Radiant Office: Episode 6

We’ve got characters growing by leaps and bounds in this episode, giving us insight into the kind of people they are outside of the office. But personal growth doesn’t always lead to happy things — sometimes it can mean coming to the realization that some unhappy changes need to happen. As a couple of unlikely relationships spark, one is finally ready to move on, hopefully for the betterment of those involved.


Woo-jin screams like a ninny when Ho-won crawls out of his closet looking like something out of a horror movie before he demands to know what she’s doing in his house. She tells him that she’s his new part-time housekeeper, asking him to please put some clothes on. Hee.

Once they’re both calm, Ho-won explains that she didn’t know this was Woo-jin’s home until moments before he arrived, and pointedly murmurs that she wishes she had a better job so she wouldn’t have to clean houses. Woo-jin huffs that she sounds like she’s blaming him for her being in this situation, and she points out that he did fire her.

Since she has nothing to lose by being honest, Ho-won ridicules Woo-jin’s previous statement that the hiring process should be fair. She says that nothing in her life is fair, finding that fact unfair in itself.

Changing the subject, Woo-jin shows Ho-won the picture of Hyun and asks if he helped her get the job at Hauline. Ho-won says that he’s just a doctor she knows, which dispels Woo-jin’s theory that Hyun is a headhunter.

Once she finally gets out of the building, Ho-won breaks into a huge smile as she thinks of something and happy-dances up and down the street. Woo-jin watches her from his balcony, wondering why she took the blame for Ji-na’s mistake and let herself be fired before grinning at Ho-won’s antics.

Aww, Ho-won was dancing because Woo-jin gave her her job back at Hauline. Ki-taek and Kang-ho are glad to see her when she shows up the next day, though Woo-jin ignores her, as usual.

He pulls Ji-na into his office to ask her why she let someone else take the blame for her error. He calls her irresponsible and asks how he can trust her now, and she can only stammer a pathetic excuse. Woo-jin says that he didn’t ask Ho-won why she accepted the blame, and puts Ji-na on warning — she can’t make any more mistakes.

Ho-won doesn’t tell Kang-ho and Ki-taek about cleaning Woo-jin’s house, just that he called her and said to return to work. She accepts congratulations from Yong-jae, Suk-kyung, and Gu-dong, while again, Woo-jin barely acknowledges her.

Ji-na approaches Ho-won to apologize about the order miscommunication and to ask why Ho-won took the blame for her. Ho-won says that she saw the photo of Ji-na in Ki-taek’s wallet, so Ji-na deduces that if Ho-won hadn’t covered for her, Ki-taek was going to. Ji-na accuses Ho-won of dating Ki-taek, but Ho-won says that she just owes him a few favors.

Yong-jae brings in the guys to tell them all that there’s a mandatory volunteer activity this weekend for the employees. Of course, he can’t go because his grandmother is sick, but Ji-na sarcastically exclaims that he must have so many grandmothers, and what a coincidence that they always get sick when there’s a company function.

Jae-min, the new permanent hire, asks Ho-won if she regrets coming back so soon instead of being able to skip the activity, but she says she’s glad to contribute. Jae-min leaves them with a smug “fighting,” and Ki-taek asks Kang-ho to do something about the kid, since he was Jae-min’s sunbae in school.

Later, Ho-won lights up when Hyun saunters into the office, here to see Woo-jin about the volunteer work. There’s an awkward beat when Manager Park enters the room and stares to see Hyun there, but Hyun smooths the moment by saying that Manager Park is his patient. Ki-taek and Kang-ho also come in, but Hyun doesn’t betray that he recognizes them.

Woo-jin explains the volunteer event to Hyun, which involves Hauline donating furniture to public facilities in undeveloped regions. Hyun is here to arrange for his hospital to provide medical services to those same areas. Gu-dong watches Hyun closely, but Hyun doesn’t give away that he’s anything other than what he appears to be.

Ho-won is happy to hear that Hyun will be going with them this weekend. Hyun says that he heard about Ho-won’s firing and that he’d been trying to think of a way to help, but she cutely says she made it back on her own. Hyun tells her to come to him next time she’s in a bind.

Later, Manager Park calls Hyun, who says that Woo-jin approached him first. He asks if Manager Park thinks this is only about the volunteer work and decides that they’d better not be seen together for a while.

Woo-jin tells Gu-dong that he went to Hyun’s office first because he was curious about him. Hyun had told Woo-jin that he heard a lot about him, because he and Ho-won are close. When asked, he agrees that he and Ho-won first spoke when she delivered his furniture, but that they actually met before that in an emergency room. He’d said that Ho-won doesn’t remember their first meeting and asked Woo-jin not to tell her.

Woo-jin admits to Gu-dong that the volunteer invitation was an excuse to learn more about Hyun, but now he’s even more intrigued, because he feels as though Hyun talks in riddles. Gu-dong says that he’ll look into Hyun further. When he’s alone, Woo-jin watches Ho-won through his blinds, wondering why she would have been in the emergency room.

Yong-jae introduces Ho-won to Mrs. Jo, the woman in charge of Hauline employee insurance. He leaves them alone, instructing Ho-won to learn how the insurance works before explaining it to the others. Mrs. Jo informs Ho-won of how much it costs to be sick without insurance, urging her to get covered while she’s young and healthy.

