Tomorrow With You: Episode 7

Every worry that So-joon has about the future will come into question this hour when the crossed wires in his marriage keep him grounded in the present. Keeping him focused on today won’t be easy when he’s used to anticipating what might happen tomorrow. But even time travelers like So-joon sometimes need to live day by day if they want to create the invaluable memories that will last a lifetime.


When So-joon tells time traveler Doo-shik how he thinks he’s headed towards a more complicated future, he’s told to focus on the present instead of the future. Mystery Doo-shik notices Ma-rin behind the gate and hides his face. She hides before So-joon can see her, and the time traveler runs away.

So-joon gives chase and flags him down, demanding to know why Doo-shik is avoiding him. Does So-joon not realize that this isn’t present-day Doo-shik? When asked if he’s seen something in the future, Mystery Doo-shik returns, “Do you think that knowing the future is a blessing?”

“It’d be horrific if I didn’t know that it was,” So-joon replies. But Mystery Doo-shik says they shouldn’t risk the present just to save the future, and he’s been questioning if their constant tinkering with the present will result in an even more complicated fate.

As someone who knows he’ll disappear in a few months and die in two years’ time, So-joon thinks he’s extremely lucky to know in advance what calamities will befall him. Frustrated, Mystery Doo-shik hollers, “The more you try to find out [about your futures], you two could be even more miserable!”

Having realized that he’s said too much, Mystery Doo-shik grabs So-joon’s hands and pleads with him to stop his fixation on the future for one month. He urges So-joon to trust him and to remember that he’s on his side, even if his present self acts strangely in the coming days: “You need to trust that to the very end.”

But So-joon shakes him off, unable to believe him when he knows so little about Doo-shik’s motives. He decides he’ll no longer ask for Doo-shik’s help: “You don’t think I can protect my woman?”

At home, Ma-rin wonders why the stranger looked away when she’d never seen him before. She gives So-joon an opportunity to explain when he returns, but he lies that he was out alone. Believing that she’s still angry with him, he heads into the master bedroom to give her emotional space.

He catches her sneaking up to the door, though, so he suggests that they switch rooms. Ma-rin sighs that she’ll stay in the smaller room so that they’re both uncomfortable one way or another.

She tosses in bed, unable to shake off this unsettling feeling from So-joon’s string of lies. But she falls asleep and has a lucid dream where she’s surrounded by a mountain of laundry. She tries pinching her cheeks to wake herself up, but it doesn’t work, and a flurry of North Korean propaganda flyers land around her.

Just then, So-joon appears behind her speaking the North Korean dialect, and though she doesn’t believe it at first, the idea that he could be a spy crosses her mind. Saying that she knows too much, Dream So-joon proceeds to strangle her, repeating, “Die! Die!” while Ma-rin yells at him to also wake up.

She wakes in a start in her bed and is utterly relieved to see So-joon standing in the doorway. But when he glides to her bed in seconds, she realizes that she’s still dreaming and screams until she’s finally awake.

She’s soon startled again by the sound of So-joon screaming from the other bedroom, where she finds him sweating and restless in his own nightmare, muttering, “You can’t die.” She gets close and asks who that is, trying to get him to speak truthfully in his subconscious state.

But her plan is foiled when So-joon wakes seconds later, and she backs out of the room, wondering what’s giving him such fitful sleep.

Gun-sook invites Secretary Hwang over to pick his brain on So-joon’s flaws, specifically anything gossip-worthy. She grows eager when she’s told that there is something, and the secretary whispers that he accidentally eavesdropped on a conversation that might put So-joon’s sexuality in question.

He shows her a recorded video on his phone—aha, he’d stumbled on So-joon and Ki-doong’s conversation on the rooftop. Even though he always thought the two men were eerily close, he points out the possible romance in this exchange, like So-joon saying he’s leading “two lives” and chasing Ki-doong for a hug.

Secretary Hwang divulges that the two men even share an office space, and he twists So-joon’s words about meeting Ki-doong at his house in December to “tell him everything” as an opportunity to confess his feelings on a snowy day. HA, and Gun-sook believes that theory hook, line, and sinker.

Convinced that Ma-rin’s marriage is a sham to conceal his sexuality, Gun-sook invites Ma-rin out for coffee and forwards her Ki-doong’s address so she can find out for herself whether or not her husband actually loves men.

Gun-sook giggles at the thought of Ma-rin fighting with another man for her husband’s love, but Ma-rin is quick to nip this idea in the bud. Gun-sook tells her to think what she wants then, and Ma-rin gets up to scold her for trying to ruin someone else’s marriage.

Cut to: Ma-rin wearing a trench coat and sunglasses at night in Ki-doong’s neighborhood. So-joon is busy playing games and snacking in Ki-doong’s bed. When Ki-doong tries to get him to move so he can clean the crumbs, So-joon pulls him onto the bed and they play-wrestle until their faces are inches apart. Omo.

They stay like that for a few more seconds until So-joon says his friend’s too heavy, and they break apart.

Ma-rin sends a text to So-joon and believes him when he replies that he’s working late. She writes back that she’s sorry for doing something silly tonight and gets a reply. Moments later, we see So-joon and Ki-doong head outside laughing about where they should hang out tonight…

…And walk right up to Ma-rin. LOL. Several awkward seconds pass before Ma-rin cheerily greets her husband and sticks to him like glue. She pretends that this was a complete coincidence, but when Ki-doong jokingly points out that this meeting doesn’t seem at all coincidental, she looks at him threateningly and he scurries away.

Now that they’re alone, So-joon asks why he was following her. She in turn asks him why he lied about being at work and gets right to the point: “Are you dating Ki-doong?” She asks if he really likes men and their marriage is a sham, and So-joon laughs at the absurdity of those claims.

But Ma-rin would like for them to clear the air now—who was the ajusshi So-joon met outside their home last night? She repeats herself when he tries to sidestep the question and ends up getting even more frustrated.

So Ma-rin tries again by stating everything she knows about So-joon: He’s a philanthropist but barely works at the company he owns and chooses to spend his time playing games instead. Not only is she unable to understand his lifestyle, he’s constantly lying to her and meets with strange men at night.

Even stranger is how their house is filled with odd objects like an advanced robot vacuum and a magazine stating events that haven’t even taken place yet. What’s worse was So-joon’s insistence that she was imagining things, so it’s hard for her to understand any of this unless he were a North Korean spy or something.

