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Reunited Worlds: Episodes 15-16

These two are killing me. Their love is so sweet and innocent, and based as much on deep caring and friendship as anything romantic. But Hae-sung has more urgent things to think about, as his chance for catching his killer is literally fading away. Time is growing short, and he needs to decide which is more important — arranging for his loved ones after he’s gone, or living as much as he can while he’s still here.


Jung-won is worried when she finds Hae-sung crying at the bus stop, having just seen Mr. Mystery fade back to where he came from. He doesn’t tell her what’s wrong, so she just hugs him tightly, giving what comfort she can.

Later, Hae-sung asks why Jung-won didn’t ask why he cried. She says that he would have told her if he’d had a good reason, and he doesn’t correct her. She says he can always talk to her if he’s having a hard time, because she’s gained a lot of strength from him and she wants to return the favor.

She lays her head on Hae-sung’s shoulder, then stands to go inside. She says that he’ll feel better tomorrow, and even better as time goes on. In the middle of her sentence, Hae-sung reaches up and grabs her in a hug. Jung-won starts to say something else, but Hae-sung ends the hug and leaves.

While waiting for his bus, Hae-sung finally reads the note that Mr. Mystery left behind:

Hae-sung-ah, there’s no time for you to worry and be sad. Do everything you’ve always wanted to do, so that you don’t regret anything in the future. Take care of yourself, and thank you. By the way, Hae-sung, my name is Ahn Tae-bok.

Hae-sung promises to do his best, and starts by telling Ho-bang about how his chest hurts whenever he’s near the person who killed him. Ho-bang is excited, and Hae-sung says that now they know that CEO Cha’s driver wasn’t really responsible, since he’s felt the pain since the man died.

They wonder why someone would accept blame for a death they didn’t cause, and speculate if the real killer also had something to do with the death of Jung-chul, the bully that Hae-sung was said to have killed before his accident. Hae-sung notes that in both cases, the person who took the blame was not the guilty party.

Ho-bang tells Hae-sung to call him when he feels the pain again. Hae-sung agrees, but he tells Ho-bang that it’s less painful each time and he’s worried it will soon fade completely. Ho-bang says they have to catch the culprit before that happens.

He makes a visit to CEO Cha to ask some questions, since it was his driver (Min-joon’s uncle) who was said to be driving the car that hit Hae-sung. CEO Cha remembers the incident, and when Ho-bang says that he suspects someone else could have been driving the car, CEO Cha grows nervous.

He asks what makes Ho-bang think that, but Ho-bang skirts the question. He asks if there’s anyone who works at the Chungho mall now who might have had access to the car back then, and CEO Cha offers to have a list sent to him.

On his way out, Ho-bang tells CEO Cha that he’s friends with Tae-hoon. CEO Cha makes the appropriate friendly noises, but after Ho-bang leaves, that fact seems to bother him. Ho-bang reports back to Hae-sung that even though he’s met CEO Cha several times, he didn’t appear to recognize him today.

The two friends decide to look for a place to live, and Ho-bang teaches Hae-sung how to search for apartments on a cell phone. Heads close together, they argue cutely over whether it’s better to have a big kitchen or a big bedroom. Then they realize how they must sound to the other customers in the coffee shop, hee.

At the restaurant, Min-joon announces that they’re hiring another kitchen assistant, and that next week they’ll be working on new menu ideas. He asks the employees to each develop a unique dish for consideration, and as soon as he’s finished talking, Jung-won runs off.

She leaves instead of eating lunch with everyone, sparking rumors that she has a boyfriend. Min-joon gets cranky and goes up to his office to frown at the teddy bear Jung-won won for him. He remembers her making sandwiches the other day and wonders who they were for.

Hae-sung visits Hae-chul at work, and they’re both surprised when Jung-won shows up with a surprise lunch she packed for them. Hae-sung digs in happily, but Hae-chul takes one bite and looks startled, heh. Jung-won heads back to work, saying that they’re extra busy because they haven’t hired a new assistant yet, and Hae-chul suggests that Hae-sung apply for the kitchen assistant job.

Hospital Director Sohn calls Young-joon to her office and instructs him to give CEO Cha and his wife their physical results personally. A colleague asks her if that’s standard practice, and she says, right in front of Young-joon, that CEO Cha will be her daughter Seo-won’s father-in-law. She knows that Young-joon and Seo-won are already engaged, and she tells her colleague that she can’t fire Young-joon, so she’s trying to get him to quit the hospital of his own accord.

Young-joon delivers the test results to CEO Cha at the mall office, and seeing him reminds CEO Cha of Hae-sung, and thinking that he looked familiar the other day. Young-joon thanks CEO Cha for his help going to medical school, and when CEO Cha asks after his siblings, Young-joon admits that he doesn’t see them much.

Once Young-joon leaves, CEO Cha’s assistant reports that Min-joon’s aunt has moved out of the country and changed her phone number. CEO Cha calls Min-joon, who is busy working on dishes for the menu and declines his call.

Min-joon is distracted by thoughts of Jung-won with a boyfriend, imagining her on a picnic, gazing lovingly at a faceless man. He sits outside the restaurant to brood, and Hae-sung finds him there when he comes to return Jung-won’s lunchbox. Min-joon relaxes when he realizes that Jung-won made the lunch for Hae-sung, who he thinks is just her cousin.

