The Liar and His Lover: Episode 14

When this show breaks your heart, you can be sure that it’ll heal it again with hugs and kisses. After the most conflicted characters in the story hit rock bottom, there was nowhere to go but up. However, the journey is both painful and poignant. While Chan-young and Jin-hyuk deal with the fallout of their actions, Han-gyul finds out exactly how badly his years of passive compliance have hurt his friends. So-rim reaches her own point of realization as the music she loves threatens to separate her from her friends. Ultimately though, both bands have ties of friendship than run deeper than any amount of anger or resentment, and that’s exactly why we love them.


Han-gyul rushes to the hospital and finds that In-ho is in surgery. Shi-hyun tells him that while In-ho’s injuries weren’t life-threatening, he fractured his arm. Later, the doctor tells them that In-ho won’t be able to play drums for the next six months.

When In-ho regains consciousness, he sees the whole band in his room watching him with concern. The boys and Jin-hyuk sit in the waiting area and wonder how the accident happened. The band’s manager apologizes for not taking better care of In-ho, though he knew he was operating on very little sleep.

Yoon feels guilty for letting In-ho drive back alone last night, saying that he had been uncharacteristically stubborn about it. Chan-young points out that they should just be grateful that In-ho is still with them.

As the news breaks on TV the next morning, Soo-yeon calls up Shi-hyun to ask about In-ho. Mush & Co. listen over her shoulder, asking if they can come visit. Shi-hyun tells them not to, since reporters were hovering in the lobby. Gyu-sun feels awful that a video leaked from his phone caused all this trouble.

When the police come to take In-ho’s statement about the accident, he says that he must have dozed off for a moment due to lack of sleep. This matches the evidence already gathered by the police, and since In-ho didn’t injure anyone, they reassure Jin-hyuk that no charges will be pressed.

CEO Yoo calls up Jin-hyuk and asks if In-ho had been driving drunk. She’s astonished to hear that In-ho had been suffering from stress-induced insomnia for the past week and tells Jin-hyuk to cancel the press conference and bring the boys to her office.

Once off the phone, she thinks over the matter and immediately makes a call to a reporter she knows. She spins a tale of malicious rumors hurting the pride of musicians and causing them so much stress that they lost sleep for days.

At her office, CEO Yoo tells Jin-hyuk to release a statement after In-ho feels better and says with relief that the incident takes the focus off their scandal. To the boys, she says that they no longer have to explain themselves, and they look at her with bewilderment. When everyone gets up to leave, CEO Yoo asks Crude Play’s manager to stay behind. What is she cooking up now?

Han-gyul finds In-ho’s mother outside his hospital room and coaxes her into having lunch with him. Over food, she admits that she hadn’t called In-ho often so that he wouldn’t sense her concern, but now she regrets that she hadn’t asked to see him. Han-gyul is taken aback at this, since In-ho had told him that his mother had wanted to see him the night before.

Mush & Co. sit listlessly in the practice room, wondering what will happen next for them. With Chan-young gone and no one talking to them, they feel powerless over their own futures. So-rim tells her friends to focus on practice for now.

As Shi-hyun, Yoon, and Chan-young head out to the hospital, they see Mush & Co. practicing, and Shi-hyun suggests they stop by to update them on In-ho. Chan-young makes up an excuse to avoid going in with them.

At the hospital, all the Crude Play boys gather around In-ho’s bed, refusing to leave his side. They tell In-ho that the press conference was canceled and that they won’t have to perform live anymore. When they turn on the news, a reporter talks about the band, adding that In-ho’s insomnia was caused by the scandal.

The report includes an interview with their band’s manager, who confirms that In-ho hadn’t been sleeping for days. Yoon wonders when he had time to give that interview, surprised at this turn of events. But In-ho just looks calmly at the TV and says that maybe this will make the public more sympathetic to them. Everyone looks at him in surprise, while Han-gyul watches In-ho with a blank face.

Just like In-ho said, the public turns favorable, and the next batch of articles written about the band are a lot less critical. CEO Yoo shows these to Jin-hyuk and says that this isn’t the first time she’s cleaned up after him. She announces that she’ll be personally speaking to all the artists he manages at Sole Music. At his protestation, she asks if he wants to stay in his position after everything that has happened.

Walking out of her office building, Jin-hyuk thinks back to every hurtful word he’s said to Crude Play. He remembers how he cut them down when they tried to talk to him about playing their own music, and then thinks of In-ho saying that he couldn’t sleep for a week. He rests against a pillar, emotions welling up inside him.

CEO Yoo arrives at Sole Music to talk to Mush & Co. She listens to them perform “Shiny Boy,” then asks for another song. Soo-yeon says that they haven’t been able to practice “Waiting For You” enough, so CEO Yoo asks the boys to come out, and for So-rim to sing.

At that moment, So-rim realizes that she’s at a crossroads. CEO Yoo’s own words ring in her ears: “You’ll have to make a choice.” So, she insists that the boys be allowed to play, even though they’re imperfect. Giving her friends an encouraging nod, she sings Han-gyul’s song.

CEO Yoo compliments them on the song and smilingly tells So-rim that they’ll be talking soon. On her way out, she asks to speak to Soo-yeon. Sitting on the roof together, Jin-woo observes that CEO Yoo had been angry at them. So-rim tries to reassure them, but Gyu-sun interrupts that she was annoyed by their playing.

Soo-yeon comes out with their phones and tells them that they only have to live together for another week. They look at each other with concern and ask why. Soo-yeon just says that it’s CEO Yoo’s orders, but she’s clearly uncomfortable with this development.

Han-gyul visits In-ho at the hospital, and finding him alone, he offers to peel some fruit for him. They joke around, until In-ho says that so long as his hand stays out of commission, they won’t have to perform to prove themselves. He tries to laugh it away at Han-gyul’s serious expression, but Han-gyul asks him not to make light of this again.

He also asks In-ho about his plans to visit his mother on the night of the accident. In-ho laughs that he must have been really tired, since he can’t remember what he told Han-gyul. Han-gyul doesn’t look like he believes him, but his dad arrives just then to lighten their mood.

