Introverted Boss: Episode 13

Hearts are shattered, bonds are broken, and tears are shed when the truth finally comes to light, but three years is a long time for someone to carry a dark secret at the expense of so many people. The burden must be lifted at some point, and sometimes, bygones aren’t merely bygones. The damage has already been done, but at least the road to recovery can finally begin.

Episode 13: “Confession / Go Back”

Flashback to Ji-hye and Yi-soo’s tense encounter from three years back. Yi-soo had overheard everything, but because she couldn’t hate Woo-il, she chose to loathe and blame Ji-hye instead. She suddenly slashed her wrist right in front of a terrified Ji-hye and told her that if she truly was sorry, she should disappear.

Back in the present, Yi-soo’s reminded of that moment as she gazes at the necklace around Ro-woon’s neck. Hwan-ki apologizes to Ro-woon for leaving early and drives off with Yi-soo. Ro-woon spots Woo-il at the art exhibit and brings up wanting to do something special for him and Yi-soo at their wedding, but he walks past her, looking dazed.

Luckily, Yeon-jung’s there to provide Ro-woon some company and show her around. She even jokes that Hwan-ki came just to see her and that the paintings should calm Ro-woon down every time Hwan-ki ditches her.

In the car, Yi-soo learns that Ro-woon is Ji-hye’s younger sister. Shaken by the truth, she tells Hwan-ki to pull over so she can get out. Yi-soo tells Hwan-ki that Ro-woon stirred Woo-il’s feelings and that she kept this knowledge to herself for fear of losing Woo-il in a repeat of what happened three years ago.

She wonders if Ro-woon’s plan was to steal Woo-il from her, but Hwan-ki assures her that’s not the case, and that her heart wavered for Woo-il only briefly. Yi-soo can’t believe Hwan-ki knew all this time and still fell for Ro-woon: “You two can never be together.” She knows he wants to reveal everything to Ro-woon, but reminds him that as soon as the truth’s out, he won’t be able to stay with her — thus, he should give up.

Meanwhile, Ro-woon waits for Hwan-ki at his home. She vows not to contact him first, but she can’t help compulsively checking her phone every few seconds. Hwan-ki’s at Yi-soo’s place to watch over her until their mother arrives, when he suddenly receives Ro-woon’s texts; clearly, she couldn’t wait.

When Hwan-ki returns to his place, he finds Ro-woon fast asleep on the couch with one hand over her phone. He covers her with a blanket, and Yi-soo’s remark about how they can never be together weighs heavily on his mind.

The next morning, Kyo-ri frets about the project she’s working on with Se-jong, which involves satisfying the demands of both artist and client. Ro-woon encourages her to vent over coffee and offers her a choice between a latte and americano, and Kyo-ri struggles to choose; she says she’s in this exact situation with her project — stuck in the middle.

During the meeting with the artist, Kyo-ri had a panicked look on her face while Se-jong bluntly described the artwork as “convoluted” and lacking mass appeal in front of the artist herself.

Then Se-jong and Kyo-ri presented their client with the artist’s work, but the client was dissatisfied; he wanted something “prettier,” but when Se-jong asked him to be more specific, the client felt insulted.

Back in the present, Kyo-ri tells Ro-woon that she understands both sides, but is unable to side with one. Ro-woon replies that she should then take both coffee drinks, and Kyo-ri happily takes sips from both. The rest of the Silent Monster crew joins them, and Se-jong sheepishly admits that both sides hate him now for speaking too freely, which is why Kyo-ri has to attend subsequent meetings by herself.

Yoo-hee offers to help mediate, but then Hwan-ki enters and instructs Kyo-ri to see through the project on her own until the end since it’ll be a good experience for her. Kyo-ri dreads this, but she has no choice but to comply.

Kyo-ri meets with the difficult client who’s still unhappy with the art. As they walk out together, he mentions that it was easier to communicate with her than Se-jong. Suddenly, it starts to rain, and Kyo-ri offers to buy an umbrella for him. But Hwan-ki appears and covers them both with his — he knew Kyo-ri was working late.

Kyo-ri’s about to introduce him as her boss, but Hwan-ki interrupts and says he’s the chauffeur for today. He leads the way to the car, and the client is about to step inside when Hwan-ki stops him and says the car’s for Kyo-ri. The client tries not to appear too offended when he’s handed an umbrella from Hwan-ki.

Inside the car, Kyo-ri wonders if someone as insignificant as her deserves to be chauffeured, but Hwan-ki reminds her that she’s a representative of Silent Monster who took on the role of CEO for this project, so she deserves it. She asks him to pull over so she can sit up front with him so it’s less awkward, but Hwan-ki answers that that would make him feel uncomfortable, heh.

