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Reunited Worlds: Episodes 19-20

There’s a lot of cuteness and sweetness in this episode, and yet there’s also a feeling of urgency that’s beginning to follow Hae-sung as he accelerates his search for the truth. As much as I want him to unearth his killer and discover why he was framed for murder, I also want to tell him to slow down and take his time. The closer Hae-sung gets to clearing his name, the shorter his time back on Earth becomes, and I’m just not ready to watch those who love him face losing him a second time.


At the Changho Foundation event, Hae-sung follows the pain in his chest to the VIP room, where he finds CEO Cha sitting alone. Knowing that he’s finally found his killer, he reminds CEO Cha who he is, then asks angrily, “Why did you kill me?!”

CEO Cha puffs up and goes on the offensive, asking why he would kill Hae-sung, but Hae-sung isn’t finished. He states what he’s sure is the truth: that CEO Cha was driving the car that killed him, then he made his chauffeur, Driver Hwang, take the blame.

It must be close to the truth, because CEO Cha freezes, and Hae-sung asks if he killed him in order to frame him for murder. CEO Cha just says that he has no evidence, so Hae-sung roars, “I am the evidence!” CEO Cha dares him to reveal himself and tell the police, but Hae-sung says that now that he knows the identity of his killer, it will be easy to find more proof.

CEO Cha is summoned to make his speech, but he only gets a few steps down the hall before he collapses. Tae-hoon, having followed Hae-sung, sees his father on the ground and hurries to his side, carrying him on his back to get help.

They take him to the hospital, where their friend Director Sohn tells Tae-hoon and his mother that he just had a bad shock and will be fine. CEO Cha starts to say something to Tae-hoon, but he changes his mind at the last second.

They leave him to get some rest, and CEO Cha mulls over his conversation with Driver Hwang’s wife, who’d told him that she’d been visited by a police officer at her husband’s funeral. He puts together his conversations with both Ho-bang and Hae-sung, worried that they’re all suspecting him.

Hae-sung drops by the police station to talk to Ho-bang, who is shocked to hear that Hae-sung pinpointed Tae-hoon’s father as his killer, and they decide not to say anything to Tae-hoon until they know more. Worried that they won’t be able to find good evidence after twelve years, they decide that Driver Hwang’s wife, Min-joon’s aunt, is their best potential source for more information about what happened that night.

Hae-sung had gone to Driver Hwang’s funeral and seen the man’s wife crying in front of her dead husband’s photograph. Thinking she was alone, she’d lamented that her husband couldn’t deny it when people called him a murderer; but when asked, she’d denied saying that. Ho-bang wonders if she’d tell him the truth if he asked again.

While waiting for the catering crew to return from the Changho event, Min-joon asks for help rearranging the furniture in his office. While moving a table, Min-joon accidentally bumps Jung-won with his rear and knocks her down. He doesn’t notice, but she gapes up at him, assuming he did it on purpose.

Later Jung-won complains about it to Jin-ju and Moon-shik. She thinks Min-joon is being petty because she rejected him, and she describes the incident to them in detail. HAHA, in her version he practically attacks her with his butt, then smirks as he pretends it was an accident.

Her friends think Jung-won is being silly, but they agree that Min-joon is a horrible, petty person for reacting that way. Jung-won whines that she can’t even quit because Hae-sung needs her support.

At home, she helps Hae-sung carry in a bunch of packages that he ordered. The first is a fancy set of knives that he brags can cut a phone book in half, but he’s stumped when Jung-won asks why he’d need to do that, hee.

Another box is a gift for Jung-won, a set of cups he got for her since she doesn’t have many at home. Jung-won cracks up when the cups turn out to be a teeny-tiny tea set (Hae-sung: “They looked big in the photo!”). She asks Hae-sung to check with her first the next time he wants to buy her something.

In the morning, CEO Cha gives his assistant the photos from the mall CCTV and tells him that Hae-sung works for the restaurant that catered the Chungho event. He orders him to find out everything he can about Hae-sung, then heads to Chungho for a board of directors meeting.