Later, as In-woo and Han-gyul walk down the hallway, he asks Han-gyul if he’s all right. He’s talking about the proxy musician scandal, and Han-gyul asks how he could be all right when he had been using his friends to get his music out, just like his dad had once told him. In-woo tries to say that he hadn’t meant his words as a criticism, but Han-gyul asks him not to say anything more for now, since he has a lot on his mind.

At the end of their break, when Mush & Co. heads back in to practice, So-rim excuses herself to make a call. Jin-woo follows her to listen in, while Han-gyul stands on the hospital’s roof and thinks about the puzzle pieces around In-ho that were creating a disturbing picture in his head. When So-rim calls, he tells her the truth — that he suspects In-ho of having orchestrated the accident.

At her confusion, Han-gyul starts to apologize for talking nonsense, but So-rim stops him and says that he can tell her anything. “Even if I can’t give you answers, I can be by your side,” she tells him, promising to be with him no matter what. Jin-woo hears this with a grave face, then turns and leaves.

When So-rim gets to the practice room, Jin-woo asks who she called. At her hesitation, he berates her for keeping secrets. When she asks if she doesn’t have secrets of his own, he looks at her and says that he keeps a secret so that they can stay friends, while she keeps a secret for someone else’s sake.

Jin-woo’s frustrations coalesce as he yells that he started to play the guitar for her, but now, no one wants to hear him play, and she’s drifting away from him. He storms out of the room just as Soo-yeon arrives, and So-rim can only watch, unable to follow him.

Back at their dorm that night, So-rim asks Gyu-sun what was going on with Jin-woo. Gyu-sun doesn’t want to tell her, so he just says that she’s being very thick. Jin-woo ignores her as he leaves the house to take a walk, but thinking of his agonized outburst from the morning, So-rim follows.

Hearing her call out, Jin-woo starts running, but her voice reminds him of the first time they met. It was at their school’s playground. So-rim and Gyu-sun had come up to him to ask him to play with them. (Omo! Little Gyu-sun is a tiny replica of older Gyu-sun!) He had been reluctant, but So-rim had smiled and called out his name.

In the present, as So-rim calls him again, Jin-woo slows down and turns to face her. While present-day So-rim looks up at him with remorse, Jin-woo thinks of the laughing younger So-rim who had coaxed him into playing with them.

So-rim asks if he’s very angry with her and admits that he’s right. She kept her relationship with Han-gyul a secret because she was afraid she wouldn’t be able to see him otherwise. She pleads with him to understand, because she really likes Han-gyul.

With his eyes fixed on her face, Jin-woo asks what’s so great about him, and So-rim just says that being with him makes her happy and makes her smile. He nods and says that he forgives her then. Memories of So-rim laughing as she sped down the road on her cycle flood him, and he says: “Because, I… I like your smiling face.” (Oof. Right in the heart!)

Grinning at her relief, he tells her not to make that ugly face, since he’s only friends with her because of her smile. She lightly punches his chest, and he laughs. Gyu-sun watches them from afar, shaking his head at the sudden maturity in his friend.

Jin-woo walks So-rim back to their dorm, then tells her that he’ll be back after buying some milk. Out of her sight, Jin-woo wipes away his tears. Gyu-sun catches up with him and compliments his friend on being awesome. Jin-woo just cries about how much he likes So-rim though, and the two friends end up sitting at a park.

Jin-woo declares that now that he’s a man, he’ll become unemotional. Gyu-sun says that there are other women in the world besides Se-jung and So-rim, but Jin-woo cries out, “Not for me,” which embarrasses Gyu-sun. Hahaha. He turns to Gyu-sun and says that he’s the only friend he has in the world. Gyu-sun sniffs that it’s the same for him, and the boys hug it out. (Is it just me, or did they almost kiss? Hee.)

When they get back to the dorm, the boys refuse to talk to So-rim and shut her out of their room. Pfft.

CEO Yoo meets Shi-hyun and talks to him about holding a press conference, so reporters can see In-ho’s injury for themselves. He asks why they’re talking in the absence of Jin-hyuk, and CEO Yoo tells him that Jin-hyuk will be stepping away—she’ll be handling Crude Play from now on.

He gets back to Sole Music in a thoughtful mood and collapses on a beanbag. When Soo-yeon comes in, he tells her that he might have a fever. As she checks his temperature against hers with concern, he laughs at her for being gullible. Soo-yeon about his teasing, and he confesses that he’s just furious.

When she asks if he’s all right, Shi-hyun says that the leader of Crude Play has to be all right. Soo-yeon points out that she didn’t ask the leader of Crude Play, and Shi-hyun smiles sweetly at her. Then his brows furrow as he remembers a similar moment in their past. He says that they were preparing for a festival together, and when he was lying down, Soo-yeon had come up and asked if he was all right.

Soo-yeon remembers that day too. Shi-hyun had been lying on a table with his eyes closed when Soo-yeon came into the room. She had touched his forehead, smiled, and slipped a note into his jacket pocket. She looks at him now with hurt in her eyes.

As he begins to speak, she gets up to leave. He catches her arm and tells her with frustration that she’s confusing him. “Sometimes you look so pretty, and sometimes you just look cold. I don’t know what I can do to make you love me!”

Soo-yeon looks at him in surprise, but he says that she was like this in high school too. “I thought you liked me, but then you turned so cold that I couldn’t even talk to you.” Soo-yeon is completely taken aback. She argues that he was the one to reject her feelings by throwing her letter in a trash can.

Shi-hyun clearly doesn’t know anything about a letter, and when she says that she’d put it in his jacket, he says that he’d lost it on the day of the festival. (Is that the proposal meant for Shi-hyun that Yoon received? Did Yoon take Shi-hyun’s jacket by mistake?!)

Shi-hyun starts laughing at the utter silliness of their misunderstanding, but Soo-yeon is just hurt. She thinks of all the wasted years and turns to leave in embarrassment. Shi-hyun catches her hand again and pulls her close. Cupping the back of her head, he pulls her into a kiss. Eeeeeee!