So-joon gives her his South Korean military credentials, but he’s still vague about the rest and his inconsistent answers confuse her further. So then So-joon finally confesses, “I’m a time traveler.”

Thinking that he’s still toying with her with an absurd explanation, she breaks down crying, unable to take any more lies. He bends down to console her, but she shrugs him away and is too tired to talk to him when they return home.

Se-young and her father drive down to the countryside for the move-in ceremony of their organization’s newest built house. She protests when she hears that Ki-doong will be there because she remembers how she drunkenly called him So-joon.

Needless to say, she feels awkward when she sees him. Ki-doong, however, says she looks different to him today (oh?), adding that this house is the best one she’s ever built, including the one she built for his own family.

Ma-rin arrives behind them with her gear and works up the courage to speak to the woman she drank too much with and her husband’s alleged lover. The three of them stand around awkwardly, and Ki-doong makes it worse by obviously pointing out that it is awkward.

Se-young’s father makes a heartwarming speech about how a happy home comes from creating memories with loved ones, and that he hopes the elderly couple will do just that in their new house.

After the group photo, Se-young sits with Ki-doong and tells him to stop acting so awkward around him. He reminds her that she’s the one who can’t even look at him because she likes So-joon. He teases Se-young on her crush, saying that she’ll need to listen to him lest he let their mutual friend know.

She kicks him hard in the shin for that threat, but Ki-doong says he plans on making fun of her until she can get over her feelings for So-joon. She’s already annoyed that he knows about her crush, only to be told that she shouldn’t have gotten caught because he isn’t interested in how serious her feelings are for So-joon. Omo Ki-doong, what are you trying to say?

He tells her to get over her crush with a smile, then takes her face in his hands. Gasp, are you going to kiss her? But he smiles at her and she slaps him away.

Ma-rin is carrying a plate for the elderly couple when she stops to snap a photo of them sitting happily on a bench. She’s startled when So-joon suddenly slips into the frame, reminding her of how she said she wanted to take lots of photos of him.

When asked what he’s doing here, he jokes that he was bored at home before revealing that he came to see her. He sticks by her side as she hands rice cakes to the elderly couple and introduces her as his wife.

Se-young tries sending Ma-rin home since her job is over, but Ma-rin plans on helping out with the move. She suggests that So-joon help unload the furniture and introduces him to Se-young’s coworker as a realtor.

So-joon whines that he hates doing manual labor, but he shrinks when Ma-rin says he’s free to go and play games or time travel. He trails behind her to help, and she smiles to see how hard he’s working.

From a distance, Ki-doong says it’s obvious that Se-young is jealous, and he runs interference when Se-young tries to give So-joon some water during a short break.

Over at the office, Director Kim attempts to revive the proposal So-joon has already shut down. He takes those plans to Doo-shik, who admits that all he knows is that this area in question could turn a profit.

Director Kim feels the same way, arguing that he doesn’t understand why So-joon is so against his idea. Per Doo-shik’s request, Director Kim calls him “Teacher” and makes a strong case about the profit to be gained.

Although Doo-shik agrees to invest, he’s confused when Director Kim plans to stay at MyReits to enact this plan behind So-joon’s back instead of leaving the company to do it. Director Kim explains that he has his own surefire strategy for success: Get all his investors on board with this proposal and eventually take them all to his own firm.

And so Doo-shik changes his mind from a solid yes to a maybe.

At dinner, So-joon complains that today was so grueling that he can barely move. His supposedly aching fingers manage to feed himself, though, and when Ki-doong suggests that the ladies drink tonight, So-joon issues a firm no, reminding them of what happened when they last went out.

He does, however, pay attention when Ki-doong asks Ma-rin if So-joon is good to her despite his immature personality. But Ma-rin doesn’t answer and gets up to fetch some water inside, where she asks the owner for a pain relief patch for her husband. Awww.

Back at the table, Se-young mentions that her father told her that Ma-rin didn’t have the faintest idea that So-joon was the one to re-establish Happiness—in fact, her father let Ma-rin think that his friends didn’t know either.

Little does Se-young know that Ma-rin is within earshot, and So-joon wonders why women have to make everything so complicated. “Why is it so important for them to know who knows what and who doesn’t?” he asks. “Are they only satisfied when they know everything there is to know?”

As much as she doesn’t want to take Ma-rin’s side, Se-young can understand because she hates it when Ki-doong and So-joon keep secrets from her: “How is it that your wife knows less about you than we do?”

So-joon says that’s a given since he’s known his friends longer than he’s known Ma-rin, and Se-young asks if So-joon even loves his wife.

It’s at that moment Ma-rin joins the table long enough to give So-joon the pain relief patch and excuse herself. Per Ki-doong’s urging, So-joon catches up to her to ask her why she’s so upset. Is it because his friends knew something about him before she did?

He adds that it’s all in the past now and what’s important is that she knows now. Ma-rin says she doesn’t know why she’s so upset and frustrated, but now So-joon has had enough, asking, “Honestly, do you know you’re being a pain too?”

He says they need time to get to know one another, and he’s tried hard to meet her demands and even came down to see her to try and make her feel better. He grows frustrated when she says while she appreciates the effort, he needn’t try so hard.

So-joon yells that she has no idea how hard it is for him to even be here at a Happiness event, to which she retorts that he never told her even when she wanted to know why.

He searches for a counterargument and settles for pointing out that instead of seeing all the things he’s done for her, she tries to change who he is instead. He claims that she had nothing to lose when she married him, and then stops himself mid-sentence, having realized that he’d broken down their relationship into business terms.

A tear rolls down Ma-rin’s cheek as she says she never viewed their marriage as something where one party had something to lose or gain. “All I wanted was to be the person closest to you!” she cries. “I didn’t need anything else, all I wanted was you! But if that’s being greedy and stubborn, then what is love?”

He tries holding onto her, but Ma-rin storms off. She cries during the bus ride home while So-joon drives back into the city.

Back at the restaurant, Ki-doong adorably tries to lift Se-young’s spirits as she pours herself another shot of soju. She figures that So-joon coming today means that he really does like Ma-rin, whereas he doesn’t listen to a word Se-young has to say, not realizing that Ki-doong is listening to her every word.

Ma-rin is woken up by the bus driver long after they arrive in Seoul, but she barely takes two steps before collapsing into the empty seats. So while So-joon returns to an empty house, we see So-ri running into a hospital to find Ma-rin.

