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Live Up to Your Name: Episode 2

Getting thrown 400 years into the future is never easy, but our hero has a few tricks up his sleeve that just might make it easier. What won’t be making the transition any easier is one stubborn heroine, as our very modern doctor is already clashing with our fish out of water. They may have more to learn from each other than they think, but first, they’ll have to work on establishing trust.


We rewind slightly to Im as he floats in the water after he was shot with arrows on the bridge. A flashback shows a little boy, eager to learn from a demanding master about the ways of acupuncture. As these memories flash, the needle case that followed Im into the water glows, the glow eventually surrounding him.

Im splutters awake in modern-day Seoul to a gawking crowd, in a river much shallower than it was back in Joseon. He looks around him in shock and lets out a loud fart in the water.

Back at the hospital, a shaken Yeon-kyung is hurried away from the woman who slapped her by her worried hoobae, Min-jae. In a bad twist of fate, it turns out that her assailant and the mother of the missing girl, Oh Ha-ra, is a friend of the hospital chairman’s wife. Yeon-kyung is more worried about Ha-ra’s health though, since it won’t be long before her heart condition becomes inoperable.

Fortunately, Ha-ra messages Yeon-kyung just then. Unfortunately, the message is a video of Yeon-kyung dancing in the club, along with an order for Yeon-kyung to meet Ha-ra alone in the same club wearing the same clothes she wore last night.

Exasperated but desperate, Yeon-kyung goes to the club, almost literally running into Im outside. Since he’s dressed in his traditional garb, Yeon-kyung assumes he is employed by the club, and asks if he has seen Ha-ra. Im can only mutely stare at her and the device she’s holding before Yeon-kyung hurries away.

Despite the message, Ha-ra is nowhere to be found in the club. Yeon-kyung spots a throng gathering outside and rushes over, fearing that the worst has befallen Ha-ra. Instead, she finds Im hovering over an unconscious man, ready to stab the man with one of his acupuncture needles.

Aghast, Yeon-kyung pushes Im out of the way. The situation is urgent enough that Yeon-kyung decides to administer emergency surgery, and luckily, she has all the supplies she needs in her handbag.

Im watches closely as Yeon-kyung pulls out all her sterilized scalpels and tools to make a small incision in the man’s side, where she inserts a tube that allows the air trapped inside his lungs to escape. “She really is an amazing woman,” Im notes to himself. “What kind of medical technique is that?”

When an ambulance arrives to take the unconscious man to the hospital, Yeon-kyung tries to follow, but Im stops her to ask, “Can you really be a doctor if you’re a woman?”

Not a woman (or doctor) of much patience, Yeon-kyung confirms that she is, before aiming a kick at Im’s shin to make him move out of her way.

Only, Im is now too fascinated by Yeon-kyung to leave her alone, and he stumbles after her down the street. Utterly bewildered by the cars and strange sights around him, Im ends up in the path of an oncoming bus. Yeon-kyung turns just in time to see the accident waiting to happen…

In flashback, we see a pink bunny fall to the ground and a man on a motorcycle about to collide with an oncoming truck. Yeon-kyung’s vision blurs at the memory, and she falls to the ground in a dead faint.

Since the bus thankfully stopped in time, Im rushes to Yeon-kyung’s side, but something about her pulse gives him pause as he asks himself, “Who on earth is this woman?” Just as he is about to help her return to consciousness with acupuncture, Im remembers the disgust Yeon-kyung had for his needles earlier.

Im’s hesitancy is reinforced by the gathering crowd’s negative whispers, and an ambulance pulls up before he can make the decision to continue. Despite being out of his depth, Im is quick on the uptake, and he readily tells the paramedic that he is indeed Yeon-kyung’s guardian just so he can jump in the ambulance with her.

It isn’t a smooth ride for Im in his first moving vehicle, as he crashes about in the back of the ambulance, unable to find purchase. Relieved to have made it to the hospital in one piece, Im immediately throws up on arrival. Ha.

A concerned Min-jae is there to greet the unconscious Yeon-kyung the minute the ambulance stops, and he demands to know what happened. Im intrudes on the paramedic’s explanation to say that Yeon-kyung will be fine, and that he would have treated her already if he hadn’t thought he would get in trouble for doing so.

