The Liar and His Lover: Episode 12

When you rush something, a lot can go wrong. Jin-hyuk’s love of music might guide his instincts for finding exceptional talents, but his insecurities — periodically fueled by CEO Yoo — have turned him into someone who uses the people he should protect to further his own end. Even if that hurts them irreparably. With Chan-young and Han-gyul’s rivalry reaching a boiling point, Jin-hyuk’s ruthlessness might just break the band that made his label famous.


In the corridor of the hospital, Chan-young asks Han-gyul why he can’t come between him and So-rim, when Han-gyul makes a habit of getting in his way. Han-gyul looks at him in disbelief.

When So-rim steps out of the room, Chan-young makes it clear that he’s been waiting there for hours, just to see her face. So-rim looks uncomfortably at Han-gyul at this. Soo-yeon arrives with perfect timing to break the tension and sends both boys off.

Yoo-na finds out about So-rim’s grandmother and guesses that Han-gyul must be at the hospital since he’s dating So-rim. Jin-hyuk laughs to realize that she knows about it too. Yoo-na asks nonchalantly if he’s not going to do anything about it. Jin-hyuk sees her interest, but says that while he doesn’t want to, he’ll have to separate the two for the time being to avoid a scandal.

The next morning, Soo-yeon comes into Grandma’s hospital room with an armful of snacks that Han-gyul dropped off before going to work. So-rim smiles to see that he remembered her habit of eating snacks between meals.

After taking the detour to the hospital, Han-gyul arrives a little late to band practice, and Chan-young makes a snide comment about him being distracted lately. Han-gyul asks to speak with him outside, but Chan-young challenges him on wanting to keep his relationship with So-rim a secret. In front of the band, he asks Han-gyul if he’s hiding the truth, so he can bail on So-rim when things go bad.

Han-gyul loses his temper and moves to hit Chan-young, but his band-mates catch both boys and separate them. Chan-young walks off, and In-ho goes after him. He tells Chan-young that he’s just as important to them as Han-gyul, but Chan-young doesn’t believe him, and flashes back to the day the band found out that Han-gyul won’t be performing with them. Shi-hyun had turned to him with anger and asked if he really wanted to debut by stealing someone else’s position. The hurt of that still colors how Chan-young sees them today.

Inside the band room, the boys rib Han-gyul about dating So-rim. In-ho comes in and points out that Chan-young’s reaction is natural given that he’s their producer. But Yoon wonders if Chan-young might like So-rim.

Han-gyul heads to his dad’s bar and catches sight of CEO Yoo dropping In-woo off outside. They talk with a teasing familiarity that is apparent to Han-gyul, even from across the road. After she leaves, he goes into the bar and tries to ask his dad about her. He makes a few aborted attempts, and then leaves when he can’t figure out a way to phrase his question.

Jin-woo asks Soo-yeon for his phone to take part in a live gaming event. When she looks at him suspiciously, Gyu-sun assures her that there is no girl in Jin-woo’s life. Soo-yeon gives all three their phones back temporarily to talk to their families. To So-rim, Soo-yeon says that she’s going to bed reeeally early today, so So-rim can just leave the phone outside her room once she’s done. So-rim smiles gratefully as this gives her a chance to talk to Han-gyul.

After speaking to her grandmother, So-rim calls Han-gyul up. They talk about Mush & Co.’s appearance on Musical Sketchbook, and So-rim admits that she’s worried about people disliking her performance. Han-gyul assures her that she’ll do well, reminding her to trust him. She asks to keep talking for a while, because his voice would help her sleep. So, Han-gyul spends the next few hours telling her stories from his high school days with the band.

Jin-woo finishes his game well past one in the morning and thinks of So-rim. He tries calling her, but her phone is engaged. When he peeks out at her room, the lights behind her window go off. He pouts at the engaged tone and wonders who she can be talking to this late, but So-rim is actually asleep. Han-gyul stops midway through another story to realize that his audience is no longer listening, and smiles at the phone.

He thinks of her fear for the performance ahead and how it’s been giving her nightmares and decides not to hang up. The next morning, So-rim wakes up to find him still on the line. When she calls out his name, he jerks awake from a light sleep to answer her. She asks why he didn’t disconnect, and he tells her that he planned on waking her if she had another nightmare. Gah, this boy. So-rim melts back into her pillow with a smile on her face.

When Mush & Co. reach Sole Music, So-rim gets out first and asks Gyu-sun to pull out her guitar for her. He hands it to Jin-woo with a meaningful look, clearly telling him to use the moment to be chivalrous to So-rim. But instead, So-rim and Jin-woo get into a tug-of-war over the guitar, because he refuses to hand it over to her. Then, he ends up barking at her to take his guitar too. She eyes him warily and heads inside.

But Jin-woo’s tryst with chivalry continues as he battles to open her bottles for her, then says things like, “Helping you makes me happy,” complete with a hair flip and a wink. This sends So-rim into peals of laughter, which is maybe not what he intended. Lol.

Yoo-na and Han-gyul have a meeting to decide what she’ll be singing at Musical Sketchbook. When So-rim and her friends walk by the office, it catches Han-gyul’s attention, and he stops mid-sentence to stare after her. Yoo-na knocks on the table to get him to focus again.

CEO Yoo visits Sole and watches So-rim practice. She asks her secretary to fix a lunch with Han-gyul the next day. Han-gyul is a little surprised, but when he arrives at the restaurant, CEO Yoo refuses to get to the point immediately. She just says that there’ll be another guest joining them.

She asks about his experience writing for someone outside Crude Play and comments that it’s time he was independent. Han-gyul can’t get the thought of his dad with CEO Yoo out of his head and blurts out that he doesn’t intend to keep living with his dad. Ha! Does he think she’s sounding him out as a possible stepmom?

Just then, CEO Yoo’s other guest arrives, and Han-gyul turns around to see So-rim. They eye each other with surprise, and CEO Yoo smiles to herself in satisfaction.

Jin-hyuk talks to Crude Play about the song they’ll be performing and assigns Chan-young to lead the live performance. When Chan-young says he’ll join the band during practice, Jin-hyuk tells everyone not to bother Chan-young too much, since he’ll be the only one playing live. Chan-young needs to be expressive — not accurate — in his performance, he says.

After he leaves, Chan-young tells the band sincerely that he’s never found it boring to practice with them. The other three look at each other and clearly find him adorable. Yoon pulls his cheek and tells him that though he’s cranky most of the time, he has his cute moments too. Then, the boys tease him about paying too much attention to Mush & Co. and making them jealous. (Sigh. Why can’t you guys always be like this?)

CEO Yoo observes that So-rim and Han-gyul make a pretty couple. They laugh awkwardly, but she follows that up with: “I heard that you two are a good fit musically too.” She offers them a chance to work together, explaining that she’s thinking of a collaboration between a band with her label and So-rim, for which Han-gyul can write the song.

So-rim says that she’ll have to talk to Jin-woo and Gyu-sun, but CEO Yoo asks why her friends’ opinions are important in something related to work. Han-gyul comes to her rescue by pointing out that Mush & Co. is still new, but CEO Yoo says that he knows she’ll have to make a choice one day. Her cryptic remark goes over So-rim’s head, but Han-gyul gets a thoughtful look on his face.

The two of them get back to Sole, and So-rim asks Han-gyul if CEO Yoo was serious. He tells her that if she seriously wants to stay with Mush & Co. then she should do so fearlessly, and Jin-hyuk will protect her. She asks what CEO Yoo meant by the choice she’ll have to make, and Han-gyul hesitates. Unable to tell her the truth, he says the “choice” is probably between him and Chan-young.

So-rim teases that she’s torn about that, which makes Han-gyul play at outrage. He’s waiting for the day she’ll sing his song, and she’s torn? So-rim smiles and clarifies that she’s waiting for the day he’ll write a song for just her and not Mush & Co.

When Han-gyul gets home, he gives Jin-hyuk a call. Whatever he says sends Jin-hyuk to CEO YOO, to ask why she’s interfering with a newly debuted band. CEO Yoo says that it makes no sense for a small label like Sole to handle a big band like Crude Play. She points out that her father will retire soon, and a new head will be chosen for the company. She makes it clear that he has to prove the worth of his label to her, or she’ll take it away from him.

Jin-hyuk goes straight to Han-gyul to offer him Mush & Co.’s production for a second time. Han-gyul is tempted but he remembers that So-rim said she wanted him to someday compose a song for her and not her band. He tells Jin-hyuk that he isn’t familiar enough with Mush & Co.’s style to compose for them. Jin-hyuk takes it to mean that Jin-woo and Gyu-sun aren’t good enough for him, and warns Han-gyul of playing into CEO Yoo’s hands.

He tells Han-gyul about CEO Yoo’s album offer to his father. This sends Han-gyul to the bar, where he confronts his dad about CEO Yoo. He asks why he refused to let Jin-hyuk publish the article that would reveal the truth about his stolen music. His father says that it would end up hurting a lot of people, but Han-gyul insists that his son is hurting already. His father’s songs were the first he listened to and loved. He asks In-woo to be the father he needs.