To demonstrate what she means, she shows Ho-won clips of an old drama in which a young man (Hey look, it’s Yang Dong-geun in Ruler of Your Own World), though Mrs. Jo acts like she knew the character of Bok-soo personally and sold him insurance. In Mrs. Jo’s version of the story, her insurance saved his life, and he married his rich girlfriend, had two kids, and became a prosecutor (HA, a nod to his character in Missing 9, perhaps?).

Mrs. Jo explains that as long as three months pass after signing the papers and before diagnosis, all of the patient’s medical bills are paid if they get a serious illness. That night, Ho-won asks Hyo-ri if she has insurance, but Hyo-ri thinks it’s better to save that money. Ho-won puts a lot of thought into it and decides to think a bit longer.

On the day of the retreat, everyone is given screaming pink parkas to wear, and they whine about giving up their weekend for this. They gather outside the building for a group picture, Woo-jin showing up last with a jacket over his parka. Ho-won is told to move to the middle because she’s small, and Woo-jin surprises her by pulling her close to him.

Ho-won is last on the bus, and to her dismay, she finds that all the seats have been taken except for the one beside Woo-jin. Ouch, even Woo-jin looks around to see if there’s anywhere else for her to sit. She cringes away from him like she might burst into flame if they touch, heh.

When Woo-jin closes his eyes during the drive, Ho-won takes the chance to study his face. She even reaches over to touch his jacket, yanking her hand back when he suddenly asks if she’s ever been in the emergency room. Ho-won fibs that she hasn’t, so Woo-jin asks if she’s had many housekeeping jobs. Ho-won admits that she’s had a few, but most potential clients think she’s too young, which has Woo-jin giving her an interesting look.

Feeling brave, Ho-won asks about the screen in his house with his giant picture on it. Woo-jin adorably stammers that it was a goodbye gift from his previous coworkers, and that he just hasn’t removed it yet because he can’t get the curtains he wants. Ho-won just grins and says it’s a good picture of him, which knocks Woo-jin right off his guard.

A while later, the bus swerves wildly when a car cuts into its path, throwing the unbelted passengers out of their seats. Ki-taek struggles to get to where Ji-na is stuck in the aisle and throws himself over her, while Woo-jin shields Ho-won with an outstretched arm.

The injured are rushed to the hospital, where Woo-jin beelines straight to Ho-won, who hit her head on the seat in front of her. Of course it’s to fuss at her for not wearing her seat belt, but he’s obviously concerned, and grows even more so when she suffers a small dizzy spell.

He tells Ho-won to stay and have some tests run, but she can’t afford to have her illness discovered, so she says she’s fine. Woo-jin turns around to look when Yong-jae kicks up a dramatic fuss about his sore ribs, and when he turns back, Ho-won is gone.

She leaves the hospital and heads for the bus station, but her phone battery dies, leaving her with no money and no way to call anyone to pick her up. She asks several other passengers for bus fare with no luck, then turns to see Woo-jin right behind her. He tuts at her for running off without any money and tells her to come with him.

Back at the hospital, Kang-ho worries over Ki-taek, who was mildly injured in the accident. Ki-taek finds Ji-na being treated for a gash on her leg, and she thanks him for saving her from a worse injury.

Woo-jin takes Ho-won for something to eat, then asks if she’s upset to have her weekend ruined by an accident during a work outing. Ho-won says that actually, when the bus was swerving like that, she felt like she could breathe again. She says that spring is hard for job seekers, because during employee recruitment season at the first of the year, all that rejection can make you feel lost.

She admits that every March, she promises herself that she’ll go see the cherry blossoms if she gets a job. She says pensively that this could be her last spring, though Woo-jin takes her words as idle musings.

He takes her back to the station and buys her a ticket back to Seoul, explaining that he’s got something to do before heading back. He starts to leave, then turns back and calls to Ho-won, and next thing they know, they’re walking together among the cherry blossoms.

Woo-jin enjoys watching Ho-won marvel at the flowers, and soon they find themselves approaching the small house where Woo-jin’s father lives. Woo-jin’s dad brings them some food and sympathizes with Ho-won that it must be hard working with Woo-jin. Woo-jin is stiff around his father, but they don’t seem to have a bad relationship, just a bit distant.

When Ho-won tries the food, she chokes up a bit, reminded of how her father would make food for her like this every day when she got home from school. Woo-jin’s father reveals that Woo-jin’s mother died when he was young, so he always cooked for his son, too.

Woo-jin sits to do the dishes and tells Ho-won to go look at the flowers some more. Ho-won says that she feels guilty for having fun while he works, but he says this isn’t work, and here, the dishes are his job. Ho-won giggles at his rubber slippers, then again when Woo-jin brags that he looks good in anything.

She goes back out to take pictures of the blossoms, and Woo-jin’s dad jokes that his son must be awful to work for. Ho-won says that Woo-jin is always right, but Dad says that’s his problem — he’s always right, which is annoying to people.

Ho-won comments on how different Woo-jin and his dad are, and Dad says that Woo-jin has always been successful, but he’s also been through a lot of hardship. He tells Ho-won that Woo-jin put himself through school by working many part-time jobs, and that he feels uneasy around his son because he hasn’t done anything for him.

