Fight My Way: Episode 14

When our characters have spent their entire adult lives dealing with the disappointment of their unrealized dreams, there’s no way to predict how they’ll react when those dreams suddenly become possible. And there’s no guarantee that realizing their dreams will lead to happiness and fulfillment, as Dong-man and Ae-ra are about to discover — in fact, sometimes chasing your dream can become downright dangerous.

Round 14: “The calm before the storm”

It’s a night in the near future, and someone whose face we don’t see is taken away by ambulance. Ae-ra and Coach Hwang look on in shock as Dong-man’s voice narrates, “Every storm in life comes when you have your guard down.”

Back in the present, Dong-man prepares to defend Landlady Hwang’s apartment from intruders. He slowly approaches the closet where they’ve heard suspicious noises, and he reaches out to open the door…

Ae-ra suddenly yells Dong-man’s name, scaring the stuffing out of him. She tells him that there’s nobody there and yanks him out of the apartment. He protests all the way down the stairs, but Ae-ra had noticed that Landlady Hwang was wearing lipstick and figured that she just had a boyfriend over.

Dong-man gasps with maidenly horror, marveling at Ae-ra’s women’s intuition. Ae-ra suddenly asks if he’s seen Hye-ran since she moved in, but Dong-man doesn’t know why she should care.

He objects when Ae-ra starts to follow him home, telling her that she can’t come over anymore because it’s too difficult for him. He asks if she’s conducting some sort of self-control test on him before hurrying inside, but Ae-ra just lets herself in, hee.

After they’re gone, their dads tumble out of Landlady Hwang’s closet, surprising Nam-il. He seems to guess what’s happening and asks Landlady Hwang, “Which one is it?” The dads catch onto the fact that Nam-il calls Landlady Hwang “Mom,” and he says with a slightly sarcastic tone that he’s her one and only son, Kim Nam-il.

On their way out, Landlady Hwang tells the dads that she knows why they’re here, but she won’t hide anymore. Dong-man’s father asks why she came when she was doing fine, but she says that she was never fine, and that she’s never stopped being a mom. Ae-ra’s dad asks why she’d speak up now, but Landlady Hwang asks if it’s still a bad thing to be Hwang Bok-hee’s child.

Inside, Nam-il finds the box containing Landlady Hwang’s photographs and looks through it curiously. He finds an old flip-phone with a teddy bear charm still attached.

As they watch TV, Ae-ra asks Dong-man if he’s still going to the weigh-in tomorrow for his fight with Tak-soo. Trying to distract her, Dong-man mentions her overlapping interviews tomorrow. Not to be outwitted, Ae-ra just says that she’s not objecting to him fighting, just to him fighting Tak-soo.

A strange noise from upstairs draws their attention, and Ae-ra whispers that Hye-ran is home. Again, Dong-man asks why she cares.

Hye-ran is home, looking pale and depressed. She looks over her alimony agreement, in which it’s explicitly stated that she’s not allowed to talk about her ex-husband’s family.

As the dads leave the villa, Dong-man’s father wonders when Landlady Hwang got such a grown-up son. Ae-ra’s dad asks if they should visit the kids, but Dong-man’s dad nixes that idea, since they have no good excuse for being here.

Landlady Hwang goes back inside, looking shaken by the exciting evening. She picks up a photo of a beautiful young woman and stares at her wistfully.

The next morning, Dong-man sends Ae-ra to her interview, armed with antacids and chocolates. He says that maybe KBC called her back because her sassing impressed them.

He’s disappointed that the interview overlapped with the one for MMA announcer, since Ae-ra can only go to one. But Ae-ra says that she’s going to the KBC interview because that’s been her dream her whole life.

Dong-man says gently that as her friend of twenty-three years and now her boyfriend, he doesn’t think she’s announcer material. He thinks her skills would be wasted sitting in a chair, adding, “A moron should fly freely.” That’s… actually kinda sweet.

Ae-ra argues weakly that being an announcer feels like the major leagues. But Dong-man asserts that anywhere she likes being will be the major leagues for her. He sends her off with one final thought: “Do what makes your heart pound.”

The weigh-in is filled with reporters, and the whole room gasps when John Karellas takes off his hood, revealing his face. He’s bombarded with questions about why he’s in Korea, but John tells them to focus on Dong-man, because he’s the one who will be in the ring.

Dong-man and Tak-soo pose for photos in their fighting gear, as requested by the reporters. As they face off, challenge and determination shine in their eyes.

Ae-ra takes the bus to Cheongju, where the KBC interview will be held. When her name is called by the KBC representative, she’s not in the room — but then her voice calls out, “Yes, I’m here!”

But the room she runs into isn’t at KBC, it’s at the octagon. Hooray, she went to the MMA interview! We see that she’d gotten off the Cheongju bus at the last moment, thinking about Dong-man telling her to do what makes her heart pound.

She nails her speech, which is about how a female announcer would bring the interest of more women to MMA fighting. She figures she can afford to be aggressive and threatens to get a job announcing for their competitor, which would cost them the chance to hire Korea’s first female ring announcer.

One of the officials casually tells Ae-ra, “You’re hired.” She’s so surprised that she asks why, and he says that it’s because she’s spunky. Further, she’s informed that she’ll be announcing the upcoming match between Dong-man and Tak-soo.

Another official reminds the others that they already hired someone to announce that match, and they look over nervously as Hye-ran walks into the room. Grrrr, this again?

After the weigh-in, Tak-soo is furious and demands to know why John Karellas is coaching Dong-man. He yells for Tae-hee to bribe John to leave Dong-man, throwing a tantrum like a spoiled child. Coach Choi says disgustedly that this isn’t about money, because John wouldn’t work with him even if offered a fortune. He mutters that Tak-soo has already lost, then gets out of the van.

Tak-soo follows him, so Coach Choi reveals that Dong-man came to him first fifteen years ago. He says that he recognized Dong-man’s incredible talent but ended up falling for Tak-soo’s family money.

Now, he says that Coach Choi “took a steel ax and became a general,” while he ended up with a brat for a pupil. He apologizes to Tak-soo for not raising him properly, then walks away.

Back at Ae-ra’s interview, the official who likes Ae-ra asks why they have to use Hye-ran. The other official says that people are more interested when a celebrity is involved, but the first official asks what being a celebrity has to do with anything.

He asks Hye-ran to show them what she can do, but she’s offended that she’s expected to audition. She sneers that she was asked to donate her time and talent. The official snaps back that for ten times the pay, he expects to see something ten times better. When Hye-ran hesitates, he asks if she lacks confidence, but she says haughtily that it’s about self-esteem and walks out.

That leaves Ae-ra with the job, and she does a little happy dance of joy in the hallway. The official who was pushing to hire Hye-ran joins Ae-ra and tells her that he didn’t mean what he said.

He reveals that he didn’t expect Hye-ran to show up, but that he heard that her ex-in-laws don’t want her on television, which means she’s banned from the networks and must be desperate for work. Ae-ra ends up waiting with Hye-ran at the bus stop and figures it must be true if she’s not driving.

When Hye-ran struggles to find bus fare in her purse, Ae-ra pays the fare for both of them. On the ride home, Ae-ra checks the online comments and discovers that netizens are posting negative comments about how Hye-ran dumped her boyfriend (Dong-man) to marry a chaebol, and that they don’t support her anymore.

That evening, Dong-man pouts at Ae-ra to stay at his place since he’s fighting tomorrow. She’s worried about what to tell Seol-hee, though Dong-man is all for telling the truth. They jump up guiltily when Seol-hee arrives home, and Ae-ra waves sadly as she follows Seol-hee inside.

But Dong-man suddenly grabs Ae-ra’s hand and asks Seol-hee if he can borrow her tonight, since his match is tomorrow. Ae-ra looks guilty, but Seol-hee smiles and pushes her gently to Dong-man, telling him to take her.

Landlady Hwang takes a bottle of liquor to Coach Hwang, and when she calls him “Soondae” as usual, he corrects her that his name is Jang-ho (adorably acting out the words “general” and “tiger” that make up his name). They share a drink, and Landlady Hwang asks if Coach Hwang will do her a favor and keep a secret.

She hands him the flip-phone with the teddy bear charm, asking him to keep it hidden for her. When Coach Hwang opens the phone, Landlady Hwang snaps it shut, telling him to keep it, and then… but we don’t hear the rest.

Back at the villa, Joo-man leaves a bag of fruit and another teddy bear on Seol-hee’s doorstep. He rings the doorbell then runs up to his door, tripping on the way up, lol.

Dong-man is proud of Ae-ra landing the MMA announcer job, and he asks if she’ll interview him if he wins tomorrow. She snarls that he’d better win, because she refuses to interview Tak-soo.

Ae-ra asks if he’s scared, and when Dong-man starts to say yes, she snaps at him to stop being so honest and say that he’s not scared, hee. He tells her that he’s waited for ten years for these fifteen minutes, so he won’t lose.

Ae-ra promises to watch the entire fifteen minutes and protect him from anything bad happening. Dong-man says affectionately that she’s so tiny, yet she’s always talking about protecting him. He says that even if she does close her eyes, it will be over soon, and when she opens them, he’ll be right there. Okay, they’re making me very nervous.

Starting to cry, Ae-ra admits that she wants to anesthetize him so that he won’t wake up tomorrow. Dong-man hugs her tightly, but Ae-ra can’t be consoled. She says that it would be easy if he were just a regular guy, but she really really likes him, so of course she can’t give her blessing.

Dong-man sighs at Ae-ra’s tearful confession and kisses her, but before it gets too serious, he pulls back. He apologizes, saying that he likes her so much that he can’t do it. Ae-ra asks if he means that he’s protecting her from himself because he loves her.

Instead of answering, Dong-man shifts Ae-ra until she’s lying down, then leans over her. He says that he likes her so much that tonight, he can’t stop himself. Ae-ra puts up no resistance as he proceeds to do exactly that.

