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Live Up to Your Name: Episode 4

Time travel, tigers, and treasure, oh my! This is the hour of reversals as Yeon-kyung has her own fish-out-of-water experience, and Im suddenly finds himself acting as her guide. If he thought navigating modern-day Seoul was hard, he’ll have to up his game, because in Joseon, a sassy female doctor from the future is the least of his problems.


Back in Joseon after yet another time-slip, Im discovers that this time, he’s not alone. Next to him, Yeon-kyung lies unconscious, and just as he tries to wake her, he spots a tiger looming nearby. Panicked, Im shakes Yeon-kyung frantically and drags her out of the forest at a run, despite her protests.

Once in the clear, Im catches his breath while Yeon-kyung tries to gather her bearings. She remembers being in the hospital emergency room and having another vision when Im suddenly grabbed her from behind.

Assuming that Im kidnapped her, Yeon-kyung is also dismayed to find that her watch and phone are no longer working. Im tries his best to explain that they’re actually in Joseon and near the capital of Hanyang, but Yeon-kyung just stalks off, warning him not to follow her.

She stops a passerby to ask for directions, and Im darts behind a bush (he is a fugitive here, after all). Unfortunately for Yeon-kyung, the man can’t understand half of the words coming out of her mouth (as he’s never heard of Seoul or cellphones) and instead just thinks she’s crazy.

When Im can’t take it anymore, he steps out from his hiding place to diffuse the situation and send the man along. “‘A crazy woman?’” Yeon-kyung repeats, offended. “Did you only hear ‘crazy woman’ and not ‘Hanyang?’” Im retorts dryly. Despite all the mounting evidence, Yeon-kyung still refuses to believe Im’s assertions that she’s in Joseon, and finally fed up, he marches off in a huff.

In town, Im sneaks around and steals a disguise for himself, only to pause when he spots a sseugae chima (an article of clothing women wore during the Joseon period as a veil to hide both body and face) hanging on a nearby line.

Meanwhile, Yeon-kyung finds herself in the middle of a bustling market as the villagers look at her strangely. She runs from stall to stall in disbelief until realization totally overwhelms her, enough for her to fall to the ground in numb shock when someone bumps up against her.

Suddenly, a horse comes barrelling down the street, sending villagers scurrying out of its path. Only Yeon-kyung remains where she is, even as the galloping horse and rider draw near.

Luckily, someone scoops her up just in time for her to avoid being trampled. It’s Im, and he jokes that she was almost in a “traffic accident,” though he adds that there are no ambulances here. He stands her up and asks if she’s hurt, but Yeon-kyung can only stare as she flashes back to all the times she’d dismissed his words and behavior as madness.

Her eyes gloss over with tears and she slowly reaches a hand out to touch his face. Im clears his throat to break the moment and throws the sseugae chima over her before guiding her away.

On a quiet side street, Yeon-kyung remains lost in thought as Im claims to understand how she feels, because he felt the same way when he was in Seoul. Suddenly, Yeon-kyung lets out a long scream, thoroughly freaking Im out. He fumbles, unsure of what to do, until she finally stops on her own.

When she does, she just mutters to herself that this is impossible before turning to Im and accusing him of doing this to her.

Im balks and defends himself, pointing out that he didn’t just hug her, he almost died doing it. But his words die in his mouth as realization strikes, and he remembers being impaled with a metal rod in the hospital.

Quickly checking his body for injuries, he realizes that not only is there no wound on his back, but the wounds he sustained from his days in Seoul have also miraculously healed. He thinks back to getting shot with arrows and waking up in Seoul without injury as well and wonders aloud, “Am I immortal?” Ha!

Yeon-kyung brings him back to the conversation as she asks how to go back to her own time. She scoffs when Im avoids looking at her, wondering how he doesn’t know the answer when he’s already time-traveled twice. Im says that he hadn’t known what was happening then, and Yeon-kyung wonders in disbelief how he can be so irresponsible.

Im starts to argue but stands abruptly, a thought suddenly occurring to him. Yeon-kyung excitedly grabs her bag, thinking that he’s figured out how to get her back to her own time, but Im just tells her that he has business to take care of before walking away.

