Tomorrow With You: Episode 4

Hey everyone, thanks for being patient while we caught up with recaps—it was a busy weekend for us! I’m just popping by for an episode, and let’s just say I’m happy it was this one, because the romance really takes off in this hour and I had to keep reminding myself to write about it instead of just rewinding and squealing. Lee Je-hoon and Shin Mina are just a good drama pairing, but I love that their relationship feels realistic despite the fantasy surrounding them—minus the time travel, they could just be two normal people having a funny, awkward courtship in real life.


Ma-rin waits expectantly on the subway platform of Namyeong Station, where she and So-joon survived the subway crash ten years ago. She’s finally remembered him from that first fateful meeting and texts him to meet her. Meanwhile So-joon has traveled to the future, and vanishes into thin air when he misses the train back, in a future where he’s now dead.

In voiceover he says, “‘Don’t go,’ she said. I’ve disappeared, and I don’t know if this is a dream, or the world I live in, or if I’m falling endlessly into time, but strangely all I can think about is that she said to me, ‘Don’t go.'” Ma-rin waits for hours, but So-joon doesn’t show. We finally see him lying unconscious in a tunnel next to the train tracks at Namyeong Station.

She finally gives up and heads out of the station just as an ambulance drives past her, and on the bus the latest news on the radio is about an unidentified man who was discovered near the train tracks. A second later, Ma-rin gets a call from the hospital that sends her running.

She rushes to the emergency room just as So-joon walks out, and she asks if he’s okay. But he just stares at her for a long while and says it feels like a dream. He wonders if he should’ve gotten injured or something, seeing how worried she was about him.

He says he got her text about remembering who he is, and she admits that she was thrilled and a little amazed to realize he was the man from the subway seven years ago, and so relieved to know that he was alive and doing so well. But then she got the phone call from the hospital and her stomach dropped thinking that something had happened to him, and wondered what kind of trick fate was playing.

So-joon says, “Then let’s live together,” which she hears as, “Let’s both live.” She says of course they’re going to live long lives, and he replies, “You promised to live with me.” She suddenly realizes the double meaning and asks what he meant, and he just smiles back at her. Cute.

They’re interrupted when So-joon’s friends Se-young and Ki-doong arrive to pick him up, and So-joon insists that Ma-rin take his wallet and get a cab, since she left her purse in his car.

So-joon whines like a kid in front of his friends and plays the sympathy card to go home early, though Se-young tries to hold him there to get an explanation for why he was passed out near the train tracks. He says he was drunk, and Se-young thinks it’s bizarre to see him alone with a woman or passed out drunk, two things she’s never seen him do.

Ki-doong covers for him so that he can slip away before she asks any more questions, and she pouts that it feels like Ki-doong and So-joon are keeping secrets from her.

She finds it suspicious that So-joon suddenly became rich after his parents died and doesn’t let her come near his house anymore, and that Ki-doong dropped everything to work under So-joon. She thinks that Ki-doong is wasting his life just picking up after So-joon, which he’s clearly sensitive about. But he insists that there are no secrets to be uncovered.

Ma-rin struggles not to peek inside So-joon’s wallet, and So-joon does the same with her purse… until she texts him not to look inside, which makes him open it up instantly.

Ma-rin has about an ounce more self-control than he does and waits a while before caving. She opens up his wallet to find her picture tucked inside next to his ID, and she tries to remind herself not to be swayed by him.

So-joon reads her resume and thinks that he’ll at least be able to take care of her financially, and then remembers Future Ma-rin asking him to call her Kkot-soon instead of Bap-soon. He tries out the nickname but can’t manage to stomach it.

They meet the next day for lunch so they can get their belongings back, and when Ma-rin arrives at the restaurant, Director Kim’s secretary is spying on her from the lobby. They eat inside a private room with a lavish spread, and he can’t stop grinning at her.

She playfully acts like they’re here for a hostage trade as they make the exchange of wallets. So-joon makes sure that her picture is still inside his wallet and smiles as he shows it to her.

She wonders how they’re going to eat all this food and whether they can get takeout boxes, and he muses that she’ll be frugal about keeping house, though she needn’t be if she lives with him. Ma-rin’s jaw drops, and he casually reminds her, “You promised to live with me.”

She can’t believe he meant the kind of live-with-me that means living under one roof, and points out the absurdity of asking to move in together before holding hands. She thinks this is like fattening a pig before you kill it, assuming that he means to eat her alive, shocked that the things she’s seen about second-generation chaebols in dramas is all true.

So-joon laughs and says he’s not a second-generation chaebol, and she tosses back, “Oh, you’re third generation?” She’s totally scandalized, wondering how it is that he sees her to treat her like some kind of mistress. But he answers, “[I see you] as the woman I want to marry. Not the woman I want to date or live with, but the woman I want to marry.”

She scoffs in disbelief, and he continues sincerely that he knows this isn’t the best timing, but he’s worried that she’ll mistake him for trash if he doesn’t make his intentions clear right now. She spits back, “Crazy bastard. You should’ve asked me to move in with you instead,” and gets up to walk out on him. Lol, this is going so badly.

He has to chase her out into the hallway, and suggests that they date first if marriage is too much of a burden on her. He tries to coax her back inside, but she shakes him off and says he doesn’t know her, or marriage, or women. No kidding.

He asks why being proposed to is something to get angry about, and she wonders what kind of proposal is so unbelievable and without pretext. She says that wasn’t a proposal—it was a trick.

He insists that he’s just sure that she’s the woman he wants to marry, and Ma-rin’s resolve begins to waver ever so slightly. He tries to hold her arm again and she shakes him off, barking at him to stay like a dog.

She keeps walking just trying to find her way out of the maze of hallways, and So-joon explains that he thinks that they’re fated to be. She doesn’t know yet if theirs is a good fate or a bad one, but he points out that if they hadn’t met seven years ago, neither of them would be alive.

“You saved me and I saved you,” he counters. He thinks they’re fated, and opens the door to their private dining room—they’ve just walked in one big circle and ended up back where they started. Symbolism!

He says he’s begging her like this just to eat a meal with him, and she’s finally convinced to go inside. As they resume lunch, she asks hesitantly if he really meant what he said, and then asks, “Do you love me?” So-joon halts at that question and says, “If I don’t get to marry you I think I’ll die.” Damn, he means it literally, of course, but why does it sound so swoony?

He asks her to think about it seriously, and then calls her Kkot-soonie. Ma-rin’s heart begins to beat rapidly, and she wonders to herself if this pain in her chest is the feeling of having her lifelong wish fulfilled.

The spying secretary turns out to be there on orders from Ma-rin’s frenemy Gun-sook, who goes pale to hear that So-joon and Ma-rin are snuggly and clearly in love.

That night, Ma-rin writhes in bed as she relives So-joon calling her Kkot-soon, unable to think of anything else. If she’s turned on by him calling her that, it’s freakin’ hilarious.

Somewhere in the future, So-joon tells fellow time traveler Doo-shik about proposing, which he claims to have done because Ma-rin was so happy that he was alive that he couldn’t just ignore her and let her die. Doo-shik teases that it’s because he told So-joon to have a baby and he couldn’t stop thinking about the making of the baby.

Doo-shik guesses that if he marries a woman who wasn’t previously in his life, it’ll change his future and reset his fate, which is what So-joon is banking on.

Secretary Hwang reports to Director Kim about the spying, and Director Kim assumes that So-joon is just playing around with Ma-rin because she’s not good enough to date seriously, though Secretary Hwang doesn’t agree. In order to prove his theory, Director Kim invites So-joon and Ki-doong to his housewarming party that night.

That evening, Gun-sook makes sure to have Ma-rin over to help her set up, and asks her if she’s dating anyone. Ma-rin says no, but then asks Gun-sook what made her decide to get married.

So-joon texts Ma-rin to ask if she wants to meet up tonight, and then a few minutes later, he walks through the front door with the rest of Director Kim’s colleagues, and they both stare at each other awkwardly from across the room.

Gun-sook makes sure to introduce Ma-rin, and So-joon invites her to join them for dinner, though he doesn’t let on that they know each other. During dinner, Gun-sook makes sure to pick at every single scab she can think of, calling her Bap-soonie in front of everyone and trying to set her up with Secretary Hwang, just to watch her reaction when So-joon doesn’t say anything against the idea.

Ma-rin heads to the kitchen, and Gun-sook asks So-joon outright what he thinks of the match, and he just awkwardly avoids answering. Urg, say something!

Gun-sook pretends to defend Ma-rin only to bring up all of her terrible rumors on the internet, and then wonders if maybe Secretary Hwang is too good for her. OHMYGOD, somebody stuff a dumpling in her mouth or I’m going to.

A plate crashes to the floor in the kitchen, and Gun-sook runs over and immediately accuses Ma-rin of throwing it on purpose. Ma-rin doesn’t deny it, saying that it was a message for Gun-sook to shut up.

Ma-rin says she took pity on her for being the outcast her whole life, but she can’t be friends anymore. Gun-sook grabs her by the hair and Ma-rin grabs her right back. They get into a fight, except they’re hilariously quiet about it because they don’t want anyone to hear.

Gun-sook tries to put Ma-rin in her place, and Ma-rin tells her to stop acting like she’s refined because she knows Gun-sook’s past. She says she always knew what Gun-sook thought of her, but she felt sorry for her because Gun-sook depended on her so much.

Gun-sook counters that Ma-rin is just easy to keep around and use, so she shouldn’t misunderstand if anyone is nice to her. That gets her right where it hurts, and of course that’s the moment when So-joon interrupts them, having come to the kitchen to look for Ma-rin.

Ma-rin looks like she’d like to be swallowed up by the floor right about now, and tells Gun-sook that they shouldn’t be in each other’s company anymore and walks out. So-joon stays back to tell Gun-sook that he’ll remember her as someone quite talented at poking people’s wounds, and says he’ll be seeing her often from now on, with Ma-rin.

At home, Ma-rin’s confidence takes a huge dive and she cries, thinking that Gun-sook was right about her. She kicks her phone away when So-joon calls, too embarrassed to face him.

He’s outside her place and worried about her, but she won’t pick up the phone. Suddenly Ma-rin’s mom walks up and demands to know who he is and why he keeps coming around, remembering him as the guy who got Ma-rin drunk the other night.

