I love Korean dramas and I write about ’em. (And write about ’em. And write about ’em. You may have noticed that brevity is not my friend. I want to be ITS friend, but it shuns me regularly.)
I’ve been watching Korean dramas (on and off) as long as I can remember, for almost two decades. My first Korean drama was the 1992 hit Jealousy, and I’ve been hooked ever since. Man does that make me feel old.
I started this site because I couldn’t find a site providing meaty (or any) analysis for K-dramas, a longtime guilty pleasure of mine. I enjoy marveling at the pretty as much as anyone, but also wanted to express appreciation for quality that didn’t automatically dismiss something for being popular. Or, on the flipside of that same coin, to discuss something popular that went beyond surface discussion of the plot or hot cast. (Although, let’s be honest! Hot cast = a nice bonus.)
My underlying modus operandi: Just because it’s pop culture doesn’t mean discourse has to be shallow. I’d like to sustain a fun but hopefully substantive level of conversation, mixed with some irreverence. Because it’s not worth it if it’s no fun.
I occasionally tweet (@javabeans). And even less occasionally blog (elsewhere, that is). There’s also a Dramabeans Facebook that gets ignored a lot.

I’m 50% writer, 50% couch potato. I lean left; politically, not footwise. I like to make snap judgments, then reconsider them to a pulp. I enjoy grammar, if only to break some more rules. I’m a tv junkie, a critic, a fan, but mostly importantly, I’m a writer who likes to procrastinate by watching k-dramas. The fact that I can do both now blows my mind.
I feel very strongly that people can have thoughtful discourse on just about any topic, and that art—mass, pop, high, pulp, whatever it may be—can and should be discussed intelligently for the thing it is.
Hence, I thought Dramabeans would be a good place to exercise my brain. Or was it exorcise? That would explain the confusion.
About the name: A Girl Friday could rule the world, if she really wanted to. You know her—the best friend smartypants, the plucky assistant who always knows exactly what the private eye/cop/secret agent/superhero needs? She’s cute and clever and sassy and loyal, and pretty much smarter than everyone in the room. I mean, could Jack Bauer have saved one day, let alone eight, without Chloe O’Brien?
My favorite Girl Fridays are of course ones that break the mold. Willow Rosenberg and Veronica Mars are the contemporary evolution of the classic character, and give us all hope that the geeky outcast can and will save the world.
Just think of me as Dramabeans’ girlfriday: the Miss Moneypenny to javabeans’ Bond.
I sometimes tweet things I shouldn’t. And ramble on in a blog.
Meet the rest of the Dramabeans staff
Official Dramabeans Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Dramabeans
Official Dramabeans Twitter: https://twitter.com/dramabeans
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May 13, 2017 at 3:41 PM
I can't find the drama ratings review. Not the drama ratings per week but the review rating from 1 to 9 before . Where is it located?
Thank you. Love to read for drama rec.
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May 17, 2017 at 9:18 AM
Thank you so much for the recaps (and bringing joy to our lives, especially me...lol). We don't really have the opportunity of watching kdramas over here so i can only hang onto the recaps and feel like I'm really watching them, thanks a lot (cc: the entire Dramabeans staff) jinjeongeulo gamsahabnida.......:D
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May 18, 2017 at 1:07 PM
Oh my god! Where do you live that you cannot watch the dramas? There are so many free websites when we can watch them!
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May 18, 2017 at 1:06 PM
I have been reading this blog for almost four years now. But only recently I comment.
I thank you girls, do much for this website. I love it!
Very shortly: in regard with the new design of dramabeans, we are nor receiving notifications. Is it a problem with the interfase? Is it something that can be fixed?
I hope so!
Fighting! ?
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May 27, 2017 at 7:16 PM
No more ratings? :(
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May 30, 2017 at 6:14 AM
Safe to say, I'm in love with your writing Girl Friday. Its odd now because I find myself compelled to read your recaps after watching every episode. Also, I adore your humor in even the most serious of situations. Ugh, just can't get enough.