CEO Yoo takes Yoo-na to a shoe store and buys her everything she likes. She talks about Yoo-na joining Who Entertainment, and when Yoo-na brings up Jin-hyuk, says that there will be a change in management, and Yoo-na should think about what shoes she’ll be most comfortable in.

On a roll now, CEO Yoo visits In-woo at his music bar to ask him to start working on the album. He plays out an impromptu song in answer: “If you squeeze your feet into shoes that don’t fit/Your feet will hurt/Why not just take them off?/Am I supposed to stand the pain?” (Pfft. These two and their shoe metaphors.)

CEO Yoo offers to have Han-gyul examine their contract if he can’t trust her, but In-woo says that that’s not what Han-gyul wants. Yoo argues that Han-gyul is more worldly than his father thinks: “Look at Crude Play. A truth that can hurt a lot of people should be kept silent. Your son is taking advantage of that too.”

In-woo doesn’t look up from his guitar, but he disagrees. “Those guys still have a sense of shame… sunlike us.” CEO Yoo looks away, unable to argue.

Han-gyul can’t stop thinking about the night of In-ho’s accident. He remembers how In-ho used to be in school before they debuted. When the gang was huddled over a laptop, second-guessing themselves before sending a demo of their song to an agency, In-ho had clicked “send” while the others were distracted.

Clearly nervous himself, he had still told Han-gyul that when you’re uncertain, you should stay positive. The boys had clasped their hands in prayer then (while Shi-hyun muttered the lyrics of song, ha).

Present day In-ho had a different philosophy though: “Who knows? They might feel sorry for us and cut us some slack.” Han-gyul recalls this, along with how shifty he looked when Jin-hyuk had asked him if he dozed off.

Han-gyul visits In-ho in the hospital and finds Mush & Co. visiting. So-rim instantly brightens up, and In-ho teases her about it. Everyone notices how tense Han-gyul looks, and when In-ho says that there’s no need for him to be worried, he snaps. “Why do you look so okay?” he asks In-ho, pointing out that there is plenty to be worried about, not the least of which is his injury.

Han-gyul leaves, and So-rim follows him out. In-ho asks their manager to give Han-gyul a ride. Outside the hospital, So-rim catches up with Han-gyul and asks what happened. He tells her that he can’t get certain thoughts out of his mind.

Before he can say more, their manager arrives with the car, and Han-gyul agrees to take the lift. During the car ride, he finds out that CEO Yoo had arranged the interview with the reporters that had swung public sympathy their way. He also finds out that the manager had bought him sleeping pills on the day of the accident. With mounting worry, Han-gyul asks his manager to take him to Sole Music.

Jin-hyuk sits in his office thinking about CEO Yoo’s intentions towards Mush & Co. It’s clear that she’s only interested in So-rim and doesn’t want “another Crude Play” on her hands. It’s then that he gets a call from Yoo-na, but he doesn’t pick up. She looks at her phone and thinks back to Jin-hyuk telling her that he has too much on his mind having to try to protect what he thought was already his.

Chan-young is working on “Shiny Boy” at home when he gets a call from Jin-hyuk. When he reaches Sole Music, he’s reluctant to sit down, but Jin-hyuk promises that the conversation is important. He explains that CEO Yoo wants to disband Mush & Co. and train So-rim separately. When Chan-young asks why he’s telling him this, Jin-hyuk says: “I think you’re the only producer who can lead Mush & Co. without breaking them up.”

Han-gyul visits the security control room in Sole and asks to see the CCTV footage of the night of In-ho’s accident. He finds what he’s looking for — the moment when, by the vending machines, In-ho had thrown something away to hide it from Han-gyul as he approached.

Han-gyul dashes to the room with the machines and finds a strip of sleeping pills exactly where In-ho had thrown them. He heads back to In-ho and tells him that he just wanted to see him. With a sad smile, Han-gyul says that he just realizes that he’d never had a fight with In-ho. Because In-ho suppressed his feelings, none of them ever gave a thought to how he’s dealing with things.

In-ho tries to shrug it off, but Han-gyul asks why he did it. “Why did you drive while on pills?” In-ho denies it, but Han-gyul pulls out the strip he found and tells him that it was captured on CCTV.

As Han-gyul gets angry, In-ho finally yells back that he didn’t take the pills. He admits that he thought about it, tried to do it, but Han-gyul had come in at the right time. He didn’t go through with it, but the accident happened anyway because he was so distracted.

Han-gyul isn’t satisfied, wanting to know why he would consider taking the pills at all. In-ho says again that Han-gyul should forget everything, since it all worked out in the end. This frustrates Han-gyul as he shouts that driving on pills could have killed him, but In-ho shouts back that it was the only way he could stop the live performance.

Han-gyul is stunned that In-ho would go to this extreme because of the press conference, but In-ho says that they would have been exposed since he can never play as well as his proxy drummer. Han-gyul argues that they would have just paid the price for lying, but In-ho cries that he didn’t have the courage to ruin his friends with his own hands.

With that heartbreaking confession, In-ho gives in to tears, and Han-gyul envelops his friend in a hug. Han-gyul apologizes and promises to take care of it: “I’ll take responsibility, so don’t worry anymore.”

So-rim sits in her practice room thinking of Han-gyul’s tense face at the hospital. She gets a call and immediately leaves to meet Han-gyul in the recording room. He’s sitting there alone, thinking of his friends when they first started out. At So-rim’s arrival, he completely breaks down.

Instinctively, So-rim hugs him as tears pour down his face. Holding her tightly, Han-gyul cries that everything is his fault. “I hurt everyone.”


How does this show do this to me? I want to hug every character here — even the ones whose actions have caused the most misery. It’s not a drama I would scream from the rooftops about, yet I don’t remember the last time a show made me feel this happy and content. It’s the people that populate the story, I suppose. They are horrid and wonderful, helpless and powerful. And every one of them has a journey I want to be a part of.

