Beanie level: Eunuch in drag

Ep14 is the first School 2017 episode I didn’t like :C But I’ll leave my thoughts for the recap. Meanwhile here’s the one screenshot I managed to take! 😊 I wish Kyungwoo had more scenes.


    Awww…was it bad?


      It wasn’t bad, but the way the conflicts were handled and resolved didn’t have the same flair as earlier episodes. It may just be me, though, so I won’t give further details that may skew your watch!


      Maybe it’s more like “Was it painful?”
      I just hope there won’t be too much noble idiocy going around, whether in romantic relationship or friendship. *finger crossed*


    I think… idk am I allowed to talk about it with you now? Haha or should I wait?


      Yes please share your thoughts!


        I know what you mean, about how the conflict was handled. I think… I think it has a lot to do with the structure of the show, which is probably the editor. Or the director. Or both. Because the way they showed everything to us, meant it lost a lot of its impact, because we got it backwards.
        The editing has been this shows biggest downfall imo, in other episodes as well, but it’s more of an issue now because we’re reaching the end and we need stronger, and this was weaker.
        I think the Sa Rang arc was needed but if wasn’t played out very well at all, and they spent a lot of time on some things, when we’ve got several unfinished side-side arcs that I’m worried won’t get the time of day in the last week.


          Agreed about the Sarang arc. It had so much potential, because female friendships affected by a new friend/ relationship isn’t something typically portrayed in dramas. But they botched it by using the blackmail plot line so that it became a simple matter of Sarang betraying them/ not sharing her problems, when what she suffered because of Eunho’s negligence was so much more complex.

          Also, the editing 🙁 It was like they were trying too hard to make it a twist and Sarang gets thrown under the bus for it (if you see some YouTube clips, a lot of people are blaming her for betraying them/ not sharing her problems :/)


            I think it has some good moments in it, I liked that they both realised they were in the wrong. But it didn’t have quite the same impact as some other scenes did. The words wise, the “fight” between TW/EH had some much deeper messages which I appreciated. This arc didn’t quite live up to its potential.
            Although! Guitar-Guys scenes are always good, and poingant and thought provoking at least. I’d like to have seen how he influenced SR’s thinking though…

            Ahhh they can’t blame her! It’s exactly what EH did to TW a few episodes ago! People clam up when they have problems. I actually thought that parallel at least was good, but they almost dragged it out too much, I just want SR to tell her already, I’m not sure.
            Aiiishh now I’m just nitpicking nilly willy, I should sit down and think about what I didn’t like and why. But it is a bit bitsy, the things I didn’t like. And I’ve ignored it up till now because I was just enjoying all the good things.


          Second thing that bothered me: why so many Taewoon and Eunho scenes that aren’t helping with either plot or character development? Did we really need to spend… 10? 15+? minutes on the Taewoon limping prank, did Eunho really need to faint to the extent of having to be brought to the hospital? Or was that just so they could happen to walk past the florist for Taewoon to do his swoony thing?

          I like the main couple a lot, but with so many other storylines needing movement, it got frustrating. Plus I wish we saw something more from Eunho’s side, because it’s Taewoon who keeps giving (though this gender imbalance is endemic to most Kdrama love lines).


            I don’t mind the main couple, because well, that’s why I’m here, but I agree that I wanted more of everyone else. Bora and the other girl, Nam Joo and Daw Hwi, Kang Woo, Issue, the other teachers, which aren’t present anymore, they each have important arcs that the show was doing well with and now they’re not really there?
            At least TW giving is not out of character… I mean, he’s been doing it all show haha. But I know what you mean.
            So yes I agree with you. This often happens with shows though, the last two weeks are the weakest (although for the life of me I still can’t really figure out why! I know stories are hard to end well, but really?)


          And finally, I will never be not salty about them casting Seo Jihoon and giving him 1 minute of screen time. Heck, even Choo Wooshik’s extended cameo in Fight My Way got more air time in the first half of the show than all of the Kyungwoo appearances combined over this series.