So-joon introduces himself and hands Mom his business card, and she eyes him skeptically and asks what a CEO is, pronouncing it wrong. He tries to invite her to lunch, and Mom just snaps at him and mutters on her way in that she always told Ma-rin to date at assistant manager level or higher, lol.

Mom tries to coax Ma-rin out of bed to eat with her, and purposely doesn’t mention the guy outside. But then she asks what a CEO is, and Ma-rin tells her it’s the president of a company, and Mom’s eyes go wide.

The next morning, Mom goes looking for So-joon’s company and trips over her feet because she’s so overwhelmed by the enormous size of the building. She goes in to ask the security guard if So-joon is the CEO here, and that’s all the confirmation she needs.

So-joon gets a dejected text from Ma-rin saying that she sent him an email, and he opens it up to find a pitiful, dramatic letter about how she doesn’t deserve him and will disappear from his life now and become dust. It’s totally over-the-top, and he gapes to see that it goes on and on and on.

He doesn’t know if this means she wants to break up or is asking for him to hold on, but he isn’t about to read all of that to find out, and shuts his computer.

Ma-rin drinks with her friend So-ri, who loyally says she’s going to tell the rest of the girls to stop hanging out with Gun-sook. So-ri thinks it wasn’t cool of So-joon to ignore Ma-rin like that, but Ma-rin defends So-joon and says she’s the one who asked him not to act like he knows her.

So-ri is still disappointed in him, upset that he must not have been serious about his proposal if he couldn’t jump to her defense at Gun-sook’s house. Ma-rin thinks he has no reason to be serious about her, and guesses that he learned just how unsuited they are for each other at that dinner.

So-ri argues that the worst kind of man is one that makes a woman feel small, and when Ma-rin says it’s her own inferiority complex that’s the problem, So-ri points out that he’s still making her feel that way about herself, which makes him not good enough for her friend in her eyes. Aw, you’re a good friend.

Ma-rin assures her that it’s over, but she tells So-ri not to put So-joon down because he’s a good person. She starts to cry as she adds, “And he called me Kkot-soonie!”

A little later, Ma-rin sits on a bench munching on a bag of dates, smiling to herself as she thinks of the time she ran into So-joon and spilled her dates. Mom calls to tell her that she’s meeting So-joon for dinner right now, proud of Ma-rin for snagging a man like that.

Horrified, Ma-rin begs her mom not to go in there, and rushes to grab a taxi to stop another embarrassing situation. So-joon arrives at the restaurant in a snazzy suit, and Ma-rin runs up behind him just before he gets to the door. She says that her mom misunderstood, and asks why he’d come here.

So-joon just says it’d be rude not to go meet her mother, and she asks if he hasn’t read her email yet. He pretends he hasn’t seen it and just continues ahead, but she stops him and admits that she doesn’t want him to uncover another embarrassing thing about her.

He takes her hands gently and touches her shoulders as he gazes at her for a moment. He flashes back to earlier that day, when he was about to walk away from her insanely long email. He thought better of it and opened it back up.

In her email, Ma-rin wrote how she became her family’s hope at a young age, but people quickly grew tired of her, and she grew up being rejected by countless people. Her father disappeared one day and she became a nuisance to her mother. She said that she can’t help but think that So-joon’s feelings for her will disappear in an instant just like everyone who loved Bap-soon turned their backs on her, and it scares her.

In the present, she tells So-joon to go, but he says, “What? Don’t go?” He wraps his arms around her and says, “Why does it look to my eyes that you’re telling me not to go?”

He searches her face and leans in for a kiss, but she backs away an inch and whispers that her mom is nearby. He cups her face in his hands and kisses her anyway, sweetly and softly.

Next thing we know, she’s waiting outside nervously while So-joon runs in to greet her mother. Ma-rin remembers her email and erases it, deciding that they can break up another time.

She’s surprised when he comes right back out, but So-joon says he told Mom he was going to take Ma-rin on a date, and she sent him out immediately. He suggests his house, and when she says no, all he has to say is one word to change her mind: “Beer?” Heh.

At his house, So-joon tells her not to go upstairs for privacy reasons, and then quickly hides the beer and pretends to have run out. While he pours juice, she picks up a giant high-top sneaker and wonders if it’s from the ’90s and puts it on. Suddenly the shoe conforms to her foot and reduces in size to fit perfectly, and she yelps in surprise. Dude, you can’t just leave all your space-age toys around for anyone to see!

He panics and makes her take it off, saying that he’s never even worn these once outside the house and that she can’t post about these sneakers on the internet. She gets up to leave, thinking that he’s not all that interested in showing her his house with all these restrictions about what she can see and touch, plus she expects his parents to come home any minute.

He finally tells her that his parents died in a traffic accident, so no one will be coming home. He tells Ma-rin the truth—that he’s not a chaebol, and he made his own fortune. He says brightly that he has no family, so there’s no one to interfere in his life, and Ma-rin’s response is: “You must be lonely.”

His smile fades but he seems touched, and he notes that they’re similar in not having anyone to lean on. He says that Song Ma-rin could handle a guy like him and then some, but she says that she wants to be with someone who likes her just the way she is, someone she’s comfortable and happy to be around, without a bunch of expectations.

He says that’s him, and she tells him she’d like it if he cut it out with all the marriage talk, wondering if he’s always zero to sixty without a middle ground. So-joon: “You make me not have a middle ground.”

He takes her hand and says she makes him nervous to leave her alone, because he’s always worried something will happen to her. “I don’t normally care about other people’s lives. But strangely, I want to be involved in your life, badly. I think that’s the right thing to do. Being together instead of alone, knowing each other, overcoming everything together—I think that’s right. So stay by my side, so that I can protect you. Entrust your future to me,” he says.

She says she’ll consider dating him if he stops talking about marriage, and he lights up and asks if they’re together now, wanting to hear her say it again. The whole time he’s smoothly scooting closer to her and pulling her towards him, and they turn adorable and shy as he says her hands are pretty and she says his nose is pretty.

He suddenly says, “Ma-rin-ah, shall we go?” She giggles and then points up. Up? As in upstairs? It’d better be up and not out.

He lays her down on his bed. She asks if this is okay so soon, and he says yes before kissing her, again and again. Rawr.

Their whirlwind romance happens in montage: They exchange cutesy I-love-you’s in a pojangmacha and go on vacation together, with lots of kisses in between.

Their wedding invitations get handed out to various groups of friends over dinner, in a very cool merry-go-round shot where the camera spins around the room and we move seamlessly from one dinner to the next, as if they’re all happening in one room.

Ma-rin’s best friends celebrate with cake and make them kiss, while So-joon’s friends are a bit mixed: Ki-doong is animated while Se-young looks like someone shot her puppy. Mom is so thrilled she just kisses So-joon’s cheek over and over.

So-joon puts a wedding ring on Ma-rin’s finger, and then he’s dressed in a tux at the wedding shop while Ma-rin gapes at the pretty and takes pictures. Ha, that’s a funny reversal.

And their wedding photo shoot is adorable, of course.

Soon it’s the day before the wedding, and Se-young’s dad tries to get her to stop working so much. She’s clearly having a hard time with this, and she steps outside to look at old pictures of herself with So-joon wistfully. She calls him a bastard and wonders why he went from never dating anyone to suddenly being in such a hurry to marry.

So-joon calls her right then, but she quickly tells him she’s in a meeting and hangs up. So-joon is miffed that she’s not giving him the time of day when he’s about to get married, and wonders if she’s mad at him for something.

Ki-doong is at So-joon’s house helping him pack up his office, and So-joon informs him that he’ll be moving this stuff into Ki-doong’s house. What, you’re telling him this now? Ki-doong protests, to no avail.

So-joon moves his office into Ki-doong’s apartment, and Ki-doong thinks it’s a little weird for So-joon to have two lives like this, wondering if it’s right not to tell Ma-rin about his time travel. So-joon says that telling her the truth doesn’t mean he can be truthful about everything anyway, and doesn’t explain any further.

Ki-doong asks what he thinks marriage is, and So-joon says, “Housemates contracted for life?” Pffft. He doesn’t know why everyone puts such meaning in marriage, when two people could respect each other’s lifestyles and live the way they always have. LOL, you are in for such a rude awakening.

Ma-rin visits the subway crash memorial and says that she’s getting married. (She still doesn’t seem to know that So-joon’s parents died in that accident.)

It begins to rain that night, and the rain continues on their wedding day. So-joon and Ma-rin walk down the aisle with an umbrella as friends cheer them on, and Se-young’s dad officiates. He tells them to be each other’s umbrella the countless times it’ll rain in their lives together, and then everyone chants for them to kiss.

Eeek, Ma-rin looks so in love and So-joon looks so terrified, and a little bit like he might throw up. (I love the salty look on Gun-sook’s face.)

As they pose for a picture, Ma-rin marvels at how he knew it would rain today and kept saying that they shouldn’t have an outdoor wedding, and he points out that she ignored him and believed the forecast instead. She says it’s odd that he’s always more accurate than the forecast, which he covers over with a smile.

From the crowd, we see time traveler Doo-shik among the wedding guests. He leaves quietly without making his presence known.

At the newlywed house, Ma-rin turns the aegyo dial to eleven and plays peek-a-boo with So-joon while he sleeps, calling him “Mine” over and over. He pretends to be asleep, but once she leaves the room, his toes curl under because he can’t handle the cheese.

She follows him out to the car as he leaves for work that morning and sends him off with a huge wave, calling him “yeobo” and “husband.”

She makes a heart with her hands and winks as she tells him to come home early, and he awkwardly fails to return the gesture and waves her inside.

At the same time they each look back at the other and think: “I married that man!” “I married that woman!”


Ha, they seem to be feeling very different things as they think that. Part of me is disappointed that we sped through the cute dating phase of their romance, but ultimately I’m glad that we zoomed forward to their wedding because their marriage is the part of the central conceit, and now we’re past the setup and can be surprised about where the story goes from here. I do think that we needed these four episodes to work our way up to the romance, because no matter how motivated So-joon is by death and preventing future tragedy, we still have to believe in a baseline attraction and connection between them to lead to marriage, and in this episode I saw the sparks and bought into the romance wholesale. The proposal was insane, but then when he comforted her at her lowest point and bothered to read her crazy long email to understand her, and jumped through all those hoops to woo her, his progression from concern to attraction felt natural. The wedding was unnaturally fast, of course, but that’s motivated by something much larger and we need that to launch us into the backwards romance where love comes after wedding vows.