Jin-hyuk calls Soo-yeon and tells her to prepare Mush & Co. to learn a new song. The band gathers in the practice room, and Soo-yeon plays Han-Gyul’s “Waiting For You.” Soo-yeon tells them to learn the song for now, assuring them that Jin-hyuk has a plan. (But what kind of plan?)

Chan-young works on Mush & Co.’s next song, but Jin-hyuk’s words about his last composition ring in his ears: “It’s nothing special or unique.”

The trio practice the new song, and later, Jin-hyuk listens to the results in the studio. So-rim has picked up the song already, but Jin-woo and Gyu-sun still have a long way to go. Jin-hyuk comes into the recording room and assures the boys that it’s normal for them to make mistakes since there’s been too little time for them to practice.

Jin-hyuk tells them that they’ll be performing both “Shiny Boy” and “Waiting For You” on Musical Sketchbook, and lies that Han-gyul and Chan-young agreed to it. At their nervous objection that the show is just around the corner, he tells them that only So-rim will be performing live, while the boys can hand-sync to pre-recorded music.

None of them likes the idea, and So-rim says that it’s deceitful to do that. But Jin-hyuk shuts her up by pointing out that her favorite band Crude Play does the same thing. So-rim takes this hard, and when Gyu-sun says it’s too bad she can’t talk to Han-gyul, she says that it’s better this way, since she doesn’t know how to bring it up.

Jin-woo wonders if the Crude Play members feel any guilt for faking their performances, and Gyu-sun points out that they likely do it because of Jin-hyuk too. Jin-woo wonders if they’ll have to keep doing things this way.

Yoo-na visits Jin-hyuk and finds him stressed out. She asks that he try to act less tired and worried when he’s with her, and Jin-hyuk scoffs that her jealousy over Han-gyul’s new relationship causes him stress too. Yoo-na says that this must be a bad time and leaves.

As she walks out of the building, she meets Han-gyul and offers him a ride home. He tells her that he can’t ride with her and will take a cab home. Yoo-na asks if it’s because of So-rim, and Han-gyul is taken aback that she knows about them too. Ha. Yoo-na wonders if Han-gyul was always this sweet and considerate of women, and if maybe their breakup was her fault.

Han-gyul says that it wasn’t her fault; So-rim just managed to change him. He used to hide his feelings whenever he liked someone, afraid of being hurt, and pretended that music was all he needed. But So-rim brought him out of hiding. He smiles as he bids Yoo-na goodnight, and she smiles back.

Soo-yeon takes out an external hard drive from her bag and smiles as she thinks of Shi-hyun’s words to her: “It’s our music, so what’s wrong about posting it online?” She’s sitting alone in the office, and Shi-hyun uses this opportunity to come surprise her. She tries to hide the hard drive but he sees it.

Soo-yeon admits that it has all the “Real Crude Play” files that they’d uploaded to their account. She tells him that she’s been their fan since high school because they always sounded so happy when they played together. She gives him the hard drive and tells him not to give up; they’ll get to play live one day.

Shi-hyun goes home and plugs in the drive to watch the clips. He grins widely at the first video, then pauses it to go grab a drink. Chan-young comes down to the living area and sees the paused video on the laptop. He switches it on and smiles to hear his band-mates play “Peter Pan.”

But soon his smile vanishes, as his mind flashes to thoughts of Han-gyul playing with them, of Han-gyul composing and recording the song for them. When Shi-hyun gets back, Chan-young walks past him blindly, his expression lost and pained.

During stage rehearsals for Musical Sketchbook, Soo-yeon asks how a rookie band like Mush & Co. is being allowed to perform two songs, and Jin-hyuk tells her that they aren’t. They’ll only be performing one song: “Waiting For You” by Han-gyul.

The Crude Play boys head over to the TV studio where the show is recorded, and In-ho observes in the car that Chan-young looks sickly. Chan-young asks if Han-gyul will be present during the show, and they confirm that he will since Yoo-na is also performing. As his band-mates rest on the way to the show, Chan-young looks at them with an odd mix of affection and regret.

At the TV studio, Mush & Co. are informed that they’ll only be performing Han-gyul’s song. They object, saying that if they can sing one song, it should be Chan-young’s, but the producer of the show waves away their concerns. So-rim tries to protest again, but catches Jin-hyuk’s eyes and falls silent.

Crude Play arrives, and Chan-young heads over to say hello to So-rim and the boys. They notice immediately that he looks off, and he jokes that it’s because he couldn’t see her face for a while. After an awkward beat, he asks if it was a bad joke. So-rim asks again if he’s all right, reminding him that Mush & Co. is a band he’s raising.

I think she’s trying to ask him why he agreed to them singing Han-gyul’s song, but Crude Play gets called backstage, and Chan-young leaves after wishing them luck.

Yoo-na spots Han-gyul as soon as he arrives, and accompanies him to Mush & Co.’s dressing room. Han-gyul takes So-rim’s hand and asks if she’s feeling all right. Jin-woo sees this and becomes frozen with shock. Poor boy. What a time to find out that your crush is in a relationship.

So-rim is about to ask him about the song, but Jin-hyuk enters just then and sends Han-gyul off. Yoo-na wishes So-rim luck and tells her to watch her performance, since she’ll be singing Han-gyul’s song tonight. So-rim smiles awkwardly.

As Mush & Co. is announced on stage, Chan-young stands beside Han-gyul and tells him to look forward to their performance. And then, the host of the show announces the song they’ll be playing: “Waiting For You.”

As the first strains of Han-gyul’s song play, the boys look at each other. At the look of betrayal in Chan-young’s eyes, Han-gyul swears that he knew nothing about this. Chan-young turns and walks away.

CEO Yoo enters Crude Play’s dressing room and asks Jin-hyuk if he’s confident. He says that he prepared an entertaining evening. As Mush & Co.’s song starts, he tells her that Han-gyul will be managing the band from now. She’s surprised, but tempers her reaction by saying they’ll have to see how the audience reacts to the song. Jin-hyuk says confidently that it’ll be a hit.

As she turns to leave, Chan-young bursts in and rounds on Jin-hyuk. He asks why he wasn’t told, and why Jin-woo and Gyu-sun are being made to hand-sync. Jin-hyuk asks if it isn’t good for the band to sing a better song. When Chan-young protests that their debut song was his, and that it was chosen over Han-gyul’s, Jin-hyuk cuts him short.

“Do you really think you beat Han-gyul at a fair fight?” asks Jin-hyuk. “Wake up, Chan-young. You’re a bassist. You can only beat Han-gyul with your bass.” Chan-young stands, shaken, as Jin-hyuk tells him to go back to his place.

“Where is my place? Have I ever belonged anywhere?” Chan-young says as he turns and leaves, and all the Crude Play boys follow him out. CEO Yoo scoffs that that was some show, and tells him that rushing things can sometimes make him sick.

The boys catch up to Chan-young, but he begs them not to say another word. He promises to be around but wants to be left alone for now. The boys understand, but Han-gyul goes after him anyway and explains that he didn’t know about the song switch, and that he didn’t want this.

Chan-young laughs painfully and asks whose fault it is. His, for always filling in for Han-gyul? Han-gyul dismisses that as nonsense and admits that he left Crude Play because his own skills with a bass could never match up to Chan-young’s.

But the confession just angers Chan-young, as he points out that this has nothing to do with Han-gyul’s level of expertise. He asks if Han-gyul ever watched any of the “Real Crude Play” videos. The bass track they used in all the songs were all Han-gyul’s. Han-gyul looks stunned as Chan-young explains that the band didn’t use Chan-young’s bass, but the less professional one Han-gyul recorded as a guide during his composition.

“Think about what Crude Play really wants. Think about who Shi-hyun hyung, Yoon hyung, and In-ho hyung really want as their bass guitarist! Think about it.” With a defeated sigh, Chan-young turns and leaves.

When Han-gyul gets back, Yoo-na’s performance is about to start. He only has time to smile at So-rim before leaving to do a stage check. She sends Chan-young a text asking if he’s all right. As Yoo-na begins to sing, So-rim comes out to watch and looks at Han-gyul across the studio with questions in her eyes. Back in the dressing room, Crude Play’s manager runs in and announces that he can’t find Chan-young and his keys are gone.

Chan-young stands at a stairwell in the studio, ignoring calls from his band-mates. He calls So-rim, who rushes out to meet him. The producer of the show gets angry that the last performance of the night is about to be spoiled because of a missing member. That’s when CEO Yoo suggests that “K” takes Chan-young’s place on stage.

When Han-gyul protests, she tells him that a canceled performance can do a lot of damage and open the band up to scrutiny. Han-gyul gives in, but before the four boys go out on stage, he asks Jin-hyuk why he’s in such a rush. “How much do we have to give up to satisfy you?” Jin-hyuk can’t meet his eyes.