Panicked, Yeon-kyung chases him down, but Im tosses back the words she’d said to him before (about him being suspicious and untrustworthy), causing Yeon-kyung to quickly backpedal. Coyly tucking her hair behind her ear, she lays it on thick as she pleads with him to take responsibility for her like she did for him when he was injured.

Petulant, Im reminds her that she also beat him up, but he can barely hold it together as Yeon-kyung toys with the tie on his outer garment and points out that she also bought him food. He feebly tells her that he’s in no position to take care of her…

Cut to: Im waiting while Yeon-kyung changes into a proper hanbok. Heh. She steps out and the music swells as Im stares at her, starstruck. Realizing that she’s tied her hanbok wrong, he flusteredly tries to direct her on how to fix it, but his directions aren’t very helpful and eventually, he’s forced to tie it himself. When he’s finished, Im notes, “This is Joseon. Depending on the material and color of your clothes, you can become a human, or an animal.”

Yeon-kyung follows Im through the streets and unconsciously clutches the back of his shirt, much to his surprise. While sneaking about, a child accidentally bumps into Yeon-kyung, and the child’s grandfather rushes over to kneel and beg her forgiveness (since they’re peasants, and she’s dressed like a noblewoman).

The boy begins to sob as he joins his grandfather on the ground, and Yeon-kyung glances at Im, but his expression is impassive. She squats down and offers the boy a handful of her favorite candy and pardons the two, who quickly thank her and scurry away. His expression still unreadable, Im comments that she acts her part well, and they continue on.

In the middle of town, a group of villagers discuss the Japanese invasion in front of a row of “wanted” posters. Im’s eyes bug out as he notices his face among the wanted criminals and hurriedly ducks out of sight, muttering that a poster wasn’t necessary. Yeon-kyung marvels at the posters, and although she does think one of the faces looks familiar, Im comes back and drags her away before she can make a connection. However, someone else does recognize Im.

Im and Yeon-kyung reach their destination: Hyeminseo. Yeon-kyung remembers that this is where Im works and asks why they needed to sneak in. She wonders if he did something wrong, but he quickly denies it (“I am not that kind of person!”), and they slip inside.

In a secluded section of Hyeminseo, Im sits Yeon-kyung down and tells her to wait for him. She anxiously asks if she can come along, but Im just assures her he isn’t going to abandon her, seeming amused at her concern.

Yeon-kyung denies being worried, but her brow furrows once he’s gone. Im glances back at her once more before bounding away, while she sits and laments that she should be performing Ha-ra’s surgery right now.

We’re briefly transported back to present day, where Ha-ra’s mother is infuriated that Yeon-kyung is missing. Professor Hwang assures her that this won’t affect Ha-ra’s surgery since he’ll perform it himself, and Dr. Kang gleefully chimes in that he’ll assist. Ha-ra doesn’t say anything, but she thinks back to Yeon-kyung and her promise to save her.

Elsewhere, Grandpa tries to get ahold of Yeon-kyung, but his calls aren’t going through. He notices that Im is missing as well and (rightly) assumes that he’d been kicked out.

Jae-ha, Yeon-kyung’s recently returned hoobae, notes that she hasn’t called him since they last met. In a flashback, we see that he didn’t actually give the flowers to Yeon-kyung like Im had thought, but instead had asked if some other girl would like them. Yeon-kyung had teasingly asked if they weren’t for her, and although Jae-ha denied it, it was clear that Yeon-kyung was actually the girl he liked.

Oblivious, Yeon-kyung had asked who he was chasing after this time, and he joked that girls fall for him without him having to do anything. Yeon-kyung had laughed then, and when Jae-ha muttered that she’s pretty when she smiles, Yeon-kyung threatened to put him in a headlock.

Back in the present, Jae-ha smiles and says that this is only the beginning.

Meanwhile, Jae-ha’s grandfather sits in his office at the oriental hospital while someone reports on Im. Apart from his name (which was incorrectly listed as Heo “Ga” Im), there is no other information on him. All they know is that Yeon-kyung was the one to take him out of the police station.