Min-jae is too worried to do anything more than briefly question who Im is as they hurry Yeon-kyung into the hospital. Im hangs behind long enough to stop throwing up, and hilariously whines to himself about the ambulance ride. But once he gets his bearings, Im looks up in amazement at the sheer size of Shinhae Hospital.

Inside the hospital, Professor Hwang begrudgingly admits to the unconscious man’s girlfriend that Yeon-kyung did a great job with the emergency surgery. Both Professor Hwang and rival Man-soo are put out when the girlfriend requests that Yeon-kyung perform the follow-up surgery, but they have no other option but to agree.

But when Man-soo sees the unconscious Yeon-kyung being wheeled into the hospital on her own gurney, his grin is beyond smug as he explains why it might not be possible for Yeon-kyung to perform the operation.

While Im gets distracted by more modern technology (the air conditioning this time), Min-jae, Nurse Jung Yi-yeon, and Man-soo all wonder who the mysterious man could be. As Nurse Jung dismisses the possibility of Im being Yeon-kyung’s brother, Man-soo declares, “Well, he must be her boyfriend then.”

The man himself appears, and upon being quizzed, he agrees that he is indeed Yeon-kyung’s boyfriend… because to his ears, “boyfriend” sounds like “nice man.” But he does announce that he’s her “boyfriend” proudly, which has the rest of the group staring at him, utterly agape.

Awoken by more disturbing images of a crash, Yeon-kyung spares little time for herself and demands to know about her unconscious patient and Ha-ra from a concerned Min-jae. Min-jae tells her that she needs to think about herself more, but he confirms that they’re both fine.

Min-jae then broaches the subject of Yeon-kyung’s “boyfriend” and looks visibly relieved when Yeon-kyung just stares back at him blankly, not knowing who he’s talking about. However, Yeon-kyung’s expression darkens as she catches on that someone is going around pretending to be dating her, and demands to know where he is.

Meanwhile, Im discovers a host of modern delights, including water dispensers, revolving doors, and elevators. This last one terrifies him as he tries to negotiate with the closing doors and pleads, “There’s someone trapped in here. Save me! I’m sorry for my sins!”

Im curls up on a hallway floor out of the way, but it doesn’t seem to be all the new technology that startles him the most as he sighs wonderingly, “Can women really become doctors and nurses according to their own will in this place?”

In Ha-ra’s room, Yeon-kyung looks in on her wayward teenage patient, since it turns out that she never even left the hospital. Although Ha-ra is snippy with Yeon-kyung, Yeon-kyung is understanding as she tells Ha-ra she’ll let it go this time—but she won’t next time.

Yeon-kyung gently promises the defiant Ha-ra that since this is her job and responsibility, she will definitely save Ha-ra’s life. “And,” Yeon-kyung adds as she leaves the room, “I’m not an ‘ajumma,’ I’m your doctor.”

In a quieter part of the hospital, Im contemplates where it all went wrong for him. We flash back to when he was in Joseon attempting to treat the king, but his hand was too shaky to follow through. Next thing we know, he’s being dragged out of the palace amid accusations of treachery, and despite his pleas for another chance, Im is ordered to prison, while court physician Heo Jun looks on dispassionately.

In 2017, Im’s expression is thoughtful as he pulls out the offending needle… and winces in pain after he pokes himself with it. Speaking directly to the bag of needles, Im demands, “Did you know what a big opportunity it was?” Petulantly throwing the bag away, he declares, “This is all your fault!”

At her desk, Yeon-kyung looks up when she hears a bang from the floor above. As Yeon-kyung works on improving her surgical technique, Im laments about what he will do in this life, 400 years from everything he knows.

Im despondently interrogates a cleaner about the status of doctors in this time, but he perks right up when he hears that doctors are amongst the wealthiest people of society. He crouches over his abandoned needle bag to pet it fondly now that it might actually be valuable.

He pauses as he remembers being shot by arrows, but instead of being overly concerned with the fact he should be dead, Im just crabbily wonders why they shot him—twice!—when he was just running away.

Back in Joseon, rival Jin-oh gloats over Im’s disappearance and misfortune. Meanwhile, the missing shooter confers with an imprisoned Heo Jun, who mysteriously states, “We pulled the bowstring and everything is up to him now. Either he comes back dead or I do.”