She laments her oversensitivity since it made her perceive Hwan-ki as a difficult person, when really he’s quite adorable. Hwan-ki replies that Kyo-ri feels more than others, which is why she’s often nervous and sad, but notes that her keen empathy is a huge strength and rare trait.

Hwan-ki’s comment moves her to tears, and she answers that Hwan-ki actually empathizes best. Kyo-ri promises to be quicker at calling him by his first name, and the two smile throughout the car ride.

The next day, Kyo-ri meets with the artist who prioritizes the arts over commerciality. She acknowledges the artist’s vision first before calmly offering a suggestion. Then she meets with the dissatisfied client. She understands his sales concern, but calmly reminds him that customers these days like unique designs that are also pretty, and he can’t refute that.

Kyo-ri returns to the office feeling quite proud of herself for managing to satisfy both sides. Ro-woon and Se-jong congratulate her, and Kyo-ri modestly answers that she merely listened, and it was thanks to Hwan-ki that she succeeded. Later, Ro-woon catches Hwan-ki heading out to meet with Yeon-jung and says she hates feeling like she has a cheating boyfriend, but he heads out anyway since Ro-woon refuses to listen to him and return to her home.

Hwan-ki waits for Yeon-jung at the bar, and when she arrives, she snaps a couple selfies with him to cheekily send to Ro-woon. Yeon-jung laments that the stars never align for them, but Hwan-ki thanks her for her friendship, without which he would never have been able to open up. She tells him not to draw the line with her just yet and encourages him to be there for Ro-woon while he still can. Yeon-jung, you are too cool.

Ro-woon waits for Hwan-ki at his place and fiddles around with a guitar. She receives Yeon-jung’s selfies with Hwan-ki and grumbles, unsure if Yeon-jung is her friend or foe, heh. Hwan-ki arrives and watches her sing until she realizes his presence and pouts — he’s not the dating novice that she thought he’d be.

Hwan-ki joins her on the couch and takes the guitar from her. You’d think from his nonchalance, he’d be some kind of Eric Clapton, but then he starts strumming rudimentarily and singing a nursery song about piglets. Ro-woon bursts out laughing and takes it back from him.

She sings beautifully for him in earnest. Then, Woo-il enters, appearing vexed that she’s singing to Hwan-ki and ending on the lyric: “More than anyone else in the world, I’ll love you.” She notices Woo-il standing there at the end of the song and admits he wasn’t supposed to have seen that, since she was going to sing the song at his wedding.

Hwan-ki follows Woo-il to his office, and Woo-il asks if he would’ve disowned him had he chosen Ji-hye over Yi-soo, adding that part of the reason why he couldn’t choose her was because of Hwan-ki. “Are you choosing Ro-woon over me?” he asks. Hwan-ki emphasizes that Woo-il doesn’t have to take responsibility for everything on his own, and that he’ll join him so long as Woo-il comes clean.

Woo-il is crushed to learn from Hwan-ki that Yi-soo knows everything that happened three years ago. Hwan-ki tells him Yi-soo has a secret of her own, but that he should open the door himself and ask her directly, since Hwan-ki’s covered everything up for him thus far. He also apologizes for making Woo-il stay with Yi-soo — he mistakenly thought he could protect them if they remained together.

Woo-il figures that whatever Yi-soo’s hiding isn’t as disgusting as his secret, given how she managed to smile at him despite knowing what he did. Hwan-ki urges him to tell the truth since he’s suffered enough already. Alone in his office, Woo-il sadly gazes at Ji-hye’s drawing.

Hwan-ki finds Ro-woon at his desk sharpening pencils with his boxcutter, except she’s not very good and the pencils are in a sorry state. He gives her instructions, but she still can’t get it, so he moves behind her and guides her hands with his. The close proximity makes Ro-woon grin, but she says there’s only one way to calm themselves while maintaining their distance.

Cut to a game of Go-Stop. Ro-woon wins, to Hwan-ki’s disappointment, and she asks him to fulfill her wish. He lists three things she can’t do to him: (1) remove his clothes, (2) touch him, or (3) ask him for anything that goes against common sense. She leans in and asks him to do for her what he always does in secret every morning, and he’s surprised she’s seen it all. Eh?

Hwan-ki reluctantly turns on the music, slips on his hood, and starts dancing. Ro-woon urges him to put some more oomph in it, and eventually, he loosens up and dances like he means it, heh. Ro-woon joins him, and an adorable dance party of two ensues, and it’s cheesy moves galore!