I like that Ma-rin has been so guarded until now (because So-joon really seemed like a crazy person most of the time, from her perspective), and the way she explains her lifelong fear of being loved and then abandoned makes perfect sense to me. It also terrifies me because I think she’ll break if she discovers that So-joon didn’t love her when he married her. It seems so unfair that he’s working with all this foreknowledge to get her to trust him and open her heart, so that by the time they’re getting married, she’s hopelessly in love while he’s nowhere near that level of emotional investment. I can’t help but be mad at him for that, even though this is exactly the position he needs to be in for his big comeuppance down the line. It’s just that my heart bleeds for Ma-rin, who is so vulnerable and relatable, and now completely head over heels in love under false pretenses, so I can’t help but feel protective of her.

But I think his desire to protect her is genuine, and that’s the thing about all the doublespeak he gives her in this episode—he wants her to misunderstand his concern for her future as love, which is tricksy and will undoubtedly lead to pain down the road. But he purposely only says what he means, careful to choose his words, and that makes me trust that he’s genuinely trying to take responsibility for both their lives, and that he’s not ONLY motivated by a selfish desire to live—he’s also determined to save her too. It also helped me forgive him a little when he struggled so much to court her, because he thought it’d be easy to just propose marriage over a fancy lunch, only to have her assume the worst possible things about him.

The mystery is getting more interesting as well, because I didn’t think much of time traveler Doo-shik’s theories in the last episode when he talked about his daughter meeting an unexpected man and having a baby to change her fate, because I didn’t believe him. But then in this episode when Ma-rin mentioned in passing that her father disappeared one day, it made me think that it would fit if Doo-shik were her father when she was young, and he somehow got himself stuck in a time loop in her future because he was so desperate to save her. It could be a red herring, since there’s nothing concrete to connect them at this point, but it would explain Doo-shik’s curious fixation on So-joon marrying this one particular woman, which I always thought was weird. In any case, this is a great place to be in the story at the end of Episode 4, with life and death hanging in the balance and marriage about to turn So-joon’s life upside-down. He really has no idea what he’s gotten himself into, but isn’t that the fun of it?


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That was such a perfect first kiss. I honestly couldn't take my eyes off our couple throughout this eps. Their chemistry is off the chart and the way they looked at each other... They may entered this relationship a bit too fast than our usual OTP (and So-joon mostly did that to save both of their future life), but I don't doubt for one bit just how genuinely they felt for each other. Now I can't wait for their romance to finally unfurl and for So-joon to realize just how wrong his concept was about this marriage.


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the first kiss makes me melt I swear. It seems so geniune from their heart. And The way So Joon caress her before the kiss... *I'm squealing*


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Their courtship is so very real ... it reminds me a lot of many couples I've known over the years. They are both going into this marriage fueled by fears: her fear of being alone and abandoned, his fears about the shortness of their lives, and also fueled by sexual attraction. But they don't know much about one another (especially he is keeping the key fact about his entire life under wraps), and they do not appreciate or understand what they do know about each other.

They have so many issues, as a couple, that the future So-Joon, alone and depressed, is quite possible. Good thing it is only episode 4, because I believe it will take 12 more episodes to fix their relationship!


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Good thing it is only episode 4, because I believe it will take 12 more episodes to fix their relationship!

So true. This might be one hell of a ride.


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I may have replayed that scene at least 2 times. heehee. I knew that I am "in" with this couple when I felt the sincerity of the scene when she said I don't want to be even more exposed to you and him just reassuring her with a hug. Wow. And then that kiss! Consensual and closed eyes! I approve


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@Skelly: I hope it will be a good ride for us. Because I still don't trust this writers. Haha. She is that writers who write that hell dream high 2. But she is also the one who write good movie like all about my wife. We will what she will bring. Hope it will worth it.


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hot DAMN.....


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Yaaassssss I totally second your comment hahha. I'm not sure which part you're referring to but for me the chemistry was insane when So Joon was trying to kiss Marin and she was trying to dodge a little at first--and when they finally kissed at the end. I like how slow and yet not-draggy the show is. I feel like every scene counts for something (unlike in say, Goblin, where 90% of the story is slow and nothing happened for a huge chunk in the middle and then bam! A curveball right at the end). I just wouldn't be able to bear Marin's devastation when she finds out So Joon married her for reasons other than being in love with her...


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Agree with ya on Goblin... let's wait together for the hate to hit, shall we?


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I agree with the part about Goblin -- I'm still stuck in Episode 4 of that drama and every time I even think about opening Episode 5, my heart feels heavy. I don't mind a little slow pacing if the narrative needs it but those unnecessary slow mo moments were frustrating lol.

TWY sure is slow but it has to be (every scene so far counts) especially when the marriage comes into motion this fast...if that makes any sense.


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Their chemistry is really sizzling <3 When ever they were together in the same frame I could feel their sensual love. I was chanting "KISS!KISS!" but then realized kdramas don't show kiss scenes till ep 10 but them BAM! They surpasssed our expectations :D


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As mentioned by someone before, SJ is like a Peter Pan stuck at the time of his parent's death... maybe that's part of why he's so fixated on MR-- not in any romantic way or sense really but it's loneliness calling out to loneliness (well he'd said that himself... and when was that ever healthy??). MR's father disappeared, her mom's so unreliable (such an unhealthy/toxic perception towards her daughter) who does she have to lead her in growing up? **Peers really don't/can't count that way**

I love our Peter Pan's convo with his bff about contracted housemates (Don't you love the scriptwriter's dialogues? So much nuanced double-speak) Seriously, his bff is my favorite character :lol: I LOVE their conversations with each other lollll he's so lucky to get such a cute wingman hahaha :wink:

Yes he conceals very integral truths in his dialogues with MR that it's borderline manipulative... but it's more like he really means it in a way too... he doesn't see the implication behind his words because he's so socially stunted; he's too self-centered to realize how it effects other people... or even what his words really MEAN like hello!!!! how can there NOT be any meaning in having a lifelong "travel companion"? SJ only sees MR as a travel companion, not in the sense of time, but LITERALLY in life and death (so he does value MR in that sense... i.e. why he got mad at MR being bullied, but it's still a very selfish kind of protectiveness). That's his paradox... he's been exposed to the future/something no one else has access to, but he has not processed them for what they're worth. He'd (so poetically) gone through things before he got to EXPERIENCE them. So the words he utter are wrought with meaning to everyone else BUT himself; to him, it's all technical, uncharted territory. It reminds me of that tale of the boy who got a magic ball of string that could let him fast-forward all the unpleasant parts of life-- he enjoyed it at first, but then when the end of his life came, he realized that it's coming too soon... and he'd missed too much of actually experiencing the precious/growing moments, say-- teaching his child to walk.

SJ has lost the distinction between the present and the future... truly he's living life always looking at March 2019, instead of the moments before him, RIGHT NOW. He's walking down the experience/events/motions of love, being stirred by those emotions, but never really pausing to process what he's feeling so he could come to know what love really is... because all he can focus on is how to escape death with this "travel companion" of his... LOL their whole courtship process felt like a FFx4


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I agree with you, He is too self center to even realize how his action will affect anyone around him, this time affecting his wife feeling. All his doing is apart of his selfish motive, pretending it will benefit both of them, not knowing what he will doing to her in the future.

It will be awsome, once he discovered all of he saw in the future is once they already married but didn't work out, what will happen? I think he will miss the whole point on what Doo Shik means to marry her, not tehnically marrying her, but marry her for REAL.


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Love your analysis on So-joon. At first glance he would seem manipulative, but after we looked deeper, he truly just told the truth to Ma-rin. He didn't seem to be aware that what he was saying almost always has a double meaning. Can't wait for the time when he finally fall hard for her.


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Me too. His toes curling were a bit offensive and I think the ultimate revenge would be him falling very hardly in love... or, the ultimate revenge may have actually turned out to be him watching the woman he loves get hit by a car.


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The dialogues seem to be written in a much thoughtful way than they are on the surface. There's this one dialogue on donating the amount which they spend drinking at the bar just for one night can provide basic necessity of life for someone else. Its like hitting two birds with one stone, giving up our ill-habit for at least a night while doing a good deed. The basic plot-line deals witha heavy concept of living in the present while the past remains unchanged and the future alters by our present. I appreciate the message that this show is passing to the audience.


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Speaking of which, i love how the time loop was so well represented in the fancy restaurant proposal scene. Marin tried to resist with all the walking out but they simply came back to where they started, which I hope is symbokic of them being fated together.

I also really liked their first time together in all its awkward glory. Great directing. Great acting.


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Love this. That tale of the boy, that sounds interesting. I might have to GTS to learn more.


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"But then in this episode when Ma-rin mentioned in passing that her father disappeared one day, it made me think that it would fit if Doo-shik were her father when she was young, and he somehow got himself stuck in a time loop in her future because he was so desperate to save her. It could be a red herring, since there’s nothing concrete to connect them at this point, but it would explain Doo-shik’s curious fixation on So-joon marrying this one particular woman..." I really like this theory. But I can't help to feel that Doo-Shik's is future so-Joon. They kind of look alike and have the same mannerisms. Although they haven't mentioned anything about being able to travel to the past unless I missed something. Also, what is up with her friend? Was she upset because she has feelings for him?

I'm also really liking the low-key romance, and I like that TvN once again portrays sexual feelings being executed! ? That makes this couple feel so real. Not everyone waits for marriage to have sex and I like that this couple totally foreplay before having sex. I am a bit bummed the ratings are low though ☹️.

I can't wait for next week's episodes!


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That's an interesting theory, but the one thing that keeps from not seeing Doo-shik as Future So-joon is the fact that Doo-shik said that the only person whose life he's saved was that of his daughter. Even if So-joon does have a daughter some point in the future, it wouldn't make sense for him to say that's the ONLY person he's saved, since (if he's still alive in the future) he must have already saved Ma-rin by that point.


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But Sojoon died in 2019. It wouldn't make sense to have an older Sojoon. He himself couldn't even time travel later than March 2019 because that's when he dies. But then again, you never know.