          The thing is, I wouldn’t have been bothered if he were a minor minor character. But he’s on the official character relations map and it marks Sarang, Kyungwoo and Issue as having a love triangle. Everyone else on that map got a story arc (Officer Sooji, Teacher Shim, Namjoo + the 3 leads). I suspect their story got clipped to make way for more Eunho and Taewoon because they were super well-received.


            Kyungwoo* woops it’s terrible that I don’t even know his name haha
            With you on everything there!!!!
            Probably… hmmm alas, because I often love the secondary sweet stories, they’re just cute and refreshing.


          It’s odd cos usually it doesn’t take very much for me to be distracted by a show’s weaknesses, but the writing and directing here held me where the editing failed. So once the writing weakens, like in this episode, it loses its pull and the flaws start to look more glaring.

          That was interesting, the parallel you mentioned. Open communication is a recurring theme, but what bothers me about the way they handled Sarang’s case was that they didn’t sufficiently highlight the difference between her and Eunho with Taewoon. Eunho clammed up because she assumed Taewoon wouldn’t understand since he’s rich, but Sarang clammed up because the way Eunho has been behaving towards her understandably made her feel Eunho didn’t care enough about her anymore. So it wasn’t so much that she should have told her but chose not to, but she couldn’t have because one does not spill one’s guts to a bestie who is neglecting you.


            Uhm, same. Usually I’m pulling it apart automatically haha. And I did see the flaws, I just didn’t really want to dwell on them, cos I was busy enjoying myself.
            “So once the writing weakens, like in this episode, it loses its pull and the flaws start to look more glaring.” Hit the nail on the head there, my dear.

            I apologise for my really wayward all over the place thoughts, usually I’m more coherent haha.
            Mmmm very true there, SaRang clammed up because she no longer trusted EH, because she’d been neglected. I think they were getting to it, at the end of the first fight scene with the box of things, they were almost there… but then they cut scenes, and went back to it later, and the dialogue wasn’t as strong, and I’d forgotten what happened in the first scene.
            So, awkward editing, and weaker dialogue. Shame really, since we’ve done so well so far.


          It’s okay, I just woke up not long ago so my thoughts are all over the place too.

          I am so prepared to make a passionate defence on the recap for the cinnamon roll that is Sarang, ha.

          Also, I’m gonna get eaten alive for this so I’m just going to say it here instead of on the recap: a big reason why Eunho has been neglecting Sarang is because Taewoon is possessive and it’s not cute. And Eunho was complicit in letting him stick to her. That kind of all-engulfing attention can seem sweet at first but he just keeps trying to stake his claim on her (even though it comes off as funny, such as in that lunch scene).


            Haha I’ll back you up. You know, if Beanies start hating on her, but I hope they see all sides.

            Okay but I’ve actually been thinking something similar. (So I won’t eat you, don’t worry. :P)
            That in any other main lead, we’d find Taewoon’s antics annoying and inappropriate. So why is it that we’re “swooning” over him?
            I’ve been trying to figure it out actually. (Still am. So the following is just me theorizing.) And I’m not sure how much to base on the characters themselves, that is, is there enough in canon to give reason to it, or is it just a result of the (lack of) writing, and therefore has no deeper meaning?

            If we take the first approach- I do think he respects her, I think he cares for her a lot, and I think he loves her.
            Perhaps, now I might be grasping at straws a bit here, since there’s been no indication of this, but if we were to take him as a human, why would a human act that way, well, he has no mother figure, and then EH comes into his life, and she likes him back, and treasuring that and protecting that so he doesn’t lose that precious female figure again would make sense. That’d be how I’d explain it, if I had to. But I don’t know if we really have enough to say that that’s what’s happening. Maybe next week will give us more, maybe not.
            I also think she doesn’t let it get to her, and is capable of putting him in his place when necessary. But that also means that she sort of lets him run wild a bit. And because she was so hung up in the excitement of hanging out with him, and learning about him, that she sort of forgot about Sa Rang.