Meanwhile, Yi-soo gets her hair and makeup done at the salon since it’s her wedding day. She’s surprised Woo-il came to the salon and steps out in her white dress, all done up. He looks weary for a man who’s about to get married before surprising Yi-soo when he asks if she’d like to go somewhere with him.

Inside the car, Woo-il asks if there’s anywhere she’d like to go or anything she’d like to own. Yi-soo answers that she has something in mind, but that it’s too expensive and nonrefundable, so she dare not ask. But Woo-il says to spill, and Yi-soo answers that she’d like Woo-il’s time: She wants him stay with her until the wedding and not leave.

She says she wants to go to the amusement park, but he ends up taking her to their old neighborhood playground since her ribs are still on the mend. Woo-il removes his scarf and wraps it around Yi-soo, informing her that this is her free pass — if she loses it, she can’t go on any “rides.”

The first ride at “Woo-il World” is the swing set, and Woo-il happily pushes Yi-soo as if she’s on the swinging viking ship ride. They move on to the rollercoaster (aka the slide), and Woo-il piggybacks Yi-soo so she can swing through the monkey bar hoops. The two look positively happy for once, laughing and chatting with ease.

Yi-soo’s reminded of the past, and we flash back to when the two were kids. At the same playground, scared little Yi-soo cried at the top of a tall metal structure, and Woo-il climbed up and handed her cotton candy. Back in the present, the two sit atop the same structure and share the sweet treat.

Yi-soo leans on Woo-il and says she misses the past. Woo-il wishes he could return to the past as well. “That’s why I should stop before it gets too far,” he says. Yi-soo proposes they get going since it’s almost time for their wedding, but Woo-il takes her arm and calmly tells her she can stop acting like she’s okay all the time, and she can stop sticking by a coward like him.

He wonders why she stayed with him despite knowing everything he did. He says he made an irreversible mistake to both her and Ji-hye. Yi-soo tries to convince him that bygones should be bygones, but Woo-il replies that that was his excuse for the past three years, and now he wants to stop living like that.

He tells her to head home — he’ll talk to her parents. Yi-soo cries that she needs him, but he takes her hand one last time before letting go and walking away for good.

Back at the penthouse, Hwan-ki’s suited up, and Ro-woon has also dressed up for the wedding tonight to sing for the couple. But Hwan-ki sees that she’s wearing Woo-il’s necklace and orders her not to attend, since it’s a family gathering. He leaves without her, and Ro-woon pouts since she even prepared a present.

She brings it to Woo-il’s office and places it on his desk. Then something catches her eye, and she picks up the drawing of a building Ji-hye had worked on three years ago for a certain coworker; Ro-woon had teased her for harboring a crush. Ro-woon wonders if Woo-il was that person in question and walks out with the drawing, her mind reeling.

Yi-soo’s parents are waiting at the venue, and the mother complains about the small wedding dinner in lieu of a big ceremony. Woo-il arrives solo and grimly discloses that Yi-soo won’t be coming because he can’t marry her, adding that he had fooled both of them with shameful lies. He says the secretary from three years ago died because of him, but that Hwan-ki took the fall on his behalf.

Yi-soo’s parents are stunned to hear this along with the fact that Woo-il had feelings for Ji-hye, though he ended up betraying both her and Yi-soo. Yi-soo’s dad is livid and raises a champagne bottle above Woo-il’s head, raring to strike. Woo-il kneels, willing to accept the blow as he says that he’ll relinquish everything he’s been given and leave the company. Yi-soo’s dad manages to drop the bottle, and Woo-il thanks them for being his family, even though he failed to fit in despite his efforts.

As he walks out, he finds Ro-woon standing there speechless, having overheard everything. She holds up Ji-hye’s drawing and informs him that she’s Ji-hye’s sister. He answers that he already knew and was about to tell Ro-woon the truth, but gets cut off when Ro-woon demands answers: “Did you love my sister? What on earth did you do to her?”

Ro-woon starts to cry and remembers Woo-il’s strange behavior in the past when she had pointed out that Yi-soo had the same necklace. She grips the pendant and realizes that all this time she thought the necklace was from Ji-hye when it really came from him — he had given it to Ji-hye. She’s overcome with guilt, and Woo-il can only apologize.

She asks him if he abandoned Ji-hye so cruelly that she killed herself, and Woo-il admits that Ji-hye was his truth, but that she misunderstood that he dumped her. Hwan-ki arrives just then, and Ro-woon asks him if she and her family suffered all because Hwan-ki wanted to protect his. Woo-il jumps in and says he begged Hwan-ki to cover for him. He then informs Hwan-ki that he had revealed everything to his parents and told Yi-soo the truth first.

