Seven Day Queen: Episode 17

I know we all came into this show with eyes wide open, sure of the inevitable pain to come. But it turns out that being mentally prepared in no way alleviates the actual pain of living through it. Go figure. Our brothers only grow deeper in their love for Chae-kyung and their determination to be the last man standing, which of course spells disaster for an entire kingdom. Yunno, just that little old thing.



Chae-kyung waits anxiously to speak with her father, traumatized after seeing him preside over her friend Seo-no’s execution. Minister Shin reminds her that they were never to return to the capital, but Chae-kyung asks if this is why.

She argues that all the Snail Brides have done is share rice with the people in times of famine, and use the information they learned to report corrupt officials. Whatever future plans they did have, they haven’t been enacted yet, she argues.

Her father says that if he hadn’t stepped in, the king’s suspicion would’ve grown deeper, and Chae-kyung counters that the king has already crossed the line, but her father is protecting him simply because he’s king. Then her face falls and she asks if this is because of her, to lure her and Yeok back here.

He doesn’t have a chance to answer before Chae-kyung runs to the palace to find out for herself, and she arrives in the courtyard just in time to see Yeok being dragged out like a criminal.

Secretary Im has Chae-kyung arrested on the spot for being the wife of a traitor, and then Yeok goes mad with rage and screams at the officers, “Take your hands off of her!”

They’re ordered to be separated, and as Yeok gets forcibly led away, he screams back to Chae-kyung not to trust a single thing anyone else says. “I didn’t do anything!” he cries.

Chae-kyung demands to know what Secretary Im is plotting, and that’s when he tells her smugly that Yeok just tried to kill the king.

In his prison cell, Yeok finally has a moment to go over the flurry of events: Yeonsangun driving Yeok’s sword into his own stomach, Secretary Im calling it treason, and Yeonsangun whispering a sendoff in Yeok’s ear. Yeok realizes now that it was his brother’s plan all along to kill him.

Meanwhile Chae-kyung is brought to the king’s private library, and she remembers him telling her that she would have to pay the price for not keeping her word. Aghast, she wonders if Yeok is the price.

Minister Shin rushes to the palace, and Yeonsangun asks if he’s disappointed to see him alive and well. He says that all this is because his ministers did such a poor job of catching Yeok, so he got them the justification and evidence that they need to kill Yeok free and clear. Wow, you’re not even going to pretend to be innocent, are you?

It’s then that Minister Shin is struck with just how far Yeonsangun has crossed the line, and he looks positively heartbroken. Yeonsangun can’t handle that look on Minister Shin’s face, reading it as scorn, though the only thing Minister Shin says is to ask if Yeonsangun is okay.

Yeonsangun orders him to give up his title and be under house arrest until further notice, and tears spill down Minister Shin’s face as he just solemnly bows and accepts the punishment.

The queen dowager reels at the news of Yeok’s arrest, and Secretary Im shakes his head at the futile cries of the other ministers to an empty throne.

Yeok is tormented by nightmares of Seo-no’s execution and the night he almost died on his way to exile all those years ago, and wakes in a cold sweat. At the same time, Yeonsangun walks into the prison and stops before Yeok’s cell, where he dramatically holds out his arm and asks, “How was my performance?” Aaaaaauuugggggh!

Yeok screams and flails against the bars like a caged animal, and Yeonsangun says he did all this because he needed the justification to kill Yeok and erase him completely, so that no one could ever speak his name again.

Yeok cries that all he’s doing is covering the sky with his hand, and doing this won’t erase his existence. “How could you do a thing so horrendous? I will never, ever forgive you!” Yeok bellows.

But Yeonsangun just chuckles, calling it funny that Yeok thinks he’ll have a chance to forgive or not. He says that first thing tomorrow morning, Yeok will face execution by dismemberment. Yeok growls that he’ll have to really make sure to kill him this time, otherwise Yeonsangun will be the one to die.

Yeonsangun says that Yeok is the same as ever—nothing but a powerless prince who speaks empty words. “How many more times will you have to die to grow up?” he says as he saunters out, leaving Yeok stewing in rage.

Yeonsangun asks after Chae-kyung and the eunuch tells him that she’s refusing to swallow even a drop of water. She greets him weakly, and Yeonsangun tells her that she’s not allowed to live or die without his permission—that is her punishment.

She asks to be killed instead, and he says that’d be too easy, but he’ll consider it after her husband is killed tomorrow. Chae-kyung knows better than to blindly defend Yeok in front of him, so she asks him to consider her and her family, who are now connected to Yeok in marriage and must be killed or become slaves if he is found guilty of treason.

Yeonsangun does claim responsibility in that regard, but he points out that sending Yeok into exile didn’t work out so well the last time, obviously intent on Yeok’s death. Stricken, Chae-kyung drops to her knees and offers, “I will stay by Your Majesty’s side for the rest of my life.” Noooooooooooooo!

That gets his attention, and she says in a shaky voice that as long as she stays by Yeonsangun’s side as a hostage, Yeok won’t be able to strike him easily. She says that she’ll stay as long as it takes for him to rest at ease, even if that means the rest of her life.

Yeonsangun asks what happens if he trusts her word now, and Yeok comes to rescue her later, or she tries to run away. The fact that you are into this idea is so disturbing. He decides that he can’t trust her, so he’ll have to cut the tendon in Yeok’s foot so that he can’t even take care of his own body, making it impossible for him to dream of treason. What. The. Bloody. Hell.

Yeonsangun says that the punishment is intended for thieves, calling it perfect for Yeok: “Since he tried to steal what is mine—my position, my people, my life.” He offers that or death, and Chae-kyung cries as she asks for Yeok’s life to be spared.

Yeok’s friends are horrified to hear of the punishment, and Deputy Commander Park says that they’ll have to find a way to save him.

The next morning, Chae-kyung stands by Yeonsangun’s side as Yeok is brought out to face his official charge. He flails when he sees Chae-kyung there, and screams that his wife is innocent in all this and pleads for her to be sent home. Augh, my heart can’t handle this.

Yeok fights against his ropes and wails for Chae-kyung not to be made to watch this, calling it too cruel a punishment for her. Yeok desperately signals for her to go, but she fights her tears and says she’ll stay to watch.

As Yeonsangun sits back and Chae-kyung wrings her hands in agony, Secretary Im declares the formal charge for injuring the king. The guards place a bit in Yeok’s mouth and they ready a blade at his heel… I can’t watch this. I can’t!

Yeok braces himself, and the guard asks Yeok in a low voice to endure… and then there’s a horrible splicing noise as his tendon is severed. *shudder*

Chae-kyung shuts her eyes instinctively, but she tells herself she must watch, so that she she never forgets what happened here today—the king’s brutality, Yeok’s suffering, and her own foolishness.