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Dooshik said it to Sojoon that if he ever met himself in the future he will disappear, and from the encounters that they have so far, nothing of such occurrence ever happen, so I don't think Dooshik is Sojoon, so to say.


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Wow I came up with a new theory when I read your comment. How did Doo-shik knows that one who disappear if you meet he future of yourself? Because he experience it himself.

This Doo Shik could be Ma Rin's dad from the past, time travelled and met himself in the present, he got stuck in time now and can't find a way back, that's why he 'disappeared' from Ma Rin's life!

My great theory!


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crazy theory if it is indeed a red herring, is Doo shik the guy who bumped into Marin causing her to stumble to the highway and then causing the whole traffic accident?

On another note, while I get that Sojoon can't tell the whole truth to Marin, I don't get why he has to lie about his parents dying in the subway accident


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That was my first thought too. The way the guy bumped into her and the way they showed it made me suspicious that it was Doo Shik.


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Good theory.


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The end of the episode left me feeling absolutely terrible for Ma-rin. It's hard watching a relationship between someone who loves their partner more than they're loved in return, and it's especially hard when we're dealing with someone like Ma-rin, who's struggled so much with her sense of self-worth. She's going to be absolutely devastated when she figures out that So-joon doesn't love her (at least not as much she loves him), and I'm honestly not looking forward to all the heartache.

However, it does make me reconsider what Future So-joon said to Our So-joon re: trying to make things work with Ma-rin. At the time, it seemed like that So-joon existed in a timeline in which he didn't bother trying to marry Ma-rin, and ended up dying as a result...but what if he DID marry Ma-rin, only for their relationship to end in heartbreak after she realized that their marriage was (at least at first) a sham?


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I think Future Sojoon meant for Present Sojoon to treat Marin better after their marriage. Looking at how this episode ended, it seems like Sojoon thinks his "duty" is done now that they are married. He already looks like he's ignoring her in some ways. It won't take long until Marin catches up to that and maybe find out his first intentions regarding the marriage.

So yeah, I think they still got married but got separated later. That's why Future Sojoon made sure to tell Present Sojoon to work things out with Marin.


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I think this too. Marin's view of marriage and So Joon's view of it in general can cause future conflict. She's a romantic and expects a perpetual honeymoon phase. He thinks of it as two people living together. And throw this big secret about their fates and his time traveling trips in there (how do you tell your wife that you spent half the day eating noodles in the future?), there will definitely be tension and fights. And I'm sure as days, months, and many trips go by, he will find that marriage may not be changing their fate at all..


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Oooo hey-noony-noony thats a good theory. It would make sense since he suggested to his past self that maybe he ought to make things work with her. Ahh I like...


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I think Ma-rin's father is the teacher time traveler. Her Father disappeared. His daughter was suppose to dead in an accident.


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This show just reminds me of a jdorama. Despite the time travel aspect, it's really just about the characters. I love that it's quiet and melancholy, and tells the story in its own way. I saw people complaining about how it's boring because it's not dramatic and the romance isn't grand or it's not a silly rom-com. I just feel like it's a slice of life story about two people falling in love and growing with a side of time travel kinda like Be With You. The first episode was definitely the weekest, and I'm sad people aren't giving it a chance. I feel that the casting is spot on, and the chemistry is off the charts. I can't imagine anyone else playing Ma Rin, except maybe Seo Hyun Jin, but SMA is so perfect.


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Yeah It's all about a character for me in a character driven drama, I don't care about time travel rules aspect. to be honest. as long as is not A BIG loopholes, as long as they execute character development with depth and feel human and realistic that we can root for.. I don't mind if the rules travelling is bit off LOL


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Yeah, I know plenty of men who are NOT time-travelers, and who yet approached marriage in the same way as So-Joon: as a way to forestall death (my brother turned 30 and immediately decided he had to marry his then-GF), as a way to "save" the woman, or thinking that it was "just a piece of paper" (marriage license) and that marriage would have no effect on their lives or relationships. And So-Joon being totally tone-deaf to the effect his marriage is having on his friends and potentially his business? Even being a time-traveler doesn't give him THAT sort of omniscience.


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I find it quite interesting that so many people are stating that they know people who enter into marriage out of crisis or fear. Well, I may know one or two people like that, but they have been with their partners for years as opposed to our couple here.

I like your point on So-Joon's tone deafness. What I find most interesting about time travel in this drama is that up until now we essentially see two So-Joon's--the present and the future--and can't travel forward past his death, and doesn't travel backward past the storyline's present. In this sense his time travel is restricted. Having said that, it still opens up the possibility for a myriad of timelines from present to his death in the future which would hopefully help him grow as a person.


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I thought of seo hyun jin too but sas you said, shin minah is perfect for the role. strangely, I keep thinking about kim woo bin as ysj. Yet I have to take my hats off for this actor. His acting solidified the drama.


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I keep going back and forth debating with myself over So Joon's true intentions. Did he will himself into liking Ma Rin under Doo Shik's influence? Or is this all an act and he selfishly proposed to save his own life? Or does he genuinely like her but her over-the-top aegyo is too much for him? Or does he merely see her as a lifelong housemate? Or was he just exhausted from the chaotic wedding festivities? Because So Joon's exasperated facial expressions after their wedding ceremony and as his newlywed wife walked him to his car were seriously unsettling. I'm praying he doesn't disappoint me because I'm in too deep. I love So Joon for sticking up for Ma Rin against catty Gun Sook and wished he had taken her away from their house, then for reading Ma Rin's ten-page ramblings and not falling asleep like Ross, then for hiding his case of beer so their first night together could be sober. It was hard for me to move on from that breathtaking kiss, but does he like her or not!? At least now we know So Joon won't disappear when the clock strikes 9:15 leaving Ma Rin an unwitting widow. Aww, did Doo Shik watch his daughter get married? I haven't been this obsessed over a drama for a long time. Thanks a bunch for recapping, girlfriday!


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I feel Sojoon does like Marin but he is not in love with her (yet). He slept with her asap to make a baby since Dooshik told him a baby can save their lives. He wooed her and married her all in a rush to secure the 'relationship' so that the future can change. He might not be able to take her cheesiness but I'm sure there is some kind of feelings there. Just not love.


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Your elucidation helped prove that I've been craving for an atypical K-Drama and have now gotten it.


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panshel, I think he fell for her, but fell in romance with her and not "in love" with her. I think his initial aversion to her is mostly due to their personality differences (I think I understand because my personality, much like his, is very straight-forward and to the point, whereas Ma rin given the opportunity to really blossom outside of societal judgment effecting her self-esteem, is more bubbly and tipsy, which is not a bad thing at all, just different). I think seeing her death in the future really shook him, and forced him to look past their differences and allow himself to feel attracted to her as a woman. Once he did, I don't think it was that hard since Ma rin is cute, sexy and genuinely a good person.

So yes as realiti mentioned, I think he definitely likes her a lot and can see himself falling for her and being in a relationship with her, which is further motivated by his desparate need to protect his own life and hers. I think his hastiness and dishonesty are what'll cause problems going forward.


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I think he genuinely has feeling for Ma-rin, and likes her enough as a woman. But his mind was completely focused on March 2019 and their impending death that he never properly enjoyed their dating and courtship phases. Basically he just went through motions to have a baby as soon as possible and save both their life. So when all is said and done, their difference as an individuals and the realization that he would live together with Ma-rin for a long time suddenly hit him hard. But since there were traces of feeling we can see from him, given enough time, I think it wouldn't be that hard for So-joon to truly fall in love with Ma-rin.


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I second this. There's no way he has no feeling for her. He's very self-centered, yet he can't turn his back on her even before he knows that Ma-rin is the train accident survivor. He said he didn't interfere with other people's life, yet he saved her from being disabled. He said didn't care for her, yet when his BFF reading another article about Ma-rin he needed a pile of works to keep him busy and stop thinking about it. He said he didn't want to have anything to do with her anymore, yet he came to pick her up when she said she's drunk and lost. It's so funny how he keeps contradicting himself.

He's in love with her for sure. He just doesn't know that. He thinks he marries Ma-rin to save her life and acts accordingly.


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ohmy. this is what i needed to hear nchoe. i kept on holding on that So Joon was so deep in love but haven't realized it yet.


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Exactly, I think there is attraction and chemistry between them that he acknowledges. He just never feels the need to evaluate his feelings on a deeper level because their marriage is a foregone conclusion to him. And, by nature, he's a pretty unromantic guy, despite the moments this episode that hinted at what he could be if he sincerely tried.

Even with his courtship, he felt like it was just a matter of time and effort, simply because he's seen a version of the future that showed marriage with her to be completely attainable to him. Not only is he stuck in the future, he's caught up in all his other reasons for establishing their bond. In his mind, his sincere desire to protect her life and stay by her side is enough. And that's what gives him a little bit of an edge, because that duty he feels to protect her is moving in its own way (and obviously hints at the beginnings of love for him), even if he's still out to protect himself too.

Some of their scenes are so raw and vulnerable (particularly on Marin's side) and that contributes to the sinking feeling I think a lot of us feel when we see him just trying to please her and hide his unease, instead of working at developing a real relationship based on give-and-take. The problem is he doesn't ask himself the right questions like "Can I really love this woman?" and just accepts that he doesn't need to. That caring is enough. It will definitely be interesting (and perhaps painful) to see what he'll have to put himself through to realize what he's got.


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That wedding scene though... wasn't it beautiful? *sigh* ♥♥♥

I love that So-joon let Ma-rin had her outdoor wedding despite knowing it's gonna be rainy day.


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Oops... sorry! It's supposed to be a new comment.


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I agree that the speeding up dating felt a bit rushed to me... Like I wish they slowed that part of the episode down a bit, or just completely skipped over it to do a "3 months later..." scenario and then in the next couple episodes pepper in bits of their dating life. Idk... may be this was the best way to go about it.

I also LOVED that they were ~~intimate~~ or slept together (right?) as soon as they met. You totally don't have to do that in a relationship, but it feels really refreshing in the midst of these conservative k-dramas where people kiss like 3 times and then they get married and pregnant to have a couple find each other sexually attractive, or do some "fun" stuff. meh he he.