A bit later, Woo-jin joins Ho-won as she’s talking to the flowers. He tells her to pick some, but she says that will only shorten their already short lives.

As they ride the bus back to Seoul that night, Ho-won tells Woo-jin that she was wrong for thinking he was born privileged. She sees that his eyes are closed, so she turns her face to the window, and Woo-jin opens his eyes.

Back in the city, Woo-jin tells Ho-won to take the day off tomorrow if she doesn’t feel well. He offers her money for a cab, but she says they can share one, since she lives near him. When they get to his building, Ho-won thanks him for showing her the blossoms today, and Woo-jin offers to walk her home.

HAHA, he’s not much of a protector, nearly jumping out of his socks when a cat meows nearby. Ho-won can’t resist teasing him, and soon they’re at her gate. Ho-won grows serious and promises Woo-jin that she’ll work a lot harder from now on. He watches her walk up to her apartment, smiling to himself.

Ho-won decides that she’s not going to give up and tears up the insurance paperwork. At his place, Woo-jin looks at one of the plants Ho-won repotted, befuddled by Ho-won and the way she seems to smile and cry all at the same time.

Ho-won goes in to work the next morning and learns that Ji-na, Yong-jae, and Jae-min are taking the day off to recover. Suk-kyung comes in despite her injured arm, and Kang-ho is impressed with her determination.

Suk-kyung has a meeting with CEO Han and Manager Park, where CEO Han compliments her on her work ethic. They discuss the upcoming launch of a new product, and Suk-kyung grows curious when the two men talk like they have something secret planned.

Woo-jin and his team meet in his office, also to discuss the product launch. Gu-dong asks Woo-jin when he got back to Seoul yesterday, and Ho-won tenses up, but Woo-jin just says that he came straight back and rested.

In the cafeteria during lunch, Ki-taek comments that Ho-won seems different today. They’re surprised when Gu-dong and Woo-jin join them, then Ho-won freezes up when Woo-jin sits down next to her. Woo-jin acts like he always does, but Ho-won can feel her heart pound at having him so near.

Kang-ho brings some reports to Suk-kyung’s desk, along with a drink and a sandwich. Awww, he noticed that she was having trouble eating with her hurt arm, so he brought her something easy to eat. Suk-kyung seems genuinely touched, and even accepts his offer to help with her typing.

A huge box is delivered to the office for Ho-won, which she opens to find a lovely new business suit inside. There’s a letter from her brother Ho-jae, saying that he knew if he sent money, she’d only send it back. He tells her not to worry about him and her mom and expresses how proud he is of her. Ho-won can’t stop herself from bursting into tears, too moved to even answer her phone when Ho-jae calls her.

Ho-won changes her mind about signing up for insurance, knowing that if/when she dies, her family will receive a large payout. She meets with Mrs. Jo and signs the paperwork, determined to make sure her family is taken care of when she’s gone.

Ki-taek waits outside Ji-na’s building for her after work, but he’s dismayed to see Jae-min giving her a ride home from their hospital stay. He approaches Ji-na after Jae-min leaves, saying that he just wanted to make sure she was okay since she wasn’t at work.

She says she’s fine and asks after him, then Ki-taek turns to go. He stops and comes back, and takes his photo of Ji-na out of his wallet. He hands it to her, his voice hitching as he says that he thinks it’s time to give it back. He says goodbye, addressing her by her work title, and as he walks away, he bursts into heartbroken tears.

While browsing in a bookstore, Woo-jin overhears a couple of girls discussing a new book about three people who all ended up in the emergency room after trying to kill themselves on the same night, then were all hired by the same company. He checks out the book, and sees Hyun listed as the author.

Ho-won arrives home that night to find Woo-jin waiting at her gate, and he immediately gripes at her for getting home so late. He says that he needs to know something important, and asks if she tried to kill herself because of him. Ho-won sighs heavily, takes a breath as if to answer his question, then collapses to the ground, unconscious.


I really liked how this episode took some time away from the office to show us a little more about the characters themselves. Surprisingly, though it seems to have come on fast, I actually think Woo-jin and Ho-won’s increased personal interest feels very natural. They’ve been hyperaware of each other for some time now, though not for very fun reasons, but they say that love and hate are just two sides of the same coin. When you’re watching someone as closely as these two have been watching each other, even if it’s to guard yourself against them, you’re bound to see some good things among the bad. Woo-jin has learned that Ho-won possesses a lot of tenacity, and the ability to do a very good, thorough job when her task is something she’s comfortable with. And Ho-won has witnessed Woo-jin’s home, which reflects that he’s not nearly the perfectionist he presents himself to be at work.

So it’s no wonder that they’ve started to become drawn to each other, and when caught in a dangerous situation far from both of their regular surroundings, it makes sense that they both dropped their guard a little. In particular, Ho-won got to see a softer side of Woo-jin and learned that he’s a lot more like her than she thought. People bond when they feel a connection with another person, so I’m not surprised that Ho-won is now feeling some very non-work-related feelings for Woo-jin.