In the morning, a very contented Dong-man complains weakly that she really must have anesthetized him because he doesn’t want to get up. He says that he only thought he liked her a lot, but that was nothing compared to how he feels about her now. Ae-ra fusses at him for being so honest that it makes her heart pound, and he wonders how he resisted her for twenty years.

When they finally make it out of bed, Dong-man chickens out on facing Seol-hee. He leaves Ae-ra to do the Walk of Shame alone, and though she tries to pretend that nothing is different, Seol-hee gives her a wide grin and notes that she finally gave in after resisting for twenty years. HA.

Dong-man heads upstairs to find Joo-man sleeping off a solo bender on his apartment floor. He says that he’s known Seol-hee twice as long as Joo-man, so of course he’s on her side, adding that she’s way too good for Joo-man.

But he also says that he doesn’t trust any other guy with Seol-hee, so he tells Joo-man to go downstairs and beg. Joo-man pouts that Ae-ra is there too, but he lets Dong-man drag him downstairs for breakfast. Ae-ra shoots Joo-man some pretty nasty stink-eye and refuses to make an egg for him, hee.

Seol-hee is on the computer, and she calls Ae-ra over to see a couple of messages asking if her homemade plum and mulberry wines are for sale. Dong-man and Joo-man also wander over as a third request comes in, but her friends sigh and walk away in disgust when Seol-hee wildly undervalues her wine.

When it’s time for the fight, Kyung-ku is there offering to film it despite Dong-man’s refusal to go on his show. Dong-man talks to Ae-ra privately, and when he complains about her heavy sighs, she bops him on the head angrily.

She takes back telling him to win and gives him permission to lose, practically ordering him to tap out if he gets the slightest bit hurt. He promises to do that if he feels like he’s dying, but he says that if not, then he’ll win fair and square.

Ye-jin calls Seol-hee out to talk again, telling her that she went out drinking late with Joo-man recently. Seol-hee doesn’t want to hear it, but Ye-jin continues that he turned her down, then talked about Seol-hee for three solid hours.

We see in flashback that by the end of the night, Joo-man had been so drunk he could barely stand, but he was still saying that no matter who approached him, he’d always choose Seol-hee. Now Ye-jin tells Seol-hee that she understands that Joo-man was rejecting her from the start, and that it was her who wouldn’t listen.

She hands Seol-hee a gift bag which contains a cute framed drawing of herself and Joo-man that Ye-jin made. Ye-jin explains that she doesn’t want to be punished for making such a kind person as Seol-hee cry, and that she wanted to sincerely apologize before she goes to England to study.

That night, the office goes out to dinner together, with Seol-hee and intern Chan-ho sitting directly across from Joo-man. This time, when Seol-hee starts to cut up the meat for the grill, Joo-man wordlessly takes the utensils from her to do it himself.

He’s forced to watch as Chan-ho flirts with Seol-hee, asking her if she wants to “go there” (the nail salon) together next time. HAHA, Joo-man gives Chan-ho a piece of meat and orders him to eat it, even though it’s still mostly raw. Chan-ho asks Seol-hee if she has a boyfriend, and she tells him that she did, but they broke up.

It’s time for Dong-man’s fight to begin, so Ae-ra takes the stage nervously. Her voice gains confidence as she introduces the fight, and she finishes her speech perfectly. Nam-il and Landlady Hwang are in the audience, and Landlady Hwang looks particularly proud.

Dong-man’s theme song starts up, and he enters the arena, his game face on. Coach Hwang reminds him to avoid an injury at all cost and to not let Tak-soo get him on the ground, because he’s not ready for that. Dong-man says that it took him ten years to get here, so he’ll fight with no regrets.

As Dong-man enters the ring, Nam-il asks Landlady Hwang almost tauntingly which one it is: Dong-man or Ae-ra. So he doesn’t know who her long-lost child is, either.

At the restaurant, Joo-man calls for more coals for the grill, which the owner carries out with tongs. When he leans over to set them down, he startles Joo-man’s boss, who flails and knocks the coals out of his hand.

They fly across the table towards Seol-hee, but Joo-man manages to fling himself across her so that the coal hits his back instead of Seol-hee. Even though the coal scorched through his shirt and badly burned his back, Joo-man’s first thought is to ask whether Seol-hee is okay.

Tak-soo makes his entrance, and the fight starts. Dong-man and Tak-soo wildly throw punches and kicks, and Dong-man easily manages to throw him off whenever Tak-soo tries to grapple him to the ground.

Soon, Dong-man sees an opening, and he jumps and spins in his famous roundhouse kick. He lands a solid blow to Tak-soo’s head, causing the referee to call a quick time out. Tak-soo got his bell rung pretty good, so Tae-hee tells him to make Dong-man lose his temper and drag him to the floor, where Tak-soo is strongest.

The fight resumes, and at first, Tak-soo takes a couple of punches and another kick, but then Dong-man swings again and Tak-soo throws himself to the ground. He gestures for Dong-man to come at him, but Dong-man refuses.

The referee makes Tak-soo get up and starts the fight again, but again, Tak-soo falls to his back. Coach Hwang yells to Dong-man to stay up, so now it looks like they’re avoiding each other.

Tak-soo tries a new tactic — when Dong-man kicks out, he grabs his leg and swings him into the cage wall, trying to force him to fall. Dong-man struggles but eventually gets both feet solidly back on the ground. Tak-soo taunts him, asking if he’s scared to get on the floor with him.

Then he says the one thing that could make Dong-man lose his temper, that Dong-man prefers to fight on his feet because his sister can only sit. Dong-man heaves them both away from the cage wall, so Tak-soo jumps up and wraps his legs around Dong-man’s middle.

Coach Hwang screams a warning, but Dong-man is too furious to hear it. He lets out a roar and throws Tak-soo to the floor, landing on top of him. As they go down, their heads knock together hard.

Intentional head-butting is against the rules, but Tae-hee had told Tak-soo that he could make it look accidental and cause a “no decision” ruling. The plan apparently worked perfectly, and Tak-soo lies on the ground, clutching his own head in pain. But it’s Dong-man who’s injured, his eye gushing blood from a bad cut.

Ae-ra looks on in horror, remembering the previous night when she’d kissed any part of Dong-man that might get hurt, calling it a spell to ward off injury. She’d kissed his eye, then he’d pointed to his cheek, his forehead, and even his lips, conning her into more kisses.

After the company dinner, Joo-man and Seol-hee wait for the bus, and he reflexively starts to pay both of their fares before remembering to only pay his own. On the ride home, he hisses in pain when the bumpy road causes him to hit his burned back on the seat. Seol-hee sees him hurting, but she doesn’t react.

Dong-man is patched up by the doctor, but his injury is declared serious. He insists that he’s fine and tells them not to stop the fight, but the doctor signals to the referee that it’s over. Dong-man screams at Coach Hwang, begging and pleading for him not to let this happen, desperate to be allowed to finish the fight. But although it breaks Coach Hwang’s heart, the fight ends with a no-decision ruling.

Landlady Hwang leaves the arena with Nam-il on her heels. Nam-il asks if she’s sad, then he says that he knows that she doesn’t like hearing her call him “Mom” anymore. Suddenly very cold, he says that there are a lot of reasons why dogs are abandoned, but there’s one reason that’s the most beautiful and dirty: “When a baby comes along, the loving parent abandons the dog they raised.”

Landlady Hwang asks what Nam-il is trying to say. With a nasty glint in his eye, Nam-il says that it’s only natural for him to bite when someone takes what belongs to him. Landlady Hwang reminds him that she told him not to touch the kids, but he just asks what she did with that flip-phone.

Joo-man’s back still pains him as he gets ready for bed, but he’s distracted by the doorbell. He answers the door to find Seol-hee standing on the step, and he braces himself for what she’s here to say.

Tak-soo faces the reporters and brags that he was leading the fight, smirking as he says that Dong-man’s injury proves that he was lacking. Coach Choi rushes over to fuss over Tak-soo’s bruised head, then he sees a trickle of blood coming from Tak-soo’s nose.

The entire arena watches, stunned, as Tak-soo’s eyes roll back and he slumps to the ground.

It’s Tak-soo who’s rushed into the ambulance with Coach Choi beside him. Dong-man comes outside after getting cleaned up, and he turns to Ae-ra, who glares at him before walking away. He swings her back to face him, hugging her and apologizing for scaring her.

She shoves him away, yelling that he didn’t tap out like she said or avoid the ground like Coach told him to do. Dong-man can only apologize again, admitting that he messed up, and he insists that his injury isn’t bad.

But there’s a sudden loud ringing in his ears, and he cringes at the noise as Ae-ra continues berating him. He listens as Ae-ra’s voice fades until it disappears, leaving only the loud ringing behind.

An expression of pure terror comes over Dong-man’s face, and he screams Ae-ra’s name. He starts slapping his ears with his hands, until Ae-ra stops him and asks what’s wrong. Still yelling, Dong-man asks why Ae-ra is talking that way, demanding to know why he can’t hear her voice.

In voiceover, Dong-man says that the storm passed, and the world grew dark. Overcome by fear, Dong-man screams, “Why is it so quiet? Why? WHY?!


The night before the fight, we hear Dong-man softly asking Ae-ra if he should turn off the lights. His television lights up with a content warning: “Fight My Way must abide by the Age 15 rating…….”


Okay, this is very bad, much worse than anything I expected to happen when Dong-man and Tak-soo finally faced off. All this time I’ve been so concerned with whether or not Dong-man could be hurt if he fought Tak-soo, it never occurred to me to think about whether Tak-soo might get seriously hurt. Now, not only is Dong-man going to have to deal with his own devastating hearing loss, he’ll have to deal with the guilt of having severely injured someone else. But for me, the most upsetting moment was when Dong-man was begging and screaming for Coach Hwang not to end the fight.

