Loss and heartbreak bring the Lookout team together

The third teaser is out for MBC’s Lookout, and we get another tonal shift from the previous one, with the focus on Lee Shi-young’s (My Beautiful Bride) impetus for joining the vigilante organization, which delivers justice where the system isn’t able to. I can’t help but be excited for this show, because there’s really nothing quite as gratifying as watching people who believe and act like they’re above the law getting taken down by those they’ve wronged.

The teaser starts with Lee Shi-young watching her daughter’s cremation dead-eyed, and cut in between are brief shots of her with her daughter in happier times. Her daughter, Yoon-ah, is adorable and chirps that her mom is much cooler than Superman. Which makes it all the more heartbreaking when we see a stretcher rush past and a little girl’s shoe fall, with Lee Shi-young narrating offscreen, “Yoon-ah, you don’t have to be afraid anymore.”

We see Lee Shi-young break down at the funeral, clutching a broken picture of her daughter, while Kim Young-kwang (The Man Living in Our House) watches from the sidelines looking pained, perhaps feeling empathy for the bereaved mother: “You lose someone you love but you can’t do anything about it. That helplessness. I know that feeling well.” The (not yet?) ex-detective strides into a high school art class with purpose and whips out her gun to point it at a male student. She angrily asks with tears in her eyes why he did it.

I can’t tell whether Kim Young-kwang’s character wants to help Lee Shi-young or use her for his own agenda, because he says in voiceover: “I will make her keep on fighting with her own two hands.” Maybe it’s a little bit of both. It does look like Lee Shi-young will need some help though, because we end the teaser with her in a standoff against the police, holding someone hostage with a gun. She whispers offscreen, “My Yoon-ah. It hurt a lot, didn’t it? I’ll catch the person who did it, I promise.”

Again, we only get some very brief shots of the rest of the Lookout team, made up of Kim Tae-hoon (Fantastic), Kim Seul-gi (Second to Last Love), and Shinee’s Key (Drinking Solo), who all joined the organization because they lost a loved one. I was happy, however, to learn a little bit more about the relationship between the shut-in and the hacker in a separate article. In terms of personality, they’re 180 degrees apart: she’s a prickly recluse, while he’s outgoing and easily gets along with everyone. No wonder they’re described as constantly bickering, although, when it comes to work, there’s no better partnership. In charge of surveillance, Key hacks the CCTVs for Kim Seul-gi, who then monitors them 24/7. It’s funny, because the two characters never actually meet in real life, but producers have complimented their chemistry and named it as something for viewers to look forward to.

Lookout is taking over the Monday-Tuesday slot from the recently ended Rebel: Thief Who Stole the People. Next on my list of things to do: finally invent that time machine so I can fit in all these dramas.

Via Sports Chosun


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I think this drama has the potential to beat other competitors.
A mother who has lost her child [ for emotional impact] + usual corruption + 1 complex shady male character and bunch of frustrated characters taking law into their own hands and claiming themselves justice warriors.

Sidenote - No new posts on Andante? 4 teasers are released and available on KBS's official YT channel Subbed.


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I normally tend to avoid the more melo-type projects, but this one is somehow really calling to me, and I think it's because of the cast - particularly the Key/Kim Seul-gi pairing (and please, have them meet at some point and form an awkward love relationship).


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Me too. I am hoping that the set-up will be the only real melo aspect. I want some kick-ass when they deliver their revenge. I kind of want this to be more caper-like, kinda along the lines of Oceans Eleven or even Police Unit 38.


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Me three, am hoping for a lot of tech savviness as the platform for their revenge caper, with just a sprinkle of angst!


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That moment where Lee Shi Young heard her daughter say she was better than Superman, only to have the child die in the next scene just broke my heart. However, on a happier note, its great to know more about Key and Seul Gi, since their characters did not have much background information on them in the first place. I'm really looking forward to this couple even though they never acted with each other or this role before. I can't wait.


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This looks better and better..I'm curious what is Kim Tae-hoon connection to Lee Shi young's char. as he is also at the cremation...Quite curious how all of them come together and how will quite the grey Kim Young kwang char. persude all of them to foarm an alliance...Quite intrigued about Lee Shi young's& Kim Young Kwang char. relationship,if they will try to use each other/outsmart for their own agenda as i'm sure she won't trust him that much...
Pretty please let our main char. be complex,layered and with full on grey areas...It's more fun in between rather than the sole good vs bad type(even when from the start the premise of the show makes them grey)


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@4 Miky May 18, 2017 at 2:52 PM:

Quite curious how all of them come together and how will quite the grey Kim Young kwang char. persude all of them to foarm an alliance.

It wouldn't surprise me if their paths cross at a bereavement support group facilitated by the brother of Kim Young-kwang's character. He is a priest. I can easily imagine Shin Dong-wook playing such a role.


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Oh,that's a very intresting point u made there...I guess we'll get some angst between the brothers as are at pollar opposite in the way they might view things,as u mentioned being a priest


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While everything looks great, I find myself honestly waiting for the Key/Kim Seul-gi paring, and while it may never happen, I really hppe romance blossoms between the two. If not, than they will probably still be amazing.


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If done right this will be a great one


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I hope Lookout won't be big flop because I put my faith in this one.


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Looking forward to this. And please!!! No ending like that drama which shall not be named!!!


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is this second half missing 9 episodes?


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tbh, I didn't dislike the more wacky second half of that like others.


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Theres sth vy raw n moving with Lee shi young performance here. All the characters hav so much baggage n hurt. Im so digging the polar opposite characrers key n seul gi is potraying. The trailers makes me vy eager to watch


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A scene stealer would be on Key and Kim Seul-gi pairing.. If writer cares to give a love-lines on them.


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I'm excited to see how it will turn out.


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I like everyone in the cast. The only thing this needs is the script. Please.


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Key and Seulgi look really good.


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I didn't expect that first header picture. Tears?


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This drama has my name on it -- I like the premise and the cast looks great! I do hope its less makjang, outlandish and melo than Whisper. Key and Kim Seulgi look like a good pairing so I'm excited to watch this drama!


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cant wait for this!


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My Kim Tae-hoon bb, when will you stop playing second lead and finally be in the OTP I been dreaming of. I had been waiting for his reunion with Park Shi Yeon hopefully finally being a happy OTP . Then it finally happened, both cast as second leads.....in walks Ji Soo :( Here he would be so good along side Lee Shi young...but there is Kim Young Kwang (who I can't stand) cast as lead... One day the kdrama gods will get it right and my man will be the lead who get the girl (and hopefully doesn't die). No more bridesmaid. Finally, he'll be the bride!


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I don't know why I always confuse him with Jung Kyu Woon. Lol


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