Yeok is unconscious when he’s taken home and tended to by Nanny and his friends, and we hear Secretary Im’s voiceover declaring the rest of his punishment: Yeok is forbidden from meeting with anyone from the palace, Chae-kyung is to be confined until Yeok’s loyalty is confirmed, and Yeok will never be reinstated in the royal family for the rest of his life.

Sometime later, Yeok finally stirs awake with Gwang-oh and Seok-hee by his side. He recognizes his house and asks where Chae-kyung is, and Gwang-oh hesitates before giving it to him straight—that she’s in the palace because that was the deal she agreed to in exchange for sparing Yeok’s life.

Naturally Yeok springs up in anger, but he only gets as far as sitting up before doubling over in pain. He clutches his injured foot and beats the ground, furious at his helpless state.

Chae-kyung remains stoic and detached inside the palace, hardly giving Eunuch Song a glance when he arrives with rows and rows of court ladies holding gifts from the king. Does Yeonsangun seriously think he’ll win her over with trinkets?!

She stops Eunuch Song to ask if there’s been any word from her parents or from Yeok, but he says no, and she goes back to staring blankly at the closed door.

Yeok stirs awake again, and this time he lights up to see Chae-kyung sitting beside him. His face turns soft as he asks brightly how she came, and she says her husband was injured, so how could she not come to him?

She helps him sit up and tends to his wound, which she says is healing nicely. He says that can’t be the case, sounding like a little boy as he insists that it still hurts a lot. She says with a smile that what’s hurting isn’t his ankle, but his heart: “And if you want to heal your heart, you have to hurry up and take me home. Are you going to keep leaving me all alone like this?”

He asks what she’s talking about when they’re together right now, but Chae-kyung says gently, “This is a dream. The reason we can be together right now is because this is a dream.”

Yeok starts to panic and clutches her hand, pleading with her not to go away. But when he reaches out to touch her face, she disappears before his eyes like a ghost.

He looks around the empty room, fully awake and having hallucinated the whole thing. Nanny comes in with medicine and guesses that he had another nightmare, and she asks what use it is for his body to heal if his heart is still like this.

Yeok seems to finally come to his senses, and he muses that Nanny must hate him. Tears pool in her eyes and she says that she hates him to death, and then slaps her own mouth for being unable to lie. But she adds that Yeok is the only person Chae-kyung can trust, which means she has to trust him too.

The queen dowager lies awake that night, and we see Deputy Commander Park reassuring her in flashback that the officer who carried out Yeok’s punishment didn’t actually cut his tendon. Oh phew. He’d told her that Yeok would take time to heal, but that he should still be able to walk.

Yeonsangun stumbles into the queen dowager’s bedchambers drunk, saying that he had another dream about Yeok. He slurs that he killed Yeok in his dreams as he does every night, but no matter how many times he kills him, Yeok persists in coming back to him, and he asks her if she knows how to kill him for good.

The queen dowager says that it’s her fault, because all this time she trusted Yeonsangun’s promises because she was being a mother to both him and Yeok. She calls that her mistake, and her blood boils as she spits that Yeonsangun’s own paranoia and suspicion will drive all of his people away, and he will live his entire life in solitude.

Yeonsangun darts up and raises a hand to strike her, and the queen dowager tenses in anticipation. But he suddenly stops in mid-air and lowers his hand, and grinds out that she should shut up if she wants to live.

He sits on his throne and scoffs at her words, thinking that she was never truly a mother to him because Yeok always came first. He decides he’ll have to save his own mother, and orders for the women who conspired against her to be brought to him.

Two of his father’s concubines are brought in—the ones who were allegedly responsible for his mother’s poisoning—along with their sons. He has the women covered with sacks and the princes are then handed clubs… and he orders them to beat their own mothers to death. Holy crap.

When they kneel and refuse to do as they’re told, Yeonsangun grabs the club himself and begins to brutally beat the concubines to death with his own hands.

As Yeonsangun continues his bloody purge and the streets become littered with dead bodies, Chae-kyung narrates, “That night, the king became a monster. A flood began that no one could stop and no one could understand, and a bloody wind began to blow throughout the palace. The court ministers began to worry that Joseon was ruined, and the people lost the country and the king who would protect them.”

Nok-soo is the one who tells Chae-kyung all about what’s going on in and out of the palace, seeming to enjoy her pained reactions. She makes sure to tell Chae-kyung that the queen dowager is next on the chopping block, and warns her not to intervene because Yeonsangun is not the same king she used to know.

Nanny tries to get Yeok to eat, but seeing the table of food just makes him think of Chae-kyung asking him to like her food because she makes it with love, and he can’t bring himself to eat. Nanny says tearfully that she misses Chae-kyung too.

The boys come by with more updates of the king’s bloody rampage, as well as the lines of people at the palace with bribes and tributes for the king. Gwang-oh knows that Yeok just wants to hear about Chae-kyung, who’s still confined, and his mother, who is under scrutiny and not in very good health. He assures Yeok that her condition is not so serious that he has to worry.

Yeonsangun seems disinterested in his table full of rare delicacies, and asks his eunuch to go find out how Yeok is doing, and whether he can walk. So the eunuch pays Yeok a sneaky visit, motioning for the servants not to announce him. He spots Yeok hobbling around in the courtyard with a large cane, struggling to go a few feet before he falls.

Yeok drags his foot behind him like dead weight, but it turns out to be a show for the king’s benefit, as he smirks to himself out of the eunuch’s line of sight. In his room, he puts weight on his injured foot and takes a tentative step.

The eunuch stops to examine Yeok’s cane, when Nanny discovers him lurking and throws salt at him until he leaves. Yeok thinks to himself that the king is already bored.

Using his cane, Yeok walks to two side-by-side graves out in a field—Seo-no who is now buried next to his father. He remembers Seo-no’s words that the king would never change and says he was right, because there is no more hope for the king.

Yeok vows to pull the king down himself to fulfill Seo-no’s wishes and leave him with no regrets.

Yeonsangun comes to see Chae-kyung, who stiffens and greets him with detachment and cold civility. He sees that she’s shut off and leaves right away, promising to return the next day. Day after day he repeats this ritual, as if hoping that she’ll magically thaw.

Yeok and the Snail Brides go over the possibilities of storming the palace. Though the royal guards outnumber them, there are some officers stationed in the palace who are loyal to Deputy Commander Park and would be on their side. The problem is the military, because if they are called in, there’s no way to defeat their numbers. Yeok decides that they’ll have to lure them out of the palace then, and even out of the city.

On yet another visit from Yeonsangun, Chae-kyung finally asks why he comes here every day, whether he has something to say to her or is here to make sure Yeok hasn’t come for her.