I’m also a bit excited for Kang-ho and whatever may be blooming between him and Suk-kyung. He’s also seeing her as a person outside of her work persona, and as he starts to view her as less of a supervisor and more of a woman, it makes total sense that he might develop some warm emotions towards her. It may not go anywhere, but if nothing else, it will be healthy for Kang-ho to experience some positive feelings towards a woman, since it seems like his only experience with women at this point is with his domineering, overbearing mother. Even if this thing with Suk-kyung never goes beyond a crush, or even just admiration, Kang-ho needs to see that there’s more to life to aspire to than just landing a good job.

But it’s Ki-taek who really twisted my heart into knots in this episode, and I’m very proud of him for finally letting Ji-na go. At first I thought he mostly liked her for her looks, because goodness knows her personality leaves a lot to be desired. But it’s becoming clear that Ki-taek’s feelings for Ji-na are much more meaningful than her surface appearance — somehow, he sees something in her that has him deeply in love. Ki-taek even quit studying for the civil service exam for her, then when she asked him not to interview at her company, he honored that wish. Yes, he took the job when it was offered anyway, but as he said, he needed to do something. He’s done a pretty good job of keeping a respectful distance from Ji-na and not pressuring her to get back together after the night he tried to overdose.

But true love is setting someone free when they ask for their freedom, so even though I know that it broke his sweet little heart, it was a final gesture of love when Ki-taek gave Ji-na her photo back and walked away. A couple of weeks ago I would have said he’s well rid of her, but we’ve seen small flashes of regret from Ji-na when she looks at Ki-taek, and I think that she’s starting to realize what she threw away. I hope that she regrets breaking up with Ki-taek and asks him to get back together, but I also hope that he makes her really, really work for it. He deserves better than the person Ji-na is now, and she has a long way to go before she deserves someone like Ki-taek.


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The screencap makes it look like both Ho-won and Woo-jin have flower crowns, its super cute.


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Yeah, it totally is! It's a pretty screenshot to illustrate the recap.


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This picture is beautiful.


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I thought so, too!


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God I didn't recognize Kim Hee-chan (Hong Joon, Seol's brother in Cheese in the Trap) at first since he mostly played cute and meeky characters before. He looks so sharp here! By the way, he was in a MBC web series with Han Sun-hwa in Binggoo where he played her father and husband (HSH played dual roles there).


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I haven't watched Binggoo yet, hopefully I can find time this weekend. I want to see Mori in this drama? It is time taveling drama, right?


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I luff this show so much. It's just right for me. The cliffhanger man!!! Argh, why? !


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I really enjoyed this episode, with a break from office tasks. I can't wait for next week and for the episodes when jealousy kicks in!

So is Hyun using Ho-won to get inspiration for his book? Hmmm...

Hyun is the second son of the chairman , right? Is Show going to make Woo-jin his long lost biological elder brother?


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I see some viewers commented that it feels uncomfortable that Hyun using them as his inspirations for his book. I don't know how to respond to this personally, part of me thinking he shouldn't do that, he should tell them that he is using their stories as inspiration for his book. Part of me don't think it is something unethical, it is not that he used their names for the characters (hopefully I am right).

I don't think he is purposely approaching her for that purpose, at least I am hoping he is sincere with her. I doubt he is into the profits from the book sales, since he is rich enough. But this book's existence would make him and Ho Won drifting apart later.

He looks odd, but I cannot figure that much of him yet. Curious who is the eldest bro. I cannot dislike Yun because he for now looks charming with Ho Won, and want to enjoy their moments for the time being lol.


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If I'm not wrong, I don't think that he romantically interested in Ho Won though the latter have a little crush on him. I think he might just think that their coincidences at the emergency room is intrigue brought to make him write that book. He helped them get the temporary jobs at Hauline maybe due to his sympathy for them?


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*intrigue enough


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So far I don't see him romantically interested to her either. I just found it is cute that Ho Won has a crush on him, and how she cannot hide her feelings, remind me my good old days lol. And he is not a jerk also. I think both them kind of having a cute friendship.

I also think the same. He may find it is interesting. Well I do too. These three are fated to be together. hee. I think it is because of his sympathy and at the same time he wants to observe them for some reason that I don't know. The way he looked to Ki Taek and Kang Ho also probably indicated something else.


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Well, he's not just using them as inspiration for his book. He is manipulating there lives. Yes, we could say it was a good thing he got them a job, but ultimately, it's still manipulation. And what if that scheme gets boring? What will he do next? Get them into trouble? Send a killer to spice things up (he's not giving me that vibe, but the point is, where is he does draw the line?)?

The other thing is, writing about someone's life in any recognisable way without asking them... it's actually pretty creepy. If he's watching them and using what's going on... that means he is watching them very closely and that's actually super creepy.

I'm not going to judge him just yet because he's too much of a mystery right now but I will say I actually find him the least interesting of our characters (and I don't care that looks good). Others have me way more intrigued and/or charmed!


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I think Dr. S was just trying to help some folks out and give them a chance. I think if he had been open about it, they'd have accepted his help bc they were in pretty desperate need for work. He seems to have many reasons to be private about who he is, but keep in mind they'd be uncomfortable meeting him as the ER doctor since they skipped out on their bills!

I think he used the little he saw of the trio's relationship as a springboard for a fiction story. He knows so little of them and their lives/backgrounds, so anything else just doesn't make sense to me!


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When the doctor first helped the Trio get the temporary jobs, I thought he probably wanted to help.

