I love Korean dramas and I write about ’em. (And write about ’em. And write about ’em. You may have noticed that brevity is not my friend. I want to be ITS friend, but it shuns me regularly.)
I’ve been watching Korean dramas (on and off) as long as I can remember, for almost two decades. My first Korean drama was the 1992 hit Jealousy, and I’ve been hooked ever since. Man does that make me feel old.
I started this site because I couldn’t find a site providing meaty (or any) analysis for K-dramas, a longtime guilty pleasure of mine. I enjoy marveling at the pretty as much as anyone, but also wanted to express appreciation for quality that didn’t automatically dismiss something for being popular. Or, on the flipside of that same coin, to discuss something popular that went beyond surface discussion of the plot or hot cast. (Although, let’s be honest! Hot cast = a nice bonus.)
My underlying modus operandi: Just because it’s pop culture doesn’t mean discourse has to be shallow. I’d like to sustain a fun but hopefully substantive level of conversation, mixed with some irreverence. Because it’s not worth it if it’s no fun.
I occasionally tweet (@javabeans). And even less occasionally blog (elsewhere, that is). There’s also a Dramabeans Facebook that gets ignored a lot.

I’m 50% writer, 50% couch potato. I lean left; politically, not footwise. I like to make snap judgments, then reconsider them to a pulp. I enjoy grammar, if only to break some more rules. I’m a tv junkie, a critic, a fan, but mostly importantly, I’m a writer who likes to procrastinate by watching k-dramas. The fact that I can do both now blows my mind.
I feel very strongly that people can have thoughtful discourse on just about any topic, and that art—mass, pop, high, pulp, whatever it may be—can and should be discussed intelligently for the thing it is.
Hence, I thought Dramabeans would be a good place to exercise my brain. Or was it exorcise? That would explain the confusion.
About the name: A Girl Friday could rule the world, if she really wanted to. You know her—the best friend smartypants, the plucky assistant who always knows exactly what the private eye/cop/secret agent/superhero needs? She’s cute and clever and sassy and loyal, and pretty much smarter than everyone in the room. I mean, could Jack Bauer have saved one day, let alone eight, without Chloe O’Brien?
My favorite Girl Fridays are of course ones that break the mold. Willow Rosenberg and Veronica Mars are the contemporary evolution of the classic character, and give us all hope that the geeky outcast can and will save the world.
Just think of me as Dramabeans’ girlfriday: the Miss Moneypenny to javabeans’ Bond.
I sometimes tweet things I shouldn’t. And ramble on in a blog.
Meet the rest of the Dramabeans staff
Official Dramabeans Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Dramabeans
Official Dramabeans Twitter: https://twitter.com/dramabeans
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November 22, 2013 at 8:36 AM
First, I'm humbled by your expertise and depth of knowledge in Korean films, I thought I was fairly well antiquated but You far surpass me. I only have Netflix and Youtube for Korean Subtitled films ( personally much prefer sub than dub). Do you know of other sources for Korean sub'd (or dubbed) films? Thank You again,
- John
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November 27, 2013 at 7:36 PM
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January 18, 2014 at 2:34 PM
HULU is free and has some....
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November 26, 2013 at 2:15 PM
Kdramas are awesome
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December 26, 2013 at 4:47 PM
hey i am an indian i juzzzzzzz luv kdramas...!!coz we dont hav ny gud dramas here in india.......
can ny1 tell me where can i find full epiosdes of boys over flowwers wid subtitles plzzz.... huge fan of dat show..!!
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Appreciative Anon
January 2, 2014 at 2:44 AM
It's funny so many Indians watch KDramas, as well. Anyway, I'm decent at watching with subtitles, but your website is so helpful when I need clarification. Thanks so much, and keep it up!
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January 5, 2014 at 8:05 AM
Can you please recap the Goong/Princess Hours? Pls.
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January 5, 2014 at 8:07 AM
Can you recap the Goong/Princess Hours? Pls.
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January 23, 2014 at 5:01 PM
Just wanted to drop a nice compliment about this site,
I'm new to the whole Korean drama fan club but I have found this site to be exactly what I needed.
the recaps are excellent; I laugh, I cry, and I continually come back for more.
great job helping newbies like me :)
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June 4, 2014 at 7:34 AM
Hi am from Uganda and a great fan of Korean dramas...Thank you so much for this page....May the Almighty God enlarge your territory
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June 6, 2014 at 10:23 PM
I am from India, very recently I started watching K-Drama started with Faith, thereafter I have watched 6 more dramas.