            But! I think, it is probably, just how they’re written. It’s always tricky because I think the writer has the potential to give him that depth, with his mother and all, I mean, I loved his and DH’s arc for that reason, it had some really good stuff behind it, but I don’t think that’s her intention to write him that way? On the other hand doubt the writer means for him to come off as negatively possessive either, I think it’s just supposed to be cute.
            And he’s borderline, the way it’s done. I know of far more possessive guys where it just gets nasty; Taewoon is just an alpha male who needs knocking down a peg or two. By EH preferably. Like how she did at the start.
            And, if we want to give reason to her NOT doing it, canonically, then probably just because she’s wrapped up in the bliss of new romance. (when really it’s probably just that it hasn’t crossed the writer’s mind and they’re focusing on other things)


          Lmao, if you put our analyses together it’s practically an essay XD Which I think is a testament to how well-written the characters are, even if they don’t come off well in certain ways not intended by the writer.

          Actually Taewoon’s clinginess makes a whole lot of sense now that you mentioned the absence of his mum. It seems like he also latched onto Joonggi for that reason, which is why his death broke Taewoon. And also because the way his dad expresses affection is very limited and several times removed from the way normal humans express affection. So when Eunho surprised him with her insight on why he bikes (the same reason for why she draws), it was probably the first time in a long time that he felt seen and understood.

          And yes, Eunho is definitely in the honeymoon phase. I liked that the writing had Daehwi and Eunho both call Taewoon out on his temper, and Sarang saying that many of his X pranks are childish was on point. For how earnest and cute and dedicated he is, he’s not perfect, and we need these reminders. And his willingness to go all out with his actions is both his strength and weakness, isn’t it?


            Hahaha well yes if you’ve seen what I wrote for Lookout… >.>

            Yes! Exactly! His dad not only expresses limited affection, but actually beats his child, meaning there is no way TW would want to go to him for any kind of care of understanding. Cue EH and Joonggi, who both understand him and want him to be a better person.
            Probably also why he was so hurt with DH not being there for him after JG’s death and funeral, since it hurts more when the people you trust hurt you back.
            And yes, the fact that I can write hypothetical reasons for these characters doing things is a testament to good character writing for the most part. If I’d been wtf-ing with no reason, then it’d just be shoddy writing haha. The fact that there is a plausible reason for him to act that way is a good thing, whether it was intentional or not.

            Yes, and agreement to all of your last paragraph. I don’t think I have anything to add haha!


      (I wasn’t gonna to talk about it with @outofthisworld because she hadn’t watched it yet!)


        (p.s. did you watch it as soon as it came out? Where do you live and do you speak Korean? Or was it subbed really quickly? O.o )


          I’m in Singapore! And I live streamed from KBS2TV’s website (I know some intermediate Korean so I can get about 60% of what they’re saying, the rest I put together based on visual cues 😅).


            Ahhh cool! Ahhh lucky! That’s really awesome. Where I want to be at one day hehe.


Also, bonus points to Bora for noticing Sarang’s expression! I hope she reaches out because I’m totally up for this budding friendship :’) #School2017


    I’m loving Bora, I’m happy that the writer has given her character more depth in the last few episodes. She’s more than just a helpless bullied girl. You go girl!


My cinnamon roll puppers 💜💜 I love how Kyungwoo always pats Sarang on the head in that doting way, and how they’re just nyam-nyaming the juice as a bewildered and annoyed Issue looks on 😁 #School2017


    He strokes her hair–and she allows it/is ok with it–gives her sage advice, knows exactly what would cheer her up…and she’s clueless? Love sometimes. Always there, but never aware.


      Eunho and Taewoon are fun/ funny to watch with their awkward hijinks and bickering, but it’s these two and their calm, comfortable presence when they are with each other (and always eating ha) that’s capturing my heart.


Starting yesterday I had some strange symptoms that I thought might indicate appendicitis, and my thought process went:
1) Eek what if I need surgery, will my belly get cut open and leave a scar?
2) Omg what if I get a panic attack just as they are administering the anaesthesia? (I haven’t undergone surgery before and I am an anxious person)

Seconds later, me, realising this is an official sign that I am a drama addict:


    (Fortunately, it’s not appendicitis, just a combination of two issues I won’t mention because TMI. I’ve taken my meds and the symptoms are abating!)


