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Monday-Tuesday (September 9-10)
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- A Moment at Eighteen 15-16 (JTBC)
- The Great Show 5-6 (tvN)
- Rookie Historian Gu Hae-ryung (MBC)
- When the Devil Calls Your Name 13-14 (tvN)
- Mother of Mine 101-102 (KBS)
- Golden Garden 33-36 (MBC)
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- Arthdal Chronicles 15-16 (tvN)
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The King Loves: Episodes 33-34
by murasakimi
This is it, guys—the moment we've all be waiting for. The gloves are finally off, and I have to admit that though I've grown a bit impatient over these...
Tags: Episode 33, Episode 34, Hong Jong-hyun, Im Shi-wan, The King Loves, Yoon-ah
[Music and Dramas] Remixing the past and finding clarity through fusion sageuk OSTs
by murasakimi
Nothing captures my imagination or gets me more excited for a drama quite like a well-composed fusion sageuk OST—from the blood-pumping, unadulterated rock tracks like "Fate" (Damo), to more...
Tags: Theme of the Month
The King Loves: Episodes 29-30
by murasakimi
The devastating effects of a recent death spur Rin into reckless action, and he finds himself directly at odds with Won, who desperately tries to keep all the fraying pieces...
Tags: Episode 29, Episode 30, Hong Jong-hyun, Im Shi-wan, The King Loves, Yoon-ah
The King Loves: Episodes 25-26
by murasakimi
After seven years of silence, Rin must once again decide if he will remain complicit in his brother's evil deeds. Won becomes virtually inscrutable on the topic, and it seems...
Tags: Episode 25, Episode 26, Hong Jong-hyun, Im Shi-wan, The King Loves, Yoon-ah
The King Loves: Episodes 21-22
by murasakimi
After the high intensity of last week, the pace today is a bit slower even though the stakes remain high, and there are still many problems to solve. At long...
Tags: Episode 21, Episode 22, Hong Jong-hyun, Im Shi-wan, The King Loves, Yoon-ah
The King Loves: Episodes 17-18
by murasakimi
Whoa. WHOA. This show is bringing its A game today, and as a result, I have so many feeeels! Everything we've been building toward is finally clashing and shaking our...
Tags: Episode 17, Episode 18, Hong Jong-hyun, Im Shi-wan, Kim Ji-won, The King Loves, Yoon-ah
The King Loves: Episodes 13-14
by murasakimi
It's nice to finally bring one of our boys into San's dilemma, because I was getting worried about her shouldering everything on her own and suffering in silence. She's a...
Tags: Episode 13, Episode 14, Hong Jong-hyun, Im Shi-wan, Kim Ji-won, The King Loves, Yoon-ah
[Revisiting Dramas] The redemption of Autumn Fairy Tale
by murasakimi
If you clicked on this post thinking you were going to read a reflective essay on Autumn Fairy Tale and how its melodramatic elements are still relevant in the modern,...
Tags: Autumn Fairy Tale, Kim Ji-won, Theme of the Month
The King Loves: Episodes 9-10
by murasakimi
The baddies make bold moves forward in their plan to oust Won, and one of those baddies comes closer to the truth behind San's true identity while also casting his...
Tags: Episode 10, Episode 9, Hong Jong-hyun, Im Shi-wan, The King Loves, Yoon-ah
The King Loves: Episodes 5-6
by murasakimi
This episode gives us a more in-depth look at the structure of the royal family in Goryeo, which gives us a clearer picture of how our characters relate to each...
Tags: Episode 5, Episode 6, Hong Jong-hyun, Im Shi-wan, The King Loves, Yoon-ah