The host announces that during the final performance of the night, “K” will be filling in as bassist for Crude Play. This is received with a mix of excitement and confusion from the live audience. On stage, the boys take their places, and Han-gyul looks at his band-mates before plugging in his bass and facing the audience for his first live performance in years.

So-rim finds Chan-young and tries to take him back so he can make it to the stage. But Chan-young guesses that Han-gyul is up there already, and says that he was never meant to be Crude Play’s bassist. As the first strains of “It’s Okay” starts to play overhead, Chan-young smiles ruefully and pulls So-rim into his arms.

So-rim instinctively pushes back, but he doesn’t let go. “I wish…that at least you would choose me,” he says. On stage, the original Crude Play is reunited again.


Jin-hyuk achieved a lot tonight. With one masterstroke of asinine proportions, he managed to hurt pretty much everyone involved with Crude Play and Mush & Co. Han-gyul finally returned to the stage to play with his friends… but his friends aren’t really playing, thanks to Jin-hyuk. And the way in which Han-gyul got his place ruined something his friends had looked forward to for years. Jin-hyuk also managed to take another anticipated moment away from Han-gyul, when he made So-rim sing his song under the worst circumstances. He hurt Mush & Co. too, stripping them of choice or joy in their performance, and taking away their respect for a band they all looked up to. But he delivered the cruelest hurt to Chan-young.

The most heartbreaking moment for me in this episode was when Chan-young told Han-gyul about his friends using his bass to record their videos. That killed me. Chan-young’s isolation isn’t imagined. The band does want Han-gyul to play for them. Over time, they may have accepted Chan-young as one of them, but they never stopped wanting Han-gyul back. It takes supreme self confidence to live with that knowledge and not let deep resentment build up inside you. And, as we’ve seen by now, Jin-hyuk likes to keep his artists low on self-esteem. Chan-young never had a chance.

It’s also telling that he began to watch that video with a smile on his face. He genuinely enjoyed watching his band-mates play. It was when he recognized Han-gyul’s bass that the color drained from his face. I believe that Chan-young admires the boys in his band, and given half a chance, would have become a friend to them, instead of just a co-worker. He kept that distance because he knew he hadn’t been wanted. And while the boys had since grown up and learned to care for Chan-young, he never got over that first sting of rejection. His jealousy of Han-gyul is unreasonable, but his almost manic need to belong to something or someone isn’t something logic alone can battle.

To Han-gyul’s refined musical ear, it makes sense for the most proficient to get the job. It’s what Jin-hyuk had taught him, when he questioned the decision to have professional musicians play in place of the band. So, he hadn’t really appreciated what it meant when Chan-young repeatedly told him that he was just filling in for Han-gyul. The position of a bassist in Crude Play is more than a musical spot, it’s an emotional place, filled with the love and friendship of the other boys. And Chan-young knew that he was never enough. This bitterness inside him has warped his perception of himself and his own worth, until every obstacle in the path he wants to walk down makes him feel like he’s being pitted against and compared to Han-gyul repeatedly. And in a way he is.

Jin-hyuk only allowed Chan-young to take over Mush & Co.’s production when he couldn’t get Han-gyul to do it. It was clear at the time that he was hoping that letting Chan-young take over would make Han-gyul want to do it. I’m starting to realize that Jin-hyuk isn’t a people person. When he isn’t playing the puppet-master, he has the persuasion skills of a sulky toddler. He throws tantrums, argues, and tattles. I can see why CEO Yoo has no trust in his abilities. Jin-hyuk doesn’t trust his artists or his own instincts. He hurried Crude Play’s debut and made it impossible for them to get good enough to play for their first album. Thereafter, a pattern was set. He’s doing much the same to Mush & Co. While his instincts are insightful, he often ignores them, preferring short-term wins. He crippled the growth of his best asset — Crude Play — with his need to hurry, and now he’s ended up with a band breakup that can potentially ruin his label. How blind did he have to be, not to anticipate Chan-young’s reaction?

While this episode did a really good job of pulling me back into Camp Chan-young, the boy still needs to stop acting like he can convince So-rim to like him by virtue of being insistent. She admires him, cares for him, and feels a deep loyalty towards him, but she’s also made her discomfort with his advances pretty clear. Any time he’s said or done anything that hints at romantic interest, So-rim’s lost her usual ease with him. Ignoring the evidence of her feelings, Chan-young has continued to act as if Han-gyul is somehow manipulating her emotions. I understand his wish to be chosen over Han-gyul, I do. But when a girl makes it clear that she doesn’t want your hug, Chan-young, you let her go.


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Aigoo. I just want to hug Chan young.


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That's why, even though I was sad So-rim and Han-gyul missed each other's performances, I'm glad she was there to give him a hug. He may frustrate me, but he definitely deserved a hug after the way that went down :(


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My heart definitely went out to Chan-young this ep. I may not agree with his ways of going about things, but I can certainly see where the guy is coming from. His vision is skewed at the moment due to the emotional baggage he's been carrying for years - expecting him to behave rationally is definitely easier said than done. And after watching these two eps, I have full faith that the lads will rein him back in! *fingers crossed*


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At least, Crude Play's heart has been in the right place, even if their approach at bridging the gap between themselves and Chanyoung hasn't been adequate enough. Loved what you said about emotional baggage skewing his vision.


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If So Rim doesn't want to hug him, I'll hug him.


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Oh noes! I'm late again! But I shall comment faithfully on each and every comment! ^^


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You can never be too late here though. I've been hauting this thread with my ninja skills


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We are all here. No worries. We'd be here till Monday at this rate.


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I was waiting for you to show up! :D


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I was late too! Thankfully it's such a party here :)


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Better late than never! ^__^ Welcome to the parteyyy. There's more food on the table for everyone.


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Some other thoughts:

Oh Jin-hyuk. What a horrible mess you've made. My favorite moment of the episode was when Han-gyul asked just how much more he needed to take from them to be satisfied...and he couldn't even answer. I'm glad he at least feels the weight of what he's done to all of them. And it's not just Crude Play anymore. He's officially messed with M&Co and I am pissed!

I mean, really, he made such a huge mistake putting Chan-young in charge with a single he knew wasn't good enough. Honestly, CY should never have handled a group's DEBUT track! He has enough skill to compose music, but I think he needs to start out with doing some songs for his own band or another well-established artist before taking on such a huge responsibility. M&Co still need to hit it big, after all. And their debut song does not belong to him. It belongs to all of them and he needs to make sure he's doing his best to showcase their true potential. Jin-hyuk could have done such a better job of helping to facilitate this attitude from CY. He really sucks at communicating, honestly, and I can't blame President Yoo at all for criticizing his management skills (though her decisions aren't in line with what we want either).


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Cont. (I submitted before I meant to, lol)

Something I've never quite understood is why they even need someone to compose all M&Co's tracks when So-rim is skilled in writing music herself. I actually think her first song from the OST, Yeowooya, would have been more successful than Shiny Boy (at least I like it better). It's a fun, upbeat song that captures M&Co's fresh, youthful vibe, without seeming too standard a track. I find I prefer the melody, beat, and lyrics! There's a reason why it was used as the first track to bring us into TLAHL world.

And if Jin-hyuk wanted So-rim to take a part in the composition progress (which was his logic for picking CY's song in the first place) than why didn't he try to help facilitate that at all? He could have made an executive decision and had CY collaborate with So-rim for a new track, even using M&Co's genuine vibe and image (that he just came close to ruining by forcing them to fake the performance!) as his reasoning for wanting her to be a part of the process. CY probably wouldn't have even complained to that because he believes in So-rim's abilities as well. He probably would have even enjoyed writing a song with her imput.

Right now, Jin-hyuk's one saving grace is that everything he was driven to in this episode had to do with not wanting M&Co split apart. Although, it probably has alot to do with not wanting marketable So-rim's talent taken from him either. But, still, he does seem to want to protect them as a group. He's just ruining that by forcing them to compromise themselves in the process. That's why, even though so much of this fall-out was hard to watch, I'm glad that so much backfired. Jin-hyuk needs to learn that he can't manipulate his musicians like this in the future.


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*not wanting a marketable talent like So-rim's


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I think JH meant she will write songs later when she is groomed well within the agency. Not now she cant write songs.


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The "Fox" song Yeowoya from the OST is not her own composition, but a cover.


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Haha, I had no idea! Thanks!

That changes everything obviously. Off to find the original!