Hwan-ki’s alarmed that Woo-il went ahead and divulged everything by himself even though Hwan-ki said he’d do it with him. Woo-il explains that Hwan-ki had shouldered too much on his own and that it was his turn now. Hwan-ki panics when Woo-il says he dropped Yi-soo off at home, knowing how unstable she is.

Ro-woon pleads with her eyes for him to stay, but he apologizes and runs off to find Yi-soo, even though it clearly pains him. He finds Yi-soo’s bedroom empty and tries calling her repeatedly, but to no avail.

Then we see Woo-il at Ro-woon’s father’s barbershop, kneeling on the floor. Her father grabs him by the collar and collapses into tears, devastated and in shock. Ro-woon watches this through the window and yanks off her necklace once she’s outside. Then she answers a call from Yeon-jung.

Cut to: Ro-woon awkwardly standing around at the spa. Yeon-jung cheerfully drapes her arm around her and guides her to a table. Ro-woon admits that she’s not in the mood for this, but Yeon-jung answers that Hwan-ki told her everything and asked her to look after Ro-woon tonight. She jokes that the ex/first love is looking after his current girlfriend and recommends Ro-woon sweat the sorrow away.

They relocate to another room, and Ro-woon expresses how stupid she was for crushing on Woo-il and cherishing the necklace he gave to Ji-hye. Yeon-jung assures her that if Ji-hye’s watching now, she’d be thankful and proud of Ro-woon — without her, the truth would’ve remained buried.

Ro-woon replies that Hwan-ki was the one who revealed the truth and persuaded Woo-il to speak up. She says she does feel resentment toward Hwan-ki, but suspects there’s another reason for Ji-hye’s death: “No matter how many doors I open, there might be more doors.”

Yeon-jung notes that Hwan-ki is like that. “Loving someone like him is not easy.” Ro-woon says it’s about time she convinced her to give Hwan-ki up, and Yeon-jung agrees, pointing out that he’s too difficult for a baby like her, heh. When Yeon-jung falls asleep, Ro-woon quietly thanks her and leaves.

Cut to Ro-woon standing on the rooftop of the Brain building. She’s about to chuck her necklace when she hears Yi-soo calmly ask, “If you’re going to throw it, can I have it?” Creepy. Meanwhile, Hwan-ki arrives downstairs, and the guard confirms that Yi-soo’s on the roof.

Yi-soo admits that she’s the original owner of that necklace, but Ro-woon’s expression indicates that she already knew. “Are you happy now?” Yi-soo asks. She says that ultimately, Ji-hye took Woo-il away from her even after she died.

Ro-woon recognizes that Yi-soo is a victim too, and receives the shock of her life when Yi-soo tells her not to blame Woo-il, since she was the one who killed Ji-hye. “Ji-hye didn’t commit suicide?” Ro-woon asks. She jumps when Yi-soo suddenly steps toward her and warns her to back off.

But Yi-soo calmly states that Ro-woon shouldn’t be afraid since she just wants her necklace back; plus, there’s only one person she wants to hurt. Yi-soo snatches the necklace from Ro-woon and steps onto the ledge, ready to jump. Ro-woon immediately grabs her to pull her back to safety, but Yi-soo resists and screams at her to let go.


Uh, where to begin. This episode was a bad goulash, just a hot mess. It literally had everything and the kitchen sink. I know I was supposed to feel dread at the end with the rooftop struggle, but Yi-soo is so makjang-level crazy that the severity of the moment just vanished. Where’s the suspense? The mystery? Ro-woon finally knows now, but how anticlimactic was her reaction to Woo-il and how that supposedly big moment played out? It sorely lacked impact. Also, Woo-il could’ve been apologizing for spilling juice on the carpet instead of a three-year-old coverup with how collected and minimally remorseful he looked. In contrast, Hwan-ki broke down sobbing when he apologized to Ro-woon in previous episodes even though he had nothing to do with Ji-hye’s death!

I wanted to hold out hope and believe that maybe there’s something more to Ji-hye’s death, but we’re near the end, and I’m just not sure if a satisfying and somewhat reasonable twist can be squeezed in this late in the game. Also, what are the next three episodes going to be about now that Ro-woon’s mostly in the know now? Is she right in thinking there’s another, bigger reason for Ji-hye’s death that no one is privy to? I’m still not convinced that Ji-hye jumped to her death all because of a guy — too rash for a seemingly reasonable person — but based on Ro-woon’s tearful conversation with Woo-il, heartbreak-driven suicide seemed within the realm of reason to her, which was so odd and infuriating. I, on the other hand, just don’t buy it, and it’s one of many glaring flaws that’s preventing me from fully enjoying the show.