Evidently, Ma-rin’s fainting spell was because of a swollen lymph node, and she tells her friend not to tell So-joon nor her mother. She refuses to tell So-ri what’s going on and curls up in her hospital bed.

Worried, So-joon waits outside and thinks back to how Future Ki-doong advised him to break up with Ma-rin while he still had the chance. He tries calling Mom the next day and learns Ma-rin isn’t with her at the hair salon. Although he says he’ll stop worrying about her, he’s distracted during his meeting and solemnly looks up things like, “My wife ran away.”

But once he gets a text from So-ri telling him that Ma-rin is in the hospital, he immediately runs out in the middle of the meeting. He’s breathless when he arrives at Ma-rin’s hospital room and asks in a wavering voice how serious it is.

She says it’s nothing, and when he argues that she should’ve told him that she was sick, she notes that he too stayed out all night once. He says that was completely different, but her point is that he doesn’t feel like family to her: “I feel like I have to hide things from you when things are hard. Because you do that with me.”

“Every now and then, you seem like a completely different person,” she says, sighing, “and I thought I knew everything about you. But I don’t know a thing about you, and you don’t seem like you’re mine.”

A tear falls from his eyes as he utters, “So you’re saying… you can’t depend on me at all.” Without looking at him, Ma-rin says she doesn’t know what she did wrong—maybe they got married too fast and she’s always scared and worried that she made a mistake by entrusting the rest of her life in his hands.

So-joon can’t bring himself to look at her either as he says that it wasn’t her fault. He’s asked to leave so she can be alone.

When Ki-doong calls to follow up afterward, So-joon explains that he’s at Namyeong Station. He needs to find out when he and Ma-rin make up, and asks if that makes him sound pathetic. The subway comes, but So-joon doesn’t get on.

He doubles back to the hospital, where So-ri asks Ma-rin to tell her why she’s mad at So-joon so she can at least insult him with her. What a good friend. But Ma-rin doesn’t tell her and nearly chokes on her lettuce wrap when So-joon appears in the doorway.

He chooses to wait out in the hall until Ma-rin joins him there, explaining that she nearly choked on her first bite of her first meal because of him. He smiles to hear that she was eating to keep up her strength. She tells him to go, and he asks if there’s anything else she wants to eat.

She says she doesn’t have an appetite, but he’s willing to get her anything her heart desires. She turns back at those words, asking, “Anything?” So Ma-rin asks for raspberries and laughs when he readily agrees to buy them because they aren’t available right now.

She says that they can’t move past their issues with food and tells him to go home. So-joon marches up to her and asserts that he can and promises to come back with the berries.

He takes off running and comes back with a basketful of raspberries, explaining that he had to travel pretty far to get them.

She thanks him, and he asks if there’s anything else she wants. He knows they can’t blow past their fight with food alone, but he wants to make sure that she’s eating well. That’s adorable.

Smiling now, Ma-rin asks for mugwort stew with wild-caught flounder, adding that it’s only available during the spring. But that’s no problem for So-joon and he returns with the stew. He even gets Ma-rin her favorite flowers which only bloom in the springtime, telling her, “There’s nothing I can’t get for you.”

So-joon is out on another errand for her when he stops at the subway crash memorial. He calls to tease her for asking him to get her another soup so late at night, lightly joking that it’d be easier to catch a star for her. Ma-rin: “That thought did cross my mind.”

He tells her that on the night of the subway crash, he’d been dragged out to help his parents clean up after a charity event. Ma-rin carefully replies that she heard his parents managed Happiness when they were alive, and he says he was forced to help out about once or twice a month.

So when they met on the train, So-joon got off with her because he didn’t want to work. Looking at the photo of his parents, So-joon says he ran away from them. He knows their deaths weren’t his fault, but his voice starts to break as he thinks of how his parents must have felt when he left.

Ma-rin tells him that it’s okay and it wasn’t his fault, but So-joon says that in his parents’ final moments, they were disappointed in him. “I still don’t like to think about that night,” he says, holding back tears. “I don’t like bringing it up, either.”

They’re both crying now as So-joon asks, “A lot of things have happened to me since then, but for now, can’t we see each other? Can I go to you right now?”

Nodding, she tearily tells him to hurry, adding that he doesn’t need to pick up anything for her. He says there’s something he wants to say now because he isn’t sure he can say it to her face: “Back when you told me that you were relieved that I also survived… when you thanked me for surviving that night… I was so grateful that you said those words.”

As So-joon runs through the streets with happy tears in his eyes, Ma-rin washes her tear-stained face and heads downstairs to the lobby. So-joon calls her name and walks up to her, tears threatening to spill from his eyes.

They exchange smiles, and So-joon grabs her in a tight embrace.


Even though I tried to do my best to brace myself for the inevitable moment when Ma-rin would find out about So-joon’s time traveling ability and the messy fallout that would follow, my heart still ached while watching them face that moment together. All those little lies So-joon told Ma-rin would directly contradict what she’d see or hear herself, and that led to a moment where no explanation added up in her head.

As much as it hurts watching our main couple battle the growing pains of their marriage, they’re also necessary steps for them to move forward and deepen their relationship. I can understand how Ma-rin would be upset over how she wasn’t her husband’s closest confidante despite the short amount of time they’ve known each other. If anything, that short timespan planted a seed of doubt in her head, and her fears and worries were exacerbated by the fact that his friends know much more about him than she does. I could see where she’d interpret him keeping secrets from her as an inability to trust her rather than attempts at protecting her from a potentially darker future. And when the words that So-joon does tell her contain more lies than truth, it’s hard for her to admit that she knows anything about her spouse at all.

What was harder to swallow was knowing that the damage had already been done by the time So-joon had realized he needed to patch the relationship and tell her the truth. He refused to heed Mystery Doo-shik’s warning about staying focused in the present, and we saw how his attempts to be considerate of her instead of working through the argument culminated in him losing his patience with her. He got a bitter taste of his own medicine when Ma-rin was in the hospital, and while I wasn’t too keen on the eye for an eye argument from Ma-rin, he needed to hear that they weren’t, in fact, as close as he thought. But even in those moments, I still felt hopeful because these rough patches and low lows are what make the highly emotional moments to follow so great.