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he needs to start out with doing some songs for his own band

Jin Hyuk would never let Chan Young compose songs for Crude Play. Crude Play is K's baby. Han Gyul is their exclusive producer. The public knows this as this is how the band has been marketed since day one. Chan Young's only hope is outside of Crude Play.

their debut song does not belong to him. It belongs to all of them

Which is exactly what So Rim told Yoo Na. So Rim takes ownership of their debut song as if it's her own. The kids genuinely like the song and were excited to sing it and work with Chan Young as Mush & Co.'s producer. It just unfortunately didn't do well on the charts.

he needs to make sure he's doing his best to showcase their true potential

Is making Jin Woo and Gyu Sun hand-sync showcasing their true potential? Waiting For You was written exclusively for So Rim, not Mush & Co. So Rim told Han Gyul that, and he agreed the song was not meant to showcase Jin Woo's guitar and Gyu Sun's drums. At least with Shiny Boy, the boys were playing live.

why they even need someone to compose all M&Co's tracks when So-rim is skilled in writing music herself

Just as it was risky having Chan Young compose Mush & Co.'s debut track, it is just as risky having a newbie compose her own debut track. There's no telling if the public will take a liking to it. At least Crude Play's Seo Chan Young has name recognition, and that was what Jin Hyuk was banking on. There are plenty of bad songs on top of the charts simply because of the artists' fandom power.


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I think you may be misinterpreting a few of my words. I definitely don't think their performance of "How I Will Wait For You" was the right way to showcase their true potential either, though I do like the song better. I said as much in my second comment here-- Jin-hyuk has essentially robbed them of their genuineness by manipulating them into doing this performance and it's sad that Han-gyul's song for her had to become representative of that. I want to make clear that my whole comment is geared at Ji-hyuk for managing the situation in this way. If he truly thought Shiny Boy wouldn't be good enough then he should have just been more constructive in his criticism and more innovative in managing the situation so that Chan-young could have instead been inspired to try again with something new, rather than getting defensive and stubbornly holding on to Shiny Boy when it hasn't been successful.

Also want to point out that the reason I even made a point of saying the debut song doesn't 'belong to him', was actually just because CY said as much this episode, in his own words. But, now that I think about it, he probably wasn't trying to insinuate that the song was any less theirs. It somewhat comes off that way though and this is perhaps why I took issue with that in my comment. I LOVE that Mush & Co love their song and I think it's deserving of it. But you can be proud of a song while recognizing its failings, and I only wanted to see JH help CY, new, inexperienced producer that he is, to develop a stronger single along with M&Co. If JH couldn't do that and instead had to pull a heartless move like this, then he shouldn't have put him in charge of a new group in the first place. For CY's sake, really. Because he doesn't deserve to get torn apart like this when he was desperately trying to develop a new place for himself in the industry.

"Han Gyul is their exclusive producer."

- Ohh, okay. I don't think I understood just how inflexible that is, as this whole industry is unfamiliar to me. I don't think he should compose songs for Crude Play on a regular basis. But I guess I didn't realize it would be a big deal for him to produce one single if they made a special announcement about it being his first track. I just think it would have been smarter to develop his song-writing talents with a more established artist before moving on to producing a debut album. But that's just my own opinion based on personal feelings for the song and how the show has depicted its success over the past week.

Haha, also, I do actually completely agree about a song from a rookie being risky. My words about So-rim actually started more as an aside because I just personally find Yeowooya to be a surprisingly catchy song that's always getting stuck in my head, haha. But I get so passionate about this show that it evolved into more than that. I know it's risky for her to take it on herself, but I would like to see them collaborating with her...


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... instead. Otherwise, I feel like it's a waste of her own songwriting talent. And maybe I just feel sad that the general public within the drama doesn't get to listen to that song, lol.


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The problem is that Chanyoung is craving for any kind of encouragement or acknowledgement at this moment. And Jinhyuk, instead of trying to encourage Chanyoung and ease him into criticism, just crushed all his self-esteem. If Chanyoung is not good enough, it's an opportunity for Jinhyuk to mentor him into improving his skills. Instead, he is so rushed into making Mush & Co the next big thing, that he doesn't have the luxury to mentor and guide Chanyoung into developing his skills properly, and instead, just crushes him completely.


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I don't like Shiny Boy neither, but not many people agreed with me in Episode 9's recap, which makes me happy people were on Chan Young's side at least? I feel sorry for its real composer Choi In Young because his/her song is being dragged through the mud. I wonder if he/she wrote it mediocrely on purpose.

I prefer the original version of Fox by The Classic. If Mush & Co. were to debut with a cover song, Your Days would've been perfect.

I'm waiting for the full version of Waiting For You in order to form a proper opinion, but since Genius K composed it, I'm sure it'll be good. (But to be honest any song is better than Shiny Boy.)

I think we all agree Jin Hyuk is a shit CEO. I support everyone at Sole Music in quitting his company.


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Wonder if things are any different at other companies? Other CEO s really support and groom their artists? or all are hiding secrets such like these.


Only just had the pleasure of watching this episode, and it was bloody brilliant - show can do no wrong it seems!! *touch wood*

festerfaster, this recap was an absolute joy to read (they always are), but I devoured this particular recap of yours more than once, it was that good! Many thanks for your insightful commentaries! <3


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Thanks for reminding me that I need to go back and actually read the recap, not just the commentary at the very end. Sometimes I just get so involved in the commenting that I never just sit and read the recap from the beginning, but an episode like this one definitely deserves it.

Both recappers are doing such a great job with this gem of show :)


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I have the same bad habit. I read the last commentary, then jump directly to the comments, then halfway through, I just back to the recap, and before I finish it, I get tempted to go to the comments again, especially if the increase is large.


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*touch wood* meaning? Sorry if it's a stupid question.


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Touch wood - It is a superstitious belief that if you touch wood after expressing some desire, the spirits that inhabit the wood would not jinx it. It is now commonly used as a anti jinx phrase. Hope I make sense.


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Touch wood means to stop back luck catching whatever you are wishing.


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Lol, when you love a show so much that you go around upvoting every single comment on the recap unless you disagree with it passionately -- that would be the point I'm at right now, hehehe.


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I am doing exactly the same thing! And there are very few which I disagree with completely! It's basically an 'upvote' fest here!


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I'm about to join you both, but I'm so absorbed into compensating for all the hours that I haven't been able to comment that I'm going on a reply spree first.


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I could understand why ceo choi did what he did considering his company was on the line even though I hated it. But, he could have handled his confrontation with chan young a lot better. He has this way of belittling his musicians so that they feel inferior and end up putting up with him. Hence, he gets to control them. I wish he would guide them instead.

As for chan young, as much as he feels that crude play members didn't accept him, I think it is equally true that he didn't accept them either. If he had wanted to be accepted by them, why didn't he practice with them? That's how they can grow together as a band, right? I can understand crude play members not asking him to join with them because he obviously didn't need it. But he could have volunteered. I feel like he never put effort at all and just waited for them to accept him (and isolated himself unless they asked him to come). Which I think they did on some level ("uri magnae") but with music they have all these barriers beteween them and neither of the parties are adressing it thinking the other party doesn't mind it. I wish that crude play could become a band of five with all of them having fun together.


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we have same mind about JH and CY. I hate that JH was wrong to belittle him that much in front of everyone. He tried to talk before few times. I dont know maybe if it is Lee Jung Jin effect on me, i feel like JH is pretty reasonable. Other hand lady Yoo says JW, Gyu Sun are nothing. I need only SR etc... JH at least tried to keep the trio together.


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Oh, I definitely think So-rim needed to perform "How I Will Wait for You" over "Shiny Boy" for the showcase. It's a better song and they need to try their hardest to make a strong debut right now.

Most of the frustration definitely comes from how JH could have prevented all of this if he had made this sort of judgement call earlier. But no, he just figured it would be safer for him to do things in a way that would pulverize their spirits in one fell swoop! Congratulations, Jin Hyuk! Hope the success is truly worth all the emotional wreckage you caused.

And yeah, I'm VERY tired of him belittling the boys at every turn! He decided to make them into stars despite their failings, now the least he could do is become a source of encouragement. They deserve respect for all the hard work they've put in.

"I wish that crude play could become a band of five with all of them having fun together." - THIS. This is the dream, right here.


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Jinhyuk was trying to manipulate everyone into doing what he wanted, which he succeeded in doing, but at the cost of everybody leaving his side.


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Which part are you referring to where Chan Young didn't practice with Crude Play?

- Today, Shi Hyun, Crude Play's leader, proposed to practice, and Chan Young volunteered to join them. It was Wretched Jin Hyuk who snarked, "Chan Young is too above you to practice with you," which Chan Young immediately denied.

- In Episode 6, when Crude Play told Chan Young he didn't have to stay for practice, he genuinely looked upset. He didn't volunteer to stay because in his mind, they didn't want to practice with him.

- In Episode 3, Chan Young wanted to practice with Crude Play, but they were merrily practicing with their bestie Han Gyul. The only reason he walked out of practice is because he can't get over his inferiority complex.


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Oh good points. I forgot about those moments. The problem with the Crude Play drama is each time there is one step forward, something comes along and forces people to move one step back.

I see Chanyoung as a hurt soul. And if you want a hurt soul to approach you, you need to make extra effort and extra care to approach him and earn his trust. It's like learning to make an abused animal trust humans again. Which is something beyond what the boys have been doing, hence the unsuccessful attempts at communicating with him.