Back in Joseon, Im slinks around Hyeminseo and spots Mak-gae. He calls out to her, but she doesn’t hear him, and he’s forced to follow her. She stops outside of his room to ask if he’s awake, and for a moment, Im is touched… until she suddenly shouts for him to get up, calling him “Superintendent Heo,” which she knows he hates, heh.

Mak-gae cleans his room and grumbles that Im should’ve at least let her know he was okay. When she threatens to break his leg if she sees him again, Im dangles said leg in front of her and asks if this the leg she means. She starts to snap that she means someone else, but stops when she realizes she’s talking to Im. She jumps up excitedly, but Im shushes her, only to get a smack in return. Hee, they’re so cute.

Im learns that the arrows that shot him hadn’t been from the government army and wonders who his assailant was. Mak-gae doesn’t know either, but she does tell him that things have gotten very messy in his absence. She says that the Japanese have invaded, and to top it off, Jin-oh is looking for him. Turns out that after Im disappeared, Jin-oh was given his position at Hyeminseo, much to the latter’s chagrin.

Since then, Mak-gae says that Jin-oh only shows up to his post in the mornings and spends the rest of the day drinking. He desperately wants to find Im so he can leave Hyeminseo and go back to the royal infirmary where he belongs. Mak-gae notes that it’s about time for him to show up.

And speak of the devil, as Yeon-kyung waits anxiously for Im to return, she’s startled by a strangely familiar face. Jin-oh asks what she’s doing there, and once she’s over the surprise of seeing a Jae-ha doppelganger, she turns and awkwardly says (trying her best to sound like a lady of Joseon, ha) that she has an illness. Jin-oh isn’t fooled and says that a noble lady wouldn’t come to be treated here, guessing that she must be a gisaeng.

Yeon-kyung scoffs and rounds on him, demanding that he apologize. Jin-oh goes silent, but when she tells him to apologize a second time, he does. Resuming with the polite speech, she takes her leave, and Jin-oh smiles after her. But her facade breaks when she trips, though he seems amused… at least until he sees her sneakers when she lifts her skirt to run off.

Im gets up to leave, and Mak-gae asks if he’s running away again. Since the alternative is to be captured and sent off to war, Im thinks it’s his best option. Mak-gae pouts when Im shuts down her offer to tag along, but seems mollified when he promises to write when he’s safe.

She grabs his arm then, and without looking at him, says that she’ll be waiting. Im smiles and gently removes her hand. Just before he leaves, he remembers to ask about Yeon-yi, the sick girl he promised to treat when he got back from the palace.

Before he can get an answer, Mak-gae’s superior shouts at her from outside, and Im scrambles to get out. Mak-gae helps boost him through a window, and halfway through, he farts right in her face. Ew.

She slams the window shut just in time, but her superior makes a beeline for it and throws it open again. For a brief moment, they fear Im’s been caught, but the man just takes a huge breath of fresh air and closes it again before turning back to Mak-gae and asking what she ate. Im’s farts must be potent.

Unsure where to go after fleeing from Jin-oh, Yeon-kyung hears a commotion outside the main gate. She peeks outside and sees that someone has collapsed, and since no one inside seems inclined to do anything about it, Yeon-kyung slips out. The villagers are confused by her presence, but make way for her anyway.

Im, who had seen Yeon-kyung’s skirt disappear through the gate, peeks outside himself. He watches as she unties the shirt of the man who fainted, much to the shock of the surrounding crowd. He’s about to step out, but pauses and thinks to himself that she’s the one that broke the promise to wait for him before vanishing out of sight.

Yeon-kyung pulls out a scalpel from her bag to perform emergency treatment, only to freeze when she hears the horrified response of the crowd. She steels her resolve and is about to make an incision when a hand grabs her wrist — it’s Im, and much like she did when she stopped him in Seoul, he asks her if she’s out of her mind.

He gently pushes her aside, and Yeon-kyung watches as he sets to work on the patient himself, expertly wielding his needles until the man breathes freely again as the crowd cheers in relief.