So when So-joon proceeded to essentially woo his wife and show her that his actions can speak louder than his words, my heart couldn’t help but skip a beat. I appreciated how he acknowledged that a few errands wouldn’t resolve their issues, and looovved how he traveled back and forth in time to get Ma-rin her favorite things. If I had any doubt about So-joon’s feelings for Ma-rin before, this sequence solidified that I’m looking at a man who is in love and learning what it means to be in love.

But what was even better was the moment when So-joon shared his deepest fears about his parents in their final moments with the one person who knows how devastating of a loss it was. While I’m relieved that this episode ended with a loving embrace, I fear that they haven’t escaped the rough waters to come. But if there’s anything that I’ve learned in this series thus far, it’s that there’s no point in worrying about the distant future when the immediate present might be filled with hearts and kisses.


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So satisfying. My heart was in my throat the entire call. So Joon finally confiding in his wife and opening up about his parents ripped my heart out. I wish Ma Rin had told him to come to her before he timidly asked for permission. His fetching her food and flowers from the future was not only touching, but hopefully, will be the thing to make Ma Rin realize her husband is indeed a time traveler. I'm proud of him for telling her the truth (then again, when has he ever not told her the truth?), but you really can't blame her for not believing something so preposterous.

I am always on Ma Rin's side because I keep picturing myself in her shoes. I was hopping mad at So Joon at the restaurant. What did he just say?! "Has this marriage caused any loss to you?" So she ought to be jumping for joy because she married a CEO?! She doesn't even care about his money. On day one, she told him she just wants to be with someone who likes her for her. He cannot be more wrong because Ma Rin has lost in this marriage. She constantly puts herself out there, while he constantly puts up walls. "All I wanted was to be the person closest to you." I understand that So Joon talks without thinking having only lived for himself, but I feel so protective of Ma Rin every time she's vulnerable.

Hallelujah, our couple didn't break up. One thing I appreciate is how Ma Rin never carelessly throws around the word "divorce." I wished the roles were reversed and So Joon had come running into her room when she screamed awake from her nightmare. Ki Doong's beard misunderstanding had me rolling with laughter. Thanks a bunch for the recap, gummimochi!


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Yes!! I am now so sold on Sejoon. I also found the part where he opened up about his parents to really be the turning point. Tears were streaming down my face. Last week I was totally not sold on Sejoon despite all of his romantic moves because I feel like I couldn't trust him and his motives. Like you said, he was totally putting up walls left and right.

But now that he's opening up and trying his best to fumble through the present a bit more, I feel more relieved.

I thought the whole idea of him thinking that it wasn't a big deal about keeping certain secrets to himself to be totally absurd. But it sort of made more sense to me when he brought up the point that they only knew each other for 3 months. But for Ma Rin, she really did place her life into his hands, so for him to think that they're just not that close yet must have been really hurtful for her.


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That earnest ending scene had everyone's hearts in their throats imo. (My internet was lacking so I had to change back and forth with a comedy, and I still have the tears coming in between laughs).

SJ's learning to appreciate Ma Rin although he frustrates me so, he did come all the way to Happiness' event and did all that heavy work, and ended up breaking her heart again in the restaurant. But I appreciate that he's trying his best to woo her, again, at the hospital. You're there SJ, slowly and surely. We're all Ma Rin here, just because we're all in the secret, you don't get brownie points for that.


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I thought the whole idea of him thinking that it wasn’t a big deal about keeping certain secrets to himself to be totally absurd. But it sort of made more sense to me when he brought up the point that they only knew each other for 3 months. But for Ma Rin, she really did place her life into his hands, so for him to think that they’re just not that close yet must have been really hurtful for her.

Exactly. She cant know everything, logically he is right. They havent known each other long enough. But she gave him enough chances to talk to and share. If he had shared something of himself now and then, she would not have got hurt this bad. Hiding every part of himself showing no signs of opening up. Am glad So Joon finally understood that.


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I always had a feeling we would get here with So-joon eventually. This show has always clearly been setting him up as a character as flawed as Ma-rin so I knew last week's episodes were going to get their marriage off to a rocky start, with his time-traveling, fear of the future, and unromantic views on marriage getting in the way. Even then, though, I think the show did a pretty good job of gradually portraying his growing concern for her, even last week. It's just that he's so bad at figuring out how to actually be in a relationship and couldn't just let go of the future to face the present.

This is what made this episode truly fantastic. The moment when he stopped himself from going to the future and ran back to her to really try to mend things with her in the present moment, I was like "Atta boy!!" I already felt for him when he finally came clean about his time-traveling and took the initiative to come to Happiness, but, especially after how their confrontation went, I really needed to see this moment from him. Although it was wrong of her, I'm glad that she didn't contact him that night, because I really do think he needed to understand just why she was so worried when he disappeared without calling. And why his behavior makes him seem so undependable and untrustworthy to her at times.

But the show really took it to the next level when they had him actually use his time-travel in such a moving way, not to seek concrete answers in the future, but actually using it to create his own answer in their present and to show her that he really would leap through time, not just to protect her life, but to secure her happiness right then and there.

And then that confession on the phone was the final step I needed. His growth as a character has been lovely and I officially want happiness for him just as much as I have for Mar-in.


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Yes. This episode made me love this couple and this show. I loved the part at the Happiness house and the two friends. They are showing the challenge of marriage and working through those challenges. I am so sold as well!!!


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I wish Ma Rin had told him to come to her before he timidly asked for permission.

But I am glad he asked her, because it meant he is taking a step first. Not going to future, coming back, sticking by hospital, not invading her space, buying her what she wants to eat, and making the first call to share what is closest to his heart. That he has never got courage to share with anyone before.

He just grew up so much before my eyes and it makes me believe he can change himself to make the relationship work.

Every relationship deserves effort and in marriage, people have to adapt and change. Reveal a part of themselves to partner which they have not done before to anyone else. For that, changing little bit of ourselves is necessary. And am glad So Joon took that step.


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All you said. Especially the 'divorce' part. Despite the fact that they dont know much about each other and have rushed into marriage, I love the fact that they dont talk about separation or divorce. How they do not jump to end things immediately.

Too many long term relationships even do that. Jump to argue about ending things at the slightest mishap.


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Yes, one of my pet peeves is when every petty argument ends in "Let's get a divorce." Like, don't say things you can't take back so easily.

The preview for this episode was very misleading. They showed Ma Rin crying in the hospital with the voiceover, "Maybe we rushed into marriage too fast," then they showed So Joon crying on the phone immediately after. I was fearing the worst all week, if not a divorce, then at least a separation. I'm so relieved they overcame their problems.