I also don’t believe for a second that Ji-hye had romantic feelings for Woo-il. If anything, I thought she had a tiny crush on Hwan-ki. And as far as I know, that drawing was for Hwan-ki, but Woo-il basically pressured her into giving it to him instead. I know some people believed the drawing was intended for Woo-il, but it’s kind of a major problem if there’s so much confusion surrounding an important plot point. We know Woo-il had feelings for Ji-hye, but did she feel that way about him? I admire the show for tackling a rewrite, but they really could have have cleared this up too, in addition to toning down the main leads; the reason for Ji-hye’s suicide is important only because the show made such a big deal out of it from the outset, so it’s worrisome that this is the weakest and least interesting conflict. Also, are autopsies and science not a viable option anymore? And has Reporter Woo gone fishing?

I’ll end with some moments that I liked, which were all light and/or heartwarming, which the show does well. Kyo-ri finally discovering her self-worth thanks to Hwan-ki’s belief in her was a lovely moment. Anytime Hwan-ki dances or sings a song about piglets, I smile, and all the Yeon-jung scenes make me marvel at how cool and forthright she is. (Can she get her own show, please?) Also, I loved that she became Ro-woon’s makeshift sister/mentor. It was also nice to see Woo-il and Yi-soo have fun with each other for once, even though it was clear they had more of a brother-sister relationship instead of a romantic one.

Not sure what the next episodes will look like, but I wouldn’t be opposed to more dancing Hwan-ki, cool cucumber Yeon-jung, Silent Monster shenanigans, and kisses, because an un-mysterious mystery isn’t all that compelling.


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i don't follow the drama, but i've seen the girl picture and i need to say


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It's weird with Park Hye-soo - sometimes she's absolutely breathtaking and I can't take my eyes off her, but at other times she looks like a plain, baby-faced highschooler. Might have something to do with angles...or hairstyle?

(I'm totally digging her wardrobe in this show though - her ankle boot/miniskirt combos are just too cute! x)


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I have been following this series since episode 5. No idea what it was before. What i like most about this series is Hwangi and his relationship with his team. I find his growth outside of shell such a satisfying watch. I also like his relationship towards the women in his life. Although no evidence on how he is with his mother. I find him to be such a likeable person.
Now the shenanigans with Wooil Yisoo and Jihye couldve been better. I feel that there should be more on what happened with Jihye. I dont know if it was the acting or how the scene was played out but I agree that for someone who supposedly fell for Jihye..Wooil lacks remorse. It comes across as him not feeling deeply enough for her. That makes what happened to Jihye extremely tragic loss. All that to sacrifice for that imbecile.
Hopefully the writer will deliver in the next episodes. Otherwise I will just enjoy the lighthearted moments with the Silent Monster team.


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Actually I was quite disappointed with both this week's episode. Too hot mess. I wish the revelation of the not-so-called mystery will be done better. Everything went quite fast.

Anyway what made me stay mostly because of Silent Monster, the cuteness between Hwan Ki-Ro Woon and super cool ex gf. I think if the focus of this drama on Hwan Ki's issues only (his relationship with his staffs, parents, gf and strangers) will be better than putting the mystery of Ji Hye because the writer cannot write it any better.

Aside from that I read some conflicting idea about how Ji Hye committed suicide, - was she committed suicide by jumping from the roof or from Hwan Ki's window? This drama better dont add some makjang-ish later.


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i also wish there was more to ji-hye's death so here is my imagined alternate universe scenario:
reporter woo was actually in love with ji-hye & she turned to him when hwan-ki wasn't answering her calls. when he found out what happened with woo-il, he actually killed her in a fit of rage & staged it as a suicide. when hwan-ki took the blame, he later convinced himself that it was all the eun family's fault & (still angry with woo-il for "stealing" ji-hye) dedicated his career to slandering their family name with his articles. he has manipulated ro-woon ever since.

he's like so unreasonably angry with the eun family & ro-woon for liking hwan-ki that i can't understand why. maybe that will be explained next week >__<


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This actually made sense too! I also thought that Reporter knew Ji Hye and he likes her too.

Maybe he has some grudge with Hwan Ki's family, especially his parents, then Ji Hye worked as Hwan Ki's secretary ans she likes Hwan Ki. He probably was fighting with Ji Hye then he accidentally pushed Ji Hye. He then made the whole suicide scenario.

I actually have so many theories. lol. ? I also suspected Ji Hye suffered some mental disorder or something like that. Actually in her situation, normal ppl wont decide to commit suicide. Unless she has some mental problem. But I dont know anymore. Hopefully this drama will able to wrap things nicely and OTP can be happy. Hwan Ki deserves some happiness with a girl he loves after carried everyone's burden on his own.