Outside Im’s house, a rabble of sick people complain that it’s unlike the doctor to leave them waiting like this, but they are quickly cowed by the intimidating troop of soldiers that come to search the place for Im. Loyal servant Dong Mak-gae tries to tidy up the mess, only to become overcome with sadness as she begs Im, “Please wake up!”

In 2017, an aggravated Yeon-kyung finally catches Im as he snoozes on a hospital bed. Min-jae and Yeon-kyung speculate that he must be an oriental doctor since he performed acupuncture on Yeon-kyung and is wearing traditional garments.

Im starts babbling to his “servant Mak-gae” about the strange dream he had with the most beautiful woman he had ever seen. Yeon-kyung leans in close to ask, “Could that be me?”

Im startles awake to realize none of it was a dream. Immediately solicitous, Im tells an incredulous Yeon-kyung that he was so worried about her he couldn’t even sleep (hee), and asks if she has recovered. He even looks inordinately pleased at the lukewarm compliment she bestows on his freshly tied hair, when really she’s just weirded out by his actions.

Yeon-kyung cuts to the chase by thanking Im for helping her before asking what he wants. While asking her about her strange clothes and hair, Im also tries to learn more about the kind of money doctors make in this time period, but it comes off like he’s hitting her up for money.

The problem is compounded as Im thinks “100 nyang” (the old form of money in Joseon) should be enough, which to Yeon-kyung’s ears sounds like one thousand dollars. Outraged at his audacity and suspecting that he’s a scam artist, Yeon-kyung demands to know where Im works—which of course, he can’t answer.

Tired of Im’s antics, Yeon-kyung warns him that she’ll call the police the next time he follows her. Im’s rumbling belly stops Yeon-kyung from leaving though, and in frustration, she takes the pitiful Im to get food from the cafeteria.

Back in Ha-ra’s room, Yeon-kyung wheels in a gurney ready to take Ha-ra to her operation—only to find that the maid-guard fell asleep on duty, and Ha-ra has gone missing again.

But only slightly missing. Ha-ra is actually downstairs in the cafeteria, after unerringly picking out Im in the midst of his lustful ingestion of all the meat and rice he could want in a meal. Im oh-so-reluctantly offers to share the food with Ha-ra, whose eyes light up gleefully at the food. (That’s one way of dodging your surgery.)

In an effort to rile Yeon-kyung even further, Ha-ra sends a picture of herself eating the food. Yeon-kyung is disappointed and angry as she confronts Ha-ra, but Ha-ra only grows more defiant in answer. Slanting a furious look at a very confused Im, Yeon-kyung storms after Ha-ra.

Poor Im doesn’t know what he’s done wrong, and he runs after Yeon-kyung to ask what it is this time. When Yeon-kyung unfairly blames him for ruining Ha-ra’s chance at life-saving surgery, Im’s memory flashes to moments prior, when he had sensed that there was something wrong with Ha-ra’s heart after feeling her pulse.

Im sincerely asks Yeon-kyung to understand he tried to keep Ha-ra away from greasy food and apologizes for not knowing what surgery is yet. Expression alarmed, he asks what his punishment will be for the “crime” of feeding Ha-ra—perhaps a flogging, beheading, or exile?

Ha! His “punishment” is another little kick in the shin from Yeon-kyung.

Just as Yeon-kyung hustles away to find Ha-ra, an emergency patient is wheeled by, bleeding out. This triggers more visions of a crash in Yeon-kyung’s memory, and she takes herself to the bathroom to calm down as she wonders what these visions mean.

The observant Im scares her by following her into the women’s bathroom, but he persists in asking about Yeon-kyung’s symptoms. Im grabs her hand (to check her pulse again), and it almost looks as if the two are having a romantic moment… until Im admits that he doesn’t know what’s wrong.

Yeon-kyung’s demeanor immediately changes as she believes that Im has fooled her again, and next thing we know, Im is being unceremoniously dumped outside of the hospital by security. The guy just can’t catch a break and sighs, “Why does no one in this world listen to me?”

Inside the hospital, Professor Hwang is giving Yeon-kyung a hard time again for spending time with her “boyfriend” when she was supposed to be working, and for not even being able to control the teenaged Ha-ra before her operation. Yeon-kyung looks defeated as she accepts the criticism, but her spirits are raised slightly as nurse Nurse Jung cheerily hands her a nourishing drink for support.