He’s waited so long for this chance, and it broke my heart to see him losing his opportunity to fight Tak-soo in a fair fight yet again. The first fight broke Dong-man in a way that was difficult to watch, but seeing him go through that all over again was nearly more than I could take. I don’t even think it’s about fighting Tak-soo at this point, so much as it is about finally getting the chance to redeem himself in his own heart for throwing the fight ten years ago. But plot-wise, I do find it much more interesting that now Dong-man is going to have to ease his heartbreak over the two fights with Tak-soo in a way that doesn’t involve beating someone up, or getting beat up himself. If he can do that, he’ll come out much healthier emotionally in the end.

But I loved seeing Hye-ran lose out to Ae-ra because of her own over-inflated ego sooo much. It was so satisfying to see her show up to steal Ae-ra’s thunder yet again, only to have that official say that her name means nothing if she can’t deliver. I’m positive that Hye-ran’s refusal to audition wasn’t so much about her feeling offended at being asked to prove her talent, but because she knows she’s not as good as Ae-ra and would fail that test.

I know the show is trying to make us feel bad for Hye-ran by showing us how her carefully polished veneer is chipping, but I don’t feel sorry for her one tiny bit. The way she’s jerked around Dong-man for years (and no, I don’t care if she was jealous of Ae-ra, since she still treated both Dong-man and Ae-ra terribly) makes me feel sure that her marriage failed because she’s an insufferable harpy. And someone who treats others the way she does doesn’t deserve fame and riches and a comfortable life, not if it comes at the expense of others. All I can feel for Hye-ran is a sense of satisfaction that her karma has finally caught up with her, and perfectly timed so that she can watch while Ae-ra finally gets her big shot. I hope that at least a tiny part of Hye-ran realizes that Ae-ra deserves it more than she ever did.

With only two episodes left, there’s a lot of things that are really worrying me, like the threats to Dong-man and Ae-ra that I’m concerned we won’t have enough time to properly address. There’s Kyung-ku, who seems to be growing more unstable, Nam-il who has suddenly gone from the cute landlord’s son to someone bent on finding out who his (adoptive?) mother’s real child is and getting rid of them, and Hye-ran, who I’m guessing will be using pity to try to snag Dong-man next. Not to mention Tak-soo’s apparent brain injury, and Dong-man’s hearing loss and unfinished business regarding the fight he threw ten years ago. But so far, the writer has given me no reason to doubt their ability to wrap things up well, so I’m going to look forward to the resolutions and trust that they will be handled in a balanced and unpredictable way.


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That ending scene put me into tears because they are so good!!!! Oh please, Dong Man I hope it's only temporary and I still want you to beat Tak Su in a fair game. Hwaiting!


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Agreed!! They are way too good! There are some shows that we get extemely sad about getting over, and then there are shows like this, which I watch with such anticipation and adoration that I forgot about there ever being a last week. Dong Man- Ae Ra, I can watch you be sweet and awkward and honestly romantic, struggling being third rate and ultimately winning for many many more episodes


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Even before the headbutt by Taksu, Dongman was clearly a winner if there is no knockout. He gained a lot of points.


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Yes! I sooo hate that until the very end Tak Su still do his dirty tricks. Like, grow up dude! He doesn't deserve even a drop of his so-called fame that's why regardless of what happened for me it'll still be fulfilling to watch him to be defeated by Dong Man in the ring, in a clean and fair fight I must say.


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Taksu coach is only person who can clear Dongman's name. Hopefully he could do that and put manager behind bars and Taksu to learn humility and ask for forgiveness.


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Taeksoo is such a spoiled brat. I feel bad for Coach Choi for having to stick with him to make a living. Poor Coach Choi :(


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I loved the episode, but I really hope we have enough time to wrap up so much plot in a satisfying way. I'm kind of wishing we could have gotten an extra episode or two!


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Yes, I'm worried about this --- I love the show so much, but there are still so many loose ends. I hope the ending is as good as the rest has been!


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I love this show, and think the loose ends will be tied up, but I have to admit, I don't see myself being satisfied with the resolution of the Landlady plot unless there's yet another twist and she's not the long lost mother of DM or AR. Cause that's a huge deal and there's just not enough time for the characters to deal with the aftermath of something like that.


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There's too many stuff happening right now. I hope each plots will have a satisfying ending especially for a drama that is so good so far


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Yes, this is one show where I wouldn't mind an extension by at least one episode.


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I agree, not to mention Sul-hee and Joo-man's story on top of all the loose ends that Ae-ran, Dong-man, Landlady, Nam-il and Tak-soo's story needs to tie up. I'm hoping the ending does the show justice.


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SH and JM is practically wrapped up, they just need a lovey dovey scene and it's done, SH looked like she half forgave him in this episode anyway. There will be a new fight between Tak Su and DM that it doesn't have to take more than 5 min of screen time and the landlady will also have a crying scene with whoever is her kid. There's plenty of time left for that creep guy to get beaten by DM and for double wedding maybe?


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I was about to comment on this same sentiment, I feel like they'll cram everything within the next 2episodes. I hope the writers know whats what


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Think about it this way, at least there are things to make plot about for the next 2 eps and then we won't have to do stupid things like the couple breaking up and all that.


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Woah. I never thought I'll feel pity for Park Hye Ran.


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I feel she reaped what she sowed. When you get where you are by climbing the social ladder, there is always a serious risk that you will fall. She chose her path........


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You take the words out of my mouth. there's no way I'll pity that girl, no matter what the drama does


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I just love AeRa for feeling pity. I don't.


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I think that it was very clear that Ae-ra won even without the show taking Hye-ran's announcer job from her and therefore destroying everything she worked for so far. In a way I would have preferred that, because it shows that everyone has their own path in life and that success is defined by every person in their own way.

I would have liked to see Joo-man grovel some more but alas it looks like Seol-hee will forgive him next episode... I guess it's the last week anyways... This just makes me wish they had broken up earlier because their storyline got so much more interresting after the break-up.

Ok, now on to the big cliffhanger... One headbutt and two very injured fighters... Tak-su is an idiot. He doesn't even know the proper way to headbutt someone without getting himself hurt. -.-'

And Dong-man loosing his hearing. Not good. Really not good. I hope it's only temporarily. Even if it isn't I think it wouldn't actually hinder him from continuing MMA fights (please correct me if I'm wrong on this) but wow... that was quite the brutal reveal. I'm quite shocked by that ending. I knew it wasn't him in the ambulance because Ae-ra was just standing there instead of climbing in, but I didn't expect this. Please let it be only temporarily. Please.

As a side note: I didn't realise one could loose their hearing by beeing hit on the head... but then again the brain is a mysterious organ. Damaging it by repeatedly getting hit in the head never made anyone healthier. *end health announcement*

To end on a happier thought: That and credit scene was just hilarious. I really needed that laugh after the cliffhanger. Dong-man's self-control test came finally to a close. Hehe.


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Matt Hamill is a pretty well known deaf MMA fighter. He's been deaf since birth, so that would be different here. I think it's too late for them to go down the hearing loss route at this stage, so I'm guessing he will most likely regain his hearing in some capacity. It could have been really interesting if he didn't though.


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I didn't know one could bleed from a headbutt! I was so suprised. Let's hope for a quick recovery, I think our characters suffered long enough


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Me neither. She was horrible, but it didn't sit right that her ex chaebol husband used his power to blackball her from the industry.


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I was supposed to think that way too and then I remembered Go Hyun-jung's story.


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Go Hyun Jung's case is so sad. The idea that a father can be so petty that you don't let your children meet their mother because she divorced you.... chaebols are not such great people like dramas show.


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I still a little frustrated with A-Ra and the way she’s dealing with Dong-Man and MMA, it’s immature threatening to end the relationship every time Dong-Man doesn’t do something she doesn’t like. It’s his job, it’s his dream, she need to learn how to deal. that’s on her, maybe don’t watch the fight but she needs to find her own way, don’t matter what it is. Fight again against Tak-Soo is what Dong-Man needs to move on with the shame and disappointment that he feels every day and the last scene when he is hurt and disappointed, Ae-Ra made about her.
If we think about it, Dong-Man has always supported Ae-Ra with her dreams, even advised her to be a MC rather than an announcer, but Ae-Ra seems to always be a step behind when come to support Dong -Man and his fights.
I’m also worried about how they will deal with landlord’s story, Dong-Man and his future in MMA, Ae-Ra’s future as MC, Joo-Man and Seol-Hee and a possible stalker in two episodes.


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Yeah, I'm a little frustrated with Ae-ra's insisting, too! It's one thing to express your worries once or even twice, but it's getting to feel petty and even a little out-of-character now.


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I agree on that part, Ae Ra is kinda too much in putting a stop to Dong Man's dreams considering all the support she's getting from him for her own dreams.


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I'm glad I'm not the only one to feel aggrieved by AR's total lack of support for DM's dreams. She's making it all about her and how much SHE dislikes it so I find her very selfish, especially since he's always behind her 100%. He's a grown man making his choices just as she makes hers. Since this is HIS choice she needs to SHUT UP and bear with it!!


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Neither one of those boys will be fighting again for a long time. This should be the end to at least Tak soo's career. That is if he's not in a coma. I don't see how we can have closure if he doesn't come out of it.


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I think this is a situation where you can objectively see where both AR and DM are coming from. Of course, DM should follow his dreams, and AR should support him the way he supports her—wholeheartedly. Of course, it’s immature to threaten to break up with him, especially when he’s clearly extremely injured.

But AR has never been happy with him getting hurt, and he knows this. AR also isn’t so much against him being an MMA fighter as she is him fighting TS. So I think AR knows there’s a good chance TS isn’t going to fight fair, and there’s an even higher chance her bff and now boyfriend will end up even more hurt and scarred (physically and emotionally). Also, it’s hard to watch the person you love get hurt, so it’s going to evoke an emotional (and usually acting out of emotions brings out immaturity) response.