We’ve been told repeatedly that Han-gyul’s decision to go along with Jin-hyuk’s methods has hurt the band, yet the truth of that has never hit harder than today. Han-gyul spent the entire episode worrying that In-ho was suicidal, but the truth of the matter is that In-ho has lost all confidence in his ability to play the instrument he loves, and Han-gyul is directly responsible for that. For years, he told his bandmates that they aren’t good enough, that all they have to do is hand-sync, because their own music isn’t worth listening to. When he didn’t say it in words, he said it in his actions.

We can blame Jin-hyuk for being money-minded and shortsighted, but he was never friends with the Crude Play boys. Han-gyul was. Yet, just like Jin-hyuk, he only thought of how to cover up their flaws, not how to encourage them to be better. The heartbreaking part is that Han-gyul did it while believing that it was the only way he could debut with his friends. But it’s an excuse a green musician in the industry could use, not an experienced composer who knows the ins and outs of how this world works. Before today, I don’t think Han-gyul ever really understood how badly his silence had hurt his friends.

Which brings me to CEO Yoo’s sneering comment to In-woo about Han-gyul being worldly. When Yoon had protested against lying to their fans, CEO Yoo had silenced him by pointing out how many people their “truth” could end up hurting. It was the same argument that Jin-hyuk used to shut the boys up when he’d found out about their “Real Crude Play” videos. It’s an effective argument, and one that has merit. But it’s also a clever distraction from the boys’ real questions: Is it right to take credit for skills they don’t possess? Is it right to lie to those who admire and support them?

It’s clear that CEO Yoo understands this well. She also knows that her emotional blackmail on the boys would not work unless some of them wanted the status quo to remain. Han-gyul is particularly guilty of it because he only saw the scandal that could harm his friends, not the danger of a lie that was already eating away at them. CEO Yoo may think that Han-gyul went along with their plans of denying the lie because he was jaded, but I think he did it for the same reason he has done it before — he thinks it’s the best that he can do for his friends.

Those friends have had enough now, though. And I was glad to see that Chan-young isn’t the only one done with the way things have been until now. Yoon and Shi-hyun have both clearly reached their own turning points. And while In-ho is scared now, I believe that he just needs the support of his friends and a chance to show what he can really do. That’s the way Han-gyul can really help his friends, and now he finally understands them well enough to have their back in the fight to come.

This episode was chock-full of beautiful moments that warmed my heart. A long-awaited one was Shi-hyun and Soo-yeon’s confession. How characteristic for these two to have loved each other for years, all the time believing that the other doesn’t reciprocate. I’m convinced that this is the confession story Han-gyul was telling So-rim about, and someone needs to box Yoon’s ears for delaying that kiss for five whole years!

The other one, of course, was when Jin-woo realized that he likes So-rim too much to make her sad. That boy is seriously bad for this noona’s heart. For all my initial whining about this show’s editing, Jin-woo’s memories of a laughing So-rim intercutting with the sadness of present-day So-rim was beautifully done. And that walk with Gyu-sun, when all of Jin-woo’s maturity fell away, and he wept like a little boy! The end of a puppy love has never been shown in a drama with more sympathy, I think. Even as the two boys cried over their failed first loves, I never loved them more.


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Since this is the last week, and the first time it's going to the third page, how about we set a topic to discuss in the new page to celebrate.

We can share what we will be doing post-finale while waiting for Monday and the next recap. Would you be detoxing from dramas, find a rebound, go into withdrawal symptoms, go on as usual, etc.?

I'll start:
I'm planning to try out Suspicious Partners and Ruler of the Mask and hope that one or both of them can fill the hole that will inevitably be left after the drama is over.
I'm also planning to start Tunnel, and am already watching Chicago Typewriter and Man To Man.

I'm considering trying out My Secret Romance, as well as perhaps, a new drama in japanese or chinese.

And I'm planning to rewatch this drama (if the ending is good), and read the manga in its entirety.

Sounds like a good plan?


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I'm interested in all the upcoming dramas, so I'll try them all out. The two you mentioned, plus Seven Day Queen at the end of the months (I'm still iffy about that one because I love the leads, but it sounds too tragic for my taste). Fight My way, definitely. I love PSJ and KJW and I also like the brother from 1988 (I forgot his name). Another one I'm planning to watch is Lookout. It's a must try because of Seulgi. And in a month, I'm also planning to check out Duel.

That said, I think it will be a long time before another drama can replicate the TLAHL experience and I will definitely miss the community here and most of all, having new episodes to watch every week. I've grown very fond of this drama and its character.


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I will be hugging myself crying in a corner.


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joke's aside, I won't try to replace Liar with anything in a while. Don't get me wrong, I will still be watching dramas, but the characters in this one have taken such a huge space in my heart, I'm not even going to try to find a substitute. I'll just hold on to them for a while.

As for practically, I guess I'll be here until the last recap, though I wonder how many of us will be active since it's the last recap, with nothing to look forward to anymore, save maybe the last JB's what we're watching post on Liar just right after.


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I agree, there is no replacement. But my weakness is Park Seo Joon so I'm very much looking forward to Third Rate My Way. And I'm the "bickering" type, so this should be right up my alley :)


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I'm planning to watch My Way too. I'm a fan of friends to lovers genre.


I am kinda of tired but i will watch Ruler:Master of the mask and Circle out of loyalty to the actors that i like. Yoo Seung Ho, Kim So Hyun, Yeo Jin Goo, Gong Seung Yeon, Lee Gi Kwang etc. I will marathon My secret Romance once it finishes. Happy 3rd page. You guys rock.


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Lee Ki Kwang from highlight? He's in it?


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Yes, he is in Circle. I love his web drama 20's with Lee Da In. They are so cute and kisses are good too.


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I'm planning to rewatch this drama, read the manga and watch the movie. I'm also planning to go back to all the recaps and reread them, as well as the comments, in case I have missed any. In short, I don't plan to let go of this drama anytime soon.


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I will definitely doing reruns of this drama.


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I am planning to finally leave aside drama for a month straight and focus on studying. Sounds impossible but has to be done! I might also try to stay away from DB as much as possible but i don't think i would be able to accomplish this one! DB is a drug now!