He takes the lunchbox inside to Jung-won and gets asked if he saw Jung-won’s boyfriend. He teases Jung-won, saying that he’s a handsome younger man, and Jung-won runs outside to catch up to Hae-sung.

The satisfied grin on Min-joon’s face fades when his father walks into the restaurant, angry that he didn’t answer his call. They talk outside, where CEO Cha demands his aunt’s new phone number, but Min-joon refuses to give it to him.

While he’s sending Jung-won back to work, Hae-sung feels the pain in his chest again. He runs inside and looks around, anxious to catch his killer before the pain disappears completely. But CEO Cha doesn’t come back inside, and Hae-sung’s pain fades as he drives away.

Hae-sung finds Ho-bang to tell him what happened, frustrated that he couldn’t pinpoint anyone suspicious. They decide that it makes sense for him to spend as much time at the restaurant as possible in case the person returns, so Hae-sung tells Jung-won that he wants to apply for the kitchen assistant position.

Excited, Jung-won takes Hae-sung to talk to Min-joon. Thinking to kill two birds with one stone, Min-joon agrees to let Hae-sung create a new dish for the menu, and if his dish is chosen he’ll get the job.

Hae-sung walks Jung-won home, and she asks him inside to eat. He reminds her that they just had dinner on the way home and leaves, and she pouts that she didn’t invite him inside because she was actually hungry. HA.

The next morning, Jung-won discovers that someone is moving into the empty apartment next door. She’s surprised to see that it’s Ho-bang, and he informs her that he’ll have a roommate — Hae-sung. Aw, they’re neighbors, yay!

Hae-sung and Jung-won begin working on new recipe ideas, and Jung-won is amazed at Hae-sung’s ability to taste every little ingredient in a dish. They spend time trying new foods and deconstructing them, and decide to create a gnocchi dish for Hae-sung’s kitchen test.


Hae-sung practices his gnocchi dish at Jung-won’s place, and they agree that it’s good, but that it’s missing something. He takes the leftovers next door to Ho-bang’s, who has some of his work buddies over for a housewarming party (heh, it’s cute how Ho-bang has a little trouble introducing Hae-sung as his dongsaeng).

One of the detectives feeds Hae-sung some sliced beef from their grill, and he suddenly realizes that this is the ingredient his pasta is missing. He runs next door to whip up another plate, and this time he and Jung-won agree that it’s perfect.

The kitchen test is the next day, and Jung-won watches nervously as Hae-sung cooks up his gnocchi dish. By the end, Hae-sung and the sous chef are the top two dishes, which are pitted against each other in a test similar to Jung-won’s kitchen test.

When the mushrooms are counted, Hae-sung has eight, while the sous chef has only two. Hae-sung’s dish is added to the new menu, and he’s offered the job of kitchen assistant. Even the sous chef admits that Hae-sung’s dish was far superior.

Min-joon speaks to Hae-sung in his office and says that he’s amazed at Hae-sung’s cooking ability. He says that Jung-won must be very excited to work with Hae-sung, because he can tell she’s extremely fond of him.

That night, Hae-sung and Jung-won sit on their balcony, and Hae-sung cringes girlishly when he catches Jung-won staring at his chest. She says she was just imagining how he’ll look in a kitchen uniform, and she predicts that in ten years he’ll probably have his own restaurant.

Hae-sung’s smile droops, knowing that he won’t be here in ten years. Jung-won misunderstands and thinks he feels pressured, so says that she’ll expect him to be successful in fifteen years, then.

She produces a necklace, the silver one with the fork and knife pendant. She wishes for Hae-sung to become a successful chef, and tells him that she got the necklace for him for his nineteenth birthday, but never got a chance to give it to him. She takes it back and puts it on for him, flustering Hae-sung with her nearness.

While their faces are close, Jung-won coughs, and accidentally plants a kiss on Hae-sung’s cheek. They both react with shock, and Jung-won swears she didn’t do that on purpose. She goes inside, and before he goes to bed, Hae-sung puts the silver necklace away in a drawer.

Tae-hoon grins dreamily as he drives to meet Young-in, who invited him to lunch. Oh yeah, boy’s got it bad. He’s surprised that Soo-ji is waiting with Young-in, and Soo-ji cheekily calls him out for looking disappointed to see her.

He gives her a pair of sneakers he brought for her, blatantly calling it a bribe so that she’ll leave. Soo-ji even fusses at Young-in for inviting her when Tae-hoon is obviously a smitten kitten for her, then she takes off.

Tae-hoon and Young-in enjoy their lunch, discovering that they have the same preferences in everything from food, to which way toilet paper roll should face. Tae-hoon sees that Young-in is wearing the bracelet he gave her (my mistake, I thought it was a necklace), and she says that it’s been a long time since anyone got her a gift.

Seo-won, Min-joon’s school friend (and Young-joon’s fiancee), brings a friend to Min-joon’s restaurant with the idea of setting them up. Her friend is impressed by Min-joon’s looks and obvious intelligence, then she spots Jung-won and recognizes her.

They go to the ladies’ room after their meal, and the friend tells Seo-won that she went to high school with Jung-won. She says that Jung-won was famous because she had a boyfriend who died in a car accident because of her, and that she cut ties with all of her friends after that.