Mak-gae looks on, having heard the commotion, and silently asks what he’s doing. He merely shakes his head and directs her to take the patient inside to rest. The crowd asks if he’s back for good, and he asks for time to unpack his things while twitching his mouth at Yeon-kyung to follow when he moves to go inside.

Once inside and alone, Im chides Yeon-kyung for her reckless behavior, pointing out that it’s not even appropriate for a woman to touch a man in this time period. She doesn’t deny it, but when he asks her why she did it, she looks up and says he did it too. When he tried to help the boy outside the club and when he saved Ha-ra in the hospital, he also took the same risk, she points out. That gives him pause, but then he tells her that that’s why people thought he was crazy in her time.

In prison, Heo Jun receives a report from a guard member on Im’s reappearance, learning that he came with a woman. At the same time, another guard member gives a similar report to Jin-oh, who excitedly orders him to fetch Im back immediately.

At an inn somewhere in town, Im and Yeon-kyung sit facing away from each other. The proprietress comes out and greets Im warmly, but she then falls victim to Im and Yeon-kyung’s standoff, since they refuse to speak to one another directly and instead filter their peevish messages through a conversation with the innkeeper.

Im leaves to take care of more business, leaving Yeon-kyung to remain in her room until he returns. Now thinking about how she reacted to Im in Seoul, she thinks to herself, “He must have thought it was unfair.”

The innkeeper brings her food, and when Yeon-kyung says she didn’t order any, the innkeeper tells her that Im asked that she be fed and relays the message that they’re “even.” (He uses the same word Yeon-kyung did when she fed him lunch in the cafeteria and called them “even,” ha.) She asks if Yeon-kyung and Im are in love, but before Yeon-kyung can answer, someone calls the innkeeper outside.

Two of the customers are the minister’s servants. One of them had recognized Im in town and had immediately run off to tell the other, Doo-chil (the servant who had asked Im to treat his mother). Doo-chil grumbles that the other man should’ve just followed Im instead of coming to him, since there’s nothing they can do if they don’t know where he is. But Doo-chil vows to take his revenge on Im no matter what.

Meanwhile, Im spots Yeon-yi’s father drinking alone and looking absolutely miserable. He flashes back to his conversation with Mak-gae, and now we hear that she told him that no one had seen Yeon-yi. She had collapsed right after he’d left to go to the palace, and her father had taken her away, so they all assumed that she died. Now, Im moves toward Yeon-yi’s father but runs away when he sees two guards walking around with his “wanted” poster.

In her room, Yeon-kyung fights a bad case of indigestion. She rushes out to ask the innkeeper where the bathroom is and is directed to go around back if she doesn’t want to use the chamberpot provided in the room. As she scurries away, the servant that had seen Im recognizes her as his companion, and when she returns, the men surround her.

Doo-chil demands to know where Im went, but Yeon-kyung won’t say. He calls Im two-faced and tells her that Im is only after money, relating a story about a servant that he refused to treat who died the next day. Yeon-kyung honestly replies that she doesn’t know where he is and that she was told to wait, but Doo-chil orders his men to grab her.

Yeon-kyung isn’t to be messed with though, and she jumps up on a table, brandishing what looks to be disinfectant spray. She tells the innkeeper to close her eyes, and when one of them men grabs her from behind, Yeon-kyung sprays him full in the face, then whirls around to spray the rest as heroic music plays, ha.

She runs away and accidentally crashes into a little girl. She lifts the girl to her feet and asks if she’s hurt — it’s Yeon-yi! She’s alive! Yeon-yi says she’s fine, and Yeon-kyung watches her walk away before the racing off again in the direction the innkeeper had indicated.

Yeon-kyung finds a shack on the edge of town and bangs on the door until a bewildered Im answers. He asks why she didn’t wait, and she tells him that she’s being chased. Close behind, Doo-chil and his gang spot them, so she shoves Im inside the building, slamming the door behind her.

Im struggles to hold the door shut as Doo-chil yanks on it from the other side. Yeon-kyung glances around the room and asks why Im is here and not at Hyeminseo with his patients. He cries that his patients don’t matter when he’s about to die right before Doo-chil wrenches the door open and steps inside.