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Am I the only one getting If Only vibes from this show? Like the movie If Only. It's breaking my heart so much, I was crying after watching the episode.

The acting is so on point, which makes it even more heartbreaking. Marin is totally head over heels for Sojoon and I feel for her. She's lived her life thinking of herself as a disappointment and all of a sudden, this guy came and treated her exactly the way she wants to be treated. It's really unfair that Sojoon is withholding all these information from her although I understand his intentions. Ahh... I can already see the heartaches coming our way soon.

For now, I'll wait clutching my hair in anticipation for the next episode. Thanks, girlfriday!


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I've forgotten about If Only before you mentioned it, but I did think this drama remind me of JYJ's Heaven. They are quite similar stories, but in this case both of them died eventually and met in afterlife.


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Let's pray this show won't end up like that movie though


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The drama really reminds me of the book Time Traveller's Wife by Audrey N. I can already sense that it's going to be a good drama and that I'll be in for a painful watch. Right now I'm wondering if thr last scene of the drama will be of their 2 souls walking towards the light.


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It has been sooo long since I kept on opening the page just to see the latest recap on d show I am currently watching.
This show is my "please update fast, soon, please.!"
And thank you for the recap.

My heart hurt seeing So-Joon curling his toes in the morning, which seem to me is an indication that he is really not in the same level with her, feeling wise....

But am still not getting the theory, why he disappeared from the future and came back unconscious at the station in the present? Is there another rule of time-travelling that I miss?


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Hi5!! I too keep refreshing DB page right from the time I complete watching a new TWY episode. It has been so long since I eagerly awaited a recap. I know you guys are busy but please bring out the recaps sooner :)

To answer your question So Joon himself said he doesn't know what would happen to him, if he stayed in the future after his "future-self" died. He just learnt it first hand that he would disappear from future and go back to present.


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these two are so perfect together, adorable, genuine (at times, he seems/is)... and then the toes thing made my head spin...

i know, i know... this is supposed to be the "fun" in this, but... they just look so convincing, and i want him to be a sweetheart to her endearing character in the end...

: (


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It should be illegal for two people to be this pretty together...but also not. Because depriving anyone of such a beautiful sight would be a crime against humanity.

It's been mentioned before that there's this undercurrent of sadness that's very subtle yet prevalent in the show. And while I know not everyone will agree with me, I like how that's also been integrated into the romance. Because here you have these two people that are beautiful together, and this swoon-worthy romance...but boy, there's also this TREMENDOUS sense of dread that's lurking beneath it all because holy crap this is so wrong, and it's going to end so badly...

About So Joon...like others, my heart sank a little bit in the post-wedding scenes. But personally, I think the speculation of how much of his feelings are real or not real is part of the intrigue. His primary motivation is still probably keeping himself alive at this point, but he's moved on from that being his only priority to acknowledging that he has the responsibility of keeping Ma Rin alive as well. And while I don't think he's in love with her, I don't think he's 100% faking it either. I like how even while we're questioning the morality of his actions and intentions—the real emotional beats (the important ones) between him and Ma Rin feel authentic. Most importantly, that kiss...

To me, that truly felt like an impulsive decision by So Joon. I like how their first kiss felt actually in the moment rather than a premeditated event. It's different from the one's afterwards that feel reluctant or like he's more so just going through the motions. I read an interview by the PD where he talked about using time-travel as a source of marital suspicion, and I think that it's an interesting idea, because it's dark and adult and adds a sense of realism amidst the fantasy. I like that they kind of rocket-launched into the romance because it gives us more time to explore their relationship within their marriage, rather than building up to it at the finale. The wedding is always the cherry on top in dramas—but here, it's an uneasy, yet exciting beginning...


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I agree. I reckon he likes her but he is not in love with her. That first kiss was him genuinely liking her. Taking her to bed was so she could get pregnant asap - Dooshik's theory that a baby could save their lives. Everything afterwards, he's just going through the motions.


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Even with Doo Shik's baby talk, I would hope that two adults in their 30s would have the common sense and decency to use protection on their first night. If So Joon even believes in that part of Doo Shik's theory, I'm thinking he's expecting the baby to just kinda be a by-product of their marriage that will happen eventually. Him conspiring to knock her up that early would be too icky for me...

For now, I'm hoping that the sex (cause it looks like there will be more... ?) is a result of genuine attraction.


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I agree conspiring to knock her up that early would also be too icky for me. My assumption was that sleeping with her was due to sexual attraction. Sure they need a baby, but they do have well over 2 years. And they would be marrying in like 3 months. He could stand to wait 3 months. I bet they had a super sexually charged kiss outside that restaurant and their night together is just a continuation of that

Yeah, Two people don't have to love each other to have sex, though it would be nice. Oftentimes it happens when you care about each other and are both attracted to each other. And just want to get it on. ;)


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I'm leaning more towards the Ahjussi-is-Marin's-dad theory... What if he saw his daughter's death, went to the future to try and fix it up etc etc, and then died in her place, and somehow his present self disappeared, which is why he was gone when Marin was growing up. Hahaha

I just need the drama to be consistent and not have a lot of plot holes and just leave me satisfied :-D


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Oh apparently I didn't read the end of the recap where girlfriday basically has the same theory XD


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Yes! I hope that unlike W, this drama at least explains the magic to a satisfactory level!


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Not to be dramatic but this is honestly one of my favorite episodes, ever, in any drama. There's just something so romantic and unexplainably magnetic about it, especially beginning from when he invited her to his home to the panoramic scene when they were entertaining their friends and family and informing them of their engagement, to the engagement itself. Apart from the subway scene when she realized he was the man who survived the accident with her (another one of my favorites), the latter part of this episode was just magical and enthralling. I am obsessed.


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Yea! I was thinking the same; the story is not extraordinary, but its the acting and the music and the leads' chemistry and THE PRETTY and the directing which is on point that makes it crack-worthy. I can't help but be in love, and continue to NEED to follow their story despite my aversion to how aggressively he was coming on. I'm excited, and feel giggly inside even seeing screenshots of this drama on this recap.


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I agree completely! My schedule has been packed recently but I always make time for this drama. I have my theories on the plot and characters but I barely think about anything else while watching this (until after the episode when I question everything, which I'm grateful for because it keeps me on my toes), I'm fully immersed in the dialogue and subtle nuances of each character (their emotions, motivations, implication behind each movement). It's so interesting how the pacing is nice and drawn out while simultaneously having SO much going on. And as you mentioned, the score! Personally, music is such a crucial part of my viewing experience, and the soundtrack they chose for this drama compliments the scenes so well.

He is coming on strong, but I can't wait until he falls absolutely in love (and then experiences a period of heartbreak because I predict she won't be too pleased when she's informed of his intentions). I'm really looking forward to their character development! This show is an absolute gem and can you believe we're only on episode four?! I hope (and sincerely believe) that the remainder of the show continues to be high quality, they're certainly providing it now. Every once in awhile, the right actors meet with the right directors, scriptwriters, setting, and everything comes together to create something incredible and I think this could be one of those situations for me.


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Well I know, But The writing so far is quite good. I don't think This is a masterpiece, but the writing feels organic, almost every scene is useful to the narrative, that's the sign of decent writing. And This PD previous work look like weren't as good as this one for me. SO the writing allow the director to do his creative work much better. Is this because the power of a pre produce drama?


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The panoramic scene. I played it so many times. Reminds me of how happy when my friends tell me they're engaged! I loved how it's was filmed, along with their whirlwind courtship and wedding. I loved how the camera moved in these sweeping motions, especially that moment of their wedding pix, with the 360 movement. It really felt like I was being swept away. For dr.who fans, it feels like I'm in the tardis moving across time and space. They use that same sort of swirly movement for right after he episode ends and we get snapshots of scenes from the episode. So freaking beautiful!!!


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Director+Cameraman deserve special applause because that quick succession from announcing engagement to marriage depicted the theme that "Marriage is all sunshine and rainbows till honeymoon period and the real test begins post honeymoon."


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Right?! There's just something so gorgeous and almost ethereal about it and I love what you said about the "sweeping, whirlwind" romance and how it felt like you were being enraptured in that scene. I'm also a hopeless romantic so I can definitely understand the excitement of engagements. I haven't seen Dr. Who but one of my best friends is a huge fan and he's always raving about it so it's a huge compliment that you're comparing this drama to such a successful and well loved series.

I just adore this drama and how even the most seemingly mundane scenes are so intriguing and impactful. It really possesses that certain je ne se quoi!


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Totally agree about the panoramic scene! That scene and the rainy outdoor wedding was so damn stunning, I'm still in awe.


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Anyone need defibrillator? I could lend you mine....


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Well heart attack aside i think so joon will be officially the first main lead that i hate. Yes he had sad life, but he is mean, selfish, and manipulative. I mean yes you're going to die and you lost your parents but you can't ride people only to avoid your miserable destiny. She is mentally and physically into you and just use her and pushed her into a commitment. As a woman, i couldn't imagine how hurt it is when Ma Rin found out.

On the side note, gosh Lee Je Hoon indeed sound like a honey. Not heavily charming like Lee Sun Gyun or like jaguar in the cello like Benedict Cumberbatch. But just a simply sweet sweet thick honey when he talk in low voice.

On the side of the side note (?), i think Park Hae Young make a brief appearance in the kitchen scene when Ma Rin fought with her friends. LJH is sweet and cute and has a lovable smile but his PHY's resting-bitch-face is the best.


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I know eh! Lee je hoon kills the romance in this, despite us being fated to being aggravated by his character. I've only seen him so far in Signal and skimmed through Secret door, but no doubt he has this magnetic charm, with his sweet as honey voice which breaks in juuust the right places for affect, his consistently genuine acting, and his built as eff body making him all the more hunky...I had no doubt he would be wonderful in a romance. Which is why I was soo looking forward to this.

Also, while So joon was indeed manipulative and dishonest, I do believe his core intentions, which as girlfriday mentioned, to protect the both of them is genuine. I do believe he is headed toward love and just lied about being already there. Ma rin is none the wiser for being wooed straight to marriage. I'm less worried about her finding out he didn't love her and more worried about the two of them freaking out over their personality differences and coming to the rude awakening of living together as a couple.


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Watch Introduction to Architecture for more romantic Lee Je Hoon.