They leave the ladies’ room, and Jung-won comes out of a stall, having heard everything. Hearing herself blamed for Hae-sung’s accident brings it all back to the surface, and she fights back tears.

Seo-won talks with Min-joon later, asking him what he thinks of her friend. Min-joon says that he already likes someone, producing his teddy bear as proof. Seo-won pouts, then she asks if he knows about Jung-won, unaware that she’s the person he likes.

She tells Min-joon what her friend told her: that Jung-won had a boyfriend in high school, that he died because of her, and that she cut herself off from her friends. Seo-won isn’t being mean, in fact she feels sympathy for Jung-won, but Min-joon is still taken aback to hear it. He goes down to the kitchen and watches Jung-won working distractedly, a strange look on his face.

Ho-bang invites all of their friends over for a party, and they drink to Ho-bang’s new apartment. Ho-bang shows off the slippers that He-sung and Jung-won got for him as a housewarming gift (one foot each, lol), Tae-hoon presents the air conditioner he bought, and Moon-shik points out that he installed it.

Jin-ju gives Ho-bang a bottle of herbal liquor, guaranteed to make sexy nights even sexier. She tells Ho-bang to drink it with someone special, and he blurts out, “I’m going to drink it with you!” Oh sweetheart, you’re cute but you have no filter.

Hae-sung worries when it gets late and Jung-won isn’t home yet. She’s still at the restaurant, huddled in a corner, thinking about her old classmate blaming her for Hae-sung’s death. Min-joon comes downstairs and sees her there, crying piteously, but he walks away from her.

The next morning, Jung-won finds Hae-sung waiting for her when she steps outside. He asks if everything is okay, and she says the restaurant was just busy last night. Hae-sung says happily that going to work together reminds him of how they would ride to school every morning, but he looks uncomfortable when Jung-won doesn’t react.

She smiles obligingly, but again Hae-sung can tell something is off. When the bus arrives, Jung-won makes an excuse not to ride to work with him and sends him off alone.

Hae-sung suits up in his chef coat and apron, and goes out to the dining room. He thinks to himself that this is his best chance of catching his killer, so that he can prove his innocence and leave his siblings, and Jung-won, to live happy lives.

Back in the kitchen, Min-joon straightens Hae-sung’s nametag and introduces him to the rest of the staff. Min-joon assigns cheerful kitchen worker Ji-soo to be Hae-sung’s mentor, and they all get to work.

Min-joon pulls Jung-won aside to speak privately, and he takes her up to the roof where she rejected him. He admits that his feelings for her haven’t changed, and Jung-won says regretfully that her feelings haven’t changed, either. Min-joon accepts that if she doesn’t like him, then she just doesn’t like him, and he can’t change that.

But he adds that if there’s another reason, then he can’t accept that. Jung-won asks him what he means, and he says that he thinks she’s used to pushing people away. He tells her that he can no longer keep his promise to just quietly be there for her, and says that he plans to start liking her again.

Ji-soo sends Hae-sung to toss a stack of empty boxes. Outside, CEO Cha and his wife arrive, and though CEO Cha looks unhappy about being here, he hasn’t got a good reason to leave without telling his wife about Min-joon. He sends her inside first so he can have a smoke.

After a cigarette and a good whine, CEO Cha heads for the restaurant’s front door. Meanwhile, Hae-sung carries the boxes through the dining room, heading outside with them. As the two near each other, Hae-sung feels the familiar pain clutching at his chest.

He looks up, and he and CEO Cha lock gazes.


I’d been worried that something would bring Jung-won’s guilt over Hae-sung’s death back to the forefront, because she and Hae-sung have never really talked about it, and they really, really need to talk about it. I felt so bad for Jung-won as she was sobbing all alone, but it’s good that this is resurfacing so that she can face her guilt and shame at what happened. Hae-sung exposing his real killer will help, because I suspect that his “accident” wasn’t as much of an accident as we’ve been led to believe. I’m glad, at least, that what triggered Jung-won wasn’t any meanness on the part of her old classmate, and that Seo-won only told Min-joon out of sympathy.

But I’m angry with Min-joon for turning away from Jung-won when she needed a friend the most. She was there for him when she accidentally discovered his deep dark secret, even reaching out to comfort him first, and she didn’t judge him for it. But when Min-joon had the chance to return the favor, he didn’t even bother to learn exactly what happened, he just left her there to grieve alone. I still think he’s more involved than we know, possibly even more than he knows, because he has that ribbon that Hae-sung was going to give to Jung-won on the night he died.

I’m not sure what changed overnight that had Min-joon confessing all over again the next day, but it definitely has something to do with learning that Jung-won isolated herself from her friends after Hae-sung died. He thinks that she doesn’t let herself have feelings for him (or anyone) because she’s still traumatized by her loss in high school, and he’s not wrong, he’s just also not exactly right. But it’s not his fault that he doesn’t know that she’s dealing with her old love coming back from the dead, which has got to be messing with her mind and her emotions in a big way. If this were a different drama and these two were the leading couple, I would love Min-joon’s decision not to give up and let Jung-won retreat from life and lose out on love. But this isn’t Min-joon’s love story, and I worry that he’s just going to get his heart broken.