Yeon-kyung and Im back away as Doo-chil advances, and Yeon-kyung once again grips the back of Im’s shirt. This seems to give him some courage, and he attempts small talk with Doo-chil, but the latter looks behind him to his pile of riches and tuts that he must’ve been busy since his position at Hyeminseo pays very little. Yeon-kyung stares at the treasure, trying to comprehend its meaning, and Doo-chil continues that Im must’ve abandoned her to run off with his amassed wealth.

Her hand drops from Im’s shirt, and though he quickly tries to deny the accusations, Yeon-kyung doesn’t look like she believes him anymore. Doo-chil says it doesn’t matter anyway, since they won’t be leaving. He reminds Im of the promise he made to kill him if his mother died, and Yeon-kyung realizes that the servant from Doo-chil’s story was his mom.

Doo-chil takes a torch from one of his companions and throws it on the ground in front of Im, then his group steps outside and bars the door. Im and Yeon-kyung bang on the door and plead to be let out just as a group of guards arrive to fetch Im. A tussle ensues between the guards and the servant gang outside while Yeon-kyung tries to find a way out of the burning building.

She shouts at Im to do something, but he’s at a loss. “Then do we just die here?” Yeon-kyung demands. She says she can’t do that as she unties her skirt and uses it to beat at the flames. Im holds up his knapsack to join her, but rethinks it and cradles the bag to his chest, standing uselessly beside her as she fights to save their lives while the fight continues outside.

In the midst of all the smoke, Im catches sight of his burning treasure, and the loss of his hard-earned fortune sends him into a craze. He bats at the flames with his bare hands, drawing Yeon-kyung’s attention, and she watches as he loses himself in the madness of his greed.

She tries to drag him away, but in the heat of the moment he shoves her, sending her crashing hard into the wall. She’s undeterred though, and just pulls at him harder. “Have you forgotten your job? Don’t you know a doctor must protect their hands? Your hands are more important than money!” she yells.

Her words finally seem to snap Im out of his trance and he stops fighting, which is good, since at that moment, the roof overhead collapses in on them. Im has just enough time to pull Yeon-kyung toward him and shield her with his body before it crushes them.

Outside, the head guard sees the cave-in and forces his way to the door, which he slams open. Peering inside, he demands to know where they’ve gone, and Doo-chil scrambles to his feet to confirm that Im and Yeon-kyung have indeed vanished.

They reappear, of course, in modern-day Seoul, this time squeezed between two buses at a rest stop. Somehow, the pair manages to maneuver their way out by crab walking, and Yeon-kyung hobbles down the street in one shoe, collapsing happily on the asphalt, still half-dressed in a hanbok top and shorts.

Her phone back in working order, she answers a call from hoobae Min-jae, who tells her to get down to the hospital ASAP since Ha-ra refuses to go into surgery without her. Yeon-kyung hails a taxi and is about to drive off when Im sees her leaving and runs out to catch her. She stares at him through the glass for a long moment, her expression uncertain.

Jae-ha has also been trying to get ahold of Yeon-kyung, and just as he tells someone over the phone that maybe he should track her cellphone, she pulls up to the hospital in a taxi. Yeon-kyung runs to the door but Im stops her with a hand on her shoulder as he tells her to save Ha-ra, no matter what.

However, Yeon-kyung’s expression grows hard as she thinks back to the possessed man that was more concerned with gold than their lives. With that, she throws his arm off before racing inside, still wearing only one shoe.

Back in Joseon, Jin-oh inspects Yeon-kyung’s missing sneaker and tells his lackey with a smile that they have one more person to find. At the same time, the other guard tells Heo Jun that Im and Yeon-kyung have vanished. Heo Jun looks through Yeon-kyung’s bag that was left behind and finds a photo in her wallet of her mother and her when she was a child, which gives him pause.

That evening in Seoul, Im thinks back on the events that transpired over his last journey in Joseon. Deciding there is nothing left for him there, he vows never to return. Staring up at the oriental medicine hospital across the way, he figures that the powers that be must have granted him this opportunity to make his fortune in the modern world.