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Yes I was also getting ready for a very angst filled separation. I actually wanted it because I thought only that will push Song Joon into living for present and open up a bit.
But then, it didnt have to go that far. He now knows what he needs to do in a relationship.


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Actually I'm glad that they got to yell and be angry at each other after Happiness anniversary. It allowed them to be honest, to tell each other about their marriage expectation, to understand what their problem actually was. That's why I couldn't help but crying when So-joon called Ma-rin later and told her about his parent's last moment. And I kept saying "You did well, you did well," to my screen. It's also encouraging that he stopped relying too much on his time-traveling ability and just decided to work things out with Ma-rin without knowing the result beforehand. See, you could use time travel to buy sweet, small things for your wife instead of turned it into absolute life-guide.


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Gadis! ??Yes he didnt use time travel for a bit especially as he was trying to get back into her good graces initially. It was heartening to see him work through something instead of using the future to manipulate the past.

He forgot that along the way and through his years of time travelling became complacent. ?

Many people wanted Marin to ask him but it was fitting that he be the one to ask. Her embrace was always open to him but he was so closed off. However, when he felt that barrier further compounded by his senseless words and the realization that to her he isnt dependable it really wounded him.

To me it was a moment that revealed that he understood minutely how important it is to live in the here and now with the person you have promised instead of the future that it still unfolding given our every thought and action. ???

This episode was a roller coaster. I was blisteringly upset with him but then he did a 90 and really had me by the end. He has a way to go but im confident.


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tbh, i cry together when sojoon told marin about his parents. and it hurts when they fight at the restaurant. i just want them to live happily becaus they deserve it, after that Namyang accident.

and i agree with gummi. sojoon is confirmed love marin. he just need to learn how to love a soulmate despite that marin is the first girl that he loved.


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Thanks for the recap!
This show unexpectedly makes me laugh while I am having this much fear of their future that could go wrong in any second.
We are moving to another episode of these young couple's marriage life. We finally get to see them having a deep and very personal conversation, which makes the story keeps interesting, thankfully!
I can't see more angst between the two (it surprised me that I'm this affected lol), but we're still halfway through the end...not to mention the 'happy ending' they deserve to get is uncertain.
Which subway that can take me to March 25th? I kinda need to see how this show ends, so I can be prepared for the worst :'(


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Thanks for the recap, gummimochi! I have been looking forward to this!
Oh my god! I am seriously loving this drama! I loved the depth this episode gave to the love story. I loved that she made him do some real hard work. I loved that when they fight it feels so much like how real couples fight. I loved that she told him she just wanted to be the person closest to him and if that made her stubborn and greedy, then what Is love. I loved that he shed a tear when he realized she didn't find him dependable. I loved that he chose to come back from the station to ask what she wants. I loved that he exclusively went to the future just to buy things for her. I loved that things got resolved not because he brought her things but that he finally shared something really personal about him to her on his own which is what she has been wanting all along.

On the other things, I really like the camaraderie between se young and ki doong. And this may be silly, I feel like ajhussi is laying a trap for the Secretary to make him go bankrupt. Otherwise, why would he think of investing on a place which so joon rejected. But I definitely double minded about ajhussi, I am seriously curious about his ulterior motives.


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I like your theory about Doo-shik trying to trap the Director Kim. Looking at the not-so-surprising revelation about DS, I wish the show has more twists. The story has been intriguing so far.


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I agree its really intriguing. I wish they show us dates whenever so joon time travels. I really want to know what makes the future characters say certain things, like ki doong telling so joon to break up with ma rin when he can. Will we get to know the reason for this statement? Or since our couple is now on the path to reconciliation, will this scenario never happen in the future? So if things changes and we never get to know why ki doong said it, should we just accept it? Are their deaths still going to happen in 2019 or since so joon has disappeared, that part of their future is no more? Basically, or we in a time loop or whatever happening in the present is changing the future? Aaaahhhh, so many questions!


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Yeah, there are way too many questions. and I want to add why SJ seemed relax after he knew Director Kim would take over the company? Did SJ plan something that us viewers hasn't yet seen it?


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I don't think SJ find the director as a threat and since he didn't saw it in his future that director nim took over his position in the future, he wasnt that scared at all (which I also wonder why he haven't learned about it...maybe it was beyond the time of their supposed death or he was just more focused in saving both Marin and his life that is why he haven't learned about his company).


Oooh, I didn't think of that. I thought DS had been a backstabber all along. But quick Q, does Director Kim know DS's a time-traveller? I thought that's the case since he's giving his trust completely to the latter, but then, maybe not? There doesn't seem to be anything saying that ?


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I think Dir. Kim didn't know that. Maybe Doo-shik just claimed to be an important figure with enough money to back him up. And I guess he appealed to Dir. Kim's ego and pride about his prediction for the business, and also pretended to share the same sentiment regarding So-joon's stupid rejection. That way, it wasn't surprising that he could get Dir. Kim's trust fast enough.


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I didn't think anybody knows about doo shik's existence at all since he only talks to so joon. But last week he made himself known to other people. I am pretty sure director Kim doesn't know about his time travelling abilities.I am guessing the director is trusting doo shik because he has always been wanting to one up so joon as so joon never works and always rejects his projects but somehow the projects so joon suggests becomes a success. So director Kim probably thinks this as an opportunity to take revenge on so joon.


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I love this drama and it followed Goblin so I'm wondering why it has lower ratings?


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Perhaps the curse of the Goblin? All future dramas in this time-slot are destined to struggle? Who knows, this show is slow and boring to some people. I find that even the slow moments have substance and are actually important to the narrative, something I can't really say about Goblin, tbh. Definitely makes the sheer difference in popularity hard to witness.


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I have been wondering the same thing about the rating. For now, from my very personal PoV I just hold to a conclusion that we ( who like and find almost everything about this drama as a true gem) and majority of Korean people have completely different taste. From the trend nowadays and looking at some dramas with higher rating, it seems like korean were looking for time-travelling centered with less romance or a rom-com like Oh My Ghostess which they didn't find in TWY...hence the (very) low rating. The other dramas airing right now are varied from a heavy plot to a fun one.
And Goblin has nothing to do with this tho.
Anyway, I've just learned not to worry much about rating as long as the show keeps being good, and I still have so much fun reading beanies insightful comments here which I can rarely find in other places.