In Chungho, Hae-chul is busy supervising the placement of several banners asking for information on the hit-and-run accident from twelve years ago. He calls Ho-bang, wondering if they’ll learn anything new after so long. Ho-bang says that he’s trying whatever he can, since their best bet for information left the country.

Ho-bang decides to take a shower and starts undressing right in the middle of the living room. Jung-won lets herself in just as he’s about to pull down his boxers — they both scream bloody murder, and Jung-won runs outside and yells an apology through the door. PFFT.

While Ho-bang tries to recover from this trauma to his nerves, Hae-sung asks him not to say anything to Jung-won about their investigation. He says she worries about him enough as it is, and he doesn’t want to add to her problems.

Arriving in Chungho for his meeting, CEO Cha spots one of the banners asking for information about Hae-sung’s accident. He calls the phone number on the banner, and when Ho-bang answers, CEO Cha remembers meeting with him, and that Ho-bang is Tae-hoon’s friend. He makes a call and issues an order to have all of the banners taken down immediately.

At the hospital in Seoul, Soo-ji meets with her doctor, who tells her that he had a daughter her age who was also named Soo-ji, and who passed away. He reminds Soo-ji that they need to find an organ donor for her right away, urging her to speak to her family about it. He tells her to bring her guardian to meet with him next week.

Tae-hoon oh-so-casually drops by the shop in the mall where Young-in works. Since her manager is there, he makes little faces at Young-in, hinting for her to take a break and come talk to him.

But she doesn’t understand, so her manager translates for her, saying that he’s telling her to meet him at the staircase, lol. The manager takes a hint and leaves, and Tae-hoon gives Young-in a pair of movie tickets and tells her to meet him after work.

She agrees, but Soo-ji calls to ask if they can talk after she gets off work, and Young-in fibs that she’s working late. Soo-ji heads out of the hospital, and in a hallway, a hurried doctor collides with her and drops the stack of books he’s carrying.

She doesn’t recognize Young-joon, but he reads her name tag and realizes that this is his youngest sister, whom he hasn’t seen in years. He quickly collects his things and leaves.

He’s on his way to see CEO Cha, who mentions that it was just about twelve years ago that they met. He asks Young-joon to keep it a secret that he supported him through medical school, then says cryptically, “That could happen to anyone, it’s okay.”

Jung-won happens to be nearby when the two men leave the coffee shop together. She recognizes Young-joon, and she wonders why he’d be with Tae-hoon’s father.

Young-in and Tae-hoon meet up at the movie that evening (it looks like Park Seo-joon and Kang Ha-neul’s buddy-cop comedy Midnight Runner). Tae-hoon keeps shooting adorable glances at Young-in, and in the middle of the show, he reaches over to take her hand in his.

They’re still holding hands while he walks Young-in home, and as they linger at her door, Tae-hoon admits that he doesn’t remember a single thing about the movie (cute!).

Soo-ji comes around the corner just in time to see Tae-hoon give Young-in a long hug and wish her goodnight. She smiles to see her sister so happy.

Jung-won decides to confront Min-joon for his apparent upset at her rejection, so she goes to his office to ask him if they can talk after work. He’s in his office chair, his back to the room, so all Jung-won sees is the back of his head as he nods. After she leaves, Min-joon turns his chair around and we see that he’s got his earbuds in, watching a cooking show on his tablet, having missed seeing her entirely.

So when the restaurant closes that night, he invites Hae-sung to go to dinner, unaware that Jung-won is waiting for him. Hae-sung lies that he’s not hungry but his growling stomach gives him away, so Min-joon calls a sashimi restaurant he frequents to order a meal prepared for them.

When they arrive, the owner leads them to a table piled with enough food for ten people, and Hae-sung gawps at the sheer volume of dishes as Min-joon nods and says it pays to be a regular.

They do the food justice, plowing through it like a pair of starving men. Just as they’re polishing off the last of the sashimi, they both stop with their bites halfway to their mouths as they realize that a pair of giants are looming over them angrily.