Reaching out toward the building, he thinks to himself, “That place will be my palace from now on.”


Argh! Heo Im, why must you disappoint me so? The flaws are necessary (especially for that juicy character development), but it can be so hard to watch. I just keep hoping that he’ll come around in the end.

So I’m starting to develop a theory that Heo Jun might be Yeon-kyung’s dad. It’s pretty clear at this point that he’s had a trip on the time travel train, and with the absence of her father in all flashbacks and his surprised expression at the photo in her wallet, I can’t help but speculate. I could be wrong, of course. There’s still the mysterious motorcycle man from Yeon-kyung’s car accident visions, so I guess we’ll just have to wait and see.

I was pleasantly surprised when the second time-slip happened so soon — and that this time, our heroine got to tag along. It goes against the typical formula, and while I would have been perfectly happy to stay in one timeline for the bulk of the show, I’m thrilled that this show is changing it up, since it keeps me invested in both timelines. There’s a lot going on in the present and in the past, so I really appreciate the continuing development which balances the story out nicely.

Speaking of balance, I absolutely loved the mirroring-effect that served as the theme for this episode. Not only did it allow Yeon-kyung to see Im in his own element, she got to experience how he felt when he was thrown into her world, and that gave her a certain amount of pity for him.

But now that Yeon-kyung has seen the “dark” (or at least morally ambiguous) side of Im, he’s going to have a tough time winning back her trust and respect that had been so hard-earned. The moment when Im frantically pawed at his treasure while they were in the process of burning to death was particularly hard to watch, because you could see the crushing disappointment in Yeon-kyung’s eyes. She had finally been able to set her temper aside and see him in a positive, non-crazypants light where he was competent and compassionate and it all literally went up in flames.


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In 2017 I am definitely putting my 100% on this drama ... every nuance on this man's face is an art form worth of my authentic appreciation . Thank you for the recap Sunny , I appreciated it very much.


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At the very start, just after they escaped the tiger, there's a shot that's meant to be her shot but he kind of spins and half-topples into view, out-of-focus and with a hilariously dazed look on his face. He's even making the most of his time blurry time at the fringe!


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anyone.....I can't find a site to watch this, where can I go? thanks so much!!!


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try searching -
Deserving of the name online - and you'll have many options.


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I didn't know the site is back , when I typed the site, it always go to the endless staging version and I only find it with searching the recap and using the blog view.

This ep mirror a lot of things that happen in the beginning and make yeon kyung see almost the entirety of heo im. He is a real doctor with skill and money as a flaw.

Idk if I got any theory formed but I hope he isn't yoon kyung dad. I feel like it kinda weird that the grandfather didn't know him and he never realised that he had been in the future.


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Erm I doubt they are going to show a love story between a father-daughter. I mean at some point, I guess they 'are' going to go the romance route. So don't think heo im would be the father.


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In the last scene, it's Heo Jun ..the old man that is locked up and he looks inside her wallet and sees a picture ...not Heo im


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OMG, I love that last screen cap. Such an appropriate forehead-slap! :D


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This is the first K-Drama I've actually hooked onto since 'Guardian: the Great and Lonely God'. Kim Nam-Gil is one of the culprits who got me hooked on K-Dramas and it's good to see he's lost little of his timing!


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Oh Boy,curious if Heo Jun is our heroine Father that might be sent back in the past and couldn't return to them having experienced the same thing as now Heo Im...


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This is the one kdrama I look forward to every weekend.. Can't get enough of it. And Kim Nam Gil is a hoot! The drama has done well to incorporate time-travel, comedy, romance, and medical elements. If it stays good till the end, it will be one of the contenders for drama of the year for me!


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I actually don't mind Heo Im's mercenary nature as much as I thought I would. In fact, I mind it veery little. In fact, Iactually find Yeon-Kyung's "I am in it for the patient's best" attitude quite self-righteous and coming from a position of privilege not many can afford. Mostly because as I grow, I am learning that the people to whom respect and money matter very little in this world, are *usually* people who've never had to worry about it all.