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The character of So Joon was swoony this episode, and I loved how they made up. I do think that both Ma Rin and So Joon still have a lot to learn, but I really like how their relationship is portrayed in a surreal (the circumstances) but real/realistic way at the same time. This drama is very good so far, and on its way to becoming a favorite.


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It's so nice to see So joon really trying to live in the present when he chose not to go to the future to see when they make up. And the fight at the restaurant was painful to watch but was much needed for them to finally open up to each other


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They do don't they?! I had to get my head straight and remember that SMA's is Kim Woo Bin's girl in real life.


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Damn, I totally forgot that. You know I always liked Shin Min Ah. Gumiho is one of my favorite characters ever.

But I have always seen her being cute, be it in Gumiho or Arang and the Magistrate. I have never noticed her as an actress before this, she makes it so so so relatable. She is me.


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I love her, too. I even thought she's one of the most iconic Hallyu korean actress, but she's slowing down nowadays. I guess you have to watch her early works, I've only watched Devil, where she played a serious character, quite different from her style in recent years.


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I will check them out. I like her a lot here.


This episode was very satisfying. Finally So Joon decided to focus on present. Finally he decided to show up and work for it.
I was getting real angry on him whne he said he is going to future to check when things will get resolved, but then immediately he turned back.

I believe its because he knows the future. Since he saw that he disappears and she lives alone, it gave him extra resolve to fight for it in present.


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I really really like how despite being a series about a time traveler, the couple is very much grounded in realistic and couple issues. It hurt when they fought, it hurt when they both had nightmares, but when So Joon made that phone call, I cried and I just really want the two of them to have a happy ending.


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I agree! This is by far my most favorite thing about this drama. No matter what they do, whether they fight or cuddle, they feel so much like a real couple in real life. If shin mina was not in a relationship, I would probably ship them in real life too! :P


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Ha ha spotted the Do Bong Soon fan :P


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writer-nim, please give them a happy endingggg!!!?


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Also- Secretary Hwang. He is SUCH a scene stealer. That scene where he's relaying his conclusions about Sejoon's sexuality was done so well. Hahahahaha!!


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I laughed out loud when he went for a high five, which Gun Sook rejected, so he played it off as dusting off the couch. I'm always looking forward to what Secretary Hwang misunderstands next.


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Yes I lol'd at that too.

I feel all the side characters here are so great. Be it director Kim or Ki Doong.

I loved all Ki Doong scenes in this episode. He is so adorable!


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Yes! Secretary Hwang was very hilarious. I almost dropped my phone onto my face watching that scene.


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I always found Gun-sook less annoying whenever she shared a scene with the secretary. He is hilarious and so convincing, no matter how far-fetched his suspicion or idea usually was. And Gun-sook just gobbled it all up like it was the most reliable news she had.


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Yes! I've thought this for a while now, but he totally keeps scenes with Gun Sook and her husband from just being insufferable because his antics are so hilarious. They actually have good comic timing too, but their general annoying-ness cancels it out most of the time, lol. His scenes with them are great, though I often end up feeling bad for the guy.

I have to say, I love how this PD casts his shows. I'm starting to really enjoy the rapport between all the characters. I don't think I've ever seen Ki-doong in anything before, but I'm beginning to feel for his struggles as the best friend to our difficult, yet charming time-traveler. I even like Se-young when she isn't being overly jealous. I enjoy their scenes together and hope their friendship turns to romance eventually, for his sake.


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Agreed! I heart Kidoong so much. Even if it isn't Seyoung, I want him to find something that's all his- that isn't just about being Sejoon's confidante.


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I think Doo-Shik might turn out to be Ma-Rin's father who left when she was too young to remember his face.


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O My. I think u are rite. I tot he was old soojon or their son. But I think He's Marin father. That explain why he pushes them to marry and have babies. I bet what hes doing with Manager Kim is also to help Soo Joon.


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This drama shows us that marriage is not all about rainbow and sunshine but it also shows us how .. as a husband and wife to overcome that.

This what I love about this drama despite the low ratings.


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Cried so much with them the entire phone call. Please be happy together for a long long time, babies! I need Marin to be hapy and feel that she's loved and Sojoon has to verbalize his feelings to let her know how much she means to him.


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Honestly, after that phone call, I really needed someone to tell So-Joon how wrong he was about his parents in their last moments. All this time he thought he contributed to their despair towards the end, but that immaturity from his youth saved them so much grief because they at least knew their son was safe in their last moments. I hope he'll be able to realize that. In fact, considering they were forcing him to come along, they may have even felt some irrational guilt themselves in their last moments had things unfolded differently. Not only that, they would be so proud of him now. Especially since he found a wife that finally got him to help Happiness with his own two hands.


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I gasped twice when SJ said Ma Rin's a handful as well, and second when he said Ma Rin's nothing to lose from this marriage. Boy, you did not just say that! I'd be be boiling mad if I was Marin, to think SJ feels he got the upper hand and MaRin should be thankful to him from all the luxury. You were the one who pursued her in the first place.

But I like SJ's attempt to win her back after, it's like he's at a complete loss about emotions, and only finding out about heartbreaks and of love. I assumed he really was clueless that people do need to be in the know about their loved ones. That's why he finally told Marin about his own haunting feelings about the accident and his parents, and figured it's soothes him in the process.

This isn't a time travelling story after all, it's a love story of two strangers coming together to form a perfect marriage :') and LJH and SMA doing an outstanding job portraying them.


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Sojoon defenetely doesn't like to talk about his parents because he is scared, and also regretful. He didn't understand the point of sharing with someone special, he just didn't dare to share because he thought nobody would understand his feeling which is now proven wrong, Marin does care a lot, of course she'll understand him. To ending the misunderstanding by sharing his deepest grieve, totally satisfying for both.

I like this drama a lot, maybe because Sojoon and Marin felt so real?

Thanks for the recap gummimochi!!


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Don't know if it's already been said, but I'm guessing that Dooshik is Ma-rin's father.


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like everyone else, i was totally crying & immersed in the ending scene... but the other scene that really got me in this episode was ma rin telling so joon that she feels like she has to hide things from him when it's hard, because he does that with her.
i was simultaneously proud of ma rin for saying it & feeling the impact of hearing it (from so joon's perspective). lee je hoon's acting in that scene was amazing to me... that one tear fell down his cheek & he tried to wipe it away quickly before saying "so you’re saying… you can’t depend on me at all.” holy crap it was good.

i know that this drama is moving slower than it could be... but i'm not minding the ride


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Agreed. I was like, hot damn, yes, that hurts real good! I'm super invested in them and how they could get their happily ever after. Can't wait for the next ep's recap so I can see what everyone thinks of it!