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Should I? I've been contemplating watching more of his work. I will think about it. Thanks for the tip.


You know, with all the kdramas I've watched, I've only ever watched linear relationships which intensify from sweet romances to mature relationships with the intent for marraige. When I saw this episode the first time, I admittedly was turned off by how fast it was going. Guess I havent watched a lot of unconventional romances in the kdrama world (except for maybe High School King, which was even more linear than this when you think about it). But after grappling with the idea for a bit, and my love for the the leads (seriously, I LOVE Shin min ah and Lee je hoon), and then calmly thinking about how showing us this rapid stuff early on is opportunity for some nice character and story development later on, I came to the same conclusions as much of what you've stated in your analysis girlfriday: he and she are both screwed, but it is going to be so much fun (I really hope) to watch.

One thing I might like to add, is that while I feel annoyed at So Joon for not being honest and sort of sleezily asking for her hand in marraige (I know his core motivation is genuine), and I do sort of feel protective of Ma rin as you mentioned, I can't help but be equally as annoyed and frustrated by Ma rin. I know she was wooed and believed his words and was quick to fall in love, but she could have been smarter. I cannot imagine being in her shoes and not questioning everything about this strange man; sure I'd be moved by his words and actions, but never could I take him up on his offer for marraige like that. She's a capable woman and should have known better. So yes, he AND she are both in for the rudest of awakenings ever.

I'm excited to watch this alongside you people ?.


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Ahem, me being turned off by the progression of the "relationship" is not to say I wasn't turned on by the romance. Thinking about makes me feel hot. I think its mostly Lee je hoon, gracing us with his beauty and being swoony (despite being sleezy?)


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Only Lee Je Hoon can make pricks look good.


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Lol I know eh! So true!


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I think the key thing to remember about Ma-rin, though, is that because she has such low self-esteem and because has been ridiculed and emotionally neglected, she's desperate for love and affection. It's what made her so resistant in the previous episodes when she thought So-joon was just playing around with her, and it's what made her so relatively quick to say yes to So-joon's proposal when he made her believe that he truly loved her.


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True, I thought about that too after writing my comment. I see your point.


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I agree with OP; I am also upset at BOTH Marin and So-joon. Obviously I'm upset at So-joon because he is being manipulative and selfish. But Marin doesn't get a free pass from me. Yes, Marin is emotionally weak and it makes sense why she fell for So-joon so quickly. Marin's emotional vulnerability is what makes the idea of So-joon manipulating her into a relationship so awful. But she should have been smarter, or her friends should have been smarter. It'd be one thing if So-joon had been flirting w/ her from day 1--why should she doubt his feelings then? But he was downright mean to her in ep 2 and told her to stay away from him, after being pretty nice and somewhat flirty to her. And then he's suddenly so in love and wants to marry her? I'd be pretty suspicious if I was Marin, and I'm a bit disappointed she didn't think this through more carefully.
That said, I still love her character, and I feel more pity towards her than frustration. I'm not sure how to feel about So-joon yet. I love him with Marin, and yet I don't trust him at all to take care of her.


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I understand what you're saying, but it feels a little odd to blame Ma-rin for being manipulated when she was up against someone like So-joon. Every word he said was designed to play on emotional weaknesses he knew she had (thanks not just to her email, but also to his eavesdropping on her conversations with her mom, talking to Future Ma-rin, etc.) To make a comparison: it's one thing to blame the victim of one of those ridiculous Nigerian Prince scams; it's another thing to blame someone for falling into trap that's of a more sophisticated design.

That's not to say that I think So-joon is a bad guy, because I don't. But he IS a master manipulator, and smarts can't really protect you from someone who knows how to exploit your emotional vulnerabilities.


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Completely agree.


Yeah the self-esteem is a big factor, and how she's still very childlike because of her past. I mean, I know some teenage girls who are easily flattered when a guy likes/courts her for the first time. It's a nice new feeling and here it's very similar to Ma-rin's case. Only we bring it a few levels higher bc we jump right into marriage.


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Yea; I see what you guys are sayin. I saw it like vivs earlier when analyzing this, and realize that those are expectations I would have of myself. hey-noony-noony and Joy M your comments made me realize that Ma rin's character probably never stood a chance against So joon.


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I sound so judgy. But all things considered, its not just the societal crucifixion but also her childhood. She never had a single reliable adult in her life (and if her father had been one, he left too early), so it left her with little example of confidence and resilience (not to mention importantly, sanity, which her mother most definitely did not provide). So yes upon reflection, we truly can't judge people without taking into consideration the whole package.


The long email reminded me of Ross and Rachel's letter lol..


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You fell asleep?!


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Lol! Props to So Joon for not falling asleep reading it and then lying about reading it. Ugh, Ross Gellar!


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Front and back!


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It's so hilarious when So-joon said :"Is she breaking up with me or holding on to me?"


But I love he understood that Ma-rin actually wanted him to stay despite her tells him to go.

The way he comforted and assured her... the hug and kiss... My my my! They're so sweet... everything about that moment was perfectly executed. I wouldn't have it any other way.


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When his disappointed expression to her rejecting his kiss changed to amused(?) one once he heard her reason, I was already in love. The hand holding and the kiss is so gentle and sweet. I like the fact that there's no bgm too, only the sound of night during their first kiss.


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me too! no bgm is winning me over. itls done in such good tastes it's so crafty.


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Yeayy! Finally....fuhh..I've been waiting for the recap since last week.haha.Thanks, GF for the recap!


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I'm still a little breathless from this episode – I watched it as soon as it was subbed, but just reading the recap brought back all the feels – so I'm just going to talk about the technical aspects first.

I thought this episode was so strong, technically. I loved the scene where they were walking through the corridors of that restaurant building, and I didn't even clock that part where they ended up right where they started, as this big symbolic moment (so thanks, girlfriday!). That shot probably wasn't one long take, but it felt like it. It was kinetic and exciting, and just as it had the actors moving through the space, it was moving the story forward.

I won't linger on the merry-go-round wedding-invitation scene (that so many people loved) except to say it was SO GREAT. I love it when directors use technical tricks to tell a story in a particular way.

And how about that toe-curling scene? I loved that the camera focused on just that – So-joon's toes. One gesture – heck, one body part – and you learn everything you need to know about how So-joon feels about his new bride. It was even better than if we'd seen his face as well. This director is SO GOOD!


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Also, I was on doctor-ordered voice rest, but I just couldn't help myself in this episode. The squeals were dragged out of me, I tried to stop but they just kept coming out. When So-joon first kissed Ma-rin:


And when they got it on in his bed:



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That couch scene was just so hnnnnnnggggggg I love that they used a wider, longer shot of them going closer. Rawr!


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I know I love this director! It gives me good vibes from High School King, which I found so entertaining because of the directing; it was straight-forward and edgy, but really highlighted the emotional scenes with the music and camera work.


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I agree 100%...the direction for this show is consistently stunning. One of the things I like about tvn is that they tend to hire directors who aren't afraid to do creative, interesting things with their camerawork and cinematography.


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I think it was around a 4-min one-take shot though? I think the one takes in this drama is partly what makes it feel (wonderfully) calm/slow/boring (by other people's standards) but I love it!

The drama so far feels like a film, with its camera work and tone and even the music (lack of cheesy bg songs). A 16-ep-long film. <3


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I love the one takes in this. I think it contributes a lot to how organic everything feels. The camera work has definitely implemented some impressive technical shots, but I like how low-key it feels. Instead of being very aware that you are watching something through a screen, it makes you feel almost like a passive observer within the story.


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especially with this part "Instead of being very aware that you are watching something through a screen, it makes you feel almost like a passive observer within the story."
I notice that there are many kdramas which made me being very aware that I was watching actors reciting their dialogues. But this drama makes me falling into the story, loving the characters, and feeling involved with the feels created by the directing+editing.


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God bless pre produced drama with quality! haha


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Honestly, though the ratings are disappointing, nothing beats coming to DB and finding others who just get "it". I agree with all the comments above. Finally a pre-produced drama taking advantage of its time to give us something truly special. I only wish more people were paying attention! Well, I intend to enjoy this lovely gem until the end and I can already see it becoming a favorite here on DB and that's enough for me :)


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I've learned to not pay ratings too much credit (my top 3 dramas have low ratings: Healer, WFKBJ, even Worlds Within, lol) but I definitely agree, I get this warm and fuzzy feeling when I get to the comments and see so much love for the drama <3 (I still can't get past Healer's finale having 11,000+ comments???)


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You mentioned some of the best scenes I too loved in this episode.

Re:That long walk in the corridor,WOW! I took that scene to mean that no matter what happens in life So Joon would follow Ma Rin around,get involved in her life, convince her to stay by him and love her the same like in the beginning. I don't know but I think that is what made Ma Rin agree to him, in addition to saying he would die without her.


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Oohh, I like this interpretation as well. goodfriday mentioned it symbolizes that they were back to where they started. Your thoughts about it is good as well.

Same as others, I found this scene very cool too. They have done several already in the 4 episodes. I love it. This is pre-produced drama done right. They have the time to prepare and rehearsal for this kind of scenes. Give us more.


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Near the end, when So-joon curled his toes it made a crackling sound - like the killer in Voice. Oh dear.

(And I guess time travel might help a serial killer avoid getting caught).


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LMAO! And this time we can't blame the crackling on jaw dislocation by submarine sandwich. ;-)

As for a serial killer escaping via time travel, it's been done in the excellent 1979 film TIME AFTER TIME, in which Jack the Ripper hijacks H.G. Wells's time machine.


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>>>TIME AFTER TIME. Love that movie. Ran into Malcolm McDowell once and got to tell him. Nice to know there are other fans.


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count me in as one, too! how cool that you got to meet/talk to him!


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@spazmo, @Dazy,

Am so glad to meet other fans of that flick. It blows my doors off to think that it came out 38 years ago. Who knows where the time goes? (Tip of the hat to Sandy Denny.)