Yeonsangun scoffs that Yeok couldn’t come here when he can’t even walk. He admits that he comes here because he finds it so unbelievable that she’s here, and he has to see for himself every day to believe it.

Chae-kyung says she’d been avoiding his gaze until now because she didn’t know how to respond to him, or how to look him in the eye. She argues that if he really loved her as a woman, he shouldn’t have had her marry Yeok, because then at least they could have remained friend and family.

Yeonsangun is skeptical that she wouldn’t have married Yeok anyway, and argues that rather than having them unmarried and longing for each other, it was better to have them marry and come to hate each other.

She starts to argue but then just coldly turns him away, asking him not to come by so often because he makes her uncomfortable. He’s hurt by that and asks why, and she points out that he’s going to kill her someday.

He asks why she would think such a thing, and Chae-kyung replies, “If something happens to you, I will die, because I am your family. If something happens to the prince, I will die, because I am his wife. I will likely live this life not wholly dead even if I die, and not wholly alive even if I live.”

She concludes with an angry tremor to her voice, “So do not expect anything of me. I have nothing left to give you but a dead heart.” *slow clap*

Once alone, Chae-kyung thinks to herself that she will continue to wait half-dead like this for Yeok to come, knowing that when he comes for her, she will have to choose whose person she will live and die as.

Yeok sets his plan into motion, and writes an update from the Snail Brides in an alarmist tone, describing the rebel forces that are invading the south and making their way up to attack the palace. In reality it’s Myung-hye, Gwang-oh, and Seok-hee who are leading the charge, freeing prisoners and amassing more manpower for the cause.

Deputy Commander Park seems fearful of losing what he’s worked so hard for to these unknown rebels, and stirs the ministers into action, urging them to pick a side so that they can act swiftly and not end up as collateral damage in the bloody war.

Secretary Im cancels another session of court because the king isn’t feeling well, and the disgruntled ministers say that this is why rebellion is brewing all over the country. He deems the so-called rebellion a trifling matter and doesn’t bother reporting it to the king.

Myung-hye returns home, where her uncle shares his concerns over this rebel army, whose agenda they don’t know. She assures him that it’s nothing to worry about, and lets him in on the fact that this was Yeok’s plan all along.

Yeok shares his real plan with Deputy Commander Park and tells him that according to rumor, the numbers in this rebel army are growing by the day. By the time the rebels reach the capital, the king’s forces will know they are outnumbered and run for their lives, leaving the palace unmanned.

That’s when Yeok plans to infiltrate the palace and fight Yeonsangun directly, and he asks for Deputy Commander Park to use his forces to buy him that time. Park asks why Yeok kept this a secret from his own supporters, and he says it was to prevent betrayal and push them to act, knowing that people value their own lives above all else, and will choose a side if they think they will die otherwise.

Yeonsangun ignores another of Minister Shin’s daily letters, but then he thinks better of it and takes the whole collection to Chae-kyung, and asks her to read them to him. She complies, reading letter after letter filled with pleasant memories that her father shared with the king, since he was a young prince.

They only anger Yeonsangun more, and he turns his anger on Chae-kyung, wondering why she isn’t wearing the expensive cloth or ornaments he had sent to her. She says that she’s the wife of a criminal, thinking it unseemly to be wearing lavish things, and he just huffs and says he’ll bring them himself from now on.

Once she’s alone, Chae-kyung clutches her father’s letters and asks him tearfully what she’s supposed to do now.

Deputy Commander Park watches Minister Shin write another letter to the king and wonders how Yeonsangun chased out someone so faithful. Park gets right to the point and says that it’s time to choose sides, and that he’s already chosen his: He’s going to pull Yeonsangun down from the throne and make Yeok king.

Minister Shin is horrified that he’s really going to go through with the coup, but Deputy Commander Park just tells him he’ll have to make a choice too, though it’ll be a more difficult choice for him: his sister or his daughter.

Park says if it’s hard to decide, he’ll rephrase it: “Will you die as the king’s liege, or will you live as your daughter’s father?” He says that if Minister Shin’s choice is to live as Chae-kyung’s father, he should do nothing tonight. But if he chooses to go out, his actions will be understood as an attempt to warn the king, and that he has chosen to stand against them.

Yeok prepares himself for tonight’s attack, and slides the handle of his cane out to reveal a sword hidden inside. The boys come by to say that the rebels are nearing the capital, so it’s time.

They hide in the woods and lie in wait for a shipment of royal tributes to come by as scheduled, and they easily overtake the small entourage. They leave the men stripped and tied up, and Yeok leads his men right up to the palace gate dressed as officers. Nice.

The guards stop Yeok, wanting a bribe to let them through, when suddenly one of the guards peers at Yeok curiously and starts to suspect him. Everyone’s hands go to their swords in a tense beat… but then the former minister of interior shows up just in time to let them pass, sharing a knowing look with Yeok.

Once inside, they change uniforms again so that they’re dressed as royal guards, and they replace the queen dowager’s servants with their own people before Yeok goes inside to see her. He takes her hand and says reassuringly that he’s here now. And she just cries in relief.

Chae-kyung sits up in bed thinking of the ring Yeok gave her, and she’s startled by a noise outside and the guard who suddenly enters her room. She readies a dagger to defend herself, when the man kneels down and takes off his mask.

It’s Yeok, of course, who whispers that it’s him and that he knows she’s waited a long time for him to come. She’s still so stunned that she doesn’t seem to believe her own eyes, though tears pool instantly at the sight of him.

He sits beside her and gently takes her hand as he asks, “Have you already forgotten my touch?” She finally starts to believe he’s really there, and reaches out tentatively to touch his face. I love the way he leans into her hand.

Chae-kyung begins to sob at the touch, and he smiles at her and pulls her into an embrace.


Thank goodness, a reunion! I will take whatever small breadcrumb of happiness you give me and subsist on it for a week if I have to. That was a rough episode for me. At some point during Yeok’s torture I actually had to mute the sound because I couldn’t handle it, only to realize that Chae-kyung was narrating through it, which is when the cursing began because in the end I had to watch Yeok being cut up twice. If I had known, I would’ve bribed javabeans with cookies to swap episodes with me! *still shuddering*

By now, it shouldn’t surprise me in the least when Yeonsangun does things like agreeing to lock Chae-kyung up for a lifetime just to keep her, and yet I’m still shocked, because he seems to understand on an intellectual level that he only has her shell and not her heart… but when he was marveling at her soulless presence at his side, I got the sense that he was happy, if even for that minute of each day. How could he be so disconnected from the fact that he’s the one causing her so much pain? And how could he miss the fact that her very choice to stay by his side is an act of love for Yeok? The crazy part is, he doesn’t seem to care, like he would be content to just have her shell for the rest of his life. My brain keeps doing cartwheels trying to follow his twisted logic, and I always end up exhausted and turned around (not to mention disturbed—what kind of madness is forcing your brothers to beat their mothers to death?).

