posts made me want to watch it all with you…
See what you guys do to me? Gosh.


    We need more people to share the agony of waiting for subs.

    Sharing is caring.


      I’ll let you know when I finish S1 then hahaha




          … Patience is a virtue? 😛
          I just noticed though that even doesn’t have subs for ep 5 and 6… which is REALLY SLOW SO I FEEL YOUR PAIN EVEN THOUGH I’M NOT UP TO S2 YET


            Don’t just feel it! Finish Season 1 and join us!


            This makes me not want to start it! The wait would be quite horrible! Maybe I should wait till ep 12 is out! Or maybe just wait till it ends!


          I’m working on it haha


Thai or Pizza guys? For dinner?


    Thai or Pizza guys?? You have “them” for dinner?


      Ahhh yes, yes I do. They’re quite tasty.
      (A+ grammar shade btw. I approve hahahaha)


        Lol.. I will have to take your word for it
        (Why thank you 😉 )

        Also, to answer your poll about today’s dinner- Thai! I am craving some Thai food, so you eat and I will just be content vicariously! (But I guess you might get some answers along the lines of “Pizza, the answer is always pizza”)


          😛 😛 apparently I’m a cannibal now as well as an assassin? pffahaha (so not, I don’t like cannibalism, plus it makes you crazy… er craz-IER)

          So far all the people I’ve asked have said Thai, so it’s looking like Thai haha.


            (Hahahaha…. Never watched/read Hannibal because even the idea seemed a lil too much! I mean, I have watched Dexter, so I can handle crazy concepts but not that!)

            Ooh goody!


          (Me either hah. But that’s more that I just never got the hype and couldn’t be bothered…
          Hahaha. Same)
          And now I’m hungry so to order!


        Lol, when comments have more upvotes!
        (People do read conversations!)


          Hahahaha I know right… makes me wonder how far people read of some of our longer ones… O(.o


            I have a feeling they would have gotten bored.. I mean we go on for a long time.. how many could they actually keep track of!?! But yeah, the beginning 20 or so comments could have been read… and that is.. well, not surprising, but sudden realisation and hence a lil weird..