Okay, so they aren’t giants, but they are huge. They ask why Min-joon and Hae-sung are eating their food, which is when the ajumma realizes that she got the tables switched. She points Min-joon and Hae-sung to a table with a much more appropriate amount of food laid out for them, hee.

But it’s too late, so they’re obligated to pay for what they ate. Poor Min-joon shells out the cash as Hae-sung looks appalled at how much their meal cost.


Meanwhile, Jung-won realizes that Min-joon left the restaurant and gets even more peeved thinking he stood her up. It sparks another round of complaints to Jin-ju and Moon-shik, who still don’t think it’s that big of a deal, though Jin-ju has to teach Moon-shik a few things about being a supportive friend.

After dinner, Min-joon and Hae-sung pass a vendor selling jade bracelets that claim to bring lovers together. Min-joon says it’s a scam and heads to the restroom, but he sneaks a peek and sees Hae-sung buying one of the bracelets and guesses that Hae-sung likes someone. Then Hae-sun steps aside to the men’s room, and despite calling the bracelets silly, it’s Min-joon’s turn to be tempted to buy one.

Over coffee, Min-joon confesses that he told Jung-won about his feelings and got rejected. Hae-sung visibly relaxes, but Min-joon adds that he’s going to keep waiting. Hae-sung asks why he’s telling him this, and Min-joon says that he feels like he can tell him anything. Awww.

At home that night, Min-joon smiles at the bracelet that he bought after all.

Ho-bang and Hae-sung go to Jung-won’s place later to hang out, and she tells them about seeing Young-joon with CEO Cha. She says they seemed close, but the guys keep their thoughts to themselves.

Back at their place, Hae-sung frowns at the bracelet he bought. He’d gotten a broken one and gone back to exchange it, and had seen the seller telling some elderly customers that the bracelets were to relieve joint pain. He’d known he got scammed, and Ho-bang enters the room complaining of a sore knee, so Hae-sung gives him the bracelet, ha.

CEO Cha belatedly realizes that Hae-sung and Min-joon know each other when his assistant reports back with pictures and information. Paranoid, he wonders what kind of scheme they’re planning against him.

Min-joon gets a call from his aunt, who’s been having nightmares about his uncle. She asks Min-joon to visit his ashes just to make sure everything is okay. On the way, he passes Hae-chul setting up another banner and sees that they’re asking for information regarding the accident in Chungho twelve years ago.

At the same time, an old friend of Hae-chul’s recognizes him and stops to say hello. He says that someone has been looking for him but his number changed, and he directs Hae-chul how find out who it is.

It turns out to be Gong-ju’s birth mother, a young woman who seems happy to see Hae-chul, but he’s so uncomfortable that he can barely look at her. She tries to make small talk, but Hae-chul says that he didn’t know she was the one who wanted to see him, and he stands to leave.

She asks about Gong-ju, claiming that she misses her. Hae-chul is angry and incredulous, and he refuses to answer any questions about his daughter.

Later when he picks up Gong-ju from school, Hae-chul sees Gong-ju’s mother waiting outside the school. Gong-ju gives her a precocious little frown, and Hae-chul picks up Gong-ju and walks right past his ex without acknowledging her.

When he gets to his uncle’s resting place, Min-joon asks if he sent him here so that he’d see the banner. He remembers a day years ago when he’d visited his uncle in prison, and his uncle gave him the hair ribbon. Driver Hwang had said that the victim of the crash had it on him when he died, and he’d asked Min-joon to return it to the victim’s family.

Min-joon had meant to return the hair ribbon that very day, but he was on leave from army duty and got called back to the base early. After his discharge, he’d gone to the victim’s house but the family had moved. Now, he returns to the banner and calls the number.

Ho-bang visits Hae-sung at work to tell him that he’s meeting someone who may have information about his accident. He warns Hae-sung not to get his hopes up, though he’s surprised they got a call so soon.