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Two thumbs up for your abused animal analogy! Chan Young is totally this abused puppy who yearns to be loved but is reluctant at getting too close to humans for fear of being hurt again. ? What's worse is his "abuse" was inflicted upon him by Crude Play and Jin Hyuk -- the very same people he has to work with day in and day out. When an animal is abused, the utmost priority is to remove the animal from his abuser's home in order to successfully rehabilitate him back to health. Yet Chan Young has to continue to live with his "abusers," so he isolates himself even more. Abused animals can learn to love and trust again! Crude Play just needs to make Chan Young feel loved and wanted, which I think the boys are doing a pretty good job of, especially Angel In Ho, bless his heart.


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Yoon on the other hand, just tends to speak with his foot in his mouth. He's crude play's version of Jinwoo. Earnest, innocent, but slightly dense to the situation. Haha.

The good thing about the "abusers" here is that they're deep down good people. They didn't abuse him for the sake of abusing him (I'm talking about CP), but out of frustration of their own situation. So there is hope for reconciliation and mending.


@zukin And like Jin Woo, Yoon picked up on the fact that Chan Young likes So Rim. It was kind of refreshing how hotheaded Yoon was in the early episodes. How he flew off the handle and blew up at Han Gyul.

Totally agree about the reformed "abusers." They were mad, but they were young. Han Gyul tried to defuse the situation as best as he could (I LOVE how Han Gyul swiftly put Shi Hyun's hand down when Shi Hyun rudely pointed at Puppy Chan Young), but unfortunately, that just made both sides (Crude Play 3 and Chan Young) resent Han Gyul even more.


As much as CY may have wanted to practice together with the other members of CP, I think they to have been conditioned to think less of themselves - and thus "wasting" CY's time.

In ep 3 the other members only asked HG to play cos CY was late. HG was so so reluctant. BUT - there's 2 ways to look at it -
1. for the other CP members, HG and CY are their bassist. One or the other can play with them - after all they are all CP. Also there was a sense of nostalgia.

2. "Oh - they want him more than me!"
that's been CY's skewered outlook. He keeps wheedling HG over the bass so much so HG is really wary of picking up the instrument.

Even when SR asked him for a demo he hesitated/refused.


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Do you think HG has been hesitating to play the bass out of consideration to CY, or is it more of an issue of personal self-esteem?


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I think it is a mixture of both.


They have been conditioned to think less of themselves but by Jin Hyuk -- it wasn't Chan Young's doing.

Chan Young had a valid reason for being late to practice, though -- he had another schedule. I agree that Chan Young always thinks negatively "Oh - they want him more than me!" but Han Gyul was partly responsible for making the situation awkward, since Chan Young smilingly insisted they continue playing.

As for Han Gyul being wary of picking up the instrument, I think there's something deeper there. On the surface, it may seem like Han Gyul has let go of his dream of being a bass player, but deep down, due to his perfect pitch, he will never get over the fact that his bass playing is not good enough.

In summary, everyone on this show has an inferiority complex.


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Lol with your last point. I think that's true. Because they all have someone above them who keeps manipulating them feel a certain way (jin hyuk for CP and yoo for jin hyuk or yoona).

Also, agree with the points you mentioned above about chan young trying to practice together. Chan young has my full empathy. But, I think when CP trio first objected to him, he could have totally left saying I don't want to do this. He didn't owe them anything, it doesn't matter him whether they debut or not, so he didn't have any reason to put up with them. He is an amazing bassist, he could have succeeded in his music somewhere else too. But since he made that choice to stay, I just feel like he could have tried harder instead of feeling lowly about himself for being somebody's replacement. But I guess its easier tell someone they could have did something when you are not in their position. Or maybe jin hyuk manipulated him then too. In any case, I just have mixed feelings about chan young. But, thanks guys for all your inputs.


This was honestly Chanyoung's episode by far. This ep was THE ep that not justified his feelings and actions, but rather showed them. I agree. The moment that he knew that it was Hangyul's bass playing that the other members played too rather than his showed that they wanted Hangyul as their bassist even if they accepted Chanyoung as a member by now. It's like his saddened feelings if not fitting in grew even worse by that. Add that to the fact that Choi literally broke him this ep, saying he could never beat Hangyul and just using Hangyul's song without telling him. It's completely understandable the way he feels he does. It seems everyone he's close to and works with prefers Hangyul over him, and that's a really terrible feeling. He genuinely likes Sorim, and while I don't think Sorim completely caught on yet, I do have a feeling he'll confess next ep. That hug was less of a "I like you so go away from Hangyul" and more of a "No one's on my side. Can you at least be on my side". The only person that he feels is on his side is Sorim and I really can't fault him for that. Honestly, I really hope the avid Chanyoung haters calling him evil and a pervert really reflect and see if he's truly that. He's by no means a perfect character, but he's certainly not evil and a pervert.


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Though my heart is not big enough to forgive CY for meddling with the OTP. I largely agree with what you said. In this episode, his reason's and the festering wounds in his heart were cut open for all to see. I really do wish him well and I'm glad that things sort of came to a head this episode. I'm curious as to how CP will move forward from here and convince CY of their love and acceptance.
Side Note: JH has way too much power over these guys. He is very perceptive, a person, which makes him attuned everyone's weaknesses and postives around him. And he does not shy away from using them to his advantage.


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Yes... JH might have a "pereception" weapon in his hands, but sometimes, wielding a weapon can make yourself hurt instead. He's trying to control the kids by threatening them, and that's the act of a tyrant, not a leader.


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I agree about the hug. I didn't like it that he forced her into it, but I'm not outraged about it the same way I would at a forced kiss for example.
This was less sexual, and more about a desperate need for a comforting human presence.


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Exactly! It was more like "I-might-fall-because-I-am-tired- and-I-don't-have-anyone-to-catch-me-so-please-help-me" hug.


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I vote for no confession. A rejected confession will break Chan Young's heart, and I'm all about not breaking Chan Young's heart even more than it already is. That boy has known since Episode 4 that So Rim has a crush on Han Gyul and are now dating each other. He has indirectly confessed plenty of times -- his candle-blowing wish; "I wish you liked someone else"; "I wish at least you would choose me." There's no need to directly confess when he already knows the answer. I just want him to sort out his feelings and move on.


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For me, it is si hyun...........Si hyun's hair, si hyun's eyes, si hyun's smile...........charisma oozing out and it's pure crazy.
i haven't seen him anything else but heard that he is a real life idol. I can already imagine fangirls crying their lungs out over him.
I dont think its possible to see a better kiss between so rim and Han gyeol, since Joy is an idol. But it would be 100% better if there was a real kiss between se yeon and si hyun. But again, that would also be impossible for the same reason that the actor playing si hyun is an idol. Ah my poor heart, then atleast give me enough eye smiles on my screen...


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Comment was deleted


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It's no wonder you haven't seen Sooyeon in anything, she has barely anything in her credentials.
And yes, you're right, if you're handsome, you're an oppa. That philosophy will always make you happier.


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If it satisfies you..you can watch SY in AkMu's mvs 200% and Give love! ^^


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That is not Yoo Si Hyun (Sung Joo is his actual name) in AKMU's MVs... It is Nam Joo Hyuk of Weightlifting Fairy.


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No, @oosiee meant Soo Yeon (Lee Ha Eun) is in Akdong Musician's 200% and Give Love MVs.


@panshel Oh yes thanks for pointing that out! I just read @amy's comment and she was talking about Si Hyun so I thought @oosiee was talking about him too... didn't notice the initials..


200% and Give Love -- the MVs where I fell in love with Nam Joo Hyuk.

Lee Ha Eun is also in Seventeen's MV for Very Nice.


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Oh thankyou! I kept wondering where I have seen that girl and was wondering whether she was that girl from Age Of Youth and Shy Boss! Never would have made the connection!


@obsessedmuch You thought Soo Yeon was played by Park Hye Soo?

Lee Ha Eun is super pretty. All YGKPlus models are gorgeous (Lee Sung Kyung, Nam Joo Hyuk). Even Jang Ki Yong (In Ho) is in YGKPlus.


@panshel No no not here in the show. I meant when I watched that MV of Seventeen some days back, I thought that girl there looked familiar and quite similar to Park Hye Soo... Didn't recognize that it was Soo Yeon from L&hL..


Shi Hyun makes you want to stan UNIQ, huh? ?


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Is that where he's from? Hehehe, I'm right with Amy in loving him. I just adore his smile! I had no idea he was an idol, but I'm actually hoping to see him in more dramas. He's just such a cutie.


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Not to that effect. I have enough in my plate already. The temptation to stan all charismatic and talented people are strong. however I will root for him in dramas and movies.