This show does a very good job of withholding information at the right times, and doling out just enough so that we can form some educated theories without knowing for sure what happened on the night Hae-sung died. Small clues are coming together, leading me to form a rough idea of what happened — it seems as though CEO Cha was probably the one driving the car that killed Hae-sung, simply because he’s the one that Hae-sung’s chest pain responds to. I believe that Young-joon, who was the only sibling not at home that night, probably saw what happened and knows the truth (which is probably his real reason for abandoning his family — guilt over betraying them and Hae-sung). I’m guessing that CEO Cha paid off Min-joon’s uncle, his driver, to take the blame for the accident, and that he paid Young-joon’s way through medical school as a payoff for keeping his mouth shut about what really happened that night.

But there are still so many unanswered questions, and the clues don’t really line up perfectly quite yet. We don’t know why Min-joon’s uncle was willing to plead guilty to manslaughter, because although CEO Cha paid him, his wife says that she knows it wasn’t about the money. We don’t know why Young-joon would have been willing to sell out so easily, because although he was already an angry young man, Hae-sung had never done anything but protect and defend him. And the big question is, who really killed Jung-chul, and how does his death tie in with Hae-sung’s? I think that it was either Tae-hoon, which is why his father was willing to cover everything up, or Young-joon, who had both motive and opportunity.

Regardless of what happened that night, it’s clear that all of the people involved are committed to keeping their secrets. I have a feeling that we haven’t even scratched the surface of the truth, and that we have a long way to go before we know what really happened that night. Hae-sung is going to have a hell of a time proving anything, much less his own innocence in Jung-chul’s murder, when he can’t even explain how he’s back from the dead after twelve years.


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"And the big question is, who really killed Jung-chul, and how does his death tie in with Hae-sung’s? I think that it was either Tae-hoon, which is why his father was willing to cover everything up, or Young-joon, who had both motive and opportunity."
-- Wait, what? How could Tae Hoon be a suspect here? I understand that CEO Cha's motivation on covering things might be because of his son, but I never see Tae Hoon as someone with secret and guilt toward Hae Sung. If the writer goes to that path, I might lose interest with this drama because Hae Sung's friendship with Tae Hoon, Ho Bang, Jin Joo and Moon Shik is one of the reasons why I stick around with this drama. I love their friendship so much and their friendship is amazing. And now that Tae Hoon and Young In have something going on between them, I don't want to see Tae Hoon as the person who caused the siblings to be torn apart just as the siblings suffered from having a "murderer" brother.


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Oh my gosh, I did not read that part. If that did happen, yup, I would be spitting mad. It would ruin so many things in one go! :(


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Ehhhh I'm leaning toward the fact that it was probably not Taehoon, because Haesung's had no chest pains when he's with Taehoon and I don't think the magical laws of the universe would trick us that way? Or rather, it would make less sense to me. Taehoon has never looked or behaved around Haesung with guilt in his eyes, and he seems pretty genuine so far. (Or maybe we have been burnt far too many times with characters who seem good, lol.)

I would be really upset if it was Taehoon. I love the friendship in the clique, and it would be really sad to see their friendship break down. Even if it was TH's father, I think the blow to TH would be equally great, and I really hope it doesn't cause any rifts in any of the friendships.


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I don't want the culprit to be Tae Hoon either. :( That would cause a lot of heartbreak to everyone


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Come on, it's definitely not Taehoon. He's the typical Kdrama innocent chaebol child of evil chaebol parent(s).


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How could Tae Hoon just hang with everyone and pursue Hae Sung's sister if he did that? He would pretty much have to be a psychopath. Nah, ....I'll put all my eggs in this basket and say I don't think he has anything to do with HS's accident (or at least not that he's aware of)


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Dude, this show. Always making me shed at least a few tears, goddamn.

If the drama does not end with Jung Won finding happiness, I'm going to be flipping some tables. After seeing her so happy for the past few episodes, it was so heartbreaking to see her cry.

I agree, @Lollypip. Min Joon should have stepped up. At least offered a shoulder.

And I kind of got annoyed at him the very next day. Assuming you know the reason why someone does not return your feelings NEVER ends well. Plus, it does a disservice to Jung Won as well. Her grief for Hae Sung is completely separate from her lack of interest in Min Joon.

Anyhow, all the angst aside, there were some really cute parts this episode.

- Hae Sung working at the kitchen. YAS.
- Jung Won's and Hae Sung's ridiculously, sweet friendship. YAS & YAS. Even if you take romance out of the equation, the relationship between them is so great. Here are two people who really adore each other, no questions asked. :')
- Jung Won and Hae's Sung's accidental kiss, Triple YAS.

But handsdown, the cutest part of this episode for me was Tae Hoon and Young In's portion. Every time he look at her, his smile was so sweet and dreamy. Like he cannot believe that he's seeing her. I'm so thrilled to see Young In so happy as well. I hope we see plenty more of these two and cute dates, preferable no angst (but this drama loves making people cry so).


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Yas to Tae Hoon & Young Min. Finally, my ship is sailing. ❤️

I totally agree with you about Min Joon. I don't really root for him to get the girl, but what he did was stupid. Dude just missed his chance to comfort her. But maybe that's for the best as the writer is still sticking to the main OTP, Jung Won & Hae Sung, and Jung Won is still firm with her heart for not having any feelings toward Min Joon.