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Same. I'm scared to even think about the upcoming dramas, I guess they can all wait for a month.


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They sure can! We have to start thinking about ourselves and our career for a change! :D

How are studies going?


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Studies are going pretty good, some vacationing time is due and then more studies huhu. Nowadays the only distraction I allow myself is TLAHL and it is a distraction I love! How is your prep ?


@dramaninja Studies are okay but with just 40 days left, i am getting a bit nervous! TLAHL is the best kinda distraction!
Vacation? Where?


Yup count me nervous too. I wish the world would stop functioning for a month. Lol.
Going back home at TN for a few days for my cousin's wedding.. I might not have good mobile reception there though. Sad for me. I'll try to make for the next recap.


@dramaninja Were you in Delhi till now? I don't think you would be able to see this comment though.. Anyway have fun at the wedding and try to make it for the recaps


@obsessedmuch @dramaninja Do you guys live in India? I've been looking for beanies in the subcontinent to talk to for a while now! It's so good to find you guys! Hey, is there any fb page for Indian Beanies like the UK ones have? Cause I learned from a friend that they just had a meet up, and I want that too! How much fun would it be to watch dramas with people who actually love this stuff instead of friend who just humour you? =D


@obsessedmuch I saw the reply only now. In case you ever see this, I was in Delhi till a year back. I'm currently staying at Pune, but I'm a native of TN. I belong everywhere and nowhere in this vast country, LOL.
Having fun while I still can! 40 days wow..it's getting close ?


Good luck on your studies.


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Thanks @urnaa :)


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This drama is further proof that Friends are the greatest Blessings of one's life <3


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F.R.I.E.N.D.S and Friends both!
Cue- ?I'll be there for you??


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Exactly what came in my mind when I read @taekkielove's comment! Hi 5 fellow F.R.I.E.N.D.S fan! :D


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Aww. My favourite couple there! :D


Wish i had friends like them. Since marriage and kids, i dont have friends now. Only dramas to console me so far.


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Sorim:- Han Gyul shi, saranghe yo.


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I want to watch @urnaa but not available in my country ???


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the youtube video isn't released yet, but meanwhile, you can watch it here:


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Thank you @chaimaa i love you hahaha


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she didnt say in the drama, but in bts video


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Youtube BTS released finally


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Whoa the comment count when I came in now is at 600+ ?
So I'll just awkwardly drop a late comment to thank DB team, @javabeans @girlfriday, for giving us such an amazing space to show and give love for/to dramas--all kinds of dramas.
I first read about TLAHL through DB news the day before it premiered!!!!--and I just love how the timing of it all worked out for me and how fun, breezy and unexpectedly touching this entire 'Liar' ride has been for me. I can't believe another one I love is ending soon once again ? thank you @festerfaster @sailorjumun !!!!
The Kdrama-watching/discovering process in and of itself is already such a unique experience, and to have it enriched even more by thoughtful-and most of the time-illuminating comments from the recappers and beanies really makes the site almost magical to me--DB is the Disneyland of websites, and I am my 12 year-old self wanting to live in this place forever LOL

Oh, Monday come soon! 'cause in my heart, Han Gyul's been crying in So Rim's arms for a week now and I want to see that kid smile again ?


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1 day left. Happy The liar and his lover last 2 episodes.


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Your comment is so sweet!

And true too. The commenters on here have been very illuminating. Because different people liked and disliked different characters, I loved that we could read from different perspective and get "illuminated" more as you said.

If DB is disneyland, the recaps for TLAHL have been my favorite ride, and just like an attraction park ride, it has been fun but too short and over before I knew it.


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A light drama to watch in the weekend :D I just annoyed with So Rim sometimes because I really felt like she was two-timing and I don't why she can't say no or tell her feelings to Chan Young that he only likes Han Gyeol but all in all I like the drama


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But she always told Chan Young about how much she liked Hangyul? She told him from the very beginning, and again and again over the course of the drama. She practically treats him like her confident. In my opinion, she doesn't treat him any different from how she treats Gyusun or Jinwoo or a close "oppa." He hasn't really done anything to warrant her to say "no." Perhaps the hug, but that was a hug she did for someone in need of comfort.
And when he was about to (confession), her non-response was understood as "no," hence why he stopped confession.


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He is her idol! She is a fan! Imagine that you finally got to talk to your favourite actor/singer.. I am sure you wouldn't want to break his heart! And she was always firm in her love for Han Gyul. She never once wavered for even a tiny little second. Plus she told all that to Chan Young. She was such a mature little kid when it came to setting her priorities straight! Actually, that is one of the things I absolutely loved about her!


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I've got some free time so incoming comment/reply spam warning. I'm about to flood this post with replies. :P

And release of extra behind the scenes pictures and video of episode 14:


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Thank you @chaimaa


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You're welcome (and urnaa) and the pictures were taken by Lee Jung Jin (Choi Ji Hyuk), which makes them even more special. This is his instagram where you can see more pictures he took:


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wow. great. I like Lee Jung Jin.


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Thanks @ChaimaaF, I love finding little treats like these in the comments!


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Wow! Each of these photos were beautiful! I wish I could click photos this pretty!


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Omo how did I miss this. These clicks are gorgeous! The actor who plays IH stills so well ?


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700+ comment. Daebak.


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Hi! am new to dramabeans ( well not exactly I read drama recaps and the comments religiously like I'm studying for a kdrama exam haha I just never found the courage to comment )

Somehow I am one of the people who seem to be more intrigued by Shi Hyun and Soo Yeon's relationship than Han Gyeol and Sorim's. ( Perhaps it is because HG and SR already are together minus occasional Chan Young and Jin Woo moments , or perhaps I'm biased because I find Shi Hyun more attractive than Han Gyeol in general - he's like all typical leaders of boy bands, GDragon etc . Fashionable with quirky mannerisms, touchy, effeminate yet manly )

anyhow now that SH and SY have cleared up their misunderstanding and seemingly kissed for the first time in ep 13 , it confuses/ intrigues me even more that they emerged from the room together in ep 11 ( during the MT when everyone was confronting Sorim about her taking a walk with Han Gyeol in the morning ) . What on earth could they have been doing together in the room then lol. If they had kissed ( I saw some comments hoping that they had more than kissed haha ) how could she not know he liked her / reciprocated her feelings until now in ep 13. Or did he just stumble into her room thinking it was the toilet or something and stayed to chat ?