Unfortunately, Yeon-kyung has to fend off Ha-ra’s passive-aggressive mother next, who warns Yeon-kyung to do a good job with her daughter. Ha-ra’s surly attitude takes a turn for the worse when it becomes clear that Yeon-kyung isn’t going to coddle her, since Yeon-kyung forces Ha-ra out of bed to work off the meat she ate earlier.

Outside, none of Im’s tactics to get back inside the hospital are working as he remains firmly on the wrong side of the door. Ha-ra finds him then, just as he ineffectively runs straight into the security guards blocking his way.

Happy to wheel Ha-ra around the hospital, Im unknowingly repeats that he is Yeon-kyung’s “boyfriend,” giving Ha-ra a good chuckle. However, Im is too busy feeling guilty when Ha-ra confirms that she can’t have her surgery today because of him to notice Ha-ra’s expression turn cloudy when he compliments Yeon-kyung’s skill as a doctor.

Yeon-kyung lurks outside a door marked “neuropsychiatry,” but before she can work up the courage to enter over her recent visions, she ducks away after being greeted by someone she knows. From the high window, Yeon-kyung spots Im fooling around with a playful Ha-ra, and rushes out to corral her errant patient.

Unfortunately, Ha-ra’s animosity for Yeon-kyung—and her mission of self-destruction—takes a dangerous turn when she exploits Im’s brief inattention to push herself, still in her wheelchair, down a set of steps. Yeon-kyung is too far away to do anything but fearfully watch as a panicked Im runs in front of Ha-ra to break her fall with his body in the nick of time.

Im’s needle bag ends up on the ground during the fall, and in the confusion, Im doesn’t notice it missing.

After Yeon-kyung makes sure Ha-ra is all right, an extremely pitiful Im manages to grab Yeon-kyung’s attention for his bleeding arm, childishly repeating the word “Blood, blood!” as he looks at it. Im lays it on a bit thick as he tried to emphasize that he’s Yeon-kyung’s patient right now, which means that she should treat him nicely. (He’s also wowed by the X-ray of his arm, even if he can’t quite understand what it is.)

Unimpressed, Yeon-kyung just tells him to sit down so she can stitch him up. Nervously eyeing up the equipment Yeon-kyung is wielding, Im tries to protest that his wound is actually fine, thanks. (Lol.) Yeon-kyung is efficient as she ignores him though, and Im looks on with wonder as he realizes he can’t feel the stitches thanks to her anesthetic shot.

This is a strange enough thing for a doctor to be curious about that Yeon-kyung is reminded of Ha-ra telling her that Im thinks he’s a doctor from Joseon. Yeon-kyung casually asks what Im would use to treat such a wound in Joseon, and carefully schools her expression as he answers her honestly.

Yeon-kyung humors Im while she fixes his arm, and encourages him to open up to her about the fact he is from “Haeminsoo.” Poor Im looks overjoyed at the thought that Yeon-kyung actually believes him, and the little smile he gives her just kills me.

Instead, Yeon-kyung heads straight to a psychiatrist colleague in the hospital, who confirms that Im must be delusional and asks Yeon-kyung to bring him to her. Yeon-kyung doesn’t look happy, but agrees that would be best. She sits down to uneasily explain that there’s something else her colleague should know as well…

Oblivious to what’s really going on, Im is happily waiting for Yeon-kyung outside the psychiatric wing when Ha-ra shows up, his lost needle bag clutched in her hand. Ha-ra mischievously runs off with the hostage item, though Im gives chase more to stop her from running with a bad heart than to get his needle bag back.

Sure enough, Ha-ra stumbles as her heart begins to give out, and Im can’t get to her before she collapses on the floor. Meanwhile, Yeon-kyung—who has been watching this unfold on a security camera—sounds the alarm for the hospital.

Although Im is once again hesitant to practice acupuncture in modern Seoul, this time he doesn’t let it stop him, since he’s the only doctor at the scene. Ha-ra is awakened from consciousness after a heart-stopping beat, but she isn’t grateful as she looks up at Im and numbly declares, “You should have let me die.”