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I'm thinking that reporter dude knows that Ji Hye (speculation on my part) actually had a thing for Hwang Gi. Maybe all the other stuff too (reporter killed her in a fit of fury). I still don't get how we get to suicide - Ji Hye could have easily just quit.


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Maybe the last SMS she sent to Hwan Ki, was actually from that Reporter.

That Reporter was kind of fishy from the beginning and I think this drama will not just insert his character without any specific purpose.


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Well I could have understand a cat fight a bit too close to the open window at the very least but here I just don't understand why since Ji Hye didn't seem to love Woo Il that much. She looked more into Hwang Gi if I may say so and there was no sign that she may be such a fragile and weak person able to consider suicide, I mean she was depicted as a shy person but not as a mentally fragile one. I cannot understand why. Is it because our crush, Hwang Gi, knew about her and Woo Il? But even so she knew that he liked someone else back then... So confusing, maybe it's better to move on...


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Seeing as the writer seems to like a kind of history repeating thing with Ji Hye & Ro Woon, could it be that Yi Soo threatened to jump off the building in front of Ji Hye, had a fight with Ji Hye as she tried to stop her and 'accidentally' pushed Ji Hye off the building in the process? Therefore Ji Hye would have actually died saving Yi Soo. Just a thought...


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i DEFINITELY agree that in her situation, most people wouldn't suddenly jump to suicide. especially because out of every character in this drama... ji hye seemed the most sane!!!
she was patient with hwan-ki & it seemed like she was the glue that held her family together... it truly makes no sense that she made that decision just because yi soo cut herself & told her to disappear...

maybe ro-woon's comment about there being "many doors to open" is foreshadowing that it's not the end of it. but i also hope the drama wraps up nicely~


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I can at least understand from her point of view to commit suicide (definitely not condone with her idea to commit suicide) if she was madly in love with Woo il, and listen to what he said during the conversation with Hwan Ki broke her heart. But that was not the case.

Now I am wishing she is not committed the suicide because of what Woo il and Yi Soo said, because for normal person it was not enough reason. She can just simply resign, cut ties and go to different place. The reason she was traumatized with Yi Soo's action also bot valid for me.
Maybe some plot twist ; she was murdered or something else which led her to commit suicide. I hope it will be revealed at epi 15.


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"Ji Hye seemed the most sane!!"

I always say that its the normal, seemingly sane ones you have to watch out for. Didn't Ro Woon say that her family was full of introverts? Then its highly plausible that Ji Hye was not much of a sharer about her problems. Maybe she's been silently battling all kinds of demons that her family was not privy to and the issue with Woo Il and the confrontation with Yi Soo was just what finally pushed her over the edge( pun not intended).


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@paramount your scenario is hilariously Makjang but very fitting and would make total sense!

Maybe reporter Won, not only loved Ji Hye but had a history with Hwan Ki's family. Perhaps he was an orphan that got jilted at Woo Il's orphanage. Or maybe he's parents worked with Hwan Ki's father, a chairman and got unfairly screwd by Horrible Dad( not much of a stretch because, Hello Horrible Dad).

And he's out to seek revenge from the Hwan Ki's.

Tho, I was previously in the Mental Health camp.


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hahah too makjang for this drama i think :P
but yeah! hopefully we'll get a LITTLE more information next week. i like the theories you added too!


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Please tell me you were part of the rewrite team, @Paramount? I'm so tired of the whole suicide plot that this actually sounds like a more satisfying alternative to tie it all up! (plus the reporter would finally serve as more than a very one-dimensional plot device)


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I wished when the team decided to re-write, they will ask for viewers to send some idea / synopsis of the entire drama, and the team choose which one is the best and leave it to writer to write the script. lol. But maybe it is not practical.

If I were the writer I will not drag the mystery behind Ji Hye's death too long. Maybe they thought it will be great plot to engage the viewers. Unfortunately no. The writing is weak. If they just focus more on the work stuffs, how Hwan Ki build her relationship with the staffs, with the main girl, his relationship with family etc. I will be happy if this show focus on development of characters more. The fault of the parents are enough as reason for Hwan Ki and Yi Soo become like that.


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hahahah if i were on the rewrite team things would have already gone much differently :P
& i totally agree that the reporter has only been a one-dimensional plot device!! that's why in my imagined scenario, he can be the only one at fault. because it also takes strain off our main couple. if hwan-ki/woo-il/yi-soo are directly responsible for ji hye's death, that will honestly always hang over hwan-ki & ro-woon. but if it's the reporter, then he is an uninvolved party who can be cut off.