And I second spazmo: Dazy, I'm glad you got to tell Malcolm McDowell how much the movie meant to you. I bet it made his day. ;-)


I LOVE this drama.
I do believe tht SJ is heavily conflicted. In one side, he's racing against time to save himself and MR future selves. In another side, he's battling with his own conscience, his selfishness and calculative moves. His ulterior motif on courting MR. However, he's also genuinely cares about MR welfare in a roundabout, cold way. He might be harboring guilt for surviving the train crash while his parents perished (he was arguing with them. One moment they're there and the next all hell broke loose, he lost his chance to say goodbye and make up with them) yet grateful that his fated encounter with MR on the fatal day had saved him. No wonder that boy is so hung up on saving both his and MR's lives. Imagine being shown glimpses of your death in future over and over again. I for one will head for the hills and turn into a raving lunatic. Now, imagine you're being given a shot on how to avoid death? Won't you seize it at least?
SJ began on a wrong foot, but let's have faith that he'll grow as a person, who truly and genuinely loves MR no matter what the end game is.
Fighting SJ. I'm putting my trust in you.


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I feel so uneasy about their relationship. I think he's attracted to her, but I don't think he loves her at all. He has only been manipulative towards her, being careful not to lie while shaping his words to get her to like him. It's a tad creepy. It makes me feel so bad for her because she obviously is enamoured by him and is a person who needs and deserves to be loved for who she is.


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I agree, while I really enjoyed the flirty moments between them in the beginning, by the end of the episode I was feeling estranged. He's essentially telling her the truth, but it felt so calculated that it rang hollow. Also not a fan of their status and personality differences. Maybe this is the reason the k-audience is dropping, something feels off.

Will stick around cause I love LJH, though not really his character here. (also, he looked damn fine in the restaurant kiss scene.)


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Maybe they can't stand the angst that might to come? I really hope it will go to the road something deeper. Too often a love story in kdrama follow a standard development Korean drama pattern without depth.


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So-joon double-dying in 2019 is going to come back to bite him, I feel. Maybe something like he would have lived by shifting his present around, but when his 2017 self died in 2019, it wipes out the 2019 individual too. The rule is that you can't be in the same time when you die, right? We've all been taking that as "don't be around in 2019 at 9:15" but it might apply for 2017 So-joon vanishing in 2019.

I'm also willing to bet money that Ma-rin's dad Doo-shik fell afoul of that exact rule, which is why he vanished.

I'm actually kind of thrilled that the time-travel shenanigans are so low-key in the start of this show, and the time's spent rounding out the two main characters instead. So-joon is not coming across as a BAD guy per se, and I think he's genuinely fond of Ma-rin, but there is about to be one hell of a rude awakening for both of them if his entire purpose here was to marry and impregnate her.

Either way, great show and I'm really getting hooked!


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Nice theory.


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This episode was an all-kill. Lee Jehoon, I AM SO SOLD. Looks like I can't handle him in romance, I am fine with him on crime and suspense because he's too much to handle with romantic series. OTL

Everything just went by so fast like voila but in all fairness, I love how this drama is so mature as to its intimate scenes. I mean the romantic scenes are of different level and the two of them was able to act it out very naturally.

I agree on the theory of Dooshik's being Marin's father though. Although I am still looking wondering if traveling to past is possible, then if it is, then Dooshik could be Sojoon's future self.

I am amused on how fast paced the episodes were because we still have 12 episodes to go and we're already at this point. I am liking it though.

March 25, 2019 is their anticipated death and the last episode of the drama is on March 25 too. So tvN planned this all along. rofl i am random they're playing with us


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"March 25, 2019 is their anticipated death and the last episode of the drama is on March 25 too. So tvN planned this all along. rofl i am random they’re playing with us"

Really?? WOOOOW !


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Is TWY aired Friday and Saturday nights? If that is so, then Ep 16 does indeed fall on March 25th! So clever of tvN.


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Whoaaaaaa now that is interestinggggggg


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All those scenes mentioned, i.e. the circling in the restaurant, the panoramic engagement scenes, felt really new to me and made me hold my breath that there is this wonderful production team (the director's genius as several mentioned) doing it's best and finest. So well done. Also, the scenes of love with MR and SJ, esp the kiss, the couch and the bed scenes, i think were all heartfelt for SJ. It's him being enthralled by MR despite himself. I think his allowing himself to be touched by MR is also the beginning of his downfall- of falling hopelessly in love. He genuinely felt, after knowing that Ma Rin was the one who saved him, something different than from that time when he just saw himself saving her. So there was more than just premeditation on his part. Now marrying her was to save her - this woman who saved him seven years ago.


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Currently loving this drama! So many feels during this episode too... and the panoramic shot was so beautifully taken!

But did anyone else notice the subtle reference at another time travelling movie? Because the shoes that Marin puts on (and I'm assuming he bought in the future) look like the self-lacing shoes from Back to the Future II (if I'm not mistaken)! I was so excited to see those!


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That shoe though... isn't it Nike's Back to The Future?



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I guess it's not PPL though. I can't find Nike's logo in the sponsors credit.


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Why So Joon doesn't want Ma Rin to touch those shoes? is it because that shoes will travel her to the future? Lol. His reaction for me is abit weird.


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Because he bought them from future (even though they're, Nike has released them in 2015). They're not supposed to be exist by now. It would have been a big trouble if Ma-rin had taken a picture of them and posted them on the internet. Or Ma-rin herself might find out one day that the sneakers were not from 2016 and wonder how So-joon could have them before they were even released.

I guess he has so many things he bought/took from future and doesn't want Ma-rin to see them. That's why he moved some of his things to his BFF apartment.


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*even though they're not


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I see I see. I really thought that shoes has magical aura which is something to do with time travelling so he is scares she would find out his secret.


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Oh, thank you GF for the recap. How i wish the ratings for this show rise in the next episodes. Though i can understand it's slow start. You have a CEO that not every ajumma will probably swoon to with ripped jeans.


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Thanks so much for the recap,been refreshing for ages!!!

This drama is fast becoming a favorite,I absolutely love that it is so chill. .the acting and the chemistry between the leads is my favorite part of the show....I have to say tho i feel so bad for Marin cos it is so obvious that she is head over heels for So joon while So joon might like her but is far from being in love with her....I am really anticipating the coming episodes,can't wait for when everything blows up ?


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Thanks to all those recapping.

Glad to see the comment numbers are up.

This drama is so much fun to watch.

Shin Mina and Lee Je-hoon have made their characters so likeable.

Hats off to the writer(s), and production crew as well as supporting actors.


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i love love love this show!
When did LJH get so hot??!!

Its perfect casting in play here combined with superb dialogues and direction. LJH plays So joon perfectly--a little cynical, selfish with no interest in anyone else life.His lack of interest is annoying but expected of someone who knows what happens next.
SM as usual plays the very relatable Ma Rin brilliantly--struggling to get over the failure in her life and desperate to be loved.
While I LOVED the romance, i am sure i will be crying bucket loads when Ma rin realizes she has been played/duped.
I cant wait to see what happens next.
BTW someone in soompi mentioned that this show is ending on march 25th. The writer sure planned that well!!


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i love love love this show!
When did LJH get so hot??!!

Its perfect casting in play here combined with superb dialogues and direction. LJH plays So joon perfectly--a little cynical, selfish with no interest in anyone else life.His lack of interest is annoying but expected of someone who knows what happens next.
SM as usual plays the very relatable Ma Rin brilliantly--struggling to get over the failure in her life and desperate to be loved.
While I LOVED the romance, i am sure i will be crying bucket loads when Ma rin realizes she has been played/duped.
I cant wait to see what happens next.
BTW someone in soompi mentioned that this show is ending on march 25th. The writer sure planned that well!!

Also did you guys see the BTS of the sofa scene--i could not understand it but SM was all hot n bothered..cant blame her, LJH is SO HOT!!


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Love this show, the chemistry and acting is off the charts. I wonder if Doo-shik is trying to save them both. He obviously cares for So-Joon and Ma-rin. I think So-Joon and Ma-rin's lives are intertwined, and that they need each other to survive.


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I really really really love this drama! I have been in a kdrama slump since the beginning of the yr. After LOTBS and Goblin, i found it super hard to pick any of the new shows.
I'm truly grateful for TWY: I can finally get back to my Kdrama addiction. I really hope the ratings pick up though. I think this is gonna be among the best of 2017. I havent felt this connected to a drama in a while. And i like that it makes me think abt the future, the present and how we live our present lives. The production, realization, story, characters (+++), score are on point. And i cant wait for Friday!!


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OMG my fellow Beanies, I've been waiting for the recap and your awesome comments for daaaaaaaaays !!!!
Do you know the sad thing about watching awesome KDramas alone? You can't share the squealing with anyone !!! :-(
So I've come to REALLY LOVE reading recaps and comments on Dramabeans, just to share in the (belated) moment with others who GET IT !!!!!

anyways, back to episode 6... I watched the 2nd half of the episode no less than 4 times. the chemistry is ... wow... I squealed and squealed and if this had been an episode on VHS (child of the early 80s here!), the constant rewinding would have killed the tape.

1) I love that Ma-Rin is very vocal about her grievances, especially the way he grabs her arm. I applaud her for being one of the few KDrama Ladies who pump and plain says, "Dude! you need to STOP touching me!"

2) the kitchen cat fight was soooo funny in how quiet they were. I'm just surprised her "Frennemy" was allowed at the wedding after that...

3) the way he looks at her when she catches up to him at the restaurant. *swoon* I need to find me someone who looks at me like that. hot damn !

4) I'm proud of him for hiding the beer. It was VERY decent of him to keep the beer away, knowing how much she misbehaves when drunk. 50 brownie points for you, my Peter Pan !

5) the whole couch scene was... *goes to re-re-re-re-re-watch it*

6) my heart broke when his smile faltered on several occasions at the wedding. Prepare thine tissues, my Beanie-Friends! Our Ma-Rin's gonna shed a few and so shall we ! :-(

that said: HAPPY WEDNESDAY and thank you for the recap, @GirlFriday !!!!!!!


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I’m just surprised her “Frennemy” was allowed at the wedding after that…

What are you talking about? MaRin would've totally hired a limo to escort her to the marriage. She's getting married to her frenemy's husband's BOSS. How perfect to rub it in her nose.


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true true... but URGH do I dislike that frennemy girl. gggrrr!


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I kind of want to know how future So Joon became so defeated /depressed. Is it because in that timeline he wasn't married to Ma Rin? Or is it really true that So Joon can't change anything and defeated So Joon in 2019 is the actual future?