      (Oh good haha Both my brothers and my best friend have had it, and it’s not great.)


    They do appendix removal by key hole surgery these days and go in through your belly button, so pretty much no scar, at all.
    Pfahahaha but loving the priorities. And hope you don’t actually have it!


      Oh, that’s a relief to know for future purposes! I had insomnia last night (hormone-induced) so I was lying there Googling about the surgery in this anxiety-ridden state and I must’ve missed the new less-invasive surgery type ^^”


        Oh gosh!! That doesn’t sound like the wisest thing you could’ve done!!! Hahaha
        Yeah, my little brother was about 5 when he had it so they had to go in through the belly muscle wall, and now he has a mean as scar that he tells people is from the time he got mugged to mess with them haha.


    Glad you don’t have appendicitis! That would be terrible, and anything that screws with your drama watching schedule is a bummer.

    I just accidentally committed myself to dinner plans tomorrow at the time when I usually watch the episode. Oops. Was semi-considering cancelling but am pretty sure my mother would murder me?


      Ahaha yes please don’t cancel real life plans especially if it’s with your family or good friends! I won’t post spoilers to tempt you (: Though other Beanies might ?


        Haha, yeah, don’t worry, I’d never really cancel. Life comes before drama always. (Plus the person we’re meeting came all the way from the motherland, so I’m definitely not missing seeing her.) I’ll just see if the subs are out before dinner, then maybe watch early. If not, no biggie, I can wait until after. I can always avoid spoilers if I stay off DB and Tumblr.

        Though, I can’t lie there have been some more tedious family dinners where I wish I were more of a brat and could justify taking on my phone at the table. But we gave my dad so much crap for that that I can never keep my phone out at the table anymore.


    Glad to know you don’t have appendicitis! Anyway, feel better soon!


*Mild School 2017 Spoiler*

Although the preview teased more of the love line, the thing I love most about this show is how it gives ample time to other storylines and relationships too, not just the romance :’)


IT\’S NOT A FANTASY HEE But there\’s a twist, damn this drama knows how to hit you right in the feels when you least expect it 😭😭


One thing I love about school dramas is the cast is all around the same age range so they have a lot of fun on set 😊 #School2017 #…OrSaveMe(#CreepyVibes) #ButKeepScrollingForTheCute


Time flies, it’s going to be September this weekend 😲 Looking forward most to A Season for Ourselves and the drama special with Ra Miran and the little girl!


10 more hours and we’ll get to find out if this scene is reality or fantasy 👀 #School2017 #Only1WeekLeft #😭


Speaking of School 2017… poor Sarang had to find out about her bestie’s relationship in such an embarrassing way :'( Since we had an episode for the boys to mend their friendship, fingers crossed this episode will be for Eunho to bridge the widening gap that she hasn’t been plugging despite her earlier apology!


I’m now a Eunuch in Drag! I totally have School 2017 to thank for this 😂




      Thank you! 😊 You always leave congratulations on levelling up posts, so kind of you 💕


        I do. We have to celebrate the Beanie achievements! 😃


    Congrats. 🎉🎉🎉


    Congrats! No longer a noble idiot right? (I lost track of the various levels hehe)

    Anyway, now you can go look for your Crown Prince 😁


      Yes, I was a Noble Idiot~ I don’t know about crown princes, but I’ll be happy enough if I can find a motorcycle-riding lemonade-buying boy who only listens to music on speakers instead of pettily using earphones XD


        Hmmm…. that boy description sounds so familiar, you know kekeke…. how about veiny arms to go along with that? And long sexy legs? 😂




    Congratz! 🎉🎉
    Haha, School 2017 spamming seems to grant many beanies level upgrade.


      Yes yes 😅 Btw I really like reading your comments on the School recaps! They are insightful!