Min-joon meets with Ho-bang and asks why he’s searching for information about a closed case from twelve years ago, so Ho-bang admits that the victim was his friend. Min-joon says regretfully that he didn’t witness the accident himself, but that Driver Hwang was his uncle.

Excited, Ho-bang asks if he’s still in contact with his aunt after her overseas move. Min-joon is surprised that Ho-bang knows about that, so Ho-bang discloses his suspicion that someone else was driving the car that killed Hae-sung.

Despite Min-joon’s keen interest, Ho-bang is reluctant to tell him any more, but Min-joon counters that he needs to know the real assailant in order to bring his aunt back to Korea, so Ho-bang says that he suspects CEO Cha. Min-joon reels to hear that his father is suspected of murder.

They’re unaware that Hae-sung followed Ho-bang to this meeting, and that he’s been listening to their conversation from a table around a corner. He’s shocked to learn that Min-joon’s uncle is the man who took the fall for his death.

Min-joon’s employees are concerned when he makes distracted mistakes all afternoon, so he decides to take the evening and the next day off. That night he sees the blue hair ribbon again and remembers his promise to his uncle. He takes the ribbon to Ho-bang the following day and tells him that the victim had it with him when he died, and asks Ho-bang to return it to the family.

Ho-bang gives the ribbon back to Hae-sung, excusing himself when Hae-sung begins to cry. Hae-sung remembers buying it on the night that he died, intending to give it to Jung-won. He goes to her place to give it to her right away, though he doesn’t tell her when he bought it.

Jung-won says that it looks like something he would buy, and smiles that it’s pretty. But when he asks her to put it on, she hesitates and clarifies that she thinks it’s pretty because the intention behind it was pretty. (HAHA, she doesn’t like it! That’s hilarious.) Hae-sung pouts and snatches the hair ribbon away, insisting on putting it on her himself. She smiles at him prettily, then reminds him again to check with her when he wants to buy her something.

Min-joon calls his aunt, and two days later, Hae-sung bursts into CEO Cha’s office to confront him. CEO Cha screams for his assistants, who limp into the office like they just received a minor beating from Hae-sung. Hae-sung says that he won’t be long so CEO Cha dismisses his assistants.

Hae-sung tells him that Driver Hwang’s wife is on her way here right now, and he ignores CEO Cha’s loud protestations. He tells CEO Cha that he may as well confess that he killed him.

Min-joon picks up his aunt at the airport, and she says that she’s more worried about him than herself, since CEO Cha is still his father. But Min-joon is determined, saying that he can’t forgive his father for what he did to his uncle.

But CEO Cha is already confessing to Hae-sung that he was the one driving the car that night. He admits that he hit and killed Hae-sung, then called his driver and made him take the blame.

Hae-sung asks how that connects to the bully’s murder at the school, which he was wrongfully blamed for, sure that the two events are related. CEO Cha says smugly that he knows that Hae-sung was innocent, and he tells Hae-sung that they need to discuss something privately before anyone else arrives.

Hae-sung asks why, and CEO Cha says again that he was falsely accused, but he denies that he framed Hae-sung. All of the evidence at the crime scene pointed to Hae-sung, and since he wasn’t alive to proclaim his innocence, he was just naturally blamed.

Stunned, Hae-sung asks him, “Then who was the culprit?” CEO Cha just smiles.


Oh, this is getting good. I can’t wait to see what the boys have up their sleeves — whatever it is seems to scare the pants off CEO Cha, enough that he readily confessed to being the one driving the car when it hit Hae-sung. But apparently CEO Cha knows some things as well, things that are probably going to keep him off the hook for a while longer. I have a feeling that he’s going to say that someone Hae-sung loves killed the bully that night, and I still think that it’s probably Young-joon.

When CEO Cha told Young-joon that “that could happen to anyone,” it seems to me that he’s referring to Young-joon killing the bully accidentally. My theory is that Young-joon was defending himself against another attack, that he accidentally injured the bully then ran, and in his flight, he witnessed CEO Cha hit and kill Hae-sung. CEO Cha probably offered to put Young-joon through medical school, and in exchange both men would remain silent about what they knew. It would also explain why Young-joon cut himself off from his family — deep guilt and shame for letting Hae-sung take the blame for a murder he didn’t commit.