But as an act of self-sacrifice on Chae-kyung’s part, I found her deal with the king to be brave and rather smart, because at that point there was no other way to save Yeok from certain death. There are really only two things Yeonsangun wants—Yeok’s death and Chae-kyung—and she’s in the rare position to leverage one for the other. Also, in my eyes a lifetime of captivity to a psychotic king is a far bigger sacrifice than dying in Yeok’s place, for instance, which seems merciful in comparison. Everything about the way she handled herself while in captivity made me respect her more, from her quiet dignity to her refusal to let Yeonsangun have an inch. It’s just so quietly satisfying that all Yeonsangun wants is for her to resent Yeok, and all she ever does is find new ways to show and tell him how devoted she is to her husband.

It was Yeok that really broke me though, because he was experiencing six kinds of hell in this episode, but every time he’s with Chae-kyung, it’s like all of the fury and righteous anger leaves his body, and he just becomes a sweet puppy. It was the moments of happiness that gutted me, not the torture, but I guess it’s really the juxtaposition of agony and joy, and the glimpses of what life could be if this weren’t his reality.

Now that the coup is in motion, it really does feel like the beginning of the end, and on that front the show is moving even faster and it’s great to have things even more pared down to just the essential plot—the final showdown between brothers and Chae-kyung’s choice, be it family or love. I wish I could say that the worst is behind us, but we all know that it’s really time to buckle up and prepare the tissues.


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Wow thank you... that was fast


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I knew it was all coming...doesn't mean I have to like it. This show is amazing, and I love and hate it for its awesomeness.


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Does anybody with me that PMY looks absolutely stunning in today's episode? Idk why but she just suits wearing hanbok so much, especially today! The simple and pale colored hanboks just look radiant on her. I can't wait for her to wear her queenly hanboks (although not ready for the heartbreak).

I'm so glad they included the scene where Yeonsangun kills his father's concubines, I was already disappointed that Queen Dowager Insoo wasn't in this drama at all since she played such a big role during that time period in real life.

SDQ ends next week, I'm not ready for this! I'm trying to imagine how the writers will spin a happy ending (if there will be any) in this. Either
1. King Jungjong fakes his death, and lives happily with Chaekyung outside the palace
2. Chaekyung comes back with a new name as his 3rd wife Queen Munjeong once Myung-Hye dies as the 2nd queen. Not sure how this will work since Queen Munjeong was really ambitious and politically savvy in real life...

Fingers crossed!


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Can't agree more on PMY! I've never seen her this beautiful and radiant in her previous dramas.

The happiest ending I can imagine for them is Chae Kyung gets exiled and Yeok visits her from time to time where they can finally be happy away from everyone and everything.


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Yeah that ending probably makes more sense haha. I remember reading that Jungjong wasn't allowed to see her after she was deposed until he was in his death bed, but there were rumors that he snuck out to see her! I really hope this isn't a tragic ending I'm gonna flip ?


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I agree PMY was radiant in this episode. She and YWJ has amazing chemistry.
And if that is the best ending for them, few minutes of stolen happiness... no choice but to take
It. ?


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People.... How are we already at episode 17?? Like I swear this show just started yesterday! This episode was just wow. On another level of emotional psycho. I am not ready for the next episodes though, because we know Minister Shin's gonna die soon. T_T Also PMY looked stunning, so simple but stunning.


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I need to rewatch laurel tree tailors.. or anything that can keep me having nightmare about lee donggun..
I mean yeonsangun.. whatever.. ???


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Was laurel tree good? I haven't watched it. But then i"m afraid I will be influenced with what happened in LDG's real life and surrounding this drama...


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What. Is. This. Oh my~!
This episode gives me headache and heartache. Off to collect the pieces of my heart.


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Don't you guys see the header of this drama? How sweet and romantically it looks between Yeok and Chae Gyung? I am so not ready for the ending next week.
I am watching again all those sweet moments before embracing full blast of final spurt next eps.
I don't expect any happy ending, for me sad ending have more powerful impact and yes, I haven't shedding tears so far ( god I'm so invicible or those sad scenes ?).
But, I do admit that this is one of the most tragic love in Joseon history as King Jungjong (Yeok) fully closed his heart after being forced to commit suicide and dethroned his most beloved wife (Dangyeong).
Writernim, we put our trust in you for great finale ???


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Their chemistry on the last few episodes are amazing...I won't be surprised by the news of their dating 'scandal' later lol.


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Yeah the greatest chemistry ever. Thought Healer OTP is unbeatable but I was competely wrong after watching their scenes together....no skinship, needed just them looking at each other.... how can they do that???


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omg the way they were looking at eachother in the end i said to my self these 2 people have fallen for each other in real life or they really great actors with amazing chemistry


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You haven't? Looking Yeok and Chaekyung' eyes contact even made me shed so many tears ??? Sad ending will be memorable.


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i want ant kind of happy ending even an open ending...at this point i will take anything


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Yep the header lured me in..the irony.
I love rom-coms but good thing I also like tragic endings.I am in no way a sadist but there is something so bittersweet about tragedies,the preseverence of the main characters even when you know you they can't succeed & get their happy ending. Anyways they wouldn't be in history today If there were simply a typical lovey dovey royal couple so I'm thankful we have a drama at all even If I have to drown my eyes in tears later...

P.S..Most commentor are saying that Chae-Kyung coulden't be king Jungjong's third wife Queen Munjeong since she was really ambitious and politically savvy in real life and.. Chaekyung is not
Well people, this is a fictional retelling and nothing is impossible in dramaland (everytime you fall down a cliff in saeguk your almost always guranteed to be still alive as it's written in the Kdrama-Audience contract of 1923) We still have one week left and years left in SDQ maybe Chae-Kyung was traumatized amd changed.She could have faked her death.She could have gotten plastic surgery or maybe I just desperately hope they aren't torn apart for a lifetime O-O


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i dont see this drama but wanted to give it a try when its finish but recently i see comment in some page that say although the set up and cinematography is good but plot is pointless and heroine is not smart for being a queen or court lady and make a stupid decision is that true? i dont like this kind of heroine .


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It is NOT true. Who said that? I will debate them.

Chae-kyung was innocent and naive, but she has always been brave and dignified in the face of danger. She doesn't always make the right choices, but she learns from them and grows stronger from her experiences. She's a heroine who actually has her own character arc and feels like the hero of the story, unlike your run-of-the-mill pure-hearted sageuk heroines who are merely there to serve as a tool to develop the male lead.