When we learnt about the book, I thought... ok... he probably used the Trio as inspiration, but I hoped that he had genuinely wanted to help.

But when I remember his face when he saw Ki-teik and Kang-ho in the office, I was bothered. He seemed so cold and actually quite unhappy. So I am now wondering about his true intention, and if/how far he would interfere in the Trio's life .


Me too. I thought he really looked really cold to them. I know that he shouldn't act like he know the two temp but still the cold look at them made me feel coldhearted towards him.


You know, now that you mention it (halfmoon and kdramawatcher2609)...I just thought of that interaction as an awkward moment, but was it a little TOO awkward? The intrigue!


Well, so far Dr Seo is portrayed as a gentlemen but the way he looked at the two male temp staff is weird/or as if he looked down on them. It is as if he dislike them for certain reasons. I mean, normally when you meet strangers you won't have a weird sulky face unless you hate that person etc. Especially when he turned his face to Ho Won and it straightaway turned into a smiling face. He seems kinda a TWO-FACED person to me. And also I forgot to mention that thereafter when Manager Park called him up to ask him why did he appeared in their office out the blue, he hanged up on his call abruptly after without saying "I'll hang up" or smth like that and left Manager Park "hello? Hello?". It is such a big difference when he portrayed himself in front of Ho Won and Woo Jin and other familiar staff he knew.


For God's sake let that girl live. Too many cancer/ death track dramas these days.
Lol part of ep 5 and 6 made me remember the jdrama 'we married as a job', when ho won took care of the household for woo jin, and seeing how she cooked real food for him, and how he praised the ahjumma, I wouldn't mind if they show a bit more cohabitation hijinks in future episodes. Also this new side of woo jin is so re-freshening.
Also may be it's just me but woo jin looks so damn serious all the time, I thought it would be a crime to expect anything remotely romantic from him. That's why whenever he's acting differently, like on ep 6 [those extra care for ho won, or just smiling], I had second hand embarrassment, for no apparent reason lol. I mean it's one thing to watch it on drama, but did anyone here ever have a crush/ or a tiny bit of crush on a boss in office, but felt it's so wrong to feel this way just because they act so uptight or strict? [ People like woo jin do exist in real life]. As if what are you doing , you're supposed to be 100% focused, dedicated to your work and not look around. Lol anyway dramas are not a portraiture of real life office environment heheh.


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This is my current best-loved drama, though the first 2 episodes are a little boring and sad n I really shed tears for our three job seekers.

Is there anyone wondering if Doctor Seo is actually NOT referring to any of the 3 job seekers at the emergency room? I thought this is a rom-com and not a melodrama so I thought maybe there is a misunderstanding that our lead gal has a terminal illness. I had this thought ever since they were at the emergency room.

Another thing is that I noticed our lead actress is not so pretty as in other usual kdrama but I actually like it in this way. Usually lead gals are overly pretty and doll-liked. I actually like Ho Won's simple n average looks. But I wonder why is she wearing the same outfit at the office ??


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I noticed that she has the same blazer but she always wore different shirts beneath. I guess she can't afford to buy another blazer?

Go Ah Sung is kinda cute. She is not pretty in the standard way but I would still call her beautiful. I like the fact that Ha Suk Jin is also not the most handsome actor out there. He's kinda cute actually and I love it. Visually, they both look cute together.


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I love this about the show bc unusually underprivileged/middle class people on kdramas still have like at least 2 diff designer coats per day. Haha.


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Beccause she is p o o r.


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I hope she will wear the outfit that her brother bought for her :)


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This one looks pretty. I cannot wait to see her wearing this.


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She, Kim Go Eun and few others may not have the prettiest face but that is the reason we feel more connected with them, aside from their great acting.


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I agree. We can relate to them better in this case.


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I did notice that she has a nontraditional appearance in episode 1. But I was thinking, especially in this episode, that she is so pretty and adorable, both her looks and mannerisms! I love her little smile. I love Ko Ah Sung as an actress. She is rockin' it!


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They didn't get the same sponsor from Weightlifting Fairy?


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Weightlifting Fairy are all of sports and casual attire but in this show they needs formal office attire.


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How long has it been? A month? She has 6 months to live and they are still on the first 3 months work trial. So he finishes a book within a month, without talking/interview any of them and he knows everything about their lives?... like how?


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Haha unless he get some PI to stalk them n get more insight about their lives. Lol. So far he didn't even get to talk to Ho Won many times.


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LOL I am curious about this book too. Maybe he also use ghost writer.


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I just assume that he had the book almost finished before he met the trio.


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The doc is super adorable when he smiles, but I think he's a creep. I don't actually think any of these 3 has cancer, but the doc knows that one thinks they have cancer so to not come clean about this is highly unethical. I think he doesn't tell them to teach them a lesson about not paying their hospital bill....that's his rationalization but he's having fun seeing how it all plays out. I don't think he has horrible intentions, but he is still a creep. Or I could be totally wrong....guess we'll see.

I actually love the part when they are on the bus and the guy is explaining why he has the blind with his picture on it. His discomfort was great.

I'm liking the lead actor in this. I know some didn't like the actor taking on another such role, but I think this time there is a lot more character building than what I saw in either of the previous two parts (Let's Drink and 1%). I mean I can never see him again as quite the cool, arrogant perfectionist after watching him go to town with the Swiffer. Oh and hats off to fellow beanies who caught The Ring moment...I would have missed that.