I just love all of the characters in this show so much, and I wish we had more time to spend with each of them. I particularly like Hae-chul, whose journey from a hotheaded thug to a responsible single father is so heartwarming and sweet that I kind of wish it were its own drama. I love stories about daddies and daughters, especially when the daughter, in essence, saves her father’s life simply by existing. Hae-chul is really growing up and maturing since Hae-sung returned, doing his best to be a law-abiding citizen and keep a job so that he can live full-time with Gong-ju. I was so proud of him when he walked right past Gong-ju’s mother and left her in their dust — she abandoned them, and she had no right to try to walk back into their lives with no consequences.

I really adore Tae-hoon and Young-in’s budding romance. They’re just so cute together, and I know Hae-sung would love it if his friend and his sister ended up together. But I also worry that there will be problems when Tae-hoon discovers that his father is the one who killed Hae-sung. They live in a society where a killer’s family members are considered culpable by association, which is why Hae-sung’s family has struggled in the wake of him being labeled a murderer. And Tae-hoon is such a strait-laced, moral guy that I fear that he’s going to take on a huge burden of blame for his father’s involvement and feel that he’s unworthy of Young-in. I’m anticipating that Tae-hoon and Young-in are going to have to fight if they want to stay together, once the truth of Hae-sung’s death comes to light.

The reluctant one-sided bromance between Min-joon and Hae-sung continued in this episodes, and I just think they’re the most adorable things ever. Min-joon loves playing the hyung and showing off to Hae-sung, even though it keeps getting him in trouble, and Hae-sung can’t help but relax and enjoy himself with Min-joon even while he’s grumpy knowing that Min-joon likes his girl. Seeing them eat their way through all that food was hilarious — where did they put it all? Mostly I just like how they fulfill a need in each other, even without realizing it. Min-joon gives Hae-sung the guidance and care he never got while acting as the head of his family at such a young age, and Hae-sung takes the place of the little brother whose name Min-joon was never even allowed to know. They’re just so good for each other.

I feel sort of bad now for suspecting Min-joon of being sinister or hiding something, because it seems clear in retrospect that he really is just that nice of a guy. It was so sweet and generous of him to give the hair ribbon back to the family of the accident victim after taking good care of it for so many years. He has no idea how that hair ribbon connects back to Jung-won and Hae-sung and their shared past — he just returned it out of the goodness of his heart.

But how adorable was it that after all those years, and all that angst, and the roundabout way the hair ribbon was finally returned to Hae-sung… after all that, Jung-won didn’t even like it! Hae-sung’s “You’ve got to be kidding me, lady,” face was hilarious. This show continually throws cute little reversals like that at us, and I love how Hae-sung and Jung-won are so honest with each other, even when they don’t like something. They really are meant for each other.


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From the ending of this episode, I also get the feeling that the culprit is Young Joon. But we never know, there might be other twist that we're not yet to discover as this drama has another 10 hours before it ends. However, I'm starting to feel that this drama is a little bit draggy and I kinda wish this is only 16 episodes drama: short, on point and detailed drama instead.


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On the other point, Tae Hoon and Young In are soooo adorable! ?? Soo Ji's reaction when she saw them together is exactly the same as my reaction. I was squeeing and giggling whenever they're together. I hope mama and papa Cha won't come in between their relationship.


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So it is a 20 Episodes drama????? LOL! And I even commented I wish it would be a 20 Ep drama, because I thought the whole time it was only 16!!!! Does anybody understands me? I am actually happy if it has 20 Episode... because I love these characters so much!!!
Hum... Funny!


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So many sources saying both 32 and 40. I'm still not sure which one is true. Many of the wiki-ish sites only guessing how many episodes because the exact date of the next series is still up in the air.


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I'm sure it is 16 eps. Since it's in parts it's 32 eps. I just searched it up on Asianwiki..