Virtually I have stopped watching TV series being brodacasted in India. I found dramabeans very helpful specifically for initial 2/3 episodes. Watching then going through the recaps helped a lot to synchronize. Thanks for the good work, keep it up.
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June 14, 2014 at 12:43 PM
i've been actively using dramabeans about a year now, and your hilarious and highly analytical posts have finally inspired me to make my own blog.
Please check it out guys: http://dramamunchies.wordpress.com.
btw, this is not just an endorsement comment. I honestly do believe dramabeans is the best 'drama digest' (if you will) out there and I hope you guys never stop blogging.
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August 2, 2014 at 7:19 AM
Oh my god! i didn't know there were other Indians hooked into kdrama:) i know kinda stupid of me. Now i'm so happy! i can't watch Indian television these days, because i always expect piggyback rides and wrist grabs *wink*
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August 30, 2014 at 6:24 AM
I just found your intro, made me smile...thanks. My first drama was Goong.
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September 7, 2014 at 1:30 PM
I just found this now. I'm looking for I am Sam recaps. I love kdramas. My first one was jewel in the palace but when i watched boys before flowers, i started watching a lot of korean dramas. Let me just say that Lee min ho is a great actor. Wow, you're indian. I did'nt even notice until you saw this.
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Hannah Guillermo Cruz
December 11, 2014 at 1:25 PM
yobosayo chingu.. love love korean drama..
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December 24, 2014 at 11:49 AM
I love K-dramas! I am american live in america I was in the Army for 5 years and thats when I started watching them because of my friend who is practically obsessed with all the male singers. I used to only watch Indian movies and Japanese anime but started to branch out a little more when I met her. I picked up on the language and know alittle. My first drama was Boys over Flowers after that I have no clue cause I started watching so many at once I lost track.
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December 29, 2014 at 2:55 AM
I am fifteen year old teenaged Indian, and I can't believe the fact that I am heads-over-heels in love with K-dramas.
My first KDrama was 'The Princess' Man', and I fell in love with the male protagonist 'Park Si Hoo'.
I followed it up with 'Prime Minister and I', and then with 'Full Sun'.
I gave a break and then returned to watching Kdramas, thanks to 'Wonderful Days'.
And now, I'm hopelessly addicted to the primetime shows 'The Healer' and 'What happens to my family'.
KDramas, what have you done to me?!!!
I am madly in love with you!!!
And also, thanks Dramabeans for adding fuel to my love for KDramas.
Being South Indian, I managed to learn a little Korean from my neighbor who came from Seoul, but I till find it difficult to understand some stuff.
Thanks a lot!!
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March 12, 2015 at 11:04 PM
hey, javabeans!!
I've been stalking your site since the last three years using different emails and usernames (okay not that 'bad' kind of stalking.)
Let me say that i absolutely love your site and think that more blogs like this should come up.
but, even after all these years, i never really understood the meaning behind the name "Dramabeans"!
no, dont mistake me, coz i absolutely love the name. but i dont know the meaning. well, maybe it's becoz i'm a lil slow in catching up with some stuff, but i would really like it if you explain the meaning behind the names "Javabeans" and "Dramabeans"
Thank you.
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April 3, 2015 at 9:57 AM
im sorry to say you dont sound left wing at all
if you are considered left, your country is an extremely right wing country
or else you find left wing and feminism on opposite sides of the political spectrum
does any of your colleges agree with your description of yourself?
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May 6, 2015 at 1:06 AM
Yeh i am also from India and happy to know that many Indians like to watch K drama......... My first K drama was Boys over flower and continued watching others like i was addicted to if.........
My all time favourite is My girl, Heartstrings and Full house and many ......
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May 14, 2015 at 6:29 PM
Hi Javabeans and Girl Friday,
I'm an Australian Korean who, despite having shunned Korean dramas as over-the-top and melodramatic for many years, suddenly discovered this genre thanks to the magic that is Netflix. Now suddenly I find myself admonishing my toddlers with 'ya, inoma!', brushing the cobwebs off my ill-used Korean and watching episode after episode late into the night, much to the chagrin of my very patient husband.