This will be their first test as a couple, and I think the only way they’ll be able to pass it (including DM’s hearing loss, be it temporary or permanent…please God don’t let it be permanent, his girl just accomplished her dream and he’ll never hear her voice again???) will be because of their 20+ year foundation as friends.


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Agree with everything you wrote! I also read that the actual MMA is really really hard and dangerous; bloody, harsh etc. Hence Ae Ra's concern...


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Lets remember that AeRa just joined the world of MMA as her profession, so she better be okay with fighting in general. I'll cut her some slack for objecting specifically to DM fighting TS.


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I agree with your observations completely.


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Ae-Ra is against Dong-Man to fight MMA from the beginning, before they even are dating and before any chance of a fight with TS. She had this kind of behavior pretty much in all his fights.
MMA is brutal and very bloody and it's almost impossible for a fighter to never get hurt, of course Ae-Ra can be scared but there are ways to act and Ae-Ra was immature doing it about her and being very against. The last scene of the last episode was quite disappointing for me, she saw Dong-Man in the ring shouting to continue fighting and even so she tried to lecture him. There's time and place for everything.
But to be honest, I also think that Dong-Man doesn't have what it takes to fight MMA.


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This is half true. Yes, she's been vehemently against it. But she's also shown in little ways (even showing up to his previous fights) that she's resolved her feelings enough to support him in some way, even if she's not exactly pleased with it. Heck, even tonight she told him it was okay to lose as long as he taps out, and that's reasonable. Relationships, to some extent, are about compromise, and these two have done pretty well on that front. Yes, she can be immature, but it's coming from an emotional response. It's understandable, even if it's not okay to threaten him with ending the relationship.

I disagree with DM not having what it takes...he's proven in previous fights that he does have skill and could go far with more training. The problem is, TS doesn't fight fair. He was never going to win this fight because of that. JMO


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Ae-Ra has also shown a progression of support throughout: she started out vehemently against, now she's just scared he'll get hurt by TS. Baby steps of support while still voicing very real fears and concerns.
I've had a similar situation in my real life, where my SO made a decision I tried to talk him out of but still supported him, and it did end somewhat badly. I find her consistency realistic.


I'm not saying that Ae-Ra is a bad girlfriend and of course she did some right things, but those emotional responses that are "understandable" is acceptable to some extent, and it's not the first time she did. Dong-Man will need to worry about Ae-Ra every time he fights? Every time Dong-Man goes to fight someone she thinks might hurt him, she'll threaten to end the relationship? And these threats were only for the fights?

It's not about TS fighting fair or not. It's about Dong-Man not be able to fight with everything he can. In his last fight, he wasn't able to beat his oponent because the other fighter was already on the ground.
In MMA if his it's not able to finish the fighter when it is you have the opportunity, it's like be sign his own sentence, especially in an international tournament. Dong-Man so far only fought with medium fighters.
I still don't think Dong-Man is comfortable with MMA style of "everything is valid"


@lafrede By "everything is valid" do you mean that MMA is a no holds barred, no disqualifications kind of sport? If so, then as @lollypip pointed out, intentional head-butting is a no no. Even accidental head-butting can be subject to a referee's discretion.

If you meant that Dong-man is not comfortable with his ground game and would prefer keeping the fight standing, then yes I would agree. However, there are many MMA fighters who are like this or have a stronger ground game than standing game.

I think Ae-ra didn't want Dong-man to go up against Tak-soo because of the history there. She did say in this episode that she wasn't against him doing MMA, it's just that she didn't want Dong-man to go up against Tak-soo.

These fights remind me of documentaries I've watched on professional wrestling. There was one on a wrestler named Mankind who used to do some pretty daring stuff and it was hard for his wife to deal with, but she stuck with him non the less. I think it's similar here in that Dong-man kept going ahead with preparations for his match even though he knew that Ae-ra was against it, and Ae-ra didn't do anything crazy to impede it.


I agreed too!
Ae-ra and DM can both be immature and they are developing their new normal in the midst of so much change. While I also wanted AR to give a bit more of a pep talk to DM I also noticed how each time they spoke about the fight she did slightly change her position and a bit of her tactic. Coming to terms with our loved ones decisions is very hard especially when those decisions involve possible serious physical injury.
Hold the phone guys she's been supportive of DM since they were children. She went to all his taekwondo fights in the past, was the biggest fan/cheerleader and has been to all his MMA fights. Coach is the only one more supportive with his sports than her.
I thought it was tough to have her yell at him after he got seriously injured in the fight but I can see why she did. I mean he blatantly disregarded his word to Coach and AR about pulling out if he was going to be seriously injured. She was staring at an ambulance that could have easily carried him away and he walked up with a bloody awful face. She was frightened, frustrated and angry. I know time and place but those emotions are hard.
DM wasn't understanding either. They were right to end the fight. TS had a severe head injury(which they didn't know at the time) but if they let DM stay in the fight he could have killed TS. I don't think DM would have recovered from killing a person.


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DM did lose his temper and I think that blinded him to that TS was in a position to ground him, but I don't think he intentionally went to the ground. And as far as not wanting the fight to be stopped, he did tell AR in the locker room that if he felt he could handle it, he would make it a decisive win. Considering their history and the adrenaline running through his system, I really believe he thought he could continue. That is why you have the match doctor and referees. And I do think he was understanding of AR's reaction because he kept apologizing to her.


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Oh no I also think he lost his temper with the sister comment and got suckered into ground floor moves but I think afterwards when he continued to want to fight after he was checked by the doctor and ref was what Ae-ra was stinging from. He lost vision in one eye, ended up doing ground moves and his opponent was cheating and he still was insisting on fighting. I totally understand why he still wanted to fight because you're right adrenaline and being so close to getting rid of this burden was killer.
Oh I meant DM wasn't fully understanding the severity of the injuries. That wasn't clear sorry. I just was agonizing over the scenario in which they let the fight continue and DM's hits further exacerbate whatever injury TS currently has....I might have made this scene even more dramatic in my head with what if's...
I think DM was actually really good with Ae-ra when she was having a her freak out.


I thought I was the only one feeling this way. I understand she's doing it because she's scared etc. But she can try being a safe place for him after he fights instead of being one more thing that he has to worry about.

Considering how broken he was about not being able to finish the fight, it would have been nice for him to leave the hospital knowing that she would be there to hug and kiss him better without arguement.

It's an unnecessary burden to carry & I hope she changes.


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I agree that Ae-Ra's constant disapproval is really annoying, but I think Dong-Man knows her well enough that he just finds it cute. He isn't swayed by it, and he's going to do what he wants, and he knows that no matter what she threatens, at the end of the day, she'll be there to support him. If it actually appeared to make him doubt himself, or if it influenced his decisions in anyway, I'd be a lot more upset about it, but as it is, I think it's just another dimension of their close dynamic. It would be different I think if they didn't know each other as well as they do.


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I actually like that about her, it's very real. A ideal kdrama candy would support him and then weep in silence, but Ae-Ra is a self proclaimed "psycho" and they are both very open and direct with their feelings. So in that sense, while she is not the perfect supporting girlfriend one can sense that her "non-support" comes from a place of intense love for Dong-Man and I think he knows that too (given the end of his self-control test)


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I completely understand your feeling but the way I see it, it's Ae Ra's personality. She's a straightforward kind of person and I don't think she changes her mind that easily. She can compromise (and I think she does) but can't help worrying about him doing MMA especially when it comes to fighting with Tak who cheats all the time. So to me she's just consistent in her decision, she never really approved of him doing MMA but just accepted the fact that yes this is his dream. And let's not forget that she's not like this only with this opinion, she still can't stand Joo Man for making Seol Hee cry. Do you think she'll move on from this anytime soon? I don't think so (well ok maybe but only because the drama ends next week). Anyway I think it's a good trait of her personnality and at least she stands her ground and doesn't change her mind just because her boyfriend doesn't think like her


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That epilogue tho ??? (On Dramafever, the caption even apologizes. lols)


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So they did it right? Just to make sure. Lol.


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I thought it was obvious from how she was wearing his shirt the next day and he was half naked, but that credit ending was a nice and hilarious touch. haha


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oops sorry, on Viki not DF


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What is exactly written on the TV? The one I watched didn't translate it at all. Anyway, it is a bed scene which is shown in the most innocent yet killing way! hahaha. The backsound, moving blanket, and AR-DM soft voice cracked me up. lolssss


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Something along the line of: “sorry we have to keep this scene PG but here are some sound clip so you get the gist of what happened that night”

Booo KBS you better reward us with some BTS like Suspicious Partner did ?


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On Viki it says something like: "Fight My Way has to comply with PG-15 standards" then a pause and "We are sorry...sorry." so great.


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I imagine the last sorry to be AR's "sorrya" :)


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lol above the word "WARNING" it says in small letters "쏴리요~~ sorry" (soooo... it pretty much is ae-ra's sorry haha)


I needed that epilogue! Thank goodness for that, 'cause after the ending scene seeing what happened to Dong Man I was like... aaaarrrrgggghhh.... ?


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Last episode I was hoping they would extend this series to be 20-episode drama so we can see more of the cute and blooming relationship. After today's last scene though, I breathed a sign of relief that we only have 2 episodes left because that means they won't prolong the angst - please please don't let it be permanent, I didn't sign up for this writer-nim!


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This episode was sooo intense right from the start...but after that ending I was literally speechless, it made me tear up from how intense it was...I couldn't fall sleep after watching it!!
Ah! The feels!!!
Just 2 episodes now!! TT
Thanks for the recap again! :)


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Yes, I couldn't even bring myself to fully watch the fight scene, I only glanced at my screen during that scene, and only back to watching after the fight.