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"What do you want? I'll get you anything, I will get it for you." Bye @ everyone I am GONE that was the most romantic scene ever!!!!!!!!!!!


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Thank you for the recap gummimochi! I was so excited to read this!

I guess it had to get worse before it got better. I'm not surprised by the events of this episode, though it still hurt to see it. The main-actor-being-mistaken-for-having-an-affair-with-his-close-male-friend trope was something I was not expecting, and was so much fun. Actually it was moments like these in addition to the sweetness we got in the end that really balanced the tension in this episode and still kept it fresh and entertaining for me. I further liked that their arguments stemmed from actions that were true and consistent to their characters. It was very satisfying to see the dawning awareness in So-joon's eyes of certain truths at certain points in the drama. Its impressive that I often forget I'm watching a sci-fi(-ish?) show as I'm usually engrossed in the emotional scenes between our main leads until we're actually given scenes involving time-travel or referencing it (sometimes by the cool and eery "time-travel music"), reminding me about the trippiness going on. And the couple's future as a mystery is engaging in itself.

I can't wait to read what you guys have to say about episode 8, which is hands down my favorite so far! So many good things going for it!


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Ep 8 is hands down my favourite episode so far also! I thought it was ep 7 but bammm , ep 8 came and sweep my heart <3


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I know! Episode 8 was actually was what sold So-joon-ah to me. Man I loved him in that one.


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I love how unfamiliar this story is in the way that it is crafted. Every romance, no matter what the genre, has a certain time table it follows that we see again and again. But here, it's turned upside down, reversed, repeated, and even discarded altogether in some instances. I know many have described the pace of the show as slow, and while I don't view that as an inherently bad thing, I think languid is a much better word to describe it.

The story has kind of ebb and flow in its conflict. There's this constant feeling of both calm and tension lurking beneath each scene. Every shift in tone is a subtle one and I think it works to actually make those moments more surprising than if they were done suddenly. The writing, also, seems to have a good sense of where it needs to linger. The courtship, while adorable, didn't actually need any more time than the 20 minutes it got. But this, this building of mistrust and frustration, did actually deserve the three episodes it got. And it clearly paid off beautifully.

I can't wait to discuss episode 8, I have lots of *feelings* about it that I need to verbalize. ?


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Languid. I like that word. It's indeed a better word to describe this show.

There's a lot of substance to this drama that I don't mind taking all of them in in strides. Because the tone is a lot calmer than most dramas, I get to think about what they say and watch their faces for emotional cues. I guess it helps me focus better.

The timing is also perfect for everything. Comedic timing? Check. Emotional timing? Check. Secret reveal timing? Check. It's so awesome!


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So good!

I've read comments earlier this morning and people were saying they cried so much in this episode. Well, I sure as hell cried hard too. Sojoon opening up to Marin was timed so well, it hit all the right emotions for me. Because of their fight before that, it made the talk even better. I felt as frustrated as Marin when Sojoon wouldn't talk and I felt like a burden got lifted when Sojoon finally opened up to her.

Also, I totally agree with you gummi. I had doubts regarding whether Sojoon loves Marin or not but that scene where he ran to her to the hospital... Ahhh. It erased all my doubts. Lee Jehoon just killed it. His expressions said it all.

It's currently 1 am here now so my mom and I decided to just watch next episode in the morning. I have time too get myself ready for some more heartaches. Thanks, gummi!


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Wow..... this ep was really emotional and the last 30 mins was the best. The actors made this ep realistic that I almost forgot they were acting. Now I want a happy ending for this couple, plz plz plz don't break my heart.
SMA you are the best.
I saw the trailer for the following ep, [SPOILERS] ???


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LOVE LOVE this episode so much. Finally just like I wanted, that his parent story bring back the couple together.


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I'm officially at THAT point with this show. You know, that point when you can't keep yourself from replaying OSTs over and over, while looking at all comments from the recap, soompi, mydramalist, everywhere. It's in these moments when I can't help but get frustrated at how criminally underrated this show is becoming. It's like...I get it on a certain level, but don't on several others. A tvN show like this should at least be getting moderate success.

I keep trying to find out how Korean viewers are responding to this show, but Kkuljaem doesn't seem to be translating anything beyond the pilot. Those that were watching it last week seemed to be enjoying it more and more though. I just wish I could know the reaction to this week's episodes, which were particularly lovely.

I've definitely fallen completely in love with this drama now. So much love, I clearly don't know what to do with it. I'm just glad I'm not alone in feeling this way. Loving the community on dramabeans for this show :) I even chose commenting here over watching the 2nd episode of Strong Woman Do Bong Soon (which I'm loving so far, so that's saying something!).


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netizendrama blog is translating the comments for tomorrow with you articles.


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Thank you so much! I think I came across this site a few weeks ago, but I was having a hard time finding it again. I really needed to see those positive comments from viewers! At least they are as confused about the rating as we are...


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Are you me?

Although for some reasons I am unable to listen to the OST all day (it gives me sad feeling already), I lost count the time I have re-watched this drama from 1st episode (skipped some boring stuffs :p). I even watched the raw of ep8, which I never did this before. I also lost count I check DB, twitter, the comments under some clips on YT, kissasian, etc etc. I got lost in soompi since there are many pages I need to backtrack, so I end up building a camp here cuz only Beanies could share the same sentiment with me :')


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Haha, I understand about the OST because sometimes I get too emotional listening to Seo In-guk's, but Kim Feel has become a more happy, hopeful song to me for our OTP so I'm enjoying listening to that one. I think I have an easier time listening to both now actually because these two are in happier place, at least for now.


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For some reason I'm not as invested anymore. I keep skipping scenes. I understand Ma-rin but I don't like how pettily she's acting.

When I got to the end, though (after much fast-forwarding), I cried as much as anyone who's watched every scene. It was so affecting. I wish these two could start being open to each other, and just be happy.


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This episode. This episode! Lee Je Hoon why are you such a good actor. Shin Min Ah why are you such a good actress? Why do you two make me feel these feelings!?!??