This simple statement reminds him of the little sick girl (Yoon-yi) in Joseon, who had said something eerily similar to him. At that same moment, Yeon-kyung comes flying around the corner to check on Ha-ra, who is thankfully fine for now. Ha-ra even calls her “Doctor” for the first time as Yeon-kyung worriedly pats her down.

Held back by more guards, Im smiles self-deprecatingly as he tells Yeon-kyung that Ha-ra’s heart condition is stable, but there’s no need to thank him for saving her. Unfortunately, that’s not quite what Yeon-kyung had in mind, as she strides over to him…

…And slaps him full in the face, before angrily saying to the stunned Im, “You crazy jerk!”


Well, that was quite the ending to the first week! Poor Im, he can’t do anything right in Yeon-kyung’s eyes.

I have to say I’m really digging this show, and its balance of wacky comedy and serious medical drama (with just a dash of Joseon intrigue). The first episode focused on Joseon quite heavily, so I think this one may be more representative of what the show will be like going forward, with Im now stuck in modern-day Seoul. Thankfully, it looks like this won’t be a heavy medical procedural either (I wasn’t quite sure what I was expecting on that front) but more a culture clash between Im and Yeon-kyung. Both doctors know exactly what is wrong with patient Ha-ra’s heart, and even how to fix it—but fixing the problem isn’t the same as fixing the patient. Ha-ra is a well-developed character in her own right, and it looks like what will decide her fate isn’t the expertise of her doctors, but whether or not they can work together to convince her that she should want to live. It’s a different angle for a show to take, and I’m intrigued about why Ha-ra doesn’t want to live when I didn’t think I’d be this interested in the patients themselves at all.

This episode was also funnier than the first one, for me at least, though there was still a great balance with the other elements of the show. Time travel hijinks have always been one of my favourite types of hijinks, and this show doesn’t disappoint. I especially loved Im’s reaction to the food—such a simple but effective way to highlight the luxuries we take for granted in the modern century, while still being played for laughs. It is difficult to mine new material with the fish out of water scenarios, so kudos to Kim Nam-gil for making me crack up with his cheesy smiles and full body reactions.

However, with almost all of the wackiness coming from just one character—Im—I think if he was played by a less talented actor, he could quickly become aggravating. But Kim Nam-gil is so adept at underplaying the more ridiculous moments, and because he infuses Im with intelligence, I feel confident that he won’t become a caricature. For example, Im is adjusting remarkably quickly to modern Seoul with very little exception (ahem, the elevator incident). I think this might be partly because his shamelessly mercenary nature sees the opportunity to be had in this time, but also partly because of his easygoing attitude. And it is no doubt also due to the fascination he has with Yeon-kyung, since he follows her around like an imprinted duckling for very little reason.

I can’t say I blame him though, since Yeon-kyung is a fascinating character in her own right. She is clearly very driven, and doesn’t much care for the politics of the job (unlike Im, who was chasing status for its own sake in Joseon). Oftentimes in dramas like this, a driven character will need to be taught how to care for their patients, and not just their illness—but Yeon-kyung clearly cares very deeply for her patients, as we see with how she interacts with Ha-ra. Yeon-kyung may not believe she needs to be particularly “nice” to her patients, but she treats Ha-ra with great respect and patience.

Yeon-kyung does have a bit of a temper though, and she’s very stubborn, so it will be interesting to see Im trying to get her to believe him. Or even to get her to like him. It might be more difficult than he thinks, since neither option is looking very likely right now.


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I love you KING


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From the moment Dr Heo entered the ambulance, he made me burst into laughter most of the time in the hospital. Nam chin part is the funniest ??? Anyway, this drama is so interesting as it shows both traditional and modern practices and I can't wait to see if they need to work together to save patients' lives.


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Thank you so much Kim Na Gil for coming back to dramaland. You really enlighten my screen. Heo Im's expressions to die for! And I'm looking forward to your adventures in modern-day Seoul! Hopefully it's something fun, heartwarming and unforgettable.


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thank you to the staff of dramabeans for recapping this korean drama series....i do hope they continue it up to the end of the series!

also i would like to know more of the baddies from the past.....what is their real intentions from the start.
to be honest its a new view for me for Kim Nam-Gil doing comedy stuff in a korean drama....since the last time i waqtch a korean drama with him on it was Queen Seon Deok.......but man he pulls it off and is very good at it (the comedy parts) and i do hope he does change not just because of the money being paid to doctors.....since i and us viewers knows he is a very caring doctor to his patients.
man i would like to see a collision/love triangle IF EVER there is one for Yeon-kyung, Im and yeon-kyung's bf......if there ever is one!

i also hope they tell more of a back story on why yeon-kyung hates accupuncture. and i do hope iv ever int he future of the series that she will not hate anymore her grandfather.