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Me toooo!!! TT


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Not the only one. I walked away, went to bathroom, and came back when the sounds of the fight were over.


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Omg whose mom is she??? Landlady Hwang has:

1. Somehow owned the villa that Aera and Dongman stay in, giving them a break on rent,

2. Probably paid off Aera's hospital bill,

3. Probably made Aera's workplace stop their pursuit of her vandalising the car of the Chairman's wife,

4. Probably bought the gym that Coach and Dongman are training in...

I can't believe how they are going to fit everything into the final week! Only 4 more hours and there are so many mysteries!


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Actually 2 more hours. :( I also wonder how can they wrap things smoothly in that manner.
Woah, yeah the hospital bill was paid by someone. Hmm. Then there's more chance that it's Ae Ra.


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OH NOES 2MORE HRS ONLY! Obi-wan writer-nim, you're our only hope to get a good, satisfying ending!

I am leaning more towards her being the Aera's mom who may have abandoned her due to the stigma of having a child out of wedlock, mainly because 1. Aera doesn't have a mom while Dongman does, and 2. Dongman has his handicapped sister Donghee, so if any person were to take an abandoned child in, it would be the one with less commitments, i.e. Aera's dad.

I do think it is unusual that Aera's dad would tattoo her birthdate on his shoulder if she was abandoned - not that it couldn't be done, but usually you'd be there for the birth if it impacted you that much.

Why are the dads so secretive about Landlady Hwang? I really don't want to believe that Dongman's dad had an affair with her - that would make Dongman and Aera half-siblings and suddenly it would be Fight My Makjang not Fight my Way anymore.

What hold does Namil have over his mom? Why is she being so secretive? Argh next week needs to come quick!!!


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Woah!!!! Couldn't say it any better! But I don't think half-siblings twist won't be an option because the time left for all the unresolved issue might not even enough for it and won't dare to add more. But I think Dong Man's dad used to like the Landlady but had an affair with Ae Ra's dad, then she left them to Japan because she has a disease because Ae Ra noticed the chart in her room about breast cancer awareness right? I think there's something about it.
And Namil, seems like he's not a real child that's why he told her mom about the dog being abandoned when child arrived and such. But I'm also curios what with the handphone! Ohmy, yes please I need the next episode but it'll also mean goodbye for FMW. :(


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Dang, the ending of the episode really got me. It's really heartbreaking. ? And I also didn't expect that Baek Tae Min will be an evil character here as well. ?


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Me neither! I can't tell if he's really evil here (the way he asked Landlady about the missing flip phone freaked me out) or just speaking from a place of vulnerability. Baek Tae Min really messed with me.


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His glare when he talked about the dog bite thingy with the landlady really reminded me of writer Baek and I was like, nooo, I was about to like him in this drama if he turns out to be a nice guy.


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Today's episode has once again proven that Park Seo Jun's acting skill is GOLD!! I'm not totally fond of the fact that they've added another story to the plotline that is already thick, but it's understandable since they've been hinting it through Dong Man's red ear since episode 9-10(?).

Secondly, if the show is trying to make us feel sorry for HyeRan, they should give up. She is just reaping what she sowed.
And Ae Ra is too much of a good soul for feeling a teensy bit sorry for her. This just proves the fact that she's on another level than her.

I'm so sad that we're already waiting for the last week, but I can't wait to see how all the issues will be resolved. Hoping for a nice and satisfying finale ?


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i've been weirdly distracted by his super red ears for a while but it didn't occur to me that it was going to be significant!!! aaah i need this show to end as well as its progressed!!


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I noticed too but I thought he was just cold! They always seem to film in the cold for dramas.


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His red ear is from rubbing it on the ground during groundwork practice (he explained to Aera when they were on the bed at the motel and she was touching his ear). His loss of hearing is becos of the headbutt.


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Let's hope for sequel. It is really good drama plus great chemistry among the 4 friends. The stories are interesting and drives us nuts. It is interesting that current Namil is turning into villainous role. It is getting more interesting and confusing. Park Seojoon and Kim Jiwon dynamics from relationship goals, bickering, aeygo, and all are icing to the cake. I mean big time. It is really good story and it could last long for more stories because it is relatable to everyday challenges in life. I would like to see how Dongman deal with his hearing loss. It could be possible temporary loss. Seol Hee to pursue her dreams, Aera challenges herself in an unconventional career, and Jooman to find his growth to able to be worthy of Seol Hee love. I don't think it will drag along because I enjoyed the interactions between them. I hope for the best ending. It is so good. Every week was worth a wait. I enjoyed it a lot.


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Villains are humans too, but sometimes K-dramas overdo it with the whole humanizing villains thing. Hye-ran has abused her standing to rob Ae-ra of opportunities she could have gotten had it not been for her meddling.


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I appreciate kdramas trying to a more complex villains but Hye-ran and her stupid nails no.


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Me too, when I saw that she had to take a bus (!) And fumble for cash because she didn't have a bus card (!!) And then she sat down and had chipped nails (!!!) My heart just went... on as normal. Welcome to real life, cookie. Now stop stealing other people's jobs and stop acting like you're the one butter won't melt in your mouth for.


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Tragicomedy, is that you?


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Oh gosh I hope not. That will leave everything unresolved for me. Please I need a happy ending where justice is done for everyone involved ( I'm looking at you TakSu! Someone better expose your schemes!)


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I will admit, having Dong-Man wail that everything is silent and he can't hear her broke my heart. I was crying at that scene. And to imagine that Dong-Man got that injury following his passion, like it was the universe's way of letting him know that even following his passion won't save him from a world of hurt. Also, Nam-Il's creepy af!!!! *shudder*


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My heart was torn apart when he had to deal with it in front of Aera. He felt like failed her and loves her too much. Aera just fell apart at moment.

I am so angry and confused about the fight. I hope they could clear Dongman's name that he was not the one who caused the dirty headbutt tactics to end the game. Dongman could repeal that he was wronged because he knew he will never get dirty with the game because you know how much he loves Aera to be able to take care and support her. He wanted her to be happy. She wants him to love his dream but Tak Su is a problem. He just love her too much and wants his family to live comfortably. But this fight, he was wronged. What i am so upset is taksu became unconscious. The blame will go to Dongman. He doesn't deserve it. I am going to miss the kisses and sleepover talk between them. I expect a lot of anguish between the couple. It just breaks my heart. I love The couple!!!! Be strong Seowon couple.


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Oops. I mean DongRa couple not Seowon couple.


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I just started this drama because everyone was praising it but then I cane to the end of this ep..... that ending scene have me goosebumps. Park Seo Joon and Kim Ji Won are really amazing.


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Ahhhh! I feel so bad for Dong man. It was his time to shine. And hearing loss on top of that... cant wait for next week.


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I think it's a bit off to say that DongMan hurt Tak Soo, when Tak Soo is the one who head-butted him intentionally and illegally - it's not as if he asked for TS to do that, nor did he have anything active to do with the injury. So in my opinion it's going to be Tak Su who faces the regret of having caused his own brain injury (if in fact he lives through it at all). I'm guessing DM's hearing loss/concussion will be a temporary thing (it had better be!!!!!), because this is a romcom, after all.
I liked this episode, although it definitely felt like a "bridge" ep to get us to the inevitable climax we're heading toward. I love watching DM and AR now that they're fully into their relationship, and I can't believe how realistic their interactions feel. It's really just beautiful to watch.
If you'd asked me a few weeks ago, I don't think I would've believed I could love SH this much, but her character is growing and blossoming in such a wonderful way, and I am so enjoying seeing her realize her own worth. I've been so angry with JM that I've literally been just yelling "sufferrrrr" at him every time he's been onscreen lately, but finally in this episode I felt the emotional tide start to turn and I can realistically see him getting back together with SH at some point if it continues. On to next week!!


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"I think it's a bit off to say that DongMan hurt Tak Soo, when Tak Soo is the one who head-butted him intentionally and illegally"

Yes agreed, unless the head injury came from all those kicks to the head. But I too think it's probably from the intentional head butt, serves him right. But I also think that Dong-Man might feel guilty anyway, at least until the schemes are exposed. Which I'm really hoping they are. I'm liking some beanies' theories that creepy PD captured it on camera, but I also hope that coach choi has had enough and exposes TS for his own good


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I love watching DM and AR now that they're fully into their relationship, and I can't believe how realistic their interactions feel. It's really just beautiful to watch.

Agreed. So sad that so few dramas do this. It's not like it's anything R-rated either.


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Good grief, this show gives me allllll the feels. ; ~ ;
There were so many cute (SO CUTE) moments but the opening scene made me so on-edge and when we finally see that it was Tak-soo and not Dong-man, I was so relieved. But then my heart literally dropped when he couldn't hear anything. Out of all the injuries that could have happened, I truly didn't expect that. Though I do have faith in the writing since it has been solidly consistent and great this whole time.

Now that there's only two more episodes (CRIES), I'm wondering how they're going to resolve everything because out of all the side stories, I really want to know what the deal is with Kyung-koo as his expression and actions become creepier.

As always, thanks so much for recapping! I started the drama based on the first episode recap (and the teaser with Park Seo-joon's hilarious singing after his shower) and will be so sad to see this drama end. ; ^ ;


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So much of feels. Oooooof. Next week needs to come faster!


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Why introduce hearing loss with 2 episodes to go? This had better be temporary but Why? Why? Why? Tak Su being seriously hurt is already bad enough. The last scene was so heartwrenching to watch.
What is the deal with Nam IL, the way he spoke to his supposed mum was concerning. I feel like most issues have still not been dealt with and it is already the last week. Fingers crossed it would all be sorted out by next week.


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No, no, no, no, NO!! This can't be happening. Everything is just coming right at Dong-Man and it all happened in 5 minutes. Hopefully the hearing loss is just temporary and, in the end, he will be able to defeat Tak-Su. If he doesn't then I'll go into the ring myself. That guy needs to be kicked down from his high horse.