Overall I'm pretty happy with the drama. It isn't what I quite expected it to be which was her going totally OTT because of the terminal diagnosis. That could have been fun, but this is working for me just fine.


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"has cancer" or is terminally ill since I guess we never got a diagnosis.


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I'm pretty sure that she doesn't have cancer cos doctors taking about an unknown patient having terminal illlness near your bed doesn't mean it's you right?? I mean there are so many other patients.

So far I still don't now the true notice of Dr Seo. I don't think he is so evil as to hide the misundertanding and enjoy seeing the 3 job seekers tormented by the thought of having terminal illness ??


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*don't know the true motive


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I'm anticipating that for the next episode, she might run away from the hospital without any tests/diagnosis again !


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Yes he is handsome but he has a creepy smile. Lol. Maybe he can be the next serial killer in kdramaland. Lmao....oops watched too much of such shows recently !


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@sorrynotsorry about the male lead, I think the same. I absolutely hated his character in drinking solo but here he is not actually a 999.9% jerk for no reason. His character is a lot softer around the edges. Somehow I really like him here.

Ho Won is also lovely. Forget standard prettiness, she is pretty in her own way + full of vivacity in her acting.

I didn't anticipate this drama but I like it's lighter moments a lot~


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No, I think Ji-Na needs to get away from Ki-taek. She's an awful person and looks really bad to me. Her pale pale face, fake orange hair, pink lipstick and peach eyeshadow make her look really ugly. I hope he finds someone else.


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I agree. He deserve someone better than Ji Na. And I also hate that guy (can't rmb his name but he wants to use his grandma as an excuse not to go to the volunteer work. His personality sucks too , so does the Sales Manager who took bribes too. He hired them cos he knows that Dr Seo is the son of their Chairman not becos of any other good intentions.


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I don't want Ki-taek to go back to Ji-Na either (although I don't find her ugly, despite the makeup and hair color).

If he has to be paired with someone, I'm not sure who. Maybe the secretary? Not sure about Ho-won's roommate (I can't relate to her, and Ho-won always seems mad at her). I think he and Ho-won might work out, but we all know it won't happen.


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I honestly wouldn't mind ho won with ki taek but I think they may be just...too comfortable as a couple? They both need someone a little bossier I think, as they are both fairly passive/submissive.


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I much preferred the secretary too. Not liking her roommate in any way.


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I think they may head in the Kkotbi direction. He's already had lunch once or twice with just her.


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Great episode!!!!!

*Good development for our male lead, dishes scene "this is not work, go and enjoy the flowers", rubber shoes and all, just adorable. Im glad he doesnt seem to be as typecast as I thought. He was actually caring, natural, and funny (I look good in everything ;)
* Ki Taek can only go up from this one, he is going to rock now, ahhh Ji na, just how much you are going to regret this, i see it coming...

* please show dont turn into a melo and have HoWon dying bc it is going to break my heart into a 1000 pieces...

* dont you think the main leads have great chemistry? I thought after 1% it could not happen but Im already shipping for them hard

* great characters, fun story, Im soo hooked and doomed if it ends badly......


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Ok.. this is one good drama to watch.... It's beautiful to see Ha Suk Jin portraying WooJin very comfortably.. He has grown so much from the last two dramas... His stiffness has gone and his acting seems flawless.....
Love him....
KimDongWook.... I am a fan of this guy... I don't mind if he is evil or good... I enjoy watching him here... His scenes bring butterflies in my stomach ??


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Me too love Kim Dong Wook ? I dont care if he is good or bad. I love him in Maids and I hope he won't take a long vacation from dramaland after this. He needs to be more active so we can can see him more.


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Forgot to mention LeeDongHwi.... He sis just AWESOME.....


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I'm sorry but can anybody explain to me how Dr Hyun knows ho won's personal life (like how she was rejected from the first job by woo jin)? I mean she didn't actually try to kill herself but how can Dr Hyun conclude that Woo jin had to do something with her 'suicide'?

Am I missing something???


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Because he saw them at the company together after the second interview and he recognized them. So he might do some checking which as a result he helped them.


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And it is not difficult for him to gain info about Woo Jin either.


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I really dislike this talk of how Ki-taek "deserves" someone better than Ji-na and how Ji-na so most definitely does not deserve him. I for one do not think no one deserves anyone because that's not how relationships work but even that set aside I still have a problem with this idea that Ki-taek is so, so much better than Ji-na in every respect.

Now, I do think that Ki-taek is better as a person - he is good whereas Ji-na isn't. However, that does not translate as being a good boyfriend. Ki-taek is very, very submissive and frankly, I would not want to date a man like him. It's pretty clear Ji-na has been able to boss him around as much as she wants, which of course tell a lot about her, but also a lot about Ki-taek. Ki-taek does not respect himself so it's not really wonder how Ji-na does not either.

I do not want this couple to end up together either but for different reasons than most people here, I assume. I do not think they fit together. I do believe Ki-taek will grow a spine by the end of the series but he will still most likely stay somewhat submissive, a person who will give up on his own wishes if his partner wants him to. He needs someone who is much softer than Ji-na, someone who doesn't mind being in control in a relationship. Because even though Ji-na seems bossy, I do not think she really wants to be the boss in her relationship. She would probably want someone to take care of her and she will respect a man who refuses to bend to her whims. Ki-taek is not that man.