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I love, love, loved this episode. The balance of wacky misunderstandings, wide-eyed wonder, and savvy quick thinking make Im a really fun character to watch.

I really liked how he hesitated throughout the episode about using his needles, because he is wondering why she asked him if he was crazy when he was about to treat the patient in the street. It suggests that he's interested to learn from the situation, but also from *her*, which is a dimension I'm really looking forward to in the show.


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Thanks for the recap Helcat!
I too am loving the time travel hijinks and agree that kim Nam Gil is doing an awesome job.

I think that Yeon Kyung is the one I really want to find out more about- her history and fainting spells are intruiging, where as Im Heo's past has been explained in Episode 1.

I actually really didn't like the last scene where Im Heo used acupuncture to restart Ha-ra's heart because it was so unbelievably "magical" I cannot imagine how it will make sense, other than well, Magic.
And believe you me, if I were Yeon Kyung and in that scene, I'd have slapped Heo Im too. ? I'm living out my violent fantasies vivaciously through Yeon Kyung ???

If anyone still is interested in the medicine behind the episode my second medicap is up:

With a shoutout to W: 2 worlds too! Who knew tension pneumothorax was so common in kdramas? ?


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"it was so unbelievably "magical" I cannot imagine how it will make sense, other than well, Magic."

That was actually my stumbling block with the whole premise. But the time travel sort of solved it for me. If this is a universe where glowing acupuncture needles that mysteriously appeared out of nowhere can transport you through time (assuming that's the mechanism), then it can also just be a universe where--in the hands of a master--acupuncture works for a wide range of illnesses. :p


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Lol. You are right those needles are Magic! ?


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wow!! I just read your take on the medical aspects of the drama :) so glad that you are posting them. I would love to read more about these medical terms in future episodes too.. It makes the drama more "realistic" (as real as time travel can get).


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Also, really neat medcap! thanks for the link :)


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Kim Nam Gil was just all kinds of awesome in this episode and his fascination towards modern day medicine and technology was just endearing and funny. Poor Heo because he keeps getting slapped and hit. I really can't wait for when she starts to believe him and they work together.


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the slapping and shin-kicking kinda distracts me a bit from the show, I mean is it really allowed in Korea to just kick someone's shin if they're your subordinates?


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I like the part when Yoon Kyung consults with the other doctor about what Heo Im said. They take it seriously and I felt that this drama strength is the acting.

Kim Nam Gil is sincere, just like Kim Ah Jong, they both show sincerity in what they do and didn't have ill intent to each other. That just my feeling when seeing how they interacted.

I think there's gonna be more acupuncture technique that hard to believe happen cause acupuncture does have a long history or always present in history as something that could help a lot.
I also really like how Heo Im has not belittled the modern doctors but love them but I sense that yoon kyung will have more problem with acupuncture and that's where the drama headed.


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I haven't seen Kim Nam Gil in anything, but he is so good at being funny here. Love all his expressions like when he started falling for Yeon Kyung.

This episode balanced the wacky, funny moments and the serious ones well. Can't wait to see more. Thank goodness Yeon Kyung is not completely frigid. She's good at her job and does care for her patients.

Excited to see these two gradually trust and learn from each other.

Thanks for the recap, Helcat!


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Thanks to Kim Nam Gil, I laughed so hard in this epi. ?

I wanted to get some hilarious moments and I got it! I'm not into the storyline yet but I'll con't watching this drama.


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This is the first time I watch Kim Nam-gil in anything (no, I don't actually live under a rock, why?), and ohmygod he's brilliant! The man switches between an adorkable puppy (when admiring Yeon-kyung's masterful skills, her drive & her beauty), to a hilarious fish out of water, to an absolutely smexy genius doctor so smoothly, I honestly swoon watching him save lives with that piercing, almost wicked look in his eyes <333


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He's in Great Queen Seondeok - when you have 62 hours to spare.