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May 30, 2017 at 6:17 AM
Safe to say, I'm in love with your writing, Girl Friday. Its odd now because I find myself compelled to read your recaps after watching every episode. Also, I adore your humor in even the most serious of situations. Ugh, just can't get enough.
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Ellen Krauss
June 11, 2017 at 6:52 PM
Comment was deleted
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Ellen Krauss
June 11, 2017 at 6:54 PM
Anyone watching Bad Thief- Good Thief? I love it!
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June 16, 2017 at 11:53 AM
Love your log! This helps me so much to keep updated in the KDrama world. I started 2 months ago and i am absolutely hooked. I started with the ever-corny show "Boys Over Flowers" and the transitioned to watching "Strong Woman Do Bong Soon." I've watched about 20-30 dramas and I am currently watching "Suspicious Partners", "Lookout" and several others! Looking forward to more updates!
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June 26, 2017 at 12:51 PM
Maybe you can help me...I started watching kdramas in 1994 while residing in Glendale, CA - just the ones featured on reg TV at 7 PM at night. Of course nowadays there are so many sources for the kdrama addiction....Anyway, I have been trying to find out what the title of the series was but the main star is this girl named Sin-hee who plays an architect in the drama. A lot of the conflict is because she is a headstrong, career woman and not the stay at home housewife that her mother in law hopes she is. I'm hoping to track down this drama so that I can have my eldest daughter watch it. It was the series I was so addicted to when I was pregnant with her! I appreciate any help you can give me in identifying this series.
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June 26, 2017 at 1:33 PM
Is it Still Love perhaps? It's from 2001, main character is Soon-mi:
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July 8, 2017 at 4:06 AM
I would like to delete my dramabeans account. what should i do? I searched and searched for a way.. There was not a private email to contact also. Please reply me at the earliest. thank you.
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RB on D
July 13, 2017 at 5:47 PM
Thanks Again for all you guys do. i know it's a massive amount of work and effort.
I find I will only invest emotionally in a drama if thru your ratings or recaps I have a sense that the drama will not "Bad Guy" me.
Thanks again.
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Totally Bichoso
July 18, 2017 at 5:54 AM
I is fan
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July 25, 2017 at 12:33 PM
I hope you can help me find a film that I’ve been searching for for quite some time.
I believe the film was Korean, but I suppose there’s a chance it was Japanese. It was made in very recent years judging by the clothes, cars, buildings, etc.
It might have been part of a TV series cut down into a movie length piece, but I don’t think that was the case.
It was about a teacher – student romance, but with a twist.
The film starts off with a female teacher being released from prison after serving her term for having an affair with her male student.
She returns (with her sister driving I believe) to her sister’s apartment where she will temporarily live.
When she arrives she discovers that her former student lover (who is now of adult age) is there waiting for her. At first she is worried about getting in trouble but he wins her over with the full support of the her sister.
The rest of the film – as far as I can remember – is about the couple working through the obstacles and difficulties in their relationship.
The one scene I remember well is about the couple going out on a date to a little cantina. The woman tells the young man to wait there and she slips away to buy some clothes in an effort to make her look younger. He gently chides her for believing that her age matters to him.
This film – whatever it is called – pops into my head every now and then because I was never able to pay full attention to it when I first watched it (on Youtube I believe). I have searched and searched and have not yet found it. Do you know the name of the film?
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August 3, 2017 at 9:15 AM
There used to be scripts of films and dramas. I can find the list of those scripts, but when I click on a title, I read that it is either invalid or has been removed. Can the scripts be found in a different place?
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August 25, 2017 at 7:44 AM
I really love the perception of the reviews posted in dramabeans and I have already completed all the recaps.Thanks to dramabeans writers for that.can anyone please tell me why I have to register to read the recaps. Its just to know so that I can tell the reason to my friends also.
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August 30, 2017 at 1:07 PM
Just would like to know why the current format is shown so condensed and articles appear very small and hard to read. At first I thought my computer was showing your website in error but have since found out this is how Dramabeans is being projected on the screen. I don't like it and would prefer a full screen where the website can be more easily read and navigated.
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September 2, 2017 at 3:05 AM
i am indian im just addicted to k drama
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