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Also, I do not think Ji-na necessarily regrets breaking up with Ki-taek. I mean, she might, but she could also just be grieving. It's not like people who initiate the break up are always immediately okay with it and do not feel sad and depressed because of it. I think Ji-na cared deeply for Ki-taek and there are still some lingering feelings left and she's dealing with that.

But who knows. This is kdrama. Maybe she does regret and they'll end up together after all...


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Totally agree with you...I'm sure he is a nice guy but he is also very pathetic.I can't stand him in scenes with Ji Na.
And yes he is not the man for her but I get the vibes they will end up being together again in the end.


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About Dr.Seo: I don't see him as a party in a love triangle but rather as a guardian angel for Ho Won.


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My fave character has to be the mysterious Dr. Seo. Something quite attractive about a chaebol who has, understands and knows how to weild power effectively while still doing what he loves - medicine and writing and...

I think getting them employed was his way of pranking the punks but he is obviously disarmed by HW and her little crush on him.

I bet she'll pay the bill when she gets paid and he'll be hopelessly in love and the triangle begins.


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I enjoy watching this show. And I really like the bond that our three temporary workers have. I hope that they will succeed at the end of this show and all become permanent employees. I do have to agree with an earlier poster that the Dr's book seems to have been published awfully quickly after their suicide attempts.


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A little off topic, but am I the only one who thought that saleswoman looked like Queen Latifah?


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No!! MEE I DID TOO HAHAHA Or I thought she looked like SOMEONE just couldn't figure out who and now you've reminded me!!


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i remember seeing her in 'Cinderella and 4 knights' and in Signal


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This episode was really touching. The series seems to work better away from the office and awkward attempts at business, and focused more on character moments. and it was wonderful to see different sides of the characters. that whole scene at Woo jins hometown was just so moving, ho won laughing freely and woo jin cracking jokes and being awkward. and I cracked up at woo jins dads remark about how his son is annoying because he's always right. We all know people like that right? I still find hyun startingly pretty and wonderful, so although I am softening towards woo jin, I still want Ho won to get her chaebol doctor T__T Also I loved seeing Ho won beginning to mature, realising her own prejudices and the way her bitterness towards life is influencing her. That scene when she was crying at work. just ouch (having been that person crying at work, I really just wanted to hug her. its a terribly lonely thing.) Is next week when we find out the illnes is a hoax...or not? I really do wonder what direction the series will go with that. I don't think they can draw it out any longer.


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I rmb that her mum called her up only upon knowing that she has got a full-time job. Ugh....why are parents in kdramaland so bad !?


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The book!

I do think the doctor was surprised/intrigued/amused by their runaway, and especially by seeing that they bonded after. I think he got them the jobs just to help them.

The only way the book makes sense at this point is that he was SUPER DUPER inspired by their story and used it as the very beginning/basis of one he wrote up using his imagination and based on the little he knows of our trio. Because he doesn't know any of their backgrounds or why they did what they did. He only knows HW a little. I don't think he knows that she thinks she has a terminal illness. I don't think he knows they all assumed that he was talking about them. I saw someone guess on DF that he was talking about a book character with that comment (that doesn't exactly add up but who knows, there could be some big surprise with the illness thing).

I think perhaps bc of WJ's convo with Dr. S about meeting HW in the ER (a lotta abbreviations!) he saw the book, put two and two together with the three people becoming interns at the same co, and assumed she may have attempted suicide bc of him. He's a pretty self-involved guy so why not jump to such a conclusion?

Back to that book...what a guy Dr. Seo is to be a big boss of a company, open a new medical practice, and be able to write, publish, print, and release a bestselling novel all in a few weeks time!

Now that I'm typing this the logistics make no sense...manuscripts go through quite a process before being published, but who knows, maybe he got a super speedy editor and self-published it a snap. I'm trying to suspend my disbelief here bc that book situation just seemed so strange and I am loving this drama so much otherwise!


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This has got to be the most bittersweet episode I have watched so far and I love it.
I know many people are rooting for it not to go melodrama but I beg to differ! The melodrama roots is much more appealing to me. I don't know why.
Maybe I just feel like crying lately. They're balancing it well with the comedy though, so hoping that this would last till the end.

I am actually excited to see how Howon will live the last few months of her life. We saw how many times she fought through obstacles in the past episodes due to the mere fact that the Grim Reaper has her back. She has nothing to lose now when her life is slipping away and though it is cruel to say this, but it seems that death itself is the final push that she really needed.

Woojin's character has got to be one of the most reasonable characters I've watched. He isn't being unnecessarily mean though - I mean, let's be honest. If we had to manage work colleagues that incompetent, we'd be pretty pissed all the time too. He's giving his best to do well at work and I respect him for that. He's got a fair share of problems too - what with all the corruptions in this world and he's fighting it one by one for a fairer world.

The loveline has began. I agree that the growth of Howon's affection to Woojin didn't feel sudden at all. She just finally saw him as a man after the trip, not a jerk boss. He gave her job back, fussed over her health, brought her along to see flowers and to top it off, walked her home even when he seemed to be a scaredy cat himself.

