Beanie level: Chaebol’s poor doppelganger

I don’t know if it’s because I got to know that the original ‘king loves’ fiction has a different loveline, that it’s actually rin that san loved and not won, that my pov of looking at the story and the characters have completely changed. Now I do feel there are those secret glances that san takes at rin, and that dialogue from ep 16, when she says, when that other person was NOT looking at her, it hurt her. I have completely no idea what that meant. Does it mean there are space for both of them in her heart? Technically it is totally plausible, I can’t deny that my heart fluttered for two persons at a time lol, so the idea of seeing something different on a kdrama, and moreover on this one, makes me feel excited. I wouldn’t mind at all if it turns out that both of them, rin and won are equally important for the story , and if rin is not just a second lead.

So I would be disappointed if the writer just makea it a typical kdrama and changes the main story, which I hope he won’t do. Also, Siwan is completely nailing the role of the pampered, privileged, used to with all the comforts that he gets, and selfish but childish, self-centered, egoistic prince. I love how many textures exist in his role. I can see his depth, and his inner thoughts, stress, even when he’s hiding it, and how he tries to deflect the notion with his sense of humor. On the other hand, hong jong hyun does the role of a shadow friend so well, and his stolen glances at san is growing on me lol. I am torn between the two friends, but I would be stoked if rin-san actually happens, and if won shows more of his dimensions in the coming episodes. It’s a delight watching him play the prince. Honorable mention goes to his two bodyguards, and the buffoon who’s in love with dan lol.He has no chance, but they look so cute together! I hope dan gets to see how much he adores him [cute bodyguard no 2, that is 😂].
That was one long rant for the nth time. 😅😅


    * writer just makes it a typical kdrama
    **dan gets to see how much he adores her, :/ how I miss an edit button DB!


    waw sorry for out of topic,,but how can you make it long? i guess it is jus 200 characters? hihihi


Strong delivery man definitely got better at episode 2! I am warming up to the second lead too, I would love it if he and the rich girl becomes the second pair. CSB and GKP look cute together!


Was waiting for this forever.


yeo jin goo hard at his game again, crushing noona\’s heart left and right. :\'(
The writer better not make him die again this time. I didn\’t sign up for this.
I\’m sure I would be bawling my eyes out by this time the show ends. :\'( :\'(


Let\’s eat season 3 is happening I heard. All I want is my girl Seul Gi with Dojoon paired up this time. Lol. Maybe one day the dramagods will hear my desperate plea and my dream will come true. Heee.


    Until earlier, Doojoon’s agency said they havent received any offer or synopsis for LE S3. And with Highlight’s schedules in Japan & Southeast Asian countries until Oct, I wonder if he’ll have time.


      Yeah, I read about that, but can anyone else justice to his role? I hope they go for a new story line instead of casting another actor for his role in that case. 🙁


        *do justice to his role.


        I do hope there’s a new lead character i/o another actor playing Goo Daeyoung if Doojoon isn’t offered/casted in S3. ’cause Goo Daeyoung IS Yoon Doojoon.


    That would be awesome!


Lol sorry a big rant coming..I was so mesmerized by the writer-nim of Secret Forest, that at the end hoping for a romance angle between Shi Mok and Yeo Jin felt like a bit too much to expect from her, it\’s that kind of a story with an almost reverential air, as if the story is too cool to expect anything romantic lol. Don\’t know if my point is coming across. Regardless, have to say, I Loved SF. Even if the story deals with simple and clear concised concept, pain of an old mother for her already aged son, pain of a son who lost his father, a man\’s humiliation who was falsely accused, revenge of a daughter who always had to see her dad being wronged, and then on the other end, an idealistic police officer and a righteous prosecutor who doggedly pursuited the criminals till the end. I hoped that the writer would at least show us what motivated Shi Mok to follow his job so perfectly, as if it was not even his job, as if he had to do it as his duty. That level of dedication is so much hard to find in today\’s society. Rather it doesn\’t exist anymore maybe.
I got inspired by Secret Forest, so weird that all those righteous and thought provoking dialogues like how we are acting as if everything is ok, or like completely ignoring the lies and taking them as then truth, all of these contribute to how society is today, and that someone can get away with harming another person, these accusations the drama make really is universal, no matter where we are from right now. So I got the writer\’s message somehow I feel. I love the writer\’s sense of sophistication, and maybe Shi Mok acts that way( silent and all), since writer wanted to show that when you are not talking at all, it helps when you ignore the chaos and take the right decision. I would love to re-watch the drama again someday , because it has been an amazing ride from the start. My respect for the writer, the director and the actors most importantly. 👍👍✌


    Didn’t the writer show us a short scene of a young SM watching LCJ in court? I thought that was when he wanted to be a good prosecutor, a prosecutor who fights for the oppressed and weak like LCJ, one who is not afraid to take on corrupt institutions or people. He said it to CJ before that he was his idol or something, didn’t he?


      @s9313071e sorry for replying late. 🙁 Yes, he did! I think he always looked up to him, but given how he is, we never got to see how much disappointed at LCJ after he became oblivious to all the crimes that were taking place. Like us, he was in dark the whole time I guess? Really have to give it to the actor for playing this part, I could never guess what was his real motive. Also, I loved that little metaphor of the Japanese influence used at the case from the flashback.