        Thank you. I’m just glad it didn’t bore you. I feel like I always takes it too seriously whenever I watch school drama. 😅


          It’s fun to see Beanies fangirling over the love line/ the boys but I really like learning about the drama through more serious reflections like yours too! (I also analyse dramas very seriously heh I write Kpop/ drama reviews)




      Thank you! ^^ And also thank you for creating the nickname Taeswoon that spawned a thousand more nicknames 😆


        I’m not sure if I was the 1st to call him TaeSwoon,but he absolutely makes me swoon since Ep 1 😄


Omg School Beanies didn’t one of you do a fanwall post about how in this scene Taewoon looks like he found out Daehwi was cheating on him with Heechan?

Junghyun just posted this with the caption “Dangerous Love #TangledThoughtsAnd #AnUnsettledGazeAnd #TheMeWhoIsObservingTheScene” 😂 Apparently this line is quite iconic and it comes from Im Jaebum’s “For You”, Junghyun switched up the lyrics a bit to suit the context.


Because I haven’t gotten over Ep12, I rewatched the ending scene again.

A lot of the times, regardless of the drama viewer’s gender, our perspective is framed by the female character’s. On this rewatch, though, I started noticing things from Taewoon’s point-of-view: The way Eunho softly says “yes” after denying that she wanted to see him (and Taewoon’s surprise that made his ear twitch); how she takes a step downwards so that their eye levels match; how Taewoon was the one who began to interlace their fingers but Eunho was the one who clasped his hand first. And finally, the way she nods her head ever so slightly when Taewoon says it’s day one for them.

All these small realisations just made this already amazing scene more heart-fluttering, and set the already sky-high bar for confession scenes even more impossibly high.


    Spot on 😍😍😍
    Btw, I noticed his ear twitch too and wonder how can he acted with his ear like that 😅


      Right?? Maybe it was involuntary? But omg, he’s really really good at all kinds of expressions. I am a puddle of goo.


        Even though it was involuntary, it’s still amaze me… aaaaa love him ❤️


      He did? Oh, I have to watch the last few minutes again for the umpteenth time


      His ear twitched because he stopped smiling to listen. It was a great detail.


It only takes 1.2 seconds to melt me (∩´∇`∩)


    Aww 😍 we got more than a second of their cuteness this time. 😉


    Comment was deleted


    That pat on her head. I’m a puddle of goo.


      The adorable thing is, whether there are romantic feelings or not, he dotes on her. I’d be even happier if they do fall for each other, but I also just love the show for showing us these kinds of concern and connections in their purest form.


        Exactly. He looks so oppa-like here. Trying to lift her spirit up and giving good, useful adivice. I’m just happy watching them interact and care for each other.


Caption: Byeonggu’s shocking confession “Actually, I don’t really like strawberry milk.”



Now I know why this teaser was shot here, it’s the Confession Staircase 🙈🙈🙈


I can’t believe the drama parodied itself. At the Staircase of Bromantic Rivalry.

(Yes, I loved it so much I photoshopped the scenes side-by-side 🙊)


    Yes I saw that too ㅋㅋㅋ


    Talking about parody. This somehow reminds me of how many got turn off by this drama in the beginning, saying that it was unrealistic and that no school in Korea would have done things like using students’ ranking for recess queue. I have always thought the drama was parodying the issues of the education system. It’s a pity those people miss out on a good show.


      Ah, you may be right. I always felt there was something campy about the tone especially in the Principal character. I never thought of it as a parody in and of itself!


    😂 I was too distracted by the VP’s hair to notice


    Amazing! I did not even notice that!


Third time’s the charm (∩´ω`∩)


Ep12 is really the epitome of Swoon 2017, and not just over Eunho and Taewoon. Digging into my treasure trove of BTS memes because it’s the only way I can express all my feelings ( ;ㅅ; )


No live-streaming of School 2017 for me tonight because I have to tend to actual school stuff for class tomorrow :< I want to see those Sarang scenes!

On the bright side, my class ends early so I can watch Ep11-12 back to back in the afternoon!