Sometimes the show makes me feel like they cut certain scenes ( that have already been filmed ? ) I.e. Like how maybe there was a scene to explain how SY knew that SH threw her her letter in a trash can - she must have saw the letter in the trash can (?) but we didn't get such a flashback

Anyway , sad that this drama is ending . Even though it has been dismissed as " fluff ", I think it's just cause kdrama has evolved such that a drama is " fluffy" or basic if there isn't a more convoluted metaphysical plot basis ( eg no aliens , mermaids, goblins, ghosts and people who can see them / make them disappear , uncharateristically strong women , or soldiers who can't die no matter the situation - don't get me wrong I was obsessed with all these dramas haha ) but this show is simple, with real people and their real problems and I'm still hooked. Yes joy is new but she's super good at crying scenes - she just needs roles where she can cry or be cute . Now I just have to wait in hope that she will act with her " ex-husband " sungjae one day ...


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Omg I meant ep 14 not 13 ..


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Hi! Glad that so many lurkers have come and commented on this thread. I know the feeling of religiously reading all the comments and analysing them, wish I was that serious during college exams.

About the letter being thrown in the trash, maybe it was Yoon who threw it for some reason, the Show may explain it in future episodes..this being the case if @festerfaster's predictions come true, that Yoon had SH's blazer.
It is also possible( and this was my immediate thought) that SY was not talking about the actual letter being thrown in the trash, but instead her feelings being neglected by SH, with neither a confirmation nor a rejection, she may have felt that he dumped it in the 'trash' metaphorically.

Then again about the Room scene, now that we know that possibly nothing more than some blazing tension might have transpired in the room( I was also on the 'something more' bandwagon), it is quite possible that what we saw was hkm just having a early morning chat with his sunbae and nothing more? I do hope they clear this up for us, but I'm not too bothered by this.


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If they don't give us a flashback, at least give us more sweet scenes. A date. A hug. Another kiss.


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You know, it feels counter-intuitive to say this about a "romance" drama but I felt so satisfied and proud of the show when Han-gyul showed up in the hospital room and saw So-rim, but he didn't even smile and just focused on In-ho the whole time.
It was the same when So-rim ignored Han-gyul to take care of Chan-young, or when Han-gyul left So-rim's place to take care of Chan-young. We might call them lovebirds, but they act lovey-dovey only in appropriate situations, and have their priorities right and do not lose their heads to romance.


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Yes! They both are not much about PDA life, but respect and are considerate about everyone around them. And yet they fail misserably to hide their love from others, as their love need not be screamed from rooftops, the warmth is just felt by everyone. I'm proud of my OTP too! ??


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So true! It shows the level of comfort they have with each other. They know that the other person would understand and that there is no room for misunderstanding! I hope for such a relationship in the future where I am secure in my knowledge of being loved unconditionally!


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Just loved this drama from the first and it has steadily improved. So many comments have pointed out all the many reasons why that is so.I will only say that I have read every one of the recaps (a huge thank you for these!) and enjoyed them nearly as much as the episodes themselves. I am slowly finding my way around the new site layout and look. It was a bit of a shock at first! What a good idea to encourage registration. I can barely wait for the remaining two episodes. This is a very positive first venture into drama for Joy and I hope we see her in something new before too long. Long live happy fully resolved drama like this!


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Love your comment and welcome to the new site! Ask away if you want to know anything, I'm no expert but I will help if I can. To start with, you can explore the "Beanies" link at the top of the site, where you'll find additional links to a chronological live feed of Beanies' comments, as well as Beanies' Fan wall posts. You can post your own Fan wall post too. And add your dramas to your "My Shows" tab. To do that, go the "Recaps" link at the top of the site, then click on either "Master List" or "Ratings"
The Master List has more dramas listed than the Ratings list, though some dramas in the Ratings' list is not present in the Master List and vice-versa. You can also try to sort them out using the drop-down menu available.


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And also, once you're in the lists, you need to click on the drama to go to its page, then you can "Favorite" it for it to show up on your list, and even rate it out of 5 stars.


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One more thing I will add to your advice. You can also use the search box for a drama, and click on a recap (and sometimes an article) to have it show the Favorites bar. You can't do that with all dramas but still, for most of them, it works.


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Wow.. great explanation for the newbies.. hahaha.. tq


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As everybody have already written about how wonderful Jinwoo was this episode, I would also like to praise Sorim for always worrying about him and for trying to go after him and talk to him repeatedly, instead of just letting matters stay untouched. It's very characteristic of her to confront problems straight on and reach out to people when they're troubled.


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Thanks for all these thoughtful comments, Beanies. It's nearly time for episode 15. Just like when you are really enjoying a book and you want to know how it ends but you don't want it to end.


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Exactly like when you're enjoying a book. You nailed that feeling down. And now, I'm even more sad, because now, I can pinpoint what that feeling I've been experiencing is. :)


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Hi.I'm probably going to be the last to comment because I'm way.... Late to this party but I still want to sure my love for this drama and Lee hyun woo I did not think I could love more then I already do . I first saw him in to the beautiful you and now he has a very even more special place in my heart.please does anyone knows Lee hyun official Instagram account name so I can at least gosh about my love for tlahl ? Lest l forget thank you festerfester and sailorjumon for ur awesome recap


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You're not the last, probably not the last 10 or even 20. :)

Here you go: https://www.instagram.com/hihyunwoo/


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@hihyunwoo in instagram i'm also lee hyun woo fan.. let's support him together sis


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Hey guys. Just wanted to come here and quietly high five the epic craziness of this fandom. The sheer force of your love for this show has converted so many sceptics that now I laugh whenever I hear people talk about Liar's ratings. I'm reading and loving all your comments, and feeling very lucky to be part of this "party" for a while. See you next week. =)


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Thank you @festerfaster loving yours too


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omg, festerfaster dropping by the party!!!!