Anyway I just wanted to say thank you for this site, it's helping me navigate this whole new world and figure out what to watch next. I'm amazed at just how terribly addictive these dramas are (despite the horrible mashing of closed lips whenever there's a love scene) and I find your commentaries intelligent, insightful and they always give me a laugh. So keep up the good work!
Your friend from Down Under.
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Beverly A
June 21, 2015 at 5:41 AM
Hooked. Thoroughly, totally, completely hooked.
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Evelyn Coleman
August 3, 2015 at 10:58 PM
Drama where the guy takes a trip and dresses up in a costume to surprise his girlfriend accept another girl sees him in the costume outside the window?
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August 24, 2015 at 1:38 AM
I just want to thank you for such great comprehensive commentaries on Korean dramas. Especially Personal Taste which is what I'm obssessing about now, although 5 years late lol.
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September 4, 2015 at 2:19 AM
I am Indian too!n loveeee kdramas!My biggest addiction ever! :D
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September 5, 2015 at 11:30 AM
Been a kdrama addict since i watched You're Beautiful. So glad i watched it!
My friends wanna kill me because i made them addicts as well!! At the same time they are super happy that they discovered the kdrama world!
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September 29, 2015 at 12:20 AM
i want to know who is the man on this website header???
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October 6, 2015 at 10:56 PM
I am impressed with your work. Some analysis are comprehensive and I thought they are written by a theme. Until I come to this page. You are amazing.
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December 2, 2015 at 5:54 AM
I realised, I have been a reader since Javabeans started her blog and all of a sudden, decided to google more about JB & GF. Read this article - http://iamkoream.com/dramabeans-duo-spills-the-beans-on-k-dramas/
It's so cool how you girls can have your dream job and deliver great content to us the audience. I love the community on the website!! A few days ago, I became the first person to comment on Answer 1988 after 8 years of stalking this website. I do love the new editions of Odd and Ends and Kolourful Palette, keep up the good work.
Actually, I always wondered if you girls can do a cross over with my other Hallyu obsession, Eat your kimchi's Simon & Martina as well as Maangchi's cooking show :P
Peace out and Hwighting!
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June 19, 2016 at 9:28 PM
I am literally obsessed with Dramabeans! I am so happy that this website exists for KDrama addicts like me 'cause with this I can really analyze the dramas that I watch from your absolutely wonderful recaps!
Thank you javabeans and girlfriday! Even if I haven't seen you both in person yet, I'm a die hard fan of both of you! :*
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July 8, 2016 at 4:48 AM
Hello Javabeans! I'm a new fan of your blog. ok, this is my story of how I fell hopelessly in love with k-dramas.
It was a boring afternoon in my final highschool year. I was lying up bunk when I heard my seatmate telling some girls about BOYS OVER FLOWERS and got intrested. she also spoke about TO THE BEAUTIFUL YOU. So during the holidays, I bought the season one of BOF and fell hopelessly in love with the quiet Ji Ho and the movie it was so bad that my mom would be like 'sonia, go do the dishes or no more Jun Pyo for you! ' That was last year. since then I became an apostle of k-dramas when I didn't even know there was a country called Korea. I was searching for a behind the scenes with LMH when I stumbled upon Dramabeans and also fell in love. thanks to your blog, my friends are beginning to question my sanity cause of GF's hilarious comments in your recaps. Please no more hot pics of LMH I need to focus on my studies. for mercy sake I'm a Law student now!
Love, from Nigeria
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July 31, 2016 at 6:52 PM
I'm Filipino.
I just watched a few K dramas and these are my favorites
1. My love from the stars/you who came from the stars (the best ever!.. must watch!)
2. Secret Garden
3. My GF is a Gumiho
4. Rooftop prince
5. Pinnochio
6. Master's Sun
Still worth to watch
7. Oh My Venus
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November 30, 2016 at 12:25 AM
Ok Coolgems,
am Ugandan and am there with you but please allow me to put two stars ** to your selection of You who came from the stars to make double impact i mean it was that good.
i will add if you don't mind.