I guess the plot may seem pointless if you're the kind of viewer who doesn't appreciate the journey to a tragic ending, but otherwise it's very compelling and absorbing (if painful).


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You took the word from my mouth, thank you...
And I'm right behind you... Because WHO SAID THAT?? I'm gonna give them a lecture on how awesome 7DQ is...


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Just watch it! I read some negative comments about the story/plot. Don't believe them! The writer did a great job. Chae Kyung is one of my favorite heroines. ;)


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thanks for your replies actually i usually dont watch sageuk one of my favorite is empress ki in there heroine had her flaws but i like the road she take , hope I love this one as much as i love EK.


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she's queen material i think ?
she's one of my favourite heroine


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The choice is yours dear... you can choose to believe the 1% saying this is not an awesome drama or the 99% saying this is an amazing drama not to mention Java and GF including the so many articles in korea saying there is no plot hole in this drama and the acting of the main leads including all supporting casts are stellar despite the low rating. So give it a try you will just lose several hours of your time compared to losing the chance to watch an amazing drama. But then again, at the end of the day.... to each his own. Different people has different choices. Go check MDL too


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I mean taste


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yes agree with you,,many korean media praise seven day queen as well made saeguk


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Yes i will give it a try. but sorry what is MDL?


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> The not being queen material maybe related to how she didn't really get involves in the scheme and politic machination early on. In many saeguk, the heroine who destined to be the queen at one point usually rule their own politic faction but chae kyeoung here is a character that's not inside this politic things, she observed but she isn't some kind of political movement. She doesn't have those queen faction or heroic moment to have the people choose her so I can see why she isn't the queen type of character, she is not even a courtlady.

> For stupid decision, I think from the 3 main character, her decision is one of the best based on the circumstances. She has the right priority.
She also really observant and didn't accept just an explanation if she thought it's not coherent.


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so far, CK never fail me...even until this very last episode....but maybe, just maybe, she's a little bit reckless when she was young, and some might point her as the cause why the prince got exiled in the first place before Im and the gang plotted to kill him. however, after the prince came back, CK


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CK did pay "her debt" when she went to the prison protecting the prince. so, it's all even between them. after that, she just become stronger and stronger.


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Who said that? I'm gonna fight them!!

Chae-kyung is an awesome woman and nowhere near stupid. Please give it a try. It's a really good drama that's surely worth your time.


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This episode was really cathartic for me. I just needed a good cry and this episode was it. I know we still have loads of crying to do. As girlfriday said, this is the beginning of the end. There will be loads more reason to cry in the next episodes. But for the meantime, I just want to see them together and hugging even for a minute. ?


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I know I dont say this enough but thank you for another wonderful recap, girlfriday!


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Last scene had me crying, too. :(


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I cant help myself from falling and falling for them.. aww, love love love... how so cruel?


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Wondering if I should wait til the end and bingewatch all 4 episodes or stop now and just watch OTP sweetness....
Sounds like an agonising episode to get through....
Thanks for the quick and incisive recap....
The writer is really moving the plot along but I love the little scenes interspersed...
CK and yeok ( both dream and ending scene)....CK and Ysg.. .his vulnerability and insanity all rolled into one...
But the deep love between the two...
Even with such brief scenes CK n yeok are bringing it home in terms of longing....the nuanced acting is amazing and the feels are palpable...


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I really love how quick the recaps have been for this show. Just dropping in to say thank you! Haven't caught ep 17 yet because I'm stuck at work but every time I see the notification on my Twitter feed that the recap is ready, I feel this irrational sense of anticipation. I would usually skip the body of recap and plunge straight into the comments, watch the show then come back to pore through the recap proper. Really love the cast and plot. Never have I been filled with such a bizzare mix of foreboding and excitement to jump into a new episode of a show. Watching Seven Day Queen has been a refreshing experience in this sense and made so much more enjoyable because of the rest of you here!


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I absolutely agree, thank god for that reunion! What was an hour episode for us must have been like 1 month for them. Gah. My heart simultaneously warmed and ached whenever Yeok and Chae-kyung constantly thought about and lived day-by-day from that love. Especially when the first imagined the latter in their room and his look of joy, ease, happiness. His desperation in getting back to her. And the end when she couldn't believe he was actually right in front of her and he leaned into her hand! It's the little details. Man, I love the devotion these two have towards one another.

With Yeonsangun, I can't tell whether he's legitimately crazy or twistedly genius... Eh, what the heck, he's both. He's smart and dastardly (he was acting?!) but we can still see moments where he's so far gone in his extreme ways like with his father's concubines and sons *shiver* I am surprised he still allowed Yeok to live 'cause he's gotta know he'd come back for him and Chae-kyung. For once, he's clear about what he wants and is willing to get it done himself. Is he that bored or is he that desperate for a showdown to bring Yeok to his level and create a situation where Yeok and Chae-kyung will hate and despise each other?

Despite Minister Shin seeing and experiencing for himself how far gone Yeon is, I feel like he still has faith he can bring him back from the brinks of that craze. You see that from his letters, all reminiscing of their good times together and how much he thinks about and cares for his well-being. Contrary to Yeon's expectations, not even one word mentioned concerning Chae-kyung. And it kind of satisfied me a little how that shook him a bit to make him leave Chae-kyung.

Which leaves my heart broken for Chae-kyung because no matter what, she loses in some way no matter who wins. But I love her for confronting herself in terms of her naivete and learning from it. That speech to Yeon? Yesssss *high air claps*

I'm trying to figure out how the ending we all know is coming will actually happen. I can't imagine Yeok ever having Minister Shin killed off even if he remained loyal to Yeon when he knows how important family is to Chae-kyung. I have to think he cares about Minister Shin too. I see the killing more from Myung-hye's uncle so will it end up becoming a misunderstanding? But Yeok and Chae-kyung have been so good about misunderstandings since the truth was brought to the open and honesty carried their marriage. Or maybe Minister Shin forces Yeok's hand and the latter has no choice? Oh, I don't know anymore. I just really want the show to actually pull off a happy ending for our couple but who am I kidding? Here's to still hoping for that small sliver.


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Ohh, this episode. I don't know when I can truly ready to watch this episode....


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I love this episode for various reasons. But at the same time, I'm sad that there are only 3 more episodes to go.

I will start with the scene where CK had to watch Yeok get his tendons cut. The voiceover where she went "I must watch so i can remember his pain, and my foolishness.." I think that was very poignant in leading her to behave the way she did when she went into lockdown. I feel like that allowed her to stay so cold and emotionless, knowing her history with YSG, and not pleading YSG the way she usually does. Although, you may argue that she did plead when she offered to stay next to YSG in exchange for Yeok's life. But the feel was different this time. I salute CK for remaining stoic and unmoved.

i love the dream scene where Yeok was just happy and light and worry-free, as though nothing burdened him when CK is there, like how every couple in love should be. I just wished we had more scenes like this, to juxtapose against how much he had to worry about the country and taking revenge on YSG.