It's our pleasure, and it's the least we can do for this drama, and for your and @SailorJumun's wonderful recaps. They deserved to be noticed and read and loved, just like the drama they're covering.

I didn't think you would read all the comments (that's a lot of comments!) so I'm really touched that the love we have for you was reciprocated just as much.

See you next week, and we'll be there with you. Love.


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Aw. Giving back a quiet high five!

Unfortunately, most skeptics I've met are still skeptics, but it's good to hear that you've seen many skeptics converted and I'm so happy that you can now laugh at nay-sayers. When surrounded by love, negativity doesn't affect us as much as they say. And me too, I'm feeling very lucky to be part of this party, and to have you and SailorJumun as our recappers. Thank you very very much.


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Thank you @festerfaster (and @sailorjumun) for your recaps!

This show's comment threads are definitely a great companion piece to the show and am glad I didn't wait to marathon it after it finished. I remember when I thought 200+ comments were a lot.

I feel like the Beanies here are like Care Bears and we all "care bear stared" more people into loving this show, lol.


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*getting teary*

I love all of you, and I love festerfaster and SailorJumun for being the hosts and leaders of our little parties. I was the quiet kid that just sat around observing people, but the love rubbed off on me.
The fact that you showed up in the recap to say thank you, and that SailorJumun also made an appearance at #49 makes this feel like goodbye. Which I guess it almost is. *getting teary again*
Thank you. And let's pour out the love and have fun one last time.


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This is the sweetest thing ever! *High five*


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awww. Thank you recapping this awesome drama. We are so happy for it.


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Thank you for the recaps, and for leaving this message. Hi-5!


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Heart to all.


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@festerfaster Like @namwhan said, you and @sailorjumun are the wonderful hosts who have made this party possible. Thanks for being patient and lovely, and for all the delicious food that you served. The deserts(Comments) were amazing, and leaves a sweet after taste that I would remember for a long time. And though some sad people kept complaining about the party and the deserts, you guys stood steadfast on the quality of the food and mood that you set. We party goers are infinitely thankful for that! ?


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Is anyone still here? I have come to add my two-cents on this episode! I am sure what i am going to say would have been said already by many beanies seeing as how there are 700+ comments now but I will go and read the comments later, so just putting my views out here first-

1. This show does friendships right! From the Crude play boys to Mush & Co.- there is a sensitivity that is rarely found in other shows depicting friendships. The story seems lived-out as if the writer personally went through such things! My heart broke for Jin Woo in this episode and I cried at 2 am my time! I am a sucker for "loving-someone-since-childhood" stories and I always root for them. Sadly, I can't here cuz Jin Woo clearly missed his chance (I am not sure he ever had one though) and Han Gyul is too strong an opponent to beat anyway! The drinking-milk-to-forget-sorrows scene was hilarious and heart-breaking at the same time!

2. Shi Hyun and Soo yeon- finally happened! And it was everything I hoped for and more! They are so beautiful together, and clearly scene- stealers in the limited screen time they are usually given!

3. There was not much of Chan Young this episode but yes @Jin Hyuk telling him that he is the only one who can lead Mush & co. without breaking them up. Chan Young desperately needs a place to "belong" and call his own and this is definitely it! (I am still not ready to forgive Jin Hyuk yet but I can come around if he does something better next week)

4. In a friend circle, i am usually In- Ho... I never fight and never talk about things that hurt me. I know it is not good but it feels so good to finally find a character who resembles that aspect of my life. And I was very upset thinking he willingly drove under influence to to get away from his problems. But i am so thankful to the writers that they changed it! I would have had at least one thing to blame the writers about later, but I now really have nothing! :)

5. Han Gyul crying breaks my heart. But I am so happy that he knows So Rim will always be there by his side. It must be really horrible to finally realize that he is partly responsible for his friends' problems. But this is all a part of his character arc and had to happen! I am just glad he did not cut himself off from So Rim when he realized it all!

This episode was, at the same time, my favourite and my least favourite. The story arcs all came together and we were given the right amount of emotions but I felt that in trying to bring together the stories one step towards closure, there was a lot of choppiness in terms of structuring different scenes. I have seen comments on fan walls talking about how this episode was well structured but I beg to differ. It felt like there was a lot of jumping around going on, possibly because of need of the story-line! Still, it did not take away from my enjoyment of the show one bit and that is a feat in and of itself!

Can't wait for the next two episodes! Around 16 or so...


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Hi. I am here. agreed with everything u said. I was all In ho in my friends circle too. Easy to be forgotten for always there to make amends between others.


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It's hard being that friend because everyone thinks I never take offence. I think I just shy away from confrontation of any kind!


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I can be the same way, except my facial expressions give me away.


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I'm that friend too, and my expression gives it away too. Except most of the time, I gave up feeling bad so I don't have many times with bad expression


Sometimes mine too give it away! :D


Still here.

I cried too at the Jinwoo scene, and at the last scene.
I was also happy about Chanyoung having now found a legit role.
But I disagree about the structure, I didn't see any choppiness with it, as I could see the narrative link between each scenes. It was like seeing how each group dealt with the situation, and reacting to each other.


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Hey @obsessedmuch, glad you made it, So many beanies have been asking for you.
I love how you pointed out the possible Noble Idiocy that could have been easily written into the plot, which could even be convincing upto some extent, but glad to be reassured that this is one Show that would never do that.
And I can relate to IH too.


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Really? I feel so loved <3


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Just want to add that I am here and upvoting comments even if I am not commenting, cuz really- everything has been already said by the wonderful beanies! So much love in the comments! <3


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Stills for today's episode (15), spoiler alert


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Pre-released clip from episode 15.




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Naver tv not available in my country ???