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Indeed! I hope there's a happy ending for Tae Hoon and Young In! :)

I can deal with Min Joon not comforting her. As other commenters have mentioned, possibly he didn't want to intrude. But like you, I also thought that he lost his chance. I don't ship them but I think that would have ideally been a time for him to cement himself as a possible lead.


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YAS to their friendship. This is the reason why I don't feel anything about "lack of chemistry". Even as a noona-dongsaeng relationship, they clearly adore each other and it's so sweet. (And hehehe for matchmaking Soo Ji.)

I actually think it was ok for MJ to have left her crying. If I'd bothered to stay back in an empty kitchen to cry, I personally wouldn't have wanted someone to discover me, bawling my eyes out. I think he wanted to give her some space. BUT I don't really agree with him implying that the reason why she didn't return his feelings was because of her past. (You just said that there doesn't need to be a reason why someone doesn't like you, MJ!) He just took the gossip he heard, and put two things together in all the wrong places.


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Exactly! They have chemistry in spades if you ask me!

You are right. He might have wanted to give her space. The morning conversation was what really set me off.

"You just said that there doesn't need to be a reason why someone doesn't like you, MJ!"

Exactly! I thought that was considerate of him, until he followed it up with him saying that he would not accept that her reason and would start liking her again. What even dude.


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I thought Minjoon was really reasonable during the rooftop conversation. Here's how I translate it:

"If you don't like me because it's me you don't like, cool. But if you don't like me because any events in the past make you feel like you are the problem, then that's a shitty excuse and I won't accept that."

I think that's a pretty strong declaration that Jungwon deserves to be loved instead of beating herself up. I can live with the facts that Jungwon doesn't like her boss in a romantic way, but I do think she needs a reminder that she's not unlovable and tragedies the past shouldn't make her miserable for the rest of her life.

I appreciate how emotionally intelligent Minjoon is. Previously when they rode in a car together, she confessed that she's poor, uneducated, messy, having a drinking problems, etc. and he matter-of-factly said considering all things, he appreciated her honesty and liked her even more. Joking aside, he really doesn't think any of those things make Jungwon unworthy of love.


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I think MJ understands how broken JW is and relates to her a lot. Hearing about JW's past will only make MJ like her even more. While I find MJ really sweet, nice and adorabl, his character hasn't done anything for me so far to ship him more with JW. I want to be confused as to who I should like more for JW. I'd still be hurt if the show decides to make HS return to the after life and give us MJ-JW as a consolation prize.


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Although Minjoon isn't aware, we as the viewers could clearly tell that Jungwon has no problems returning someone's feelings. We've seen her enthusiastically doing all these moves for Haesung:
- the movie date which she didn't give up on even after they got rejected at the cinema
- that fake sneeze turned to a kiss was totally intentional, she was just probably hoping for a different result lol
- inviting Haesung to her house for a dinner, this time Haesung's clueless about the signal she's been sending at the time.

I love how she's more in-sync with the young Jungwon now. In the past it's always been Jungwon sending hints about how much she likes Haesung and it even annoyed her how clueless Haesung could get.


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I feel that the CEO could be a mislead, a thought which has led me to wonder if Tae-hoon could be responsible, at least as far as the death of the bully is concerned. I hope not. Also, we need a motive. Young-joon was one of my earlier suspects.

Regarding Min-joon not going up to Jung-won when she was crying: I do not believe that he was disregarding her feelings. I thought, instead, that he wanted to give her some privacy. Perhaps he thought he was respecting her by letting her have her space. I could be wrong. Maybe that wasn't the best response, but I think he meant nothing wrong by it. I do wonder what his connection is to the events of the past.


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I agree. I think MJ felt that JW needed to have a good cry alone without another person poking around asking questions to make her remember her painful past.

Also, like what Lollypip said, JW and HS, while happy to be around each other again, have not really talked about HS' death and JW's extreme guilt and trauma immediately after. JW has obviously not gotten over it yet. I remember HS mentioning in a previous episode about seeing a lot of medicines that JW is taking. Could she still be taking these because of her depression?


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I think what makes her break down is that it finally hits her with the truth and reality again that Hae Sung died 12 years ago even when she's now happy with 19 y/o Hae Sung. She's glad that she's with Hae Sung right now, but where is this relationship going exactly? Even if they want to move further as more than friends, how'd they do it?


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Just as JW said he is gonna be a chef of his own restaurant in 10 or 15 years. JW might be thinking about future of them together. We dont know if Hae Sung would age normally or stay 19. I hope he stays for good.


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Was anybody else slightly miffed when the two girls in the restaurant were talking about how Minjoon's face did all the work? I'm definitely guilty of staring at handsome faces more than I should, but I love seeing someone working hard and being good at what he does, and I think one of MJ's most attractive points is that he's a self-made man who now owns a popular restaurant. (He tutored her in 3 subjects, for Pete's sake. How could they reduce that to his face?)

On Jungwon: Hee, it felt like her sneeze was staged and on purpose, just to plant a kiss on HS's cheek. I like how she finally had the chance to give him the necklace, but I do wonder if she ever thought that him coming back would be for forever. I felt so bad for her when she overheard the girls gossiping in the bathroom, because she's clearly been beating herself up over it for years, and having HS back again is almost like the one thing that "clears" her name as the person who caused hm to die. With him back, JW can feel relieved of that burden. I know that HS has to go back eventually, and I really hope that his return here gives her some closure - that it wasn't her fault that he died.