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Ohh wait, I must have read it wrong. It's 32 eps from asianwiki and koreandramaorg. Sorry for the wrong info, guys! ???


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Finally some forward action in the plot! It's only E10, but the way the episodes are numbered now keep fooling me into think the show is almost over. I've been thinking it was Youngjun from the start who killed the bully in the art room, and then CEO Cha killed HS, and the two decided to cover up for each other. But I wonder if it would be too obvious a plot. (Been burnt by too many red herrings before hah!)

I looooove the one-sided bromance that MJ and HS has. MJ really treats him like the dongsaeng that he could never have, and I love how MJ always shows off about how "great" it is... and then it all blows up in his face later on in the most embarrassing manner. I'm usually not a fan of second hand embarrassment but this show just cracks me up with MJ's scenes.


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I like MJ much better as the sweet but hapless friend than the swoony cool boss. It's funnier and I think plays on the actor's strengths more.


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I also like them together. MJ is kind. It looks also like he could need a good friend. But on the other hand, as much as Hae sung look mature and so, he is 19 years old! I believe, in the Korean culture it would be weird for a man in his 30´s, already successful, owner of his restaturant, to always want to hang out with a young man of 19 years old!!!
I know they need it for the plot, and economy of characters, but it is not very realistic


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My fave thing.. Hae Sung and Min Joon's bromance! They are actually so cute.. I ship them. Hahaha....
Anw, I jus notice how thin Ahn Jae-hyun is... He looks so fragile. Even when he wore that army's uniform, the clothes look so big on him. My concern to Uee as well.. She looks so thin in Manhole, I prefer her full figure body in You're beautiful. #hohatebtw ☺️.
Maybe actress and idols should really eat more. i am happy they put a scene where they can eat a lot. Hope they really do eat to their heart's content... ☺️

CEO Cha looked very suspicious in the last scene. I don't like him confess to HS that he killed him while smiling smugly and make that shifty expression. What is he up to??


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He's so skinny that when he butted JungWon I thought: ouch! that pelvic bone stab may have hurt her


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Tae-hoon and Young-in are so freaking cute, I can't. Low key the best ship in the drama, lol.

I also adore this bromance/frenemy thing going on with Hae-sung and Min-joon. Poor Joonie doesn't even know that Hae-sung is treating him as a rival in love, it's hilarious.

Kwak Dong-yeon as a daddy ??????


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Everyone in this show is so freaking adorable (except Tae Hoon's dad). I worry for all of them because we know HS has to go back. How will they react? How will I react? ?


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Ah, Min-joon makes a fool of himself once again! ;)

I've been suspecting Young-joon since episode one, but I keep wondering if this is yet another mislead.

While I would like these questions to be answered, I have to admit that I feel that this show is dragging things unnecessarily. Even sixteen episodes seems too much for a show like this.


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am i the only one who loves soo ji? really thinking she'll somehow be the key to young joon's redemption. i hope they don't kill her off with whatever illness she has.

min joon and hae sung are so cute together. the budding bromance between the two is just <3. the only issue hae sung has against minjoon is that minjoon is in love with jungwon. had things been different, i'm sure these two would have been the best of friends. the two of them are so much like each other that had hae sung been allowed to grow up, i'm positive he would have turned out so much like minjoon.

tae hoon and young in are just so adorable together. crossing my fingers that they'll be weather through the storm once the truth of hae sung's death comes to light.

i still think minjoon and jung won would be the end game. it is highly doubtful that hae sung will be able to stay once he resolves the things he needs to resolve. and i think he'll be comforted by the fact that he'll be leaving jung won with someone like minjoon. for some reason, i really believe that minjoon can be what jungwon needs once she lets go of hae sung, simply because the two are so much alike.


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You still think MJ is endgame? I wondered what other viewers were thinking about that. It seems to me they've switched focus on him as a romantic option but there are still plenty of episodes to change the dynamic again.

I honestly wondered if the writers/producers intended him to get the girl and gave it up when netizen feedback to AJH was lukewarm.