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...and if you don't have 62 hours, he is absolutely wonderful in the movie One Day


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One Day - ah, my favorite movie. It was a wonderful and beautiful and I've watched it twice. I think I didn't watch Queen Seondeok until about ep 23 where he first appears.


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I'm sorry, but Bidam's first appearance in QSD was in ep 21. Just a friendly reminder if anyone who haven't watched QSD and curious to see it wanted to start watching it :)


He was so good in Queen Seondok. Even though he was 2nd lead, the rewrote the show such that he ended up looking like the 1st lead. He totally stole the show.


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I could give you another option.
you could have him in ONLY 17 hours. Just watch his smexiness in Bad Guy.


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Bad Guy, wow, he's so good. But did you hear what happened with the ending? He was called to military service and wasn't allowed to finish the series, so they had to shorten it and use doubles, etc to make it work. It ruined the ending that was an otherwise wonderful drama.


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Yeah, I highly recommend Bad Guy if you want to watch how Kim Nam Gil as Shim Gun Wook stole the 3 lead females' heart all at once !


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Actor who plays baddie (!) Heo Jun here played baddie minister Min-am in Queen In-hyun's Man. Dude likes to get on the wrong side of time-travelers. What could go wrong?

Meanwhile, has anyone checked the bag of (magic?) needles to see if there is a talisman inside?


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This drama is great, two episodes in and I'm happy ^^ It's so much better than Bride of Habaek. I had no idea TVN had another drama up their sleeve, until recently. My only annoyance I have for Live Up are those long shaky camera scenes, everything else is perfect so far.


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All the slapping has put me off the show for some reason... And that's weird... Bec its not the first kdrama i watched that has this casual violence but something about it is irritating me


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Excited to see how Heo Im will be able to convince Yeon-kyung that he is indeed a doctor and not a delusional patient. By the looks of the editing of the preview, it seems Yeon-kyung is convinced that someone will save Hara, I'm not sure if its Heo Im though because she is sure this episode that he is just a lunatic. Anyway, love me some funny Heo Im scenes, especially that one with the bike in the preview.Can't wait for episode 3!!!!!!!

Also Finally Kim Nam Gil is back, my first ever K-drama crush <3 <3


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Hello, fellow "Kim Nam Gil is my first drama crush" beanie :)


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Bidam oppa... hehehe,,, and his song Can't I love you... he is my first crush too,,, even thought I watched coffee prince and other rom coms first.


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hello to you as well!!! My poor heart can't take any more KNG dying dramas so this one is a breath of fresh air... *crosses fingers that he doesn't die again *


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Been a long fan girl of Kim Nam Gil, I can't say I really know about him but based on my experience in watching him in behind the scene videos or his fan meeting or interviews or press con, I found out that Kim Nam Gil has always been a dorky man child in real life, so him taking comedic role is just so natural in my eyes. It's just, he has been typecasting into serious roles post QSD (Bad Guy, Shark, movie The Shameless, or mix of serious and a little bit of comedy like in The Pirates, One Day, Pandora). So, I'm happy that Live Up helps to shed that dark melo vengeful image out from his usual role :)


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*a long time fan girl


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Bidam is one of my most beloved character in sageuk. Or simply because I have a "thing" for tortured soul that looked all gorgeous in that mane of glory and wielding sword. And I like him in "Shark" too. Not expecting Kim Nam Gil to do comedy but he really gave so much breathe into this role that I am loving every second of him.


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Laughed my head off this episode. I was shrieking with laughter from the moment he stared at the ambulance, that mix of fear and awe on his face cracked me up. "What is this wagon without a horse?" HAHAHAHA. "I don't ride a horse in Joseon because I have motion sickness" sent me into a fresh bout of laughter. When they carried her in on that stretcher, and he was attempting to explain, "I would have treated her but I was worried I would get into trouble", his face...LOLOL. His ride on the escalator was hilarious. The blankness as he sat on it up and down killed me. I have never laughed so much in ages.

Thanks to KNG, this man is so amazing, so funny, and so endearing, my heart breaks for him when he is so earnest and gets pushed aside, and treated with contempt for being a menace. I hope this drama won't get too serious because I am loving it for the funny parts.