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It's weird cause I've watched it from the beginning but I binged watched it which always gives it a different experience in comparison to watching it as it's being released. I've caught up since episode 12 and I've enjoyed it since.

Yes, the mystery of her death was drawn out for way too long especially as we still don't know the specifics surrounding it (did she actually sleep with Woo-Il? Did she voluntarily jump out of the window?) so I've lost interest in it completely. Look, she passed away, it's 3 years of covering it up, insert angst into relationships here.

And because I've accepted that, the show has become much easier and enjoyable. I prefer watching scenes about the other team members or the fluff between Ro Woon and Hwan Ki or anything with Yun Jung in it. I love that character so much, a part of me just wants to tell Ro Woon, here's another sister you can adopt, now go play. But clearly I'm here for characters instead of plot.


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Same the most reason I am staying because of characters but cannot help to think on the mystery plot of Ji Hye's death. lol. We all have involuntarily become detective for kdrama. ?


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I like your approach. Don't think too hard and just enjoy the cute, the fluff, disarmingly sexy Hwan Ki, the bond formed by the team and fangirl over the ultra cool Yeon Jung.


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I'm with you all!


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Not that 2017 not a good year, it is a good year already for me. It is just now many legal, thriller and workplace drama that probably didnt catch your attention. We are still in the first part of the year, many more to come.

Some spoiler for epi 14, there were some cute moments as well (not only HW-RW but also the staffs of the co) , in the middle until before the last 2 minutes of the drama.

I just hope in epi 16, they will give us cute moments between OTP, cool ex gf, RW and her father, and Silent Monster. The mystery of Ji Hye's death is like the main plot of the drama that started from beginning until ending of drama. They dragging it, we thought it will end in epi 14 but no, it will continue until next week. sigh.


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Frankly, it's clear that the lead actress isn't ready for a main role. Have seen Park Hye Soo in Age of Youth and thought she's okay in it, the role fits her better - a college going kid that's confused, etc. Her headlining a drama was a wrong casting decision made by the director. She isn't ready for it, and it clearly shows throughout this entire series. The only reason why I kept watching is because of Yeon woo Jin, who managed to convey all the emotions even with just mere eye moment. The drama suffered from bad scriptwriting, but having a lead actress who can't pull it off just made worse. Now imagine if Park Bo Young took the lead role, the drama could've done much better despite the writer's lack of focus.


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But she kinda growing in me as Ro Woon. I was quite sceptical with her in earlier episode, but she was not the only or main reason why this drama is low rated. We have seen bunch of weaker actors led the drama but got good ratings. The problem with this drama from the start mostly because of the writing. Yes, PHS is still a green and not a lead material yet especially for some strong character like this, but she was great in Age of Youth (definitely not just an OK performance for me).


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I agree PHS is green and casting her as a lead was premature. That said, big props to her for rising to the challenge over the past few weeks - I've seen tangible improvement in her acting and her character has really grown on me. The toned down rewrite has also helped the subtleties of her acting shine through (which was impossible when her character was batshit cray!)

We've all got to start somewhere, right? :)


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IMO, writer of Oh Hae Young probably will write this drama better. OHY had flaws but the characters are relatable.


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I wish the writer wrote her better in those scenes, when she learnt the truth. I was hoping to see some more devastated scenes from her. She already stopped blaming Hwan Ki, but the truth she just learnt was something she totally unexpected - never did she expected Woo il had some relationship with her sister and she also just knew about Yi Soo as the last person her sister met.

I have so much rant for epi 14 but I rather wait for recap first. I really wanted to ignore those ridiculous mystery but.... sigh


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Lovers of this underrrated drama (there are many, judging from favourable comments from a number of drama posting sites) are positive that RW sang "I Choose To Love You" to HK to assure him indirectly that she'll love him despite his guilt feelings.
Just watch carefully at the TENSION between them while she was singing. PHS & YWJ can emote so well.
When WI turned up at the end of the song, she told him that the song was for his wedding as an excuse!


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Yessss. Just look at their eyes when she sang this song. ?? She also has a very lovely voice.


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sighhh. If Woo Il was not there, maybe we can expect some kissing scene?


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Aww, boo!

Woo Il, forever being a 'Ju Guy'. Come on, give us the kiss scenes!!


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I'm just loving the unconventional confessions on this show - the not-really-a-confession 'spinach in teeth' confession (hah!), Hwan-ki's presentation where he ended up pouring his heart out (awww!), and now Ro-woon's feelings conveyed so beautifully through a song (the feels!).