On Haesung: I almost tore my hair out at the many number of times he missed Taehoon's dad while having chest pains! I really hope that this last time he figures it out. I think it's pretty clear to us audience by now that Taehoon's dad had something to do with Haesung's death (probably the one who knocked him down/ordered someone to do it) but I really want to know the circumstances behind YKC's death. Also, since Taehoon's dad was the one who helped support Youngjun through medical school, I wonder if he did it because of a guilty conscience, or because YJ himself was involved in the YKC death.


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"I almost tore my hair out at the many number of times he missed Taehoon's dad while having chest pains! I really hope that this last time he figures it out."

The most frustrating part of these past episodes is the "Pokémon chase". His chest pains have been diminishing quickly -- from "drop dead" pain to not feeling him (when JungWon ran out of the restaurant to find him the CEO was walking in just as far as the time they first met). I would not be surprised if starting next episode Hae Sung already feels nothing standing face to face to the CEO. But I guess that will buy our high school sweethearts some more time together.


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Hae sung totally reminded me of Jang Geum in Jewel in the palace lol. The way he tasted food and guessed the ingredients! I'm loving JW and HS relationship. They are just perfect for each other. Love Tae Hoon and Young In couple. Hae Sung can rest assured that his sister is in good hands. Please don't make Tae Hoon a criminal show!!!


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I didn't think of Jang Geum, rather the sequence made me miss DooJoon (Let's Eat 3 pls!). Anyway, I used to think JungWon was just a mediocre cook and that the sous chef was just being too demanding. The scene with HaeChul's reaction to her bento just confirmed she's THAT bad?. And bcuz of how bad she actually cooks, it makes HaeSung seem even more adoring. This guy with a super tongue eats everything she makes for him with the brightest smile and not even a tiny flinch.


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IKR! And Haesung is happily eating away even after Jungwon has left. True love right there, guys.


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That the husband material showing. Husbands eat bad dinners for the first few months to all his life haha. I am good cook though.


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Can you imagine Min Joon's face if he gets to know that Hae Sung isn't a cousin but the "boyfriend" of Jung Won who died 12 years ago. :O


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That's so sad. Minjoon seems to be the guy who takes honesty seriously. Jungwon doesn't owe anyone a crazy explanation that her dead childhood sweetheart came back to life, but the more Minjoon steps up to personally help them out, the more I feel he deserves to be in on the open-secret.


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I wouldn't wish that to happen to him. Let the secret stays as secret. Even though I don't want him to end up with JW as his character is so bland, but he's been nothing but a nice and kind person, so I can't bear to see him in pain because of JW's lie. He'd feel so betrayed by that lie.


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Ah, just when I start liking Min-joon, he takes a backseat (or makes a stupid decision. Why didn't you comfort her?!) and again we are shown how deep runs connection between Jung-won and Hae-sung. I loved the first few minutes of this episode. She needed no explanation and simply gave him comfort, because that was what he was looking for. It's so simple, yet so telling, and I love this about them. I hope, with Hae-sung's help, Jung-won will finally be able to let go of the past.


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Just want to let y'all know that Reunited Worlds is now licensed on Viki!


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yesssss!!! best news today!!!!!


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I knoe what I'm watching today! ???


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I tell myself to stop watching cause I know I'm headed for heartbreak, but that noona-killer keeps sucking me right back in. ?
I know that a returning person goes back after accomplishing what they needed to do, but I feel that Hae-sung needs to stay because his family needs him. Mystery Ahjussi only had his son left so he didn't need to stay any longer but the Sung family and Jung-won still need him. He can go back after he is old and gray. That's wishful thinking I know. But first, there was Circle: Two Worlds Connected and now this. If I keep losing Yeo Jin-gu, I think I might lose my mind. I don't care how or what loophole they have to pull out of thin air, LET HIM STAY! THEY NEED HIM TO STAY! I NEED HIM TO STAY!!! ??


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I think he will stay. The reaction has been quite in favor of a happy ending. We know from My Love From The Stars and The Best Hit that writers usually give what the audience wants. MinJoon is so much like Park HaeJoon in MLFTS. (If they casted someone with acting skills like PHJ I may be more inclined to root for MJ, slightly ). I just hope they do a better explanation than The Best Hit.


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And this stood out to me. When Has Sung wiped Jung won's mouth she did not flinch this time. She seemed really comfortable with it. Last two times she was shy about it. Now she seems to be used to it, as if they were a good old couple. :D


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I don't think TaeHoon or YoungJoon had anything to do with the murder. YoungJoon may have been bought off (w med school) but he may not even know why. The CEO could have done so to display his goodwill since his company car "accidentally" killed HaeSung.

Also, I think it was right for MinJoon to let JungWon cry in private, but just stick around to make sure she's ok. It makes him the more emotionally considerate to not make her seem pitiful in front of a boss. Asking her to open up was a much better approach. I actually did not appreciate JungWon stepping in to MinJoon's business in an uninvited manner (typical lead actress trope) when she knew he had feelings for her.


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That kiss was unexpected, just as much as that excuse was unexpected ?. Wtf? A sneeze? Who sneezes into a person? lol. The reflex is always to back up. Your reflex is tuned to your will girl. You wanted to kiss him so badly your lips were like magnets sucked towards him. I could just imagine her face after she walked in the house ?.