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i don't know just a guess. who knows what will happen? maybe i'm just hoping that a second lead will get the girl for a change since this is one of the dramas that would make that plausible given that hae sung would most likely end up dead. not really onboard the SLS here, but yeah, just a hunch. why not make the second lead the end game for a change?


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Sadly I also believe MJ will get the girl, and it will be bittersweet...
I love Haesung, but, he will have to go. And then what? MJ is the best second thing, although... somehow he is also deserving... Hey! Except when he said he liked Jung won only because she is beautiful.... Come on, chef! A woman is more than her looks!!! And Jung won is caring and sensible and loyal. She can also be very fun... You have to like her for more reasons!!!


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Then this drama will be another rare drama where second lead gets the girl...
Weird... I don't really care whether MJ will ended up with JW or not. I just want him to have a loving family and friends and be happy. He is so lonely and it would be nice if he actually have someone who really loves him. No SLS here...


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right, if Jung Won ends up with MJ, Hae Sung would always live inside here. I have no SLS here too.


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but then, wouldn't hae sung live within jung won no matter whom she ends up with? jung won can't forever pine for hae sung, she would need to move on. and at the moment, wouldn't minjoon be the next best thing to hae sung?


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If HaeSung has to leave (hope not), I'd rather see JungWon with a new boyfriend who doesn't know HaeSung. She will never love MinJoon the same way and he knows he's a consolation boyfriend. That's very cruel to him.


I find MJ really nice and sweet. While I'm a bit disappointed as to the reason that he gave for liking JW, about being pretty in everything that she does, as I was hoping that he'd say that he finds her to have some sadness inside her that he can relate with. I would've started considering him in the same level as Hong Jong Hyun's Rin in The King Loves. As of this time, I'd still be disappointed if MJ ends up with JW because HS has to return to the afterlife. But I'm ready to be won over.

On another note, while I've grown fond of adult JW's bangs for a while now, I'm ready to see those bangs disappear already, especially now that I'm seeing how super pretty LYH looks in her upcoming drama with Yonghwa.


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I was hoping the bangs would grow out quickly. Maybe the only time I've watched a drama hoping for a time skip.


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I posted this on my fanwall, but I'm going to say it again. Watching Young-in and Tae-hoon is like staring at the sun. My eyes burn because of how brightly they shine.


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I squeal and cover my mouth every time their scenes start. They are so darn cute together.


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i also love every character in the show and would love to watch it longer if there was chance.


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What a nice episode! I think, for the first time I didn´t cry... Oh, wait, not true... I was about to cry with Soo ji, when she wanted to tell her big sis about her decease, and also, I droped a tear when Hae Sung got the lace back... Oh my! He makes me cry when he cries and makes me smile, when he smiles so big and beautifully.... What a great actor! What chemistry and charisma!!!!!! Wonderful!


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I totally felt the emotion running thru HaeSung when he saw the hair clip. When you think things are gone forever but it makes its way back to you. The clip symbolizes his love for JungWon and how he meant to confess it. He lost his opportunity to confess 12 years ago. His second chance to live and confess was a miracle, just as slim as his chance to see this clip again, but it happened. It's just adorable how Jungwon reacted to the gifts... how she doesn't hide that this taste is terrible XD


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One of the things I liked the most about this episode, Jung woo with Jin-ju and Moon-shik!!! ha ha ha... And Jin-ju giving Moon-shik lectures about how to behave!!! So fun!!! Cute also!!!!


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Wth is wrong with our dear MoonShik? He's too oblivious *facepalm*. Please fix him JinJu! XD Love these friendship goals.


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I really hope they will not pull a "The Beautiful Gong-Shim" where the title character is almost left and forgotten while the male lead and the second male lead are going around solving the mysteries of their family, not wanting to bother her with it. While at least Jung-won isn't the title character, it would still be a little annoying if she only appeared a little each episode for nothing more than "oh btw she is here too, let us give Hae-song a break to spend time with her", especially since we know how hard his death was on her.