I was all in on every moment of every emotional scene. I was with Ma Rin on that 'my man's man' (lol) search for the truth break down because why are you ever honest with me? Am I such nothing that an preposterous joking lie like 'time traveler' is the best you can do!?!? They fight out side the restaurant. I could understand both points (So Joon had been trying and they have only known each other for so long) but man how my heart ached for Ma Rin when So Joon acted like their marriage was some business deal she's gaining on and he's losing. Then our dumb So Joon who really does love his wife but is a dunce worrying and looking up things.

The hospital scene. Take my heart. The tear and heart break when Ma Rim confessss jos someone she can't rely on and did she make a mistake handing her life and future to him (the one thing he's been trying so hard going back and forth and all these misunderstanding to try and preserve). I was ready watching those intimate moments of honesty:

I whooped so loud when So Joon chose to stay in the present and fox things without foreknowledge himself. I was beyond happy when he use his ability to simply buy her favorite things and prove she can depend on him like no other (also love that he knows these things don't automatically fix things). I cried so hard at that phone conversation with the opening up and it was just so real. It felt so real and raw. I was a mess when So Joon confessed how thankful he was that she had wished him well and was happy that he had survived. And when he asks if he could come back...take all my feels.

This drama is so good and has the right balance of romantic development, earned character development, humor (the dream, secretary hwang my man's man explaining, every scene with time traveling ahjussi), and just enough of slight suspense to keep you on your toes (little tidbits of a maybe future, that shady husband/worker, what time travel ahjussi is really up to), I don't understand the low rating (actually I do because at times it feels so..slow. Like nothing happens although much is happening) people are really missing out. I can't wait for ep 8 recap. That episode has and became everything I've wanted this drama to be since day 1. It was sooo good.

Thanks for the recap gum.


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The best part about this episode was when he was going to go into the future, you saw him ready to board the train, and then he decided to go back to the hospital.


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It was! Well, one of the best parts anyway hehe. I thought it even deserves some epic background music to accompany it. It's a big development from SJ's part definitely.


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True that. For someone like Sojoon who does everything based on the future he sees, this is such a huge step.


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I especially appreciated how the scene was done- pretty matter of fact and subtle. Like he just is on the phone with Kidoong and then gets off the phone, and then turns around. It had such HUGE implications, but the scene didn't play it up that way.... Great directing!


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Im with everyone on that phone scene! But before that, i am totally moved in the way the camera show how eager SJ is to get what MR wants. He walks, and then runs. I may be imagining things but i can see how desperate he is to earn MR's trust again... To depend on him, again.


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Watched Episode7 last night even if I'm dead tired just because I'm so eager to get updated.

What can I say? I agree with most of the comments about how this episode was able to stir all emotions out of the viewers. At one point I was so swooned by how So-joon persuades Ma-rin & even do things he had never done just for her. And then there's this conversation about Ma-rin which made me want to slap So-joon coz it's so unfair for Ma-rin. Then I cried when they argued about how unfair it was for both of them because they have their own angst about their relationship & it seemed like Ma-rin is the only one who gives her all. And here we go about how So-joon slowly opens up his hidden emotions to Ma-rin which prove how much he likes her already. It's actually a rollercoaster of emotions and it's so damn good! I can't remember when was the last time I've felt so much for a drama (& to think this is my first time reading and commenting on a recap).

I actually love how well-written the characters are. Even the story is so consistent that although confusing, it kind of stirs the intellect out of us, which is a good thing. Character development in a drama is so important and I think this drama got it perfectly. I'm just hoping that all mysteries will have answers in the end. There are a lot of good dramas at the start but ruined halfway through. Since this was preproduced, I have my hopes up.

Though I've been telling myself to be nonchalant about the ratings, I'm more concerned about how the cast and crew would feel. This is a great drama and I hope they don't get discouraged by ratings. Coz for many, ratings are the main measure of dramas success. But to a few, how consistent and solid the drama is and how it's effectively portrayed is more important. Ratings are a plus. That's why I'm enjoying reading positive feedback because it shows that many viewers also feel the same way.

Looking forward to Ep8 recap though!


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Totally agree! I also hope the cast and crew don't feel hurt and discouraged by the low ratings. I mean, that's probably impossible, but I hope they know lots of people do love the drama a lot. By the end, TWY may become a sleeper hit or a cult classic.


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I loved how So Joon did not go to the future and instead went back to the hospital to try to "wing it" with Ma rin. All along, going to the future for answers was like reading the end of a book first. He felt the need to see the path taken so he can avoid the pitfalls. But guess what? That's cheating! He has been cheating the present to change the future. It can't work because he's not participating in the present. One small victory for the present couple.


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This drama can't enforce my belief that lies are bad any further because I am already obsessive about it, but dude. Every little thing he lies about backfires on So Joon SO BADLY. At least the male lover thing was confronted immediately by his own messup/meetup. (Honestly, Ki Doong running off was one of the funnies things in this episode. Though music really did wonderful job to accentuate EVERYTHING, too. Added: Actually I love Ki Doong so much. SO SO MUCH. He's cute, adorable and best friend you could ask for (plus, we know he cares a lot about his family, too). I want a man like that in my life, even if as a friend.) Her not wanting to tell So Joon about her being in hospital made me sigh deeply, too. I understand where she's coming from, I really do, but even if this is perfect revenge for that night she waited for him, this shouldn't happen.

Also, on brighter note, So Joon has a wonderful scolded puppy face. And that slouch after she scolded him for not wanting to move things! Perfect. Actually, when I think about it, the relationship REALLY benefits when Ma Rin is more than dutiful wife and shows her spunk, bossing him around. It's obvious even her small, set distance makes his heart grow wonder, heheh. Besides, it does good for their overall power balance in relationship.

The honesty of his revelation that her actions are causing him distress was good, if not presented as it was. I want them to be more honest with each other, SO MUCH. Ugh. He has a point, she has a point. But it all gets lost in the bad emotions.

The way he run to the hospital, though. That's not just concern for your possible savior. Honestly, the hospital scene wrecked me. And then, when he came back... IT WRECKED ME AGAIN IN ANOTHER WAY. Honestly, all ending of the episode did.

They have such an emotional chemistry, not just physical, as characters. If they could overcome these many bumps in the road, they could show each other something they've never experienced or even thought possible. That middle road would be such a beautiful, beautiful love. His presents are just one of such examples, still childish, as he has little experience, but he is so EAGER I feel like crying.


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For me the higlight was when SJ didn't board the train and went back to solve their problems NOW in the PRESENT.

Great drama. Love it.


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