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And even if Jungwon grew up for 12 years while Haesung didn't, they still are at the same level of experience when it comes to dating which makes this thing a whole lot cuter.


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hehe. sneezing in to a person could make u kiss a person. who knew? never once saw in a drama before haha.


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And the sneeze is so obviously forced. She should've just pretended to have lost balance if she's gonna do some accidental kiss lol, but I'm not complaining, I enjoy the the cute silliness.


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Thank you show, for giving me something I didn't know I needed. Yeo Jin-gu in a chef's uniform. I think anyone who is in food service knows how unflattering those can be. But my boy rocks that uniform like no one's business.


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His broad shoulders and iron chest.. omg?


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I feel so bad about staring at his chest. He's such a noona killer xD


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He really looks great in that uniform. ?


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I am curious if, before the drama is over, Hae-Sung will meet a newly resurrected person and become the mentor Mr. Mystery became to Hae-sung. Afterall, Mr. Mystery said that he learned things from another resurrect, who learned it from another. It would give him another role as the learned one, without actually knowing everything about why they are resurrected, and kind of get back the older brother role.

I think Min-joon left her alone because she wanted to be alone? Like, Jung-chul accidentally earsdropped on his secret, but she calmly found a suitable time to invite him out to console him and tell him she knew the secret and said she could forget it if he wanted her to. However, when Min-joon finds Jung-chul, she's alone in a place and time she thought was abandoned/empty, and crying and being vulnerable. Maybe she would appreciate someone to comfort her, but she might also run away when she realizes someone is there and saw her cry. So even if she might want to let it out, when he found her it was not the right time to comfort her. I think a better option would be to find the right time to tell her he knows about her dead boyfriend, and offer her comfort if she needs a shoulder (since he doesn't know she regained contact with her friends and her boyfriend is a resurrect).

I love this triangle and the people in this show, because the triangle is a genuine conflict of heart; Hae-sung, no matter how mature, is 12 years younger and will leave one day, but he and Jung-chul have a lot of unresolved tension to solve, too. Though I feel it wrong to have them as endgame, there really is a genuine question for me which of them she will end up with.

And the people are also so interesting. Everyone that are mean also have their good sides, or at least show regret of some kind for what they did. Tae-hoon's father is probably a murderer, but he clearly loves his son. Jung-chul's mother left her, but shows some sort of twisted regret. Seo-won and her friend gossip about Jung-chul, but not in a malicious way. With the exception of Seo-won's mother so far, I am enjoying all the characters in their own ways.

I am also genuinely curious how Tae-hoon will react if his parents find out he is in love with a poor orphan/foster girl whose brother was a supposed murderer. Will they react with rage and say she is only after his money (because of course it is always the girl being the seducer at fault), or will they love and support their son? Are Korean business families really depending so much on arranged/planned marriages, or is it just a dramaland thing from old?


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As far as arranged marriages, they really do happen in real life. Even arranged friendships too. It's usually more exaggerated for entertainment though, but they are very real. I love your analysis of all the characters and I really hope that Jung-won and Hae-sung end up together after everything. His loved ones will be really devastated if they lose him again.


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I see! I have seen so many business marriages in so many dramas that I was wondering. In Norway we haven't had that kind of arranged marriages in some decades now (though to be fair, when the crown prince marries a former drug abuser with a bastard son from another man and an alcoholic shit for a father, a lot of old "rules" get thrown off the window XD), and I have not really been anywhere in Asia before, so I was confused if it was just an old dramaland thing that never gets old, of if it is a part of a culture I don't know about. Thank you so much for clearing it up! ^__^

I'm still not entirely sure about them as a couple in the long run, again because of the age difference and knowing he will leave. Then again, if I am holding that above them I can't excuse the other dramaland tropes like with Min-joon assuming he understands Jung-won's rejection and deciding to continue chasing her. I love watching JW and HS together, but it is kind of like when Chae-Kyung and Yook were together in Seven-Days Queen; they are happy now, but you are scared because you know that happiness can't last.


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Maybe being a guide to newly resurrected people could be a reason he stays! We're shown at every opportunity how good he is at being a mother hen to others. That could be an excuse to keep Hae-sung around, right?


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Shipping Woo Jin's chest and brooding shower scene.


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Bored at work so I will continue spamming :)

Just a thought. Who will try the sexy drink first? My guess is the absent neighbor and Hae Sung will be fighting for his life *mua haha*


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haha. What happens if Hae Sung and Jung Won drink that?


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If they both drink it I expected 5 babies, XD


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My heart is torn. I know that it would make sense if Haesung just comes back, solves the murder mystery, mends his broken family, and heals the hurt his death caused so that everyone can move on with their lives and Jungwon can open up to feel loved by Minjoon, but it feels so unfair for Haesung if he has to go in the end. His awareness of the impending departure makes so much sense because he has always been respectful to Minjoon, whom he knows is in love with Jungwon. At first, he was pouty and jealous, and now, it seems like he has grown up 10 years in a few days. If I were Jungwon, I would keep a distance and try to move on with my life. But the problem is that Haesung is Yeo Jingoo and it's breaking my heart if Jungwon and Haesung can't have a future together. Hurt someone else, not Yeo Jingoo!!