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This episode was too much for my anxiety issues. Show you better make everything alright with the world by the last 2 episodes.


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Did we really need another arch nemesis? What's up with the half-brother angst? Jeez. Let's not squeeze another drama trope out of this please. It wasn't necessary. The abandoned child theme and professional and romantic rivalries were enough. I get that Kwak has become the new guy everyone loves to hate but he's an afterthought in this drama. Completely unnecessary to the plot.


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Nope we didn't need another arch nemesis. Plus what's wrong with him just being the cute snarky adopted brother? That would have been good. It was a super weird addition.


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I really hope he isn't full blown evil and that it's just some Chicago Typewriter PTSD. We have 2 more episodes and I feel like that isn't enough time for Nam-Il to really wreck things. I do wonder if there is something in the way that the landlady raised him that caused him to feel this insecurity.


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I was also surprised, why do we need a new villain now.... he was ok as just the son before.


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Those flashback spell-kisses by Ae Ra before the fight really break my heart. AR-DM looked so happy and their smiles were so genuine... *sobbing*


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The scene of Ae Ra's spell-kisses is breaking my heart. When DM hurt his left eye, I was screaming Ae Ra didn't kiss his left eye!!! Then when he couldn't hear anything, I was screaming again, AE-RA DIDNT KISS HIS EARS!!


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And she tried to, but he wouldn't let her!
You could see her thinking the same thing and having her world crash down :(


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She tried to kiss his ear, not his left eye. But nonetheless, I really thought that the PD's sequence of those scenes was brilliant. The juxtaposition of the very happy to very distraught made the whole match outcome even more heart wrenching.


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Dong Man’s crying breakdown was heartbreaking, but my tears didn’t start falling until I saw Coach’s tears. TT_TT Seeing his bloody injuries was hard. I understood why Ae Ra was against him fighting even though I still wanted her to support him. I was pretty sure Dong Man was not the one on the ambulance in the beginning scene, but I didn’t expect the outcome from the big match.

Glad Ae Ra got the MMA gig, but I wanted to see more of her announcements in the ring like maybe other matches before Dong Man’s big one.

Nam Il being suddenly cold to Landlady Hwang reminded me of his character in Chicago Typewriter. *shudders*

The drama showed a bit more about Hye Ran’s story, but I still don’t have sympathy for her. I do not know the reason for the divorce, but of course, she would have to deal with the fallout from it.

On the other hand, Ye Jin is not so bad after all. It must have been brutal hearing the rejection from Joo Man. She didn’t try to hold on to him any longer. It was nice of her to inform Seol Hee too. That gift was random though. LOL

I’m excited to see more of Seol Hee’s story!! Her wine! :D It would be awesome if all her cooking leads to a profitable business.

Thanks for the recap!


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I also would love to have SH to create a successful business from her culinary and wine making skills!!


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Yep that's what I thought too...JM would then be responsible for all the marketing and admin :-)


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Seeing DM's injuries, I was like "DM, hell no are you going back in the ring ever again! Go open a school and teach instead!" That fight was brutal.


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I was frustrated by the MC job Ae Ra got at the MMA ring. I expected her to have to talk more and entertain people through the fight. In the end she just made a small announcement at the beginning of the fight and that's it. I'm just not sure what her value was here. Why was she here? I didn't find her useful at all (I'm talking about her but really I mean the job in itself seems useless). I hope we'll see more of her job as an MCing at MMA fights


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This was an excellent episode. All the actors nailed their scenes today, but PSJ was amazing. My heart broke with him when they called the match. And the tears flowed during the last scene at his increasing terror realizing his hearing loss. I do think it will be temporary though.
I hope that the match is reviewed (which is should be) and it is caught that TS intentionally head butted DM. I don't want DM to feel any guilt over any injury that TS suffers. If the RFC doesn't catch it, I hope that Coach Choi will expose it.
I like the way that AR/DM relationship is progressing, it's very believable. I actually find AR's reaction to DM's fighting true to her character. She did accept DM's choice of MMA, she just was opposed to going against TS when he was so inexperienced and knowing TS was a dirty player. The ending, yes I agree she should have immediately just taken DM to the hospital and then rail on him, but she has always come at him in the moment, she's never put off expressing herself.
I loved HR FINALLY not taking a job away from AR. And, AR is much more qualified for that position anyway.
I really like the dynamic between SH and JM. Love the blossoming of SH!!!.
I think we'll see all the families at the hospital in the next episode, including Lady Hwang. I'm really hoping that we get that mystery resolved quickly. There is just so many other things to wrap up as well. I’m going to really miss this show when it’s done. I wish they would extend it at least two more eps.


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I've been wondering the point of the creepy PD guy and the show he insists on filming. He was filming the match so maybe that will expose the head butt, and he'll still be creepy, but end up helping in a way.


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Aah you're right! Excellent observation!


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Oh, that would be great! He could redeem himself like he claimed to want to...


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That would be awesome!!!


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I completely forgot about that!! But that would be awesome!


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<3 SH is gathering all the hearts.

Ohhh that's a good guess on why he has this hopefully temporary hearing loss so that everyone can meet in the hospital. I hope there was a reason for it because I feel blindsided.


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Just a few (started with a few but ended up with a lot) reactions I have while watching as the episode progressed:

*That first scene was such a copout. I didnt even see DM and AR find their fathers in the closet. Only clueless Nam-il was left to see them. After that cliffhanger on the previous episode, I expected an explosive reaction. *sigh*

* All those lovey dovey scenes between DM and AR then that epilogue! Way subtle there guys! ??

* Comparing AR to smelling like seaweed soup is supposed to be romantic? Compliment? It is warm and homey.

* I was quite touched when DM talked to JM and told him he is on SH's side. So touched with their friendship. 20 years tops 10 any day but he was still a good friend to JM.

* All those times JM did tell YJ to stop. YJ was just persistent. Why only show those now show?

* Which lead to a potential reconciliation of JM and SH.

* SH was so cute thinking how to price her wines. Then her friends just left her there with her cluelessness. Poor innocent SH.

* Argh. Taksu is such a dirty fighter. Hopefully no permanent damage to poor DM. Illegal headbutt on purpose and trash talking to get DM to fight in the ground. Such a scoundrel indeed.

* Then there was KK and his camera. Which makes me wonder what was KyungKu able to record in his camera. Is he on DM's side or not?

* Is Nam-il BokHee's real son or not? Why was there an undercurrent of something jealousy in Nam-il's tone? (Or am I just projecting something that is not there?)

* Then there was Nam-il's question: which one of the two is it?

* Get well soon DM! Feel terrible that you got hurt. Hopefully your loss of hearing is only temporary. FIGHTING!


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"All those times JM did tell YJ to stop. YJ was just persistent. Why only show those now show?"

In fact all those moments are flashbacks that have already show in the drama before. Nothing new.


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Yeah, they were unnecessary reminders.


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Yeah, I still can't figure out what's KK's role in this, he didn't come across as someone who had good intentions towards Dong Man and Ae Ra. There's something sinister about him.

I don't think Namil is Bokhee's real son, he's probably adopted. Or could be a stepson or something (if landlady Bokhee ever married someone else before coming back to Korea. She was away for a while, if I'm not mistaken). Their relationship is not exactly warm for a 'mother & child'.


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I wanted a Dad's fall out of the closet scene . So we find out the truth of the Landlady and move on but alas...nope.


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OMG the wine thing. The girl is way too nice and innocent to work in business. It's a good thing she has good friends to advise her


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From my honest opinion, I am actually a bit disappointed by this episode. I think many mini-stories have been ended too easily and quickly. Look at Hye Ran for example, I know that her role is a supporting role but her character has accomplished almost everything and now that Ae Ra and Dong Man are good with each other she just isn't hired anymore because of the alimony contract? I think that's way too easy to end a mini-story in a drama. This is the case for SH and JM's relationship as well. I have a feeling that both of them will make up soon since JM was hurt in order to protect her. I know that everything needs to end now since the show's ending but I was hoping for something more subtle and comprehensible than these.

There are just 2 more episodes left and there are many unnecessary people and stories which I just have no idea why they are included at this stage (e.g. the new man Kyung Khu, the hearing loss thing). Another thing is that though I don't consider myself too conservative or anything but I still don't understand why the implied sleeping together scene before DM's fight has to be there in the story. I don't oppose the idea of living together before marriage but I just don't feel like it's necessary and contributes anything to the story as a whole.

Please don't downvote me, I have a weak heart. *praying with my eyes closed*


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Hahaha praying with your eyes closed. It's an open forum and we are all entitled to our opinions so don't worry, yours is just as valid as everyone one else's. Opinions are like belly buttons everybody has one.

2 episodes to go & still so much story to tell. I wonder how this will all end


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I love that you compared each person's opinion with their belly buttons. Now I see opinions are so cute.


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I agree with you in some things. But that is the risk with watching an airing drama... they can screw it beautifully at the end.
I also think JM - SH conflict will now resolve soon, but not only because he was hurt in order to protect her. He has cried his tears and meditated and bought her a stuffed animal, and definitived cut with the pinky intern, even understanding why it happened to him, so... actually, i wouldnt feel too easy that he ask for forgiveness and it would be given. I dont mind as well if SH remains alone, but if he proves at the end he deserves a second chance, apart from everything else i have already said... it may be better to carry on with him, having learned a lesson, than to find somebody new....
About the DM's hearing loss, it is not so suddenly, he hurt himself there before, in the training... we know just have to wait and see wether is really bad or a false alarm.
I would like him to do something different, but it is late in the show to bring up a new dream for him...
That means: maybe they will screw it up beautifully!!!!! LOL!!! ?????


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Hopefully DM's hearing problem is not so severe or this drama could end so tragically.