Of course I wish Heo Im was a bit less preoccupied with money, and a bit more altruistic, but other than that, he aight.

That being said,I am ready for more character development on both sides (because Yeon-kyung really does tire me out), and a plot. Where exactly is this story going? Apart from time-travel hijinks, there seems to be nothing much going on.

Ah yes- Kim Nam-gil is brilliant. His face conveys so much! And the more I stare at the screen, the more I find that he's a looker as well, hehe.


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YES! I actually don't mind Heo Im's obsession with money and fortune bc honestly it is a reasonable concern to have esp. since he was low status growing up. And even though Heo Im is money oriented, he still does care for his patients. Yeon Kyung on the other hand annoys and irritated me so much bc she automatically places herself on the pedestal of importance and considers herself so righteous when in fact she comes off as whiny and self centered


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I agree! His money obsession came from a life of hardship. I personally find her bedside manner much more off putting. It really turned me off her character when she sidestepped that grateful mothers hug.


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Thanks for the recap loving this show


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Thank you for the recap Sunny!

I loved this episode more than 3 because it was so fun to see Yeon Kyung out of her element and it feels like the emotions growing between her and Heo Im are progressing very naturally. And Yeon Kyung pretending to act demure and ladylike are so funny! Couldn't you all imagine her to be yourself? Haha. I could!

But most of all I really can't wait for the slow build up of attraction between her and Heo Im. We know he's smitten already, but she isn't since she's much more morally righteous and he's currently in ambiguous territory. But he does have lots of redeeming qualities (plus he looks hot in the preview for next week! Haha!) so I'm really rooting for them, and hope he will learn to be less mercenary from her, and she will have her past hurt healed somehow, and maybe next week she will really start falling for him.

I'm just so happy I found an OTP to root for! ?

I explained what Ha Ra's medical condition is in my blog in case anyone is curious- I consolidated all the info this Show has given us from Episode 1 as well. And I gushed more about my love for the Show too ?

Can't wait for the next 2 episodes!


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Loving your reviews and medicaps! I love this show and have the hugest smile on my face after reading everything you wrote ?


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Yeah I'm really enjoying it too! It's been too long since I had a show I really enjoyed. ?


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I really love the reversal. I always wondered what it would be like if Yoo Inna went to Joseon in QIHM. It felt fresh that they changed it up. And the burden was no longer in Heo Im to prove himself to YK. I liked that YK finally gave him the respect but felt sad that he just blew it away.
I feel bad for the girl in the past waiting for Heo Im. I can see parallels between her and HaRa. Hopefully Heo Im can get back to her in time.


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Thank you for the recap Sunny! I always enjoy reading the recaps to make sure I didn't miss anything with the interpretations in the subs.

I too loved the reversal so early in the drama. I think it was important for Yeon - Kyung to see Im in his element. I don't think she would have been so accepting of his skills/gifts in modern times. Especially when she called him "lucky" for bringing HaRa back to life.

Right now it does look like Im has no other choice but to stay in modern times since everyone is out to kill him in his own time.
But all I kept thinking about was what about little Yeon-Yi who's trying to hang on for him?

What a way to travel back and forth through time huh?


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Yes, I'm wondering if we will reach a time when Heo Im faces impending death and reacts like, "bring it on, I need to get back to the other world!"


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I don't speculate Heo Jun is Yeon Kyung's dad, but I believe that he'd done time travel as well because YK's grandpa said "not again" when he saw the "magical" needles. I guess that's why YK's grandpa is somehow obsessed with oriental medicine practice even when YK's mom was sick and seriously needed to go to hospital instead.


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Heo Jun and Yeon Kyung's grandpa were in love and both are torn up over the separation that happened so long ago.

It will never happen, of course, there will probably be something esle. But for the moment that seems kind of plausible in dramaland? At the very least, if one of them had been an old woman, you can bet that would have been the case.


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I totally love this drama especially Heo Im's expressions. I can say this again and again but that's just how happy I am whenever I saw his confused/fascinated/etc. expressions. Kim Nam Gil is awesome!