And i think it finally dawned on YSG how much he hurt CK. Kudos to CK for finally highlighting that either way the story goes, she would die anyway. It was a matter of time. All these while, she was made to choose between Yeok and her family. But i feel YSG finally realised the death sentence he issued to her when he allowed her to marry Yeok. While he found happiness in those minutes he spent going to her room, he was so focused on keeping CK by his side and away from YSG, that he did not for a understand the pain he was putting her through til then. Hence i think, getting her to read her father's letters was his way of giving her some respite and comfort, and hopefully, some life into her soulless body.

There was really no way CK could have stayed in the palace. Even if Yeok took over the throne, there was very little way she could stay as the Queen. Knowing Minister Shin's loyalty to YSG and her love for her family, she would be in misery should her family perish along with YSG (which we know would happen). And knowing Yeok, he will try to keep her in the palace anyway but would constantly have to choose between his love for her and what is expected of him. It will just be a matter of time before the whole "she is YSG's family" will blow up in his face. And even if she did choose YSG in the end, she would still die anyway for being one of his people.

Initially, when I watched Ep 1, i couldn't quite understand the opening scene. But now, I think I understand what is going to happen. But, i have a question: how did Yeok end up marrying MyungHee in the end? Knowing what she did and how her contributed to this whole thing? Argh!!!

I wished MyungHee ended up with Seonoh to be honest. He seemed to love her a lot.

Please feel free to disagree! :)


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I'm also surprised that he would end up with Myung-Hye. Literally the only thing she has done that has not either done nothing or ended disasterously was when she followed Yeok's orders. And even then that was to rectify another mistake she made.

Personally, I think when CK is sentenced to death, Yeok makes a deal with Park that he will agree to marry Myung-Hye, as long as CK gets to live. Which makes me so angry because at the end of the day, Park has done so little and only been in it for himself. Even at the end, he only decided to take action because he didn't want to be one-upped by the rebellious people. Hopefully he does not end up winning with no losses (I don't consider Myung-Hye living in lonely misery to be his loss).


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Where does it say that he's going to end up with Myung-Hye? I rewatched the ep 1 intro but didn't see it there.

Or was it when the Queen Dowager and Myung-Hye were talking?


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..it turns out that being mentally prepared in no way alleviates the actual pain of living through it..

I guess my eyes was clouded when I decided to dive in this drama. It looked wide open but... no. I'm still not ready for the painful journey. My heart knotted and twisted throughout this episode.
Oh Lord, this drama is so heart wrenchingly beautiful. T_T


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This drama has given us so much acting, deep storyline, and all the raw emotions one can have when you're on the verge of death. The love story between Yeok and Chaegyung are a thing to behold. They finally, finally know each other too well to the point that they trust what the other is doing. It's great to see all the dishonesty from previous episodes gone, and that has liberated them to express love and communicate at a level only the two of them know.

I pity the king, but also fine acting for Lee Dong gun. He's a soul less maniac driven by extreme rage, jealousy, insecurity and lack of love. What can thaw the cold, merciless heart of a king? Does he not get that all his actions are just plain unlovable? Who will but love a monster?


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I just don't understand how Chae-kyung's father can still support Yeonsangun as the king. And if Yeok takes the throne after killing Yeonsangun, what is the point of trying to get rid of Yeok, because who would be king then.


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Historically, Yeonsangun won't be killed the moment he's overthrown but sent into exile. Shin Su-geun attempted a counter-coup to dethrone Yeok and restore Yeonsangun as king very soon after, but it failed, leading to his death and Chae-kyung's dethronement and exile.

I'm not sure if Minister Shin will actively lead a coup attempt against Yeok in this drama, but I'm pretty sure the writer will follow history on Yeonsangun's fate.


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Thank you for the historical context for non-Koreans. Helped me understand the storyline better. I tried Googling but got confused.


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Are you referring to CK? If so, my personal theory is that she is attempting to do it to make life as a King easier for him. A bit like that scene where she asked YSG to punish her for helping the thief escaped so that no one can question his rule. Because otherwise, there is no way Yeok would allow her to leave his side. But she knows Joseon needs a strong compassionate ruler after YSG. Thats my theory.


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The thing about monarchy is that by law, the ruling king is the rightful ruler, no matter what they do. Trying to dethrone the king, it's considered as treason and will certainly disrupt the balance (the whole point of the story rly hahah).
It's really different from democratic presidential, where the president is responsible for their actions. So if the people deem the president as unfit to rule, then they can protest and sort.
So I kinda get it if there are people who still stand behind the king during that period, like CK's father. SSG is a good person, but his moral compass is heavily influenced by the law and order, so he's acting based on what is dictated by the law, which is to support the ruling king no matter what.

Is it correct by today's standard? Of course not...


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If I'm not mistaken, in early episode, Yeonsangun asked Minister Shin of his loyalty to him. Minister Shin sworn that he would always stay with Yeonsangun even if his daughter married Yeok. To me, Minister Shin was just a man of his word. He gave it to Yeonsangun and he kept it. With all the consequences.


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Yeonsangun is minister shin's son..

At least that is what i feel when watching the drama, and without thinking about the real history obviously. Because really his devotion to the king is more out of love, love from a father. He loves him even before yeonsangun become king. He loves him regardless yeonsangun was kind or not. He loves him even when he was punished, remembering the good days, not even the slightest hint of anger of being punished. We see that he truly genuinely care about yeonsangun without having any ulterior motive.. the kind of love only a father (and mother) can display.

And it sits well with the fact that yeonsangun's mother was dethroned and why the late king didn't want yeonsangun to be king. Because he was not the late king's son but minister shin's (or someone very close to him)

Ok obviously that is not true but only my speculations because i refuse to believe that a just man will only obey a tyrant that caused thousands to die and many more to suffer. It's either he is unjust too or he is yeonsangun father haha..


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And also the late king's bizarre secret will also didn't make sense unless yeonsangun really is not his son.

I mean the will was made when yeok was born, how old was yeonsangun at that time? How did the late king know that a child(yeonsangun) will grow up to be an unfit king. More importantly how did he know that yeok, who was just being born, at the time, will be a better king. He might be a worse king, who knows (at the time of course).

It strengthens my feeling that yeonsangun is not the late king's son.

I am just creating theories here to satisfy my own curiosity about the show..


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no offence. but the idea that YSG and CK is brother and sister too much for me to handle. i mean, as much as I hate YSG now, i did root for him (well, back and forth) to be with CK for the reason he could have been a better king if CK stay beside him.