(Oh, and how can I forget Hwan-ki's first love dance confession?! ?)


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I remember that song from Bubblegum and was thrilled to hear Ro Soon sing it in such a heartfelt way.


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Supposedly there was a kissing scene after they danced but was cut. Enjoy the bts...


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I sure hope what everyone is saying the case, there had to be more than suicide to Ji Hye's death. She was so cheerful and so mature, to me, it doesn't make sense that she'd commit suicide for something like that.


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Agreed! I had to turn off my brain to move on from that point.


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After the rewrite my concern that was they were going to make Yi-soo the murderer instead of Woo-il. It's bad enough that they tried to make Woo-il a-not-so-bad bad buy, but this is There was NOTHING in those first episodes to suggest that Ji-hye liked Woo-il let alone was in a relationship with him. All signs pointed to some sort of sexual assault. And now, Woo-il's only crime was caring too much about Hwanki to choose the girl he l... I can't. Just No. Abso-fu****lutely NOT.


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The answer to the mystery surrounding JH's death is so anti climatic.


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I find her really cute and she has such a lovely voice. I prefer to think of her as an adorable fluff bunny than an aggressive, take-charge woman.

I kind of find the about-to-sneeze expression cute on her lol!


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I will be grateful if I can be as cute as her when I am about to sneeze,though. lol

She is still cute like a baby for me. Physically she is like a high school girl and so baby face while in fact she is 22 y. o. Even Kim Yoo Jung Or Kim So Hyun looks older than her while in fact these two are younger. I will wait another around 5 years to see her as a grown up woman. When I watched her in Saimdang as little Lee Young Ae, she really looks like a child ?


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This show, I swear. It was not good, then it got better, and now it's like they're writing it drunk and slapping it together hungover the next day. I'm about thisclose to dropping it altogether, but first y'all have to put up with my rant about one particular character.

So, Yi-soo.

When I was in high school, I dated a guy whose mother used to do this kind of shit. (For ex: When he changed his college major from what she wanted to his own preference, she threatened to commit suicide.) She did it not because she was suicidal, but because it was how she kept the entire family under her thumb.

Anytime anyone in that family deviated from her control, she'd have an 'episode' and hurt herself. It was disgusting, and none of his family members had the guts to tell her no.

That's Yi-soo. Every gesture is calculated for maximum control. Every time she doesn't get her way, she makes threats of self-harm until people fall back in line. Other people aren't people, they're actors in her self-involved play.

Notice - she doesn't pull it with her father, who wouldn't stand for manipulation. She does it with the family members who are most vulnerable and whose sense of responsibility are the heaviest.

Every time that character is on-screen, I want to punch her right in that manipulative face.

I do have to admit that this team is good at constructing characters who are clear products of their screwy upbringing.


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It’s like you can’t escape from their grip.

Your choices were narrower then - because of them. But now, because of your courage and your decision - no matter how extreme - you have the space and the freedom to make real choices. Don't forget that.


Yeah. At the moment, I'm leaning towards 'no'.


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I have been one of the loyal viewers - the only current show that I occasionally watch even before the subs are out.
As many of us agree, it has a whole bunch of writing issues. But, I do love the many female characters - with their own personalities (and not as props) - that the writer has brought into the story. There are so many different kinds of women - from Woo-Il's snooty colleague to the bunch in the Silent Monster team and Yeon Jung etc. etc.


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Ahh, this week's episodes were pretty awful - like WTF level awful!! Such a pity, coz I actually enjoyed the writing from ep6-12. Aside from the casting choice for the lead actress, I think it would be fair to say that the writers botched this one up. I just hope that for their next show, the writers focus on what they're good at - the humour.

Also, can someone please chuck Yi-soo into the loony bin and put a lid on it!?


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No improvement on this drama.Bad casting especially on the female lead.No proper development ont the storyline.There's no chemistry between the lead couple.The ex-gf suits hwanki more.


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and because the suicide and yisoo are the only 2 makjang elements, they make no sense.

i don't believe wooil forced jihye when he does everything limp as a dishrag. jihye goes back and forth between sensible and doormat so i can't follow anything she's said or done.

soooo my theory is yisoo carries a blood borne makjang pathogen. when she slashed her wrist in front of jihye, it infected her and having no natural immunity, jihye jumped.

i know it's more science fiction-y than deus ex machina cuz i'm biased. ok now that that's done, on with cute couple stuff.


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HI, I just uploaded ro woon when she playing guitar, enjoy


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Well.. do you guys know the song Chae Ro Woon plays with her guitar before Eun Hwan Ki came? I really like the song. Thanks


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