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I actually love that aegyo Ma Rin did after her wedding, she is the cutest thing in the world. I feel like she hasn't done much aegyo in her life, what with her constant defenses she put up, with netizens and also in real life, with her mother even (urgh, I especially can't stand her mother parading her Bap Soon persona, enough with it already!).

And Guk Soon, omg she's reaching a new stage of vile here. I'm so so glad Ma Rin get to marry So Joon, someone upper from her husband. For now, I'm bracing myself for the conflict later on between Ma Rin and So Joon, I know they'll love each other eventually, just don't rip my heart too much before that okay :(


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I just wanna say, as a huge Back to the Future fan I was squeling when Ma Rin found those shoes! It was such an awesome thing to see Marty's legendary shoes in a Korean drama *.*


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I yelled McFly when I saw those shoes. I think they're Nike. I remember seeing Nike development or maybe advertisement for self lacing shoes like that. I think it was a rare custom item Nike was offering for while (or will offer)


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Thanks for the recap, girlfriday! Hope you guys had a great time at the party. Will you guys post some pictures or atleast some article about the party for those of us who weren't able to attend? Because I would love to see or read about the highlights of the party.

Now to the drama, what I really like about the time travelling aspect of the drama is the way its impacting the love story. Like instead of following the standard template of meet, fall in love, angst and happily ever after, we get to see a touch of all of these aspects early in the game.

I love ma rin, she is like a mixture of a drama heroine as well as a real person. Her crazy drinking with a stranger makes her feel like a drama heroine. But, the way she never lets other people like so joon or her mother take away her dignity and her striving to make others see her as more than bap soon, all of it makes her feel like a real person in a painful way. I am on the fence about so joon, at some points I feel like he genuinely cares about her but somehow he also feels like an inherently selfish person. Let us see how he overcomes this and falls for her.


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There was something very romantic, and yet also sad about this episode. This drama is probably my favorite airing k-drama so far, and this was the best ep yet. I really liked their first kiss, and his "but what can we do, your eyes are telling me to stay". I really liked their rainy wedding, and that umbrella sequence which gave the wedding a surreal feeling. I didn't expect the drama to be bold enough to have him sleep with her ASAP, in order to get her pregnant, but that bed scene was tasteful and sensual. I cringed at the dating sequence flashback, and him putting up with all her cheesiness (and I like cheese, but with Marin it is too over-the-top that it feels embarrassing, but somehow endearing) and playing along with it too. At the same time I feel so bad for innocent Marin, because she doesn't know anything and has serious self esteem issues. I can see her falling apart and being seriously devastated when/if she ever finds out the truth. I am looking forward to see how both those characters will grow, and what fate the future holds for them now.


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hi. I don't think he's "playing along" during their dating time flash scenes. I mean, she's a veeery attractive woman, so falling for her can't be that difficult. He initiates their physical closeness, happily tells everyone he's getting married...

ultimately, he likes her and wants to save HER and himself from a tragic death. So he's genuine, in his own way.

Where I can tell he's being phony (fake) is during the wedding. THAT's seemingly where it's dawning unto him that he's SERIOUSLY marrying her, him who (as his grumpy female friend says) has never been seen with a woman a.k.a commitment-issues-type-guy.


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I didn't mean that he is insincere, I meant that he was definitely playing along with the heart hand signs, calling her flower, and those sorts of very cheesy (but cute) things that Marin does and likes. However when it comes to physical attraction, he is definitely attracted to her, and I also believe that he likes her though he doesn't realize it yet.


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I love this drama so so so so so sooooo much. It is so good. I have previously gushed about the cinematography but by gods does it deserve applause again. I loved everything about the way the whirlwind and all too fast romance and wedding (which was the point) was shot. I adored how the passing out of invitations scene was shot. It was so nice/cool going from one group to another, one invitation to another, and seeing how into So Joon was as well. By no means was he all happy like Ma Rin, but boy was cheesing it and getting along with his friends and hers as well.

My absolute favorite scene in the episode was the coach scene. Mona that scene was perfection. The chemistry between out leads is soooo good, too good. Every moment of the coach scene had me grinning and squealing, and fingerling like mad. The talking, the taking hands, the caressing thumbs, the moving closer, the shyness, the adorable okays, pretty hands, pretty nose...I melted at it all. I am so invested the romance.

I yearn to see them live together, learn to love, and the eventual heart break because we know Ma Rin will be crushed when she finds out the truth of it all and by then off course So Joon will be heels over head in love with her and it'll be tragic..and that's exactly what I want LOL.

The next episodes cannot come soon enough.


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Once Marin discovers the truth I think there is going to be a lot of tears shed.


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Gahhh. I love every scene in this episode! The funny and fancy proposal lunch they had in a maze like restaurant, the way how So-joon counter attack Gun-sook for trying to hurt Ma-rin, the building-up romance between SJ and MR. And the kiss! Love every kiss scenes done in TvN dramas ?

I don't know why people keep saying that the rating is low though. I mean, it has been so long since I really really invested to a drama only by watching the first 15 mins of the 1st episode! Maybe it's Lee Je Hoon's effect :)


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I am scared to begin watching this show and invest my emotions into it in case it decides to do a Goblin at the end.


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I wanted an atypical romance--hopefully--drama and I've finally gotten it.

Lee Je Hoon is amazing. If ever I needed a reason to watch signal, he has now given me it. His acting is scary good. There are moments when I believe that if he needs to portray a nuanced dark character, he would nail it--if he hasn't already in this case.

It's pretty awesome how much analysis has been going on around So-Joon's character. He's a hard one to pin down and we have a lot more info to get on him, so it will be interesting to see how his character evolves. The one thing that stands out for me about So-Joon is that he doesn't seen to have a functional moral compass. From what I can tell thus far, he is willing to profit from his knowledge of the future to help his business in the present, and is now willing to do that with his own life. The problem is that he is unable to see how these actions have and will affect others. Funny enough, he is able to see how people knowing about the shoes from the future would though.

I really don't know what to make of Ma Rin sometimes. She has moments when I think she is being sagacious and others when she is clueless. I appreciate the expositions the writers have given her character to help the audience understand her, but sometimes scenes like the ending of this episode are just one step too far which make the character seem crazy.


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Oh, @hades.red - you will find that Lee Je Hoon is just one of all the characters you will love in Signal. He was awesome - YES - but my oh my just wait 'til you see Kim Hye-soo and Cho Jin-woong.


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You could try watching Bleak Night, his performance there was impressive and it also earned him critical acclaim. I liked him a lot as Lit. Park Haeyoung in Signal, but his portrayal as the teenage Park Haeyoung (sorry for the mild spoiler, lol) that actually stole my heart. I think he's just always good at acting out a tortured high schooler.


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I think you're right about So-joon in that he's approaching his marriage to Ma-rin with the same (a)moral perspective that he has when he buys up real estate, without really comprehending that manipulating Ma-rin's love for him is far more cruel and immoral than manipulating stocks.

I've been trying to figure out why I'm not as down on So-joon as I am on other drama heroes who've done similar things, and I think this is why: while other male leads do mean things whilst operating within a moral framework in which they KNOW what they're doing is wrong, So-joon has no such knowledge. He just doesn't see that what he's doing isn't okay, and that makes his behavior a little easier for me to swallow, since I know that as soon as he figures out the Right Thing to Do (tm), he'll do it.

That said, So-joon and Ma-rin seem to be a good match in terms of how naive and immature they both are, but while Ma-rin's immaturity leads her to be taken advantage of by others, So-joon's leads him to take advantage of others. I'm looking forward to seeing how they both grow and change over the course of the show.

(Also: A++ use of the word sagacious!)


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Sorry, this was meant to be in reply to hades.red!


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i think Lee Je Hoon really likes Shin Mina. In all the BTS clips so far, he's so so touchy after they "make out" or do couply scenes together, as if he wants more -- but the director called "cut". Too bad she's taken -- by just as affection touchy guy as Kim Woo Bin. She makes guys swoon. That's for sure.


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Haha. That's what I really feel, He like shin min ah. That's also might be the reason I feel his genuine chemistry with her. Compare her with So ji sub imo.. Only ship the character, not the actor. Moreover I love Kim woo bin more after UF.


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YES - @missjb - Kim Woo bin after UF has stolen my heart for unexpectedly great acting. Just watch the CVs he and Shin Min Ah filmed together last year. I SO love k-couple who are open and honest in their love relationships. Bless them for their courage and for the obvious power of their love. Lee Je Hoon is charmed by Shin Min Ah - no doubt about it...but you also get the sense in the BTS videos that he KNOWS he'll never win against the awesome KWB in her life. He's nervous and adorable!


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@lunatic4KD I will never forget Kwb performances in UF. It's memorable for me.. Well, What I mean LJH seems likes her is he seems really attract to her. But that's it.


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wait kim woo bin and shin minah are together?!! and here I was thinking how kwb would be perfect for the role. i swear I didn't know.


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This is my absolute fave airing drama at the moment, I hope the ratings will go up instead of going downhill.
The story might be a little confusing for general audience (I got confused at first too) but over 4 episodes I'm totally sold out.
The way Sojoon deceived Marin just swoon worthy, then I realize that what is called a real Playboy there! Lee Jehoon is absolutely hot and cute at the same time annoying potraying Sojoon.
I get the vibe that his character is one big hypocrite who'll get the karma in the end.
Marin probably is the more humble relatable character whose life has been so miserable, and she gets the reward of all her patience and kindness. Shin Minah really does a good job here.
The directing and chemistry is killing me, everytime Sojoon and Marin together, I can't help but screaming in my head. Everytime Sojoon and Kidoong together, I hate Sojoon for beingg selfish also his Seyoung friend looks jealous af, probably will become the future problem for the couple? Sojoon cares a lot about Seyoung obviously.

Thanks for the recap!! Can't wait this weekend to see aegyo dimple couple again ^^


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I too am suspicious of Se Young.


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@Emsel : glad someone else noticed it too..!
I bet this Seyoung girl is secretly having crush at Sojoon, just a hunch tough...


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WOWW !! such an amazing episode , especially the merry go round wedding invitation scene !! somehow , that scene feels just like la la land ( the ending scene )and its' cinematography literally exudes ethereal beauty.


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