I think it's pretty fun too that in this episode we get to see the parallel of Heo Im's and Yeon Kyung's worlds.
I'm excited to see how the characters will develop from now on :)

And seemed like Heo Im is better in adapting to the future than Yeon Kyung to the past? xD ahaha sparkly shoes cinderella.


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If I understand correctly how the time travel works...
...Im could have grabbed as much treasure as he could hold before they jumped and his hands would have been fine because time-skips heal injuries (?)


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I thought the same.


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Memorable scenes in this episode:

1. Heo Im’s walking behind her and talking, and the villager comes along with his bundle of sticks, and whoa! he kind of sidles and turns so quick and the next minute, he’s gone! Poof! Disappeared into a bush LOLOL. His face be like: no way am I going to be caught in HER company, I have a reputation to protect!

2. Pepper spraying the whole bunch of ruffians slow-mo….hilarious!

3. Heo Im stating dispassionately: “Your clothes define the way you are treated here in this world” The lines delivered without a flicker of emotion give no indication of the burning resentment at the unfairness he suffers in his world, and it made this scene all the more poignant to me.

4. Her emerging with beautiful coiffed hair, down to the plaits, and the slicked-back hair, not a stray strand out of place, was amazing. This surgeon carries a hairbrush and a mirror with her to work in her bag. And for someone who doesn’t know what the Joseon era is about, she perfected that hairstyle in minutes. She’s really smart, is all I can say.

5. Her lifting her skirts to go inside the sandy “toilet”…I was like, I see her legs, that’s scandalous! Then I realized I had been so immersed in the Joseon world the entire episode, I had developed Joseon sensibilities. This was the moment I realized that this is an awesome, awesome episode. Like her, I had been plunged into the Joseon world, and like her, found it horrific and repressive. This episode really showed what a long way we have come, from the repressive ways and norms of the past to the open-minded new world of the present. Such an eye-opening episode, it makes you thankful for all the little pleasures in life we take for granted.

6. Heo Jun staring at the picture of her and her mum in the wallet. I think he is her father who time-travelled to present-day Seoul, was involved in a horrific accident, and disappeared back to the past. All these were witnessed by her, leaving her permanently traumatized.

7. Heo Im convulsed with despair, unrecognizable, at the sight of his treasure going up in smoke. I found this scene unsettling, his crazed, frenzied attempts beating at the flames with his bare hands without regard to safety was hard to watch.

8. Finally, that trip back to the present, and how apt that they should find themselves sandwiched between two buses, a tight squeeze, literally! A bus depot, of all places - making fun of the theme of transporting between two worlds, perhaps?


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two buses = "tight spot"


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tight spot*, not tight squeeze, thanks, redfox! LOL...*imagining a tight squeeze and giggling*


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This is on my to watch list however one thing putting me off a little bit is the lead actress' face. Her face doesn't look real. I've just looked it up online and it looks like she's had a fair bit of plastic surgery. I wish she hadn't done that to her face, I'm sure she was beautiful before :-(


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I'm glad I'm not the only one. It takes me out of the drama a little. She looks (to me) like a younger version of the lead in A Witches Romance. And I found it distracting in that too


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Where can I watch with Eng subtitles? None of my sources are working.


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Heo Im spends his whole day treating many patients, and i don't think he gets much compensation for it besides the room and board that we see his assistant cleaning. His evenings is the time that he earns his hard earned money ..he is always going hungry in the present timeline , so money is important to him and to all of us for the basic human fulfillment; and like somebody mentioned above, if you have never been poor and hungry .... I see this drama for what is showing me and look at my reactions and judgements i being being authentic with my thoughts, my reactions and i have to honestly say that both characters are much more resilient than i would have been in their shoes.


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i was supposed to spend tonight studying but i'm hooked!


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I liked that Yeon kyung had a time travel trip. It was unexpected. But probably necessary since I can't think of any other way that she could have been convinced that Im was really being honest. As much as she may come to like or respect him she'd always doubt. And honestly I find that's the part of time travel shows that feels the least realistic- having people believe in it to soon


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