I live for those heartbeat moments - that pause in her world when she was super conscious of his presence beside her and the loud thumping in her heart. So far, Woojin seemed to be just neutrally glancing at her. Howon's definitely got his curiosity and we'll see next week to what extent he is willing to go in order to figure her out.

I'm so happy that they finally find themselves more alike than different. Howon can finally see how close minded she was before this, constantly blaming her circumstances. Now she's presented with Woojin who is living proof that you can work your way up from the bottom. It shed a light on why he was being difficult during the interviews. He was putting similar expectations on the job seekers, regardless of their story. I hope this would mean Howon would stop saying life is unfair. I understand where she's coming from, but everyone's life isn't all rainbows and sunshine either, my dear Howon.

And the gift from Hojae was touching. His brother has got his heart at the right place. Ki Taek's chase for Jina has come to an end and I feel sad that it had to be this way, but I think it's for the best. I wish you the best, Ki Taek. I don't know who he will end up with, but as long as he continues taking care of Howon till the end, then I'm rooting for his happiness.

Well, can someone explain to me how much detail was in the book the Dr written? I truly thought it was...


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Detail of the book? I guess we won't know until next week maybe. What a wait.


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I’m really liking I am finally watching Go Ah Sung acting. She has been mainly in movies and her last drama, Heard Thru the Grapevine I just couldn’t finish it. The emotional scenes where she thinks of her family and pondering of her terminal illness was well acted, I could really feel the emotion. Even if she does not get too teary eyed, her emotion is conveyed well through her facial motion, which is what someone who usually bottle up their feelings would do. Lee Dong Hwi, is cleaning up nicely, great to see him in a more serious role, albeit with some humours, I think it was this episode or the previous one, the 3 of them sitting together, I’m pretty sure one of the lines were adlib.
I really do like somehow office theme dramas, but they always select those Design, Sales or Marketing teams, guess it is easier to portray such departments, as these people get to go outdoors and meet various different type of people in their line of work.


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Totally knew he was gonna write a book on them... >.>
Also if he has good intentions, great, prove me wrong show, I wouldn't mind, but as of right now I don't trust the doctor an inch. He raises my hackles for some reason and I'm highly suspicious -.-

That being said, I'm not a very trusting person so I could just be anti-2nd-lead for no good reason... oh well. Bring on next week.


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This episode took me by surprise. Not many writers are able to convince the audience on the falling in love process. Here, there is another difficulty, Woo Jin was very harsh to Ho Won even though he was right most of the time. It was near impossible to see them together unless kdrama waves its magic wand. And that's what I dislike.Thank goodness, it turned out good, in fact it was quite awesome!

For a start, this episode managed to make us see Woo Jin in a different light. Without this, I think it would be hard. This was probably what was needed for Premium Trash in Drinking Solo but didn't happened.

I don't think the loveline has started but Woo Jin is surely very interested in Ho Won now. For Ho Won, I love the scene in the cafeteria where she smiled to herself. This is exactly the sort of things one does at the start of falling in love, even if done unconsciously. You also become very sensitive and aware of the other person's proximity.

I still don't think Ho Won is seriously ill. The message of this show may be that we should live life to the fullest, love and appreciate people and things around us.


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Maybe Dr Seo was really talking about a character in his new book that time (as one of the poster has commented). He was talking about a character in his new book who is dying of terminal illness to his colleague at the ER and the trio misunderstood thought that he was talking about one of them.


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Oh my god, this is driving me crazy! Can someone please tell me the name of the actress that plays Mrs. Jo, the insurance lady? I recognize her from somewhere but I can't wrap my finger around it!


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I also can't find the actress's name but I've seen her in Cinderella and 4 Knights where she was the head maid? of the Haneul house. She was also in Signal, the ahjumma of the restaurant where Park Hae Young went to eat the omelette rice when he was younger. I hope that helps!


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God. The ending scene just made my heart hurt for reasons I don't understand.

It was such a powerful moment when Woo Jin asked her "Did you try to kill yourself because of me?" Because a part of me feels that he was harsh with her all this time because he saw himself in her. In their similar family situations and backgrounds.

When, during her first interview, he says that she has nothing but grades, I think he's saying it because he knows what kind of struggle she's facing/going to face.

But what makes them different is that Ho Won chose to blame life for screwing her over with her supposed disease, which honestly sometimes looks like a self-pity party. I can understand feeling like that the first few episodes or so but Ho Won has to understand that in a job, no one knows whatever genuine circumstances you had behind your mistake. They only know your mistake.

Woo Jin knows from experience that there is a way out of that hell that Ho Won is convinced she's stuck in. His personality is the reason why he keeps changing companies but he knows that there is a way to get into better positions, and it probably frustrates him to see Ho Won not take that chance and display self improvement.

This episode gave Ho Won the dose of reality she needed, that not even the highest ranking people have equally prosperous backgrounds. I hope she stays true to her promise to work hard and shows everyone just how badass she can be.


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I liked this version of toned down, more relatable Woo Jin. Cried with Ha Won in that package scene. ???


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Ha Suk Jin grows on you. The longer one looks at him, the faster his charm works. And when he smiles, along with that piercing gaze... Ha! I'm done for.


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