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Woo Jin speaking banmal.


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My favorite moments this week:
1. Minjoon (inadvertently) ditching Jungwon to hang out with Haesung
2. More of Minjoon's embarassment
3. Jungwon's recount of Minjoon shoved her with his butt


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I still love our OTP and can write forever about them. But I won't, today.

TaeHoon and YoungIn are soooooo cute together. Can't get enough of them.

I really hope Princess' mom is not back to steal her from HaeChul. I would reach into the tv and pull her hair.

Wonder how bad is Sooji's illness? I also feel that she is the one to bring YoungJoon back to senses. What would HaeSung do when he finds out? While all siblings are important to him, I feel that Sooji holds a special spot, almost like daughter to him.

HoBang is such a great friend. I just know that another homosexual misunderstanding is coming of that bracelet XD.

While I like the idea of a HS-MJ bromance to replace the scenes of MJ pursuing JungWon, at some point writers need to stop making a grown man/ business owner look like a fool. A restaurant owner can't tell if that feast was NOT for a party of 2? Make him drunk like last episode if he needs to act foolish. On the good side, it was really commendable of MJ to hold the hair clip for so many years. His unhesitating loyalty towards his uncle also makes him respectable. I really wished this character was played by someone more experienced so I could enjoy his presence more. The monotone contrasts too much with scene stealer Lee Si Eon.


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oh i never thot of the homo misunderstanding.... hahaha... u r so funny... yes, i totally agree... that's how the drama can stretch for another 10 episodes (20 in k-term)... more comedies...
I like HS, totally adore him, love his beautiful smile.
MJ is so slow... the writer is making him a total idiot... he cannot get JW's rejection? come on this girl is not interested in you for the past 3 years... move on...; he cannot make a proper dinner reservation, what's with that?
If the writer makes the second lead winning the girl, it shows how idiotic this drama becomes! There are more than two men in this world!! lolololol.... AJH is just not the acting material... sigh...


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I think HS will be the one to give one of his organ to JS. Soooo sad to think that he will probably have to die again


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Really loving the bromance between Haesung and Minjoon. I love how Minjoon has actually brought out Haesung to more dates and given him more gifts than Jungwon. I'm still not over that apron with Haesung's initials.

And lol at Jungwon chancing upon topless Hobang by accident and you could see Jingoo's shoulders shaking from all the giggling hahaha. Hobang could never really catch a break.

Anyway, the NGs at the end of the episode are just so adorable, and I wouldn't mind not having teasers if they'd give us lots of NGs like this. :D


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That restaurant owner lady is so mean. She's the one who showed them the wrong table right? how can she charge them like that. Young In Tea hoon couple is so sweet. hae sung is too adorable for words. Why so sweet hae sung. That hair clip scene is so bitter sweet and somewhat funny when he gave the clip to jung won, too bad she didn't like it lol!


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My thoughts exactly! The owner is the one who made the mistake by showing them the wrong table and yet she's the one acting all mean to MJ and HS. Like even if she had to charge them 500 dollars for the meal, at least be apologetic about it.


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so true. Shouldn't have charged them like that


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It would really be the twist of all twists if Tae-hoon turns out to be the one that killed the school bully. That would make him the socio-path, being the A-list student and model son and boyfriend that he currently is. Could CEO Cha be covering up for him? I'm not sure if you also noticed the tension between Youngjun and Taehoon when they met at a cafe.


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Hope it doesnt turn out that way. But since MinJoon isnt guilty, we dont have much choice than YoungJoon and TaeHoon.


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Too much bromance kills the OTP and kills the drama. Hope Minjoon&Haesung bromance doesn't go overboard.


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I have thought about it and it seems like not so many people are watching this show. Which is a pity. Because it is very good. In general i feel it has a positive tone. And lots of heart and tears, i know... tears! But we are still hoping for a happy end, dont we?


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Jung Won didn't like the ribbon because she is 31 years old and it's something a high schooler would wear. Really like this show a lot!


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