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After finishing this episode, I just feel so much worse and more heartbroken for Chan-young. The isolation obviously impacted him heavily. It caused him to go against Han Gyul and during that hug, anyone could tell that So-Rim didn't want to. However, I feel so bad for him. I hope his character curve will get better and I wonder where his role will end up.
Also, that Shi-Hyun and Soo-Yeon is still going strong


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I wished the drama could devote one proper scene, just ONE scene, where shi-hyun and soo-yeon story arc could be explored properly. I don't mean the evasive flirting we had so far, but proper romance stuff.


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I really wish for this too! With things really amping up this week, I'm worried we might not get too much time for them :/


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I am sure they will have their episode soon at least they will get together and having double date with HK&SR would be awesome.


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I loved this episode. I understand Chan Young so much. It must be really hard and really lonely feeling like you always have to measure up to someone, this constant feeling of competition and of "never being good enough" can be really hard. And JY, really that was harsh, he really didn't have to go that far. I truly feel for CY -:( I love S


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I was cut off.

I love So-Rim ah and Han Gyul tho, they're really cute.


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I loved this episode too. As far as emotional wringer, this one was the "worst" and it hurts so good. And here I thought episode 11 with grandma had it bad.


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Jin Hyuk gets all my wrath this episode. He is taking the whole "divide and conquer" thing wayyyy too seriously. He belittles everyone at every turn in such a bullying manner. I don't even want to call it manipulative because that would imply he's at least being cunning or effective, but no- it's just stupid and short-sighted!

I took a step back to see if my anger with him was warranted and why I didn't hate the CEO quite as much, even though she's just as bad, if not worse. But I think it's the fact that Jinhyuk shows signs of caring about his artist, so he has the capacity and foresight to know what's right and wrong. He just doesn't do it- which feels more nefarious to me. I get that he's getting all this pressure from the CEO - he's the buffer between corporate and the artists- which is a difficult dance. But to essentially make every single person you work with feel like worthless crap is not ok. CEO at least is an open book- cold hard money is the only thing that talks.


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Jinhyuk's problem is that he thinks that "straight-talk" or "matter of fact" talk is something his artists needs to be able to take in. He's not saying anything technically untrue, but it doesn't make anyone feel good. Neither the one getting the praises, nor the ones getting the criticism.

Like you said, he's "dividing" them into ranks, when they long to be united and belonging.


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Yeah, and this kind of treatment has essentially sucked all the life out of their music-playing, because they aren't even connecting! I mean, actually encouraging a BAND not to practice together?! How does he expect them to continue to make music if they can't even be a real band behind closed doors? He doesn't know how to inspire them to communicate as a band or to be better. He only knows how to crush their spirits, so much so that they all end up focusing more on nursing their own wounds than on helping each other.

If this episode did one good thing, it gave the Crude Play boys a wake-up call. This band is falling apart and they need to put all their baggage out on the table now if they're going to get through this!


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In my view, JH doesn't see Crude Play as musicians. Like he said, they're just "stars."


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Great, now I'm even more attached to Chan-young than before. I don't have time to be so emotionally invested in a character! My heart goes out to him, because there is nothing worse than feeling like a replacement or outcast. It's so upsetting to see him so desperate for a chance to fit in. Also, he has nice hair. Depressed but well dressed?


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Lol. Everyone is talking about his hair. To me, Inho has the nicest hair.


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8 hours later and I can finally get in without some glitch! I wonder if it's because of location? My friend on Twitter had no problem getting in. I'm so addicted to this, I asked them to send me a screenshot, just so I don't feel left out.

Anyway, before I start going through all the comments, I wanted to ask first. When CEO Yoo talked about Sorim making a choice, and that Hangyul should know more than anyone else, what choice was she talking about?

Because if it's the choice between her friends and music, as I understood it, Hangyul never chose one over the other?

Making a prayer this comment passes through.


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Hallelujah, it's working now!


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One hour later... Sorry for the comment spam everybody. I just got so excited to be able to comment again that I went overboard.


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Hehehe... I heard many people faced difficulties getting in... I wonder why..


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Maybe the choice between lying and telling the truth? But that wouldn't make sense either... Hmmm. I'm not sure.


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I think the choice is between leaving behind your friends (for HG it was not playing in the band) and being the real star / talent that everyone is really after.


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CEO Yoo's choice was between friends and music. Han Gyul chose music -- his quitting Crude Play is the indirect cause for why Shi Hyun, Yoon, and In Ho are forced to hand-sync because their unpolished playing will never meet his sky-high expectations.

CEO Yoo anticipates So Rim will make the same choice, since she is gunning for a So Rim solo and would not bat an eye at dropping her friends like hot potatoes.


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This is so complicated, it's making me confused. Didn't HG choose his friends too? He agreed to be the producer in order to protect his friends' dreams? He was going to quite altogether but stayed for his friends, didn't he?


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Yes, HK chose writing this way he helped their friend's dream to become stars, it is true that he also doesnt want to play fake music. But he wanted to write for their friends for all his life. Without HK, Choi didnt want other boys. Only fake playing part was JH's push on them to debut CP quickly. HK was young, didnt know it would burden them forever. Maybe he thought boys gonna get better soon and play themselves. But CP is so busy and they have little time to practice.


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Han Gyul producing Crude Play is not really choosing his friends in my opinion. Yes, he made a silent sacrifice when Jin Hyuk threatened to pull Crude Play's debut, but none of his friends are exactly grateful that he did. I would bet Shi Hyun, Yoon, and In Ho would have rather not debuted, than debut without their bassist, or debut and have to hand-sync for the rest of their careers, while always on edge they will be caught.


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Yes, if they have known they have little talent to make it in ent business without HK's song, they could have quit without debuting. But HK could be good producer all the same maybe without their friends becoz he has the talent. He didnt debut with the boys, but still with the boys while producing for them. I also think crude play boys could almost near to playing themselves. I dont think they would fake play rest of their life, i mean they even said we'd play live one day. English isnt my first language, maybe i am not making sense haha.


welcome. we are still here. 500+ comments


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Waah! The amount of comments in TLAHL recaps is HUGE!! It's really a blockbuster hit in here!


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I bet there would have been even more comments had it not been for how some people (like myself) couldn't access the recap some time ago. Possibly because of high simultaneous traffic.


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I haven't seen many praises for this, but I love how organically the "separation" trope was included in this drama, we barely felt it.
It didn't feel forced, or even irritating, because besides from our couple, all the stories were so interesting I wasn't that mad at the show for not focusing on the love story.


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Whoa, that's true! I didn't even realize it until you pointed it out. I think it was also because it wasn't separation by noble idiocy, because we know how well that works out.


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The separation was also not done for the sake of including the cliche, but to leave room for other stories to develop, most notably Chanyoung's arc. It's brilliant!


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It's funny you used the word organic to describe the separation. It might feel organic and a natural consequence of the situation, but to make it feel organic, I posit that a lot of skills and thoughts were put into planning it out. So it's really a well-planned plot device, just disguising itself as organic. hehe.


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I always thought of the Separation trope as needing to be at least a year and for no good reason ("I am going to live in Africa for a year, then I will be back."!!???). Ha ha.
This was like, 1 maybe 2 days. Does it even count?


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And I always thought of it as something very dramatic. With lots of tears and noble idiocy. In comparison, this drama barely had any.


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Yeah I don't see any separation yet. Unless the drama goes crazy and does that in the next episode... It was like separation of a few metres (they were in the same building) than any emotional one or even that of a few thousand kilometres like what usually happens in dramas. Am I making sense here?


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Yes, they are separated but feels like not really separated which is a nice feeling. Oh how i wish another kiss and hug between the HK and SR by the end of episode 14 something.


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I don't know why, but I love Jin-Hyuk's character. I have to give a shout out to Lee Jung-Jin (the actor who plays him) for making me like and care for such a difficult and manipulative character. I completely agree that he completely destroyed his musicians by making an absolutely dumb and manipulative movie, but on the other hand I can totally feel his desperation in trying to retain control of his label, out of the hands of CEO Yoo.

I know that if he didn't have her breathing down his neck, just waiting for him to screw up, he would have taken his time with Mush & Co. and not pressured Crude Play as much. His business side and musician side are constantly at odds, which is what makes his such a fascinating character. I really love how the characters in this drama are not one-dimensional, and you can feel their internal conflicts so palpably. I hope he finds peace at the end! Please don't let me down drama!


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Lee Jungjin is playing a big part in making me relate with Jinhyuk, no matter how much I have hated his approach to things. You're right, if given time, he might have turned out a better head of the company.
It's understandable why he screwed up. Heading a company is not easy, and it was probably his first venture into it. He wanted to make it his first company a success so badly, he ended up forgetting about the people in the company, making more damage to the people and thus, to the company itself. Irony at its best.