1) the heirs
2)boys over flowers
4)city hunter (haha i think my selection makes me look like am in love with Lee Min Ho) am even following (dramabeans) the legend of the blue sea which is by the way not yet out in my country.
5) coffee prince (my first kdrama in 2008) and you know what they say about first love.
6) Descendants of the sun **
7) mask**
ok i can go on and on and on i mean.
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August 28, 2016 at 9:21 AM
I'm an Indian too.......And to say how much I love Kdramas.....sooo much better than those K-serials.
What makes worse it worse that we share the same name and be constantly called "EKTA KAPOOR"........:'(
It's nice to know so many fellow indians watch Kdramas.....
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November 29, 2016 at 11:57 PM
i finally find a place to go on and on and fantasize about my kdramas with out being criticized by either my sisters at home for putting them up to watch kdramas in languages they don't understand. i mean they would rather see kim kardashian through her money around than a good love story or my workmates who find me glued to my computer searching for the latest kdrama to watch at home.
i love kdramas and thank you dramabeans for helping breech that gap for some of us who know little about the Korean language.
thumbs up.
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December 12, 2016 at 6:42 AM
Can you do a review of 7 first kisses? The new web drama?
Or if not, can you tell us more about what this web drama is about. Is it like a voting competition for you to pick from the 7 boys?
Pls tell me more! (I don't understand korean..hehe)
Thank you. :)
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December 18, 2016 at 1:01 AM
Thanks for your review.. I just loved it.. The reviews are really awesome.. I wish you do the review for "Oh My Geum Bi", as you said in one ep, the Child's character is so good. I just wanna hear your review and comments on her acting... (Geum Bi)
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Bad Cheese Cheddar
January 11, 2017 at 11:31 AM
A sarcastic, witty, wry and intelligent KDrama site that cares about grammar?! Thank God! I am in love! Where have you been? In actuality, where have I been? Don't get me wrong, I appreciate the pretty people as well as any fangirl, but I tend to keep it inside. More silent stalker that sniffs sweaters than violent gusher of heart emoticons. I've always wanted to discuss other things in addition to adding drool to my couch or my cat if he happens by.
My convoluted story on how I got started on KDramas. I will say that my KDrama obsession started with anime. I was watching "Itazura na kiss" and couldn't find episodes. (Because there is nothing quite like trying to find out how an abusive relationship ends.) When I google searched, I love you google, I found that there was a JDrama version. Then I found the KDrama version "Playful kiss" that came up on youtube (with the worst sub timing ever!). I will say that was probably the worst introduction to KDrama-hood. I cringed with embarrassment so much during that entire show, but for some odd reason I could not look away.
... and here I am many many many Dramas later.
Hello my new family!
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January 19, 2017 at 7:47 AM
Found this blog. Love it. I am a recent KDrama addict. An Ahjuma. I never watched soaps. but once I relented to my curiosity of what my daughters' daily ritual...I got hopelessly hooked. Again even in 2017 series that have low ratings in Korea are are hit in the international scene. How do we acknowlege them? case in point Weigthlifting Fairy.
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patricia ho
April 8, 2017 at 10:26 PM
hi i am pleasantly surprise with the fabulous look on dramabeans..
refreshing..but one item that i m missing very much is the dramas that will be screened on each day..would it be possible to show that?
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April 12, 2017 at 2:39 AM
It's over here. http://www.dramabeans.com/resources/
They will bring it back in sidebar someday.
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April 11, 2017 at 8:24 PM
I just want to tell DB team that the first thing I open in my browser is Dramabeans. I don't known when it started but you just became part of my daily routine as much as Kdramas do. More love and power~! :)
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April 12, 2017 at 2:05 AM
Your new format does not go well with iPad"s
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April 12, 2017 at 6:57 PM
Of course I'm checking out everything. Thanks to the legendary duo for creating and maintaining this site. You have no idea how much I love you both (yes, that didn't sound creepy at all, way to go self) and the way you write. I honestly fangirl over you with my friend @deedeenoona ???
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April 13, 2017 at 12:35 AM
If javabeans watched her first drama in 1992, that would make me and her contemporaries... woo hoo! Now this ajumma can indulge in chocolate abs and rom-com tropes without feeling old and guilty!
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April 13, 2017 at 8:45 PM
Hi, its a big surprise to see these many Indians watching kdrama. I am Indian too.