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Haha Yeonsangun is definitely not minister Shin's son... Shin cares about him because he's his brother in law, he also understands why Yeonsangun is like that (lack of love etc).

Anyway the writers can't change that much of history, Yeonsangun being Shin's son is like a sageuk makjang


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The reason why the late king didn't want Yeonsangun to be the next king is because his mother deposed Queen Yoon was well, deposed. Throughout East Asian history it's always dangerous for the next king's mother to be deposed and killed since they're scared the king would take revenge. Usually if the queen is deposed, the son would not be in line to the throne as well to avoid things like that. In real life King Seongjong didn't want to depose Yeonsangun because he felt sorry for him (even though his mother wanted to depose him)


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I watched the episode raw last night and watched with subs again today. Really squeezed my eyes shut when the executioner sliced Yeok's tendon (thankfully not deep enough to cripple him). Chae Kyung's sacrifice is not noble idiocy (good use of a typical kdrama trope). Yung is beyond hope now - so angry with his manic and cruel ways and yet i still feel pity. Too many "if only". He would have a much better chance at winning CK's heart (partial heart) if he had stopped her from marrying Yeok - then trying to kill him after they were married! How could he be so dense!

I am still in awe - even though we know how history turned out - the twists and turns in each episode kept the viewers rapt. Many potential viewers probably didn't want to watch this drama because of the (highly possible) sad outcome. But those who dare to venture are rewarded with a great script, stellar acting by the leads and supporting cast, beautiful cinematography, sets and costumes. LDG's costumes are exquisite. The costumes are not new designs but the embroidery work is outstanding (compared to those i have seen in other Joseon sagueks). The chemistry between PMY and the two male leads is sizzling. I still miss Seo No - his death devastated me last week.


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I like the fact that YSG wants to charge Yeok with treason but due to love for CK (so that she's not becoming a slave) he just cuts yeok's tendon. I agree that PMY really stunning in pale hanbok.

The small details that i like in this episode:

1) hanbok that SCK wears in the palace. Pale and that describes her emotion.
2) how happy YSG is when he visits her chamber twice a day. Morning and evening
3) yeok leans his head towards SCK hands
4) Nanny throws rice at mice (YSG's eunuch)


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Ok!! I am very much Loving ChaeKyung!!! She is so right minded and put words exactly how they had to be!! She kept the king away from her as much as possible!!! She is so far the best female Sageuk lead provided such circumstances!!!


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Thank you so mush for this recap, Girlfriday!

I love that Chae-gyung is still her brave self, courageous enough to tell this crazy king that she has nothing left to give him but a dead heart. Her father finally realised that he is serving a crazed, hopeless king. He took his time to realise it though, geez. Poor Chae-gyung, she really can't see anything but death at this point. I'm so glad Nanny lives in their house, not at Chae-gyung's parents'. I reckon, she'll be safer there. Yeonsangun is just pure evil now. He's just so beyond redemption.

Yes, I'm holding tight for the tragedy that looms ahead. So like you, I'm satisfied with a reunion even if it would last for, I don't know, probably mere seconds? I'm just happy that they can embrace each other again. Would she let herself be rescued or will she stay? Whatever she chooses, we all know the ending anyway. I know that this story cannot end on a happy note, but funny, I am still hoping for a happy epilogue. Is that really too much to ask? I am just thinking about our sanity's sakes, is all.


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This is seriously going down as one of my favorite dramas. There's little to nothing I can fault this drama with! Acting is amazing on on parts (King is the show stealer bc he's always freaken intense) esp the solid main cast + the veteran actors. It's so refreshing how quick paced SDQ and each episode can make you feel emotions on all ends of the spectrum. Can't wait for the last few eps! (or is tomorrow the last one?)


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omg yeok and chae grung are soo powerful ..i though scarlet heart was tragic but this is something else...
their best performance ever
hope to see them in a modern setting drama preferably romance 1 day


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I keep telling myself keep calm, the end is near but with this show you can never do that. As early as first half of this drama I knew that it will be so hard for me to let it go when the time comes and now that we're down to second to the last week of this show that thank dramagods had provided us it is even far from what I imagined. Like what GF said in other words, you can always prepare yourself for what's about to happen but it will never be enough when it's actually happening.

Yeok will get the throne now but I know it'll be the beginning of him and CK's tragic ending so how can I be happy about it? :(


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Even though there was no way Yeok would end up crippled, it was still heartbreaking - Chae Gyung choosing to watch so she would never forget, and Yeok having to watch CG see him suffer. I think I cried too much the last ep so no tears this time haha.

Can't believe there's only 3 episodes left. Urgh can we pretty please get a happy ending?


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I'm not even watching this show but Yeon Woo Jin's face in that first screenshot looks heartbreaking!

All the great reviews is really really making me want to watch this. But the inevitable tragedy and the heartbreak, I don't know if my heart can stand :(


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Yup, it surely is a tragedy and I don't even know if we can hope for a happy ending... *asks crazy self why I even bother watching this*


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Before this drama began I was like, in the tiny, very minuscule chance of the writer going against historical facts and changing the ending so they're still together in the end, I'll watch this asap! lol


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i know. but everything so great about this drama, so even the ending will be devastating, i don't think i will regret watching it. cause each episodes are just that good, that the journey i've been through will easily justify any ending the writer give to us.


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Aw, I just loved seeing Yeok and Nanny stick together through all this. Made my heart feel just a little bit better amidst all the overwhelming sadness. I don't know if I can handle discussing anything else right now. It's too much.


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That torture scene in the courtyard!!! urgh, I feel so sorry for this couple and even more sorry to know things won't turn for the better even when Yeok becomes king...


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Oh man...I don't know about everyone else but the way Minister Shin looked at the king really broke my heart. It is so sad how Yeonsanggun is so far gone that he is even pushing away the one person who has cared and treated him as if he were his own son. He just interprets everything and everyone as if they are out to betray him. The acting in this drama is phenomenal and it saddens me that it doesn't get as much recognition it really deserves (in terms of ratings at least).


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The ending was so intense! I loved it that Yeok kneeled down and offered his face to be touched by Chae-kyung. You can really feel their love burning!

Excuse me while I ugly cry in the corner :(

Now I need to get my bearings straight for there are still 3 episodes left. Show wasn’t kidding when the old teaser showed Park Min-young’s character saying that all the tears in the world came to her because she loves Yeok. Show, you never said anything about our tears . Boo!


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I have honest to god been sitting and laying with my tip-toes out , as if to protect my tendons, ever since this episode. I am extra scared for my tendons as it was ever since we learned about Achilles' heel when I was young, and this episode reminded me. My god.