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I still hate Jin Hyuk, but I can understand his intentions. The main reason why Jin Hyuk put Chan Young in his place so ruthlessly was because CEO Yoo was watching. When Chan Young came storming in screaming his head off, Jin Hyuk shiftily looked up and saw CEO Yoo standing there. He ripped into Chan Young to exert his power and show CEO Yoo who's boss. That's why I was screaming at CEO Yoo to Just! Leave! Though it backfired spectacularly on Jin Hyuk, which makes me happy, but I doubt he would have went off on Chan Young like that had she not been there.


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I am also sympathetic to his character. Maybe becoz Lee Jung Jin, i like that actor.


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Aigoo, I am so late to the party! Anyway, I've been reading and enjoying the comments, I particularly loved @festerfaster's post-recap analysis -- yes, Chanyoung's isolation isn't imagined but while the first wounds were inflicted by angry Crude Play boys who initially couldn't accept Hangyul wasn't debuting with them, the emotional wounds deepened because of Choi Jinhyuk's awful treatment.

I think Jinhyuk failed to see that how Yoo treats him is exactly how he treats CP and M&C. He belittles and tries to put them in their "place" them in his quest to control them: Hangyul > Chanyoung > CP members and unfortunately, his leash stifled whatever growth the kids could have had as musicians. CP guys could have been playing their own instruments (clearly, their practice in between hectic schedules is not enough) and Chanyoung could have easily been a better producer if given the opportunity and support. His desire to "put them in their place" ultimately choked their talents (except Hangyul). Its so sad that he's doing the same to M&C. I understand he feels the need to succeed but at what cost? Hangyul truly said it best, what more do we have to give up to satisfy you? Jinhyuk's actions in this episode robbed everyone from Hangyul, to Sorim, to Chanyoung, to CP and M&C boys. Now he'd have to deal with his assets either breaking under the pressure or rebelling.

Next, SooYeon is such a sweetheart older sister! Love her! I wish we see more of her and Shihyun. Funnily enough, did you know she's also a 96-liner like Joy? So everyone else calling her sunbae is as funny to me as Joy calling SeoWon (97-liner) oppa.

I also just really love Hangyul as a boyfriend! I know I'm a married woman but omo, his act of preparing awesome lunch boxes and staying on the phone to wake Sorim up from her nightmare was so sweet. Totally hubby material and boyfriend goals, never let him go Sorimie! Guys who cook are awesome, take it from Unnie!

On a completely shallow note, I am loving Hangyul's looks lately. Since their date in episode 10, I love that he's wearing better fitting and more mature clothes instead of the baggy sweater and pants he usually sports. He's so much better looking and I get serious oppa vibes more despite his baby face.

Last, Lee SeoWon is so sexy! The scene when he was composing music and when he threw his head back and there was this shot of his jaw and throat, I was like, dang, this guy is so effortlessly hot and goodlooking! The pretty is overwhelming but the hotness is just as strong! There, I said it. --hides--

P.S. His hair is a work of art, I concur with the running my fingers through his locks comment made above.


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Hangyul looks like an oppa lately. And the lunch boxes were adorable.
And I know the phone call was sweet, as was the intention, but I find it a liiiittle creepy that he observed (heard) her sleep without her consent. I'm having flashback from Twilight.

About Crude Play's talent as musicians, clearly they are not talentless. Jinwoo and Gyusun both acknowledged that their hyungs were much better than them. They hadn't practice for nothing, and their skills have improved a lot. It's just not professional enough to suit Hangyul's exacting standards.


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Me too loving HK's looks. It is very rare for me to care so much about actor's looks. I mean they are all hot and handsome. But HK is exceptional for me. Like a person you could crush in real life even with his little flaws looks to young and small baby face and voice is also bit thin for 24 years old.


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I was wondering if the show was ever going to provide a reason behind Ceo Yoo's antagonism towards Mr. Choi. I'm glad I can get behind her rationale. It's warped and ruthless, but makes sense.


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Just saw a comment on Open Thread about how TLAHL is designed for 5 year old fangirls. It shouldn't hurt but it does, all the more because it came from a Beanie rather than a random internet comment. Maybe I should just stick to TLAHL recaps for the time being. Every time I go somewhere else, I feel like I shouldn't like this as a fully grown adult woman. I keep questioning whether my judgement is clouded and getting into self-doubt like Chan-young and Han-gyeol.

Apologies for this emo comment. I needed to vent somewhere and this was the safest place to do so.


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Yeah, we shouldn't let other people's opinions or tv ratings influence our enjoyment of this real gem of a drama. I respect their entitlement to an opinion, but it stops right there. Fully grown adults (women and men) can make their own choices of what is squee-worthy.


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If you go to the Soompi thread for The liar and his lover, we are there just same as here loving and looking forward to every episode.


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I went there and saw your reply. Good one! <3

I don't understand why people have to put down a show just because it's not to their liking! He/she could just have mentioned that they don't like it and perhaps don't understand it's popularity but then to go on to say that is a show designed for 5 year old girls is too much.


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We arent definitely 5 years old. Even we were only 20, we'd love this drama as same as now.


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It's really great that HG's relationship with SR has allowed him to gain some insight about himself. It really speaks to his growth that he is able to lay out to YN the reason behind is obsession with music, ie it was an excuse. Like he said, he was too scared of rejection and too prideful to let himself like someone so much. It was safer to need music only, rather than a person. What changed with SR, was how she made him feel less for being so scared and prideful, when she herself, was so unrepentant about her feelings. She gave him a sense of security for being himself, by liking him no matter what. Liking him for his music and without his music. Only someone as pure and persistent as Sorim could have brought him out from his music tower.


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That is love. You have to love earnestly like Sorim, so 2 people can be in love and unite as one. Or else just living partners.


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That last scene though.. I am happy to finally see HanGyul play with his childhood friends. But I also kinda felt bad for Chanyoung. I agree that its not the "reunion" we were hoping for and it shouldve been better handled.
Jinhyuk- dont let history repeat itself. Learn from your mistakes!!!


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Yeah, Poor Gyulie just before taking the stage with his band. Not reunion we wanted. But he will do anything to protect his friends i think.


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I really like the part at the hospital. Chanyoung and Hangyul were fighting, but as soon as Sorim appeared, they both stopped whatever beef they had with each other for the sake of Sorim's peace of mind. And they started to act exactly the same. Sorim is not only a source of rivalry between the two, but also a unifying force, if only they could see it.

Another reason why I like the hospital part is the heartwarming sight of the small little family gathered there just for Grandma's sake. When Grandma is sick, everyone is there for her, which I think, speaks in part to Sorim's character. Sorim is so nice and likable that people's love and concern for her also extends to her Grandma.


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Yes, i love it when nice people are together. Regain my trust on humans haha.


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I actually think this drama is SO GOOD! And for the longest time I couldn't quite put my finger on it, but I think it's because it's just so PERFECTLY balanced. We manage to get insight into so many of the character's thoughts and lives without completely shoving others to the side, as most dramas seem to do after a while. We get enough of our main couple, but it doesn't mean that the other characters around them suddenly become non-existent. And I don't know how the writer manages to do that for EVERY episode! Kudos, writer-nim, Kudos.


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100% agree. Perfect balance is this drama strength. The romance is just one part of the story, and doesn't take over the whole drama. Every plot thread is integrated and connected to provide a wholesome story.


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It also has an awesome and well-used OST that takes this drama up to new heights.


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i am thanking for my lucky stars for this drama. Good drama are hard to come by nowdays. When it is good, things go went sour with too much cheese, bromance, too many unconnected plots, leads with no chemistry or whatever lately in drama world.


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Sooo...I dropped this drama after the first episode, discounting it. I was on the main page of DB and I saw that, at the time of this post, this episode recap had 511 comments. I perused a few of the comments and was shocked by some of the glowing reviews this show is getting. Seems like I might have to give this a second chance.


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Oh yes, it is worth giving a second chance to.. I am not claiming that it should be universally well- liked and it is quite possible that you don not end up liking it eventually... but, for me, it is a brilliant and adorable show.


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strange but I dont feel the urge to recommend this drama to anyone. Part of it is uncertainty that they could see past the "youth drama" and appreciate it for what it is. And part of it is fear of seeing something I love not get approval. I like to keep it safe that way. :P


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Aww it just shows your love for the show... You are protecting it like your own baby! :)


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That is totally natural to be fearful especially since it isn't widely accepted by the country of the drama's origin. But I just recommended TLAHL to a friend (who doesn't even have the same taste in dramas that I do) because even if they end up only enjoying it half as much as we do, I will still have done them a solid.


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I feel like i'd tell everyone about this drama and how good it is. But here is few people watch with english subtitles. So i have no one to spazz about dramas in my country, when i try, they are mostly minors and starry eyed for the male leads. So nothing good comes out of it.