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hahahah Aww screw the downvote. You gave us your impressions of the episode. Thank you! I think we should totally value each others perspectives and have fun because it makes the conversations interesting.
I think everyone was tired of Hye-ran's story a long time ago. I almost want to count every minute she's in just to know how much time was wasted on her character. I'm sure it could have been cut by half and achieved the same effect.

I thought the build up to sleeping together was cute. It was after a few nights of just sleeping in the same bed. I did think what? I'm not sure the night before the fight makes sense. I thought about it later and with their arguing/anxieties perhaps they both needed that physical closeness to rest and strengthen their bond. As they said to "Recharge". <3


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Thank you too for hearing my opinion and responded objectively by stating your subjective opinion in the civilized manner. I literally mean this since I think the downvote button really scares me, at least, so I tried to avoid stating my honest opinionn sometimes. I think it is a bit discouraging to see downvotes in your comment when you just don't know what was wrong with them. I, too, think that different opinions, if stated in a polite voice, are very interesting and make this community diverse and entertaining.


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I thought Hye Ran being out of job was realistic. Not just because her in-laws wants her out of the public eye, but also Korean society is conservative and I would guess divorce for a public figure is scandalous.


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I think some of the unnecessary things are included because there isn't all that much story left without those things. Otherwise, you'd just get one cute moment after another until you're bored of it. I think the hearing loss scare is unfortunate, but really highlights the danger with pursuing DM's line of work. There isn't much conflict in the AR+DM romance, except for AR really cajoling DM not to fight TS.


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HR( psychotic character aside) is quite pitiful , specifically after ex-chaebol wife scandals in k-town...it's ridiculous but i kind of want her in a job not chasing DM,being independent despite everything...
JM/SH: i wished they didn't get back together..(though it seems all the more natural) but i guess SH is kind enough not to bring up his swayed episode..
NM: i understand where he is coming from..k-dramas often do the exact same thing..with the parent ignoring the 'adopted' child- kind of like LMH's dad completely ignoring his adopted son for no good reason and the show turning him evil for good measure ..here i hope ajumma acknowledges NM feelings and reassures him (akin to caring for her son's feelings or prepping him for family drama-not warning him not to harm others as if all adopted sons are secret psychos..)..In REAL life, these attitudes are so HURTFUL...
DM/AR: dreams change AR, you can do something that is fulfilling..DM..these are the risks of the job..(mean me wants you to be deaf-whether you don't continue or you strive through but you're kdrama lead..)
Everything is stagnating at this point..or it's me having a pre-end-of-drama crisis..


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I agree with your observation on how it could hurtful for the adopted child to be ignored b'cuz of the biological child when referring to NM. But, there must be a reason she is fearful that he would hurt AR or DM, probably his reactions in previous situations.


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I liked the scene with Hye Ran being out of job and taking the bus, cos it gave me an idea of why she's so persistent with DM. She's a woman who has made a bad mistake, giving up penniless DM for chaebol suitor (which would have looked like a no-brainer then)...and now having lost it all, DM represents unconditional love and security. I'm impressed by how, with a few strokes of pen, the writer managed to show us the cracks in Hye Ran's facade and give us a deeper layer to this character.

The writer is very good at peeling back the characters' layers like an onion, e.g. at first we thought Landlady was a fairy godmother, then we see that she's actually a lonely old woman watching over her kid from afar..the raw emotions in her scene with Namil after the match touched me, her fear and exasperation knowing that it's true that her flesh and blood is indeed more important to her than Namil who's adopted (although she shouldn't have favorites) and at the same time not knowing what he has up his sleeve.


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I was hoping for the landlady to reassure Nam-Il that she won't abandon him, but she didn't. :(


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Haha thanks for explaining her feelings in a positive way... i get the longing for her 'real child' (which I'm torn about at such a late stage in the drama) but if NM truly is her 'adopted son', I hope at this stage that he does not turn out to be a k-drama stereotypical adopted child (neither Cinderella or the step-sister characters)..i sometimes feel a disconnect with the adopted characters in dramas; different kinds of 'adoption' situations exist in the world - but k-dramas just tend to make the parents flip on their adopted child as if they were never really part of their family, just someone they could cut off really easily..


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Thanks so much for the wonderful recapping @lollypip


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Did anyone else notice? I laughed so hard when YeJin drank the water in front of SulHee so she couldn't throw it in YeJin's face again!! Great little touch of detail ?


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PWAHAHAHA NICE CATCH! XD Fun little detail for sure.

I only noticed her drinking Seol Hee's water and wondered why when she had her own plus the coffee drink. LOL


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Oh I missed that! I'll have to catch it on my rewatch! :)


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Totally caught that and thought it was hilarious!!!!


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I was dying! hahah fool me once eh Ye-jin?


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You're so great! I didn't catch this so I should try to check it out


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So much still needs to be addressed in the last two episodes. The ending was heartbreaking ;_;


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There were so many things going on in this episode, it's hard to believe this series will be ending next week! But I agree, the show has always delivered a compelling and well thought of story, and by next week, though we may be sad it has ended, I'm pretty hopeful we'll be content with the resolution of all our favorite characters' stories. But seriously, SO MANY QUESTIONS AND CONCERNS RIGHT NOW.

And that final scene, UGH IT BROKE MY HEART.


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I am moved with the way Tak Soo's coach came back and was so concerned about TS's condition. Once a student, still a student. The bond between teacher-student for over 15 years won't break that easily. This coach might be a catalyst for making TS realize his wrongdoings.


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Me too. I like that Coach Choi was still watching his fight somewhere because he cares. I also thought damm he came running after seeing the punches because he knew they were so damaging it reminded of when Coach Hwang came running after DM's first MMA fight.


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When Sul Hee said that Dong Man could have Ae Ra for the night, I couldn't help but recall the scene when Ae Ra described Sul Hee as having the heart "of an ocean"...that girl is truly selfless!
And it would appear that in Kwak Si Yang seems to have a propensity of taking/getting roles that portray some kind of jealous creep with a 2nd class citizen complex...and here I was thinking that perhaps he gets to portray a nicer character in this drama!!


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hahah Kwak Si Yang is completely adorable in Oh My Ghostness. I was hoping for this to be a cute sarcastic role for him but no in FMW all the cameo's must be skewed people(except the MMA fighter). I actually liked all the cameo's so far so we will see how Kwak Si Yang's ends.


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I think he is threatened by DM, but if AR is Lady Hwang's offspring, I think he will end up really cute. DM will have to be on his toes......


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I think you're right about him being cute if it's Ae-ra. Hopefully in that scenario he will consider her having a son and a daughter non-threatening and see it as a positive.
If it's DM i hope Ae-Ra can step in and get them to play nice.
Sigh this already seems like such a long wait till Monday.


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I had about twenty different reactions this episode, but I just have to say...

I think this is one of the only executions of the friends to lovers trope that I have found satisfying; I usually feel pretty underwhelmed after all the buildup. That's not the case here. DM and AR have always been that old bickering married couple, but the awkwardness that came with the transition to the intimate aspect of their romantic relationship was spot-on. PSJ and KJW have perfect chemistry, and I adore how their characters can be both fiercely independent and protective while still being realistically flawed and selfish at times. Also, their hesitation to come clean with their relationship to SH was hilarious, homegirl isn't as naive as they think.

All the actors were great as per usual, but PSJ was fantastic this episode. Very raw, and it was heartbreaking.


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So the landlady is the mom of either DM or AR. DM's sister did not play any part in the storyline. Thought she would be more present but maybe she will have a role now that DM will have to deal with a disability. Hope both fighters are OK so that there can be a proper fight at the end. DM deserves to beat TS in a fair way.


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I thought about the sister though? She is brought into both of his big fights but we never see them have an actual conversation. MMmm maybe she will visit him in the hospital?


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I think she'll be the one to see the outcome online and initiate DM's family going to the hospital. I think the creepy PD will broadcast DM's entire breakdown and that will finally get her to go see him.


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This last episode was intense. For a second I actually thought my laptop was acting up when the sound cut off... but sadly it was DM.

I was not expecting the MMA flight to end with tons of blood and DM not being able to hear. I'm so glad coach didn't let him continue and wanted him to go to the hospital. I hope it is only a temporary injury.


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I'm so upset!


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About Tak Su and Dong Man fight, I don't think they need another one to make it even, but instead I wish they would reveal that it was actually Dong Man the winner, because Tak Su used that illegal move intentionally...I don't know if this is possible though...
Still, I would accept other options as long as they're well thought out!
Writer i trust you!!


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I think this would be the easiest resolution as well, and might also be the best way for DM to move on. Part of me is arguing that MMA is his dream but...is that really his dream? Or was finally fighting TS fairly and replacing the memories of the past his motivation? Because I think if DM could properly move on, his dream could be something else in the realm of his skills in taekwondo. Just like AR's dream changed from being a news announcer to realizing after DM pointed out that anywhere she is she's major league, that she should follow her heart. There's just so many loose ends that needs to be addressed, and I don't see any other way with this. Plus, the idea of DM or TS fighting again in the ring is pretty unbelievable after these injuries, unless they truly want to risk their lives. Head injuries are no joke.


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Yes that's exactly what I was thinking too!


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Yeah maybe TS confessing in the hospital that both fights were his fault and there being a video from the stalker guy proving it.
With that resolution I'm good DM then continuing MMA or becoming a taekwondo teacher or something else. He will be free.


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I would be happy with this resolution to the fight as well. And maybe if it came out about all the other ways Tak Su has cheated his way through the ranks.


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Maybe the fact that the stalker guy was filming the match will be the solution? The video will show that TS was at fault?


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Yes, I am hoping that we are being worried about nothing, and that when he says "I'm not a pushover anymore" and plus the decisive way in which he said "I'll get the programme done, don't worry", I hope it means he has turned out for the better, and that he will turn out to redeem himself for whatever wrong he did to DM and AR so many years ago.


