Team Dramabeans: What we’re watching

Angel’s Last Mission: Love: I’m so fond of this show and digging *almost* everything about it. From Ice Queen Yeon-seo, to Kim Dan’s almost-but-not-quite human reactions, to the “I’m a bitch but I do a mean ballet performance, YOU WILL LOVE ME” challenges, to the plot twist that Auntie is just a scheming hardworker who’s now being tortured by her psychopathic daughter. I’m even having fun playing spot-the-Healer cast, thanks to the PD. (Anyone else remember angel grandpa as the Sniggering Secretary with OCD?) I have to say though that this show’s interpretation of God is abhominable. It’s like the writer skimmed through the Old Testament and took inspiration from all the smiting and banishing and angel-wrestling in there and missed the parts about mercy and love..? I’m half-ignoring the mythology, and half-hoping that this is deliberate and there will be a reveal later that Angel Hoo has been misinterpreting orders all along. But it’s a tiny hope.

Rescue Me 2: I almost wish they didn’t brand this as a second season because except for the religion-as-a-scam theme, they are totally different shows and I love them for different reasons. In Rescue Me 2, I don’t care much about the slow-moving fake church story but I’m enjoying the village shenanigans a lot. I said bad things about Min-cheol last week which made it sound like I hate him when it’s the opposite. I love how terrible he is. I love all the scenes when he’s walking around and the crowd parts or the cops trip over themselves trying to put a safe distance between them (except for Chief). I cackle when the villagers talk a big game when Min-cheol isn’t there then turn into meek lambs when they see his shadow. I just like the characterization of the whole town. It’s very true to life. They’re all going at each other’s throats one minute then sharing chicken soup the next. They’re frustrating and gossipy and terrifying when part of a mob but they’re caring and loving when pulled out of it. There’s this thing they do in front of Min-cheol that makes me laugh every time. When they catch him doing something bad and stand a safe distance away, all “I know you stabbed someone to death, but I’m older and I’ll nag you even if it kills me.” Aww, look at you, OCN, doing a slice-of-life show and everything.

Lookout: First, a prayer circle for Kyung-soo who’s caught between two warring noonas. May he someday find a bit of solitude and a lot of appreciation for always saving the day. Next, a cackle (or several) for the delicious twistedness every time Soo-ji throws a wrench in Do-han’s plans. I know, I know, Do-han is bringing down the Big Bad, but I’m gonna enjoy his suffering while it lasts. If you’re gonna use traumatized people as unwitting chess pieces for your revenge, you deserve aaaaaaall the headaches that come when they start acting not according to plan. Can’t wait until Soo-ji catches you. I hope you’re wearing your most expensive, must-not-destroy-this suit then. Heehee.

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