I'm surprised to see so many beanies upset that Minjoon didn't step up to comfort Jungwon when she cried alone in the dark. I actually really appreciate his emotional maturity and how he gave her privacy. He understands that each person has their own story, their own pain and grief, and that they all need a space to be vulnerable. That's the same for him, and that's most likely the same for Jungwon. At this point, I really like Minjoon. He seems to be the level-headed, sensible, and mature second male lead who's not going to wreck himself over rejections.

Now, I like all three main characters and I root for each and every one of them. They are all lovable and all have hearts of gold. But when Jungwon is hurt and both guys step up to offer comfort, she tends to run away from Minjoon and cry into Haesung's shoulder. If there's a way for none of them to get hurt, I'd take it.


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If i was Jung Won, i'd love Hae Sung however many days he can live on this earth. Surely i will be heartbroken when the time comes. Still treasure the memories. If u guys have seen Universe's star with Suho and Ji Woo.
I am fine with MJ giving her space to grieve. But JW and MJ getting together will be only after Haesung is gone and after 2 or 3 years passed down the road.


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I really enjoyed this episode a lot! I'm one of the people who appreciate Minjoon backing off to let Jungwon cry by herself. Though I'll never really have a second lead syndrome with him, I really appreciate how he's always shown respect towards Jungwon and her decisions. I feel it's just similar to that scene with Jungwon and her mom, he told her not to tell him if she didn't feel like doing so. Minjoon seems like the type of guy who likes to give the other person some space until she's ready to tell it herself. It's just in-character of him.

Anyway, Haesung's face when Jungwon said he should have his restaurant in 10 years or 25 ? It's so sad because the poor guy himself doesn't know what to do with his feelings especially with Jungwon being less subtle about hers each time. And it must've been so confusing for him to suddenly see Jungwon act strange since her guilt resurfaced once again.


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*15 years


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Also, I love the parallel of past and present Jungwon sitting on a bench with Haesung while they hint at thinking of something dirty to tease Haesung. And then he always ends up feeling flustered.

Past Jungwon was talking about how they need to work hard for the five kids only to clarify that she meant studying to support those kids. And then present Jungwon looking at Haesung's body only to clarify that she's just imagining him in a chef's uniform.


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aww poor puppies wanted to have 5 kids. i hope that wish come true.


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somethings do not add up with MJ's character... why does he keep the hair ribbon? why does he keep pursuing JW despite her turning him down before, but not offer her a shoulder when he sees her crying? Why hire HS when he knows JW like him a lot?


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To answer your questions:
1. I think the mystery of the hair ribbon is something that the writer hasn't explored yet, so we need to wait for an answer.
2. It might because he wants to give her space when she cries alone.
3. MJ doesn't know that HS is JW's dead boyfriend. All he knows is that he's JW's cousin and of course he wants to be on the good side of JW's family especially when JW said that she's close to HS and they sort of grow up together.


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I think min joon was somehow responsible although he doesn't know it. That was why his uncle agreed to take the blame.


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Now I remember why Ahjussi looks so familiar. He was also in YJG drama Orange Marmalade but not as YJG father but doting father to YJG girl friends. And also doting father in Naeil's Cantabile. Hope that for the next drama this two can work as father-son team.

I love the friends squad so much. They all different in life status, wealth and so on but they still together. Since when TH like YoungIn, is it after HS death and he literally take care of the sisters.

I noticed that HS shirt in white for all scene except this episode 2 green shirt. Still we don't know about SooJi health condition.


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Gosh the amount of dramas could be coming from just 19 years old Yeo Jin Goo make me feel happy fan. I'd love few melos from him when he is more mature and with Yoo Jung and other actresses.


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YoungJoon probably killed the bully, then saw the accident on his way home.
CEO Cha probably paid for medical school for his silence, and he accepted because he was trapped and needed Haesung to take the blame for the bully's death.
That's probably also why he left the siblings... because he was ashamed of his actions.


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Exactly my guess right now, but I'm still in denial because no matter how bad is Young Joon, I don't want him to become a murderer. It'd affect the siblings so bad.


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I'm hoping that even if he turns out to be the killer, it was probably self-defense. Like, Young-jun was studying late in school and the bully started something with him. He pushed the bully and the bully fell into the statue. Young-jun saw all the blood, panicked and then ran away. Maybe even changing his mind half-way and deciding to call 911. On his way back to the school, he saw the accident and CEO Cha of whoever else was involved.


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I hope that this reminder to JW of HS's death will also be a way for her to start asking questions on why he's back. I'm still uneasy why nobody seems to be asking this question on the show. It was okay on the 1st few episodes but now I'm not too sure.

On a lighter note, that cheek kiss was cute!!! ? I should remember to do that hahaha


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The romance between the leads is the worst part of this show but the rest is fine. Though does this really need 20 episodes?? I can feel the slump coming.


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There's so much to solve and can't just cut it short. The lead couples are just fine.. I guess if you don't like the the main characters.. This drama isn't for you.


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how did Hye Sung get hired so easily anyway? He doesn't have an ID anymore (?) and wouldn't he need a background check + other personal info too? I guess k-drama logic is the only answer LOL


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that's why he can only work where the CEO is trying to woo his "cousin"


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i wanna know information about Jung Jung Won's necklace, please!!
help me


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