I started my kdrama with BOF last year and since then it's non stop journey.
My morning starts with k drama and after office in evening its still kdrama.
And weekends are non stop kdrama.
And Dramabeans is one of my favourite site where I can find all my fav kdrama recap and updates.
But I did not find one thing here the final ratings and reviews of every drama. I dramabeans can have that also.
I love kdramas, oppa's specially :-P and recently watched my first Chinese drama "Just one smile is very alluring" and it was awesome. I recommend that to everyone and the I became the fan of the actor. He is too cute.
Everyone here should give a try to that drama once.
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April 13, 2017 at 10:19 PM
Thanks so much for starting this site. To tell you the truth, i check out your site more often than i do the local and world news! LOL ..... work is stressful already and when i want to unwind and relax, this is my fave site to check out. Even though I've watched the drama already, I find the recaps very helpful for a complete grasp of the drama's background. There are so many insights that i find refreshing. Your analysis of the dramas are so interesting and it makes me appreciate and understand the events that unfolded in the drama. And sometimes, i want to rant and rave after a drama i watched leaves me hanging, then this is the site to go! Thanks GirlFriday!
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April 15, 2017 at 1:15 PM
thanks for the all the hard work! liking the new website!
been following dramabeans for a year or so, will try to start commenting :) greetings from Germany
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April 20, 2017 at 10:29 PM
I like most of the new update....but one thing I had hoped would change from the old site is the access to recaps. Could update 2.0 include tabs for each letter of the alphabet so i can get to the S section or the M section directly. As the list of recapped shows grows, it makes it very hard to scroll thru 13 letters of the alphabet. If I want to read about Descendents of the Sun, I would love to tap a "D" rather than scroll for it. Thanks for listening and for a great site. Amazing work over many years. I rely on you!
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April 28, 2017 at 12:55 AM
It has to be said. For the past two years I've relied on your rating system to help me choose dramas to watch. I also would check the final episode recaps plus year-end reviews to validate (or challenge) some of the impressions I'd had of the dramas I had watched to get another opinion. All very helpful and interesting. But am I wrong? You seem only to be recapping new shows on your new workspace. No more ratings? I could always count on finding satisfaction in a drama if I chose anything rated an 8 or above on your scale. But now...? Although perhaps your cryptic section names like 'beanies' leaves me out of the loop. I'm just not 'getting' your new web-page. Is there a place somewhere with a table of contents that explains what you are offering? Are "Extras" just more of the latest news about the latest dramas? I'm on my 213th drama in two years (Happily, Kdramas get me on my treadmill twice a day) and lately I've enjoyed getting away from the 'new' and watching the 'classics' like Lovers, Autumn in My Heart, Hotelier, All In, Into the Sunlight, Gourmet, One Fine Day, Couple Fantasy, DaJal's Spring, My Girl, What Star are you From?, Story of a Man, City Hall, Lawyers of the Great Republic of Korea, Shining Inheritance, and a favourite, Thank You. Most of them are pre-2010 and well worth the watch. Is there a place for these 'fine wines' in your Dramabeans cellar, where some of us can go to taste some of the older and often richer stories & characters from an earlier time when the Hallylu wave first began to take its hold on the world? A section reviewing & rating the Oldies but Goodies might be quite helpful to the avid kdrama fan who wants to study 'the classics'. That said...I'm still trying to understand and more important, count on the new Dramabeans as a reference destination for news on past and present kdramas.
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April 28, 2017 at 1:10 AM
The ratings page is still here: http://www.dramabeans.com/ratings/
We're working on making it more sort-friendly though. You can also access it using the RECAPS link at the top of the page and then choosing the RATINGS tab.
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May 1, 2017 at 4:52 PM
I reaaly enjoy your recaps for so long, I've been reading recaps from this site for so long. Goodluck and continue showering as with fan
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Olivia Otgontugs Samdan
May 3, 2017 at 5:10 PM
Where can I see the list of Now airing dramas? Anyone tplease tell. I kind of lost a track without that list.
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May 9, 2017 at 5:32 PM
Where are Javabeans and Girlfriday these days?? ARe they not recapping anymore?? I miss their wit and insights!!!!Please tell me where to find them, or when they will be back!!! Thank you for anything you can tell me!
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