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Part 2

(missing one minute of Jinwoo and Gyusun teasing each other, and Chanyoung and Sooyeon and Shihyun) Can't say more because of spoiler


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If you follow this

They'll probably upload it on twitter soon.


Otherwise, you'll have to wait for the tvn youtube channel to upload it later


You can also check the daum channel and see if they update it


Wow.. thank you @dv you're really nice.. i appreciate it


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That kiss omggggggg


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Chingus! Great news! The TLAHL cast will hold a mini-concert later before the 15th episode airs at 6PM KST on VLive! I'm so happy!!!! I really hope Joy and Hyunwoo do a duet! Or Shihyun and Joy! 6PM KST is 5PM at our country so I'll definitely try to log in and send hearts to the cast! Let's support this mini concert and show everyone our love!


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6pm for south korea time right?


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Yes, check your timezone here.


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And prepare yourself that the video might not be this one, or might change in the middle of broadcast (it happen before)

In case it happens, the real video should be on the channel


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Crude Play, Mush & Co, and Yuna ?


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Yes, check your timezone here:


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meant to be a reply. Sorry.


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Thank you.. but i'm working right now.. please send a lot of ❤️ in behalf of me..


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800 comments guyssss! Can we reach 1000? Will the colour change too? haha


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1000 would be difficult with new episode coming in today and tomorrow but I am sure we will reach that mark in the next 2 recaps! :P


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I don't think so because don't forget that after a certain amount of comment, more and more people give up on commenting.

Also for many dramas, the last week shows a decrease in the comments instead, because there's no more anticipation for the next episode. The fact that these recaps come days later make it even more true since the hype would have died down and people would have moved on.

I just don't want Beanies to set themselves up for disappointment. In my estimates, 800 could be the maximum this drama will reach, with the last week in the 500-600 or 700 range at most. Which is still an incredibly insane number. And still magenta. :D


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Also, with lots of amazing new dramas coming in, people will be distracted and forget about this one. I'm going to stay in the last recap for several days though. I'm pretty sure once this experience is over, I won't be able to find another incredible positive comment section and experience like this for a long time... T__T I'm planning to make this one last for as long as possible.


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Yup! What you are saying is absolutely possible! But I still have a feeling that even with lesser number of people tuning in for the recaps, the regular commentors would be doubly active because of their excitement.

And personally for me, even if i don't comment on every episode of a drama I am watching, I make sure to drop in a comment summarizing what I liked and what I didn't about the show as a whole in the last recap.. So I am expecting such comments too! Be ready for the dododo virus too :P


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You guys are amazing. Just watched live concert and only 3 hours 30 min to episode 15.


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Yeah, jus watch their mini concert too.. while working ? They're amazing.


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2 hours left yeey.


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Someone on page 2 said the color won't change because drama healer has over 10 thousand comments and it's still magenta, which is a good color imo.


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I don't think many of you noticed cheeky festerfaster showing up late @ comment 49 to reply to SailorJumun. :D Their hilarious silly squabble makes me laugh.


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Omo 800+ comments! Keep seeing the numbers jumping so I guess many people are still coming back here!

I made 2 wall banners of Crude Play- they are on my wall. Check them out and let me know what you all think! XD


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They are really pretty! i have already commented on the Fan Wall, but they are so good that i wanted to comment again! :D


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Hey thanks! ? I can't wait for them to work out the notification issue- I keep worrying I will miss out on replies...


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Oh I know! I have been going around looking at my comments just in case I miss any reply!


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festerfaster comment got 40+ thumbs ups. I'm pretty sure there are people coming back here just lurking around. Hee.


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Definitely :P


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I like CP poster, please make some for SR and HG.


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Episode 15 official clips

(refresh for new updated clips. watch and like them to get them up the rankings of top videos, and maybe get them featured on Naver main page (equivalent of Google/Yahoo for Koreans, biggest portal site)


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Last behind the scenes clips.


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Also uploaded V-live cut in clips on channel


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Joy is crying and Hyun Woo hugging and patting.


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The pain I feel when it says not available for your country!!!!


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If you can't watch it on Naver, there's this:

Still, if you want to help for one last time, you can click on the Naver Videos, and your view will be registered, even if you can't watch the video.


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One last episode 16 OFFICIAL clips on Naver.

Watch them to expose them to the Korean public on rankings.


It was perfect.


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If you can't watch it on Naver, there's this:

Still, if you want to help for one last time, you can click on the Naver Videos, and your view will be registered, even if you can't watch the video.


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Oh gosh, today is last episode. Only 7 hours left to say goodbye to this drama. Love this drama so much... everything about it.


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Can't wait for last 2 eps (amazing) recaps tho, at ep 15 from begining i was already teary then giggled after that by each characters emotions and cuteness ?, aahh this drama so heartwarming ?


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can't wait too!!! Since we can't talk about spoilers here.

But at least we can squee!! Squee!! It was perfect.


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Joining the squee brigade :D


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Is the drama ending with 16 episodes?! Thought it'll be 20. Damn, I didn't get enough of Jang Ki Yong T_T


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So-Rim's head-over-heels affection for Han-Gyul is so naive and unrealistic, it's annoying. But if that's the way her character is written, so be it.

Of all the boys competing for So-Rim's affections, Han-Gyul is the least deserving. The way he loves, it's always on his terms (making all the decisions for the band, asking So-Rim not to sing Chan-Young's song if she can't sing his, etc) and always about his genius. Behind his lies is a selfish intent to think only of himself and an entitled expectation that others will see it his way; he was that way with Yoo-Na, he was that way when he met So-Rim (jacking the phone from a complete stranger just so he could record his song).

But again, poetic license. That's the way the story is written, so be it. That's not the actor's fault.

What is the actor's fault is that he was not convincing as a musical genius to show that he could be this jerk and still have people fawning over his work. The "my world, my music" premise works only if the recluse is actually believable as a "beautiful mind" when it comes to music, which, unfortunately, the actor is not.


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Is it only me who finds CEO Yoo and Han Geol's father cute. VERY CUTEEE


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I think CEO Yoo and Han Geol's hather look so cutr together. VERY CUTEEE!!!!


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