This is already making me teary eyed. Why it has to end huhu…


    Why does it have to end? Why?


      IKR? I have withdrawal syndrome already! To know that jo sung woo, bae doona and team won’t be gracing our screen together anymore. :'( And the possibility of seeing them together ever again is very slim, so the heartache is going to be strong this time hehe. I want to make a petition for 4 episodes extension Lol.


        A lot of beanies will be staying away from crime-thriller dramas after this finishes. I for one will certainly have a hard time looking for a drama that surpasses this.

        I’ll gladly sign that petition!


    Aww, I’m going to miss them.


Just saw FOS new episode and mind is totally at #$@%#$ level now. Just don\’t tell me show that Hwang Shi Mok is somehow related to the killer, and no open ending, please!! I really wished there was an alternative ending where our Scooby team gets together for another group dinner and Yeo Jin – Shi Mok have fun pulling each other’s legs. Don’t have enough time for that I guess. :’(


    And I guess it still hurts too much for them to just casually meet up with everyone, what’s with elephant-size problem in the room. Yoon and Eun-soo’s presence will always be there eventhough they’re not physically there.


\’Reunited worlds\’ is finally growing on me! Really Loved episode 7+8! So many unique concepts this drama dabbles with lol.Please stay this much interesting show!


    I also like this drama a lot. Can’t wait for next week’s episodes.


      Right? Like finally there is some movement, I like what the writer is doing with the unique plotline. And yeo jin goo is nailing this as usual. ^^


State of mind:


One thing that I never really get in Korean culture would have to be the fights by the means of
pulling or grabbing hair.
😂😂 The women atleast, aren\’t they sensitive about losing their hair lmao, I mean I would never allow anyone touching my hair in that sense lol. So how can they even let anyone do that to their hair. 😂😂


    Gosh every time I see that I scream “Use your fist, punch them but don’t pull hair people ! Think of your hair’s future !”


      Hahaha me too! Like the actresses, they should be the one worried more than the actors, and it’s always the girls who are more into the antics lol. Also the repercussion should not be so great either.😂 Think about the hair health lol.


    The glass of water in the face is the most gentle alternative.


      It’s crazy you mention that, since the drama I’m watching currently does that too. 😂 But yeah it is a better and safer alternative haha. I also like the head slaps. 😂😂


    Well, that’s the point isn’t it? To pull the other girls hair out because they know they’d hate that. It’s not a Korean thing only either. I went to a pretty bad high school in the US where there was fights pretty much everyday and I’d say a good half or more of the fights between girls involved grabbing hair.


      LOL that reminds me of gossip girl for some reason. 😀 But yeah I do get that the point is to make other people suffer but at the cost of harming your own self. 😀 I saw this on reply ’88, then on a couple of other dramas too, but maybe the heroines don’t care because they have amazing hair?
      But in the case of high schools though, shouldn’t the girls be more bothered since fashion is the priority when you’re in high school? 😀


Down votes are officially gone, if I knew I would keep a screenshot of the total number of my down votes LOL. Now my haters, thanks for all the love, and hope to have more verbal spat with you! Thank you for this Dramabeans! 😍😍❤💜💖


This guy sounds like a hermit and totally like this friend of mine! I am looking forward to hearing more from you! More side stories like this and less romance, please. ^^


Guess I have finally become the eunuch in drag 😀 , lol I’m gonna dedicate this to my favorite eunuch in kdrama!


OMG I take back everything I said about certain someone! :\'( Secret forest is scarily honest, and realistic. My respect to you writer-nim!


Listening to Linkin Park songs really hit home. Damn, all the lyrics kind of screams about the fact that he was asking for help, always.


    yes, his/their music gave me an outlet for my feelings, there was magic there that allowed me to belong somewhere, 🙁 will miss him


      Yeah I listened to their music after a long time, and couldn’t believe how much they meant to me, at certain point in life. Chester and his amazing voice will be missed! RIP :'(


        RIP indeed, somehow i imagine him happy now, no depression, reunited with his best friend, both of them jamming somewhere, being positive, i’ll miss him but knowing that he left behind a legacy, he will always be remembered! *hugs*


          Thank you for your kind words, Sia! He has certainly left a legacy behind, and i think we would always remember him for the strong lyrics and mesmerising voice.*hugsback*


            yes we will! no matter how hard it was for him, he always shone for others


    and yeah actually, now you think about the lyrics and you realize he was always asking for help somehow, RIP chester,


    Yes, when the first track of their new album is “Nobody Can Save Me”. Damn. I listened to this album last night and couldn’t help but cry. It all just takes on a new meaning.


      And I read they were about to start a new world tour, wow, it must have been hard for him. I have been playing their old mix too, and it kind of gave me shivers when Chester was singing. All good things come to end in life I guess. 🙁 Hope he is in better place now.


They freaking had to make him die in the same way as circle! This is insane,man, LOL!
I\’m having so much dejavu from circle lol. First minute into the drama, and I felt like I\’m
watching kim woo jin roaming around the school corridors, still in his mission of
searching hyung.


Mystery queen 2 coming back! Eeee I\’m so happy my OTP will be back, possibly with romance. Hopefully.


Can\’t believe I don\’t have any drama to look forward to every week except secret forest these days. 😭😭😭


I\’m not into BOFTWG as much as before, but habaek taking selfie is the funniest thing. 😂😂😂