This drama might have confused who the Liar was. It's really not our Hangyeol but Jinhyeok. He's certainly more prone to it. Which I guess makes Yoona "his Lover." :D


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Lol.. You just changed the leads! :P


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The Liar aspect of the Show did confuse me a bit too. Intitially, YooNa was the Liar for me, as she cheated on her Lover. Then it was HG for a long time. But now I see more clearly, almost everyone is a Liar in this Show, Be it JH, CP guys, HG, etc. Infact very few people involved in this manipulative music industry don't outrightly lie. Obviously SR, but also SY. Infact what makes SR the titular Lover is the fact that her Liar did lie to her directly, but every time she chose to cut him some slack, and understand the reasoning behind his lies.


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I could almost see HG's heart drop a notch when JH came to the conclusion that HG didn't want to write Mush&Co a song because he wasn't satisfied with JW & GS. And my heart dropped with him. JH, don't you dare make my mushies go through what you made Crude Play go through!


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I disagree with Chanyoung on a lot of things but there's one thing he was angry about I could relate to. He criticized Hangyul for appearing to change his mind too much -- first saying he wasn't interested in Sorim, now dating her, first saying he had no intention to interfere with Chanyoung's producing, now competing with Chanyoung -- and I thought he grounds to do so and question Hangyul's commitment to Sorim. As a viewer, I know he's mistaken. From his perspective, it's understandable.


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It was all just miscommunication. That's why all the crude play boys need a throw it all out session and end it with hugs and kisses.


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OK, I am very very late but let me mark register. I wonder how gyulie is going to cope with all the fame now, I hope shin Hyun is there for him though coz it seems they are both closer than the other boys. What I like most is that jinhyuk is aware of the havoc he has caused that he couldn't even look the boys in the eyes.
Chanyoun I love you but the Lord is your strength... Sigh
Second time commenting on DB and all thanks to TLAHL


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That's what I thought too. Shihyun and Gyulie seem to be particularly close. They're always stuck together, and Yoon and Inho stick together.

Glad you commented. Come by anytime. :)


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Yes Gyulie was so sad when he got on the stage, my heart broke for him! I hope he does not get negative feedback for his bass guitar skills, coz now in the viewers eyes, everyone's skill is superior than poor Gyulie's right? Also, if CY's fans are as crazy as SJ, they might even bash him for taking CY's spot! Hopefully, the Show will not go there, as I don't want to see uri Gyulie get hurt.


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Sad that Gyulie lost his freedom now. i love Gyulie who can go freely outside and in the bus.


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If nothing else, Chanyoung looked damn good in this episode


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I accidentally upvoted my own comment. Sigh.


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Lol... happens sometimes! :D


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Your comment deserved your upvote, though. ? Chan Young can be a jerk at times, but Lee Seo Won is pure eye candy.


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I accidentally downvote myself and then have to upvote myself to take it away, lol!


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Haha... buttery hands! I believe most of the downvotes happen on accident! Because it is very rare that I see a post/comment that I wish to downvote!


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I don't downvote, but I confess I have been tempted a few rare times, when people were criticizing Sorim. I feel particularly protective about her. Haha.


Do downvotes or upvotes even matter? Sorry, i don't have an account so I don't know how it works. Do they help you increase your Beanie level or something? It seems not that important to me, like youtube?


Yes, for people with accounts, upvotes contribute in increasing beanie levels... not sure if downvotes are also factored in..


Only 1 more day left beanies. rejoice...


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Two days for the subs though :(
Still, hallelujah! :D


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Only 14 comment to make 600 dear beanies.


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This comment achieves that figure! <3
So, done! :P


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Yes, feel so achieved and done. 610.


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Let's save talking about spoilers for the next recap though... :D That way we can discuss it with more people. I'm surprised people are still hanging out on here, it almost feels like a forum instead of a recap.


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Yeah.... I think it will act as a forum till the next recap is out.. I will try and not put any spoilers here :)


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I juz register in order to comment.

I love hyun woo since secretly greatly.

I am thinking since han-gyul is filling in and will be playing for real on stage, so the crude play guys may actually play for real instead as i remembered Shi-hyun mentioned before that they should at least know how to play "it's Okay".
Maybe that's why they are being exposed in the next episode? Just guessing.


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Welcome! :)
And I don't think other members will actually be allowed to play.. K's appearance would be enough of a scandal as it is. Jin Hyuk won't let it be revealed that other members never really played right now. I think that stuff would be left for the last week..


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IKR, me too.. It's respectful but really intimate at the same time.. And So-rim goes kind of dreamy eyed and her voice takes on this shy tone whenever she calls his name that way.. Cute!!!


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Oh I think this is a reply to one of the comments above about how So Rim has saved Hang Gyul's name on her phone, right?

Look, now I have even memorized almost all the comments! :P


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Even I realised what @shreyashi-sarkar meant immediately! Haha. Memorising some 600 comments is definitely an achievement I'm proud of. ?


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Lee Hyun Woo posted few picture symbolizes relationships and kiss, hope we get a kiss and more good thing between HK and SR. https://www.instagram.com/hihyunwoo/


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I checked those and all the comments were like- "who is she?", "are you dating?" Lol.
But the images don't seem to be from this show. Just some random ones I guess :D Like from a movie he was watching or something!


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It is from this page. seems owner is a photographer.


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Ah okay.. thanks for the info :D


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I would like to say that i like Joy's voice and i enjoy the OST a lot. Although this is her first drama, she is doing fine and i will also look out for her next drama!

Besides my Hyun Woo, i also like Sun Joo (Shi-Hyun). He has a nice voice. I thought he looks like Park Seo Jeong. Hope to see him acting in more drama!!


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Finally got to watch this episode. A pretty intense one. And now I don't know how to feel about Chan Young. I am annoyed and at the same time I pity him.

One thing I learned, insecurity really gets the better of you.


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I'm mad at myself for not watching TLAHL for three consecutive weeks because I missed so much! Today, I watched all four episodes that I've missed and cried so hard with this one. When Chanyoung asked where he should go back to when there was no place where he actually belonged, it just tore me into pieces. I love Crude Play together. Can't they just be a five-member band and Hangyul can just play the piano? Please!!!


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Oh I know! This episode was a heart- breaker indeed! I have already seen episode 13 and can't wait for the next one already! This show is crack-tastic!


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cant wait to see episode 14 tonight and i feel we are gonna be left in agony for the next 6 days again. but next week is last week so. Just hoping for drama to settle all this problems and give us satisfying ending.


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'Agony' is the word. Trying hard not to discuss ep 13?, but I'm in love with the writing, they are so thorough! I trust them to give us a totally satisfying ending.


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It's a testament to the brilliance of the show that we are still hanging here a week after the episode aired and 5 days since the recap came out!

Plain simple agony? Or bitter sweet hurt? That feeling in the pit of your stomach when the characters feel like your friends and you want to help them overcome their sadness?

Can't wait for episode 14! I slept at 3am cuz I couldn't wait till the next day!!


@obsessedmuch There is nothing plain or simple about this agony. It's heart wrenching. Though I know that they will get through this, still I want to protect them all. It hurts so good.
I wanted to be up till 3 as well, but, I decided to watch MSR ep 5, as it was subbed already, just to while away time and keep the tired me up. Well..that was a bad idea?!


Lol that was definitely a bad idea. I decided that I would rather study than watch My Secret Romance! Also I clicked on the episode raw on Dramahood at 2am thinking ill just catch a glimpse of what is happening but it turned out to be subbed! ?


Ooh lucky you! I will check out Dramahood for ep 14 then. Waiting for subs is such a chore.
And yes, I would also much rather study at 2 and while away my time than watch MSR. Lesson learnt.


RE: 14

I cried three times. Sob.


waiting for recap for episode 13 and 14 to pour my heart and soul haha. one more week left.


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Same here. Meanwhile trying to have cryptic conversations on the fan wall feed here and there, so as to not spoil anything for anyone. And no don't remind me of the fin**e week..I'm in blissful denial.


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joy is really cute but I still cant bring myself to care about this drama


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I really felt Chan Young's heartbreak and hurt in this episode, somehow all the feelings of not fitting in, being somebody else's replacement, being compared to and not matching up - I was able to sympathise with all that he was feeling in this episode. I know some people might disagree with how he constantly pressed So Rim about his feelings but I think in this episode, after going through all that he probably really needed someone to be with him and that hug might come off as forced but I still think he really needed it because So Rim was probably the only one in that circumstance that he could rely on it such a way? He didn't really have anyone else that I can think of who could provide him with the support he needed then. The actor playing Chan Young did really well in this episode though!! I really enjoyed his acting and totally sympathised with his character to the point where I actually felt really sad that his character wouldn't get So Rim ): Haha and to be honest I find his character a lot deeper and layered as compared to Han Gyeol too


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Is this SLS ? Lol. The thing with this Show is you can never really hate on any one character. And yes, CY is definitely the one who is more broken, and with good reason. But I find HG's character just as deep and layered(I'm strongly on the OTP ship?) too.
I really like the actor too, actually there is very little I do not like about this Show. I would be looking forward to his future projects.


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I really like this OST waiting for you and it suits Joy!


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yeah. more i listen, more i feel its a good song than shiny boy.


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