I remember in one of the earlier episodes when YSG stopped himself from kissing CK, and you mentioned that he at least seemed like he wanted her sincere heart instead of a shell. However, now he has given up on getting the heart, and seems happy enough to just have the shell with a dead heart inside. And the way he said he would bring his gifts personally, I almost think he plans to take use of her "half-dead shell" and mold her back to his idea of CK.

I have given up on anyone pointing out what a bad father and king and a coward the previous king was, but I am a little disappointed that some characters just kind of disappear, like the queen. I loved CK's conversation with Nok-So because I like to see how CK goes against all kinds of characters, but wouldn't it make sense that the queen, her aunt, tried to visit? And they talked about the king and what they should do about his obsession? I think that is the price to pay in order to have such fast-paced episodes, that they have to cut characters off so they only appear now and then.


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Highly recommend Laural Tree Tailors. I actually enjoy the 50 episodes weekend dramas and really enjoyed discovering Lee Se-Young who was also great in the Best Hit.


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the more crazy/insane Yeonsangun gets in each episode, why is it he (and his mustache and goatee) looks so much more handsome also??

that aside, i just LOVE LOVE LOVE that last scene and the way Yeok's expression while looking at Chae Kyung while letting her touch his cheek...
*swoons thru tears*


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i'm having heartache by just thinking about this drama and by just looking at screencaps . i was looking for a epic yet tragic love story and i hv found the mother of the genre . this show is so perfect in evrything .
lee don gun why have i not seen you any drama before ?

and the otp . this otp is similar to healer otp . so much chemistry and so much tears


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THE FEELS!!!! I'm not one to cry, but that last scene really got to me... :'( The leads are doing such an amazing job so huge kudos to them. I just want to give a hug to YWJ and PMY and tell them that everything will be OK [even though I know that's not true :(] I can feel every ounce of pain and longing, and the king's craziness is so real, so much so I feel pity for him more than hating him, even though everything that he's doing is evil and wrong.
Praying and wishing for a happy-er/ish ending...

And thanks for the recap, girlfriday!


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Wow couldn't breath throughout reading this!!!!!!!!! Chae kyung, yoek???? Why show???


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I think I have been stalking this thread long enough to not post anything or share my thoughts. I have thoroughly enjoyed this drama since the beginning -- it has been my weekly dose of crack. First and foremost, thank you to both Javabeans and Girlfriday for your weekly recaps, they have helped me relive each episode and the sweet moments of our OTP. I have to say that I have always admired PMY for her acting, especially in sageuks, she just somehow radiates in hanboks. When I found out that she was going to be in this series, I was happy and when I found out YWJ would be her male lead, I was thrilled! I have always adored YWJ since Ojakyo Brothers, and this role just solidifies my love for him. He and PMY make a great pair with amazing chemistry. Love them! Love this drama and I cannot wait to see how it unfolds. Though, I feel that my heart will surely break for Chaekyoung and Yeok but I am holding out hope that the writers will save us from complete heartbreak at the end and give us a sweet, secret ending. Please??


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The acting is so good, so many emotions. That last scene was heartbreaking.


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Has the worst already come? Or is it still coming? Ackkkkk! I dunno how much more preparation I shall make, or how much more misery my heart can take.

Finally, Chae-kyung has spoken the dilemma that was faced by her family a long time ago—either way they are damned. May it be Yeok or Yeonsangun, there's just no way for her family and her to leave unscathed.

Finally, I've been angling for Yeok and Nanny to have a wee tête-à-tête, and now they have given me that. :)

I've been looking at the first episode since the hanbok Minister Shin was wearing there was almost the same one he's wearing right now. (Chae-kyung was wearing a different one so…he's not gonna die—yet?) Argh.

As for the doubts regarding Minister Shin's actions, methinks his counter-coup after Yeok was installed as king is quite reminiscent of the doubts and the hesitance of Jeong Do-Jeon at least during the early years before he founded Joseon (as depicted in 6 Flying Dragons). As a Confucian, it runs counter to the ideals for him to revolt against the established rule (Goryeo) in order to establish a Confucian system which is rooted on preserving the order. In the same vein, perhaps for Minister Shin, as an officer who had given his word to the king, supporting the reign of the new king is against his ideals as a minister of the country who has sworn to protect the deposed king at all costs. In the analects (it's been a long time since I read passages of this, so correct me if I am wrong) it is mentioned that ‘[when you act], seek to match your action to what you have said; when you speak, seek to match your speech to what you will do.’ So perhaps, Minister Shin's deeds is merely being true to his word. It may not be for the best consequences but as far as being accountable for what he said, he did the ‘right’ thing.

Quite frankly, it bothers me that a lot of the ministers who actually served in Yeonsangun's reign (though may still be low-ranking at the time) still managed to serve when Yeok was installed as king. The fact that there are those ministers managed to survive to become Jungjong's top brass is not so much a testament to their loyalty to the country or to their beliefs but that of their cunning and their ability to adapt and jump the boat when need arises.


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wow, I just don't know what to say.

I admire Yeok plan and chae kyeong guts but it also appears that they didn't do this because they inherently want to be a king and queen. It because they have to do this, it just hurts to see them take the role and realised that they might be unhappy after because they have to sacrifice a lot for that.

Chae kyeong has her family in line and yeok has chae kyeong in the line. They can't save all the people they want to.


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Just watched the subbed episodes last night and that preview....
Our TOP can't catch their breath before another major calamity is upon them...
OTP moments really down to second and even then their love and yearning manages to radiate.
Ldg is really fleshing out this role...
Insane yes...but..he manages to get the audience almost to empathise with him...
His desperate need for validation...


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Thank you for your recap and comments, girlfriday.

Dang, this episode is intense. Yeonsangun is crazy as a rabid fox. And Nok-soo is even worse because she's allegedly still sane. If I'd had any question as to the king's sanity before this episode, I don't any longer. The man is certifiable after ordering Yeok to be hamstrung. And then he wonders why Chae-kyung doesn't want to talk to him.

I knew going into it that this drama was going to be an epic tear-jerker if it faithfully followed history. I've battened down the hatches, but dread what happens next, and I haven't even seen episode 18 yet.


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Late to the party but still wanted to join the discussion.

My heart broke with Minister Shin's as he look at Yeonsangun. It's like saying, "I can't believe you've come this far and I can't do anything to help you anymore." It's so sad because he's the only one he has left who truly loves him.

It's strange because at the end of the day, Yeonsangun wanted to be loved, by his brother, the Dowager Queen, his loyal minister, and Chae-kyung. But then all he does is push them away. It makes me wonder if he's doing this unknowingly or on purpose.

It reminded me of Bangwon and how much he wanted people by his side but he chose to let them go. While watching Dragons, I thought Bangwon was quite cruel but omg, he's nowhere near Yeonsangun.


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i loved how he leaned in for her to touch his face..


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