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This scene/situation pops up in almost all medical or related dramas. Somebody falls, you make an incision and insert a tube inthe lungs and hoorah the day is saved. Its not like I have something against this but this trope is being used soo much that I fear after the truck if doom and subway we are gonna have this situation as an important plot twist now....


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I just started this so I have yet to catch up, but blasts from the past are my favorite. more than a scholar who keeps being intelligent, it is more believable when the intelligence turns to crazyness.


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Does anyone know which website I can see this drama without worrying about virus attacking my pc ?


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yeah, k***asian and d****nice have weird popup screens that alert you to viruses and stuff... i don't know if they are "valid/real" threats, i'm a mac so i just click those windows away in disregard.

you can try dramafire dot com... they don't seem to have the issues with popup screens, etc.


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thank you for the info !


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there's something about Kim Nam Gil -- he has that je ne sais quoi thang.... he's good in melodramas and he's so dang goofy in comedies....

i've watched just about everything he's been in that i can find access to, and he usually dies at the end. i'm just happy that he won't likely die at the end of this drama -- tho.... he may get drawn back in time to his proper joseon era.
: (


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Such a torture to wait for the recap in between episodes.
I really feel sorry for Heo Im. He tried but no one seems to take him seriously or at least, took a pity on him. And to have him being constantly misunderstood by Yeon Kyung really making me even more frustrated. I am glad he finally stop hesitating and came to do what he was supposed to do, that is to save life. I hope to have more opportunity for him to wipe out all that misconception about him and prove his worthiness.

On a different note, I find it illogical that being a surgeon, Yeon Kyung could be so shaken up by horrific sight of blood. Yes, she experienced a certain trauma due to her past but to have a formidable surgeon having that kind of fear, the reality of it does not add up.


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I was thinking that too, but when she went to the toilet to calm herself down, she mentions something to the extent of ''why all of a sudden" - I took this to mean these flashbacks have only started happening recently. My theory is that the near-accident at the bus stop where she fainted might have been a trigger that uncovered a traumatic experience she was unaware of or buried away until now.


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Ouch....thanks for the explanation. Probably I missed out that scene. Anyway, going back to rewatch. Thanks again.


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I am soo digging this drama! My favourite part this episode is when Im and Yeon Kyung talked while getting Im's wound treated, Nam Gil was just sooo cute there!

Can someone please tell me if Heo Im also a historical figure? Or is he a fictional character? I thought this show was going to be about how Heo Jun got his vast knowledge (time slipping) and him going back to the past to write his books, it turns out that the main character is Heo Im. However, Heo Jun seems to know something about time slipping though, maybe he did time slipping before and the key to time slip is that acupuncture slot and being arched twice??

Looking forward for the next episode! And Thank you very much for recapping the show!


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Both Doctor Heo Im and Doctor Heo Jun existed in history during the Joseon era.
Heo Jun was older by probably about 30yrs.

I can't comment much on the show cause I haven't watch it yet.


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Just from the screencaps, I love Kim Nam-gil's expressions. :D


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The male lead guy is in the Kdrama "bad guy"


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Just finished watching the first two episodes and man, I like it! Hoping it'll be good all the way! And I haven't seen KNG in a comedic role, he's so adorkable! That scene when YK was stitching him up and his legs just kinda hang in there moving like a little kid ?


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Kim Nam Gil is loooovee! ??. He is really good and adorkable.


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What sold the show for me is Kim Nam Gil. I've read raved reviews on this guy but I just haven't seen any of his works til now. Live Up to Your Name started off weird and wacky (in a good way). But the way Nam Gil play and embody Heo Im is perfect. I don't see the actor Nam Gil but I see the character Heo Im. I forget it's Nam Gil.

Ep 2 actually went by fast. I love the interactions between Heo Im and Yeon Kyung. And Kim Ah Joong is also perfect as Yeon Kyung. She's so much better here than her last drama. I cant wait to see ep 3 today. :)


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Liking this drama so far with its fish out of water scenes. And Heo Im just so adjustable to modern day Korea. He is lucky to have come to Seoul when the Hangul was already created so he can read it.

Glad my cable channel TVN ASIA is airing it within 24hours and I will watch this to give its support.

But still holding back as these two actors are known to act in mostly serious roles so I do hope they keep the drama somehow light although with these two actors.


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I am really enjoyin this drama. It so funny and charming


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