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I also dont feel sorry about hye ran, she is soooooo whatever.
But hey! I am very worried about DM.... I never could have expected such outcome.
And somehow i like Joo man a little bit more.
Today was the first time i didnt find the intern stupid.
Ae ra.... Fighting!


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There is absolutely no way Dong Man can lose his hearing permanently. No way. Just like there was no way he could have gotten out of that headbutt without pretty serious injury if Tak Soo passed out. Dong Man just needs serious rehab and/or surgery. Maybe Landlady Hwang will use this opportunity to reveal which of the two is her long-lost child. I really hope that it's Ae Ra, bc I don't want Nam Il to be estranged from the group and really the only person he had had some sort of one on one interaction with is Ae Ra, and I saw a sort of sibling-y relationship in their first meeting. I just can't see him and Dong Man forming any sort of meaningful relationship in two episodes lol
Good for you Ye Jin.
Hye Ran, learn from homegirl and go study abroad too.


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It feels that having DM lose his hearing is a purposeful choice...because Ae Ra's thing is her voice. It makes it even more tragic and the loss more real. Whether that loss is permanent is the scriptwriter's call to make i guess...
Well, Hye Ran doesn't have money to go abroad...but on the other hand, academia is a feasible career option for her. Im pretty sure that because of her fame that there will be some university willing to hire her to lecture on media and broadcasting.


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I don't understand why HR is so "poor". She is getting alimony, even if she doesn't have a job.


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I didn't understand either. All you have to do is not talk about your in laws. Is there a particular reason you would want to talk about them?? Collect your alimony lady and go away. Pff with her inability to use nail polish remover.


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They showed her holding her divorce settlement and it said she'll only get the alimony IF she doesn't talk about family and I think she did, so they cut her off.


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To me it makes more sens for Ae Ra to be the daughter because 1) as you stated she had a sort of conversation with him and he dropped her off somewhere and 2) when both dads learnt that Ms Hwang was back I couldn't help but notice how serious Ae Ra's dad looked compared to Dong Man's dad who just seemed surprised and happy.


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Is it too much to hope that Tak Soo wakes up with a personality transplant and he gets rid of Kyung Ku for everyone? Lol


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LOL, but yes, it's too much to ask for :) I just hope he wakes up and Coach Choi convinces him to come clean.......


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Who knows maybe he'll redeem himself? He's like a child but now his actions hold some real impacts


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Thanks for the recap!

-Are we supposed to feel sorry for HR? Because so far I'm not finding the ability to do so...I still found her set-down by the head RFC guy at the announcer interview quite satisfying.
-Omg, AR's little victory dance was adorable.
-SH is so consistently kind to her friends that I can't help but love her. But her shocking lack of business sense is really something, hahaha.
-JM is always so extra when it comes to protecting SH, it makes me laugh a little even though I know the moment is supposed to be romantic.
-I'm still quite intrigued by NI...I'm not sure what his intentions are and I'm concerned we won't get a satisfying resolution with only two episodes left.
-I feel like AR is being a little selfish when it comes to DM's dreams. I 100% understand where she's coming from, not wanting him to get hurt and all, but that should also be balanced by how important it is to him. Obviously her fears are justified somewhat (that cliffhanger!!), but what DM wants is important too.


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I actually laughed when they showed HR's manicure being all chipped, because who doesn't just remove the dang polish when they get that bad? Seriously the girl doesn't have any acetone?


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hahah wait you weren't suppose to laugh at the JM charcoal scene?


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I'm so proud of DM saying that he will always take SH's side!!! But, he also admitted he doesn't trust anybody else with his beloved friend, so JM had better pull it together and prove himself worthy!


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I love that Dong Man was also so protective of Seol Hee <3

I came new to this drama but I already love it, so happy that it's successful and the cast even getting reward vacation <3


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Whoa! That's really messed up.


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I cried so hard when Dong-Man was tryig to continue to fight. I mean, I've seen korean dramas with terminal sicknesses, dead parents, and tragic back stories. I've cried here and there but i eventually became use to it and it wouldn't make me cry...maybe tear up or something. But that scene, after spending 14 episodes getting to know the lovable, hard working Dong-Man, we not only see the pain but feel it. It makes me cry thinking about it. This scene shows how great of a job the directors are doing. Such a wonderful korean drama


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I, too, am slightly worried about wrapping up so many open plotlines in just 2 more episodes.
Dong Man's injury made me tear up also and I hope that it's temporary. His panic was heartrending. I also hope he finds his healing from his scars as well from the thrown fight and from missing out on the opportunity to finish this fight as well.
I am so happy that Ae Ra went to the RFC interview. And that she got the job. AND that they wanted her over Hye Ran.
And I *loved* the ending with the "we are very sorry" from the broadcaster for "abiding by the 15 age rating". I was very sorry too! ;-)


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Ae Ra definitely has the personality for the RFC.


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Also, I really think that just as much as this show has been about following your dreams and fighting for them, it's also been about how dreams can change. And that's okay! Sometimes they change because you change as a person, or maybe you come to a realization that changes your perspective. And sometimes dreams have to change out of necessity.

We've seen how DM's own father's dreams changed and adapted to his family, and he's content and happy with that. We've seen SH stand true to her ultimate dream of being a mother, but also realize she can branch out with her blogging and interests. We've seen AR realize following her heart matters more than saying she's a Big Time news announcer, because she's still doing what she loves. So, I don't think it's completely out of the realm of possibility for DM's dream to change and make it realistic and happy. Here's to hoping the drama accomplishes that.


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???? Well said. This show is definitely about just having a dream. A dream that excites you and challenges you. Where you give and get back way more. Dreams can transform and grow alongside our own growth. The show has a great message.


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Yes, exactly! Also, I know this won't ever happen, but how cute would it be to have an epilogue with DM as a coach and training a mini-AR (or a son, I'm not picky. A daughter would be cuter tho). Because I hope the writer hasn't thought I forgot about that gold ring DM gave AR; beyond chasing their dreams and accomplishing them, I at least need an engagement.


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I've been hoping for an jump forward scene with DM & AR as parents too! They'd be hilarious ?


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Stay strong stay strong stay strong DongRa couple.

Hope to see the stronger relationship and interaction between them. I hope for more kisses and make up. What I hope for more is Dongman to clear his name. He is being wronged again. They could watch the replay to see Taksu intention because Dongman knew he will never go back to his painful past. He loves Aera and his family too much to support them.


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Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god. ? This episode was so heartbreaking in so many ways, and I don't know where to start...
1) Dong-man and Ae-ra are so, so adorable together. ? I can only wish my future boyfriend would be as kind as Dong-man ?
2) Ae-ra got her big break!!!! So proud ??
3) Did DM and AR actually do it??? He was shirtless when they woke and she was wearing his shirt...?
4) When Joo-man saved Seol-hee from getting burned, *swoon*.
5) PSJ is one hell of an actor - I knew that. But this episode, my goodness. I have no words. ? That fight scene and just watching him bleeding and screaming, my heart broke in a million pieces for him. And when he slowly started to lose his hearing? Goddamn. Beautiful acting from both PSJ and KJW, right there. ?? This was the first time watching a kdrama where I really, truly, 100% cried. The fact that the place Ae-ra didn't kiss was the place where Dong-man got so badly injured...And Dong-man. Wtf. How much can that poor guy handle?! ? I'm so concerned for him, and I felt his pain and horror at the cancellation of the fight and the loss of his hearing. WTF. ? Wishing for the best. ???
6) But now Dong-man is (most likely) deaf...what does this mean for Ae-ra? The show? Dong-man and Ae-ra's relationship will only become stronger BUT there are two episodes left and DM can't just magically get his hearing back in that short a time...or can he? Honestly, I don't think he'll be deaf completely because that just introduces a whole new storyline that cannot be finished in just two episodes *praying*.


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I don't think this is about getting his hearing back magically...but rather it depends on how serious the injury is...it's probably just temporary...
I know nothing, but I highly doubt this show would go down such a dark path otherwise...so I have a lot of hope about a happy resolution about this problem...fingers crossed!!


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I'll admit, I laughed out loud when Tak-soo was speaking to the reporters about how avoiding injuries is a sign of skill too... and then immediately passed out lol. Reap what you sow much? To be honest, I'm not too worried that Dong-man will shoulder the blame for the injuries since it was recorded, but I really hope that's not how Tak-soo's "defeat" comes about; I wanted Dong-man to kick the crap out of him the old fashioned way, not have his dirty, underhanded techniques brought to light through the media instead.

And to be perfectly honest, I'm reallllly not a fan of the "sudden deaf" trope, especially this late in the game when there's so much plot left, it feels unnecessary. It just better be temporary, because if it's not, what a screwed up message to send us about chasing your dreams. Sure, kids, follow your heart, but prepare for heartbreak and debilitating injuries along the way! Although I suppose that's one quick-fire way to ensure you have an ample supply of future office workers...

Then again, I'm just bitter. I was expecting a karate kid moment, but got a depressing taste of angst instead. Good thing he had that super famous coach in his corner; oh wait. That didn't help him at all, did it? *gives Writer-nim the stink eye*


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? yes, I laughed too at how we never did get to see any of the three ground-game takedown moves he learned from the International Star. I kept waiting to see TS get surprised and go down on one of those. Maybe DM will spend his future teaching them and his skills to others as a new dream.


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HAHAHhahahah I dig the snark.
Stink eye for now but make that hearing damage permanent and there are eye daggers going their way. C'mon pull through this.


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Truly a wonderful episode.


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I'm really praying the hearing loss is temporary and the show won't go the King of Dramas route. Maybe the hearing loss will force dong man to reevaluate his dream of being an MMA and he'll pick a safer dream to satisfy us weak hearted audience members and ae ra!


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